The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 20, 1903, Image 6

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IVScCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
News in Brief
Fire destroyed elevator A owned by
Armour Co at Savannah 111 to
gether with 200000 bushels of grain
EmiNT Bergerat has sold Madame
Royale to Sarah Bernhardt who will
produce the play after La Sarcerle
Premier Gilotti yielding to the in
sistence of King Victor Emmanuel has
abandoned his intention of resigning
The Munich Impressionist school of
painters has decided to follow the ex
ample of those of Berlin and will not
exhibit at St Louis
Five persons injured one seriously
and a considerable damage to proper
ty was the result of a switching train
backing into a street car at Pueblo
Richard Strauss the composer has
received permission from the direc
tors of the Royal opera house In Ber
lin to come to the United States next
P Neal assistant cashier of the Mer
chants bank one of the wealthiest
citizens of Jackson Miss and a state
senator committed suicide He had
been ill
1 The Daily Mails Tokio correspond
ent says the United States minister
at Seoul Corea has presented a note
urging that Corea speedily open the
port of Yongampho
The board appointed to select a site
for a naval training station on the
Great Lakes has selected five sites the
jfirst choice being Lake Bluff thirty
two miles north of Chicago
The court of criminal appeals of
Texas affirmed without reservation
the constitutionality of the new state
law prohibiting betting on horse rac
ing in the state of Texas
James A Hickman a locomotive fire
man at Champagne 111 shot his wife
through the head and cut his own
throat Both will probably die They
were married nine months ago
The Berlin Frankfurter says It
learns from Vladivostock that a joint
stock company is being organized
there with a capital of 3000000 to
operate the tin mines of Manchuria
State Senator Edward S Hamilton
of the state of Washington died of
malignant typhoid fever resulting it
is said from exposure undergone dur
ing a recent political trip over the
The management of the Corr Manu
facturing company at Taunton Mass
posted notices in its cotton mill an
nouncing that a reduction of 10 per
cent in wages would go into effect No
vember 23
The statement of the gross postal re
ceipts at fifty of the largest postoffices
for October 1903 as compared with
October 1902 shows aggregate re
ceipts of 5960310 a net increase of
almost 7 per cent
In the Cuban senate and the house
of representatives a gift of 50000
was voted to General Maximo Gomez
in recognition of his services as head
of the revolutionary army Of late
the general has been in poor health
Mrs Phillips of Syracuse N Y na
tional treasurer of the Womans Re
lief Corps sent a check of 1000 to
Mrs Evelyn Bradford president of the
Kansas Womans Relief Corps to be
added to the flood sufferers fund This
makes 4000 donated by the national
The territorial governor of Okla
homa has reported to the district court
findings recommending the dismissal
Jfrom office of City Attorney A C Mc
Ginnis of Oklahoma City and O C
JFrench deputy territorial live stock in
spector The charge against each is
corrupt practice
At London Commander Peary U S
N the Arctic explorer was presented
rwith the Livingston gold medal by the
Royal Geographical society of Edin
burgh and at the same time was made
an honorary member of the society in
recognition of his work Jn Arctic ex
ploration The Livingston medal was
founded by a daughter of the late Dr
In his annual report on the condition
of affairs in the island of Porto Rico
Governor Hunt says that the situation
is one of hope and that there is prog
ress and improvement with a strong
current in favor of Americanism
Many of the people believe he says
that the present form of government
can be preserved for some time
The Missouri Republican Editorial
association will meet in annual con
ven at St Joseph January 15 and 16
A foreign syndicate has bought the
national liquor revenues of Nicaragua
for 1500000 yearly on a six years
contract beginning January 1 next
The engagement is announced of
General Thomas L James president
of the Lincoln National bank New
York who was postmaster general un
der President Garfield to Miss Edith
Coibourne of Eng
At Conclusion of that Term Bill Un
doubtedly Will Be Passed Senate
to Get Measure on Friday Has No
Work but Treaty Confirmation
WASHINGTON The bill making
effective the Cuban reciprocity con
vention reported by the ways and
means committee will be taken up in
the house Monday and disposed of
Thursday It probably will be sent to
the senate Friday
Mr Payne of New York chairman
of the ways and means committee in
accordance with the notice he gave
on Friday will ask the house as soon
a3 it convenes Monday to begin its
consideration A rule will be report
ed by the committee on rules provid
ing for a vote t 4 p m Thursday
without intervening motion On the
adoption of the rule the house will go
Into committee of the whole and dis
cussion of the Cuban bill will be be
The program of the minority is well
defined by the resolution adopted at
