The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 02, 1903, Image 6

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McCook Tribune
F M K I MM ELL Publisher
The State bank of Roberts Wis
was robbed of more than 3000
Eleven hundred omnibus drivers
md conductors struck at Berlin
The Sauk bank of Prairie du Chlen
Wis was robbed of 2000 by robbers
who made their escape
Yale university entered upon its
203d year when work began in the
academic and scientific department
Gov Van Sant of Minnesota for
aially stated that he will not be a
candidate for United States senator to
succeed Senator Clapp
C E von Hedemann the governor
of the Danish West Indies who is now
n Denmark will not return to his
post He will bo succeeded by Hjorth
The Dominican foreign office has
informed Mr Powell that it will pay
the claim of J Sala Co within a
days accepting the American minis
ters proposition
The situation in Neuvo Laredo
Mex remains unchanged While
many cases of yellow fever exist there
have been no deaths resorted within
the past few days
The national conference of Unitar
Ja and other Christian churches elect
ed Hon Carroll D Wright the labor
commissioner president at the meet
ing at Atlantic City
Former Vice President Adlai E
Stevenson denounced mobs In an ad
dress at the dedication of the new
court house for McLean county Illi
nois at Bloomington
About 400 messenger boys employ
ed by the Illinois District Telegraph
company at Chicago struck as a pro
test against the emplo3ment of col
ored boys and for higher wages
The case of W A Miller of the gov
ernment printing office whose dis
charge and reinstatement by order of
the president has been referred to a
sub committee for further considera
In Honolulu Robert W Wilcox for
mer delegate to congress was nom
inated for sheriff and former Super
intendent of Public Works Boyd was
nominated for supervisor of Oahu
The comptroller of the currency
has appointed Christopher L
Williams permanent receiver of the
Citizens National bank of Beaumont
Texas to succeed National Bank Ex
aminer Logan
George Daily attempted to shoot his
wife shot his brother-in-law set fire
to hisfc house and barn and finally
committed suicide by blowing his
head off in his burning house at
Oconomwoc Wis
It is alleged that thirty eight lace
makers from France and England
have been employed in the works of
the American Textile company at
Pawtucket R I for some time with
out interference
The deputy marshal at Jackson
ville Tex telegraphed Governor Par
dee from California that he had ar
rested Red Shirt Gordon the notori
ous convict who escaped from Folsoin
prison July last
James McCord father of Hal Mc
Cord of Omaha aged 78 years died
at his home in St Joseph Mo He
was a controlling factor in many large
business enterprises in several west
ern cities and is rated several times
a millionaire
The seventeen Chinamen who have
twice appealed to the courts of Can
ada to restrain the Canadian Pacific
Railway company from taking them
back to China after they had been
refused admittance to the United
States must go back to their own
Negotiations for the first land sale
in Ireland under the new land act
have been completed between the
duke of Leinster and the tenants of
his estate in the Athy and Maynooth
districts in County Dildere The ten
ants are given a twenty five years
purchase The transaction involves
Fourteen of the seventeen flour
mills in Minneapolis belonging to the
Pillsbury Washburn the Washburn
Crosby and the Consolidated Milling
company have been closed down by
the strike The remaining three
which belong to the Washburn Crosby
company will be closed down as soon
as the wheat in the bins run out
Dr Charles Gardiner one of the
most prominent surgeons in Kansas
died of heart failure at Emporia
while performing a serious operation
The patient suffered a severe hen
brrhage before another physician
fcould be summoned
Dispatches from Sofia report the
arrival there of war correspondents
from all parts of the world and fur-
iher state that the insurgent leaders
thave given orders to the bands not
to resort to retaliative operations for
Jsome days longer
foc O
It is a Bill Contracted by a Former
President Who Borrowed Money
Supplies and Munitions of War in
Large Amount
States minister Powell has made a
very vigorous reply to the Dominican
foreign minister on the question of
the Dominican governments bill for
establishing the neutrality of the Do
minican waters and making certain
