The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 02, 1903, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
R C I P A Lolgo No 012 moots first and
third Tliumlnys or each month McConnolls
hull 8t0 p m E H JIumie Prosidont W S
Guter Socrotnry
lodgo No ff
moots on i ocond and fonrtli Mon-
dny ovenings of each month nt right oclock in
McUonnoli Iiall l W Devoe illustrious iro
toctor T C Mitchelt Secretary
G moots Pccond and fourth Thursday nftor
noous nt2X oclork in McConnolls linlf Mas
Thai SiiEniEitD Oracle Mhh Augusta Anton
For Justice of Supremo Court
JOHN B BARNES or Mndison
- For Regents of State TJnivorsity
CHARLES S ALLEN or Lancaster
Forjudge Fourteenth Judicial District
R C ORR of Hayes Center
County Clerk EJWILCOX
Treasurer B G GOSSARD
Clerk of the District Court R W DEVOE
County Judge SLGREEN
Superintendent EUGENE S DUTCHER
County Assessor F PENO
Commissioner Second district
Why not enliven the campaign a little
with a discussion between Hinky Dink
and Jasper The Pharisee
So far the campaign has been decided
ly of the still hunt variety Well its
the quiet porker that gets the most
swill isnt it
Christian Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching in the evening at 8 oclock by
Elder J R Parker All are welcome to
these services
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughrajt Pastor
Methodist Closing services for the
conference year Preaching by the
pastor morning and evening Sabbath
school 10 a m Epworth League 7 p m
L H Shumate
Christian Science Services in the
Christian church Sunday morning at
11 oclock Wednesday evening at 8
Next Sundays lesson sermon subject
Are Sin Disease and Death Real
Cordial invitation to all
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in
the month Sunday school at ten oclock
a m orn ing prayer at 11 and evening-prayer
and sermon at 8 The third
Sunday in the month Holy Communion
at 8 a m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Baptist Preaching at 11 a m sub
ject The Call of God Sunday school
at 945 a m Evening services at 8
oclock subject Christs Attitude to
the Multitude Sacrament of theLords
Supper and Baptism will be administer
ed in the morning Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening at 8 oclock Ex
cellent music A cordial invitation and
welcome to all
C R Betts Pastor
Rev C R Betts of the Baptist church
will be absent in Beatrice all next week
attending the state convention of the
Baptist church He has one of the im
portant addresses of the convention
which he will deliver on Friday of next
Rev and Mrs L H Shumate de
parted on Monday morning for Lexing
ton Nebraska to attend the annual
conference of the Methodist church for
- Southwestern Nebraska Bishop An
drews is the bishop in charge The ses
sion will hold over until next Monday
j A Cough j
I have made a most thorough
trial of Ayers Cherry Pectoral and
am prepared to say that for all dis
eases of the lungs it never disap
J Early Finley Ironton O
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
wont cure rheumatism
we never said it would
It wont cure dyspepsia
we never claimed it But
it will cure coughs and
colds of all kinds We
first said this sixty years
ago weve been saying it
ever since
Three sizes 25c 50c All druggists
Consult your doctor If he sara take it
then do as he says If he tells yon not
to take it then dont take it He knows
leaTe it witn mm t e are trilling
J C AYER CO Lowell Mais
iW uv t
Autumn is the season of new books
and if one may jucjgo from the publish
ers announcements this year promises
to bo prolific of good fiction The older
authors those whom wo are safe in rely
ing upon have been at it harder than
usual while many younger writers with
whoso work wo have suflicient familiari
ty to make their names known to us are
offering their wares for our pleasure and
Wo like best what wo knowi best and
we are more deeply interested in what
concerns us than in what is remote
We feel a keener sympathy for the work
of an author with whom we have some
acquaintance or even one wnom we
have merely seen than we do for the
books of those who live at a distance
and of whom we know nothing And it
is right and natural that these should
be our sentiments These are the rea
sons why western writers who with
each year aro coming into greater prom
inence receive and deservedly so much
of our attention Chicago the great
city of the west in which every western
er however far away he lives feels a
proprietary interest has produced a
notable crop One of the most famous
of these is a young woman who contin
ues to write under her maiden name
