t McCook Tribune F M KIMMELL Publisher MCOOK NEBRASKA The concert of Europe appears to lack an efficient bandmaster Prince Alerts mile in 157 shows Dan Patch that there are others Dressmakers do not worry over the bills That problem is up to tne men The first collar bone hag been broken in a football game at Medford - Next Such a thing as a wild day in stocks does not appear to ruffle the country s enuamimity The theatrical manager who shot up his company must have been look ing at the show If blood was a merchantable com modity the Turk would be in the way to make substantial profits If it were not for the man who also ran the victory of the successful can didate would not be so conspicuous According to arctic explorers there is enough ice about the north pole this year to break the heart of the ice trust Barries play Little Mary has the uoble theme that England overeats Now for a health food named Little Mary Glance over the market quotations and see if you do not think this is a good time to lay in your winter supply of steel rails Joseph Jefferson admits that he vis ited Chicago in 1839 He stoutly de clares however that he didnt play Rip at that time Placer mining machine has been in vented that will make gold plentiful and this will help us to stave off the trusts for a little while Let the boys play football while they can for Dr Wiley says Ave are soon to be a hairless race and then it would be ah off with that sport Dcy say dar am a black sheep in ebry family mused Uncle Rastus Wonder how de cullud man am sposed to stinguish de one in his Members of the international peace congress want to hold their next ses sion in the United States where there are no cannons booming or bullets fly ing Old wine old shoes and old friends have always been declared the best Now an old horse has paced a mile in 157 breaking the record of Dan Patch Ofiicers are trying to prevent the in mates of the Pennsylvania peniten tiary from making counterfeit money It is too bad that a man cant work at his trade It is stated that bridge whist is suf fering from a decline in popular favor Perhaps the bridge sharps have suc ceeded in harvesting all the other fel lows money The Connecticut man who has had inscribed under his bust in the cem etery the words Going but Cant Tell Where is frank even if he isnt strictly orthodox George de Pinna the purchaser ol Shamrock I might as well abandon the idea of converting her into a cruiser she couldnt overhaul any thing in case of war Noah Roby of Plainfield N J who claims to be 132 years old is down with the measles This second child hood business appears to be dangerous if it is carried too far Patti actually has a new picture for advertising purposes What has hap pened to the old one taken when she was nineteen with which we are all familiar Did the negative get broken Judge Emmons will find a fine field of endeavor in Nome where unique bal masques are advertised in the pub lie prints as festive occasions to be avoided by all persons whose feelings are easily shocked Seventy five teachers in Chicagos public schools have resigned this sum mer to get married Well it is pleas anter after all to teach your own children than it is to teach the boys and girls of other people One of the designs for the Liptwn testimonial shows the American In dian buffalo seagulls and American eagle with delicate trimmings com prising dainty festoons of Indian corn For heavens sake cut out the corn French aeronauts have succeeded in crossing the English channel in a balloon People who have crossed the channel in boats unanimously admit that they dont know of anything which might more fittingly be crossed in a balloon After a thorough consideration of the statements made by the powers -with reference to the situation in Macedonia the unbiased observer will conclude that the matter is likely to be settled only when everybody has cither moved out or been killed off r SSESS2SSSS2SffiCKfi5EaES3SSSES5iffi2SSKKt4i2as IS THE WATER ALL OUT KANSAS TORNADO TOWN OF ALICEVILLE DEMOL ISHED BY STORM THREE PEOPLE ARE KILLED Fata Injury to Two and Fourteen Others More or Less Seriously Hurt Five Funnel Shaped Clouds Get to Work EMPORIA Kan Three persons killed outright two fatally injured and fourteen others more or less seri ously hurt with enormous property damage is the net result of the tor nado near Aliceville Coffey county The town of Aliceville which has 200 inhabitants was practically demolish ed Wires were prostrated and the effects of the storm were not learned until late The list of casualties may be incomplete The dead EDITH BAILEY daughter of W E W Bailey MR GILLHAM father of Mrs John Bailey UNKNOWN MAN The injured near Hamilton W E W Bailey two sous and two daugh ters one son Ollie fatally hurt H Heberlin wife and child E C Manis and wife Heavy rains and wind storms were general all over central Kansas Tues day night With the exception ot those near Hamilton and Aliceville and vicinity however only minor damage was done In Greenwood and Coffey counties five distinct funnel shaped clouds formed at about the same time The two largest of these clouds struck near Aliceville and traveling southeast destroyed build ings and crops over a strip a quarter of a mile in width At Aliceville every one of the fifty houses in town was either totally wrecked or moved on its foundation The two general merchandise stores there one owned by T C Jones and the other belonging to D H Grant were totally wrecked and the