ports free In his note Mr Powell
says the United States government
cannot accept this measure that the
foreign ministers response to his re
cent protest is very objectionable to
the United States
The Dominican foreign office has in
formed Mr Powell that it will pay the
claim of J Sala Co within a few
days accepting the American minis
ters proposition for the adjustment
of this claim
The Sala claim has been in dispute
for some years Sala was a French
man who loaned money and supplied
munitions of war to the late Presi
dent Heureaux of the Dominican re
public about 215000 in all The Do
minican government at first recogniz
ed the claim but afterward contest
ed it Sala died leaving his claim to
his wife who is an American Min
ister Powell was instructed to en
deavor to effect a settlement
The international tribunal consti
tuted to consider the claim awarded
the company damages in the sum of
523000 with interest at G per cent
Salvador then declared the award
void owing to certain irregularities
pointed out which Secretary Hay re
fused to recognize With the con
sent of this government however a
compromise was effected on a basis
of GT1 per cent of the amount
Defaulting Treasurer in the Philip
pines Given Severe Sentence
MANILA Dean Tompkins the
defaulting treasurer at San Fernando
convicted recently of forgery has
been sentenced to seventeen years
imprisonment His trial on the other
charges filed against him has been
set for December 1
A Filipino named Kalbaza presi
dent of the nationalist party was ar
rested upon a similar charge as that
which has just been preferred against
Dominador Gomez He is accused of
being concerned with the latter in
fomenting the disturbances which
have lately taken place in the north
ern province of Luzon where a guer
rilla warfare has been carried on for
some time past by the ladrones
against the authorities of the United
Two prisoners named Rudd and
Black escaped fugitives from United
States military prison on Malagi
Island in Laguna de Bay Luzon
nave been killed by natives In de
fense the later claim that the killing
took place during an attempt to cap
cure the fugitives to gain the reward
which was offered for their arrest and
return to the military authorities
Will Occur at Brides Home on the
Evening of October 3
LINCOLN Neb The marriage of
Miss Ruth Bryan and W H Leavitt
of Newport will take place Saturday
svening October 3 at 730 oclock at
Fairview the home of the bride
Rev Dr Swearingen pastor of the
First Presbyterian church of which
Mr Bryan is a member probably will
perform the ceremony
oe oet
a tia vu a v s x v v
At M
Diagram showing how
A unique device for the cure of
balky horses by means of an electric
shock has recently been tried in Chi
cago Under its Influence a horse
whose owners have been making inef
fectual attempts to break it for over
a year was induced to start up in
stantly and gallop down the street as
though Its past bad habits had been
entirely forgotten
electric whip is used
The d6vice which is called an elec
tric horsewhip consists in a battery
placed in the front part of the vehicle
and connected by wires running along
the shafts with a pair of copper
plates fastened to the harness saddle
By pressing a lever connected with
the battery a slight shock or succes
sion of shocks can be administered at
the will of the driver
Cardinal Gibbons Returns to America
from Rome
NEW YORK Cardinal Gibbons ar
rived here Tuesday on Kaiser Wilhelm
der Grosse A delegation of priests
and laymen from Baltimore went down
the bay on a revenue cutter to greet
him and welcome him home Heading
the delegation Avere Rev D J Stafford
of Washington Rev B Singleton of
Baltimore and R B Tibhett of Balti
more supreme president of the Cath
olic Benevolent legion
The cardinal will remain in this city
a guest at the home of Mrs Kelly of
Brooklyn until Friday when he will
accompany the delegation to Balti
more When the welcoming party
boarded Kaiser Wilhelm off Quaran
tine Mr iibbett cade an address of
welcome to which the cardinal briefly
Another reception awaited the cardi
nal when he went ashore at Hobokan
The pier was crowded with ecclesi
astical friends from this city From
the pier Cardina Gibbons and his
party went to the Passionist monas
tery at Hoboken This afternoon ho
will go to Brooklyn
The cardinal had a pleasant voyage
and he said the ocean trip had recu
perated his stiength which had been
greatly taxed by the severe spell of
fever he suffered due to the intense