the democratic caucus A rule cut
ting off amendments will be opposed
in order that an amendment may be
offered striking out the differential
on refined sugar and eliminating the
five year clause The resolution made
it the sense of the caucus that demo
cratic members should vote for the
bill either upon the adoption or re
jection of the amendment
With the house in the committee of
the whole Speaker Cannon will be
given an opportunity to consider fur
ther the makeup of the house com
mittees for the present congress
It is the intention of the senate
leaders to confine as closely as pos
sible tne legislation of the present
extra session to the hill to carry into
effect the Cuban treaty and with that
end in view the daily sessions of the
senate during the present week will
be brief and another adjournment will
be taken on Thursday or Friday until
the following Monday The work of
introducing bills and of presenting pe
titions will go forward but with the
exception of the Cuban bill neither
bills nor petitions will be taken up in
committee nor discussed in the
Cabinet Discusses Panama
WASHINGTON At Fridays cabi
net meeting practically the only sub 1
ject under discussion was the Panama
situation The whole Panama ques
tion was discussed briefly particular
attention being devoted to prospective
developmenfs in congress Both the
president and members of the cabinet
have taken up the matter with the
senate and the house with a view to
a reconciliation of any difficulties that
may exist and to the securing of har
monious action if possible on the
isthmian canal question It can be
stated authoritatively that the situa
tion as it now presents itself is rea
sonably satisfactory to the president
and his advisers
Powell Confirms Report
WASHINGTON Confirmatory in
formation of the attack on San Domin
go by the revolutionists reached the
state department in a dispatch from
Minister Powell He reported that the
revolutionists were attacking the city
on three sides There were not other
details in Minister Powells cable
gram The cruiser Balitmore which
was ordeerd to San Domingo is there
to protect American interests
Receiver for Grain Company
applied to the district court for the ap
pointment of a receiver for the M C
McFarlin Grain company of Des
Moines McCarty owns 42 per cent of
the stock The company had grain el
evators throughout Iowa and in Jan
uary converted the elevators into cash
amounting to over 100000 McCarty
alleges this money has been loaned to
different corporations without secur
OBWggBKpByaiylnl smmtmi
Reception of Consul General Gudger
PANAMA United States Consul
General Gudger arrived here Sunday
evening and was met at- the railway
station by a great number of persons
Including the members of the provi
sion government army officers and
other prominent persons General
Obaldia was also among those pres
ent As Consul General Gudger
alighted from the train a military
band played The Star Spangled Ban
ner Mr uuuger was welcomed oy
a committee composed of Senors
Arias and Esprietta representing the
junta and by Senor Brid represent
ing the municpality of Panama Senor
Arias delivered a speech in which he
expressed the gratitude of Panama for
the recognition accorded it by Pres
ident Roosevelt and also the pleasure
of the people of Panama at Mr Gud
gers return
Consul General Gudger returned
thanks for his reception and said that
he and Rear Admiral Walker would
call upon the members of the junta
The UniteJ States cruiser Boston
has returned from her cruise to the
south which was without incident
Hundreds of Petitions Filed in the
WASHINGTON Several hundred
petitions protesting against Reed
Smoot retaining his seat as junior
senator from Utah were filed in the
senate Most of these were offered
by Senator Burrows chairman of the
elections committee through petitions
filed by their senators Churches re
ligious organizations of all kinds uni
versities colleges and other educa
tional institutions are among the or
ganizations which have filed protests
Some of these petitions charge that
Senator Smoot practiced polygamy
while others rest their objections on
the charge that he is a member of
an organization which countenances
the practice of plural marriage
Senator Burrows said no action will
be taken by the elections committee
until the one vacancy on the commit
tee has been filled and that it is not
likely the changes will be considered
until the last week of the extra or the
first week of the regular session
Conference With Chief Executive
Last Nearly an Hour
ate during the week It is quite well j acder Dowie nead of the restoration
understood that Senator Morgan is
prepared for a prolonged discussion
of the situation on the isthmus of
Panama but while he seems not to
have taken any one into his confi
dence the general supposition is that
he will defer his speeches until the
new canal treaty shall be sent to the
senate There is an understanding on
the part of senators that even though
the negotiations of the new conven
tion be forthwith completed it will
not be transmitted to the senate until
the beginning of the regular session
of congress in December It is ex
pected that the Cuban bill will be re
