The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 13, 1903, Image 1

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Little Henry Harmons Sudden Summons
Littlo lluury Harnion son of Mr and
Mrs W 11 Harmon weut to bed Inst
Saturday evening so far as the parents
know in as good health us usual Dur
ing tho night ho nwoko his parents He
was in great agony in convulsions
Medical aid was summoned but in
spite of every effort mado for him death
claimed tho littlo follow about 7 oclock
Sunday morning Death was attributed
to brain fever
It will be remembered that Henry ac
cidentally shot himself with a small
caliber revolver about a year since the
bullet entering the oyo at tho nose An
artery was injured and he narrowly
escaped bleeding to death It is said
that a football recently dropped onto
his head from quite a height and by
some it is thought all these facts may
have had some bearing on his sudden
death Sunday morning
Tho funeral was held on Monday
afternoon from tho Methodist church
Bev M 13 Carman conducting the ser
vices Burial followed in Riverview
Henry Harmon was born September
29th 189G died November 8th 1903 be
ing 7 years 1 month and 9 days old at
his death
Tho boreaved parents and members of
the family are most sincerely sympathiz
ed with in this great and sudden sorrow
We take this opportunity of thanking
our friends and neighbors who so kind
ly belpod and sympathized with us in
tho -death of our little Henry Words
cannot express our gratitude and ap
preciation for your loving kindness
Maj the great God of all bless and keep
you Mr and Mrs W II Harmon
and Family
Death entered tho home of Mr and
Mrs W H Harmon Sunday morning
Nov 8 1903 at 730 and took from them
their youngest child Henry J aged 7
5 ears 1 month and 29 days
Little Henry had always been a deli
cate child but attended school as usual
Friday and seemed as well as usual
Friday evening he drew a picture and
remarked to his brother that That
would be the last work he would ever do
He was taken suddenly ill Friday night
but was not considered dangerous until
Saturday night Medical aid was called
and all done that could be to relievo his
suffering After several hours of suffer
ing tho little one was relieved by tho
angel of death and went unto Him who
said Suffer the little ones to come unto
me aud forbid them not for of such is
the kingdom of heaven
The funeral services were held in the
Methodist church Monday afternoon
at 2 oclock and were conducted by Revs
Carman and Betts and were attended by
man neighbors and friends The ser
vices were very impressive and beauti
ful The church was beautifully deco
rated with potted plants and beautiful
The First grade of the public schools
attended the funeral services of their
little school mate in a body and the
pall bearers were selected from among
his little friends
Interment followed in Riverview ceme
tery The heartfelt sympathy of thej
entire community is extended the be
reaved parents in their sudden sorrow
Never was more fully fulfilled the scrip
tural injunction Bear ye one anoth
ers burdens than in this instance
I cannot say and I will not say
That ho is dead he is just away
With a lovinc stnilo and a wave of tho hand
He has entered into the heavenly land
And left us dreaming how very fair
It need must be since he lingers there
Think 01 him Ftill as tho same I say
He is not dead he is just away
By a Friend
Our Winter is Just Commencing
and in order to be prepared wo have con
cluded to make a big reduction for the
supply of mens and boys overcoats
suits shoes caps underwear trunks etc
Special low prices on mens youths and
boys overcoats Come in and let us
figure with you on your winter supplies
in clothing
Diamonds Clothing and Shoe Store
Its All Over Now
That is the election is over for this
year but the matter of good whole
some juicy meats is still of first and
vital importance to all It will incerest
you to know that Marsh has been elect
ed by an overwhelming majority to con
tinue selling the best meats to the peo
ple all the time -Same old location
same prompt service and courteous treat
Dorcas Meeting Next Thursday
There will be a meeting of the Dorcas
society of the Congregational church
next Thursday afternoon at 230 at the
homo of Mrs J E Kelley There is an
abundance of work on hand and all
members and friends are urged to bo
Guaranteed Not to Tarnish
Argentine ware nickel and silver is
absolutely guaranteed to not tarnish
W T Coleman has a large and fine as
sortment teasets soup toureens bon
bon dishes trays nut bowls etc
That Thanksgiving Turkey
will not be just right unless cooked in
one of those self basting roasters at W
T Colemans
JB Cummings of Lebanon Nebr
was on the market with a load of hogs
of his own raising and feeding that sold
for 535 tho top price of the day Tho