heat in Rome during the progress of
the concIat
Of the new pontiff the caidinal
spoke in terms of the greatest enthus
iasm He said that the choice of the
conclaie had been most happy from
an American viewpoint as Piux X was
deeply interested in the development
of the church in this country and was
singularly familiar with American in
stitutions The cardinal had several
lengthy interviews with the pope re
garding church affairs in this countrv
The cardinal was not inclined to dis
cuss the probable policy of the new
papal regime but said that no radical
changes in American church adminis
tration would ensue He said that one
of the first steps taken by Piux X was
to instruct his acting secretary of
state Mgr Merry del Val to provide
for an extensive exhibit of the Vatican
treasures at the St Louis exposition
He said the exhibit would probably
comprise some of the magnificent jub
ilee gifts of the late pontiff and a num
ber of rare historical manuscripts and
maps from the Vatican library relat
ing to the early settlement and mis
sion work in the Louisiana Purchase
territorry most of which was pene
trated by Catholic missionaries within
a quarter of a century of the discovery
of the continent
Filipinos Likely to Be Admitted
sentations made by the Avar depart-
ment the immigration bureau has
wired its agents in San Francisco Ta
coma and Seattle to exercise every
facility for admitting the Filipino car
penters brought over on the transport
Sherman to prepare the Filipino ex
hibit at the St Louis exhibition
Preparing His Message to Congress
OYSTER BAYr L I Already the
president has begun work on his an
nual message to congress The mes
sage to be presented to the extraordi
nary session will be comparatively
brief The call will be issued in Oo
General Advance in Rates
CHICAGO The Record Herald Fri
day morning says that a movement is
on foot by the railroads of the entire
country to bring about a general ad
vance in freight rates the reason as
signed being the big increase in the
wages of all classes of labor and in
the price of all materials used by
I the railroads A similar advance was
made one year ago for the same rea
son and went into effect January 1
Woman Now Figures In the Case of
Young Kilpatrick
NEW YORK I send you here
with 300 This is positively the last
money I will send yon I will not let
you blackmail me any longer
This together with the torn frag
ments of a check is said to be the
text of a letter which has been piec
ed together from the bits found in the
apartments where John Kilpatrick
wealthy son of the late David Kilpat
rick of Beatrice Neb was shot Mon
day throufen the heart
The case had begun to look like one
of murder but it is now thought that
the first theory suicide is correct
and that Kilpatrick killed himself to
escape his tormentor
J E Lambio stepfather of the dead
man declared that sensational devel
opments may grow out of the affair
He is quoted as saying
We know the woman to whom the
letter was addressed She is a young
married woman the mere mention of
whose name would cause sensation
in New York City as she is known
to be a member of one of the most ex
clusive social sets in the city We
now know enough to believe that it
was suicide
indications that the Route Has Been
Agreed Upon
FREMONT Private advices re
ceived in this city from a representa
tive of the Armour syndicate one or
the main backers of the canal project
are to the effect that the engineers
have already held their meeting and
decided -to recommend the Fremont
plan that only the straightened con
dition of the money market prevents
the immediate financing of the canal
and that as soon as the present strin
gency in Wall street is past this ob
stacle will be overcome The Armour
representative says that if the east
ern owners of the Thomson Houston
Electric Light company of Omaha
take the block of stock in the canal
scheme that they are expected to
which is about 1000000 of the 3
000000 the financing would be com
pleted at once F A Nash of Omaha
is in New York now looking after that
end of it It is stated that the en
gineers were practically unanimous in
favor of the Fremont project
Map Out Route of Troops
NORFOLK The route of the troops
from Fort Niobrara who will maich
to Noifoik and take a train from here
for the Kansas encampment has been
received by Norfolk government con
tractors who will furnish supplies
along the way The soldiers will stop
at Woodlake Johnston Ainsworth
Long Pine Bassett Stuart Atkinson
ONeill Stafford Clearwater Oakdale
