The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 16, 1903, Image 3

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I Mi V
ri j
1 M
We famish 10 cows with every quarter section of
land bought of us You pay for them out of their
cream We apply the crop payment plan to -lock
We are looking for men who want to own their
homes We can and
If you want a farm or ranch in the Garden of Pros
perity send forour free list and descriptivef older
83 Broadway- Fargo N D
i rilTwnOMiflnlfcHlUmili UHMHnirnjimii rimla
The Youths Companion
Annual Subscription Offer
nwrjaitinmuii m
H DclLiree Stuck Is e very best Starch sud v pj
H Defiance Starch Is absolutely free ttxaTcfcrmlcils mjjt
flj It mates the dothes look beautiful and will not rot than SppjMlw
E9 16 ounces for 10 ccris one third care than fY JMmmk
You can save from 3 to 5 yearly by
wearing W L Douglas 350 or 3 shoes
They equal those
that have been cost
ing you from S400
to S500 Tho im
mense sale of Y L
Doupla3 shoes proves
their superiority over
all other makes
Sold hv retail shoo
dealers everywhere
Look for naino anit
prico on bottom
That Douglas uses Cor
onnCoIt pro res th re is
value in Douglas shoes
Corona is the hishefst
grade PatLcatherinadc
Fast Color Eveltts used
Our 4 Gilt Edge Line cannot be equalled at ane price
Snoes Dy mall iio rent extra Illnttratrd
Catalog free IV L DOUGLAS Brockton Bass
Drug Co Columbus Ohio
Gentlemen I can cheerfully say that Mrs Schley has taken Pe
runa and 1 believe with good effect W S SCHLEY Washington d c
SCHLEY one of the foremost notable heroes of the
ADMIRAL Century A name that starts terror in the heart
of every Spaniard A man of steady nerve clear head un
daunted courage and prompt decision
Approached by a friend recently his opinion was asked as to
the efficacy of Pcruna the national catarrh remedy Without the
slightest hesitation he gave this remedy his endorsement It ap
pcared on later conversation that Pcruna has been used in his family
where it is a favorite remedy
Such endorsements serve to indicate the wonderful hold that
Pcruna has upon the minds of the American people It is out of
the question that so great and famous a man as Admiral Schley
could have any other reason for giving his endorsement to Peruna
than his positive conviction that the remedy is all that he says
it is
jKwKI Bsssaes Free Ifll
The New Subscriber who cuts out and sends this slip or the name
of this Paper at once with 175 will receive
All the issues of The Companion for the remaining weeks of 1903
The Thanksgiving Christmas and New Years Double Numbers
The Youths Companion Springtime Calendar for 1904 lith
ographed in twelve colors and gold
Then the fifty two issues of The Companion for 1904 a library
of the best reading for every member of the family Q301
The woman who constantly com
plains is the one who understands her
self least
Iflfiffl f
1 f rwFTjiWn I h 1
nrrtTin ii ti i a
WZmpjlJ AS-
fl Mm
has no terrors for
the man who wears
Warranttd Water Proof
madeforaUkindsofwork Get
only the genuine thativill not
crack peel or pet sticky If
your ueaier uocsn t naTU i
uiem ivnie ior caiaiopuc 10
poie Jiiriu
Eat Cambridge la- i
fa best that Money and A fie
Expsrlsnct cm product 3
At nil stores or by wail for the price
The fact is Peruna has overcome all opposition and has won its
way to the hearts of the people The natural timidity which so mary
people have felt about giving endorsements to any remedy is giving
way Gratitude and a desire to help others has inspired thousands of
people to give public testimonials for Peruna who heretofore would
not have consented to such publicity
Never before in the annals of medicine has it happened that so
many men of national and international reputation have been willing
to give unqualified and public endorsements to a proprietary remedy
No amount of advertising could have accomplished such a result
Peruna has won on its own merits Peruna cures catarrh of whatever
phase or location in the human body This is why it receives so many
notable and unique endorsements
Address The Peruna Drug Mfg Co Columbus Ohio for free
literature on catarrh
Next to cash a mans best asset is
fou never hear any one complain
about Defiance Starch There is
