The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 30, 1903, Image 1

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Jumped Off cf a Moving- Train
Miss Lena Reineisof our city hud a
nnnovv escape from serious injury if not
denlb last Sunday evening in jumping
off of passongor train No 0 as tho tiiin
was approaching this city It appears
that sho is not familiar with travel by
rail She got on the train at Redwillow
coming to the city from a visit homo
south ot that place About a mile east
of tho city When the brukeman called
out the name of tho station tho young
woman promptly got up from her seat
and hurried to the door of tho couch
jumped off while the train was moving
at quite a rate of speed Fortunately
her injuries were not serious but con
sisted in a severe shaking up a bad cut
in the head and minor cuts on tho face
Her neck was evidently considerably in
jured by the fall This was the girls
first ride on a railroad tiain and when
tho station was announced she thought
sho bad to get off immediately and
gathering up her burdles hurried forth
When sho got to the steps sho missed
the top stop and plunged forward from
the train striking on her head and
shoulder Tho brakeraan grabbed for
her as sho fell outward but oid not suc
ceed in reaching her Tho train came
on to town and trainmen announced the
accident A number of citizens at once
started out to find tho girl whom thoy
located in tho darkness by her groans
along side the track just south of East
McCook By this time tho switch-engine
arrived from the yard and the girl
was brought to town She was at onco
taken to the oflice of Dr S C Beach
where sho received medical attention
and remained during the night Mon
day morning sho was moved to the
homo of James AlcAdams where she is
now improving satisfactorily
At Home to Many Friends
Mrs F G Westland was at homo
to a large company of lady friends Wed
nesday aftornoon adding another de
lightful number to the social affairs of a
gay week
She was assisted by Mrs J F Ken
yon and Mrs C M Bailey as ushers
anil Mrs James Hatfield Mrs G R
SrJyder Mrs W B Mills and Mrs J
M Trammell who served chocolate in
upstairs apartments
High five of the military brand was
played Mrs W S Perry and Mrs A L
Knowland winning for Fort Robinson
and receiving handsome bouquets of
roses and white chrysanthemums
An elaborate 4 courso luncheon was
The house was profusely decorated in
patriotic colors The flowers were red
roses and white chrysanthemums
A Farewell to
Mrs C E Pope
evening of this week
Tuesday the
members of the order of Lady Maccabees
held a farewell party at the heme of
Mrs H P Waite in honor of Mrs C E
Pope who this week departed for her
new home in Saint Joseph Missouri
The guests played Flinch as a pas
time Refreshments were served A
remembrance of two beautifully hand
painted plates was a feature of the
The Popes havo been for years highly
esteemed citizens of McCook and their
departure is a source of very keen re
gret to a wide circle of friends and ad
mirers ltis a general hope that St
Joe may prove a pleasant and satisfac
tory home for them
McCook Laundry Prize Contest
Miss Ona Hendricks telephono operator
Miss Xellio Smitbbook keeperforColoman
resumed his run
Miss Mamio Frank cashier B M Eating
House S
Mis Joe Mullen cpt hier DeGrolFs store to
Miss Maud Best book keeper Barnett LCo 28
Miss S Brady clerk DeGroffs storo 27
Miss Edna Yarcer postoflice 22
Miss Maud Burcess clerk Grannis store i
Miss Stella Fuller -
Miss Millicout Elbert 2
For particulars phone 35
The Mules Wouldnt Whoa
R J Branscom mail carrier between
McCook and Hayes Center had an un
comfortable experience close of last
week in a runaway in which he and his
two diminutive mules were the star per
formers Uncle Branscom sustained a
fractured rib and several bruises and
unable to make a run or two but
on Monday morning as
A Shipment of Flour to England
The McCook Milling Co is feeling ex
cusably elated over a demand for their
product from England They recently
made a shipment of 1000 sacks of their
well known flour and brands to Hull
England the order coming from Chica
go representatives A eiersou Drus a w
Saturday Oct 3 1st 3 Oclock
Tomorrow afternoon at 3 oclock is
ttie last call for sugar beet prize at
W T Colemans If you want to enter
thecompetition you must have your
beets in the storo by 3 oclock Satur
day October 31st
Paints and Oils
For barns sheds and out buildings
canfurnish a mineral of different colprs
that will not fade and makes a cheap
paint We carry the best mixed paint
The Lincoln Now is a good time to
paint as oil is very low in price Let us
figure with you A McMillen
When you want a hand made harness
we will furnish you the best possible
and the price is right at W T Cole
