The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 20, 1903, Image 1

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End of a Long War
Tho currant issue of the Brotherhood
of Locomotive Engineers Journal 6iiys
It will bo gratifying to our member
ship to know that afler a somewhat pio
longed interview botween W S Stono
graud chief engineer nud F A Delano
general manager relative to tho situa
tion on tho Burlington as men joining
tho brotherhood that tho following
ground was reached
That from this time on there shall bo
no discrimination in any form against
men who join tho brotherhood but they
shall be left entirely fiec to join or not
as thoy may elect While on our part
wo aro not to seek by force to compel
engineers to becomo members or to up
hold those who do becomo members in
vicious or careless work or in becoming
agitators or in deviating in any manner
from the work that ought to bo done by
faithful and consistent employees of the
company and every 0110 who joins must
stand or fall strictly upon his own mer
its as a man as members of the order
must elsewhere As part of the agree
ment tho Burlington relief association
is not to bo antagonized
This is a fair and business liko propo
sition and one that if faithfully lived up
to will effectually end the long struggle
on tho Burlington and wo certainly owe
it to ourselves to seo that our part of
tho agreement is strictly adhered to
Foe McFarland Marriage
Mr Ralph E Foe of our city and
Miss Helen McFarland of Rod Cloud
wero united in marriage in Red Cloud
at tho home of tho brides parents Mr
and Mrs E McFarland last Sunday
The Red Cloud Commercial Advertiser
gives the appended account of the felicit
ous affair in its issuo of Monday
McFarlanu Fok Nuptials
On Sunday afternoon at G oclock tlicro took
place tho wedding of Miss Ilolon McFarland
ono Red Clouds charming and estimable joung
ladies daughter of Mr and Mrs E McFarlnnd
Ho Kalph E Foo a lending telegrapher of tho
B M in tin despatched oflico in McCook
and the eldest son of Mr and Mrs S W Foe of
thiscity Rev William Hnuptmnnu pastor of
tho Congregational church oiliciating The
wedding was a very private one only the pa
rents of tho high contracting parties being pres
ent and a very few -close friends of tho bride
and groom A wedding supper was partaken of
andntSl thoy left for McCook their future
home Tho Commercial Advertiser along with
their many friends in this city takes pleasure
in wishing them bon voyage in their matrimon
ial cruise over lifes troublesome teas and may
their joys bo many and their Foes few is our
best wish
Thoy camo to McCook and at once
went to keeping house in the Stokes
residence which had previously been
prepared for their coming
The Bender Wilson Incident
No little interest has naturally been
aroused in this community apropos of
tho Bender Wilson incident m the re
cent Kansas Nebraska universities foot
ball game in which Bender won out for
1 Nebraska by a score of 6 to 0 If tho
Kansas university people state the rule
fairly and they probably do neither
Bender nor Wilson were technically eli
gible to play in the game Wo say
technically University athletics if any
athletics on earth should be on the
dead square Technically our Cap
tain Johnny Bender and his big right
hand bower Wilson two as fine boy3 as
ever played with the McCook baseball
team and all around clever fellows are
tainted with professionalism according
to the university rule quoted by tho
Kansas university athletic board
Its All Over Now
That is the election is over for this
year but the matter of good whole
some juicy meats is still of first and
vital importance to all It will incerest
you to know that Marsh has been elect
ed by an overwhelming majority to con
tinue selling the best meats to tho peo
ple all the time Same old location
same prompt service and courteous treat
The County Teachers Association
We regret the matter but no oppor
tunity was given The Tribune to give
publicity to the meeting to be held in
Danbury We learn from the Danbury
paper however that tho meeting arran
ged for last Saturday the 11th on ac
count of a mistake in the program has