entire contents destroyed On the opposite side of the street two blocks a lum ber yard two hpuses as well as the Missouri Pacific depot were demol ished At Aliceville but one person William Bruce was seriously injiired lie was crushed by falling timbers and probably will die Southwest of Aliceville in Coffey county heavy damage was done to farming proper ty The farm house of John Earl wine was torn to nieces and four members of the family wounded but none dangerously hurt A baby was blown a distance of fifty yards and suffered only slight bruises A school house was blown down and the house bfJ N Atherton blown away All the members of the Atherton family except a young daughter escaped in jury Her legs were nearly severed by flying timbers and she is in a serious condition The other injured lived four miles west of Hamilton where within a limited locality nine farm houses were destroyed Many small build ings were turned over and hundreds of stacks of hay and corn shocks scat tered A rolling stone does not make much of an uphill fight Killed by Threshing Machine PAPILLION Neb A young man named Schroeder fell into a threshing machine on a farm twelve miles northwest of here Saturday and was ground to pieces He was throwing bundles of grain into the machine from a stack when he slipped and fell striking squarely in the opening of the grain separator The body went clear through the machine fragments of it going through the elevator Chicago Record Herald MISSOURI RIVER Congress to be Asked to Make it a Highway KANSAS CITY Mo Before the Missouri river congress adjourned Thursday night a resolution was pass ed urging congress to remedy the ex isting conditions so a recurrence of the disastrous floods of last June may be prevented A permanent commit tee was appointed to carry out the sug gestions of the congress in securing such legislation The resolution adopted by the congress was as fol lows Whereas The entire Kansas river valley the cities along its banks and the two great cities at the mouth oE that river have recently suffered from one of the most disastrous floods in the history of the country in which many lives were lost and property to the value of 20000000 was destroyed the commerce of two great states im paired and hundreds of miles of rail road torn up and washed away result ing in untold injury to the commerce of the entire country the business of two great cities threatened with de struction and their people with pesti lencej Therefore- Be it resolved by the people of Missouri and Kansas in com mercial convention assembled that the congress of the United States be re spectfully requested to consider as speedily as possible the existing con ditions of the Kansas river and Mis souri river and to authorize and pro vide for an inquiry and a thorough examination into the said existing conditions to ascertain and determine the most effective measures for the prevention of recurrence of such dis asters and the interruption of inter state commerce duly considering the effects of the shortage of water for flood prevention and to provide ways and means necessary to accomplish the objects desired Resolved That the Missouri river is one of the natural highways of commerce and that the congress of the United States should exact such special legislation as it shall deem necessary to protect and preserve the channel of said river for the people as a highway Resolved That the senators and the representatives In congress from the states of Missouri and Kansas be earnestly requested to use their influ ence and to exert their utmost endeav ors as is prayed for here Members of congress from both Mis souri and Kansas promised support of such measures as will grant the need ed relief and practical engineers dis cussed the river situation from a tech nical standpoint Bryans Business is Private NEW YORK W J Bryan was in the city Thursday He said his visit to New York had no connection what soever with politics but was in con nection with the administration of the estate of the iate Philo S Bennett of New Haven of whose will he is an executor They Vote Against a Strike NEWARK N J The employes of the public service corporation which controls a big system of trolley lines in this and adjacent counties have voted overwhelmingly against a strike Argentine Only Bounty Fed Sugar WASHINGTON D C In view of the fact that only bounty fed cane sugar imported into the United States comes from the Argentine Republic the treasury department has issued a circular relieving importers from the necessity of furnishing the evidence of identity required as to the sugars Thus all cane sugars except Argen tina can be brought in under the in sular certificate of origin heretofore required tS2Zu jaaEaafefcrsFirfrnr iB88A jKXMK General Nebraska News I REVENUE BOARD MEETS SOON Secretary to Be Selected Whose Sal ary Starts in December LINCOLN The state board of equalization as authorized under the revenue law enacted by the late legis lature will meet in a few days to agree upon a secretary to the board and give the additional members an oportunity to familiarize themselves with their new duties According to the provisions of the new law the selection of a secretary should be made at the December meet ing but as this would only give about a month for the new officer to send out his blanks it is almost imperative that the selection be made now that he may have ample time to become familiar with his duties and have his blanks prepared in