i k V f ft s t us t r H ti A I Ei I Ar lr 4 SM - s x V vt TWENTY SECOND YEAR Some New Jimhlll Policies Among the now policies of tho Bur lington it ifl stated that tho student idoa will not obtain in tho future in the making ol agents but that tho company will go on the market for its materiul to fill its wants in that department In general the idea is to secure tho best and most satisfactory service inasmuch as tho company is paying among tho highest wages of any railroad in Amer ica operating under similar circumstances and conditions The Jimhill idea seems to bo to pay for good service and then to Absolutely demand tho service paid for and failure to come to tho standard of excellence to make good in actual performance in every branch of the service may be ex pected to moan falling out of tho service to mako room for those who can meet tho constantly increasing demand for bettor and more highly qualified men Not long since The Tribune called attention to tho claim made officially that tho increased size power and more complicated nature of the more modern and recent equipment of the leading railroads of America called for better qualified men and that tho men were not keeping up with the requirements of the better equipment It should not bo overlooked by the railroad man of tho day and of the mor row as well that tho demand is for bettor qualifications in all departments and tho men who study and improve and keep up with tho procession who dont lag in the march of progress will be the successful railroad employes of tho times All others may expect sooner or later to fall out of tho ranks Is This Another Club A rumor is current in railroad circles that an extension will be made of the Burlington spur to Burwell almost di rectly through Garfield Holt and Boyd counties into South Dakota terminating at Bonesteel This line would in a measure parallel tho Northwestern but at a great distance the larger part of the way Tho Burlington officials at Omaha havo denied that surveyors are in tho iiold Persistent stories however about the companys intention to build are heard The suspicion has been voiced that tho talk about this extension was started for effect The building of a line from Bur well to Bonesteel would give the Bur lington a line competing with the North western for tho business in the Rosebud reservation when it is opened The story that the Omaha Lincoln Beatrice in torurban scheme is a Northwestern deal to beheld as a club over tho Burlington to prevent the building of the Ashland Sioux City extension while not strenu ously denied is said to be untrue The Burwell extension might prove an effect ive club in the hands of tho Burlington Railroad men believe that if the two roads ever make another territorial agree ment that agreement will include per mission to the Burlington to construct tfie Sioux City line if that line is not constructed before the agreement is made Lincoln Journal A Farewell Party Saturday evening last about 50 friends gathered at the farm home of Mrs Paulena Phillippi 4J 6 miles southeast of town to a farewell party given in honor of her daughter Miss Tillie who will soon depart for Salt Lake City Utah with her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Joseph Spotts who are going there to live The evening was most joyfully spent in playing games and music was furnished by Mrs Ray Vahue and Mrs W Robinson accompanied on the violin by Mr Edwin Phillippi and on the base viol by Mr Henry Rogers after which a bountiful supper was served At a late hour the guests departed wishing Miss Tillie a pleasant journey and hop ing she would not mak eher visit a last ing one Communicated Boys Do You Want a Watch The Lincoln Daily Star desires to give awayf ree to tho boys of Nebraska 1000 new watches first class time keepers stem wind and stem set You dont have to pay any money to get one of these watches Send us your name and address and we will mail you the full particulars This is a splendid chance for the boys to get a watch free and we would like to hear from all of them Address Watch Department Daily Star Lincoln Neb Cows Choked to Death James Ferrier and others about Cul bertsonhave had a number of cows choke to death while oating sugar beets If they had had one of W T Colemans sugar beet cutters it wouldnt have hap pened A word to the wise is sufficient Greyhound Lost White strap around neck when lost Liberal reward for recovery It J F Helm Red Willow The Western Mutual Life and Acci dent Association of Lincoln Nebraska has organized an advisory board com posed of F A Pennell J HBennett Dr S C Beach C H Boyle and R A Green and are ready to insure you against accident or sickness R A Green Local Agent Handkerchief squares and fine maline laces in matched sets of edging and in serting just received