been postponed until tomorrow the 21st
Will Observe Thanksgiving Day
The McCook postoffice will be closed
on Thanksgiving day The general de
livery window will be up from 8 to 9
oclock in the morning and from 130 to
230 oclock in the afternoon The
money order and registry departments
will be closed all day
Guaranteed Not to Tarnish
Argentine ware nickel and silver is
absolutely guaranteed to not tarnish
W T Coleman has a large and fine as
sortment teasets soup toureens bon
bon dishes trays nut bowls etc
That Thanksgiving- Turkey
will not be just right unless cooked in
one of those self basting roasters at W
T Colemans
We are busy in zibelines striped zib
elines invisible checked zibelines plain
zibelines The right things at the right
prices The Thompson Dry Goods Co
McMillens Cream Lotion for hands
and face dries perfectly and leaves the
skin smooth and soft
Do you need a lamp chimney wick
or burner extras for bracket lamps We
have them at the Bee Hive
Mens fine black kersey overcoats 750
and S10 at the Thompson Dry Goods
Boys blanket lined school coats for
S5c to S135 at tho Thompson Dry Goods
No 13 for aches and pains at McCon
nells drug store
Mis C M Kent was an Omaha vis
itor close of last week
C A Ready was a city visitor Mon
day from Hayes Center
Mk and Mrs J G Schouel were
Mindon visitors Sunday
C F Baijcock went up to Omaha on
business Tuesday night
II W Camphell the sul culture
man was up from Holdrege Tuesday
C II Meekek returned home Tues
day night from his western business
Mita II A Rouch and Mrs II C
Brown wero Omaha visitors last of this
Mns A Backstkom returned first of
the week from her visit to Lincoln rela
Mns O S Bakdshaw of Smithfield
has been a guest of Mrs William Zint
this week
Mns T J Bales returned home last
of past week from visiting a daughter
in Allianco
Miss E M Nettleton Colorado City
is a guest at the Fitch home over on the
South Side
Mns Frank Freelove returned home
last Friday night from her visit in Red
field Kansas
C II Mokkill of the Lincoln Land
Co is in the city today on business of
that company
Mns Hugh IIinks arrived home
Wednesday on 1 from hor Hastings
visit to relatives
Mrs A L Knowland went to Biek
nell Indiana close of last week on a
visit to relatives
Mrs C A Fisher of Wauneta Chase
county has been the guest of Mrs II M
Finity this week
Miss Lora LeIIew a deaconess in the
Episcopal church is herefrom Michigan
visiting the homefolks
Mrs E W Cone of Holdrege came
in on No 1 yesterday for a visit with
her sons Charles and Lon
J D Mines the deputy internal reve
nue man was up from Hastings on busi
ness of the service Thursday
D C Benedict of Culbertson was in
the city Tuesday on his way to Chica
go on a visit of 3 weeks duration He
left on No G
Ellsworth Hillpot and Edward
Wyant of tho Cedar Bluffs neighbor
hood had business in the countys chief
city Friday last
E G Robinson of Lincoln and E M
Searle Jr of Ogallala are in the city
engaged in checking up the county
treasurers office
Mrs John Shepherd and Miss Delia
went down to Beatrice last Friday
night and are visiting relatives there
for a week or two
Dr and Mrs Peter Boyle who have
been making an extended visit to their
children in Nebraska left for their Den
ver home Tuesday
Mr and Mrs T F Gockley of the
Danbury country were visitors in the
big red standpipe city Saturday the
first time in many months
Mrs L W Stayner Mrs J W Line
and Mrs George Martin went in to Oma
ha Tuesday night on No 6 to be absent
a few days in the metropolis
Dr H M Ireland a physician of the
Osteopathic school has located in the
city opening an office in the Kelley
building first door north of the Com
mercial hotel See his professional card
in this issue
State Supt W K Fowler will be out
from Lincoln next Friday to confer
with the retiring as well as the newly
elected county superintendents relative
to the Junior Normal school to be held
here next summer
Ed Jeffeks has purchased the build
ing formerly occupied by G D Burgess
over on Manchester street as an imple
ment office and has moved the same
out to East McCook where he recently
bought a block of land from the Lincoln
Land Co The building will be re
