The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 20, 1903, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
R O I P A LocIko No 012 moots first and
third Thursdays of ouch month McCounolls
Miiill 8SW p in E B HuiiKH President V S
Guy nit Secretary
lodo No 1107 meets oi fecond und fourth Mon
day ovininiM of each month at eight oclock in
McCoiiuoIl hall IJ W Dkvok Illustrious Pro
tector J C Mitchell Secretary
8CJ moots and fourth Thursday after
noons atiK oclock in McConnolls hall Mis
Thai Sinniurci OracloMus Augusta Anton
Record or
Official Vote in 14th Judicial District
Tho ofliciul voto in Iho Fourteenth
Judicial district at tho late election
gives Judge R C Orr tho present in
cumbent and Republican nomineo 993
Counties Orr White
Chase i4 255
Dundy 363 223
Frontier 755 G37
Furnas 11M 102
Gosper 426 433
Hayes 302 205
Hitchcock 510 400
Rod Willow 1039 740
Totals 4919
si Sfdtoi -At
Congickssmax Nonius has secured a
50 pension for Moses C Fritznor of
Nhiikaska ha been guilty of doing
worse than electing 13 J Burkott United
States senator
Tiie now Nebraska revenue law seoins
to bo a matter of suspicion to many as
to its legality and constitutionality It
is unjust in some particulars and for
the most part the old law with a few
modifications would have served the
people more acceptably
Wk dosiro to correct the statement
made by tho Danbury paper that tho
bounty for wild animals carried by a
large majority The proposition failed
to carry by 40 votes notwithstanding
but 141 votes were cast against the
proposition Only 935 out of a total of
1936 votes voted for tho proposition
The Kansas supremo court has de
clined to interfere in the sentence pass
led upon G W Dull of Herndon for the
murder of Dr Walter Rowland and the
sentenco of 20 years in tho penitentiary
at hard labor stands against Dull which
is certainly no more than adequate pun
ishment for the terrible crime even in
The indictment of Senator C H
Dietrich and Postmaster Jacob Fisher
of Hastings charged with conspiracy
and bribery in connection with tho ap
ipointment of Fisher as postmaster at
Hastings is tho political sensation of
tho hour Doubtless tho matter is the
result of a bitter political inter party
rov and the end is not yet
come put
the butter wont
a penny in the
churn is an old time dairy
proverb It often seems to
work though no one has ever
told why
When mothers are worried
because the children do not
gain strength and flesh we
say give them Scotts Emul
It is like the penny in the
milk because it works and
because there is something
astonishing about it
Scotts Emulsion is simply
a milk of pure cod liver oil
with some hypophosphites
especially prepared for delicate
Children take to itjiaturally
because they like the taste
and the remedy takes just as
naturally to the children be
cause it is so perfectly adapted
to their wants
For all weak and pale and
thin children Scotts Emulsion
is the mosc satisfactory treat
We will send you
the penny e a
sample free
Be sure that this picture in
the form of a label is on the
wrapper of eery bottli of
Etnulsion you buy
409 Pearl St N Y
50c and ioo all druggists
sh ttrv
jfesoIsSegy Pass
Some excitement of a mild sort may bo
expected to follow the publication of tho
report of N II Darton of the United
States geologic survey so far as it
effects tho Republican Valley and refers
to oil prospects Some interest has al
ready been felt locally it being known
that tho well drilled at the water works
at this place to tho depth of about 400
feet now shows and has always shown
signs of oil and of gas as well But con
servative people have to be shown
It may bo questioned whether of all tho stor
ies in American history any is nioro interesting
than that of LaSalle and of those who have
chronicled American event- Parkman alone has
Riven tho great explorer duo measure of credit
Perhaps this is because his gigantic schemes
ended in a disaster so overwhelming us to make
his undertaking tho profoundest tragedy in tho
annals of this country
LaSalles notable exploits began about tho
year 1CS0 and covered a period of nearly 10
years Ho wont original to Canada which
was then a wilderness but his intrepid spirit
did not long content itself near the settlements
He gathered a band of advonturers as sturdy as
himself and made his way by laud and water