at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos The wind and weather cant do any harm to your complexion that McCon nells Fragrant Lotion wont undo Price 25 cents The new large shaped flat fur muffs are to be found at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos in black and sable Do you need a lamp chimney wick or burner extras for bracket lamps We have them at the Bee nive Squirrel muffs and scarfs to match at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Smoke a Bachelor cigar and you will have no other 3l MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE W D Beyeee is down from Bertrand on business Rev M B Carman was a Culbortson visitor Monday Miss Clara LeIIew left on 12 this morning for Graud Island Mus Sarah McCaiil is up from Lin 6oln for tho Thanksgiving holidays Supt Thomas is spending Thanksgiv ing vacation in Harvard and Lincoln Art Thomas left Sunday for Califor nia whero ho expects to spend tho win tor Miss Ella Fry of Atlanta Neb is visiting Mrs M G Stephenson this week Mrs J F Forbes and tho children spent Thanksgiving with her parents in Arapahoe Mrs George Martin was called to Hastings Tuesday by the serious illness of her aged father Mr and Mhs J G Schobel and Margery enjoyed Thanksgiving with her parents in Minden Roy F Smith came down from Den ver to enjoy his Thanksgiving dinner with tho homefolks J S LeHew who is on the Federal jury is home from Omaha for over tho Thanksgiving holiday Miss Millie Slaby and Miss Daisy Skeels are up from Republican City guests of V H Sollidey Mrs Imogene Gray has had a fine brick walk laid in front of her Madison street residence property Mrs F M Kimmell and Schell went down to Fairmont this morning on a short visit to the Magees Miss Margaret Evans has gone to Salt Lake City Utah expecting to spend tho winter with an aunt Mr and Mrs W M Stoner who have been visiting at Weeping Water for a week returned home Tuesday Mr and Mrs J G Selby went up to Wauneta Monday morning to be ab sent over Thanksgiving visiting rela tives C B Sawyer was in Lincoln Thurs day to act as McCooks representative in helping count the votes in the Star contest Rev G W Mitchell of the Franklin academy was in the city part of the week while up tho valley on business of the school and church L H Blackledge the Red Cloud lawyer was partially visible in the city Saturday behind a becoming pair of blond whiskers and an expiring bit of the veed John J Osburn of Osburn postoffice Frontier county The Tribune is pained to learn is seriously ill with an ob struction of the bowels His condition is regarded as grave Mrs J A Gunn and Miss Nellie left Tuesday for their home in Des Moines Iowa after a very pleasant visit of a few weeks here in their former home among old friends Miss Clara LeHew is home from Grand Island on a visit to the family The Tribune changed her given name to Laura last week and credited her to Michigan by mistake Mrs Frank Carruth and Mrs Emma Dixon are spending a few days in the city on their way home from visiting their sister Mrs A B Todd in Platts mouth over Thanksgiving They will leave for Denver Sunday John F Cordeal served Judge Orr as court reporter first of the week dur ing the short session of district court for Dundy county in Benkelman Re porter John Stevens being incapacitated temporarily by an attack of rheumatism Miss Maud Cordeal entertained the Awl Os on Tuesday evening the regular- fortnightly convocation at which time the following officers were elected President Miss Maud Cor deal Vice President Miss Olive Ritten house Secretary Miss Nellie Smith 3000 IN CASH 3000 To be Given to the Churches of Mc Cook on Christmas Day 1903 Church receiving largest No votes 2000 Church receiving next largest No votes 10C0 Awards to be made under following conditions With every purchase made at our store we issue a Cash Register Check indicating the amount purchased Each 25 cent purchase represents one vote All the churches of the city are eli gible These awards will be made only on purchases made between Dec 1st and Dec 25th up to noon of latter date Checks should be turned in to mem ber of committee representing church you wish to vote for Votes to be counted on Fridays Dec 11th 18th 25th by a committee composed of one member appointed by each church And no checks will be counted that were issued previous to date of last count Votes will be counted for each church according to the sum of the various purchases represented L W McConnell Guaranteed Not to Tarnish Argentine ware nickel and silver is absolutely guaranteed to not tarnish W T Coleman has a large and fine as sortment Jfceasets soup toureens bon bon dishes trays nut bowls etc Ladies black ribbed union suits at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Mens angora fleeced pelt coats at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos No 13 for aches and pains at McCon riells drug store The original Bachelor now sold for 5 pents Everybodysmokes Bachelor cigars CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Loughran Pastor Christian Science Services in the Christian church Sunday afternoon at 3 Next Suudays sermon lesson sub ject God the only cause and Creator Christian Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching by J R Parker at 11 a m and 8 p m Morning subject Tho Sin of Meroz Eveningsubject Egypt in History and Prophecy The even ing sermon will be especially interesting to all students of present political events Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in tho month Sunday school at ten oclock a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening-prayer and sermon at 8 Tho third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 7 30 a m All are welcome K R Earle Rector Baptist Preaching at 11 a m and 745 p m Bible school 10 a m B Y P U 745 p m Junior society 3 p m Mid week prayer meeting Wednesday 745 p m Sermon topic for Sundav evening Tho Son of Thunder If you have no church home worship with us Our pulpit stands for a rational practical Christianity Come with us and we will do thee good Excellent music All welcome C R Betts Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 10 a m Davids Charge to Solomon 1 Chron 281 10 Sermon at 11 a m Junior League 3 p m Epworth Lea guo at 7 p m topic The Use of Prayer Luke 10 2 Ileb 4 16 Jas 4 8 Col 19 D S Hamsher leader These meetings are very interesting Sermon at 745 p m The best of music Come thou with us and we will do thee good The Epworth League will give a free social at the parsonage on Friday night December 4 Music recitations and a good social time will be had Refreshments will be served Everybody invited especially the young people of the city Come and havo a good time M B Carman Pastor The ministerial association will meet in Trenton on Monday November 30th Rev A G Axtell pastor of tho Con gregational church at Trenton was a brief business visitor Tuesday evening Ex Postmaster Weds Mr E J Scott prominent in the affairs of Sherman county for many years a membor of tho firm of Donly Scott and Miss Gay Fender were married at tho homo of the brides parents W miles north of Goodland Sunday November 15 Rev George Scott of McCook Neb father of the groom ofliciatiug Tito ceremony was performed at high noon after which a wedding dinner was served Only tho immediate mem bers of tho family were present except Mr and Mrs Warren Middleton of Kanorado and Miss Corine Douglass Mrs Middloton was formerly Miss Lillio Fender Miss Douglass is a girj friend of tho bride Since retiring from tho postmastership of Goodland which position Mr Scott held for years under tho McKinley administration he has been associated with E E Donly in tho mercan tile business Mr Scott served 2 terms as county clerk be ing in office from 1889 to 1893 From this place of public trust ho entered into tho coal and feed business selling his business interests to H F Whoatley upon his appointment to tho post office Mr Scott has always wielded large political influence in tho politics of tho county and is a leader in tho councils of his party He came to Voltairo township this county from Nebraska in 1SS5 settling upon a claim and subsequently engaging in the newspaper busi iness in the town of Voltaire The Fender family came to Sherman county from Illinois in 1SS6 and have lived on their present farm north of Goodland ever since Miss Fender is the daughter of Mr and Mrs A Fender and is well and favorably known to a large number of friends and acquaintances Goodland Kansas News Thanksgiving Services Union Thanksgiving services were held in the Methodist church Rev Betts of the Baptist church delivering the ser mon before a fair sized audience The sermon was an appropriate and able ef fort Music was furnished by a union choir in an acceptable manner The service was a fitting one and should have crowded the house Rev Parker of the Christian Church and Rev Carman of the Methodist church also took part in the programme Thanksgiving services were also held by Rector Earle in the Episcopal chapel chapel of an interesting sort Bailey Long Wedding Tuesday noon at the home of Mr and Mrs William Long of our city Elder H H Berry united in marriage Joseph Bailey of Hayes county and Miss Flor ence Ellis of Cambridge Furnas county There were a few invited guests present and the occasion was a happy one The groom and the Longs are oldtime Hayes county friends The newly married couple have the best wishes of many friends for their happiness and prosper ity Grinding Your Teeth on tough beefsteak is certainly annoy ing but have you tried ours Our meats are selected by careful and com petent judges of quality and we use every