ft f V v -O Jf h 1 r V I - si pj c L 4J3rf L TWENTY SECOND YEAR The Same Money Better Goods Thoro is no necessity for anyono toluy inferior meats of uny Uind from peddlers when bettor und more reliable meats can be secured for the same money at Paul Antons meat market Ho offers bis customers nly good meats nothingje jected travel -injured or too poor for the market but sound fat good stuff every timo And you can get such meat at from 5 to 7 cents for beef and 7 cents for pork And as a matter of fair play dont you think the regular dealer who has pulled through the long hot and ex pensive summer season is now entitled to your patronago when the less expen sive cold season is at hand Just con sider theso facts when you come to buy your meats and as a fair man a live and lot livo citizen you cant help but buy of tho regular market where you know that you are getting absolutely reliablo meats and in addition mark you it isnt costing any more than poor er inferior unmarketable meats offered by tho peddlers The Tribune Was In Error The Triiiune was in error last week In its reference to the new student idea to bo enforced on tho Burlington Wo stated that tho present student plan would bo done away with This is a mistake The present student plan of tho company is entirely satisfactory and the company claims that they have as a result of this system at least so far as the Western division is concerned as fine and competent a body of stationmen as can bo found on any road in the coun try Hence the existing system will ob tain and will be encouraged as produc ing results which cannot be excelled by any other -known plan It is tho policy of the Burlington to make its own men as far as possible and practicable and in its stationmen this plan has been ex ceptionally successful and satisfactory Collection Came High The style of collection practiced upon W F Porter by Joseph Spotts and John Miller Thursday night of last week both failed of its purpose and proved rather costly for both of tho collectors Joe and John put up cash bonds in the sum of 25 each for their appearance in court last Friday morning As Joe had his car already loaded and was ready to proceed west to his new home in Utah he evidently thought it was worth more to him to go that night than to wait over till tho next day and fight the case in court Hence the bonds were both forfeited Ere this Joe has reached his destination and the case is closed Was Held Up For His Purse Glenn Hupp who is now in Lincoln attending the state university had the new and rather uncomfortable exper ience last Sunday night of being held up in the state capital for his pocket book and contents Glenn reports that the gun the hold up shoved in his face looked about tho size of a 16 inch can non and that it didnt take long for him to present the robber with his purse and contents Ho fortunately was not re lieved of his handsome watch and chain and feels pretty good on That account Is Nearing- Completion The Catholic church will likely bo completed by the first of the coming year This handsome structure will cost about 850000 and of this large sum all has been subscribed for but about 50000 This is a fine showing The building will be the best in this section of the state a credit to McCook and the pride of St Patricks congregation Grinding Your Teeth on tough beefsteak is certainly annoy ing but have you tried ours Our meats are selected by careful and com petent judges of quality and we use every effort to furnish none but fresh tender and nutritious meats for our trade This is the way it is at Marshs meat market all the time Would you think it A great big load of Izzer batts in and gone in 60 days More on the way Best batt on earth Largest circle of admiring and advertis ing friends any batt ever had Modest but worthy Price only 10c for 12 ozs Sold only by The Thompson Dry Goods Co One price plain figures cash only Tho Western Mutual Life and Acci fdent Association of Lincoln Nebraska has organized an advisory board com posed of F A Pennell 3 HBennett Dr S C Beach C H Boyle and R A Green and are ready to insure you against accident or sickness R A Green Local Agent W W McMillen will for the next 30 days sell buggies and spring wagons at big reductions They are sold on account of room - Where did you say the placewas to buy Christmas goods Why Coleman has the finest assortment - - Smoke a Bachelor cigar and you will have no other v A f tpemmtaem mm B I iwiy fwwi nn V MOVOIENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mns J J Curhan was a Hastings visitor Wednesday Mks W J Woleijen is tho guest of Mrs Axel Backstrom this week Rev and Mns James R Parker de parted first of this week for Dayton Ohio Mns Joseph KubIcek is down at Red Cloud visiting her daughter Mrs James Moranville Mrs George M Reid of Pueblo Colorado is here tho guest of her daugh ter Mrs G D LnHew C H Russell formerly of Indianola but now