Kodakerymeans photography with
the bother left out You may find a
catalogue and get information at Cone
-Ladies well made fleece lined wrap
pers for 75c at The Thompson Dry Goods
Cos Others up to 8200
Childrens fleece Jined sleeping gar
ments from 25c to 50c at the Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
Wo have a line of gloves made ex
pressly for handling sugar beets at the
Bee Hive
111 u wU wsc 1111 14
Mrs F A Henderson made a trip to
Lincoln this week
Mitft N L Wempxk of Culbortsou
was a city visitor Tuesday
Mus E OScott looped tho loop
on the Im portal Wednesday
Charles Enoch has rented the
Engiueer Westland residence
Mus C E Ryan has gone to Yuma
Colorado pn a visit to her relatives
Mus George Martin has been with
Hastings friends and relatives this week
Sylvester Cokdeal and family mov
ed into the C E Pope home Tuesday
Mrs Frank Quiglky of Republican
City visited Norton Kansas friends
this week
Mus C B IIoag of Indianola was a
guesl of her daughter Mrs C B Gray
Don McCauty left lost night for St
Lpuis where he will make ins homo for
the present
fMns C E Pope and tho children do
parted on No 12 Thursday morning for
their new home in St Joe
Miss Mae IIileman returned home
Sunday from Eastern Nebraska where
she has been making a long visit
Mrs A C Teel and Miss Ena Gams
by of Indianola aro in tho city for a few
weeks on life insurance business
Mr and Mrs Bruce Christian of
the South Sido became the parents of a
line girl baby Wednesday of this week
Mrs L R Hilkman is entertaining
her parents Mr and Mrs T H L Lee
who are on their way to California for
tho winter
Mrs J ames Irwin returned to Pitts
burg Kansas Saturday night after a
visit of a few weeks here with relatives
and friends
Noel Motes and Willis Koonts are in
Red Willow county with Pink Gartons
threshing machine Grafton cor Ge
neva Signal
Mrs F W Bosworth Miss Bessie
Bosworth and Miss Emma Perry took
4n tne lien tur matinee in Denver
Saturday afternoon last
Mr and Mrs William Wilson of
LeClaire Iowa are guests of Mr and
Mrs L R nileman They are going
to California for the winter
C A Ready of the judicial committee
has been in tho city part of the week
looking after the interests of our next
and present judge R C Orr
Mrs E R Curtis a former resident
of our city but now of California is in
the city on a visit to relatives and
friends in this part of tho country
Mrs George D Leach departed on
Wednesday for her new borne in Bloom
field Knox county where her husband
is engaged in the hardware business
James Harris arrived from Pueblo
Colorado Thursday of last week driv
ing overland and will remain expecting
to farm the place on Driftwood next
J M Henderson Sr who has been
living in Blasdell New York for the
past few years arrived in the city on
1 Saturday last to remain among us
again Welcome
Dr W V Gage and family departed
Wednesday for Omaha where the doc
tor assumes a professorship in the medi
cal college of that city associated with
the state university
Mb Waddell of Iowa who has been
visiting Ed Jacques over on the South
Side left for home on Monday night He
may decide to return and become a resi
dent of this part of the county
Mrs A Barnett gave her Sunday
school tho infant class of the Con
gregational church a happy lawn party
last Saturday afternoon in which games
and refreshments played their joyous
Mr and Mrs Mark Smith of Denver
so a private word informs us are parents
of twins a boy and a girl just recently
born to them Mr Smith was for a
while a few years ago connected with
tho McCook Republican
George Hill who is engaged in the
lumber business in Cripple Creek Colo
rado was in the city Wednesday on
his way to Indianola on a visit home
He has been in business in Cripple
Creek for the past 3 years
James Hatfield was on the Kansas
City market last week with a shipment
of cattle from his ranch east of town
and realized tho top of the market for
his high grade product a performance
he duplicated last year by the way
John Kummer who was severely hurt
a few weeks since by being struck by
the engine of No 13 at Redwillow cross
ing was in town Tuesday for the first
tinier since the accident He seems to
be quite recovered from his injuries
Dr and Mrs Peter Boyle who
have been spending a few weeks visiting
their daughter JMrs T B Stutzman at
Davenport Neb arrived in the city
Monday night on their way home to
Denver They will be guests of their
son Charles for a while
W T Coleman was called over to
Yale Iowa first of the week by the
death of Mrs Colemans mother who
died on last Friday Mrs Coleman has
been taking care of her mother for a
number of weeks She is expected
home with her husband tonight
Mrs Nellie Henderson Misses Julia
Ryan Maude Cordeal Stella Fuller