to central Illinois It is difficult alwaS to de
vine tho purposes of hib wanderings Ho seems
to hio been impelled by no other motive than
love of discovering Ho established forts or
trading posts where his lieutenants trafficked
with tho Indians but LaSalle himself was not
a trader and was wholly lacking in commercial
enterprise and apparently cared little for tho
profit to bo derived from iutercouise with the
With a handful of companions he floated
down the Illinois and into the Mississippi river
a stream that ho explored nearly to its mouth
Ho stopped from time to time in his downward
journey and landing took possession of tho
country in the name of France Returning by
tho way ho had come he sailed for France
where he laid before tho king a plan for the
founding of a settlement at tho outlet of the
Mississippi Ho realized as no one elso seems
to have done the importance of commanding
that stream Tho nation in a position to say
who should navigate tho great river would be
able to control tho colonization of the vast in
terior of tho continent In those days the rivers
were tho highway of commerce tho earliest
civilization being compelled to confine itself to
the oceans shores and navigable water was
With funds from tho national treasury of
France he was able to fit out 4 vessels that car
ried besides their cargoes of provisions and
such tools and implements as would be needed
to subdue the jungles tho colonists who it was
believed would form the nucleus of tho French
settlements in Louisiana The vojagers sailed
by the mouth of the Mississippi where it had
been proposed to found the colony none of tho
navigators knowing tho waters through which
the had steered and landed soveral hundred
miles from tho place originally selected on tho
coast of what is now Texas The colony did not
thrive owing to the characters of its members
the unfriendliness of the land in which they
found themselves the misfortune of losing their
supply ship internal dissensions and various
other reasons LaSalle mado several unsuc
cessful attempts to find tho Mississippi and at
length his colony being reduced to the verge of
desperation he with 16 others started on the
long overland journey to Quebec whence he
hoped to be able to send word to France of
their plight
The story of the horrors of that trip of how
LaSalle himself as well as a number of his
mediate followers were treacherously murdered
at the hands of the lawless members of tho
party of tho eventual assassination of two of
the guilty men of the arrival at Quebec more
than a year after they had started of tho rem
nants of that band of their voyage to France
and presentation of tho matter to the king and
of that monarchs abandonment of his subjects
and refusal to despatch aid to the colony are
more fascinating than fiction because as one
reads the tale he knows it to be true he knows
that the actors were real men not creatures of
human imagination Those who had been left
on tho coast of Texas were soon beyond need of
their sovereigns help They were massacred by
Indians an end which saved them perhaps
from the worse fate of falling into tho clutches
of tho Spaniards
Tho narrative with all its grewsomo details
is found in LaSalle and the Discovery of the
Great West one of tho most frightfully tragicas
well as one of tho most interesting bits of
American history
New Way of Using- Chamberlains
Cough Remedy
Mr Arthur Chapman writing from
Durban Natal South Africa says As
a proof that Chamberlains Cough Rem
edy is a cure suitable for old and young
I pen you the following A neighbor of
mine had a child just over two months
old It had a very bad cough and the
parents did not know what to give it I
suggested that if they would get a bottle
of Chamberlains Cough Remedy and
put some upon the dummy teat the baby
was sucking it would no doubt cure the
child This they did and brought about
a quick relief and cured the baby
This remedy is for sale by all druggists
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure E VV Groves signa
ture is on each box 25c
Old Times Again
Forming an Old Settlors Association has
awakened and revived interest in tho begin
nings of everything in tho county At this time
many new buildings are going up and tho re
pairing and beautifing homes recalls tho