ceived from the house on Friday and
it is probable that a session will be
held on that day in order that the
bill may be referred to the committee
on foreign relations which will begin
its consideration at once
host arrived at Washington Monday
from New York He passed most of
the day in viewing the sights of the
Early in the afternoon accompa
nied by several members of his host
Dowie called by appointment at the
executive office to see the president
He was in conference with President
Roosevelt for nearly an hour At the
contusion of his interview Dowie said
he had no statement to make concern
ing it The call he said was purely
a social one and no significance was
to be attacned to it He had a pleas
ant chat with the president for whom
he entertained a high regard
Dowie left for Zlon City via Chi
cago traveling in his private car
Bulgarian and Servian Officers in a
SORIA Previous reports of a con
spiracy of Bulgarian and Servian of J
fleers to provoke war with Turkey
have been officially confirmed Ac
cording to these reports Turkey was
to be attacked by the combined arm
ies of the two countries A search of
officers quarters at Philopolis Tir
nova and other places in Bulgaria it
was said revealed compromising let
ters and revolutionary documents di
rected against Prince Ferdinand
This latter part of the rumor how
ever proves to be untrue However
it is said that a number of young of
ficers of Macedonian nationality
panned to create a casus belli by forc
ing a conflict on the frontier The
minister of war has ordered the re
moval of 140 officers
Puts Bouquet on McKinleys Casket
CANTON O This is my humble
tribute to a very great and good
man said Joseph Jefferson the vet
eran actor as tenderly and with tears
in his eyes he placed a beautiful bou
quet of chrysanthemums upon the
casket of the late President William
McKinley in West Lawn cemetery
Mr Jefferson and the late president
were warm friends fcr many years
Changes in Postal Regulations
Yv7ASHINGTON One of the re
forms in postoffices that will be advo
cated by the postofflce department is
authority by which all clerks below
the designation of foreman shall be
classed simply as clerks This will
abolish the titles of stampers mailing
clerks and a variety of other subor
dinate places whose duties are cleri
cal and enable transfers to be made
without involving the charge of
1 ployes being assigned to other duties
Contribute Little to Flood of Bills fcr
the Congressional Hopper
WASHINGTON Tne Nebraska del
egation outside of introducing a num
ber of private pension bills has not
burdened the bill clerks with any bills
of a general character thus far The
members are learning that it Is not
the number on the bill that secures
favorable recommendation from the
committee but that it is the merit of
the bill which secures recognition The
house had been in session but a few
minues when the contemplated rush
of bills was upon it
Senator Warren introduced a num
ber of private bills for Senator Mil
lard Outside of these Nebraska fig
ured slightly in the glut of bills in the
senate Senator Dolliver introduced a
bill providing for the repeal of the
bankruptcy law Senator Gamble of
South Dakota introduced a number of
bills of a general character one to set
tle the account between certain states
and the general government growing
out of the sale of public lands The
bill appropriates 765000 to South Da
kota 175000 to Nebraska 575000 to
Wyoming 390000 to Iowa 495000
to Minnesota and 40COO to Wiscon
It Will Depend Upon Decision of the
State Supreme Court
LINCOLN A number of the law
makers who helped to enact the rev
enue law have been here and all are
interested in the outcome of the case
Several of them have called upon Gov
ernor Mickey and urgeu him should
the supreme court decide against thu
law to call an extra session of the leg
islature for the purpose of passing a
bill that would not be unconstitu
tional It is argued that nothing in
this line could be done at the next
session of the legislature because a
United States senator is to be elected
and the matter will take up most of
the time of the assembly They who
want the extra session believe It will
be the only way to secure revision of
the old revenue law The governor
indicated that in all probability he
would call an extra session in that
Revenue Comes Slow
State Treasurer Mortensen an
nounces that the revenues of the state
are coming into the treasury very
slowly in fct are not keeping up with
the disbursements Receipts Monday
were 15 and the amount paid out 3
61368 Tuesday salary warrants ag
gregating 9000 were forwarded to the
various state institutions Neglect of
taxpayers to pay their assessments is
attributed as the cause of the low re
Believes Law Will Stand
LINCOLN Governor Mickey is of
the opinion that the supreme court
will not knock out the new revenue
law in toto It is my opinion said
he that tne law will stand although
I expect that the courts will declare
several of the sections invalid The
taxation of credits Is what is causing
all the trouble and it is possible the
legislature passed a few sections that
may be defective
State Will Take the Bonds