Minnio Rowell Nellie Smith Olive Rit
tenhouse Maude McMillen and Myrtle
Myer of McCook hired arig and driver
last Saturday evening and drove up to
Culbertson to attend the ball in the
Shumaker hall After enjoying the
dance they with Miss Verna Vastine
were entertained at the home of Mrs
Hendersons parents Mr and Mrs R
Knowles where luncheon was served
Culbertson Herald
Ladies heavy beaver shawls SI 75 to
S3 50 at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
One price plairufigures cash only
SSSSfcEjKJK rfs uE
Judge JBBarnesRepublican
candidate for judge of the
preme courtand Congressman M
E J Burkett of the First
trict will address the citizens
tonight in the Menard opera w
house Be sure to hear them
fol GO
They Painted the Barn
Tuesday evening about fifty citizens
of McCook repaired to the ranch of
James Hatfield a few miles east of town
put on tlio finishing touches paint
and dedicated tho large fine structure
to the comfort and protection and feed
ing of his fine herd of blooded cattle
Thegay dedicators and artists carried
with therri all tho essentials for a gay
time edibles paint musicians and joy
ous spirits At about 9 oclock after
everybody and everything belated was
reported present a grand lunch was
spread in the barn and thcro has been
nothing like it on earth sinco old Bel
shazzars time
Thereafter until midnight Terpsichore
had the floor together with her votaries
Following is the form of invitations
issued and it is a matter of prldo with
tboso inteiesred that the letter and the
spirit thereof were followed
swing your pards
Yourself and ladies are cordially in
vited to attend the grand dedication of
James Hatfields new barn just recoutly
completed all but the painting on
Tuesday evening October 27th 1903
Bring your lunch baskets well filled
Supper at G p m sharp immediately
after which will occur tho grand midway
parade Grand march at 8 oclock in
the hay mow
Full dress suits red hose and cigar
ettes barred
If you are not in the mood to paint
dont come
By order of committee appointed to
to invite you
Tho barn is ono of tho finest in the
country being 40x90 feet two stories
high on stone foundation shingle roof
match flooring etc It will house about
one hundred head of cattle and store 130
tons of hay besides has quarters for
horses and feed It is an ornament to
one of the greatest ranch properties in
Redwillow county
Prof W J McGillin and J GSchobel
provided the music for the dance
An Extensive Social Function
Mesdames H P Sutton Vina Wood
J F Kenyon and G R Snyder were
hostesses at an extensive and successful
social affair last Friday in which a
large company of guests participated
Both affairs were in the nature of card
parties military high five being played
at each At tho afternoon party there
were abPut thirty five ladies present A
four course breakfast was served at high
noon Mesdames F G Westland W S
Morlan A L Knowland and C M
Bailey and Miss Margaret Evans assist
ing Fort Crook defended by Mrs R
M Douglass and Mrs Anna Colfer won
the prize
In the evening there were about ntty
ladies and gentlemen present A three
course luncheon was served Mesdames
A L Knowland F G Westland W S
Morlan C M Bailey Miss Margaret
Evans Miss Bessie Bosworth Miss Let
tie Kninnle Dare Kenyon and Harold
Sutton assisting in the serving Fort
Riley r defended by Mrs W B Mills and
Dr C L Fahnestock were the prize
The decorations were patriotic flags
and bunting being utilized over the
house tastefully
I wish to correct the opinion which
seems to be prevalent that I have
declined the nominations of the demo
cratic and populist parties for the oflice
of county superintendent of schools I
have accepted both and wish it to be
understood that I am a candidate for
that office 10 16 3ts
Flora B Quick
I wish to announce to the voters of
Redwillow county that I am a candi
date for sheriff and will be thankful for
theirsupport regardless of their party
affiliations C J Ryan
Have Threshed Out Over 8000 Bushels
T J Pate and son Delbert have ust
completed threshing their wheat crop
and announce the grand total to be over
8000 bushels of fall wheat of which
about 4000 bushels was volunteer
For Rent or Sale
My residence in first block east of park
for sale Contains all modern conven
iences Also some furnishings in good
condition for sale F G Westland
For Sale
My household goods Call at the res
idence of K M Stangland
Mrs Emma Dixon
Dinner and Supper Election Day
The ladies of the Christian church
will serve dinner and supper next Tues
day election day
Union suits for men women and chil
dren from 25c to S250 at the Thompson
Dry Goods Cos Childrens vests and
pants from 8c to 90c La union suits in
black white grey and ecru 35c to 250
Home made bed comforts 165 6 feet