modeled and added to for a dwelling
Mr and J B Meserve received
word Monday evening of the birth of a
9 pound son to their daughter Mrs Ed
win E Magee and they left for Fair
mont Nebraska on the first passenger
train same evening to see the new
grandson Reports from mother and
son are very favorable but the superin
tendent of schools continues to step ab
normally high
Mr and Mrs W S Perry received
word Saturday of the birth of a 10
pound son to Mr and Mrs W N
Thayer of Montgomery Ohio Mrs
Thayer will be recognized as their
daughter Mrs J M Stranahan The
happy event occurred on Thursday of
last week the 12th instant and all in
terested even Grandpa and Grandma
Perry are doing nieelv
Dont let any lung or bronchial
trouble fasten itself upon you with
several cold months ahead to aggra
vate these affections
Theres Security in
McConnells Balsam
This is a remedy that should be
kept on hand through the cold
months Equally good for children
or adults It heals and strengthens
the lungs cures the cough and
g nelps keep away the next cough S
Price 25c
McConnell Druggist
The claims allowed by the county
commissioners at their last regular ses
sion amounted to about 5000 Of this
total approximately 1500 is chargeable
to the McMillen Jones murder case
Bed comforts of our own make6x7 ft
14 yards cloth 6 batts inside 165
Others to 250 The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
Oil and Gas In the Great Plains
Is tho central great plains region Uudorlain
with oil nnd gas7
There aro geologic indications that conditions
within nn area 27 miles in length varying in
width from 2 to G miles nnd comprising within
tho three states Kansas Nohrubkn and South
Dakota are similar to those in which oil and
gas have been found
In investigating the geologic structure of tho
central plains region Mr N II Dnrton of tho
United States Geological Survey has discovered
an uplift or arch in tho earths crust which
may prove of greatest economic importance
Owing to thick covering of clajs and sands in
tho plains tho structure of the underlying rocks
isdiilicult toasccrtuin but from a careful sur
vey of exposures in western Kansas tho Repub
lican valloy in Nebraska and tho southwestern
corner of South Dakota and the consideration
of much now evidence there by well borings in
the last few years Mr Darton has demonstrat
ed tho existence of a narrow arch or saddle
buck of considerable mngnitudo extending
from tho vicinity of Lonora Kansas through
Norton county across Furnas Frontior Lin
coln aud other counties in Nebraska nnd the
Whito river whore this river crosses tho Ne
braska and South Dakota line Tho uplift is
probably due to tho slight shrinkage of tho
earths crust and tho extensive series of cretace
ous and underlying rocks hero involved
The investigations of tho bureau in the great
Appalachian oil fieldcovoring tho operations of
many jears have placed tho anticliuical theory
of tho accumulations of oil and gas on n
substantial basis While such accumulations
havo been found in syuclincs notably
liko that at Florence Colorado tho prac
tical developments in areas of anticlines or
uplifts have resulted in vastextension of known
Holds and the application of the theory has
been followed by numerous discoveries of other
productivo territory Should future develop
ments in the central great plains area prove tho
soundness of the nnticlinical theory it would
result in incalcuablc benefit to that region
Tho country in which tho anticline puts out is
today thinly populated and for the most part
given over to stock grazing It lies just west of
the 100th meridian and is probably classed as
belonging to the arid region With the discov
ery of oil and gas a great impetus would bo
given to agricultural development as tho soil is
fertile of great depth and as productivo as that
of any section of the country when irrigated
Tho surface waters are inaquedato aud uncer
tain and for this reason this section has not
developed with tho samo rapidity as others
more favored with perennial streams A great
part of tho great plains region is known to be
underlain with water bearing gravels ut no
great depth from tho surfneo which when