located in Lincoln was a busi ness pilgrim Thursday Mrs John Shepherd and Miss Delia returned first of tho week from their visit of a few weeks in Beatrice Mr and Mrs W D Beyrer were over from Bertrand Thanksgiving holi days visting relatives He returned home Sunday night Prin E M Short went to McCook last Thursday night to attend a confer ence of superintendents elect with State Superintendent Fowler Franklin Free Press Miss Tillie Phillippi departed Sun day morning on No 3 for Salt Lake City Utah with her aunt Mrs Joseph Spotts with whom she will spend tho winter Mr Diamond left on Sunday morning for Chicago to buy a full line of spring and summer clothing shoes furnish ings etc as well as some holiday goods for tho Christmas trade Miss Florence Reynolds came over from Wilsonville close of last week and has been the guest of her sister Mrs G E Denton this week Miss Reynolds is connected with the Review Miss Effie Abbott entertained the members of the M O OB society Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs C B Rowell Refreshments were served and a pleasant social time was enjoyed J G Stokes arrived in the city Mon day and will resume his residence among us His St Louis deal fell through on account of the other fellow failing to come to time He may engage in busi ness here again The family will return here from Hamburg Iowa as soon as he secures possession of his home Mr and Mrs Herbert Lloyd were guests of Mr and Mrs J A Wilcox this week They left for the east this morning on 2 Mr Lloyd is engaged in high class vaudeville work his dates covering the principal cities of the coun try He just closed a weeks stand in Denver and opens in Omaha first of the week 3000 IN CASH 3000 To be Given to the Churches of Mc- Cook on Christmas Day 1903 Church receiving largest No votes 2000 Church receiving next largest No votes 1000 Awards to be made under following conditions With every purchase made at our store we issue a Cash Register Check indicating the amount purchased Each 25 cent purchase represents one vote All tho churches of the city are eli gible These awards will be made only on purchases made between Dec 1st and Dec 25th up to noon of latter date Checks should be turned in to mem berof committee representing church you wish to vote for Votes to be counted on Fridays Dec 11th 18th 25th by a committee composed of one member appointed by each church And no checks will be counted that were issued previous to date of last count Votes will be counted for each church according to the sum of the various purchases represented L W McConnell Held for Burglarly Harry Walters and Jack Hawkins are in the city jail charged with stealing 170 from Thomas Plummer at Perry some time yesterday Walters had been painting on the Marion Plummer farm house He was arrested in Culbertson last night and is said to have had 170 of the money on his person when arrest ed Hawkins it is thought only drove Walters to Culbertson being connected with a city livery barn They are being held by Sheriff Crabtree They will have a hearing tomorrow morning at 10 oclock before Justice Berry The original 10c Bachelor now sold for 5 cents Come early and avoid tho rush for Christmas goods at Colemans The new fibre silk appliques in white and in black at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Santa Claus has arrived with a fine line of Xmas goods at Colemans hard ware store Very dainty lace edgings insertings and headings in sets for handkerchief work at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos One of the Finest Ever Tho reception and banquet tendered the young ladies of the OOTclub by their young gentlemen friends of the Halloween party Wednesday night at tho Palmer hotel is with one accord voted one of tho finest social events of tho year Every detail and appointment and particular was in the highest and delighted tho young ladies Incident ally they reflected great credit upon tho young men and upon those serving There was dancing and games and music and social converse somothing for every taste and whim The banquet was a four course affair of exceptionally tasteful detail in the spreading the serving and tho decora tions There were present about forty guests and hosts and tho occasion will go down in the annals of the social affairs of tho young set as a top liner entertained the o o t oirls The young gentlemen who were en tertained by the young ladies club tho O O Ts Halloween evening return ed the compliment Wednesday evening December 2 in the shape of a reception and banquet at the Palmer hotel The young people congregated in the parlor about 9 p m and proceeded in a body into tho dining room where they enjoyed themselves by dancing until 11 oclock J G Schobel presiding at the piano They then returned to tho parlor and en gaged in games and conversation and were also favored by a few selections by the young mens quartette until 1130 when