IVIcCook Tribune F M KIMMELL Publisher MCOOK NEBRASKA 1 1 in ii i f in i itmawffWr r t n Lsans 3 THE NEWS IN BRIEF 1 For two years the oil consumption of the world has exceeded the produc tion Earcn IwasaklHisya the richest young man In Japan is touring the - United States The Duke and Duchess of Manches ter are to pay another visit to the - United States Robert Goelet of New York denies being married to Miss Eleanor eon a telegraph operator A locomotive testing laboratory will te a feature of the Transportation Building of the Worlds fair Microscopic experiments show that the electrically made steel is not dif ferent in any way from crucible steel There are nearly 600 case of scarle v tina inHavana Recoveries are gen erally rapid There have been few dedhs - Of the strikes in Great Britain last i year 8G6917 were successful 35515 unsuccessful and 41G45 accepted com promise There have been twenty nine deaths from the plague and fifty two fresh cases of the disease during the last week at Rio Janeiro Most of the strike troubles are con fined to Spain and the United States Maybe this is a punishment to the two countries for warring with each other The coke trade continues on the de cline There was some hope last week that November would bring an im provement but Instead the indications are no better No speeches were made during the luncheon given to royal personages at Wolfsgarlen Germany In the after noon Emperor William and the czar jlayed tennis Senator Stewart of Nevada is the only man in the senate who has never been shaved His beard began to grow when he was 16 and has been growing for sixty years The Northern Pacific Railroad com pany has declared a dividend of 1 per cent and an extra dividend of of 1 per cent This makes 7 per cent for the present calendar year The conference between Count von Buelow and Count Latosdorff at the castle of Darmstadt Germany on Wednesday was on the situation in the Balkans and in the far east During the ten months of the calen dar year ending October 30 121113 immigrants had arrived in Canada Of these 39046 were from the United States 47341 from the British isles and34528 from the continent of ope Major C R Scoby agent of the Fort Peck Indian reservation has is sued a proclamation declaring that all non residents who may be found driv ing stock within the boundaries of the reservation will be treated as out Jaws m Pesti Hirlap reports that Captain Bease an American while traveling iu uuiifiiu jr uroppea aeaa at zamobor He had just ieen visiting the grave of his daughter who had died at Zam obor five years ago General John C Black commander-in-chief of the G A R who has been at the Garfield hospital in Washing ton suffering from a rheumatic attack is reported to be getting along as well as can be expected Miss Lolita Armour the daughter of Mr and Mrs Ogden Armour hi Chicago who was operated upon by Dr Lorenz will give further proof of her recovery by taking dancing les sons in the near future The Chinese are more enraged at the Russian proceedings at Mukden than they have been at any event since the capture of Peking Some of the hot headed members of the council have advised the dowager em press to declare war on Russia Rev Horatio Brotherton pastor of Trinity Baptist church Cleveland O and prominent in the latter denom ination died as the result of paraly sis which attacked him on Monday last Deceased was 55 years of age Four hundred workmen in the bloom mill and the Iron and steel fin ishing departments of the Pencoyd iron works at Philadelphia Pa were laid off making a total of nearly 2000 men rendered idle by the gradual clos ing of the big plants The eight inch steel mill will be closed on Saturday which will complete the shutdown - Almost unaided Rev W A Lewis of the Cherry Valley Pa Methodist church rebuilt the house of worship In which his congregation assembled He didVthe painting mason and car penter work and even carried the bricks and mortar us a 30 foot ladder It is calculated that the number of timber sleeps on the railways of the world does not fall short of 1495000 900 and a low estimate of their value is 900000000 This alone constitut ed a serious drain on the timber sup plies of the wbrld esESaa UBAN CONCRES THE REGULAR SESSION OPENS IN DUE FORM WHAT THE CUBANS HOPE FOR President Palma Believes That the Coming Extra Session of Congress Will Adopt Treaty His Message and the Subjects Dealt With HAVANA The regular session of congress opened Monday afternoon Tle recommendations In the message of President Palma were chiefly of a general character The much dfs cussed loan taxes are not gone into at length and no amendment to the loan law is suggested The president promises a special message with ref erence to the negotiations of the loan commissioners who went to New York who the message says are cer tain that the loan can