time The secre tary however will not draw salary until December and neither will his appointment be officially made until then but it is the idea of the board to inform whoever they decided upon that he may get down to work At present there are a number of candidates for the place among1 whom are Reynolds of Chadron Persinger of Central City Matthews of the au ditors office and probably others Bookkeeper Bennett of the auditors ofilce has been mentioned for the place but in all probability he would refuse it and besides that Auditor Weston wants Bennett to stay where he is as he is said to be an expert accountant J F C McKesson has also been mentioned for the place but in all probability he too would re fuse it At present it looks like Per singer of Central City The office will pay 1G00 a year and it will be one of the most important if properly han dled of any in the state as the secre tary will be the eyes and ears of the entire board and upon him more than any board member will depend the as sessments as his entire time will be devoted to keeping track of the work Governor Mickey says that whoever is to be the new secretary should have an early start to become familiar with his work and to prepare his blanks in advance of the time they are needed His will be a most important office and should be of great assistance to tho board Arrives with Horses ST PAUL John Hettrick arrived home from Europe with fourteen im ported stallions He will build a large barn near the business center of town and enter the importing business on a large scale The initial shipment con sists of six black Percherons two black Belgians and six bay Belgians One of the latter is an immense five-year-old animal which Aveighs 2500 pounds in ordinary flesh and will weigh more as he grows older Severe Hail Storm HUMBOLDT A severe wind and hail storm visited the section of the country to the northeast of this place and farmers report hailstones of large size covering the ground to the depth of several inches Crops and vege tation of all kinds are too far advanc ed to receive injury and the only Samage done was to the exposed win low panes along the path of the storm Dies in Wyoming PLATTSMOUTH News was receiv ed of the death of Frank Fry son of Mr and Mrs A C Fry which occur red on September 28th at Fort Mc Minsie Wyo The deceased was a member of Company A Twenty-seventh infantry and had recently re turned with his regiment from the Philippines He was twenty three Fears of af Locking Over the Ground Parties representing eastern pro moters were at Portal looking over the ground where the oil indications were discovered several days ago It cannot be ascertained at the present time just what conclusion they ar rived at but it is said that they are strongly of the opinion that much oil is there and that a trial test will be made in a short time Water drawn from some of the wells and left standing for a few minutes becomes covered with oil which has been pro nounced to be an inferior grade of pe troleum Sugar Factory Starts Up NORFOLK The sugar factory in Norfolk has begun its annual cam paign and the first grain of whiteness was ground out of the institution last week The beets are testing better than had been expected and the out put will be the best thus far shown There are nearly 300 men employed in the factory and the wheels will not stop turning until the close of the campaign which will come in the jenonth of January 1904 NEWSY STATE BRIEFS William Hoffman of North Bend Js SOTvIng a term in the county jail for drunkenness and beating his wife Bishop Bonacum of Lincoln dedi cated a large new Catholic church at Touhy Saunders county about 3009 people being present The barn of William Wagner east of Norfolk was struck by lightning and burned Eight head of cattle and oth er property were burned The Elm Creek flouring mill ha3 started for the first time in four years The mill has changed hands and its capacity has been increased Emil Johnson a properou3 young farmer living five miles north of Ax tell was found dead in a corn field He was probably kicked by a horse A barn on the farm of E G Brugh five miles east of Fremont burned with its contents consisting of a large amount of farm machinery one horse and one colt Cracksmen entered the grocery store of George M Ely at Fremont blew open the safe in which he kept his cash and accounts and secured 5910 in bills and silver Burglars broke into Eugene Smiths general store and postoflice at Basin ten miles west of Butte blew the safe took 20 in stamps and burned the building to the ground Loss 4000 no insurance At Curtis the jury in the Fyrmho murder case after being out eighteen hours brought in a verdict of man slaughter Judge Orr sentenced the prisoner to ten years in the peniten tiary at hard labor A fire at Ellis destroyed a barn be longing to Joseph Sparks One horse burned to death Two others Avere badly scorched and a fat hog Avas also consumed A little girl playing with matches started the conflagration The Fremont Telephone company has secured connections with Wahoo Arlington Aallcy and more than a hundred towns in eastern and south eastern Nebraska It also has access to the homes of Saunders county through the lines of the Goldenrod Telephone company of Wahoo Martin Keck a teamster employed by the Nye Schneider Fowler com pany Fremont Avas seriously and per haps fatally injured in a runaAvay ac cident The team became frightened at the Main street crossing of the Un ion Pacific