they were summoned by tho host ess Mrs Kendlen to a very elaborate spread Mr Burney spoke in behalf of the boys welcoming the young ladies and thanking them for past favors and Miss Kate Sawyer president of the club responded for thegfrls The affair broke up about 130 a m and everybody voted it the most enjoyable and successful af fair in the social calendar for many moons Communicated Are Still After Them They are still after the Lebanon bank robbers and hope finally to land them and give them a term in the peniten tiary J W Hupp went down to Lin coln last Sunday night to secure re quisition papers from Governor Mickey Tuesday on No 1 he left for Salida Colorado with the papers At Denver he presented the papers to Governor Peabody of Colorado who named next Monday as the date for a hearing of the application Sheridan Berlin the man wanted lives in Salida They feel quite certain they have the right man The guarantee companys man will be in Colorado Monday to look after the companys interests in this case It is to be hoped they may be successful in landing their man Choose Gifts Early This Year You will find this much easier and more satisfactory than to put it off Our entire line of holiday goods will be open for inspection on Saturday Dec 12th when we would like to have you come and look around to your hearts content Make a memorandum and come again One or two trips and the worry will be over Those who come to look are as welcome as those who come to buy L W McConnell Apron Sale at Mis3 VanDepoels millinery apart ments on December 22 and 23 There will be on sale aprons of all kinds and a small line kerchiefs pillows and slipper cases etc- all useful and practical goods suitable for holiday gifts We ask for a share of your patronage Under auspices of Christian church Committee Death of an Infant Child The infant child of Mr and Mrs George Walker died on Tuesday morn ing of this week after a very brief ill ness The remains were buried in Riverview cemeteryThursday afternoon The child was but three months old Satchel Lost between South McCook and railroad track Contained blue leather pocket book and other articles Reward if left at this office The ladies of this city will be pleased to learn that Mme DeThier a derma tologist of acknowledged ability and ex perience has located in this city and guarantees satisfaction in all her work Call at her home first door north of Mrs Colfers learn of her modes of treat ment which are up to date and first class Its a great convenience to walk into 50 dress skirts ready for wear and help at hand tojmake any needed alterations without expense to you Thats us Or the same skirt to your own measure at the same price 250 to 900 The Thompson Dry Goods Co Have you noticed the holiday goods display in Colemans west window You get a 10c value for oc when you smoke a Bachelor cigar 9NmfUgWIiL19miMMm itttCook RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Engine 3161 is out of the shop J M McLoy is a now fireman Fireman J F Brown has resigned Enginos 56 and 196 are in Havelock F L Morcer is another new fireman Sam Newton is tho new clinker pit man W Reed is a new helper in tho round house R F Lowman is a new fireman from Denver L E Confer is out on the road as a fireman J Cook of tho round house force has resigned S H Brenington is a new engineer out of here J Leichner is a now helper in tho round house Fireman nalstead is also a new man from Denver M II Hammond is now firing tho switch engiue J Moheng and William Borwege aie new flue borers J W Archibald has again started to work as an apprentice E Enyeart is a new wiper in tho night force at the round house OGColpain is a new fireman graduat ed from the round house Brakeman F F Neubauer is laid up again with his old illness II C Smith has been off on account of sickness for the past week Franz Nothnagel is a new helper on the night force in the round house T ORourcke tho new engineer made his first trip out of here on 145 Tuesday Engineer Charles Starr and F A Richey have been transferred here from Denver The new firemen here from Denver are R L Wade J B Wade and Fire man Nungesser Operator and Mrs Ralph E Foe visit ed Red Cloud relatives Sunday between trains 14 and lq N B Shirley of the round house force has resigned and is now working in Murrays barber shop Tho new coalgates on the engine ten ders are being provided with iron doors to be raised and lowered by levers Conductor and Mrs J E Beyrer were among the Thanksgiving visitors in Mc Cook returning to Denver first of this week Saturday evening Mrs T F Enright entertained a few of her young friends in honor of the Misses Cavanaugh of Holdrege A W Campain leaves tonight last Friday night for McCook to take a posi tion in the Burlington shops Franklin Free Press C O Doing has been transferred from the train service to the mechanical de partment and is now helping machinist in the back shop Floyd Proper