by wells furnish an inexhaustible water
supply By utilizing the clieap fuel which
would bo provided in tho event of discovering I
oil and gas vast areas of this region could be
irrigated from waters obtained by pumping
plants Mr Dartons discovery will undoubted
ly attract the attention of those who are seek
ing oil and gas in parts of the United States
A report now in preparation on the geology of
of the great plainsby Mr Dartonwhich is to be
issued from the geological survey in tho courso
of a fow months will be of great interest and
valuo to those who are desirous of more know
ledge concerning the geological structure and
resources of that region
Cows Choked to Death
James Ferrier and others about Cul
bertson have had a number of cows choke
to death while eating sugar beets If
they had had one of W T Colemans
sugar beet cutters it wouldnt have hap
pened A word to the wise is sufficient
McCook Laundry Prize Contest
Ona Hendricks 777
Nellie Smith 751
Mamio Frank 151
Joe Mullen 110
SBrady 68
Maude Best 47
Maggie Straff 4
For particulars phone 35
For Your Thanksgiving Dinner
The ladies of the Baptist church will
have for sale at Grannis store Wednes
day November 25 1903 articles suita
ble for Thanksgiving dinner mince and
pumpkin pies fruit cake cranberry
sauce doughnuts etc
McConnells Fragrant Lotion
will cure chapped hands or face over
night Price 25 cents
Single Comb White Leghorn Cockerels
for sale D C Benedict Culbertson
The meeting of the Southwestern Ne
braska Teachers Association which it
is presumed would have been held here
November 27 and 28 has been postponed
because of the removal of the president
Miss Alison G Johnston formerly of
Cambridge from the district It is pre-
sumed that there will be a meeting some-
I n ju vi- jTj
wueiu in lue spiiu uuii nu ueiiuut an
nouncement can be made at this time
Bargains in down pillows for sale by
the ladies of the Dorcas society See
Mrs J E Kelley or Mrs F M Kimmell
Also have some dusting caps and clothes
pin bags for sale
Dress skirts and walking skirts to your
measure Fifty kept made up ready to
wear 8200 to 8900 To your measure at
same prices The Thompson Dry Goods
When tho improvements to J E
Kelleys offices shall have been complet
ed he will the finest suite of offices in
this part of the state
Boys lined all leather mittens with
yarn wrist only 10c a pair at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos One price plain
figures cash only
The plumbers have been kept busy
this week The first cold spell always
catches many unprepared
Siegels 31075 magazine advertised
jackets for sale only by the Thompson
Dry Goods Co
Underwear wool hose wristlets ear
tabs and all kinds of golf gloves at the
Bee Hive
Mints can do a profitable and prosper
ous business without advertising
Art vases fine china brie a brae at
J Matz is a new fireman transferred
from Den ver
Brakeman C O Doing has resigned
from the service
Kelso is a new helper in the round
house this week
G E Chamberlain is firing tho
switch engine now
Otto Fisher of the roundhouse gang
resigned yesterday p
Engineer H E Culbertson is among
tho ailing this week
Fireman J R Pence was on tho sick
list first of the week
Brakeman L M Best is on tho sick
list with an injured eye
Fireman Perkins has been transferred
to McCook from Denver
E E Batemnn of the round house
forco resigned this week
J E LeBlanc made his first trip Sat
urday on Gl as a brakeman
Fireman M R Griggs returned Sun
day from his trip to Oberlin
Fireman George Mickelson was down
from Denver over Sunday on a visit
Roadmaster Sam Rogers loft Wednes
day for New Mexico on a mining deal
Conductor J F Utter has the 126
during Conductor Kisers short vacation
Tho First Day Ad ventists aro arrang
ing for services in our city for a week or
Will Weintz made his first trip on the
road Monday on 6 since his recent ill
Engineer Waugh and Fireman Brown
are working out of Holdrece for a few
Switchman M G Stephenson is off
duty again this time with a sprained
Engineer E A Mellin made his first
trip as an engineer Sunday morning on
No 6M
Ed Branch of tho auditing department
was at headquarters Thursday on bus