none to equal it in quality and quan
tity 1G ounces 10 cents Try It now
and save your money
Some men accept attentions from
women with boorish condescension
Pretty girls otten shower smiles so
indiscriminately that they become val
stain the hands or spot the kettle ex
cept green and purple
Try me just once and I am sure
to come again Defiance Starch
He Begins Early
Dr Francis L Patton president of
Princeton Theological seminary has
a reputation not only for the excel
lency of his sermons but for the short
notice at which on occasion he can
prepare them Some time ago he
was conducting a question box at
school when he was asked
by one of his auditors Will you tell
me Dr Patton your method of pre
paring your sermons Do you begin
early in the week Yes said Dr
Patton quite early But per
sisted the questioner how early
About G oclock Sunday mornings
Costly Dispatch from the Porte
Chekib Bey the Turkish minister
missed one of the important mess
ages from Constantinople which have
been sent to him since the present
crisis began The cable dispatch was
directed to him at Washington was
transmitted to New York and thence
to Sayville L I the ministers sum
mer home Chekib Bey having gone
to Washington it was delivered to his
secretary who had to pay 25 for its
transmission from Washington alone
the message having been prepaid
from Constantinople to Washington
Still Another Case
Franksville Wis Oct 12th Many
remarkable cures are being reported
from all over the country but there
i one right here in Franksville which
is certainly worth publishing and
which has not as yet been given to
the public
Mrs Louis Markison of this place
had been a sick woman for quite a
long time and could not find anything
to give her any help She suffered all
the painful symptoms of what is gen
erally known as female weakness
Every woman Avho reads her story
will understand these distressing con
ditions which combine to make the
lives of many women one long bur
den of weakness and suffering
Mrs Markison chanced one day to
hear of a new remedy called Dodds
Kidney Pills that was said to be a
splendid medicine for womens weak
ness She determined to try some
and soon found herself getting better
She kept on with the pills and was
cured Speaking of her case Mrs
Markison says
I can and do praise Dodds Kidney
Pills as a remedy for female weakness
They are the best rsjdicine I have
ever known and have aeaa me a
great deal of good
A married woman is disappointed
when she starts away for a two weeks
visit unless her husband looks heart-
Appendicitis is Barred
The illness of King Edward VII
brought to light the fact that the
word appendicitis which is in gen
eral use -in this country is not so
common in England It is as a mat
ter of fact of American origin and
It is possible that this is the reason
wny it is ignored in the huge New
English Dictionary Dr Murray
however has recently accounted for
his decision on the ground that words
ending in itis are not English but
Graeco Latin and do not come within
the scope of an English dictionary
unless as is the case of bronchitis
they are in popular use In this coun
try at least one is used as much as
the other British medical experts
seem to dislike the word equally and
Sir Frederick Treves in a recent
work goes out of his way to condemn
appendicitis and to find equivalents
Stops tne Cough and
Works Off the Cold
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Prce25c
Men occasionally carry fun so far
that it becomes annoying
If you dont get the bigges d
best its your own fault Defiance
Starch is for sale everywhere and
there is positively nothing to equal
It In quality or quantity
Giddy girls can convert sensible
men into objects of derision
It takes a man by surprise when a
woman intelligently contradicts his
pet theories
Pisss Cure is the best medicine we over used
for all affections of tho throat and lungs Wm
O Esdsijsv Vanburen lud Feb 10 1900
Life without toil would be without
Defiance Starch is put up 16 ounces
in a package 10 cents One third
more starch for the same money
You can estimate a man pretty cor
rectly by the men whom he does not
If you wish beautiful clear white clothes
use Red Cross Bull Blue Large a oz
package 5 cents
Scolding women are less ridiculous