Margaret Ilorton Potterthough she was
married a year or so ago to a lawyer
named Black a son of that General
Black who was recently elected com
mander in chief of the Grand Army of
the Republic Mrs Black published
her first book when she was but 18
Last year her Istar of Babylon attracted
wide attention and enjoyed a huge cir
culation This fall she has another The
Castle of Twilight of which the critics
speak most flatteringly though one
should receive with reservations what
Chicago critics says of the work of a
Chicago author
Mrs Elia W Peattie another Chica
go woman and one who is even more of
a westerner than is Mrs Black for she
spent several years of her life in Ne
braska is out with a new story The
Edge of Things a striking novel of
western life say the publishers Mrs-
Peattie is always delightful and every
thing she writes is worth reading But
one who knows the woman can scarcely
be expected to deal quite honestly with
her books In fact it is difficult to un
derstand how one who has not had the
good fortune to meet her can fully ap
preciate her work Her own personal
charm pervades it to a much greater ex
tent than the general reader can have
any idea of
There is a strong bond between the
south and the west A southern tale is
almost as fascinating as one the scenes
of which are laid in the west Such a
novel is John Foxs Little Shepherd of
Kingdom Come a story of Kentucky
life in those romantic days before the
war In these materialistic times a
books success is measured by the num
ber of copies that are sold a commer
cial criterion that is not satisfactory but
that we must still accept During the
first two weeks this book was on the
market 50000 copies were taken The
story will appeal differently to different
people Some will be principally struck
by the romance others by the delinea
tions of character while to a few the
bits of nature that one always looks for
in a book by John Fox will prove the
most attractive feature This is a book
moreover that should be read by every
one who desires to know the best in cur
Tent fiction
The Fortunes of Fifi by Mollie Elliott
Seawell is probably one of the daintiest
prettiest and most artistic books of the
season one too that every reader who
wants to be well versed in modern litera
ture wall read This author has a touch
that is exquisite a deftness and delicacy
that leads one to believe thero must be
French blood in her veins The book
is reviewed in terms of unstinted praise
The name of the author were of itself
sufficient recommendation
The Hot Blast in the Klondike
By Hard Pan Rube
Great Scott but isnt it hot I
We put one in our storo
The thermometer howling 90 below
With symptoms o gettin lower
Bill put in fewill an teched it off
An she soon set in to sizz
Like a steamboat climin Chilcoot Pass
An gee whiz she was biz
It got too hot for a Hottentot
And sot in to paint things red
An us fellers clum fer a colder clime
Ho couldnt get near to shut her off
An thar rose tho yelp of Fire
While miners flattened ginst the house
Jis to thaw out an perspire
Couldnt do nothin till she burnt out
Which she held the fort till night
She melted six foot o snow outside
With the icicles out of sight
We got onto her ways an toned her down
At her best she was too vast
Now nothin warms our miners hearts
Like Colos Chicago Hot Blast
See advertisement on another page
Those Who Buy
our meats and fish get the best the very
best we can procure In fish you get
the freshest and we give you the advan
tage of the best price possible We
handle all meats and prepare them for
you in the best and cleanest way You
can always get your choice cuts here
Let us have an order from you for prompt
delivery Marshs Meat Market
- t
Thedforda Black Draueht has
saved doctors bilb for more than
sixty yeara For the common fam
ily ailments such a3 constipation
indigestion hard colds bowel com
plaints chills and fever bilious
ness headaches and other like
complaints no other medicine is
necessary It invigorates and reg
ulates the liver assists digestion
stimulates action of the kidneys
purifies the blood and purges the
bowelsof foul accumulations It
cures liver complaint indigestion
sour stomach dizziness chills
rheumatic pains sideache back
achekidnev troubles constination
diarrhoea biliousness piles hard
colds and headache Every drug
gist has ffhedfords Black Draught
m 25 cent packages and in mam
moth size for SI 00 Never accent
a substitute Insist on having the
original made by the Chattanooga
Medicine Company
I believe Thedfords Black Draught
is the best medicine on earth It is
good for any and everything 1 have
a family of twelve children and for
