i v i Ff tf i M s Given Away Commencing Oct 24 and lasting until Dec 1 we are going to give to our customers Hue Front Fine Turnouts Either Single or Double Phone 36 Rear Palmer House McCook Nebraska W H ACKERMAN Prop Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass g 1 Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank FlcCook - Nebraska mBMMIHKHMEKaiHHBaamMMBUaHMHii The Tribune Only 100 per year waMnipigjMiMiMyjrxitMSMBULin ABSOLUTELY FgEE A Beautiful Decorated 101 Piece Semi-Porcelain- Dinner Set worth 1500 - Also One 12 Piece Decorated Chamber Set Such as have sold for 1000 And a Large S Stand Lamp with Globe Shade Standing 18 inches high You can see these goods in our window and we shall be pleased to tell about tnem zwfSKmsxsrsiaj3imiiMiiMtiuiiiJSiiimiEi MVXMjjjtazywj2jiFttrT3 S S20 8 ra btoa IVicCOOK B itz ekes vmt KSZ23 tn mm Han ra s as Bar UBWQsa NEBRASKA glBIBaieaiMStfiatgggg5CTaAlfclW ttSfS5Sigigi A Scientific Discovery Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does for the stomach that which it is unable to do for itself even when but slightly disor dered or overloaded Kodol Dyspepsia Cure supplies the natural juices of di gestion and does the work of the stom ach relaxing the nervous tension while the inflamed muscles of that organ are allowed to rest and heal Kodol Dy spepsia Cure digests what you eat and enables the stomach and digestive orgaus to transform all food into rich red blood Sold by L W McConnell Cured of Piles After 40 Years Mr G ITaney of Geneva O had the piles for 40 years Doctors and dollars could do him no lasting good DoWitts Witch Hazel Salvo cured him perman ently Invaluable for cuts burns bruises sprains lacerations eczema tetter salt rheum and all other skin diseases Look for the name DeWitt on the package all others are cheap worthless counterfeits Sold by L W McConnell A FREE game inside each package of 60 different games for our Mail Or der Customers For TEH DAYS we will offer Suits and Overcoats worth 12 and 15 for Send for Samples They are U greatest values we or any other firm have ever offered The materials are the best obtainable Linings and fabrics that have been approved are used There -are over two hundred styles from which to choose You can tell exactly now a suit or overcoat will appear Dont have to speculate as you do when you go to a tail or - You have our positive guarantee as to quality and wear These suits and overcoats stand comparison in every detail of its making with the product of the most conscientious tailor in the business Every seam well laid every detail of finish perfectly executed Jl 3- Cor 15th and Farnam OMAHA I I t k Warm Shoes arid - Slippers 1M Thfi Model - THE MODEL SHOE STORE A E PETTY Proprietor McCook Nebraska ffe No C 32 u Nol j G la Time Card FlcCook Neb Mountain Time ilVIN MSB BAHT DKPA11T iContrulTlmo 1115 r w SIOa m 955i m No S firrivesi from east at S p in MA IX ITKB WEST DltrAnT mm a it 1151 ai 11 V5 i m 7Hpm 825 am nJITlHIAL X1KR No IGnrrlvpyV Mountain Time 640 p m No ITSdoparts 700aJm Sloopiup dliiinu nml reclining clmir cars touta free on through trains Tickola sold nnd bnpuptxn clmckocl to any point in tlto United Stntfisor Cnnadii For information timo lableainmps und tick ets call uu or writo A 1 Thomson Asent McCook Nebraska or 7 Francis Geuoral IliPBCtiKxr Accrtt Omnhn Nobrasla McCook Market Quotations Correctod Friday mornfupr Corn 1 0 Wheat I 53 Outs 35 Rye 1 Barley SO Hoi 4 50 Eggs - 1754 GoodBnttor 20 Creamery Butter 25 Grinding Your Teeth on tough beefsteak is certainly annoy ing1 but have you tried ours Our meats are selected by careful and com petent judges of quality and we use every effort to furnish none but fresh tender and nutritions meats for our trade This is the wny it is at Marshs meat market all the time Paints and Oils For barns sheds and out buildings can furnish a mineral of different colors that will not fade and makes a choap paint We carry 1 lie best mixed paint The Lincoln Now is a good time to paint as oil is very low in price Let us figure with you A McMilusn Druggist October Roll of Honor Marion Neb - Oct 31 1903 The followingare the -names of pupils who have beon neither tardy nor absent for the month of October ending on the 31st instant Emma Wilhelm Frances Aibreeht and Ernest Dodge Vanche Plumb Teacher Full or broken sets in the Hermis Titian sunburst and all of the new pat terns of cut glass just received at W T Colemans We Want Your Poultry Highest prices paid for turkeyschick ens and geese Come in and talk with us Martin Phelps Com Co One door south of Tribune After the election comes Colemans Damage Sale Remember the dates next Tuesday to Saturday both inclu sive The latest that silver nickel ware at W T Colemans Wanted SO Men and Women Lon Cone Co the enterprising druggists are advertising today for 50 men and women to take advantage of the special half price offer they are mak ing on Dr Howards celebrated specific j for the cure of constipation and dyspep sia and get a 50cent package at half- price 2o cents So positive are they of the remakable power of this specific to cure these dis eases as well as sick headaches and liver troubles that they agree to refund the money to any customer whom this medicine does not quickly relieve and cure With Dr Howards specific at hand you can eat what you want and have no fear of ill consequences It strengthens the stomach gives perfect digestion regulates the bowels creates an appetite and makes life worth the living This is an unusual opportunity to ob tain 60 doses of the best medicine ever made for half its regular price with the personal guarantee of a wc 11 known bus iness firm to refund the money if it does not give satisfaction If you cannot call at Lon Cone Cos store today send them 25 cents by mail and they will send you a package promptly charges paid Only Makes a Bad Matter Worse Perhaps you have never thought of it but the fact must be apparent to every one that constipation is caused by a lack of water in the system and the use of drastic cathartics like