The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 16, 1903, Image 5

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3k J
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
flcCook - Nebraska
Farm implements
Machinery Wagons Buggies
Agent for
Champion Binders Mowers and Rakes
Cash paid for Eggs
Poultry and Farm Produce
Rooms upstairs over Zint Menards
millinery store
ratAMga uMmwwwMiewMMii my mirtteawNMliftfeil
lumber and
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Halliday Waupun hclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building
jQh Ih B
SHOES bought direct from the most reliable mak
ers in this country for all ages of children We
wish to call special attention to our line of
Seamless Shoes for boys at 175
The Hisses Kangaroo Calf Shoe at 125
The Misses genuine welt Shoes at 175
We are glad to show this line to our trade for we
feel they will appreciate this class of footwear at the
exceeding low prices Remember our guarantee is
on every pair of our shoea and if they go wrong we
will cheerfully repair free of charge
Do You Want to Yawn
Feel cold shiverings aching in the
bones lack of energy headache and
great depression These symptoms may
be followed by violent headache high
fever extreme nervousness a condition
known as malaria Herbine cures it
Take it before the disease gets a fair
hold though it will work a cure in any
stage J A Hopkins Manchester
Kan writes I have used your great
medicine Herbine for several years
There is nothing better for malaria
chills and fever headache biliousness
and for a blood purifying tonic there is
nothing as good 50c at A McMillens
Low Rates West via Burlington Route
S2300 to Portland Tacoma Seattle
2500 to San Francisco and Los Angeles
82250 to SpokaDe S2000 to Salt Lake
City Butte and Helena Proportion
ately low rates to hundreds of other
points including Big Horn Basin Wyo
Montana Idaho Washington Oregon
British Columbia California etc Ev
er day until November 30 Tourist
cars daily to California Personally
conducted excursions three times a
week Tourist cars daily to Seattle In
quire of nearest Burlington Route
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoflice Oct 13 1903
Crawford John Lolm E S
Fisher J K
Fielder Mrs Art
Gibbs Fred
Qerver VXf
Hingor C P
Hancj J U
IMMMiTHkTallKf 11
A C Oxa A SI LL B Pres Omaha
Prof A J Lowby Princ j
Endorsed bv First Natl
Bankand business men
SI 0000 in Roll Top Desks Bank Fixtures and
50 Typewriters Students can work for board
Sena for free catalogue bound In alligator
finest ever published by a Business College
Road it and you will attend the B C
Miller J F
McVey Wm
Mahoney Mrs J
Peterson Walter 2
Poborts P C
Robertson James
Kellev Mrs Jennie Rogers H
Kortlier D B Thomas George R
Willis W
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
It Goes Right to the Spot
When pain or irritation exists on any
part of the body the application of Bal
lards Snow Liniment will give prompt
relief It goes right to the spot said
an old man who was rubbing it in to
cure his rheumatism C R Smith
Propr Smith House Tenaha Texas
writes I have used Ballards Snow
Liniment in any family for several years
and have found it to be a fine remedy
for all aches and pains and I recom
mend it for pains in the throat and
chest 25c 50c and 81 at A McMill
For a bilious attack take Chamber
lains Stomach and Liver Tablets and a
quick cure is certain For sale by LW
McConnell druggist
j Time Card
j McCook Neb
In Latest Styles
Every Pair Made to Order
r wmerf
No 6 Central Time 1115 pm
2 540 am
12 820am
14 955pM
No 5 arrives from east at 8 p m
iiv itvr wust depaet
Tn 1 Mountain Time 1154 A M
No 176 arrives Mountain Time
11 pm
750 pm
825 am
640 P M
A E PETTY Proprietor
700 a m
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write A P Thornson Agent
McCook Nebraska or JTrancis General
Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska
McCook Nebraska
Cash Sugar Beet Premiums
On Octooer 3fst I will give cash prem
iums at my store as follows for the heav
iest and largest sugar beets grown on
upland and for the same grown on low
land The first cash premium will bo
8300 second 200 on upland beots
The first cash premium for low land beets
will be 300 second S200 Beots are to
be delivered and placed on exhibition at
my store on or before Saturday October
31st Bring in your beets and lot us
make an exhibition that will be attract
ive and that will at the same time show
the possibilities of this country as a
great sugar beet growing land
W T Coleman
Holdrege Neb Oct 8th 03 Mr
W T Coleman McCook Nob Dear
Sir 1 have just noticed in a McCook
paper that you have offered several cash
prizes for sugar beets
This is a move in the right direction
If more of tho business men and mer
chants would give a little attention to
such matters there would be less reason
for complaint about poor farming
