y ifrAife iWujiJ itei Mii5m look pikp v P M fCIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Fraternal Insurance Order Cards R C I P A -Lodge No 012 moots first nud third Thursdays of each month McCounolis hall 8K p hi E YY JIuhEk President W S QuvKit Socrotnry ROYAL HIGHLANDERS McCook lodgo No 07 meets on Focond and fourth Mon day evening of each month at eight oclock in McConnnll hall R W Devob Illustrious Pro tector r J C Mitchell Secretary ROYAL NEICHBORS Noblo camp No Sft meets pocond and fourth Thursday nfter noons at3T0 oclock in McConnollfl hall Mna Thau Suefhekd Oracle jMesAuguhta Anton Recorder REPUBLICAN TICKET State For Justice of Supremo Court JOHN 13 BARNES of Madison For Regents of Stnto University CHARLES S ALLEN of Lnncastor WILLIAM G WHITMORE of Douglas Judicial For Judgo Fourteenth Judicial District R C ORR of Hayes Center County - County Clerk EJWILCOX Trensuror B G GOSSARD Clerk of the District Court R WDEVOE Sheriff A C CRABTREE County Judge S LGREEN Superintendent EUGENE S DUTCHER Surveyor JAMES WILLIAMS County Asscsor F P ENO Corouer DR A C HARLAN Commissioner Second district SAMUEL PREMER Judge Barnes and Congressman Burkett The first political meeting of the cam paign will be held in McCook Friday evening October 30th with Judge J JB Barnes our next judge of tho supremo court and Congressman E J Burkett of the First district as the principal speakers of the evening The meeting will be held in the Menard opera house and willbe a rouser Both of the prin cipal speakers for the occasion are able campaigners and will give all who come out to hear them something worthwhile Pass the word along and help make this the greatest meeting of the campaign It will be victory all along the line in Nebraska this fall By that bumper wheat crop I swear it An earnest supporter of Eugene S Dutcher for his first term of office in the county superintendence The Tribune is gratified to state that the results of his two years work in the office amply sus tain our contention and prove that the confidence and votes of the people were not by any means misplaced He has given an able and honorable and useful account of his stewardship and will be safely reelected The office of county assessor is one of largest importance to the business in terests of all property holders and the demand of this new office is naturally for a wideawake and energetic business man of judgment and backbone It seems to The Tribune from all informa tion at hand that F P Eno of Danbury just about fills the bill He is well known especially in the Beaver Valley country and where known best will be most strongly endorsed by the voters The Nebraska university is and of right ought ever to be the pride of all Nebraskans It is an educational in stitution which stands high and honor ably among the best in America al though among the younger of the great universities In order that its course may be onward and upward and that its usefulness may continue unimpaired and its progress unimpeded it is of first and vital importance that the standard of its board of regents be kept highthat the personnel of the board be maintain ed by additions of able and scholarly men of business Such the Republicans of Nebraska present to voters of the state in the nomination of W G Whit- more and C S Allen Both are gradu ates of the university and deeply and earnestly interested in its growth and development They will make capable and conscientious regents An attack of la grippe left me with a bad cough My friends said I had consumption I then tried Ayers Cherry Pectoral and it cured me promptly A K Randies Nokomis 111 You forgot to buy a bot tle of Ayers Cherry Pec toral when your cold first came on so you let it run along Even now with all your hard coughing it will not disappoint you Theres a record of sixty years to fall back on Three sizs 25c 50c 1 All druzjlsts Consult your doctor If ho says take it then do as lie says If he tells you not to take It then dont take It He knows Leave it with him We are willing J J AtK lULiUneiia juass Best rifoTraraygrafoi THE OLD RELIABLE Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE The officers of the Republican central committee of the Fourteenth judicial dis trict are A Barnett McCook chairman and C A Ready of Hayes Center secre tary xhose wno lavor the county paying a bounty for killing wild animals particu larly coyotes will have an opportunity of so doing at the coming election If you favor the idea vote yes to the amendment which will be printed on the county ticket Nebraska bankers are evidently not favorable to assetcurrency aswitnesseth their decisive vote against tho proposi tion in their state gathering this week The east seems to be tied to that idol however and it seems to be a future contingency And after that will be the deluge E J Wilcox has given the people of Redwillow county very satisfactory prompt and obliging service during the first term of his incumbency and there is no indication of a desire to make a change in that oflico His reelection is a practical certainty and is a deserved endorsement Though offices of minor importance the Republican county convention thought it wise to name for the offices of county coroner and county