hogs were Poland Chinas and averaged
218 pounds Omaha Bee Oct 28
McMillans Cream Lotion for hands
and face dries perfectly and leaves the
skin smooth and soft
The coyotes have been causing much
loss among J A Snyders young calves
Dont hide your light under a bushel
basket advertise in a newspaper
McConnells balsam cures coughs
Verlie Berry left Monday night for
Concordia Kansas where he has secur
ed a position as pharmacist
Miss Edna Yargar was hostess at the
last regular gathering of tho Awl Os
Tuesday evening of this week
O M Knipple and family expect to
move into their new home the Engel
residence Saturday of next week
C F Babcock has moved his office to
the front rooms in the Spearman build
ing over Melius tailoring establishment
W N Rogers and E J Mitchell ar
rived home Thursday from attending a
Horeford cattle sale at Blue Rapids
A E Yorker of Rockford Iowa is
in the city a guest of Mr and Mrs P
E Potter He is a brother-in-law of
Mrs Potters
MrS Herman Pade arrived home
last Friday night from spending the
summer in Fond du Lac Wisconsin
with her sister
E D Einsel formerly postmaster at
Holdrege now of Murfreesboro Tenn
was in the city Sunday while up in
Nebraska on business
Mrs Thomas Burge and two daugh
ters are here from Prentice Wis on a
visit to Mrs Burges parents and other
relatives Wilsonville Review Gth
B F Wilson of Coleman precinct has
rented rooms in McCook and his lady
and self now occupy them Miss Lizzie
Wilson is working at the National hotel
Miss Ora McElvain the nurse well
known to many McCook people arrived
from Illinois Tuesday on No 1 to nurse
Mrs J W Parks Mrs Emerson Han
sons mother
John Gilcrest of Omaha agent of
the Fidelity and Guaranty Co of Mary
land was in the city first of tho week
on business of that great bonding com
pany of Baltimore
Amos Bower was in Omaha first of
the week and took the examination for
admission into the railway mail service
He was successful and has been ap
pointed a substitute clerk but has not
yet been assigned to duty
J M Rupp who is responsible for
the brick work in the Catholic church
of our city went over to Lebanon last
week and has commenced work on a
big brick building in that burg He
took a force of 5 men with him
Mrs Emma Ellis came in from Iowa
first of the week and is spending a week
or ten days here overseeing the erection
of a monument over the tomb of her
departed husband Ned Ellis who for
many years worked for the company in
the round house at this place
Best Missouri Apples
Will have fine shipment on track
pay day November 16 17 18 19
Come and lay in your supply for
winter Sample free
M A Bundle g
Cows Choked to Death
James Ferrier and others about Cul
bertson have had a number of cows choke
to death while eating sugar beets Jf
they had had one of W T Colemans
sugar beet cutters it wouldnt have hap
pened A word to the wise is sufficient
Mens corduroy suits S650 pants 8200
Boys corduroy pants 50c Mens cassi
niere suits 350 to 1350 Mens an
gora fur lined coats 100 Mens heavy
blanket lined corduroy suits 800 at Tho
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
A well meaning friend of A E Petty
came near forcing him into involuntary
liquidation this week by shipping him
a present of two barrels of fine Michigan
apples The freight charges were only
Tho remains of the infant child of Mr
and Mrs S C Dragoo of Indianola were
brought to the city Sunday and in the
afternoon at about 2 oclock were buried
in Riverview cemetery
Boys lined all leather mittens with
yarn wrist only 10c a pair at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos One price plain
figures cash only
Dress skirts and walking skirts to your
measure Fifty kept mado up ready to
wear 200 to 900 To your measure at
same prices The Thompson Drv Goods
Largest line of ladies misses and
childrens -cloaks from 1500 down to
100 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
The ladies of the M E church expect
to have a rummage sale at an early date
No 13 for aches and pains at McCon
nells drug store
A book of which mention has already
been mado in this column but which
seems to be worthy of more extended
notice is the Little Shopherd of King
dom Come by John Fox It is a story
of Kentucky life before and during the
war One has in this book a glimpse of
tho primitivo existence of tho mountain
eer frei picturesque almost barbar
ous not unattractive in some ways in
others mean and narrow One seestoo
life as it was lived on tho great estates
of the blue grass life as nearly ideal
it may bo believed as it is possible for
men to lead on earth rof the blue grass
whore wealth and culture abound and
where every stranger was welcomed
To those of us who came after the
distressing period of the civil war the
latter half of the book is perhapsmost
interesting A vivid picture of the con