came in on 13 from Red Cloud to attend the reception and ban quet to the O O T girls at the Palmer House Wednesday Conductor and Mrs Mose Carraoney and children left on Tuesday morning for Angola Indiana to be absent 30 days on a visit to the old homefolks Engineer and Mrs G W Starks were down from Denver during the Thanks giving holidays meeting relatives and oldtime friends in McCook and vicinity Conductors P F McKenna and V H Solliday and Brakeman B F Laughlin went up to Denver first of the week to appear in court as witnesses for the com pany in a law suit Chas W Holt of McCook has been visiting in Franklin and Athol Kans this week having taken a two weeks lay off on account of an accident Franklin Free Press Foreman Fuller and Boss Ritchie are temporarily and jointly looking after the duties of piecework inspector since In spector Krauter took the big lathe over which Dennie Cullen presided for so long Conductor and Mrs A P Bonno left first of the week for EauClaire Wis consin where they expect to spend a month with her parents partially on ac count of his health which has not been very satisfactory lately Engine 280 came in from the Havelock shops Thursday morning with the as sistance of two other mills She had lost the effective use of both lungs on her maiden trip from the big shops and is now laid up for some repairs Frederick W Alves and Susan A Crane both from Juniata this state were united in marriage Wednesday evening in the Baptist parsonage Rev C R Betts officiating They are recent arrivals in the city Mr Alves being employed in the shops They will make this their future home rt h muni i McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING DECEMBER 4 1903 Christmas Announcement The solection of just the right and most desirable gift as a remembrance is oftentimes burdensome Wo feel con fident that we can smooth tho way for the Christmas buyer by visiting our store and looking over our bright fresh selections of up-to-date presents We earnestly invito you to come in and let us make your Christmas purchasing a real pleasure or if you dont wish to buy come am how Our lino consists iu part of Bibles gift books juvenilo books and latest novels collar and cuff boxes neck tie glovo and handkerchief boxes albums picture frames Japaneso goods medallions oriental and rookwood vases steins wave crest waro souvenir china plates cups and saucers stationery holiday perfume and papeteries auto chatelaine wrist bags and purses mir rors French stag novelties and toilet sets iron toys of all kinds games doll buggies and a largo assortment of dolls etc Will give with each 8500 cash pur chase a painted wall plaque Yours for business A McMillen Druggist School Entertainment Miss McMillens and Miss Santees pupils tho fifth and sixth grades will render an attractive program of about one hours length next Thursday even ing December 10th in the assombly room of the East Ward building The samo numbers will bo repeated on tho following evening to an audience of school children The exercises will em brace drills a pretty cantata Grand mas Dream a colored chorus besides recitations dialogues and special music The admission fee each evening will be 10 cents and the proceeds be used by the teachers to decorate the rooms The public is cordially invited to attend The Happy Winners The Bee Hive guessing contest closed Tuesday December 1st The exact number of yards was 265 G O Grun den one of the rip track boys guessed 2G7 this being the nearest The beauti ful 100 pieco set of dishes were delivered to Mr Grundens home Jimmie Doyle took away the 12 piece chamber set with his guess of 269J4 Mrs Frank Colling of East McCook being the third nearest and very close took the large parlor lamp Runovcr By a Separator A young son of Engineer Harry E Culbertson was runover by a separator Tuesday on East Railroad street but fortunately not severely or seriously in jured Tho lad was riding on the ton gue of the separator and in getting off fell and tho front wheel of the separator ran over his left leg and thigh No bones were broken nor internal injuries received At this writing he is well on the way to recovery complete Its All Over Now That is the election is over for this year but the matter of good whole some juicy meats is still of first and vital importance to all It will incerest you to know that Marsh has been elect ed by an overwhelming majority to con tinue selling the best meats to the peo ple all the time Same old location same prompt service and courteous treat ment Notice There will be a meeting held in the court house in McCook for several weeks You are cordially invited Tho subjects What is Man Prophecy Our Lords Second Appearing The End of All Things Repentance Final Doom of the Wicked The Home of the Saints Meeting tonight Come Elder J J Schaumburg Evangelist A leap Year Kalendar Kook Book1904 The Ladies Aid Society of the Chris tian church are