The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 30, 1903, Image 5

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    V I
n T
Plyntber and
Steam Filter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Apent for Halliday Waupun hclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
ilcCook - Nebraska
Blue Front
Fine Turnouts
Either Single or Double
Phone 36 Rear Palmer House
McCook Nebraska
mf il jjH Ifu iB
A C OSG A llLL B Tres Omaha
Prof A J Lowsy Trine j
Endorsed by First Nafl
Bankand bnsiiie v men
S10000 in Koll Top Desks Bank fixtures and
50 Typewriters Students cm workfor board
Send for free catalogue bound in alligator
finest ever published by a Business College
Head itand you will attend the li C
Given Away
j Commencing Oct 24 and lasting until Dec 1
wp nrr cnmo to rivr tr mil rncfnmftfs
T - - w
- -
A Beautiful Decorated 101 Piece Semi Porcelain
Dinner Set worth 1500
Also One 12 Piece Decorated Chamber Set
Such as have sold for 1000
And a Large EST Stand Lamp wim Globe Shade
Standing 18 inches high
You caii see these goods in our window and we shall
be pleased to tell about them
1 TFflLflB E5Ee LIR1I
I I n BiI OlYC
qwmwilliyF iiiaaSiJaijatffc gBrPi d iMiirwwwdiiiwirMHMMyTify
Do You Want to Yawn
Feel cold shivorings aching in the
bones lack of energy headache and
gient depression Those symptoms may
bo followed by violent headache high
fever extreme nervousness a condition
known as malaria Herbino cures it
Take it before the disease gets a fair
hold though it will work a cure in any
stage J A Hopkins Manchester
Kan writes I have used your great
medicine Horbine for several years
There is nothing better for malaria
chills and fever headache biliousness
and for a blood purifying tonic there is
nothing as good 50c at A McMillens
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoflice Oct 28 1903
Banks A C Morrisey John
Brigirs Fred Moore Mrs Arthur L
Brodio John Piorson Elmo 2
Bell E W Richards Charley 2
Botts Fred Ritchie Adda
Carson Clara White Muriel
Hart John Wiest John
Laycock Edwin D Zelenka Frank
When calling for theseMetters please
say they were advertised
F M ICimmell Postmaster
You Want the Best
For your money and its your fault if
you dont got it Thats why you
should como to our market Our mar
ket supplies only the best Selected
meats too for those who want some
thing especially nice for the table Try
us Test us Marshs Meat Market
Heating Stoves for Sale
One hard coal burner and two soft
coal burners Inquire of Mrs R B
Archibald for particulars
That Oneida Community ware the
ware that wears with a 25 year guar
antee You will find it at W T Cole
It Goes Rig lit to the Spot
When pain or irritation exists on any
part of the body the application of Bal
lards Snow Liniment will give prompt
relief It goes right to the spot said
an old man who was rubbing it in to
cure his rheumatism C R Smith
Propr Smith House Tenaha Texas
writes- ZI have used Ballards Snow
Liniment in my family for several years
and have found it to be a fine remedy
for all aches and pains and T recom
mend it for pains in the throat and
chest 25c 50c and SI at A McMill
jHjv yBPgHiCjfiffir
A FREE game inside
each package of
60 different games
The Model
Warm Shoes arid
a E PETTY Proprietor mclook nenrasKa
District Court Proceedings -
Below we relate tho disposition made
of all cases on the docket forthoOcto
ber tormof district court for Red Willow
county uot reported last week
The most important cases disposed of
during the second week of court wero
tho murder case the statutory rape case
and tho criminal case against Clarence
Simpson for cutting ono Kern with a
In tho iirstiustance Charles McMillan
was sentenced to eight years in tho pen
itentiary at hard labor and to pay costs
of buit Ton years is the limit of tho
law in vases of conviction for man
slaughter and the prisoner at the bar
would have received tho full extent of
tlu law but for tho mistaken petition of
tho jury to the judge for clemency The
fuli extent of the law would have met
with more general approval
In tho caso of George Kellick Kele
enraj charged with statutory rapo of ono
Clamp tho sentence of the court was
thtee years in the peniteutiary at hard
labor and to pay costs of prosecution
I or cutting ono Kern with a knife in
a row in Bartloy some months sinco
Clarence Simpson was given a sentence
of H0 days in tho county jail and to pay
costs of prosecution
All in all tho October term was one of
the greatest interest in tho history of
the county and attracted many specta
Tho ruling and decisions qf Judge Orr
were quite uniformly satisfactory and
generally commended
Vocances Franklin vs Tho City of
Elias 11 Doan vs J S McBrayer H
T Church and W J Porter
Western Land Co vs John Kolb etal
John Stevens vs Mary J Ryan et al
Josephine Einil vs John Murphy r
Edward B Cowles vs William 11 Ack
man et al
Union Stock Yards National Bank of
