The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 06, 1903, Image 6

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McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
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The typewriter Is more largely
used In Mexico than in France
In Sweden bricks are laid in zero
weather by heating the sand for the
Telegrams received by London com
mercial houses regard war between
Bussia and Japan as certain
William E Leek the historian and
critic of political and social events
and customs is dead in London
Read Admiral Bradford in a report
says the heavy turret guns on United
States battleships are useless in a
heavy sea
Mr3 L Q Lamar wife of a former
justice of the supreme court of the
United States died at her home at
Macon Ga
Life in Servia is very cheap The
highest sum paid to any of the as
sassins of King Alexander and Queen
Draga was only 10000
Wesley Buris a negro was convict
ed before Special Judge A C Hawkins
at Evansville Ind for taking part
in the riot there last July
Since 1852 more than 26000 con
victs have been sent to French Gui
ana of whom 84 per cent died of
disease hardship and insufficient
British educators on the Mosely
commission are surprised to find the
presidents son In a public school
4 touching elbows with all sorts of chil
The Interior department estimates
for the next fiscal year are found to
be 3OJ000 less than the appropri
ation due to a falling off in pension
ers and termination of Indian treaties
William E Curtis writes of the
wealth of the British people statistics
showing a per capita of 210 the
United States being the only country
that will bear comparison
Fire at Velvet on the Soo in
Henry county North Dakota de
stroyed the Kirkwood hotel First
State bank and several other build
The commissioner in Belgium of
the St Louis exposition says he has
great hopes that King Leopold will bo
able officially to attend the fair His
doing so is apparently only a question
of his health
John Duey champion wrestler and
noted athlete was fatally shot yester
day at Cincinnati by two men whd
escaped It is thought that the asj
sassins were hunting another mart
and shot Duey by mistake
Hobart S Bird editor of the Sari
Juan News went to jail to begin a
sentence of two months imprison
ment for having libelled Judge Ramos
He will make an appeal for a writ of
habeas corpus
It is reported that the differences
between Colombia and Nicaragua
growing out of the aid the revolu
tionists of both countries received
during the recent rebellion will be
arbitrated by President Diaz of Mex
The preliminary hearing in the case
of Leopold J Stern of Baltimore in
dicted for complicity In postal frauds
was concluded in police court at
Washington and Stern was held iri
5000 bail to await the action of the
grand jury which was furnished and
he was released
Keokuk the oldest Indian in the
Sac -and Fox tribe died at his tome
at the Sac and Fox agency twelve
miles north of Prague Okla aged 85
years He was an unusually intelli
gent Indian and very religious being
a member of the Baptist church Keo
kuk la was named for his father
as was also Keokuk Falls O T
The program for the winter naval
maneuvers determined upon by the
navy department contemplates the
consolidation of the North Atlantic
squadron off Guantanamo eaYly in
December so that the vessels may be
present at the transfer of the coaling
station at that point by Cuba to the
United States
To facilitate the shipment of sheep
from Wyoming in view of the impo
sition of restrictions to eradicate
sheep svb Acting Secretary Moore
of- the department of agriculture
wrote to Governor Chatterton that
the department inspectors will be in
structed to use discretion In cases
where sheep owners dipped their1
sheep and eradicated the scab from
their flocks
Third Assistant Secretary of State
H D Pierce has returned to the
United States after an extended toui
through Europe for the purpose of
inspecting the American consulates
He will shortly submit his report to
Secretary Shaw
Commissioner Sargent of the bu
reau of immigration says the steerage
immigration for the fiscal year shows
an increase of 32 per cent and ne
recommends rigid laws and inspco
tiqn to raise the quality of the incom
ing swarms of aliens
Tour of Inspection Comes to a Fatal
End Dead Woman Was Returning
from Colorado When the Accident
KANSAS CITY Mrs Emma Booth
Tucker consul in America of the Sal
vation Army wife of Commander
Booth Tucker and second daughter of
William Booth founder of the army
was killed in thej wreck of the east
bound California train No 2 on the
Santa Fe near Dean Lake Mo eighty
five miles east of Kansas City at 10
oclock Thursday night
Colonel T C Holland in charge of
the Salvation Army at Amity Colo
was fatally injured but up to 330
oclock in the morning was repbrted
still alive Twenty others were more
or less seriously hurt The dead and
injured were taken to Fort Madison
Mrs Booth Tucker was rendered un
conscious and died within half an
hour after being injured Her skull
was fractured and she was injured in
ternally She was on her way from a
visit in Colorado to Chicago where
she was to have met her husband Al
though the wreck occurred at 930 at
night it was not known until after
midnight that Mrs Booth Tucker was