four years I have kept them on foot
ana neaitny with no doctor but Black
Draught A J GREEN Illewara La
C P Elliott and Ira are still hauling
wheat to Traer Kansas
Gathorcoles steam thresher was at J
E Lawthors crop of grain the first of
the week
T W Benjamin of Oberlin Kansas
was a visitor with his father and broth
ers at Banksville Sunday
The Republican caucus of Grant was
in session Monday night the 28th inst
and nominated precinct officers
A sad accident occurred last week
west of C F Elliotts at Mr Clines
south of state line where Joe Frenchs
steam thresher was at work As one of
the men was climbing the stack he fell
back on the handle of his fork which
ran through him and killed him Did
not learn the name of deceased
Mills Gregory expects to move to Mc
Cook soon
O T Francis returned from his Iowa
trip Saturday
Norman Harris visited Sunday with
our school marm
E II Everist shipped a car of hogs to
Kansas City Tuesday
Miss Hazel Patterson of Traer is at
the hotel and attending school
We hear that Dr Ole Robinson and
wife of Danbury are proud parents of a
boy born Sunday September 27th
Miss Sadie Ireland teacher east of
town is sick this week Her sister
Miss Sue Ireland came over from Ober
lin to teach for her
Amos Peck who has been visiting and
taking an outing in California Colorado
and Washington returned home Sun
day too late to accompany his wife to
Kansas City
Wm Sigwing is threshing for A
Peters this week
There is still considerable threshinr
to do in this neighborhood
Mr Lohr of Bartley has been engaged
to teach the Banksville school
Quite a number of our citizens are still
busy with their hay and fodder crop
Mrs Wm Relph and grandson Harry
Relph are visiting with John W Relph
and family at Lewiston Idaho
A Moffat Burlington Link
The big mystery which has hung over
the Western Pacific railroad -as to who
is backing it has been cleared away and
almost incontrovertible information has
reached Denver in reference to it The
road incorporated with 50000000 capi
tal to build from Salt Lake City to San
Francisco has been discussed from Wall
street to the Pacific coast more than
any railroad enterprise of recent years
Almost invariably George Gould has
been credited with being its backer
Even his denials did not have any effect
on this belief It is now learned from a
positive source that Gould is no way con
nected with the Western Pacific but
that the road is being constructed by a
private syndicate upon the same finan
cial plan as the Denver Northwestern
Pacific and that the two roads are very
closely allied The Burlington interests
while not credited with owning the two
companies are very closely connected
with them and J Pierpont Morgan and
James J Hill are both large holders
Denver Times
Cane toppers that take two rows at a
time Will trade for cane seed at W T
The Vaccination Question Again
Editor Tribune I read with consid
erable surpriso an articlo in your paper
entitled The Other Side in which the
writer makes an attempt to prove that
vaccination is worthless Why Mr Ed
itor that attempt was mado in 1798 and
it took scientific men a year or so to de
cide that tho discoverer of vaccination
was not only a benefactor to the wholo
human race but worthy of the highest
honors that could bo bestowed and be
sides awarding tho sum of thirty or forty
thousand pounds to him a statue was
erected in Trafalgar square London that
coming generations might gaze upon the
form and features of their bonefaetor
Now so far as statistics go to prove
the point let mo say that Sweden beforo
she vaccinated her people lost 2050 peo
ple per 1000000 and after vaccination
only 158 Berlin tried to get along with
out it and could not so she vaccinated
hor people and lo and behold in 1883
she only lost 17 per 100000 In 18S8 the
Berlin health office shows the mortality
per 100000 as follows Dresden 0 Ber
lin 007 London 07 etc etc
Now take tho German army Since
1874 but one death has been reported
from small pox
One more statistical point Since vac
cination has been introduced epidemics
havo fallen from 711 per century to 21
I am deeply grieved that such views
as those eiven in aforesaid article exist
in this present day for they influence
the people who are not versed in vacci
nation and who dont want to be vacci
The writer of the articlo claims to
have investigated the history of vaccina
tion well and good but that is not
enough vaccinate and get your own
results find out for yourself the meth
ods in vogue at present are somewhat
different than those formerly used
though tho principle is the same and
the results are too conclusive to admit