iness of that office
J M Oldham and O W C Sampson
are now employes in tho tram service
brakemen this week
Fireman Dickenson and Purinton and
Engineers Bayles and Neilson were on
the sick list this week
Fireman J R Sullivan succeeds to
Mellins run on the big passenger engine
with Engineer Pronger
Conductor and Mrs II C Kiser went
in to Omaha first of the week to enjoy
a short vacation and visit
Mr and Mrs W M Stoner went down
to Weeping Water Wednesday evening
on a visit of a few days at home
v3rakeman F F Neubauer who has
been ill aud off duty for the past six
months returned to work this week
Brakeman M R Sheldon felt tho
weight of a sample trunk and is resting
up a few days until his foot quits hurt
Machinist Ben Howard resigned last
Saturday and W F Tilson machinist
entered the service Tuesdaj in the
round house
Fireman H H Jackson Fireman W
R Hertz Fireman W H Decker and
Fireman Ivan Dickenson have resigned
from the engine service Dickenson has
gone to Red Cloud
Brakeman E O Scott has been trans
ferred from the main lino to the Red
Cloud Orleans branch and will make
his headquarters in Red Cloud Ho suc
ceeds L E Hill resigned
M M Hammond and L E Confer
have been transferred from the paint
gang to the round house force this week
Hammond helping hostle and Confer
going to the east end switch engine
The Rock Island railroad now owns
and operates its own private telegraph
wires as far east as New York City be
ing the first western road to discontinue
the Western Union service east of Chi
The Burlington company is scrapping
its 20 foot freight cars on the theory that
they are too small to be profitably haul
ed over the road They are selling them
for 20 apiece and a number have been
purchased by individuals in the city
The Rock Island has abandoned the
use of the 2000 mile credential book and
accepted the 2000 mile book good on
trains This makes the use of mileage
books uniform in all territory west of
Chicago and ends all complications
L S Sage who it will be remembered
recently succeeded J Kridelbaugh as
agent at Alliance on account of the pro
motion of the latter to the Omaha freight
office will go to Beatrice some time this
week for the purpose of moving his fam
ily and belongings to Alliance Alliance
One of the number of iron bridges be
ing placed by the Burlington is to span
Indian creek near Wymore This will
be one of the regulation spans set on
concrete piers Orders have been re
ceived at the Lincoln shops from the
bridge department for the pier boxes in
which the supports for the steel struc
ture will be formed
James F Whiteford formerly a ma
chinist in the Burlington shops here but
now in the Union Pacific service at
Omaha has reached the position of
chief inspector and at present is assign
ed for duty in Philadelphia inspecting
the work of construction of a number of
locomotives for the company by the
great Baldwin works
President Harris Chairman Perkins
of the board of directors General Man-
Toilet Goods
The items of toilet goods you fail
to find elsewhere are here
We take special pride in our
toilet goods department carrying
an assortment rarely equalled You
will save time and promote your
interest by coming to us for your
needs in this line
nger Holdrege General Attornoy Man
derson and other high officials of tho
Turlington system spent a fow hours in
the city last Friday afternoon while I
over tho road in their special train on a
trip of inspection From hero Mr Per 1
kins went down to his hunting preserve
near Herndon Kansas to enjoy a short
A liurlmgton man who visits Denver
occasionally says that tho miners strike
has had a disastrous effect on business
in Colorado Ho says tho feeling out
there is that something must bo done to
prevent violence following every strike
Tho miners havo caused much unfavor
able sentiment to bo formed against all
unions ny resorting to violence ho says
Tho effect has been to lessen thojbusi
ness carried by railroads and to annihi
late the prosperity that during tho Hum
mer months hovered over Colorado
Lincoln Journal
Thanksgiving Services
Union services will be held Thanks
giving day Thursday Nov 2G at II
oclock in tho M E church Tho fol