among the injured
The first details of the wreck were
obtained by the -Associated Press in
the morning qver the long distance tel
ephone from Marceline through Dr
D B Putnam who had been at the
The wrecked train left Kansas City
Thursday evening It ran into an
open switch just outside of Dean Lake
Only the three last cars two Pull
mans and a diner were wrecked The
Pullmans were partly demolished
while the diner was badly damaged
-In the forward Pullman Mrs
Booth Tucker and Colonel Holland
who were the sole occupants of that
car has just gone to the forward end
for a consultation Two of the Pull
mans struck a steel water tank with
such force as to move it five feet
from its foundation and when the
train crew reached the scene both
Mrs Booth Tucker and Colonel Hol
land were found unconscious They
with the other injured were after
much delay taken to the depot plat
form a few blocks distant where ev
erything possible t was done for them
Neither regained consciousness and
within half an hour the noted Salva
tion Army leader succumbed to her in
juries For a time it was believed
that the unconscious man at her side
was Commander Booth Tucker and in
the confusion this report was spread
CHICAGO Commander Booth
Tucker who arrived in Chicago Thurs
day expecting to join his wife here
was prostrated by the shock of Mrs
Booth Tuckers death At the Salva
tion Army headquarters where he
peared soon after his arrival he de
clined to be interviewed and denied
himself to all but his intimate friends
Ensign Agnew speaking for the com
mander said that he had thus far
made no plans for the immediate fu
St Louis Exchange Fixes a Basis of
- ST LOUIS At a special session of
the board oL directors of the Mer
chants exchange the marginal basis
for December wheat was fixed- at 87
cents The meeting was called in an
swer to a petition in which members
of the exchange claimed that owing
to certain manipulations the prices
here on December wheat have assum
ed fictitious values
The board was asked to grant re
lief President Ballard refused to
make any state further than to say
he would announce to the exchange
the boards action The assertion is
made by the commission men that De
cember wheat is already practically
cornered in St Louis
Walsh Gets Teh Years
MANILA Lieutenant James W
Walsh constabularly supplyofficer
stationed at Mashate in the province
of Viscayas military department of
Luzon convicted recently of embez
zlement of 1000 of government funds
has been sentenced to ten years im
Re Argument of Oregon Land Case
States supreme court ordered a re-argument
in the case of the Dnited
States versus the Califoinia and Ore
gon Land company involving the
land granted to the state of Oregon
in 1864 to aid in the construction of
a wagon road from Eugene City
across the Cascade mountains to the
eastern boundary of the state The
case already has been argued twice
In the supreme court
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Inspectors Must Be Permitted to Ex
amine Stock on Forest Reserves
sioner Richards of the general land
office supplementing former instruc
tions issued by the Indian bureau
has issued orders to forest officers
notifying tfifcm that all stock grazed
in tho forest reserves must be sub
mitted to the bureau of animal in
dustry when called upon for inspec
tion That in the event of failure of
owners to recognize inspectors of the
department of agriculturethfi same
is to be communicated at once to the
interior department when prompt
and decisive action will be taken In
event that privilege is being accord
ed owners of sheep of cattle by the
forest officers and their owners object
to havingotheir stock dipped or treat
ed Commissioner Richards notifies all
such offenders that the permit to
graze stock will be abrogated immedi
ately This order supports the hands
of the agricultural department and is
intended to stamp out as far as pos
sible diseases incident to sheep and
cattle grazed on the open plains
Eulogy of Mrs Booth Tucker Pro
nounced by Commander
CHICAGO Surrounded by 3000
Salvation mourners who had gather
ed at Princess rink Friday night to
pay tribute to the memory of Mrs
Emma Booth Tucker who was kill
ed in a railroad wreck Wednesday
night Commander Booth Tucker in
a sermon full of pathos told of the
many good deeds performed by the
dead leader While speaking the
husband grief stricken and Weeping
stood at the head of the casket
When the eulogy was finished thero
was not a dry eye in the audience
The memorial services were par
ticipated in by many prominent offi
cers of the army At the conclusion
of the ceremonies the casket was re
moved to the Pennsylvania depot and
started to New York
New Austrian Emigration Law
VIENNA The new emigration law
of Austria which is now awaiting the
approval of the ministry of justice
abolishes the existing provision under
which emigrants of all classes lose
their Austrian citizenship Under the
new law emigrants for economical rea
sons will continue to be regarded as
Austrian citizens and efforts will be
made to keep in touch and assist them
in the country to which they emigrate
Contraband Chinese Caught
teen contraband Chinese and Harry
Thomas and Fred Anderson the white
men who were piloting them into the
country were arrested on San Juan
island on Thursday They were