assessor good men and true so the voters of the county will have the opportunity of vic toriously electing Dr A C Harlan and James Williams to those respective posi tions Or S Li Green the present county jullge will succeed himself by a large plurality He has given the office his undivided time and attention He has performed his work in that olfice with conscientious care and devotion to his high idea of justice and right and it will be a pleasure to his many friends in the county to return him to that office once more The office of clerk of thedistrict court demands business capacity cleri cal ability and some measure of legal learning Deputy County Clerk R W Devoe the nominee of the late county convention meets these requirements in a full measure His services in the office of County Clerk Wilcox have been very satisfactory to the people and his eleva tion to the district clerkship will be a deserved promotion Sheriff A C Crabtree is before the voters of the county for a reelection and The Tribune will be surprised if the endorsement he seeks is not forthcom ing by a safe plurality Art is number ed with those who came to the county in the earliest days and he numbers his friends by the hundreds all over the county and on election day they wijl be at the polls His qualifications as an officer are recognized and proven by many years service and experience One of the county offices requiring good business ability and clerical exper ience is that of county treasurer To meet this demand the Republican party offers the voters of this county such a nominee as Ben G Gossard No man in the county can bring to that office greater experience or ability An expert and thoroughly conversant with the work of the office where he has served as deputy for years his claims upon the voters of the county are second to none So far as the Republican nominee of the Fourteenth judicial district is con cerned there is no occasion for alarm bout the name of the nominee of the party Judge R C Orr going on the ticket regularly without the necessity of petition The nomination has been pro perly certified to the clerks of the eight counties in the district which covers the requirements of the law It is not necessary that the nominations for dis trict judge be certified to the secretary of state For the office of county commissioner the Republican ticket offers ono of the leading farmers of the eastern portion of the county Samuel Premer stands well in his neighborhood as a man of judg ment and character He is an all around solid and substantial farmer of the wideawake and progressive sort The business interests of the county will be in safe and conservative hands in his keeping Under his leadership The Tribune expects to see the Second dis trict swing into tho Republican column and the platter thus to bo swept clean School T Our Candidate ForSupreme Judge Judge J B Barnes Nebraska Republicans have cause to be proud of their nominee for judge of the supreme court Hon J B Barnes of Madison county lie is an old settlor in Nebraska has lived here over 32 years And it can be truthfully stated of him that he has been an honorable useful and eminent citizen a citizen who has been a credit to the state in every par ticular As a lawyer and judge ho stands at tho front with the best and most honest and conscientious He is eminently qualified for the high and honorable position he seeks both as a man and as a lawyer and judge of experience in the district court and in other official places One of the most dependable earnests of what a man may bo expected to do in an official place is what he has done ip official capacities in the past Judge Barnes has a long and honorable career in official life He has uniformly given a good account of himself wherever placed by the votes and confidence of the people 5 He will make an ideal member of the supreme bench CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Christian Preaching in the morn ing at 11 and in the evening at 8 oclock by Elder Parker Sunday school at 10 You are welcome Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Loughran Pastor Christian Science Services in the Christian church Sunday afternoon at 3 oclock Next Sundays lesson sermon subject Probation After Death Cor dial invitation to all Methodist Sabbath school 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m De votional services of the Epworth League at 7 p m The new pastor will occupy the pulpit both morning and evening Baptist Sermons 11 p m and 8 p p m Bible school 945 a m B Y P U 7 pm Topic for Sunday evening Gossiping Mid week prayer meeting Wednesday at 8pm Excellent music A cordial welcome to all Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at ten oclock a m orn ing prayer at 11 and evening-prayer and sermon at -8 The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 7 30 am All are welcome E R Earle Rector The members of the Baptist church have ordered a new furnace Holy Communion will be celebrated at the Episcopal church next Sunday morn ing at 7 30 oclock Remember W T Colemans offer of prizes for largest sugar beets See par ticulars in another column Constipation is nothing more j and nnfliinrr Ipoo flinn don -- - r nauon or aeatn it not relieved