lowing will be the order of services Or
gan voluntary Gloria Patria Singing
x rayer faoio scripture reading Sing
ing Reading of Thanksgiving procla
mation Anthem Sermon by Rev C
R Betts Singing Benediction
God has blessed us with a bountiful
crop success in all lines of business
health reason and life Tho president
of our nation and tho governor of our
state have called upon us to gather in
our houses of worship to thank God the
giver of all for His great goodness aud
mercy and it is very litting indeed
that wo should So let us all join in
thanksgiving and praise on this day
Come yo thankful people come
Kaiso the song of harvest home
All in safety gathered in
Erotho winter storms begin
God our maker doth provido
For our wants to bo supplied
Come to Gods own temple come
Raise the song of harvest home
Elall of Noble Camp No GG3 of Mc
Cook Neb Modern Woodmen of Amer
Whereaa in the providence of God
our beloved brother Charles L DeGroff
has been removed from our midst to his
eternal home therefore bo it
Resolved by Noble Camp No 603 M
W of A that in the death of ouresteem
ed noighbor C L DeGroff our camp de
plores the loss of one of its most honor
ed members That this camp extend
to his family our sincerest sympathy in
their great affliction and we commend
them for consolation to the Father who
doeth all things well
Resolved That our charter be draped
in morning for a period of 30 days and
that these resolutions be spread upon
the records of this camp a copy sent to
the bereaved family and a copy to our
local papers T F Rowell
J II Bennett
I M Smith
County Treasurer Preparing Notices
Circular letters are being prepared in
the county treasurers office and each
tax payer in the county will during
December be notified of his delinquency
Under tho new revenue law personal
taxes for 1903 and all previous years will
become delinquent on the first day of
February and the county treasurer is
compelled to issue distress warrants for
all personal taxes not paid by that date
Real estate taxes will become delinquent
May 1st as under the old law Prepare
to pay your personal taxes before Febru
ary 1st
Horse Strayed or Stolen
from the Menard place 4 miles south
west of McCook sorrel color star in
forehead branded on left foreleg com
ing three years old Suitable reward for
information or return of animal
John Moore
The First Cold Snap of Winter
This section of the state in common
with much of the country has experien
ced its first cold snap of the winter this
week The thermometer reached the
neighborhood of zero Tuesday and
Wednesday mornings
They Do Say
that Coleman has the largest and finest
assortment of carving sets ever brought
to McCook and Thanksgiving is about
to knock at the door They are war
ranted no matter how high the turkeys
Bloodhounds and Scotch Terriers
Registered pedigreed young Blood
hounds and thoroughbred Scotch Ter
riers for sale See R McDonald on the
Morlan farm
The Danbury Telephone club has pro
posed to extend a line down opposite
Redwillow if the Indianola club will get
a line out that far and from the Willow
the line will be extended to McCook
This will connect all the towns in the
county by an independent line Indian
ola Reporter
The Baptist brethren have installed a
new and larger and more efficient heater
in their church this week They ex
pect the same to be in readiness for ser
vice Sunday and to remove a source of
some annoyance and discomfort in past
The display of books pictures and
fancy lamps being shown by Cone Bros
is attracting much attention
See the publisher about your holiday
advertising It will pay you to be
soon Choicer positions etc
Mens absolutely all wool undershirts
and drawers 1 each at the Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
Beautiful line of Ideal wool and silk
waists now showing at the Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
The Fortnightly people held a dance
last Friday night
No 13 for aches and pains at McCon
nells drug store
0 9
Only S Cents Extra
For The Tkiiicne and Tho Weekly
Intor Ocean of Chicago tho leading
paper of tho West Improved and
strengthened by tho addition o many
now foatures Enlarged farm de