early efforts of tho home makers Among them
during tho winter of 1872 73 John Longnccker
put up n hewn log house finishing it neatly
with a shingle roof cornice and panol doors Tho
bhingles doors and window sash wore brought
from Lowell our nearest trading place 111
miles Tho houso was whito washed within
and without and tho cornice doors window
and door frames and porch posts wore painted
a lead color This was tho first painting done
in the county and caused tho usual comments
Longnccker is putting on a littlo too much
stylo etc
As tho tmall details of settling a country
form its history they should bo correctly
recorded Inaccuracies occcur in tho ac
count of Red Willow county in tho largo his
tory of Nebraska Some of these aro noted in
tho margin of our copy and tho corrections aro
from personal knowledge
A short time ago ono of tho county papers
published an alleged account of tho Pawnee
Massacre which to old settlers needs confirma
tion Tho writer claims to havo been with tho
Pawnees at tho time If that bo true that
whito man kept himself strangely from view
His fears must hao caused him to too tho
dead and gone Indians to havo peopled tho
prairie with thousands of Sioux Without
going into an argument in regard to tho un
reasonableness of this statement will say that
many stories havo been told and different ver
sions given and addld to as limo passed The
report of the massacre as gathered from tho
Indians themselves and hunters and accepted
by the government agent sent out to investi
gate and to gather up the belongings of the
Pawnees was given in this paper some years
ago It may bo of interest to repeat it
During tho bummer and fall of lb72 Whist
lers band of about 70 friendly Sioux were al
lowed tho freedom of the country west or tho
settlements uudor tho surveillance of the sol
diers They were off the reservation in 1875
Whether or not the Pawnees hereditary enem
ies of tho Sioux know of this band I cannot
say but they went on their usual annual hunt
dried their meat and were on their way back
camping one night iu a can on nearwhero
Stratton is now located In tho morning just
as the sun was rising and they wero making
ready to begin their days journey the Sioux
swooped down upon them and from both high
banks of the can on dealt their deadly missils
of hatred Some few Pawnees already with
their poniesescapodleaving squaws pappooses
meat hides robes and teepees and their diug
and dead
In those da s men hunted and trapped further
west and some times came to the store of John
Byfield to trade Tho settlers ofton saw them
and talked One of these hunters known to Mr
Byfield and others told of his seeing Whistlers
baud pass his dugout about day break all tog
ged out in war paint and feathers silent and
stealthy In about a half hour they returned
jubilant with their ghastly trophies and he
said 1 knew there was trouble for the Paw
This is the account as learned then and ex
cept for some embellishments by tho individual
telling what was believed by tho settlers living
hero As ears pass it is easy for people to
think things about some particular event as
for instance the celebrated hunting party of
Alexis during tho winter of 1871 72 Ono sol
dier sa s he was with that partj and they cross
ed the Republican river at the moutli of the
Medicine This man was1 honest in Ins belief
but he made tho mistake of confounding the
royal hunter with a party of prominent eastern
men One of our citizens contends that Camp
Alexis was at tho mouth of Red Willow creek
A soldier told him so Othoissayit was at the
mouth of Dry Creek where William Myers now
lives because of evidences of a luxurious
camp having been there The real camp was
40 miles up the creek
These are little things but all are of interest
to tho first settlors and as one of the very first
I urge accuracy of detail in telling of old times
An Otd Settler
Chamberlains Cough Remedy is Pleas
ant to Take
The finest quality of granulated loaf
sugar is used in the manufacture of
Chamberlains Cough Remedy and the
roots used in its preparation give it a
flavor similar to maple syrup making it
quite pleasant to take Mr W L
Roderick of Poolesville Md in speak
iug of this remedy says I have used
Chamberlains Cough Remedy with my
children for several years and can truth
fully say it is the best preparation of the