arranging to put out a Kook Book It will contain only the very best tried and trusted recipes for every day household use many of them alone worth the price of the book 25c They hope to have it ready before the holidays Wc predict a large sale for it Committee Wanted Second hand Cook Stove If you have a second hand cook stove for sale phone the Commercial hotel Single Comb White Leghorn Cockerels for sale D C Benedict Culbertson Everybody smokes Bachelor cigars McConnells Balsam Cures Coughs These new Klipper Klub skates are out of sight at Colemans Underwear wool hose wristlets ear tabs and all kinds of golf gloves at the Bee Hive Husband One of those silver tea pots at Colemans is what I want for Christmas The display of books pictures and fancy lamps being shown by Cone Bros is attracting much attention Flat fur muffs flat silk lined scarfs round scarfs childrens fur sets all prices at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos r X 4 NUMBER 27 Only 5 Cents Extra For The Tribune nnd The Weokly Inter Ocoan of Chicago tho leading paper of tho West Improved nnd strengthened by the addition of many nU fnntiirfia Vnl 1 uuUa Ajuiaitni jjinii ao 1- partmeut forestry and floriculture euro oi cue norso Homo Health Club Mme Michauds health and beauty hints now housohold ideas practical cookery lntest stylos for all ages best fiction full drop and market reports Tho Inter Ocean is tho only wostern paper receiving in addition to tho Associated Press re ports tho entire telegraphic news servico of tho Now York Sun and special cablo of tho New York World besides daily reports from over 2000 special correspondents All this for only 5c extra McCook Trihune 1 Weokly Inter Ocean 1 both for 1 year for 8105 This offer open only a fow weeks And is open to all subscribers who will pay their sub scription 1 year in advance as well ns to new subscribers to The McCook Tribune MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Everything in drugs McConnell Kodaks and supplies at Cone Bros McConnolls Balsam Cures Coughs 5c will now buy a 10c Bachelor cigar1 Glass paints oils and wall paper at McMillens Unequaled for twico tho prico the Bachelor cigar McMillens cough cure is fully guar anteed Try it Tho Enterprise is tho best meat chop per on earth at Colemans Mittens sweaters caps leggins and overshoes at tho Bee Ilivo Tho best spring ear muffs at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos For Sale 15 brood sows soon to farrow p Walsh Read tho money back advertisement of Liquid Koal on page 4 of this issue Skates straps sharpeners files and all tho things for skating at tho Bee Hive You should get ono of those 25c kitchen sets while they last at Cole mans Pure linen hemstitched handkerchief squares for 10c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Mens black beaver and melton over coats 750 and 1000 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Dont be one but smoke them tho Bachelor cigar Extra quality En tirely satisfactory Only 5c One of the greatest sports on earth for young and old Kodakery Ask for catalogue at Cone Bros McMillens Cream Lotion for hands and face dries perfectly and leaves tho skin smooth and soft For the finest stationery choicest perfumes and best toilet articles of all kinds you should go to Cone Bros Nicely furnished room with piano Two gentlemen desired Two blocks from postofiice W A Richardson1 White kid gloves in all sizes 100 at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos Com plete assortment of colors and blacks Kodakerymeans photography with the bother left out You may find a catalogue and get information at Cono Bros The largest assortment of Xmas goods that has ever been in tho city will soon be on exhibition at Colemans hardware store Half inch of ice Wednesday morning Boys look up your skates and if there is anything needed we have a full supply at the Bee Hive Three very smart lines of cloaks SiegeFs Palmer Garments and Ideal Garments afe to be found only at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Home made bed comforts 165 and up Cotton blankets full bed size from G5c up Wool mixed blankets 125 up Fine clean woolen blankets 375 to 7C0 The Thompson Dry Goods Co James Cosgro and wife who have suc cessfully conducted the Cosgro hotel in Cambridge for two years have made a deal for a house in Indianola and will open it by the middle of next month having the exclusive hotel business of the town Indianola is to be congratu lated as Mr and Mrs Cosgro know how to conduct a modern hostelry Cam bridge Keleidoscope That universal wrap the shawl that wraps the baby or the mother and often both that is the neighborhood visiting wrap that serves as extra bed covering on cold nights that often wraps the bread sponge as it sits over night can be found in the right qualities and prices at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos One price plain figures cash only