partmentforestry nnd floriculture
care of tho horse Homo Health
Club Mine Midlands boa I Mi
beauty hints now household ideas
practical cookory latest styles for
all ages best fiction full crop and
market reports Tho Inter Ocean is
tho only western paper receiving in
addition to tho
Associated Press re
ports tho entire telegraphic news
servico of tho New York Sun and
special cablo of the New York World
besides daily reports from over 2000
special correspondents All this for
ouly 5c extra McCook Tiiiine 1
Weekly Intor Ocean 81 both for 1
year for 103 This offor open only
a few weeks And is onnn rn nil
subscribers who will pay their sub
scription 1 year in advance nn well
as to new subscribers to The McCook
Kodaks and supplies at Cono Bros
Everything in drugs McConnkll
Glass paints oils
s couirn
anteed Try it
Sale bills promptly
done at this office
and wall paper at
euro is fully guar-
and artistically
Chafing dishes baking dishes
etc at W T Colemans
Mittens sweaters caps leggins and
overshoes at tho Bee Hive
Sale 15 brood
Scale books
sows soon
P Walsh
Typewriter pajwrs
The Tkniune
Large line of childrens boys
mens sweaters from 50c to 3 at
Spates straps sharpeners files and
all the things for skating at tho Beo
Headquarters for fleece lined wrappers
and dress sacques Tho Thompson Drv
Goods Co
Handsome variety and large stock of
silverware hollow and flat at W T
Union suits for men bovs women and
children from 25c to 250 at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
No need to send to tho city for them
Coleman has them Potato scoops tim
blo irons salad moulds etc
One of the greatest sports on earth
for young and old Kodakery Ask
for catalogue at Cone Bros
For the finest stationery choicest
perfumes and best toilet articles of all
kinds you should go to Cone Bros
Nicely furnished room with piano
Two gentlemen desired Two blocks
from postoffice W A Richardson
lino of ladies misses and
ctiilJrens cloaks from ly00 down to
100 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Kodakery means photography with
the bother left out You may find a
catalogue and get information at Cone
Half inch of ice Wednesday morning
Boys look up your skates and if there is
anything needed we have a full supply
at the Bee Hive
There is nothing rarer than a day in
June unless it be some of that cut
glass at W T Colemans Beautiful
patterns superb designs large selection
Strength and vigor come of good food
duly digested Force a ready-to-serve
wheat and barley food adds no
burden but sustains nourishes invigor
ates 9 11 tf
Mens corduroy suits 050 pants 200
Boys corduroy pants 50c Mens cassi
mere suits 3 50 to 1350 Mens an
gora fur lined coats 400 Mens heavy
blanket lined corduroy suits S00atThe
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Tho Craw sale came off last Saturday
as advertised and everything brought
good prices E J Mitchell the auc
tioneer from McCook certainly under
stands the business of handling sales
and Mr Craw is well pleaed with his
work Stratton Herald Nov 12
The Arington Swain Comedy Co
which js finishing up a weeks stand in
this city has secured a warm place in
the hearts of our theater goers- The
company is made up of such well known
people as Mack Swain Mayme Aring
ton Frank Emmons Al Gorrell Dollie
Jarvis Cora Swain C D Hesse Jack
Forrester C Hatfield C D Fields Ike
Smith and Ben Harris The pianist
Miss Janie B Grant is a fine musician
and deserves much credit They are
excellent in their lines and especially
are Mack Swain and wife and Mayme
Arington superfine in any part they
may take The company from begin
ning to end are so well adapted for the
various features that the audiences in
crease each night Mr Arington the
jovial manager is a great organizer and
having spent a life time on the stage
knows what the people want and as a
consequence none but the best of talent
is allowed in his company One feature
that is commendable is that there are no
tiresome waits every minute is consum
ed in choice amusements for the audi
ences benefit You always get your
moneys worth if you attend Arington fc
Swains comedians Commercial Ad
vertiser Red Cloud November G