kind I know of The children like to
take it and it has no injurious after
effect For sale by all druggists
Grinding Your Teeth
on tough beefsteak is certainly annoy
ing but have you tried ours Our
meats are selected by careful and com
petent judges of quality and we use
every effort to furnish none but fresh
tender and nutritious meats for our
trade This is the way it is at Marshs
meat market all the time
2310 Chicago and Return
Account International Live Stock Ex
position November 28 to December 5
Tickets on sale November 28 29 and 30
Limited for return to December 7 Ask
the Burlington Route agent
I Your Hair
Two years ago my hair was
g falling out badly I purchased a a
bottle of Ayers Hair Vig
soon my hair stopped coming out
Miss Minnie Hoover Paris 111
Perhaps your mother
had thin hair but that is
no reason why you must
go through life with half
starved hair If you want
long thick hair feed it
with Ayers Hair Vigor
and make it rich dark
and heavy
100 a bottle All druggists
If your druggist cannot sunulv vou
send us one dollar and we will express
you a bottle Be sure and give the name
of your nearest express oftice Address
o 1 Aimt juioweii3iass
Mi miiimiMwn
Sick Headache
Food doesnt digest well
Appetite poor Bowels
constipated Tongue coated
Its your liver Ayers Pills
are liver pills they cure dys
pepsia biliousness
25c All druggists
niiniiMnnirwp nuci
Want your moustachn or beiril a beautiful
brown or rich blacl Then use
for the
DUUlMKunfUyj O UI L Whiskers
Lon Cone Co Successful
After a great deal of effort and corre
spondence Lon Cone Co the popular
druggists have succeeded in getting tho
Dr Howard Co to make i special half
price introductory offer on the regular
50 cent size of their celebrated specific
for the cure of constipation and dyspep
This medicine is a recent discovery
for the cme of all diseases of thostomach
and bowels It not only gives quick re
lief but it mnkes permanent cures
Dr Howards specific has been so re
markably successful in curing constipa
tion dyspepsia and all liver troubles
that Lon Cone Co aro willing to re
turn the price paid in every case where
it does not give relief
So great is the demand for this specific
thnt Lon Cone Co have been ablo to
secure only a limited supply and every
one who is troubled with dyspepsia con
stipation or liver trouble should call up
on them at once or send 25 cents and
get 60 doses of the best medicine ever
made on this special half price offer
with their personal guarantee to refund
the money if it does not cure
Talk About Big Engines
I see that the Wabash road is mak
ing a great blow about its new engines
claiming they are the greatest machines
for pulling passenger trains known to
the world says a Burlington engineer
After reading a description of them I
cant see just where they aro much great
er than the Ktls on the Burlington A
description of the Wabash engines gives
them cylinders 21x26 weight on drivers
96000 heating surface 2675 square feet
Our K4s have 19x24 inch cylinders 121
400 pounds weight on the drivers with a
traction force of 22000 pounds a fire
box 108 inches long and a boiler 62 inches
in diameter Tho total weights of the
two engines is not far different
The Burlington Kisare ideal engines
for the passenger services in the west
They ride easily have great traction
force can pick up a train and start rap
idly and as f r speed I am guessing that
it will be several years before tho Wa
bash or any other road finds engines
that will distance them Lincoln Jour
A Remarkable Case
One of the most remarkable cases of 1
cold deep seated on the lungs causing
pneumonia is that of Mrs Gertrude E
Fenner Marion Ind who was entirely
cured by the use of One Minute Cough
Cure She says The coughing and
straining so weakened me that I ran
down in weight from 148 to 92 pounds
I tried a number of remedies to no avail
until I uspd One Minute Cough Cure
Four bottles of this wonderful remedy
cured me entirely of the cough stength
ened my lungs and restored me to my
normal weight health and strength
Sold by L W McConuell
Advertised Letters
The following letters wero advertised
by the McCook postofiice Xov 17 1903
Brown Roxy
Barnes H A
Clemons Roy
Coots E D
Clark Sadie B
Gidall J J
Harvey Joe
Kovov K B
Knodell Ralph
Madison H P
McMillen Clara
Pastor Congregational
Rector M E church
