1 to V - t - 44 - I I m s V 1 i I w HI c V FRANKLIN srsravs if V - iir i - v - i W i W - - LSZiFlii - - DIRECTORS - T V the same way in the airtight dust proof t moisture proof I n - e r - s e al Package the same price 5c THBLr TIZENS OF MeCOOK NEB B B WFMcFARLAND A 0 B WOLFE C H IVILLARD NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANV V FRANKLIN President JA C EBERT Cashier EBERT 7 Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 a - STRICTLY PRIVATE 4 pi luuuLuum We solicit your banking business and with the assurance on our part that it Tvill be kept STRICTLY- PRIVATE THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 4s flcCOOK NEB flaye You -Taken Advantage of Great Inter Ocean Offer j S ft u - - BARTLEY E E Smith made a business trip to Indianolu Wednesday Miss Etta Burtontfins beegcngaged as clerl in Smith Cochrans store Mr A F McCord is making some improve ments on the property recently purchased of Dr Brown ilis Eflie McCord and Dorothy made a visit to Mr andMrs Clarence McCord of Indianola Wcdnesdajv Misa Rone pperlyMrs Myrtle Keys and Matcr Stanley Keys were Indianola visitors Wednesday V The Gregory sistors visited Miss Grace Brown Wednesday Miss Dell remaining over until Friday evening Some Darties stole a lot of Mrs Deitches chickens Tuesday night aboutelevon oclock Mr Fletcher and family havo moved into their now home jhst finished and now have one of tlio neatest and most commodious hpmps in Bartley7 - The Royal Neighbor- helda basket social in the Fraternal hall Satiirdhvevenine Had a busliel of fun and hotted fronvsale of baskets 16 which goes into their treasury Mr U G Etherton has purchased the Joe Trissel property and will soon be -snugly domi ciled therein If one wants residence property in Bartley must build or buy No renters need apply Mrs C W Hodgkin and Miss Etta Burton returned from their Iowa trip Saturday even ing They stopped over in Lincoln and visited Miss Minnie Wolfo and Ray Hodgkin who aro attending school there Best Liniment on Earth I M McHany Greenville Texas writes Nov 21900 I had rheuma tism last winter was down in bed 6 weeks tried everything but got no re lief till a friend gave me a part of a bottle of Ballards Snow Liniment I used it and got two more bottles It cured me and I havent felt any rheuma tism since I cah recommend Snow Liniment to be the best liniment on earth for rheumatism For rheumatic sciatic or nouralgic pains rub in Bal lards Snow Linirrient you will not suffer long but will bo gratified wjth a speedy and effective cure 25c 50c and 1 at A McMillens BOX ELDER A very qui to election Tuesday Miss Florence Younger is having a two weeks vacation N Tubbs baby that has the whooping cough is much bettor Tho Misses Florence and Dossio Younger spent Sunday with Miss Eliza Johnson A F Wilson has been having an attack ef rheumatism but is again able to be on the mail route -Miss Bertha Wolfe returned home Monday from Havana where she has been visiting friends audrelatives Mrs Stephen Bolle9 Mrs Martha Johnson and Miss Gertie Moore spent last Sunday with Mrs George Shepherd at Spring Creek The fine rain weve been having is just what the farmers have been wanting both on this fall crop and the roads ihey have1 to travel A Dangerous Month This is the month of coughs colds and acute catarrh Do you catch cold easily Find yourself hoarse with a tickling in your throat and an annoying cough at night Then you should al ways have handy a bottle of Ballards Horehound Syrup J A Anderson 354 West 5th St Salt Lake City writes We use Ballards Horehound Syrup for coughs and colds It gives immediate relief We know its the best remedy for these troubles I write this to in duce other people to try this pleasant andefflcient remedy 25c 50c andl at A McMillens m Now Al 1 Eat i 1 M AYBE youVe had some difficulty in getting your share of Uneeda Biscuit v but now we are pre pared to satisfy every appetite sb everybody can eat their fill of -- fcsiymilbiiLAMjJlljlhaBad mi lilM LMJ llTLTllLiliJlLjTj mjiSSfi L Fi y t in rfliiiiHffrmiiiiii in ii iiiii rlri i itilti i ffifri irithni i im riflfi The favorite food a little better than ever -fresh clean and crisp packed