than swearing men
Try One Package
If Defiance Starch does not
please you return it to your dealer
If it does you get one third more for
the same money It will give you
satisfaction and will not stick to the
Stimulating Growth of Trees
A new method of forcing the growth
of trees has lately been put to the
test of experiment in the Crimea sup
plying trees with the food necessary
for their growth through the trunk
thus dispensing with the slow pro
cesses of nature which can only work
by means of the roots Salts of iron
either in liquid or solid form have
been introduced by cutting a hole in
the stem An account of these pro
ceedings has been recently read be
fore the Imperial Botanical society of
St Petersburg The system has been
applied to 800 fruit trees and photo
graphs showed that it had quite ful
filled the expectations
Famous Moated House
The moat which so often surround
ed halls and castles in the old days
is now generally dry and fill J up
but some remarkable specimens still
remain Perhaps the finest example
of a moated house is Helmingham
hall the seat of Lord Tollemache in
Suffolk about eight miles from Ips
wich The drawbridge still remains
and it has been raised every night for
more than 300 years the ancient pre
caution being observed even though
the need for it has long passed by
The moat which surrounds Leeds cas
tle near Maidstone is so wide that it
may almost be called a lake The
ancient episcopal palace at Wells is
surrounded by Avails which inclose
nearly seven acres of ground and by a
moat which is supplied with water
from St Andrews well A venerable
bridge spans the moat giving access
through a tower gateway in the other
Of a Famous Human Food
The Story of great discoveries or in
ventions is always of interest
An active brain worker who found
himself hampered by lack of bodily
strength and vigor and could not
carry out the plans and enterprises
he knew how to conduct was led to
study various foods and their effect
upon the human system In othei
words before he could carry out hi
plans he had to find a food that would
carry him along and renew his physi
cal and mental strength
He knew that a food that was a
brain and nerve builder rather than
a mere fat maker was universally
needed He knew that meat with tho
average man does not accomplish the
desired results He knew that the
soft gray substance in brain ant7
nerve centers is made from Albumen
I and Phosphate of Potash obtainec
from food Then he started to solve
the problem
Careful and extensive experiments
evolved Grape Nuts the now famous
food Grape Nuts contain the brain
and nerve building food elements in
suit of eating Grape Nuts daily is
easily seen in a marked sturdiness
and activity of the brain and nervous
system making it a pleasure for one
-to carry on the daily duties without
fatigue or exhaustion The food is
in no sense a stimulant but is simply
food which renews and replaces the
daily waste of brain and nerves
Its flavor is charming and being
fully and thoroughly cooked at the
factory it is served instantly with
The signature of the brain worker
spoken of C W Post is to be seen
on each genuine package of Grape
Look in each package for a copy of
tho famous little book The Road to
X Latest Quotations Prom South
f Omaha and Kansas City
CATTLE There was cnly it fair run of
cattle and as u result the market held
up In very atlsfactov manner and an
early clearance was rmrte Thero wero
just a few loads of cornfed stecrH on the
market and they sold frevly at steady
prices There was nothing strictly choice
on sale but still some cattle were offered
good enough to bring 329 The cow
market was steady and a little stronger
than yesterdays late market Thero were
not very many on sale and as all the
buyers seemed to want a few It was
only a short time before everything was
disposed of Bulls veal calves and stags
all commanded about steady nrlces
There were not very many stockcrs and
feeders in the yards but speculators did
not seem to be very anxious for them
The choicest bunches did not sell a great
deal lower but most of the offerings were
of common quality and they were very
slow and a little lower than yesterday
Western grass beef steers were in light