ditions that prevailed on the border be
tweeu north and south is drawn No
where were tho horrors of that conflict
more keenly realized than there Else
where the majority of the residents of a
community were either federalists or
confederates Few southern sympathiz
ers were in tho north few northern sym
pathizers were in tho south but in Ken
tucky even families were divided one
brother going to battle with the blue
while tho other threw his lot in with tho
While we must conclude that our
author believed in the justice of the un
ion cause still he does not hesitate to
criticise the conduct of tho war on the
part of the north At this late day
when we can give to these questions the
calm deliberation they demand we must
admit that his denunciations are deserv
ed Of course only the immediate
effects of Avar are dealt with here If
one would know of wars permanent
effect he should read the Present
Epidemic of Crime in the November
number of the Century where all too
briefly a man who writes in quite a
different vein than Fox discusses war
from another standpoint
One can pick flaws in tho Little Shep
herd It seems scarcely to deserve the
enthusiasm the critics have expended
upon it It is a pretty harmless whole
some tale but hardly great It is a
romance and in romance the author is
permitted certain liberties that a realist
may not take The romanticists story
needs not be true needs not even be
probable so long as it entertains and is
not burlesque We may not pass judg
ment then because some of the inci
dents seem to be a little overdrawn be
cause we may doubt whether men and
women in real life would have done as
the authors characters are made to do
for it is a matter of no consequence
whether they would or not If one
Engine 318 has arrived from navelock
Engineer Walter Stokes is on the sick
Engincor William Wood has returned
to work
Engineer F G Westland was up from
Lincoln Tuesday
E Bateman of tho round house force
resigned Wednesday
A T Walters and J P Nelson are
new wipers this week
Fireman Chambers has been listed
with the ailing this Week
Casper Francks new dwelling on the
east side is about completed
William Middletoh is now night caller
vice O E Hendrick resigned
Brakeman G C Walters was in
Hastings Wednesday on business
Brakeman C II Downey mado a bus
iness trip to Cambridge this week
Fred Briggs made hisfirst run on the
road as an engineer Thursday on 119
Conductor A P Bonno was called in
to Omaha Wednesday nighton business
Fireman Dickenson returned Sunday
from his trip to his home in Red Cloud
Conductor C E Pope was up from
St Joe Monday on some personal busi
Fireman A G Nash has returned to
work after being on the sick list several
John Aland is a new boiler maker and
H Blaekmore an additional flue borer
this weok
Switchman and Mrs M G Stephen
son returned home Tuesday on 13 from
their St Joseph trip
Tho Burlingtons pay roll for October
is said to be the largest in the history of
the Western division
Brakeman G R Snyder has been off
duty part of the week on account of
sickness in the family
S V Ives is now running an engine
out of Greenville Texas and they re
port liking their new home
Brakeman J F Amick came up from
Red Cloud on 13 Tuesday and went to
Missouri on 14 same night
Engineer J H Moore has been away
on business and Engineer Walter Stokes
had his run part of this week
Conductor J Curran took a day off
and Conductor S E Callen went out on
his run Tuesday night the officers
W C Waugh is a new engineer on the
Western division Was transferred from
Lincoln and commenced work here last
H H Jackson returned to work first
search for specific objections they were kpf this week He has been out of com
hard to find although after one has read i mission for s
the book he feels that it is not entirely
satisfactory that it is not just as he
would like to have it
On the other hand it is not without
its merits Who for instance that
reads the book but must become attach
ed by the strongest bonds to Jack the
dog One regrets however that the
most dramatic incident in Jacks career
was borrowed from another book No
one who has read the earlier story can
fail to recognize tho old tale here and
while it may bo worth repeating still
the reader above all things else de
mands originality something new
For all this however the book is worth
Wanted 50 Men and Women
Lon Cone Co the enterprising
druggists are advertising today for 50
men and women to take advantage of
the special half price offer they are mak
ing on Dr Howards celebrated specific
for the cure of constipation and dyspep
sia and get a 50 cent package at half
price 25 cents
So positive are they of the remakable
power of this specific to cure these dis
eases as well as sick headaches and
liver troubles that they agree to refund