xia n - ii An R DANBDRY Mrs Annis is under the doctors care with ton sil trouble Webstor Dowler has bought the Leisure con fectionery and has removed the slot machines Sheridan got 9 votes in Beaver precinct lie and I run better when some one is after us but dont get mad I weigh a ton no Eosewater about mo Good crops and prices iow you see Was broucht about By the G O P Lawyer S B Smith of Indianola was here to day looking after tho interest of Mart Nutt and Wra Mackey in their attachment vs John R Tate Both cases were settled The two year old- child of Mr Davis was run over by a cow cutting out a piece of flesh tho size of tho hoof Dr DcMay was called and sewed the flesh back which is healing nicely and the little one will get off with a slight scar but might have been killed A vory quiet election hero and good nature obtained We voted for the successful candi dates Wo learn that Miss Quick was elected if so you toll her I changed my mind and voted for her Help mo out of this embarressment and I will noer commit myself again until I know who is elected Tell her to call on the town hall when she comes over and I will ac cept any deputyship Beckers combination exhibited at the town hall last evening to a large house We learn that there was quite a bit of disturbance by smart boys and little girls If the hall associa tion managers are too stingy to pay tho marshal to go to the hall and see that order is preserved they should quit renting it and children that make themselves ridiculoustheir parents should keep them home and teach them better We now come to the sad part We have to give up our young and esteemed citizen and family F G Stilgebouer The loss at least in a social and moral way will be irreparable Fos ter as we call him moves to Bartley to take the superintendency of the bank We can but envy the people of Bartley for taking one of our best families Foster will be no stranger ho having lived there 5 years before as assistant cashier He bought a 51500 residence last week and has engaged for 5 years at a salary of 1000 a year May happiness attend them CULBERTS0N Arthur Keezer of Hayes Center is attending school here Mrs N L Wernple is taking treatment in McCook this week Frank Hassler attended the dance at Strat ton Saturday evening Miss Dott Bailey of Stratton visited with R Knowles and family Sunday Mrs S E Solomon and Miss Solomon visited friends in Trenton Thursday Preparations are being inade for a masquer ade at the Shumaker house Nov 0 Miss Verna Yastino attended a Halloween party at McCook Saturday evening Miss Maggio Whittington of Trenton spent Sunday at this place visiting her friend Myrtle Love Charles Knowles is expected home from Chickasha I T soon He will accept a posi tion in Hein Wackers store The teachers meeting held here Saturday was well attended and good interest shown The lecture iu the evening by Roy Betts was very interesting and much appreciated by the teachers Election has come and gone The following were votes cast in Onlbertson Barns S4 Sulli van 44 Orr 109 White 46 Pfrimnior 75 Thbrn hill 53 Dodson 21 Fordyce 101 Wertz44 Brown 91 Graves 58 OConnell SI Strickler Hl Harry 94 Ratliff 50 Miss Yera Ford was pleasantly surprised at her home by a number of her friends Saturday evening It was in tho nature of a farewell re ception Miss Yera will leave in a few day3 for Tecumseh 2seb where sho will spend tho win ter with her sister xs oke Laxative Million boxes soM in past 12 months CEDAR BLUFFS KANSAS Colo Bro arc now making cigars in the now factory CEMinor completed his job of paint ing for E II Everist last wcok Mrs Brown is very flick at the homo of her father Ishnm Coffey cast of town Miss Myrtle Brockway has just beenj spending a couple or weens visiting ur mother Mrs Conner The rain has caused the farmers in this part of the country to inaugurate a lively wheat sowing campaign Charles Miner of Lamont Nebanska brought 200 head of cattlo down hero to winter and expects to remain and farm hero again A lady fortuno tollor created quite a stir here last Saturday All had thqjr fortunes told from tho babes in arms to tho bald headed old bachelors at so much per Howo Tracy has bought