effort to furnish none but fresh tender and nutritious meats for our trade This is the way it is at Marshs meat market all the time The celebrated F C corsets for sale only by the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Money back after four weeks wear if dissatisfied Remember that we have a sure cure for the blues McConnells Health Granules Forty granules 25 cents Dress skirts and street skirts to meas ure from 250 up at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Say did you ever try a Bachelor cigar They are now sold for 5c Home made bed comforts Thompson Dry Goods Cos at the -B RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Engineer II L Donovan has resigned from the service Dan Lucas is up from Ilavelockon his annual Thanksgiving hunt Tho Burlington is now doing tho heav iest business in its history Don McCarty and Henry Honcklo are now men in tho train servico this week Switchman J II Frankenfield and wife of Oxford are east on a visit of ten days Robert Nichols of tho Oxford St Francis lino is away on a vacation to be married Brakeman R M Douglass was this morning elevated to tho position of ox tra conductor Conductor and Mrs A G Bump are visiting relatives in St Joe during the Thanksgiving holidays Conductor and Mrs Ed Beyrer were down from Denver to spend Thanksgiv ing with McCook relatives A F Moore formerly of our citybut of late of Warren Ohio has returned to Nebraska making Lincoln his home The Lake Shore railroad will issue an order January 1 forbidding employes to use intoxicants in any form while either on or off duty Disobedience to tho or der will cause dismissal The sick list this week is a yard long G E MeBride J F Utter George Martin G E Denton Wilber Fisk W W Prall F A Stark Edgar Smith Conductor M O McClure has resigned from the railroad service and will enter the employ of W C Bullard in the local lumber yardsucceeding George B Berry who becomes deputy county clerk Clifford C Brown is a new addition to the trainmasters office where ho is doing service as clerk and assistant caller All three men in the office are now kept jumping by tho press of increasing work in that service The new time card which will go into effect on Sunday makes a few changes effecting trains on the Western division No 2 will leave McCook 40 minutes later or at 620 a in No 13 will arrive 20 minutes later or at 945 a m No 7G will leave 20 minutes later 945 a m See the time table elsewhere in this is sue Under the new arrangement fast freights Nos 76 and 77 are to be pulled by regular engines and by regular crews the engines and crews selected to be taken out of the pool It is thought this will result in better and more relia ble service a reasonable conclusion no doubt This is a return to an old and tried policy of the Burlington road It Was Very Satisfactory The shipment of flour recently made to England by tho McCook Milling Co was so satisfactory that another and a larger order and shipment is tho result a fact which must be not only a source of pride to Mr Doan but to every citi zen of McCook It is an evidence that the McCook Milling Co is turning out a product that can compete with the best flour offered in any marketand win out securing orders in competion with the greatest millers of the land and of world The latest shipment consisted of 140 000 pounds and it required 2 50 ton cars and 1 40 ton capacity car to haul the shipment to the eastern seaboard Not a Corn How would you like to get rid of your corns and never have another You can get rid of all your corns in a week or 10 days if you will buy a bottle of our Lightning Corn Cure today and ap ply at once You can be free from corns in future if you will keep this remedy on hand and apply it whenever a corn starts It cant harm or hurt but it will remove the corn Price 10 cents L W McConnell A Pleasant Evening The members of the M O O B society were delightfully entertained Wednesday evening at the home of Dr andMrsHB Pratt by Miss Gertrude Col vin the oldest and best known member of the organi zation Flinch being the order of the evening after which a dainty four course luncheon was served Horse Strayed or Stolen from the Menard place 4 miles south west of McCook sorrel color star in forehead branded on left foreleg com ing three years old Suitable reward for information or return of animal John Moore McMillens Cream Lotion for hands and face dries perfectly and leaves the skin smooth and soft The display of books pictures and fancy lamps being shown by Cone Bros is attracting much attention Very handsome fibre bands and appli ques just received at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Underwear wool hose wristlets ear tabs and all kinds of golf gloves at the Bee Hive Best carpet wrap on spool 20c and 22c at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos You get a 10c value for 5c when you smoke a Bachelor cigar Extra wide 12 4 bed blankets at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Mens suits S350 to S1350 at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos gXB Toilet Goods The items of toilet goods you fail to find elsewhere are here We take special pride in our toilet goods department carrying an assortment rarely equalled You j will save time and promote your interest by coming to us for your needs in this line s McConnell Druggist SaSXS2XS - xMcCOOKRED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 27 1903 McCook A O U W Won First Prize A telegram this morning brought to McCook tho news that McCook lodgo No 61 A O U W had won tho first prize a S45000 piano in tho Lincoln Daily Star voting contest which closed on Thanksgiving day when tho votes were counted by tho committee appointed for that purpose and tho re sult announced as abovo stated F M Rathbun C B Sawyer and W A Middleton represented No 61 in Lin coln yesterday when tho votes were counted They carried down with them 50000 votes which conclusively landed tho prize This contest has been tho causo of largo and earnest interest in Workman circles of our city for weeks Tho mem bers and friends have labored strenuous ly to land tho desirablo prize and it is putting it in mild terms to say that the mombers of tho order and McCook peo ple generally aro delighted with tho vic torious result Funeral of W J Ryan Wymore Neb Nov 25 Special Tho funeral of W J Ryan traveling engineer on the Alliance division of tho B M R R and who was killed Sat urday by being struck by a mail crane was held this morning at 10 oclock at the Catholic church in this city Father Freeman performing tho last sad rites A special was run down from Lincoln this morning bringing friends of tho de ceased from all over the division The tributes were the handsomest ever seen in this city and tho funeral was ono of tho largest Mr Ryan was a great favorite with tho railroad men and his associates and he comes from one of Wymores pioneer families His par ents two sisters and ono brother sur vive him Lincoln Journal Has Accepted the Call Word was received this week from Rev Conrad of Park City Utah an nouncing that ho bad accepted the call from tho Congregational church of this city and that he would be on hand to occupy the pulpit on the first Sunday in December Rev Conrad preaehod for tho local congregation two Sundays in October and thereupon received a call to the regular pastorate The Congre gational church has been without a pas tor for a number of months It is to be hoped that the membership may rally around tho new pastor and that tho work of the church in this community may prospep Change in Management On December 1st 3 E Kelley will assume tho management of the McCook Electric Light Cos plantsucceeding S C Huntington as superintendent The companys oPice will then be located in Mr Kelleys ofiice in the postoffice build ing This appointment is another tri bute to Mr Kelleys reputation as a business man merging as it does the business management of four large properties the Lincoln Land Co the McCook Electric Light Plant and the McCook Irrigation and Water Power plant A Strenuous Sort of Collecting Joe Spotts and a young man relative named John Miller had a little contro versy with W F Porter last night over tho collection of a small debt claimed to be due Joe from Bill Bill is a little the worse for wear on account of the strenu ous argument put up by Joe and young Miller The case will be refereed this afternoon at 2 oclock Joe was ready to leave last night for Salt Lake City on 77 but delayed his departure in order to appear in court to explain his part in the affair Its All Over Now That is the election is over for this year but the matter of good whole some juicy meats is still of first and vital importance to all It will incerest you to know that Marsh has been elect ed by an overwhelming majority to con tinue selling the best meats to the peo ple all the time Same old location same prompt service and courteous treat ment McCook Laundry Prize Contest Nellie Smith K Ona Hendricks 9j9 Mamie Frank 183 Joe Mullen 143 SBrady 71 Edna Yarger 43 Maude Burgess 31 Remember the contest closes next Tuesday Fractured His Collar Bone James M Boatman had the misfor tune Wednesday to fall from a load of hay fracturing his collar bone and in juring his back His injuries are quite painful and severe We understand that he is resting quite comfortably this morning Lost Suitable Reward A suitable reward will be paid at The Tribune ofiice for tho recovery of a horse shoe shaped stick pin lost presum ably in the opera house on Monday eve ing Single Comb White Leghorn Cockerels for sale D C Benedict Culbertson Arington Swain closed a very satis factory