Meadow Grove and Norfolk They
will be here several days
Taken Fatally HI During Race
Harvard Neb while driving his horse
in the three minute farmers race at
the county fait here was taken sud
denly ill Physicians weie called but
he died on the fair grounds from heart
Landlord Streeter Dead
CRETE G D Streeter long and
favorably known as the proprietor of
the Streeter house in this place fell
dead from heart tailure on the stree
of Joplin Mo Mr Streeter ran his
hotel for many years here and he was
particularly popular with traveling
men He retired trom business about
two years ago At the time of his
death he was stopping in Joplin
where he was preparing to spend the
Sugar Factory Ready to Start
NORFOLK Every wheel is read3
to turn in the Norfolk sugar factory
and the beets will begin to grind
through on October 5 Orders will be
issued instructing the farmers to be
gin harvesting
Farmer Killed Near Columbus
COLUMBUS Henry Rudot a farm
er living south of town was found
dead on the Loup river bridge the
wheels of the wagon resting on his
neck He was en route to town with
a load of corn
Returns from Labor in Africa
YORK Rev Roy Codding son of
A B Codding county surveyor who
was educated in the York High school
and at the Nebraska State university
arrived here with his wife from Africa
A few of his friends learning that it
was his 40th birthday called to cele
brate the event Mr Roy Codding
gave a most interesting description
of his numerous experiences both hu
morous and pathetic while a mission
ary in Africa A
r t RjxUix ftjstm x
vjciici oi ncus osia irr
The late frost did great damage to
corn in Custer county
The new or remodeled M E church
at Weeping Water was dedicated last
A car loaded with horses was
wrecked at Fremont several of the
annimals being killed
The J F Roll Mill company has de
cided to locate in Wahoo the mill be
ing moved from Ithaca
James L Kenendy who robbed the
bank at Rogers Colfax county was
sentenced to a term of seven years
and was taken to the penitentiary
A wealthy farmer living near
Swaburg James Hanson had a sud
den attack of heart trouble while run
ning a mowing machine a few days
ago He fell off his seat and died in
a few moments
Word has been received from the
department at Washington instructing
Superintendent Fain to go ahead with
the work on the government building
at Norfolk The difficulty lay in a
conflict between approved bricks and
the specifications
Some of the physicians at Fremont
say they will disregard the new law
which requires them to report births
to the state board of health at their
own expense The law also says that
undertakers shall report deaths but
there is no protest from that quarter
At the recent meeting of the board
of public lands and buildings the war
den of the penitentiary was author
ized to advertise for bids for com
pleting the west wing of the Jntilding
A motion was passed to advertise for
an engine and dynamo at the Milford
house and another at Kearney
R H Bradley a brakeman on the
Northwestern had the front part of
his left foot cut off at Irvington He
stepped back of the engine to fix the
coupling and slipped and fell fortun
ately outside the rail Bradley had
only been working for the company a
week and was on his second trip
The board of insanity met to act
upon the case of Andrew Lobeck
Lobeek is the man who in a fit of
insanity attacked Mrs Seibold shot
at her several times and made her
a prisoner in the house He was cap
tured and brought to Papillion lie
was ordered taken to the asylum
The Cass county authorities have
been notified by the superintendent
of the Lincoln asylum of the disap
pearance of Charles Spencer a pa
tient from Plattsmouth Spencer has
been at the asylum for several years
and it is thought that he left the asy
lum with the intention of i etui ning
Darius Firth a brakeman for the
B M was caught between the
couplers of two freight cars in the
yards at Aurora and died in about
two hours The couplers failed to
work properly and in attempting to
adjust them Firth was thrown be
tween the bumpers which crushed him
in the groin
Miss Mabel Brewer aged twenty
seven years died at Blue Springs from
the effects of burns Her clothing
caught fire from a gasoline stove The
stove was standing near an open win
dow and as she was attempting to
light it the wind blew the flame
against her and in an instant she was
enveloped in flames
Mrs John P Cook who is in New
York looking after the remains of her