South Omaha vs W F Everist et al
The Western Land Co vs Henry II
Mitchell et al
Alfred Haddell trustee of tho estate
of Artz Thompson bankrupts vs The
McCook Loan and Trust Co
The Northwestern Life and Savings
Co vs M H Griggs
In the matter of the remonstrance of
James K P Frye and others to the ap
plication of A L Haley for a saloon li
cense in the village vof Indianola
Edward B Cowles vs E May Star
buck et al
Mary A Kaster vs Jacob Kaster
McKinley Lanning L and T Co vs
Martha Johnson et al
V Franklin vs John H Dwyer et al
Decree for plaintiff cross petition by
Western Land Co vs Ellen Reilley et
Western Land Co vs William Cole
man et al Decree for plaintiff for S84 75
and 8847 attorneys fee
Edward B Cowles vs Alexis Proctor
et al Decree for plaintiff for 2605 and
260 attorneys fee
Edward B Cowles vs F W Rogers
et al Decree for plaintiff for 3840 and
384 attorneys fee
Mark W Sheafe et al vs Josiah
Moore et al
Edward B Cowles vs Julia Harris et
al Decree for plaintiff for 1546 and
154 attorneys fee
John B Meserve vs Ida L Johnson
et al Decree for plaintiff for 268860
and costs and 10 per cent interest
Affa C Seeley executrix vs Bal
thazar Lehn et al Decree for plaintiff
Frederick Plasmyere vs Julia A Al
len et al Suit dismissed Decree paid
in full by defendant
In the matter of the estate of Joseph
Williams deceased Dismissed
The Steele Wedeles Co vs David Dia
mond et al Under advisement by Judge
Joseph Sutton vs Eva B Goodner et
al Confirmed on payment of 50
George W Ball andv Thomas F Ball
vs William C Humphrey et al Judg
ment for defendant entered by attorneys
Angelo P Welles vs Lettie C Whit
taker et ul Thirty days in which to file
amended petition
Joseph McBrayer vs Edward Jordan
et al Under advisement
Alice Mann vs Stephen Jones Dis
missed without prejudice
Walter E Duffey et al vs George H
Purdum et al Sale confirmed and deed
Burnett to Have New Trial
Springfield 111 Oct 27 In the case
of Orville Burnett a Chicago dentist
who was convicted of murdering Char
lotte S Nichols and sentenced to fifteen
years in the Joliet penitentiary the
judgment of the trial court was reversed
by the supreme court today and a new
trial ordered
The evidence is reviewed at length
and the contention of the defendants
attorneys that the trial court erred in
allowing evidence relative to Burnetts
past life to be brought before the jury
when it was not a proper issue upheld
The supreme court says that according
to the evidence offered by- the prosecu
tion showed that Mrs Nichols was a
virtuous woman and it tended to pre
judice the jury against the defendant
Burnett and Mrs Nichols were to
gether in a Chicago hotel on the night
of October 20 1901 Mrs Nichols was
down hearted and she and Burnett
agreed to commit suicide JLney pur
chased poison and
woman swallowed a
to cause death
after retiring the
sufficient quantity
An Aged Couple Killed Near Edgar
Last Friday Mr and Mrs G W
Turner were both killed about two
miles east of Edgar by Burlington train
No 97 at a crossing x
The remains were taken to Cambridgo
for burial their only son being buried
at that place Two daughters survive
them one 19 and the other 13 years of
age The old gentleman is estimated to
be worth 100000
The coroners jury after an all day
session exonerated tiro company from
blame although deciding the crossing
to be dangerous and recommended
measures in abatement
His Life Saved oy Chamberlains Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
B L Byer a well known cooper of
this town sajs he believes Chamber
lains ColicCholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy saved his life lastsummer He had
been sick for a month with what the
doctors call bilious dysentery and could
get nothing to do him any good until he
tried this remedy It gave fiim immedi
ate relief says B T Little merchant-
Hancock Md For sale by 1 W Mc
Connell druggist
Pulpit Committee
Baptist Sermons 11 a m and b p
p m Bible school 945 a m B Y P
U 7 pm -Topic for Sunday evening
Thieves That Steal Our Happiness
Mid week prayer meeting Wednesday at
8 pm Excellent music A cordial wel
come to all
Christian Sunday school 10 a m
Attendance last Sunday 37 collection
97c Preaching next Sunday morning
and evening by J R Parker Morning
subject The Charter of the Kingdom
of Heaven Evening subject Hunt
ing a Man All ladies are especially in
vited to attend the evening services
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in
the month Sunday school at ten oclock
a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening-prayer
and sermon at 8 The third
Sunday in the month Holy Communion
at 7 30 a m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Methodist Sabbath school 10 a m
lesson subject David and Abraham
2 Sam 15-1-12 Golden text Ex 20 12
Preaching at 11 a m subject The
Sunday School Epworth League at 7
p m Preaching at 8 p m An oppor