the old fashioned pills only makes a bad matter worse Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets are much more mild and gentle in their effect and when the proper dose is takn their action is so natural that one can hardly realize it is the effect of a medicine Try a 25 cent bottle of them For sale by all drug gists Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets are becoming a favorite for stomach troubles and constipation For sale by all druggists The display of books pictures and fancy lamps being shown by Cone Bros is attracting much attention Dont get left Buy your cut glass of W T Coleman at the right price A S700 washing machine for Si 00 at Colemans Damage Sale Tribune Clubbing List For convenience of readers of The Tribune wo have made arrangements with the following newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup ply them in combination with The Tbibune at the following very low prices with publication pbice tbibuxe Detroit Free Press 1 00 1 50 Leslies Weekly 4 00 3 00 Prairie Farmer 100 125 Chicago Inter Ocean 1 00 1 40 Cincinnati Enquire 100 150 New York Tribune 100 125 Demorests Magazine 100 175 Toledo Blade 100 125 Nebraska Farmer 100 1 Iowa Homestead 1 00 1 25 Lincoln Journal 100 1 75 Campbells Soil Culture 100 150 New York World 1 OQ l 65 Cosmopolitan Magazine 100 1S0 St Louis Republic 1 00 1 75 Kansas City Star 25 120 FarmandHome 100 - 120 Word and Works - 1 00 1 70 We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published at reduced rates The Tribune McCook Neb TayggaaBSSSggg riiint aartu auatoBsy V rv - p For auies Oil Separate Skirts Coats -- Fur Scarfs h f - Muffs Childrens Fur Sets and Childrens Coats BeG S v roll Co Before You Make a Purchase We Guarantee Values Low Prices Perfect Satisfaction The Perfected Oxygenor King biii mini llll ii mi I s vT e t i wsmm inniiTif hut ii 111 n una HKB3KJSSf ji JffTiVtiMK3RXi3E ibiittZ ill A W 11 A m ijLr i9i C M yf if p lii a S J fr I arnmir iii rn fiiyifMiFmimMnii nm iafj itiiiii hiln I 44 jfk e A safe simple scientific b system of treatment which 5 enables the sick and af flicted to cure themselves in their own homes with out the aid of doctors or medicine It cures by flooding the body with pure oxygen from the surrounding at mosphere This system of treatment has long since passed the experimental stage as it is now more than twelve years since the first instruments of this class were placed upon the market and at the present timet here are hundreds of thous ands in use in nearly all parts of the United States and in foreign countries Experience proves that 85 per cent of sick given up to die by doctors can be either radically cured or greatly benefitted by this simple treatment Here are some of the strong points in favor of this system of treatment as against all others to wit NO MEDICINES WHATEVER ARE USED therefore no expense except first cost of instrument Lasts a lifetime and will keep a whole family in health Absolutely safe and so simple that a child ten years old can use it successfully Treatment usually taken at night while patient sleeps with no unpleasant sensations whatever Will cure all manner of acute diseases without the possibility of failure if properly used Will cure many kinds of chronic diseases supposed to be incurable Will be of great benefit in all cases even those hopelessly incurable To the skeptical we would say What would you think of a man who living ten miles from town should refuse the use of a telephone to send an urgent message simply because he had never used one and didnt understand tho principle therefore insisted on making the journey in person Facts are Stubborn Things and the claims being made for the Oxygenor are being daily demonstrated all around you If you are in poor health and getting well nigh hopeless and discouraged by reason of repeated disappointments in your efforts to be cured then we sajT QUIT TAKING STRONG MEDICINES which kill more than they cure Investigate the Oxygenor system of treatment Yes we say investigate investigate INVESTIGATE There are only two ways of getting at the facts in this world one is by the evidence of other people and the other is by personal experience We have over 1000 naimes of the leading citizens of the state and thousands of them in other parts of the U S which we would gladly refer you to as to the great curative powers of the Oxygenor These persons have been cured of all manner of diseases and many of them have been chronic sufferers for years IN ALL ACUTE AILMENTS such as croup la grippe scarlet fever diphtheria pneumonia pleurisy and typhoid fever we have had years of ex perience and where the Oxygenor treatment was followed strictly as laid down in our instructions there has not been a failure and I will say personally that I know I am speaking within truthful bounds when I say that I have treated all the above named diseases with the Oxygenor and as yet have not been baffled over five days and I have the proofs of these statements in my possession There is no bluff in these statements Come and investigate Untimely Death Prevented The Oxygenor disarms all disease of its terrors prevents untimely death and makes its possessors independent of doctors drugs nostrums etc by utilizing natures own most powerful remedy pure oxygen By using the Oxygenor every human being may enjoy perfect health and barring accidents live to an advanced old age The Oxygenor has saved thousands of precious human lives and restored scores of thousands of human beings to health and happiness The Proper Course Take the Oxygenor treatment in the beginning or at the fir3t appearance of any ailment and avoid expense dis appointment and much suffering Byvthe proper use of the Oxygenor all persons may establish and maintain the highest vigor and make disease in any form a mere inconvenience of very short duration For further information as to this scientific treatment call or write for our health journal which is free on applicalion Office at Palmer House C C JOHNSON Manager at Palmer Hotel - M I W