A Pecks pro perty and will move onto Ihosame next week E O Carter will occupy tho property vacated by Tracy Charles Miner will move into Mrs Rosss house Miss Ednn Cathcart gave n hnlloween party Saturday evening Prizes were given to the children to tho one string ing the most pumpkin seeds and the one who made the nicest jack o lantern Edna Brescher receivod the prize A Good Name From personal experience I testify that DeWitts Little Early Risers are unequalled as a liver pill They aro rightly named because they give strength and energy and do their work with ease W T Easton Boerno Texas Thous ands of peoplo are using these tiny little pills in preferance to nil others because thoy are so pleasant and effectual They cure biliousness and torpid livor jaun dice sick headache constipation etc They do not purge and weaken but cleanse and strengthen Sold by L W McConnell INDIAN OLA OUie Gofcchall of Danbury was a city visitor Wednesday Indianola is having qnite a siege with tho whooping dough W G Shoppard of Cambridge was in town on businots Thursday Georg GotPchall of Lhicohiwas an Iiidianola Visitor last baturuay Mrs Frank Hardesty who has been soriously ill is convalescing slowly The election passed dff vory quietly here Tuesday- A light vote was polled The Indianola band serenaded the successful candidate here Wednesday ovening James Carmichael has moved his family into town and will send his children to school Miss Mamio Mnnn spent Saturday and Sun day at Bartley with her si tr Mrsllarry Payne Miss Birdie Davis came over from Wilsonvillo last Saturday for a visit with her sister May Moore Ethel Wadsworth visited tho latter part of last week with Miss Lillio Untriedt of near Bartley A few of the young peoplo of this place at tended tho basket social at Bartley last Satur day evening Mr Lawritson and family camo in from Hol brook Wednesday evening totako his position as agont of this place Mrs Peter Kern and two children of McCook spent Saturday and Sunday with her Jake Kern and family Mrs W H Allen who somo time ago had a Earalyiic stroke is able to bo around again but as ouly the partial use of her voice Mrs Mary Fulton returned to her home in Indiana f hur day morning nfter a fow weeks visit with her brother W H Powell and family Mrs Hostettor and family lefl Wednesday for Bhiehill where he goes as agent to that place Mr Lawritson of Holbrook takes his place Messrs S R Smith Jake Kern L Corhin Henry Crabtreo and W 11 Smith attended tho Republican speaking at McCook last Friday evening The young people of Indianola niid vicinity enjoyed a party at tho Masonic hall halloween night Fruit was served and a good time was had by all present Mrs Myrtle Keys and littlo boy accompanied by her sister Miss Rene Epperly i1ruuup from Bartley Wednesday and spent tho day with their sistor Mrs Clarence McCord Mrs Mary Fox and two children of South Dakota who havo been visiting her daughter Josie for a few weeks went down to Kenesaw Tuesday morning on 2 for a short visit with relatives before returning homo Mrs Chessmore perpetrated a surprise on her husband Wednesday evening by inviting in somo of the neighbors for supper it being the occa sion of his thirtieth birthday Mr Chessmore was the recipient of some very nice presents Albert Prico and Miss Anna Crocker were married at- the Catholic church Wednesday morning by Father Lutz A reception followed the wedding at the brides home a few miles southwest of town Quite a number of valuable presents were received by the young people A large crowd of young folks met at J A Dolans on Saturday evening of last week and plauncd a surprise party on the Misses Mary Katie and Anna Yering It turned out a com plete success The ovening was passed very happily and at a lato hour all left for their homes assuring their hostesses that thoy had had a most enjoyable time A Remarkable Case One of the most remarkable cases of a cold deep seated on the lungs causing pueumonia is that of Sirs Gertrudo E Feuner Marion Ind who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure She says The coughing and straining so weakened me that I ran down in weight from 148 to 92 pounds