tunity will be given at both services for
any who may wish to unite with us
either by letter confession of faith or
on probation The pastor will preach
at South McCook Sunday at d p in
We heartily invite everybody to all
these services Parents are your chil
dren in some Sunday school
M B Carman Pastor
H I Peterson had his home job
threshed Monday
Will Sigwing pulled his horse power
through here Tuesday for home
W H Benjamin was called to McCook
on business Saturday
Miss Pearl Benjamin returned to her
home in Eustis Neb first of week
The thresher had to draw on all the
neighbors to get water enough to keep
J H Relph was threshing Tuesday
j and Wednesday and they had to quit
with the job unfinished on account of a
break about the engine
Marriage Licenses
October 13 1903
Ira C Kird Danbury
Mary B Sedden Indianola
August Miller i9snr
Louise Droll McCook
October 1G 1903
Edward L Confer McCook
Marie C Hanson McCook
October 17 1903
CliaunreyS Messner Danbury
Maud Ruby Danbury
October 20 1703
JoIinHDering Yuma Coo
Mary Pescli lama Colo
October 21 1903
JlennanR Silver McCook
Lila McMurrin McCook
October 26 1903
Henry Johnson Hayes County
Mae Walker Hayes County
Joseph B Gannichael Indianola
JElla Mae Anderson
L Boy Miner u I
InaHager -- -
Childrens Coats
Perfect Satisfaction
5 U
Before You
Make a Purchase
We Guarantee
Good Values Low Prices
Stomach Trouble
I have been troubled with my stom
ach for the past four years says D L
Beach of Clover Nook FarmGreenfield
Mass A few days ago I was induced
to buy a box of Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver Tablets I have taken part
of them and feel a great deal better
If you have any trouble with your stom
ach try a box of these Tablets You are
certain to be pleased with the result
Price 25 cents For sale by L W Mc
Low Rates West via Burlington Route
2500 to Portland Tacoma Seattle
2500 to San Francisco and Los Angeles
2250 to Spokane 2000 to Salt Lake
City Butte and Helena Proportion
ately low rates to hundreds of other
points including Big Horn Basin Wyo
Montana Idaho Washington Oregon
British Columbia California etc Ev
ery day until November 30 Tourist
cars daily to California Personally
conducted excursions three times a
week Tourist cars daily to Seattle In
quire of nearest Burlington Route
Dieting- Invites Disease
To cure dyspepsia or indigestion it is
no longer necessary to live on milk and
toasts Starvation produces such weak
ness that the whole system becomes an
easy prey to disease Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure enables the stomach and digestive
organs to digest and assimilate all of the
wholesome food that one cares to eat
and is a never failing cure for indiges
tion dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
Kodol digests what you eat makes the
stomach sweet Sold by L W McCon
A specialty of office supplies
The Tribune
Your Tongue
If its coated your stomach
is bad your liver is out of
order Ayers Pills will clean
your tongue cure your dys
pepsia make your liver right
Easy to take easy to operate
25c AH druggists
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful
hro vra or rich black Then use
l S
Whiskers 1
Farm Implements
Machinery Wagons Buggies
Agent for
Champion BindersMowers and Rakes
Cash paid for Eggs
Poultry and Farm Produce
R i
1 aches JSuits
Separate Skirts
Fur Scarfs J
Childrens Fur
V73lfs f ttui
1 ft
Ili HTi
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Congregational Services both mor
ning and evening by Rev George A
Conrad of Park City Utah Sunday
school at 10 oclock Prayer and con
ference meeting on Wednesday evening
at S oclock
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn S
Good Butter
Creamery Butter
The Tribune Only 100 per year
Are li Fiisli
Boy Say Pa what do the
mean by saying Penny wise
and pound foolish
Father Why its where a
man loses a dollar to save a
Boy Well Pa were you
that way when you let your
hogs all die because you did
not want to pay out money for
Liquid Koal that James Cain
sells so much of
Father Johnnie dont talk
so much
Iriton Nov 23 1602
This is to certify that I used L K and am
well pleased with it I only had six hoga
get sick after using it and before using it I
had from two to four get sick each day -I
can cheerfullj recommend it and would ad
vise any one who has bog cholera among his
hogs to give it a trial F F Faringer
One hundred dollars deposited in
the following banks for any one who
finds any of the testimonials we pub
lish from time to time are not genu
ine City National Bank York Neb
Sheldon State Bank Sheldon Iowa
Oklahoma Trust and Banking Co
Oklahoma City O T
Sheldon Iowa- York Nebraska
Oklahoma City O T
For Sale by James Cain
Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store
Phone No 20 McCook Neb
Use according to directions and if
it does not prove satisfactory your
monev back
OneQnartCan SI 00
OneGallon 3 00
V v