supply but anything at all good sold at
steay prices In fact there was no quot
able change on any kind
HOOS There was a moderate run or
hogs here and the drop in prices waS at
least temporally stopped The market
opened just about steady If there was
any change at all it was a little better
feeling on the lighter weights while the
heavy hogs were sticky or in other
words it was hard to get steady prices
for them J hat was particularly true to
ward the close and in fact the heavy
hogs sold a little weaker at the last mil
Trading was not active at any time
SHEEP Quotations for gras stock
Choice western lambs 175fi500 fair to
good lambs W50175 choice yearlings
j60f3S fair to good yearlings 30fi
3C0 choice wethers JX35S3C0 fair to
good wethers 1ln33 choice ewes 300
CT325 fair to good ewes J2G3ff290 choice
feeder lambs S254o0 fair to good feed
er lambs 3 1400 feeder yearlings 325
53CO feeder wethers 3O01j325 feeder
ewes 130fi250
CATTLE Corn fed grassers and win
tered westerns weak quarantine
steady western cows active and steady
Btockers and feeders steady Choice ex
port and dressed beef steers tfK75r0
fair to good S4ifirD slockers and feed
ers J225f400 western fed steers S230fi
175 Texas and Indian steers 17iG0
Texas cows 51 601121 native cows 150
Jz375 native heifers J240400 canners
fl00tJ23Ji bulls 2tC400 calves JlWfr
HOGS Market weak to 10c lower top
F5G3 bulk of sales 330755r heavy TW
540 mixed packers 53oliir5 light 5
iiMQGlo porkers SVojfiGSo pigs 340tp
SHEEP AND LAMBS Market steady
native lambs 32of535 western lambs
f290315 fed ewes J230ti375 Tcaxs
clipped yearlings S2f0i4CO Teaxs clipped
sheep 2451375 stockcrs and feeders
One Killed Five Wounded and
Escape During Fight
I For Rheumatism af
Ncuralfjia Sprains
Lumbago Breuses
BacKacho Soreness
Sciatica tihess
Use tho od rolibo remedy
St Jacobs
Price 25c and 50c
That Citys First Rail Shipments of
Grain and Live Stock
As a live stock market Chicago
stands second to none said a well
known dealer yesterday The fig
ures for 1002 show receipts at Chi
cago that tell volumes if you stop to
consider their full import Almost
eight million head of sheep over four
Tiillion hogs a hundred thousand
horses a quarter million calves and
hree million cattle were brought lo
he Chicago market last year by tho
ig railroads that reach out like tho
Chicago Northwestern into tho
attle ranges and feeding grounds all
over the west The reports show
w7S100 carloads of live stock receiv
ed here in 1902 quite a growth lor
the 55 years since the first ship
The stockman ruminated a mo
ment That first shipment was
queer now wasnt it he continued
Did you see that little account of
it in the papers the other day
Voting Millicau Hunt now over 80
years old had started across ilio
prairies to market with a sled load
of hogs and when he got across the
Des Plaines river he found there was
tio snow on which to draw his pigs
the rest of the journey
That was in 18 the year tho Ca-
i lena road now the Chicago ft North
western built its first ten miies and
roung Hunt made a dicker with the
orew of a construction train loaded
tiis porkers on the train and rode
into Chicago triumphant behind the
little old Pioneer
I Was you ever out to the Field Co
i lumbian museum he continued
I Well you should go out there some
lay and see that old locomotive She-
31U11U5 ior a goou ueai irom m
agos point of view Brought in
the first load of live stock and the
lay the road was opened and the
mayor and the big men of the town
SALT LAKE CITY As a result of were trying the novelty of a ride on
a well organized and partly success
ful attempt at a wholesale delivery
of prisoners at the Utah state peni
tentiary Friday night one prisoner
was killed one guard was shot and
another man was beaten almost into
isensibility three prisoners were
wounded and two others under death
sentences escaped
The dead Frank Dayton serving
a twelve year term for attempted high
way robbery
The wounded Guard Wilkins shot
in leg Guard Jacobs badly beaten by
convicts Convict Ed Mullen serving
a three year term for burglary shot
in leg Convict Abe Majors serving
life term for Thurder of Captain Brown
of the Ogden police shot in army
Harry Waddell serving seven year
term for burglary
The escaped Nick Hepworth son