The state will get the 81000 issue
of Saunders county court house bond
at 3 per cent They will be takeil
in blocks of 15000 as the money is
required by the county These are
the bonds for which the state negotia
ted for the investment of the perma
nenschool fund this summer A de
fect was found in the issue at that
time necessitating the submission of
the proposition to the voters of Saun
ders county a second time The
bonds were carried at the last elec
tion and can now legally be issued
Hand Crushed in Thresher
PAPILLION While Eugene Pflug
was running a threshing outfit his
hand was caught and badly injured
Sarpys Good Corn Crop
GRETNA Corn picking is in prog
ress in this vicinity and notwith
standing the unfavorable spring and
summer the yield is proving to be
good about thirTy five bushels per
acre would be a safe average
Want an Omaha Grain Market
YORK Many York business men
arelnferested in the establishing of a
grain market at Omaha hoping that
another market would be a benefit and
less charges for a shorter haul Ninety
per cent of the grain shipped out of
York county goes to Kansas City Be
fore Kansas City was a grain market
grain was shipped to Chicago and
since the opening of the Kansas City
market Chicago as a rule is unable to
make as good bids
There is not much doubt but what
a big canning factory will lie in oper
ation in Fremont next season
Lester Wiley and Donald McDonald
the two runaway boys who skipped
out of York having with them 419
and revolver each were captured by
Sheriff Brott at McCool
of town while building a new barn
stepped on a scaffold which broke
letting him fall a distance of twenty
five feet It is thought he will re
A letter from Riverdale Cal brings
news that John an Cleve died there on
election day Ho was a Jefferson
county pioneer and with his wife de
parted for California in October in
hopes of better health
At Seward Anton Dey jr of D town
who was arrested some time ago for
boot legging was brought into court
and plead guilty Judge Sornborger
assessed him a fine of 100 and costs
amounting in- all to 217 which he
Some one left a baby girl upon the
doorstep of Mr and Mrs D Eckles of
West Beatrice The baby was secure
ly wrapped in a blanket and was ap
parently only a day or two old
Pinned to the blanket was a note say
ing Please care for baby and the
parents will settle for same at some
future time
The Beatrice Chautauqua board of
directors met and organized for the
year by electing the following officers
B H Begole president M V Nichols
vice president F B Sheldon secre
tary and W W Duncan treasurer
It was decided to open the assembly
of 1004 on Thursday July 7 and con
tinue two weeks
Joseph Saunders an ex banker nar
rowly escaped serious injury while
handling a fractious team of horses
at the farm of W H Williams seven
miles west of Reynolds The team be
came frightened while being hitched
to the buggy and Mr Saunders was
dragged for some distance receiving a
number of kicks and bruises his right
shoulder being badly lacerated
Sheriff J D McBride of Cass county
was notified that Richeys lumber of
fice and the Burlington depot in Cedar
Creek were entered by burglars At
the first named place the safe and
desks were ransacked but so far as
known nothing of any value was stol
en At the depot the money drawer
had been pried open but it contained
only small change and some postage
A clash between the school board
and a number of the patrons of the
schools in district No G9 Gage coun
ty known as the Dolan district has
been caused by the refusal of the
board to buy text books to be used
in the study of Latin The teacher
refuses to teach Latin during the reg
ular school hours but has expressed a
willingness to do so after all other
classes have been dismissed
Mrs Grant Cage of Columbus died
a horrible death a few days ago While
working around the kitchen her apron
caught fire while she was in the act
of lifting a lid from the stove Only
her small children were in tho house
at the time She frantically tried to
extinguish the flames but without
avail and when neighbors arrived she
was burned in a terrible manner She
died soon after the accident
Miss Mildred Glazier of Edgar was
quite seriously burned about the face
and neck She threw kerosene into
the furnace which exploded instantly
throwing the flames into her face and
about her neck
C D Long who has been engaged
in the general merchandise business
in Plattsmouth city for five years has
sold his brick double store and stock
of merchandise on Sixth street to P
Pearson of Silver City la for 15000
and accepts in payment for same GOO
acres of land in Merrick county Ne
braska valued at 25 per acre
Governor Mickey denies that he has
stated postively that in the event that
the supreme court declares the reve
nue law to be invalid he will assemble
the legislature in special session to en
act another measure The governor
declares that while he may have dis
cussed the subject in a casual way he
did not intend that his remarks should
be quoted and did not mean to antici
pate the action of the court or say
anything which might be calculated to
arouse the ire of that body
Almost the entire stock of jewelry