be obtained in the United States Continuing the message assurds congress of the presidents zeal in carrying out the payment of the revo lutionary army and Senor Palma de nies all assertions to the contrary made by persons whom he terms cer tain turbulent spirits Referring to the relations between Cuba and the United States the mess age says Our political relations with the United States have been definitely set tled by treaties founded on terms of the constitutional appendix and the latter could not be eliminated from the constitution by the mere reading of these treaties Congress can appreciate that with in the precise terms of the Piatt amendment Cuba has obtained no few advantages Of the two forms cf ces sion of naval coaling stations by sale or by lease the -one least harmful to Cuban sentiment was adopted and the smallest limit as to the number of stations granted was made the regula tions in the cases contain other limi tations favorable to Cuba The gov ernment is acquiring territory within the stations and will soon formally de liver the areas marked out The honorable President Roosevelt to whom the people of Cuban feel such profound gratitude has been faithful to his word and has convenec the American congress in special ses sion for the purpose of taking action on the pending reciprocity treaty from which we hope to receive such great benefits Trustworthy information has been received by the executive which war rants the belief that this treaty will be ratified The president congratulates the Cuban people on their love of order evidenced by the cry of indignation which resounded from one end of the island to the other when a few men sought to create disturbances He says instances such as these have shown the capacity of the Cuban peo ple for self government President Palma condemned the leaders of this movement whom he said were too cowardly to make themselves known Memphis Is Shaken Up MEMPHIS Tenn A distinct earthquake shock was felt all over Memphis Wednesday morning No damage was done but in a number of instances tenants in high build ings hastened to the streets An other distinct shocks occurred at 115 p m Reports from surrounding towns tell of earthquake shocks but no se rious damages is reported The vi brations were felt as far south as Grenada Miss Colorado Bank is Closed VICTOR Colo The First National bank of this city a controlling inter est in which is owned by the Woods Investment company closed its doors shortly before 2 oclock Wednesday afternoon A notice was posted say ing that the bank was in the hands of the comptroller of the currency The banks capital is 50000 The de posits amount to about 3000 A quiet run on the bank had been in progress for several days Three Hundred Arc KillcJ LONDON A dispatch to the Daily Mail from Simla says terrible earth quakes have occurred at Turshise near in Persia in which 350 persons were killed and numbers were Injured One hundred and eighty four carpetfactories were destroyed and only thirty two stalls were left standing in the great bazaar The entire town was practically de melished Destitution in Lebrador ST JOHNS N F Extreme des titution is reported from many parts of Labrador owing to the shortage of the fishery catch Unless relief be provided by the government it is be lieved that many of the people will perish One vessel already dispatch ed with provisions has not yet been reported as arrived and the supplies which were carried by the ship will have to be duplicated and sent by an other ship- rz OFF FOR A HONEYMOON Laconic Meccage Sent by Eloping Girl to Her Parents In Chicago and New York anxious relatives are still seeking some trace of Mabel Hunter the heiress who eloped while returning from Chicago to her Eastern home The hunt for IZ4KEL fZVP the girl is made far more difficult by the fact that none or her family or friends knows with whom she eloped All the information on this point is contained in a letter the young wom an sent her cousin E C Hegler in New York This stated Have married Charlie Hope you wont be angry You surely didnt think I came all the way from Chica go to see Little Old New York did you Please break the news to Aunt Sarah Charlie and I are off for a honeymoon Dont worry Some of her friends think Charlie is a Northwestern university student whom Miss Hunter knew -when a child She had just been graduated from school in Chicago when she dis appeared STATEMENT OF PUBLIC DEBT Indebtedness 1299039993 Increase of 2649956 for September WASHINGTON The monthly state ment of the public debt shows that at the close of business October 31 1903 the total debt less cash in the treas ury amounted to 920402501 which is an increase for the month of 2 649956 The debt is recapitulaLed as follows Interest bearing debt 905277060 debt on which interest has ceased since maturity 1196930 debt bear ing no