by 7 feet at the Thompson Dry Goods
Cos Others to 250 One price plain
figures cash only
Full or bronen sets in the Hermis
Titian sunburst and all of the new pat
terns of cut glass just received at W T
Colemans -
The display of books pictures and
fancy lamps being shown by Cone Bros
is attracting much attention
You will find overshoes selling just as
low as they did when crops were poot at
the Bee Hive
Try our vanilla extract
Maurice Heberleo is a new wiper this
C H Ziegler has gono to Grover
W P Bross was in Lincoln Monday
on business
Eugineer W II Morrell is on the sick
list this week
Brakeman G L Burney was off duty
part of tho week
E W Fitt was up from Lincoln
Monday on business
Fred DuLaney joined himself to the
boilerraakers this week
Conductor S E Qallen had Conductor
Popes run temporarily
Way cars 129 and 98 are in the carpenter-shop
for overhauling
Engine 157 has been transferred to
the Highline out of Holdrege
Foreman F C Fullers new brick
residence is beginning to loom up
Engineer and Mrs Rov Zint visited
Red Cloud relatives over Sunday
A E Smith resigned from the service
as a boilermakers helper Monday
W H Anderson has been transferred
from the toolroom to the drillpress
Conductor C E Pope shipped his
goods to St Joe Mo Tuesday night
Fireman L F Swanson and sister
were in Franklin over Sunday on a visit
Master Mechanic Archibald went up
to Denver Thursday on 13 on business
Arthur Colfer cut his finger with a
hatchet Friday and is working tho re
Brakeman W
daughter made
Mr and Mrs
returned home
S Tomlinson wife and
a Irip to Oxford this
Weslev Spencer have
from their trip to St
John Hoff was called to the eastern
part of the state this week to attend a
Fireman William Weintz returned to
work Tuesday after a serious illness of
a few weeks
John Traut who has been off duty
nursing a sprained back returned to
work this week
Walter Thorgrimson was up from
Lincoln visiting the homefolks and
friends over Sunday
R L Creasman and W II Sexton of
the paint gang have resigned from that
branch of the service
Engineer M R Gates and family ar
rived home last Satuiday night from
their visit in Lincoln
W G Jones who
threshing returned to
been away
helper gang Monday
CTL Eaton asst supt car service
was up from Lincoln Wednesday on
business of the service
Roy Rolfe retired from school life
Monday and is now enrolled on the
night force at the round house
Engine 120 is just out of the shop
after an overhauling and the 266 has
been run in to fill the vacancy
Machinist Knud Stangland has sold
his pretty home to W F Pate Tho
consideration was about 2300
Gus Budig returned to work Satur
day after an absence of two weeks from
the shop on account of sickness
Tom O Robinson of the freight office
witnessed the glorv of Ben Hur in
the Broadway Denver Saturday
Stewart McLean of Supt Campbells
office witnessed the great Ben Hur
performance Saturday last Denver
Three daughters of Charles Arnold of
South McCook are suffering with what
is feared will develop into typhoid fever
Brakeman and Mrs E M Snyder
spent a few days in Red Cloud this
week returning home on 13 Thursday
Asst General Supt G W Rhodes
and Supt of Motive Power R D Smith
were up from Lincoln on business Wed
Engineer and Mrs II H Kingsbury
arrived home Saturday from making a
visit to their parents in Peoria and
Chicago Illinois
Conductor Frank Quigley was off
duty part of the week and Conductor
Watson went down from here to make
his runs meanwhile
Albert Johnson became a member of
the force of machinists helpers Mon
day and Allen Noreen a recent addition
resigned from the force
J T Cox agent of the Burlington at
Columbus has been appointed a travel
ing freight and passenger agent with
headquarters in Lincoln He will work
on the Northern division with a mileage
of 1500 miles
Conductor William Cropp returned
home midweek after an absence of 3
weeks on his honeymoon and has re
turned to duty which brought L A
Hurlburt home to McCook Wednesday
He has resumed flagging
G E Leming agent of the B Ms
railroad at Crawford Neb was in the
city yesterday accompanied by his wife
He came to consult Dr T OConner
the cancer specialist regarding a cancer
on his lower lip which has bothered
him about a year The cancer was suc
cessfully removed and he returned home
last night Lincoln Star
Engineer George Pronger celebrated
his marriage of about a month since
Wednesday night with a stag party at
his home in this city at which some 9 or
10 friends participated Perry Bross
was the chef and the boys are all will
ing to wager something large that he
could commandia neat dot in that capa
city anywhere Mr Prongers new wife
is a sister of his brother Johns wife
Mens suits from 1350 down to 350