Traveling much as I do I have heard
many merchants and business men com
plain of the slowness of the average
farmer to adopt new and improved meth
ods of cultivation My observation has
been that tho average merchant or busi
ness man is just as slow to promote and
encourage better methods
I repeat tho above move on your part
is a move in the right direction and I
wish to add to the prizss you offer
Through you one years subscription to
Campbells Soil Culture Monthly price
1 and one of my 1903 Soil Culture Man
uals price 50 cents total 8150 to your
first prize for the largest beet grown on
up land without irrigation and one years
subscription to the Soil Culture Month
ly to your second prize and when award
ing these prizes if your committee will
take the trouble to select tho third best
and largest beet grown on upland I will
give tho winner one of my 1903 Soil
Culture Manuals
The sugar beet industry has come to
western Nebraska to stay and I wish to
assert that its future cultivation on our
divide lands will be one of marked suc
cess and the study of the proper cultiva
tion of your lands both in the fitting of
the land for seeding and the after culti
vation of the beet will do more to put
your farmers right in the handling of
their soil for all crops than any other
one thing
Let us push the good work along If
agreeable I will now join you in the
same plan and offer for next years crop
Trusting my offer may be acceptable
I am yours very truly
H W Campbell
Pleasing Plays
For the second time the Kempton
Komedy Ko has made a decided hit in
Mound City Their engagement here
since Monday has been a decided suc
cess the opera house being filled to
overflowing each night Monday night
they put on the The Black Flag and
it was a hummer Tuesday uight A
Chicago Tramp was presented and the
rpal merits of this old time play the
tragedy and drama were brought out
in all their distinctness and reality
Old Kentucky was played Wednes
day night and so well that those who
witnessed it were highly delighted
Tonight The World will occupy the
boards This is the companys leading
play and no doubt standing room will
be at premium
A Chase For a Wife will be put on
tomorrow Friday night Mound City
Mo Weekly
Annual Picnic of Old Settlers
The secretary of the old settlers or
ganization of Redwillow county Mrs
Kate Thomas sends The Tribune the
following card announcing the annual
picnic of the organization
Indianola Neb Oct 13 1903 The
annual picnic of the old settlers of Red
Willow county will be held October 24
1903 at tho fair grounds at Indianola if
the weather is suitable if not at the
Masonic hall Come with a full basket
and an old time spirit for a good time
Mrs Kate Thomas Secy
A Parting Gift
A dozen or more of Mrs G A Nor
ens intimate lady friends invaded the
Noren home last evening and as a
parting memento of friendships long and
tender presented her with a hand-painted
lemonade pitcher The donors were
Mesdames F S Wilcox C F Babcock
W S Morlan W RStarr J F Ken
yon F M Kimmell O M Knipple C
H Meeker V Franklin H P Sutton
Sylvester Cordeal Albert McMillen and
Miss Margaret Evans
Those Who Buy
our meats and fish get the best the very
best we can procure In fish you get
the freshest and we give you the advan
tage of the best price possible We
handle all meats and prepare them for
you in the best and cleanest way You
can always get your choice cuts here
Let us have an order from you for prompt
delivery Marshs Meat Market
The Attraction is in the Quality
If youre buying for short use dont
mind quality but if you want them to
last come and see the Oneida Commu
nity ware W T Coleman
Our shoes are all new nothing out of
style or season Repairing cheerfully
done when shoes are defective at the
Bee Hive
xjjiiiiwuiiju u Jiuimiijvxjawii iujkiihjhj iii
rimimm u ihihi iinm mi Lin
I If ll
Good Clothes for Boys t i
H til 3fi jw rt A J iv ii j ln 2 twi Hill S
Dont these cool mornings remind you of
the fact that your boy needs
Our prices are right
Bring him in and let us fit him We have good
values and all sizes in Boys and Mens Cloth-
A specialty of office supplies
The Tribune
j r
The borrowers list now numbers 1159
As evidence of the fact that interest
iu the library is not wanning it may be
mentioned that 100 people visited it on
Saturday and that 75 books were with
The back numbers of the magazines
the subscriptiops to which were inad
vertently allowed to lapse have all been
received and may now be had on appli
cation to the librarian
At the annual meeting of the State
Library Association at Fremont last
week Miss Rache Berry who went as a
delegate from McCook was elected
president of the association for the en
suing year It is a source of gratifica
tion to the friends of the McCook library
that the worth of one who has labored
so strenuously for their welfare should
hava been recognized and rewarded
away from home It is not beyond