interest 392505913 total 1 299039993 This amount however does not in clude 919843869 in certificates and treasury notes outstanding which are offset by an equal amount of cash on hand for their redemption GOES TO ENGLAND TO REST Commander Booth Tucker to Visit His NEW YORK Commander Booth Tucker of the Salvation Army sailed for England Wednesday on the Cedric in response to a cablegram from Gen eral William Booth the head of the army It was said at Salvation Army headquarters that the commander had been overcome by the sudden death of his wife and that General Booth wish ed him to take a few days of rest and to recover from the shock of his be reavement Among Salvationists It Is said that General Booth is suffering greatly from the shock of his daughters death and on account of his age it is feared the result may be serious HELD FOR RANSOM OF 100000 Wentz is Captive in the Cumberland Mountains CHICAGO 111 A dispatch to the Tribune from Bristcl Tenn says Edward L Wentz the young Phila delphia millionaire who mysteriously disappeared from his fathers home at Big Stone Gap Va October 14 is alive and a captive in the Cumberland mountains A letter has just been re ceived from him addressed to his par ents in which he states that he is well and asks that the ransom of 100000 demanded by his captors be at once paid so that he can get his freedom Negotiations for his release are be ing made New Austrian Emigration Law VIENNA The new emigration law of Austria which now awaiting tho approval of the ministry of justice abolishes the existing provision under which emigrants of all classes lose their Austrian citizenship Under the new law emigrants for economical rea sons will continue to be regarded as Austrian citizens and efforts will be made to keep in touch and assist them in the country to which they emigrate Mrs Ingersoll Brings Suit BOSTON Mass An interesting case in the United States circuit court on Wednesday was that of the bill of Mrs Eva Ingersoll of Dobbs Ferry N Y widow of the late Colonel Rob ert G Ingersoll to establish an at torneys lien for 95000 for services performed by Colonel Igersoll as coun sel for the contestants in the cele brated contest of the will of An drew J Davis the Montana copper King EXTRA CONGRESS WILL BE CALLED TO ORDER AT NOON MONDAY LITTLE WORK THE FIRST WEEK Reorganization of House Will Be Fol lowed by Introduction of Bills Presidents Mcssaye on -Tuesday The First Week in the Senate WASHINGTON Phe house of rep resentatives will be called to order at noon Monday by Alexander McDowell the clerk The opening of congress always is of sufficient interest to at tract a much larger crowd to the cap ital than the galleries will accommo date so admission will be by card two being supplied to each member There will he the usual floral dis plays to lend picturcsqueness to what will necessarily be a routine program The proclamation of the president convening congress in extraordinary session having been read prayer will be offered by the chaplain and then the roll will be called by states Mr Cannon who has been selected as the unanimous choice of his party for speaker will be formally elected After the oath of office is adminis tered to him by the father of the house a title bestowed upon the member who has seen the longest continuous service the speaker will administer the oath to the members crenerallv The old officers of the hoifsa hav ing been made the nominees of the republican caucus will be re elected and sworn in Speaker Cannon will appoint a committee to join a com mittee of the senate to notify the president that a quorum of the two houses has assembled and that con gress is ready to receive any com munication he may desire to make After adopting resolutions agreed upon in the republican caucus mak ing the rules of the Fifty seventh con gress the rules of the Fifty eighth congress and fixing an hour for the convening of the daily sessions the drawing of seats will take place The necessary preliminary work having been disposed of the house in all probability will adjourn out of respect to the memory of the members who have died On Tuesday the house will listen to the reading of the presidents mes sage For the remainder of the week little can be accomplished but it is understood to be the desire of the house leaders that consideration of the question of reciprocal trade with Cuba be pushed as rapidly as possi ble The first week of the extra session will be devoted to the usual prelim inaries of a new session of congress The program for the week is to have four brief sessions and an adjurnment on Thursday until the following Mon day OPERATION ON THE EMPEROR German Ruler Has a Difficulty in His Throat BERLIN Emperor William Sunday underwent an operation for the re moval of a polypus from his larynx The operation was performed by Prof Moritz Schmidt