If every constipated sufferer could realize that he is allowing poisonous filth to remain in his system he -would soon get relief Constipation invites all kind of contagion Headaches bilious ness colds and many other ail ments disappear when consti pated bowels arerelieved Thed f ords Black Draught thoroughly cleans out the bowels in an easy and natural manner without the purging of calomel or other vio lent cathartics Be sure that you get the origi nal Thedfords Black Draught made by The Chattanooga Medi cine Co Sold by all druggists in 25 cent and S100 packages 3Iorgan Ark 3Iar25 1901 I cannot recommend Thedfords Bhick Drauclittoo highly 1 keep It In my house all the time and have used It for the last ten years 1 ncTcr gave niy children any other laxative I think I could never be able to work without it on account or ueinsr troubled ttIIIi constipation lourmedlclno Is au that keeps me op V JJ McFARLAXD Shoes The Rules of the State Spelling Contest The executive committee of the Ne braska State Teachers Association has planned as a special feature of tho holi day meeting a State Spelling Contest Following are tho complete rules to gov ern tho event Purpose To arouse a new interest in spelling and got it back into all the schools Classes Four class A for rural schools and grammar grades class B for the non accredited high schools class C for the accredited high schools class D for normal schools and business colleges How Selected Classes A and B shall bo tho winners in the county con tests which must not be held earlier than December 17 class D shall be winners in public contests in normal schools and business colleges held not earlier than December 17 Numher of Contestants In the State contest each county is entitled to two contestants one in class A repre senting the rural schools and one in grammar grades of town and city schools and one in class B representing the non accredited high achools of tho county Each accredited high school is entitled to one contestant in class C Each nor mal school and each business college is entitled to one contestant in class D Alternates The second best speller in each contest for selecting a represen tative to tho Stato contest shall be known as an alternate In case the winner cannot attend the State contest tho alternate may take his place Eligibility No pupil can tako part who has not been irregular attendance for more than half the fall term no pu pil can tako part unless spelling has been taught regularly in his school for more than half the fall term Certificates Contestants will be admitted to the Stato contest on certifi cates in which the eligibility of contest ants as to the regularity of attendance and work in school from which chosen and conformity to regulations as to date and publicity of contests shall be certi fied to by tho county superintendent for classes A and B by the city superinten dent for class C and by the president of the college for class D These certifi cates shall be mailed to the state mana ger within two days after the selection of contestants jlhe spelling xne spelling in classes A and B shall be written in classes C and D it shall be oral Con testants who spell correctly the entire list of words prepared for the written tests and contestants who remain stand ing when tho oral lists prepared have been pronounced shall be declared win ners and receive prizes of moderate value from the State teachers association Words Pronounced At least four fifths of the words pronounced shall be taken from the Roll of Honor lists and the lists to be printed in the October and November numbers of The Nebraska Teacher For class A Roll of Honor lists one and two for class B lists two and three and for classes C and D lists one two and three County Contests The contestants for the county contest shall be the win ners in local contests in rural and town schools held not earlier than December 10 The contestants for class A tho winners in rural schools and grammar grades of town and city schools for class B the winners in local high school contests Not accredited high schools The county superintendent shall have complete authority in arranging rules and regulations for his county and con tests in conformity with the general rules adopted by the executive commit tee Note Each contestant shall become a member of the State Teachers Asso ciation and shall be entitled to all privi leges of other members recommendations Dates The contest will be held in connection with the holiday program of the State Teachers Association It is recommended that the county superin tendent arrange to hold his county con test Saturday December 19 the city superintendent of accredited high schools his contest Friday December 18 the president of the normal school or business college his contest Friday De cember 18 Dates of Local Contest It is rec ommended that the local contests in ru ral village and town schools and in the grammar grades of accredited schools for the selection of representatives for the county contest be held Friday De cember 11 Admission Fee It is recommended that a small admission fee be charged to visitors at the county contests for the purpose of raising funds for defraying the expenses of the contestants