the money to any customer whom this
medicine does not quickly relieve and
With Dr Howards specific at hand
you can eat what you want and have no
fear of ill consequences It strengthens
the stomach gives perfect digestion
regulates the bowels creates an appetite
and makes life worth the living
This is an unusual opportunity to ob
tain GO doses of the best medicine ever
made for half its regular price with the
personal guarantee of a well known bus
iness firm to refund the money if it does
not give satisfaction
If you cannot call at Lon Cone Cos
store today send them 25 cents by mail
and they will send you a package
promptly charges paid
McCook Laundry Prize Contest
Ona Hendricks 690
Nellie Smith 604
Mamie Frank 145
Joe Mullen 96
SBrady 67
Maude Best 43
Edna Yargar 37
Maude Burgess 2S
For particulars phone 35
Bargains in down pillows for sale by
the ladies of the Dorcas society See
Mrs J E Kelley or Mrs F M Kimmell
Also have some dusting caps and clothes
pin bags for sale
Wp arf hiisv in zibelines sffinnrl
elines invisible checked zibelines plain
zibelines The right things at the right
cash prices The Thompson Dry Goods
As The Tribune has had occasion to
observe before pay cash as you go or
dont go Its cheaper if youre honest
Do you need a lamp chimney wick
or burner extras for bracket lamps We
have them at the Bee Hive
Union suits for men boys women and
children from 25c to 250 at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
No 13 for aches and pains at McCon
nells drug store
McConnells balsam cures coughs
several days on account of a
lame back
E M Harrington of the round house
force has been in Pawnee City this
week a witness in a burglary suit in
district court
J F Brown and H S Mitchell are
now firemen this week Also Jud
Rude who made his maiden trip Wed
nesday on 175
Claude Ward night caller has been
sick since last Friday and Austin
Rittenhouse and Hurley Dye have been
subbing for him
Brakeman C W Dewey and family
came home first of tho week from a
visit to her parents in Danbury and he
has resumed his run
W O Commons C L Dinnell and
A H Thole have resigned from the
paint gang and Paul Zeiler has return
ed to work in that department
Engineer and Mrs F G Westland
departed Wednesday evening for their
new home in Lincoln out of which
point he will run regularly in future
New pier forms for a bridge over the
Republican river near naigler are being
constructed in the Lincoln yards They
will be shipped in a short time and put
in place
Conductor H A Rouch was taken
sick at Akron Wednesday and Con
tor L S Watson went up on No 13 to
take charge of his train he being unable
to bring in the same
The work of filling in with cinders is
progressing at the depot and the brick
platform will be extended on to and be
yond the eating house as soon as the
first operation is finished
Orders have been received at Alliance
to use Sheridan coal on all engines run
ning west from here All surplus New
castle coal will bo sent to Alliance and
put in storage Alliance Times
Trainmaster Kenyon went in to Chi
cago last Saturday night on No 6 in
his capacity as a member of the advisory
board of the Burlington Relief depart
ment returninghome Thursday noon
Supt Campbell went up to Brush
Tuesday night on a special to meet the
officers special from the Alliance divi
sion and to accompany the brass collars
over the Western division on a trip of
Brakeman J F Amick of Red Cloud
has taken a layoff of a few weeks and
gone down to Southern Missouri to
witness the marriage of a sister Brake
man F W Jones is down on the branch
relieving him
The largest checks issued in a long
time for one month went to the follow
ing for work during October Conductor
J M McCracken 19460 his brakeman
James Ryan drew 130 and the highest
check drawn by an engineer was 208
These boys say it meant loss of a whole
lot of sleep and cost lots of grief to do
it Alliance Times
Roadmaster Wilburn of the Burling
ton has produced a pressed steel tie
which it is said can be produced for
150 That portion of the tie which
bears the strain of a train of cars is of
the same dimentions as tho wooden one
but the part some inches from the in
side is held in place by two braces
These braces are bolted to the body of
the tie and hold the rail in place On
the outside of the rail a short brace also
bolted serves tho samo purpose The
frame of the tie proper is in tho form of
a hollow half cylinder with tho open
side up This is to bo filled with dirt
cinders or slag Tho braces referred to
aro only a few inches thick but as there
is no strain there it is not necessary to
have tho tie the full width and thickness
of tho wooden one Lincoln Journal
A Thing of Beauty
By a tastef ui stroke or two L W Mc
Connell has transformed his wall paper
department into an art studio and he is