in the store of W J Williamson at
Hampton- was taken from the store
last week by burglars Entrance was
gained through the rear door which
was found open in the morning when
Mr Williamson opened the store
In Colfax county reports have been
brought in of yields of eighty two
bushels of corn per acre but such
3ields are exceptional and are very
few The average throughout the
county will run close to thirty bush
els per acre
Howrs This
w5iJkxxa JUBWf Wholesale Drug
TrnUCa0urdrhCure taken Internally nctlhsr
FTitem ToBtlmonUU sent tree 1 co V
bottle EoldbyallBrORKUtg -
Hairs Fatally PllUare tfce best
If every idle word must be account
ed for some folks would better keep
Worlds Fair
A St Louis Worlds Fair Informa
tion Bureau has been established at
trni Unnm Cf nmohn TMnh in
John Findlay living two miles west charge ot Harry E Moores where all
information will be cheerfully fur
nished free of charge
A girl isnt necessarily timid
cause she jumps at a proposal
Leslies Popular Monthly for Novem
The November Leslies Monthly is
an enlarged and improved magazine
with more pages more pictures and
more stories than ever before The
leading article and it is one that
must attract a great deal of attention
takes up the way in which the big
corporations influence legislation at
Wasnlngton tells how the lobby is
managed and points out what sena
tors and representatives are in tho
service of the trusts and just what
trusts they serve It is a most strik
ing story and one that is only too
true There is also a clear cut sketch
of Charles F Murphy the present
leader of Tammany Hall with a full
page portrait
Physicians no longer bleed their pa
tients with a lancet
You never hear any one complain
about Defiance Starch There Is
none to equal it in quality and quan
tity 16 ounces 10 cents Try it now
and save your money
Of all si en it is up to the geographer
to be worldly wise
The man who wears the best clothes
may have the most creditors
If you wish beautiful clear wbito clothes
use Red Cro s Ball Blue Largo 2 02
packago 5 conts
The only certain tips on base ball
are the foul tins
If a man has plenty of nerve he will
soon get the coin
Defiance Starch is put up 1G ounces
m a package 10 cents One third
more starch for the same money
An Estimate of Austen Chamberlain
i Here is T P OConnors estimate
tof Austen Chamberlain son of a fa
mous father Of young Mr Cham
Jberlain I have only to say that he
ooks the image or his father with
jthe lines softened and refined by the
jadmixture of another being and an
other race that he has had the ad
vantage of university training over
his father and that altogether he is
a replica of his parent with a cer
tain amount of the strength and the
vehemence taken out He Is nimble
industrious even tempered self-possessed
a parliamentary good young
About Our Pennies
A cent is a little thing but in the
aggregate it is mighty We speak of
the copper cent but it is not on
tirely copper Its composition Is 95
per cent copper 3 per cent tin and 2
per cent zinc That alloy is in reality
bronze and the official name of the
cent is bronze There used to be a
copper cent but an act discontinuing
its coinage was passed in 1857 For
seven years 1857 1864 we had a
nickel cent and up to 1857 a copper
half cent No more cents are i be
made by the Philadelphia mint for at
least a year unless a special order is
issued by the treasury In the last
five years 3000000000 pennies have
been shipped for the mint to various
parts of tne country Between Julv
1 1902 and June 1 ly03 89600000
bronze cents were coined The total
number of cents coined since the
mints were established in 1793 is
Coinage was suspended
in 1816 and 1824
Has Had Experiences
A woman who has used Postum
Food Coffee since it came upon the
market eight years ago knows from
experience the necessity of using Pos
tum in place of coffee if one values
health and a steady brain
She says At the time Postum was
first put on the market I was suffer
ing from nervous dyspepsia and my
physician had repeatedly told me not
to use tea or coffee Finally I de
cided to take his advice and try Pos
tum and got a sample and had it care
fully prepared finding it delicious to
the taste So I continued its use and
very soon its
beneficial effects con
vinced me of its value for I got well
of my nervousness and dyspepsia
husband had been drinking
uu ms me until it had affected
ins nerves terribly I persuaded him
to shift to Postum
and it was easy to
get him to make the change for the
Postum is so delicious It certainly
worked wonders for him
We soon learned that Postum dcs
not exhilarate or depress and does
not stimulate but steadily and hon
estly strengthens the nerves and the
stomach To make a long story short
our entire family have now used Pos
tum for eight years with completely
satisfying results as shown in our
fine condition of health and we have
noticed a rather unexpected improve
ment in brain and nerve power
Name given by Postum Co Battle
Creek Mich
Increased brain and nerve power al
ways follow the use of Postum in
place of coffee sometimes in a very
marked manner
Look In each narkara -
the famous little book The Road to
P ellville