and successful season here Thursday night in presenting The Little Minister All week they have played to full houses of appreciative people They are quite assured of a warm welcome when they return Strayed A dark seal brown horse from corral in McCook Has whito hind feet Had on halter and rope Right eye out Reward for recovery Mrs L S Watson Izzer batts are the only batt3 and we are their prophet The Thompson Dry Goods Co No 13 for aches and pains McConnell Druggist Ideal silk and flannel waists at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Roberts gold eyed Parabola needles at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos i 6 A 4- 4 JJL i Ff Only 5 Cents Extra For The Triiilwe and Tho Weekly Inter Ocean of Chicago tho loading papor of tho West Improved and strengthened by the addition of many new foatures Enlarged farm de partmentforestry and floriculture caro of tho horso Homo Health Club Mine Midlands health and beauty hints new household ideas practical cookery -latest stylos for all ages best fiction full crop and market reports Tho Inter Ocean is tho only western paper receiving in addition to tho Associated Press re ports tho entire telegraphic news servico of tho New York Sun and special cablo of tho Now York World besides daily reports from over 2000 special correspondents All this for only 5c extra McCook Truiune 1 Wpkly Intor Ocean SI both for 1 yea for 105 This offer open onlv a few weeks And is open to all subscribers who will pay their sub scription 1 year in advance as well as to new subscribers to The McCooic Tin HLNE MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS NUMBER 26 Everythingin drugs McConnell Kodaks and supplies at Cone Bros 5c will now buy a 10c Bachelor cigar Glass paints oils and wall paper at McMillens Unequaled for twice tho price tho Bachelor cigar McMillens cough cure is fully guar anteed Try it Unequaled for twice tho price the great Bacholor cigar Chafing dishes baking dishes trays etc at W T Colemans Mittens sweaters caps leggins and overshoes at tho Bee Hive Best table oil cloth 15c yard at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Mens blanket lined corduroy suits SS at tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos For Sale 15 brood sows soon to farrow p Walsh Scale books Typewriter papers The Triuune Ladies heavy woolen and thick beaver shawls at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos Ladies white ribbed fleoco lined un ion suits at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Skates straps sharpeners files and all tho things for skating at tho Bee Hive Handsome variety and large stock of silverware hollow and flat at W T Colemans Newest things in ladies silk and lace collars just received at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos No need to send to tho city for them Coleman has them Potato scoops tim ble irons salad moulds etc Dont be one but smoke them the Bachelor cigar Extra nuality En tirely satisfactory Only T5c One of the greatest sports on earth for young and old Kodakery Ask for catalogue at Cone Bros For the finest stationery choicest perfumes and best toilet articles of all kinds you should go to Cone Bros Nicely furnished room with piano Two gentlemen desired Two blocks from postofiice W A Richardson Kodakerymeans photography with the bother left out You may find a catalogue and get information at Cone Bros Ladies lined silk gloves and silk lined cashmere gloves as well as yarn gloves and mittens at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Half inch of ice Wednesday morning Boys look up your skates and if there la anything needed we have a full supply at the Bee Hive Ladies cloaks of three celebrated makes Palmer garments Siegel gar ments Ideal garments at The Thomp son Dry Goods Cos There is nothing rarer than a day in June unless it be some of that cut glass at W T Colemans Beautiful patterns superb designs large selection If you want to see all the latest and attractive things in box papers you will have to see them here Our stock is the largest we have ever carried and contains all the new things 10 cents to 3150 McConnell Druggist Dr C M Headrick specialist of Omaha will visit McCook Saturday December 5th at the Palmer House His practice is limited to chronic dis eases He will be prepared at this visit to make examinations by electrical il lumination Consultation and examina tion free SXSsXasXsXXsXs NOVEMBER COUGHS Dont let any lung or bronchial trouble fasten itself upon you with several cold months ahead to aggra vate these affections Theres Security in McConnells Balsam This is a remedy that should be kept on hand through the cold months Equally good for children or adults It heals and strengthens the lungs cures the cough and helps keep away the next cough Price 25c McConnell Druggist 55S