now delighting tho artistic sonso of the
community with an exhibition of framed
picturos etc such as perhaps has never
been shown in our city before Here is
abundnnco and varioty Etchings pas
tels photo colors small fancy picturos
Chinese pictures medallions rnro china
ware etc are tastefully and artistically
arranged for public inspection There
is a wido range in subjects and as broad
a scale of treatment and style
Tho prices prove that oven a littlo
money can secure a pretty picture while
the more generously equipped purses
demands can bo just as fully and satis
factorily filled
Next to the pictures themselves one is
struck by the modest richness and chaste
tastefulness of tho picturo frames Tho
new shapes and styles strongly appeal to
one Not so elaborate ornate and pon
derous as of old but appropriate pretty
artistic quite uniformly flat in shape
The invitation is to all to come and
see It will be a joy to you and those
in charge will take pleasure in showing
you Go while the exhibit is complete
Sold Plunder in Nebraska
Topeka Kas Nov G Frank Martin
alias Dutch and Robert Mann alias
Nebraska Doc were brought to To
peka today from St Joseph aud will bo
placed on trial in the federal court on
the charge of robbing the postoffice at
Morrill Kas They aio said to bo mem
bers of the organized gang of robbers
who have been operating in Kansas and
The United States authorities learned
more today of the practices of tho rob
bers A largo part of the spoils secured
on their trips were sold in Oxford Neb
It is understood that the officers of the
Burlington road were interested in the
capture of the men as they are charged
with giving the road much trouble dur
ing recent years by robberies At Ox
ford it is alleged they have been supply
ing the railroad men with clothing for 2
years past at about i the regular retail
Catholic Fair and Bazaar
Tho ladies of St Patricks church
will hold a bazaar and fair next week
November 18 19 and 20 at Menards
opera house They will have on sale
many fancy and useful articles Supper
will be served every evening from G
oclock till midnight Those not having
supper tickets will be charged an ad
mission of 10 cents The object of
the fair is to raise money to reduce the
debt on their new church A liberal
patronage is solicited Music every eve
ning by the K of P orchestra
They Do Say
that Coleman has the largest and finest
assortment of carving sets ever brought
to McCook and Thanksgiving is about
to knock at the door They are war
ranted no matter how high the turkeys
McConnells Fragrant Lotion
will cure chapped hands or face over
night Price 25 cents
Here are some features of the new
revenue law of immediate interest to tax
payers Personal taxes for 1903 and all
succeeding years before delinquent on
the first of February The county
treasurer is required to issue distress
warrants for all personal taxes not paid
by February 1st During December
the treasurer is required to notify every
delinquent tax payer by letter that his
tax is due Taxes on real estate become
delinquent May 1 the same as under
the old law Pawnee Republican
The Tribune learns that a certain
family recent arrivals is imposing upon
the charitably disposed people of our
city Care and judgment if possible
ought to be exercised on the doing of
charity Better refer applicants to tho
city authorities whose affair it is to in
vestigate such matters
A girl was bitten by a dog in South
McCook last Saturday and had her
garments badly torn by the animal We
could not secure the name but under
stand she was a new arrival in the city
from Hitchcock county Nothing ser
ious however
Local dealers are feeling the effect of
the shortage of soft coal on account of
the strike among the Colorado bitumin
ous coal miners
Nicely furnished room with piano
Two gentlemen desired Two blocks
from postoffice W A Richardson
Large line of childrens boys and
mens sweaters from 50c to 300 at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
The display of books pictures and
fancy lamps being shown by Cone Bros
is attracting much attention
Mens absolutely all wool undershirt
and drawers 100 each at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
It is within bounds to observe that
McCook seems to have struck a 5000
population gait
Underwear wool hose wristlets ear
tabs and all kinds of golf gloves at the
Bee Hive
Boys blanket lined school coat for 85c
to 135 at the Thompson Drv Goods
Mens fine black kersey overcoats 750
and 1000 at The Thompson Dry Goods
Mrs B Nklson is a guest of Mrs
Charles Merle
Mrs John Selby is visiting Platts
mouth relatives
Mrs R M Douulass visited in Red
Cloud this week
Mrs M J Stroud has returned from
her long visit in the east
Mr3 Frank Frrflove is visiting rela
tives in Redfield Kansas
Mrs II J IIinks has been visiting