to the State contest Beautiful Complexions Are spoiled by using any kind of pre paration that fills the pores of the skin The best way to secure a clear complex ion free from sallowness pimples blot ches etc is to keep the liver in good order An occasional dose of Herbine will cleanse the bowels regulate the liver and so establsh a clear healthy complexion 50c at A McMillens The Tribune Only 100 per year HL R l MIDI CASE is brought before the people of McCook this week which ought to cause no little interest and should arouse the minds of all into the idea that NOW is the time to obtain the VERY BEST VALUES in LADIES and CHILDRENS SHOES while the PRICES are being BADLY MURDERED and still the quality and extreme values are being held in such prominence LOOK at these reductions then CALL m TT J Y 1 1 i nrpp i mv i uinpv xmirv mbassh First Lot Includes fine SS00 8350 and d AQ 8400 shoes for only TV Second Lot Includes elegant 250 300 M QQ and 325 shoes for only pl 7 TUZA I V 0- Includes regular 225 250 d1 AQ and 275 shoes for only P 1 x WW H HbSSkJLn vmrh Wgm 4 Lots of Childrens Shoes MPL FIRST LOT includes lino 200 M AQ 8225 ind S2C0 ahoes for nly Afei SECOND LOT includes black and M OQ ljgs tan 165 S175 and 2 shoes for p 1 Z j THIRD LOT includes serviceable QQ lllPiili1 S15 8150 ind S15 shoes for only FOURTH LOT includes but a few 100 7Qp 110 and 125 shoes for only i Dont fail to look over our complete line of Dress Goods Trimmings and Silks Dont forget to phone No 16 For the Best Groceries I J H ifn 1 j Phone 16 fimlIMP I 1 1 I I I IMllMMBWMaMB3MWWalMMaaBaMllIWMMMW Frymire is Given 10 Years The trial of Charles A Frymire char ged with the murder of Mrs Richard Puis occupied the time and attention of the district court in session for Frontier county in Stockville last week and after a closely contested and hard fought legal battle the jury brought in a ver dict of manslaughter Judge Orr promptly gave tbe criminal the full benefit of the law in a sentence of 10 years imprisonment at hard labor with solitary confinement on February 21st of each year that being the anniversary of the crime The prisoner was taken to the state penitentiary at Lincoln last Thursday night Frymire should have had imprisonment for life and doubt less would have received practically such a sentence from Judge Orr had the jury brought in a verdict of murder in at least the second degree as was doubt less warranted Congressman Norris of our city assisted in the prosecution of the murderer Dieting Invites Disease To cure dyspepsia or indigestion it is no longer necessary to live on milk and toasts Starvation produces such weak ness that the whole system becomes an easy prey to disease Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest and assimilate all of the wholesome food that one cares to eat and is a never failing cure for indiges tion dyspepsia and all stomach troubles Kodol digests what you eat makes the stomach sweet Sold by L W McCon nell Indigestion Causes Catarrh of tlxe Stomach For many years it has been supposed that Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly tho opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re peated attacks of indigestion inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and exnoses the nerves of the stomach thus caus ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of tho Juices of natural digestion This la called Catarrh of the Stomach I Kodol Dyspepsia Cure relieves all inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach protects the nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a sensa of fullness after eating indigestion dyspepsia and all stomach troubles Kodol Digests What Yon Eat Make the Stomach Sweet Bottles only Regular size S 1 00 holding 2H times the trial size which sells for 50 cents Prepared by E O DoWITT CO Chicago IO Sold by L W McConnell th nnis McCOOK NEB Boy Say Pa what do they mean by saying Penny wise and pound foolish Father Why its where a man loses a dollar to save a nickel Boy Well Pa were you that way when you let your hogs all die because you did not want to pay out money for Liquid Koal that James Cain sells so much of Father Johnnie dont talk so much Iriton Xov 21 1002 This is to certify that I used L K and am well pleased with it I only had six hos Ket sick after using it and before using it I had from two to four get sick each day I can cheerfully recommend it and would ad vise any one who lias hog cholera among bis hog3 to give it a trial F F Faringer One hundred dollars deposited in the following banks for any one who finds any of the testimonials we pub lish from time to time are not genu ine City National Bank York Neb Sheldon State Bank Sheldon Iowa Oklahoma Trust and Banking Co Oklahoma City O T JIAXDFACTDEED BT NATIONAL MEDICAL COMPANY Sheldon Iowa- York Nebraska Oklahoma City O T For Sale by James Cain Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store Phone No 20 McCook Neb Use according to directions and if it does not prove satisfactory your money back PRICE One Quart Can SI 00 One Gallon 300 Model i To Cure a Cold in One Day Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure E V Groves signa ture is on each box 25c Are Toi in I V f 1 t Ks u 1 1