brother J D Kilpatrick who com
mitted suicide in that city has tele
graphed to friends in Beatrice that
the lemains would not be brought to
Beatrice but would be interred at
Washington D C by the side of his
mother who died about ten years ago
Word was brought to Osceola of
the death by drowning of the little
ten months old daughter of Mr and
Mrs Leonard Luft Mrs Luft had
been engaged with her housework and
had left a dishpan filled with water
on the floor and had stepped out for
a few minutes When she returned
she found the little one in the dish
pan and life was extinct
The Nebraska Advent Christian -conference
has incorporated under the
laws of Nebraska the articles being
signed by J J Schamburg M V
Sheldon W Alford C A Learning
and J A Smith The object in incor
porating is to place the conference
upon a footing where any bequests
and endowments may be legally re
ceived and accounted for
Sergeant O E Fately of the gen
eral recruiting service of the United
States army is in Plattsmouth for the
purpose of securing men who want
to become soldiers These men are
needed principally for Philippine
serice and will be sent to San Fran
cisco as soon as enlistment is secur
ed Mr Fately will visit Tlattsmouth
every month remaining each time for
a week His orders also require him
to visit Fremont and Nebraska City
in this state and various points in
Eugene E Lnrio of 751
Twentieth Avenue tick
et seller in the Union
Station Denver Col
says You are at lib
erty to repent what I
first stated through our
Denver papers about
Doans Kidney Pills in
the summer of 1899 for
I have had no reason In
the interim to change
my opinion of the rem
edy I said when Grot
interviewed that If I
had a friend and ac
Heaven is deaf when
iiry7HL wrMmiic
V -
quaintance suffering from backache
or kidney trouble I would unhesitat
ingly advise them to take Doans Kid
ney Pills I was subject to severe at
tacks of backache always nireravated
if I sat long at a desk It struck me f
that if Doans Kidney Pills performed
half what they promised they might
at least help This induced rue to
try the remedy It absolutely stopped
the backache I have never had a
pain or a twinge since
A FREE TRIAL of this great kid
ney medicine which cured Mr Lario
will be mailed to any part of the
United States on application Address
Foster Mil burn Co Buffalo N Y For
sale by all druggists Price 50 cents
per box
the heart is
All Up to Date Housekeepers
ugo Deflnnco Cold Water Starch lecnuno it
is hotter and 4 cz inoro of it for bumo
No one can be happy who is living a
life o falsehood
Hany who formerly smoked 10 Cigars now Sffloo
lewissingle binder
Your Jobber or direct from Factory Ieorla III
il WT rt n IIn aB a I vntrk w I
i vcmeiice of diseases of the eye when
lia been properlj applied Toexprrienee
s uli reln i FiilieiCTij hio found it uurth
a hundred times its slight cost
niiRPc A i pvc ArrrroTtnuc
ilttJWSI Jf
BsjwSasaT irf crill in
7Va wJLfc lift
MA the lead-
j vs
gkmMwM cc
iv 3 E wJ7j H Mfi Mr fc 2
ynrpsTrrrr u riTTnvr wriviJr7rpiw
a if jCtfy A
Kit AN si A ct
Waterproof j 1
Oiled Clothing
AJTowerCoBostonyiaiS UiA
Tewa CAtusua c ttae4 touujl cm
- m
Direct line from Chicago and Kansas City
also from Kansas Oklahoma and Texas
KlpaniTabuIesare the bet dys
pcjia imU Ine tier maiit A
hundred millions of thetn hate
been sold In the Xnltcd States Iti
ft dnsle year Gon ulpuon hcari
bum Met headaehe dizziness bid
breath Rrc throat and every ni
nes arising frm a disordered
promach are relieved or cured liy Ifpan Tabule
One will petieraily kIic n llef within twenty mln
ute The llie i tit packet enoujjh for ordinary
occasions All druggists sell them
From the East first and third Tuesdaysof
each month also very low one way rates
for settlers and their families Buy
your ticket over the Santa Fe
and see what the Pan
handle has to offer
Further information furnished on application
Correspondence solicited
OPA A TiS FRt TrneBjr Io Vilj LnM
Topsx Kao ana Cfccago AraartUa Tex
6 r i o c a fi r E
Gilveitcn Tez
We furnish 10 corcs with every quarter section of
land bouzht of us You pay for them oat cf their
cream We apply the crop payment plan to stock
We are looking for men who want to own their
homes We can and
If you want a farm or ranch in the Garden of Pros
perity send for our free list and descrtptivefolder
23 Broadway Fareo N D
Ask Your PhTilcUii Advice BOOKLET FitfcK
FhiUdelphia Truss Co 610 Locuit St Pfcda Pi
W N U Omaha
No 401903
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