at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Boys
suits from S5c to 350 Mens stout
corduroy pants 2 Boys corduroy
knee pants 50c
McMillens cough
anteed Try it
cure is fully guar-
I am told that it may be of interest to
somo to know of my plans for tho schools
should I be elected county superintend
ent 1 have not formulated any plans
in detail but of this much I am sure
My entire time shall bo devoted to tho
duties of the office and it shall bo my
purpose to bring the work of the rural
schoolsup to where it shall more nearly
fit into tbat of the city schools at nil
times eudeavoring to work for the best
interests of patrons and teachers
This cannot bo done in ono year nor
in two for it is a matter that has been
and must bo of gradual growth It can
be hastened by the liberality of our state
in providing for tho training of its
teachers Tho Junior Normal in this
county is a factor that should receive
the hearty support of all educators
With its help the character of the work
in our schools should show marked im
I believe that the successful teacher
must study and the Junior Normal of
fers an opportunity of inestimable value
to tho teachers of this county Summer
study means a sacrifice of pleasureoften
and of money always but tho teacher
whose heart is in her work knows that
it pays and to such teachers alouo tho
schools should begiven
Flora B Quick
Public Road No 369 Established
In the matter of road No 369 peti
tioned for by E UGallatin and others
and laid over from the last meeting the
board finds on examination that all of
the requirements of tho law havo been
fully complied with and tho public good
requires it on motion petition was
granted and road established as follows
Commencing at a point about 40 rods
north of the northeast corner of the
northwest quarter of section 19 town
ship 3 range 26 west 6 P M and run
ning in a northwesterly direction pass
ing through the southwest quarter of
section 18 township 3 range 26 emerg
ing from above mentioned quartor at a
a point about 60 rods from the northeast
corner of the same northwesterly direc
tion and emerging into the public road
running duo north into Bartley and
clerk was instructed to notify overseer
of highways to open said road
Damages by reason of tho location of
above road were allowed as follows E
E Smith claimed 300 allowed 100
Minna Schmelzer claimed 250 allowed
150 and tho overseer of road district
where road is located was directed to
paj the same out of any funds belong
ing to said district as by law provided
Cut Flowers and Floral Designs
for weddings socials funerals etc fur
nished on short notice I buy my de
signs at wholesale sell for small profits
and am sure to please everybody Also
handle a select line of lodge emblems I
grow my own carnations for cut flowers
and bouquets sell at 50c per dozen one
third less than Hastings or Denver
Large carnation plants in pots at 35c to
50c each colors red pink and white
Will have a fine collection of large chrys
anthemums and Boston ferns about No
vember 10th I have at present a few
nice chrysanthemums some already in
bloom McCook Greenhouse
Phone 91 Mrs L M Best
Six blocks east of First National Bank
Pades Undertaking Rooms Scorched
Fire last Friday afternoon damaged
Pade Sons undertaking rooms on
West Dennison street to tho extent of
about 300 The fire evidently was
communicated to the building from a
defective smokestack in the McCook
steam laundry adjoining it The flames
were confined between the roof and
ceiling and were soon controlled by the
department The goods in the rear end
of the building were moved into the
front of the building hence there was
no loss of stock
It was at first thought the fire was in
the laundry but later the undertaking
rooms were discovered to be on fire and
a second alarm was turned in
Came Home on Their Shields
The members of the high school foot
ball team went down to Franklin last
Saturday determined to win a victory
from their larger and heavier antagonists
of the academy at that place or come
home on their shields or words to that
effect We are compelled to state that
the shields had to be utilized as the
academy placed on the girdiron a team
which averaged about 170 pounds
against which our lads with an average
of less than 140 pounds were too light to
pull out a victory although they did
succeed in holding them for two downs
the last half The score was 42 to 0
Those Who Buy
our meats and fish get the best the very
best we can procure In fish you get
the freshest and we give you the advan
tage of the best price possible We
handle all meats and prepare them for
you in the best and cleanest way You
can always get your choice cuts here
Let us have an order from you for prompt
Marshs Meat Market
Buys Cream Sells Separators