brought here Friday and will be ar
raigned Saturday Thomas and An
derson are entirely unknbwn to the
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What a Halifax Publication
HALIFAX N S The declaration
that present relations between Can
ada and Great Britain cannot exist
much longer was made Wednesday by
the Halifax Chronicle the leading
newspaper supporter in the maritime
provinces of the liberal party In an
unusually outspoken editorial on the
recent Alaska boundary award the
Chronicle expresses what is claims to
be unanimous dissatisfaction of Ca
nadians at the action of the British
government In the matter The paper
This Alaska episode has made it
clear that our existing relations can
not be continued much longer We are
even now at the parting of the ways
Our subordinate position has been so
clearly and so humiliating revealed
that it must speedily become utterly
The Chronicle adds that there are
now only two courses open for Can
ada complete legislative independ
ence within the empire acknowledg
ing the sovereignty of tho king of
England alone or the status of an in
dependent nation The paper says
there is much to commend the latter
step in particular because it would
free Canada from the danger of ever
becoming embroiled with the United
States on account of its European con
nection and at the same time would
secure for the dominion the -benefit
of the protection of the Monroe doc
LONDON Chief Secretary for Ire
land Wyndham speaking at Dover
said that unless England was pre
pared to lose her prestige she could
not afford to see Canada dominated
by American capital Under fis
cal reforms as proposed by Mr
Chamberlain said Mr Wyndham
Canada could become the granary of
Great Britain He strongly urged
the linking of Canada directly with
the mother country This he said
must be done whether it be accom
pished by Mr Chamberlains methoc
or by some other
Smile and Hustle
With apologies to Ella Wheeler Wil
Smile and the world smiles with you
Knock and you -go alone
For the cheerful grin will let you in
Where the kicker is never known
Growl and the way looks dreary
Laugh and the way is bright
For a welcome smile brings sunshine
A frown shuts out the light
Sigh and you attain nothing
Work and the prize is won
For the nervy man with backbone can
By nothing be outdone
Hustle and fortune awaits you
fanirK ana defeat Is sure
For theres no chance of deliverance
To the chap who cant endure
Sing and the worlds harmonious
Grumble and things go wrong
And all the time you are out of rhyme
With the busy bustling throng
Kick and theres trouble brewing
Whistle and life is gay
And the worlds in tune like a day In
And the clouds all melt away
Los Angeles Times
Paper Hat
Cut a roll of crepe paper crosswise
not lengthwise as it stretches into
strips about three inches wide They
need not be uniform in width as you
do not notice when braided
Now you have between 35 and 40
Short pieces stitch four together in
a long string Your 35 short pieces
Iff CjOWs I
will therefore make about eight long
pieces with several short pieces re
maining Divide these so there will
be four pieces of equal length
Braid these all into two long and
one short Braid in four as three
does not make wide enough strands
Beginning now in what will be the
center of hat make a rosette of the
braided paper Be sure and dont
gather the braided paper and then
again dont pull it All of the girls
who have sewed straw will know how
to go at it Sew together the strands
until you have a large enough hat
Make a piece of the braided paper
large enough to fit the crown of your
head sew ends together and sew on
to your hat for crown underneath of
Buy 5 cents worth of bonnet or hat
wire and wire brim and crown I in
close drawings so the girls can tell
about where to sew wire and crown
These hats are of the pancake style
but can be made with a large crown
if desired
To trim your hat is very simple
Bend it into shape desired A wreath
of roses is very pretty or a large flat
black bow in the center If any of
the readers do not know how to braid
In four I will endeavor to explain
The hat can be made larger by add
ing more braided paper It costs just
about 25 cents in all
A Game My Wheel and F
This game may be played by any
number though only four at a time
can take part the others acting as
audience until their turns come
The four occupy four corners of a
room or space marked out on a lawn
As large a space as possible should
be chosen Each player is provided
with a wheel or hoople At a given
signal all the players start at once
to trundle their wheels No wheel
must be dropped or if it is that player
ceases to be a contestant The trun
dling begins at the right and each
corner must be visited and so on to
the starting point of each player He
who reaches home first is the prize
winner or after all have tried he
who gets home in the shortest time
wins the prize The hurry and excite
ment of the four wheels visiting at
the same time causes much merri
Utilizing a Mud Turtle
A feature which in ingenuity equals
that of Solomon who tradition says
threaded an intricately pierced stone
by means of a hair tied to a living
worm is reported by an engineer
A long sewer in a city recently be
came clogged he says The prob
lem of clearing it was solved in this
way A ball of twine was tied to the