and he Avas thrown out his head striking one of the rails His head Aas badly cut and he also sus tained severe internal injuries Again have the deposits in the Ne braska state banks reached a new high mark While the people of the east are complaining of tight money and low reserves and feel panicky plain people of the fertile Nebraska prairies haAe placed on deposit during the last year more than 1250000 in excess of the amount in the banks at the time of the September report last year when a neAv high level Avas reached John Jacobs living near McCool threshed 838 bushels of Avheat from a forty one acre field John Lantz near McCool threshed from a small field of Avheat thirty two bush els to the acre William De Boer near Blue Vale threshed nearly 900 bushels from a fifteen acre field of oats Henry Cites a farmer near Mc Cool threshed out a large field of wheat yielding 26 bushels tc acre Cass count land continues to in crease in price and much of it is changing oAvnership Word has reached Humboldt of the accidental and probably fatal injury of Charles Scholpp a young German farm hand Avho for several years ha3 been in the employ of L J Segrist a local farmer and stockman Scholpp recently left with a threshing gang for western Kansas and while in Nor tol county a few days ago fell from a AA ater Avagon the wheels of Avhich passed over his chest almost crushing the life out of him He cannot live The question of the competency of bloodhounds as Avitnesses in criminal prosecutions has been brought to the supreme court of Nebraska The case is that of George W Pratt of Nemaha county convicted of burglary and sen tenced to the penitentiary for three years In his appeal Pratt alleges he Avas convicted mainly as a result of the bloodhounds trailing him from the place the burglary Avas committed to his own home Avhere a stolen purse Avas found The large dwelling house of J W Grimes of Beatrice Avas partly de stroyed by fire causing damages tc the amount of 1500 AA hich is coa ered by insurance The fire was caus ed by a lamp exploding which is pre sumed to haA e been filled with gas oline by mistake Fred Bahl a well known young farmer of Humboldt had one of his hands mashed while in the act of mak ing a coupling between a traction en gine and a thresher He will probablj escape wjth the loss of a thumb The Only Titled Mute Sir Evelyn Arthur Falrbairn is tho only subject of King Edward whe bears an hereditary ttle and Avas born deaf and dumb A tall hand some man with a peculiarly wlnnir smile and attractive manner he gives no outward sign of a misfortune Avhich would have shadowed a tem perament less buoyant than his own Sir Artnur is a famous globe trotter a great part or his travel having been undertaken to study means of ameli orating the lot of those afflicted as he Is himself ALL TIRED OUT The weary worn out all tired feel ings come to er erybody who taxes the kid neys Wnen tho kidneys are over worked they fail to perform tho duties nature has provided for them to do When the kid neys fail danger ous diseases quickly follow urinary disorders j S N rff a fit A xn diabetes dropsy rheumatism Bright disease Doans Kidney Pill3 cure all kidney and bladder ills Read the fol lowing case Veteran Joshua Heller of 70C South Walnut street Urbana III says In the fall of 1899 after getting Doans Kidney Pills at Cunningham Bros drug store In Champaign and taking a course of treatment I told the read ers of the paper that they had re lieved me of kidney trouble disposed of a lame back Avith pain across my loins and beneath the shoulder blades During the interval which had elapsed I have had occasion to resort to Doans Kidney Pills when I noticed Avarnings of attack On each and every occa sion the results obtained Avere just as satisfactory as Avhen the pills Avere first brought to my notice I just as emphatically endorse the preparation to day as I did over two years ago A FREE TRIAL of this great kidney medicine Avhich cured Mr Heller wilL be mailed on applcation to any part of the United States Medical advice free strictly confidential Address Foster Mllburn Co Buiralo N Y For sale by all druggbts price 50 cents per box TT5fryviiiLjgg Wherever inlluraution exists there you may use Avith perfect safety 5 ife ySJ3 r3 Z3rl C V ITT SZSr although the Salve is chiefly recom mended for diseases of the eye UUritin ALL Yt Rf rsO I luno jy 1EW1S simgle bindek STRAIGHT 3r CIGAR 500000 Yoar jobber or direct from Factory Teoria I1L FREE 1 To prove the heaiin and cleansing power of Aaxtlnt Toilet Antiseptic we will icall a large trial package with hook of in f -action absolutely free This is no a tiny sample but a large package enough to con vince anyone of its value Women all over the country are praising Paxtine for wliat it has done in local treat ment of female HI enrin all inflammation anil discharges wonderful as a cleansing vatiinbl douche for sore throat naal catarrh as a mouth wash and to remove tartar and whiten the U eth Send today a po tai card will do Sold by drncjcts or sent potpatl byes 50 cits larjre bus Satis Miction cuarantecU THE K IAXTON CO ISoston Slasi Sl t Columbas Av FARIERSI We nuke all kinds cf tanks Red Cypress or White Pine Write us for prices and save middle roans proSt WOODEN PACKAGE MFG CO OMAHA NEBRASKA W N U Omaha No 421903 When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper m liliKtS YYHtRfc AM HRP fill1 Best Cough Byron Tastes Good Use in time bold by drudzlsts t I 1 f i r is i P