James Cain will commence receiving
separator cream next Tuesday and re
gularly every day after that He will
pay the highest market price in cash
every Tuesday He is also agent for
Iowa Dairy Separator See him for
prices and terms
For Sale
6000 life scholarship in Omahas
best Business College at a bargain
Owner out of city Address D W
Baldwin 1004 Farnam St Omaha
Bloodhounds and Scotch Terriers
Registered pedigreed young Blood
hounds and thoroughbred Scotch Ter
riers for sale See R McDonald on the
Morlan farim
The largest line of steel ranges in the
city and at the lowest prices at
W T Colemans
New zibelines GOc to 1 at the
I son Dry Goods Co
Everything iu drugs McDonnell
Kodaks and supplies at Cono Bros
Glass paints oils and wall paper at
T J Pate has
v htsat for sale
For Salk
Scale books
some Russian seed
Tho latest that silver nickel ware at
W T Colemans
Wo havo mittens for
boys at the Boo Hivo
-15 brood
men as well an
Duck and covert cloth coats all colors
and kinds at the Bee Hivo
Dont get left Buy your cut glass of
W T Coleman at tho right price V
See W T Coleman if you have any
cane millet or alfalfa seed for sale
Wo aro selling lots of fancy china
The prices help us at tho Beo Hive
sows soon
P Walsh
Typewriter papers
The TitrnuNE
There was no city council meeting
Monday ovoning for lack of a quorum
Fine largo furnished room for rent
Inquire of I D Mooro in Odclls store
Good time to mako kraut Wo havo
tho cabbage and tho cutters at tho Beo
Now is tho time to buy your stove
W T Coleman has the Estate Oak
which is the best
Tho correct styles in tho fitting back
jackets aro to bo found at Tho Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
A Halloween party is on tap for Sat
urday night with Castlo Cronkhite as
the scene of festivities
Ono of the greatest sports on earth
for young and old Kodakery Ask
for catalogue at Cone Bros
Furnished rooms for rent Inquire
of Mrs F B Nichols second residence
east of DeGroffs store
For the finest stationery choicest
perfumes and best toilet articles of all
kinds you should go to Cono Bros
Dress skirts to your measure at the
Thompson Dry Good Co from 250 up
to 89 Also factory made from 2 to 0
Tho McCook Milling Co is giving 35
pounds of flour and 10 pounds of bran
in exchange for a bushel of GO pound
W W McMillen harness maker has
just received a large shipment of wagons
and buggies Learn his prices before
Dont let them fool you No other
store youll find will sell you such good
values in Ware of every kind as at WT
If you havo the blue3 you liver is
probably out of order Take a dose of
McConnells health granules and the
world will look easy again
Johnnie said
James Cains advertisement
in this issue It will interest
to Pa in
fit you Do not overlook it
When your physician writes a pre
scription he expects certain definite re
sults If we fill it these results are cer
tain McConnell Druggist
Strayed Two young pigs black
from my place on McDowell street
Weigh about 75 pounds Reward
W T Coleman
Fine lie of wagons and buggies just
received by W W McMillen tho har
ness maker His prices are as attractive
as his stock Get them before buying
When you want anything in the line
of silverware and cut glass remember
we will be glad to serve you
W T Coleman
Strength and vigor come of good food
duly digested Force a ready-to-serve
wheat and barley food adds no
burden but sustains nourishes invigor
ates 9 11 tf
F Siegel Bros great magazine-advertised
1075 jacket is to be found in
all sizes and three colors at The Thomp
son Lry liooas uos wno nave tne ex
clusive sale for McCook
At the beginning of the cough season
it would be well for you to
Connells Balsam in mind It is a
cough cure that cost you nothing if if
fails to give satisfaction
McConnell Druggist
The opinion entertained byafewearly
in the year that Monte Carlos would
have a further run this fall and winfer
has been effectually dispelled and the
fitting back jacKets are receiving the
patronage of all dressy purchasers and
occupying the attention of the manufac
turers exclusively The up-to-date gar
ments are shown by The Thompson Dry
Goods Co -
When the merchants of the given
community awake to the importance
and necessity of intelligent and persist
ent and liberal advertising the mail
order business will decline accordingly
The local merchant who has too much
business already to advertise is not
liable to be progressive and wideawake
and liberal enough to offer much com
petition to the advertising enterprising
uptodate department store and mail
order house
For Sale or Trade
160 acres unimproved timber land
in Reynolds county Mo Price 2
200 or will trade for unincumbered
farm in Red Willow county Neb
Address Ed Wilson
Boss Station Jasper County 111 g
WJ i