shell of a mud turtle the little animal
was put into the entrance of th sew
er and a stream of water was turned
on The turtle burrowed his way
cubtuui umuei wuu m uiuiuusmjr through the refuse was watered on
acquainted with the smuggling at eacll manhole- and emerged victori
nity 0U3 at ifcs outlet A rope attached to
the twine a swab and strong arms ac
complished the rest swiftly and econ
The Farmers Puzzle
Several weeks ago we gave a prob
lem of the farmer who had a square
-1 HOU5I
plot of ground of which his house
occupied one fourth and who wanted
to dfvide the remaining portion Into
three equal parts This problem was
for very little people We now give
another problem in which the farm
er having the same plot of ground
wants to divide it into four equal
parts all of the same shape This is
a much harder job and the solution
will be found marked off on the dia
gram above If you want to puzzle
any friend who does not already know
this problem draw the figure with the
house only and see how long it takes
to make the four equal divisions as
Nonsense is played by any number
of persons sitting in a circle who
make a comical sentence by each fur
nishing one part of speech One of
the players begins by whispering to
his left hand neighbor an adjective
and then in turn the others whisper
in like manner a noun singular a
verb an adjective a number an
adjective and a noun plural Each in
order then tells the word whispered
to him and a sentence is thus formed
for instance The solemn grasshop
per ate gleefully 43 infuriated lob
sters The parts of speech may be
varied to suit the players
Twirling an Egg
To execute this little experiment
you need a hard boiled qzz and a
smooth china plate To be sure that
the experiments is going to be suc
cessful keep the egg in a perpendicu
lar position while it Is being boiled
Place the plate upside down on the
table allowing it to stand out a lit-
tie over the edge of the table to be
able to catch it quickly with your
hand Place the egg in the center
ot the plate and putting the thumb
of the left hand and the index finger
of the right hand on both ends of the
QZZ give It a sudden twirl causing
it to turn around In quick motion The
eee will crraduaiiy stand on one end
then you grab the plate and all you
have to do is to keep the egg in m
tion which is not difficult
The Merchants
A good game is one In which the
players personate merchants and
each guesses trom the country and
the initial letter of the article what
his neighbor has for sale The play
ers being seated in line the one at
the end begins for instance I am
an English merchant and sell C
The next in lino must supply the ar
ticle which may be carpets china
cheese clothing or any production of
England but must be nothing not
made or grown there like coffee oi
cinnamcpi Any one who violates this
rule must pay a forfeit and his turn
passes to the next Whoever names
a correct article then announces in
like manner his own country and the
first letter of what he sells and the
game goes on thus as long as the
players choose It should be playec
Paper Snake Is a Lively Toy
This is a toy that some boy3 like
and some do not the description o
Directions for Coloring Goldenrod Yellow With Green Leaves and Stem
Asters Light Blue With Yellow Centers
When the goldenrod first begins to
shake out her long yellow plumes by
the roadside and the asters star the
fields we know just as well as if the
leaves were not turning that fall is
surely come
This brilliant coloring has a value
over and above its beauty The chief
aim of the flowers is not to charm our
The bee attracted by the showj
coloring hastens to the flower seek
ing the nectar stored there for his
delectation As he sips the sweet
liquid much of the yellow dust or pol
len clings to his legs and body When
he visits the
next plant some of this
same yellow dust is left upon other
flowers causing the seeds at the base
o the florets to ripen for unless a
Paper Snake Squirming
how it is made is given for the bene
fit of those who do like it Get a
piece of stiff paper and cut out oi
it a circular piece four inches in diam
eter Then with paint ink or pencil
or with a combination of all three
mark the paper in such a mannei
that it shall resemble a snake
With a small pair of scissors cut
the snake out put a pin through
the dot on the tail and having driVexfK
the pin into a slender stick of wood
fix the latter over a stove or -the reg
ister and the heated air that rises
will make the strip of paper revolve
and writhe just like a snake
If it Is not convenient to hang it
over a stove or a register a gas jet
or a lamp will do equally well
Chicken Swallowed Scarfpin
H C Hespe of Jersey City well
known dentist in that city recently
lost and recovered a diamond scarfpin
in remarkable fashion He is a chicken
fancier and has some choice fowls
One of these was suffering from some
ailment and he was examining it The
bird pecked at him several times be
fore he let it go Shortly afterward
he noticed that his scarfpin was miss
ing The fowl died a few days latei
and Dr Hespe dissected it in ordei
to discover if possible the cause o
death To his great surprise he founc
the sarfpin in the fowls gizzard
eyes but those of their insect vlsi 1 grain of pollen falls upon the tin
wis i n in uoer mature