bounds to say that the State Library
Association has not heretofore had a
chief officer who will devote herself more
faithfully to the interests of the body
over which she presides or who will ful
fill so well the important duties of that
The McCook library is unique among
public libraries in this state in many
particulars It is in the broadest sense
of the term what its name signifies a
free library Not only is it free to the
citizens of the municipality that sup
ports it but to every resident of the
county who desires to avail himself of
its advantages As one of its patrons
expressed the situation to a stranger
who was surprised to learn the liberal
lines on which it is maintained it is the
wish of the management that its facilit
ies shall be as free as the air we breathe
or to quote the precise language we
would as soon think of charging for a
drink of water as for the use of a book
Many larger towns are without libraries
and others that have such institutions
conduct them on a system that unduly
restricts their influence Our library is
open every day in the year and every
week day evening We have more
books and better books than any other
library in the state comparable with
ours and our selection of books com
pares favorably even with the larger
collections WTe have no building it fs
true but we shall have an excellent
start toward the essential furnishings of
a library when eventually the struc
ture is erected What an empty mock
ery were a building without books yet
such is the absurd situation in some
towns of this state It is believed that
we have begun in the right way to
collect our books before securing the
building to house them
Mrs W S Perry returned Sunday
from her visit in Ohio
Miss Bertha Graham of Holdrege is
a guest of Mrs C M Bailey
Mrs Frances Barclay has been en
tertaining her sister Mrs Nettie Thomp
son of Trenton this week
Mrs F S Bosworth and Mrs Harry
Tyler will give a Dorcas Kensington
next Thursday afternoon at the home of
Mrs Bosworth
Mr and Mrs J B Meserve arrived
in the city from Beaumont Texas
Thursday on No 1 after a short visit to
the Magees in Fairmont and will re
main here some time Mr Meserve
has resigned his position at Beaumont
Mrs Gertrude Ingalls arrived
Wednesday evening from Pueblo Colo
where she has been visiting her son
Charles She left on Friday morning for
Imperial to visit her daughter Mrs AS
Campbell on the great Kilpatrick Bros
ranch near Champion
Rev L H Shumate left on Thursday
night for North Platte to assume the
duties of presiding elder of that district
Mrs Shumate left on the same train for
Orleans on a short visit on her way to
Excelsior Springs Mo where she will
remain a number of weeks for her
healths sake
Verdict For The City
The damage suit of James McAdams
against the city occupied the attention
of the district court all this week and
resulted in a verdict for the city the
jury agreeing last night on such a ver
dict The case was hotly and closely
contested but the jury evidently con
cluded that the famous rain and hail
storm of 1901 was such an unusual one
that the city could not be held responsi
ble for damages on that account
This verdict will doubtless close this
incident and the other possible suits may
not instituted
Tho state case against James Cum
mings was settled by the defendant
pleading guilty to assault and battery
A fine Of 8100 and costs was imposed
In the case of Tague vs Tague di
vorce was granted defendant
The civil suits and cases settled by
agreement etc will be given in full next
You Want the Best
For your money and its your fault if
you dont get it Thats why you
should come to our market Our mar
ket supplies only the best Selected
meats too for those who want some
thing especially nice for the table Try
us Test us MffRSHs Meat Market
Mrs William Relph is still visiting
her son in Idaho
Wm Relph went duck hunting but
has not reported the amount of game he
J II Relph went Tuesday as a jury
man from Grant to the Redwillow dis
trict court at McCook
Mr Mitchell and Blanche Umsted
were visitors at A M Benjamins his
brother-in-law on Wednesday
Tho Gathercolo thresher broke down
last week and will undergo repairs for l
awhile which will disappoint many that
were expecting to thresh
Heating- Stoves for Sale
One hard coal burner and two soft
coal burners Inquire of Mrs R B
Archibald for particulars
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Good Butter
Bulk Butter
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful
brown or rich black Then use
Blue Front
Fine Turnouts
Either Single or Double
A Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach a bad digestion a
bad liver Ayers Pills are
liver pills They cure con
stipation biliousness dys
pepsia sick headache
25c All druggists
uwuiinuiiniii w ir 1 b vvnisKers 1
50CTS CFOkugGiVS ot S P wu 4 CO Sajmu MH I
Phone 36 Rear Palmer House I
McCook Nebraska