and was entirely suc cessful The only inconvenience suf fered by his majesty is that he has been enjoined not to speaic until tne wound caused by the operation has been healed The bulletins announcing the result of the operation caused much aston ishment even among court officials who had no suspicion that his ma jesty was suffering from an affection of the throat Boundary Award is Final OTTAWA Ont Hon Clifford Sif ton one of the Canadian representa tives on the Alaskan boundary tribu nal returned to Ottawa Sunday The decision rendered by the commission must be accepted as final he said No matter how Canadian might feel about the justice of the award In his opinion is was proven without doubt that the Portland channel ran to the north of Pearce Wales Sitklan and Kannaghaunut islands Home Rulers Victorious HONOLULU The returns of elec tions for county officers are now com plete They show that the home rule party has achieved a sweeping victory in -the island of Mauai while most of their candidates in Hawaii island have also been elected Skinner Reaches Beyroot WASHINGTON Secretary Moody received a dispatch announcing the arrival of the gunboat Machias at Beyroot on its way to Jibuti French Somaliland with Consul General Skinner and the other members of the Abyssinian expedition Machias stopped at Beyroot to take aboard a detachment of marines from Brook lyn and San Francisco which is to escort the consul generals party into the interior of Abyssinia WORD COMES FROM HAY He Outlines Position of United States in Panama Affairs WASHINGTON The United States government has recognized the de facto government of Panama It was announced at the state department af ter the return of Secretary Hay from the cabinet meeting that instructions have been sent to United States Min ister Beaupre at Bogota assuming that he has not Jeft the capital yet and to Mr Ehrman the United States vice consul at Panama and now act 1 ing consul there to inform the govern ments of Colombia and Panama re spectively that the de facto govern ment is recognized The decision to recognize the de facto government of Panama was ar rived at after a protracted session of the cabinet Friday at which every member was present except Secre taries Root and Wilson The presi dent emphasized the importance of the recognition of the de facto gov ernment With the withdrawal of the Colombian officials the isthmus was left entirely without a govern ment unless that established by the secessionists should be recognized and this step seemed necessary for the transaction of the routine busi ness of the United States on the isth mus NINE DIE FROM FIRE Caught in the Underground Workings cf Mine at Virginia City Mont BUTTE Mont A Virginia City special to the Miner says fire in the Kearsarge mines six miles from Vir ginia City early this morning killed nine men The damage to the surface buildings is slight Among the dead is Superintendent R B Turner of Butte one of the best known mining men in the northwest Four bodies have been recovered up tonight All dead miners are from Butte and were sin gle men The Kearsarge is one of the prin cipal gold mines of the state and is considered very valuable It is oper ated by the Elder Mining company May Issue an Ultimatum CONTANTINOPLE In consequence of the portes reply pleading the superfluity of the new reform scheme for Macedonia on the ground that Turkey is carrying out the proposals previously agreed to it is believed Austria and Russia will send an ulti matum giving Turkey a fixed term within which to accept the proposals and that in the event of refusal the two powers will take steps compel ling action Powell Cables for Warship WASHINGTON A cablegram has been received at the state department from United States Minister Powell dated at Domingo City stating that the insurgents are marching on that city and asking that a warship be at once sent there The cruiser Balti more which sailed from Hampton Roads several days ago is now due at San Domingo and the state depart ment believes that her presence there will be sufficient All Quiet at Pine Ridge WASHINGTON Indian Agent Brennan in charge of the Pine Ridge agency South Dakota in reporting on the conditions there in connection there in connection with the recent troubles telegraphed the Indian bu reau as follovs Everything quiet on reservation No excitement nor is there likely to be any among the Indians Machen Trial November 23 WASHINGTON The cases of A W Machen Diller B and Samuel A Groff and George E and Martha Lorenz in dicted on charges of conspiracy in con nection with the sale of letter box fasteners to the postoffice department were Monday set for trial on Novem ber 23 Asks for Recognition WASHINGTON The United States government received a cablegram from Panama requesting that it rec ognize the new government The offi cials here are as