I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of the cough stength ened my lungs and rostored me tomy normal weight health and strength Sold by L W McConnell Indigestion Causes CatarrK of tlie Stomstcii For many years It has been supposed that Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re peated attacks of indigestion inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus ing the glands to secrete mucin Instead of the Juices of natural digestion This Is called Catarrh of the Stomach oi uppgpssa i mi nii i i ii 1 1 m ii ii i il iiurr ----- ur relieves all inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach protects the nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a sense of fullness after eating Indigestion dyspepsia and all stomach troubles Kodo Digests What Yon Eat Make the Stomach Sweet Bottles cnty Regular sira 1 00 holding 214 ttaea the trial size which Mils for 50 cents Prepared by E O DoYVITT CO Chicago 111 Sold by L W McConnell im niMmjU by Modern Dentistry HERBERT J PRATT DDS Office over McConnell s drug store MCCOOK NEBRASKA Ofpice Phone 160 Res Phone 131 Registered Graduate Dentist Formerly located in At lanta Georgia All opera tions pertaining to modern dentistry performed accord ing to the latest scientific methods used in the large cities E JMitchell McCookv Neb Live Stock Auctioneer I am in the businoss because I love it and so licit your patronngo knowiug that by my famil iar acquaintance with all kinds of common and puro brod stock I cun mako you a fatisued cus tomer hL L PREVOST DRNTIST Graduate of Kansas City Lental College i Ut St DENTIST alllJra OverJasMcAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska rial U riioxB 112 Oflico over Grahnis store McCook Nob JACOB BETZ AUCTIONE McCook Kebraska E CHICHESTER CHE1IICAI CO 2200 JUadiiion Square 1IIIXA Mention this paper R Goes nnywhoro Specialty of Thorough Bred Stock sales One per cent on sales 1XX and upward Correspondence solicited - 9 - in iii i JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and S0NBED ABSTRACTEB McCook Nebraska SSAgcnt of Lincoln Land Co and or McCook Waterworks Oilico in PostoUico building C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office in Court House Phone 181 DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Office over McMillens drug store Residence 702 Main Avenue llisiilncq phono 53 Office phono 2S Calls answered niuht or day McCOOK NEBRASKA C H -BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 H P O BulldlngT Dr S C BEACH Office Over Ludwicks Store Telephone 126 Mccook NEBRASKA OifgCHESTEfrS ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS sate Always reliable Iidieaslcrirncrrit fin CKI VIIKNTKB N EXMSII In U5l and Ooltl metallic boxes sealer with blue ribbon Take no odier Iefuc daieroK Kubhli tutumxand iniltntiouH Buvof yourDruKjrisr or sendee in stamps for Particular lentil uuii aim Tor hilrttrr return Mall 10000 Testimoaiali Kold hr ists IA AMERICAS GREATEST WEEKLY The Toledo Blade TOLEDO OHIO New and Larger Building New Presses New Steretype Plant New and Mdern Appliances n Every Department The Toledo Blade is now installed ia its new building wfth modern plant and equipment and facilities equal to any publication between New York and Chicago It is the only weekly newspaper edited expressly for every state and territory The nows of the world so arranged that busy people can more easily comprehend than by reading enmbersome columns of dailies AH current topics made plain in each issue by special editorial matter written from incPntn down to date Theonlv nrTvrnwoii h lally for people who do nnt nri rrsi pers and yet thirst for plain facts That this kind of a newspaper is popnlaris proven by the fact that tho Weekly Illade now has over 160000 yearly subscribers and its circulation is inall parts of tho TJ S In addition to tho news the Blade publishea short and serial stories and many departments of matter suited to every member of the family Only one dollar a year Write for free specimen copy Address The Blade Toledo Ohio I T Csr a Cold Is One Bay Ezssu 1 It I Se TOMO SHiHSHa TaMels M P2L on every TMs signature - x ssrmze box 25c fjiMggiS3HHBB35BSHMHMHWHBKM