Smith Edgar
Storm George
Schurz C
Vawter S T
Wakefield F A
sWilkeson A E
Wilson John
When calling for these letters
say they were advertised
F M Kimjiell Postmaster
Beautiful Clear Skies
Herbine exerts a direct influence on
the bowels liver and kidneys purifying
and strengthening these organs and
maintaining them in a normal condition
of health thus removing a common
cause of yellow mothy greasy skin and
more or less of pimples blotches and
blackheads 50c at A McMillens
The latest special number which the
Scientific American issues is devoted to
Modern Aids to Printing and de
scribes the wonderful development which
the printing industry has undergone
within recent years A few of the arti
cles of general interest are those devoted
to newspaper printing bookbinding and
an interview with Theodore L De Vinne
Americas foremost artist printer The
number has been dressed in a handsome
cover in colors
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver
Tablets are becoming a favorite for
stomach troubles and constipation For
sale by all druggists
Since capital punishment was abolish
ed in Italy in 1S75 murders there have
increased 42 per cent
Tribune Clubbing List
For convenience of readers of The Teibune
we have made arrangements with the following
newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup
ply them in combination with The Tribune at
tho following very low prices with
Detroit Free Press 100 SI 50
Leslies Weekly 4 00 3 00
Prairio Farmer 100 125
Chicago Inter Ocean 1 00 1 40
Cincinnati Enquire 1 00 1 50
New York Tribune 100 125
Demorests Magazine 100 175
joieaoiaae 1 uu 120
Nebraska Farmer 100 1 65
Iowa Homestead 100 125
Lincoln Journal 100 175
Campbells Soil Culture 100 150
New York World 1 00 1 65
Cosmopolitan Magazine 1 00 1 80
St Louis Republic 100 175
Kansas City Star 25 120
FarmandHome 100 120
Word and Worksr 1 00 1 70
We aro prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published at reduced rates
TnE Tribune McCook Neb
- imiiuitP1 tumimmmtuxn
iWm mbu uao
IfljEMI Bu flp ijfflfl
TT Th m
11 i la 1
ii i
Coming 8
Commencing- Monday
12 People
All New Specialties
Seats on sale at the usual place
Entire change of program
performance guaranteed
or money refunded
fill MnHnnlr U nil
U11 liiuuUUJi Ilufi
Carry in stock the Famous Mathushek and Story Clark
Pianos and the best makes of organs Also general line of
music goods Come and see Get my prices and terms
yTiw7iiiWTfrii r jrw
tf ffl
Turkeys Ducks Geese j
Come in and talk with us
One door south of the Tribune Office
At McCook Opera House
Arington Swains
Comedy Co
in one
of the
of all
ever writ
ten i acts
tie Harvest
Low Rates West via Burlington Route
S25C0 to Portland Tacoma Seattle
25 00 to San Francisco and Los Angeles
82250 to Spokane 82000 to Salt Lake
City Butte and Helena Proportion
ately low rates to hundreds of other
points including Big Horn Babin Wyo
Montana Idaho Washington Oregon
British Columbia California etc Ev
ery day until November 30 Tourist
cars 1 lily to California Personally
conducted excursions three times a
week Tourist cars daily to Seattle In
quire of nearest Burlington Route
agent 9 18 lOts
in 1 Momii
with determination you are going to
bed with satisfaction providing you
are determined to buy Liquid Koal
for your hogs before they get the
This is the time of year when they
are full of worms as a result of feed
ing new corn Cattle will soon begin
to get Corn Stalk Disease and Li
quid Koal will prevent all this It
is the best worm destroyer known
Eead what others say One Hun
dred Dollars to you if you find any of
the testimonials we publish are not
December 1S02
Wo the undersigned stock raisers and
farmer- gladly testify to the merits of Li
nun Koal manufactured by the National
Medical Co of Sheldon Iowa and York
Nebraska We have used this product with
sratifjinjj success and advise all to sive it a
trial It Miould be on every farm in Ne
braska Rufus Feary Bee Neb J If
i eary eo Neb Georce Mills Ren N
riHKhaupt Staplehnrst Neb Chri
sciiaai tapieiinrt Neb F C Mejer
fataplehurst NeuGeorKe RinBeberBer
town Neb
One Quart Can i m
One Gallon
Our Motto is Dont advertise if
you cant make rood
For Sale by James Cain
Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store
Phone No 20 McCook Neb
Sheldon Iowa York Nebraska
Oklahoma City O T