yet in ignorpnee as to what tnis new government consists of and have taken no action on the request Redeeming 1904 Bonds WASHINGTON Secretary Shaw has given notice that on February 2 1904 interest wiH cease on such of the 5 per cent bonds of 1904 as may be outstanding on that date The re demption of these bonds will continue with interest until maturity Great Strike is Imminent CHICAGO It is probable that by the latter part of next week there will be great strikes in the stock yards in this city All the unions have di rected their representatives to vote for a strike at the meeting which will be held next Thursday The sau sage makers and canners have been out for some time and the canmakers have struck in sympathy The gen eral strike will be for the same reason HINESE FOR WAR SOME MEMBERS ADVISE COM MENCING HOSTILITIES THE OCCUPATION OF- MUKDEK Chinese Greatly Enraged at Russian Proceedings Demand Repeated for the Exclusion of Major Wong PEKING Yuen Shi Kay viceroy of Chi Li province who as cabled to- the Associated Press was dispatched to Mukden by the dowager empress with Instructions to Investigate affairs there and if possible to arrange a set tlement with the Russians did not go any further than Tien Tsin which ho reached Thursday evening It Is now considered doubtful whether he will go to Mukden at all The Chinese are more enraged ad the Russian proceedings at Mukden than they have been by any events since the capture of Peking Some of the hot headed members of the coun cil have advised the dowager em press to declare war on Russia and send trooss to release the tartar gen eral whose detention at Mukden growing out of the decapitation of a Chinese bandit who had enlisted in the Russian service but who fell into the hands of the Chinese after the Russians hod evacuated Mukden wounds Chinese susceptibilities since it is considered to be not only an In sult to a high official but an Insult to the Chinese government itself Better informed officials however realize the helplessness of China and the madness of attempting to go to war with Russia Their counsels have hitherto prevailed though there is much baseless war talk in the na tive press and among the younger Chinese officials Paul Lessar the Russian minister to Ciiina has repeated the demands of Russia for the execution of Major Wong who recently decapitated a noted brigand in Russian employ and the dismissal of Yuen the taotai of Mukden who is Wongs superior of ficer MESSAGES TO THE MINISTERS How News is to Be Broken to the Gov ernments Concerned WASHINGTON The following tel egram was sent to the state depart ment to Mr Ehrman the acting con sul general at Panama The people of Panama have by an apparently unanimous movement dissolved their political relations with the republic of Colombia and assumed their independence When you are satisfied that a de facto government republican in fofta and without sub stantial opposition from its own peo ple has been established in the stat6 of Panama you will enter into rela tions with It as the responsible I ernment of the territory- and look to it for all due action to protect the persons and property of citizens of the United States and to keep open the isthmian transit in accordance with the obligations of existing treaties governing the relations of the United States to that territory Immediately after an instruction was sent by telegraph to Mr Beaupre the United States Minister at Bogota in about the same terms DOWIE INDORSES ROOSEVELT Elijahs Business Cabinet Visits the President WASHINGTON Presfdent Roose velt received the indorsement of Alex ander J Dowie the Zion prophet on Monday in an Interview granted at the executive offices to the Dowie busi ness cabinet who are on their way from New York to Zion City Judge Barnes the spokesman delivered the indorsement of the prophet The president expressed his appre ciation of the sentiment After the interview with the president the Zion ists were joined by the women ol the party and inspected the White House Historian Mommsen Stricken BERLIN Prof Mommsen the his torian who was born in 1817 has suf fered a severe apoplectic stroke He is unconscious His left side is para lyzed and there is little hope of his recovery Chilean Crisis to End SANTIAGO DE CUBA The minis ters of the general affairs finances and war have withdrawn their resig nations tendered October 31 and the crisis is expected to end soon Union Men Must Pay Fines KANSAS CITY James Hill anc John T Linsley drivers for a depart ment store and Ernest H Trekell a driver for the United States Express company union men were fined 10C each in police court here Tuesday fot stoning a wagon driven by a non union man a strike breaker Notice of appeal was given The men were sent to jail while their friends hur ried around to raise enough money to pay their fines 1 A x S AV ife V-