tenced to death for the murder of
Night Watchman Kendall in Layton
Utah James Lynch sentenced to
death for the murder of Colonel Prow-
seya a gambler in this city three
years ago
Slashed Portraits of Emperors
BERLIN A youth was sentenced
to three years imprisonment for
slashing with a knife one after an
other a row of portraits of the Ger
man emperors hanging in the town
hal at Nuremberg-
Stalwart Sells for 12000
NEW YORK A mixed sale of race
horses was held in the paddock at
Morris Park and high prices ruled
The feature of the sale was the auc
tion of Stalwart winner of the Cham
pagne stakes who brought SI 2000
Wreck Home of Constable
JOPLIN Mo Tne home of Foster
McConnell a constable near herewas
wrecked by dynamite Mx McCon
nells two little children were hurt
but the other members of the family
escaped injury
Searching for Fugitives
MANILA At the request of Gover
nor Taft Admiral Stirling has detach
ed two gunboats Isla de Cuba nd Pam
pamga to Samar to search the neigh
boring waters for the little steamer
Victoria with Johnston and Herman
the defaulting constabulary on board
The coast guard vessel has also been
sent out to overtake the fugitives if
possible No word of their where
abouts has yet been received from any
he first regular train she pulled the
first rail shipment of grain into town
Farmer out on the prairie hailed the
junketers and loaded his wheat on
a good deal like Hunt had the hogs
carried in
They tell me now he went on
slowly shifting his position that last
year that load of hogs had grown to
Dver C5000 carloads of live stock
brought into Chicago over the North
western Line and instead of one
wagon load of wheat the Northwest
ern brought over 30000000 bushels ol
grain to the city The Pioneer was
surely well named young man ac-
I Pfirrlinf tn mv vrvr nf thinfc
Japans Remarkable Progress
It has not taken Japan long to get
into the ways of civilization Less
than five years ago the consular
courts such as the civilized nations
maintain for the protection of their
citizens in semi civilized countries
were abolished in Japan This sum
mer an international exposition is in
progress in Osaka with exhibits from
various occidental nations and a sur
prisingly large display of Japanese
products manufactured in the modern
way There has been no greater mar
vel in the industrial and political his
tory of the world than the conversion
of the mikados empire from the stan
dards of Asiatic stagnation to western
life There are people who believe
that when China awakes the word
will see a still greater marvel
5100 Reward 5100
The readers of this paper will he pleased to leaix
that mere is at ea tDO dreaded disease tliat acloare
nag been able to cure in all lta ttaKea and Unit i
Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure Is the ony poaimu
cure now known to tbc medical fraternity Catarrh
being a constitutional disease requires a constitu
tional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure U taken in
ternally actlajr dlrcctiy upon the lilood and inucnii
surfaces of the system thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease and Klvlnx the patient
strength by Imlldhnc up the constitution and a isloHns
nature in doing lta work The proprietors nao to
much faith In Its curative powers that they offer
One Hundred Dollars foranycaeethetlsfalte to euro
Send for list of testlmonUN
Address F 1 UIESEr CO Toledo O
Sold by drucslst Tjc
Hails Family Pills are the beFt
Lots of men have so much genius
that they are unable to do anything
but sit in the shade and think about
The man of one idea is always in
danger of being laughed at by people
who have none
Men occasionally carry fun so far
that it becomes annoying
The Sultari a Great Reader
The sultan of Turkey it is said
keeps fifteen dragoman secretaries
constantly employed in translating
the best of the worlds literature for
his reading The translations include
not onlv serious works on history pol
itics and science but novels in every
European language They are writ
ten on large sheets of thick vhite
ilt edged paper fastened together by
ribbons The sultan is said to have
a special weakness for the reports
of famous trials and for novels in
which a great crime is the chief mo