Juniata relatives thisweek
Miss Mae Hileman entertained the
O O Ts Wednesday evoning
Harlow W Keyes was up from In
dianola Monday on legal business
Louis Suess returned on 1 yesterday
from his sud mission to Pennsylvania
C H Meeker has boon absent this
week- in Casper and other Wyoming
J S LeIIew went in to Omaha Wed
nesday night to serve on the Federal
petit jury
D W Colsons new residence on
Marshall street a brick is now well
under way
J B Meserve was a guest of Sam
Patterson tho Arapahoe banker bunday
between trains
- i W
s rdi5s
Only 5 Cents Extra
For The Tribune and Tho Weokly I
uTOui uj oiucago mo leading
paper of tho West Improved and
strengthened by the addition o many
now features Enlarged farm de
partmentforestry and floriculture
care of tho horso Homo Health
Club Mmo Michauds health and
beauty hints now household ideas
practical cookery latest styled for
all ages best fiction full crop and
market reports Tho Inter Occau is
tho only western paper receiving in
addition to tho Associated Press re
ports tho entire telegraphic news
service of tho New York Sun and
special cable of tho Now York World
besides daily reports from over 2000
special correspondents All this for
only 5c extra McCook TnimtR 1
Weekly Inter Ocean 1 botJ for 1
year for 105 This offer opfn only
a few weeks And is open 4 to all
subscribers who will pay thor sub
scription 1 year in ndvanco as well
as to new subscribers to The McCook
Kodaks and supplies at Cone Bros
Everything in drugs McConnell
McMillons cough cure is fully guar
anteed Try it
Glass paints oils and wall paper at
Chafincr dishes bakincr dishes travs
etc at W T Colemans
Mittens sweaters caps leggins and
overshoes at tho Beo Hive
Baptist ladies home cooking exchange
at John Grannis every Saturday
For Sale 15 brood sows soon to
farrow P Walsh
Scale books Typewriter papers
The Tribune
Wanted A good girl at onco
It Mr3 Mitchell Clyde
Skates straps sharpeners files and
all tho things for skating at tho Beo
Handsome variety and large stock of
silverware hollow and flat at W T
Siegels 10 75 magazine advertised
jackets for sale only by The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
Headquarters for fleece lined wrappers
and dressing sacques Tho Thompson
Dry Goods Co
Beautiful line of Ideal wool and silk
waists now showing at The Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
No need to send to tho city for them r
Coleman has them Potato scoops tim
ble irons salad moulds etc
One of the greatest sports on earth
for young and old Kodakery Ask
for catalogue at Cone Bros
A prairie fire burned over quite a bit
of territorv north of Lonirview cemetorv
Sunday No damage however
Furnished rooms for rent Inquire
of Mrs F B Nichols second residence
east of DeGroffs store
For the finest stationery choicest
nerfumes and best toilet articli of nil
kinds you should go to Cone Bros
Kodakery means photography with
tho hnthttr oft nut Vnn mnv finrl n
catalogue and get information at Cono
Bed comforts of our own make Gx7 ft
14 yards cloth G batts inside 165
utners to siiou xne xnompson ury
Goods Co
Half inch of ice Wednesday morning
Boys look up your skates and if there is
anything needed we have a full supply
at the Bee Hive
There is nothing rarer than a day in
June unless it be some of that cut
glass at W T Colemans Beautiful
patterns superb designs large selection
Strength and vigor come of good food
duly digested Force a ready-to-serve
wheat and barley food adds no
burden but sustains nourishes invigor
ates 9 11 tf
At the beginning of the cough season
it would be well for you to bear Mc
Connells Balsam in mind It is a
cough cure that cost you nothing if it
fails to give satisfaction
McConnell Druggist
The Arington Swain Comedy Co
which is finishing up a weeks stand in
this city has secured a warm place in
the hearts of our theater goers The
company is made up of such well known
people as Mack Swain Mayme Aring
ton Frank Emmons Al Gorrell Dollie
Jarvis Cora Swain C D Hesse Jack
Forrester C Hatfield C D Fields Ike
Smith and Ben Harris The pianist
Miss Janie B Grant is a fine musician
and deserves much credit They aro
excellent in their lines and especially
are Mack Swain and wife and Mayme
supernne in any pair tney
may take The company from begin
ning to end are so well adapted for the
various features that the audiences in
crease each night Mr Arington the
jovial manager is a great organizer and
having spent a life time on the stage
knows what the people want and as a
consequence none but the best o talent
is allowed in his company One feature
that is commendable is that there are no
tiresome waits every minute is consum
ed in choice amusements for the audi
ences benefit You always get your
moneys worth if you attend Arington
Swains comedians Commercial Ad
vertiser Red Cloud- November 6