of any argument a conclusiveness which
has been strengthened and confirmed
by latter day investigators
S C Beach M D McCook Nebr
Do You Want to Yawn
Feel cold shiverings aching in the
bones lack of energy headache and
great depression These symptoms may
be followed by violent headache high
fever extreme nervousness a condition
known as malaria Ilerbine cures it
Take it before the disease gets a fair
hold though it will work a cure in any
stage J A Hopkins Manchester
Kan writes I have used your great
medicine Ilerbine for several years
There is nothing better for malaria
chills and fever headache biliousness
and for a blood purifying tonic there is
nothing as good 50c at A McMillens
low Rates West
The Burlington offers round trip tick
ets as follows
Denver Colo and return 12 June 1
to September 30
Colorado Springs Colo and return
1240 June 1 to September 30
Pueblo Colo and return 1365 June
1 to September 30
Glen wood Springs Colo and return
2190 June 1 to September 30
Ogden Utah and return 2790 June
I to September 30
Salt Lake City Utah and return
2790 June 1 to September 30
Ask the ticket agent for particulars
Dieting Invites Disease
To cure dyspepsia or indigestion it is
no longer necessary to live on milk and
toasts Starvation produces such weak
ness that the whole system becomes an
easy prey to disease Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure enables the stomach and digestive
organs to digest and assimilate all of the
wholesome food that one cares to eat
and is a never failing cure for indiges
tion dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
Kodol digests what you eat makes the
stomach sweet Sold by L W McCon
Beautiful Complexions
Are spoiled by using any kind of pre
paration that fills the pores of the skin
The best way to secure a clear complex
ion free from sallowness pimples blot
ches etc is to keep the liver in good
order An occasional dose of Herbine
will cleanse the bowels regulate the
liver and so establsh a clear healthy
complexion 50c at A McMillens
Indigestion Causes
Catarrfo of the
For many years it has been supposed that
Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion
and dyspepsia but the truth Is exactly the
opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re
peated attacks of indigestion Inflames the
mucous membranes lining the stomach and
exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus
ing the glands to secrete mucin Instead of
tho Juices of natural digestion This is
called Catarrh of the Stomach
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
relieves all Inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the stomach protects the
nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a
sense of fullness after eating indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
Kodol Digests What Yon Eat
Make tho Stomach Sweet
Bottles raly Regular tiia S 1 00 holdint 2H flng
the trial slza which sells fcr 50 cents
Prepared by E O DoWITT CO Chicago III
Sold by L W McConnell
J 0 I S I
Phone 16
i J
To call and look over our new UP-TO-DATE stock of
FLANNELS etc in all the new weaves patterns and shades
Next Week Is The Time
when our large assortment will arrive making the best show
ing ever before seen in our store consisting of beautiful Zibe
lines Mohairs Cheviots Broadcloths Fleece lined Piques
in all colors and styles and in fact
Everything New and Up-to-Me
step in and look us over before buying your Fall and Winter
Dry Goods We are still the exclusive agents for the cele
Black Cat Hosiery
and our new Fall stock is now in presenting the most com
plete line of Mens Ladies and Childrens shoes even shown
in McCook
Upon having a KABO CORSET
Upon having a Waterloo Underskirt
Upon buying Black Cat Hose
Upon buying Hamilton Brown Shoes
YouH Find Them With Us
ran n is
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
flcCook Nebraska
Iron Lead and Sever Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Halliday Waupun telipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker
Phillips Building
Farm Implements
Machinery Wagons Buggies
Agent for
Champion BindersHowers and Rakes
Cash paid for Eggs
Poultry and Farm Produce
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets All druggists refund tho money if
it fails to cure E V Groves
ture is on each box 25c
Are Tab FdoM
Boy Say Pa what do they
mean by saying Penny wise
and pound foolish
Father Why its where a
man loses a dollar to save a
Boy Well Pa were you
that way when you let your
hogs all die because you did
not want to pay out money for
Liquid Koal that James Cain
sells so much of
Father Johnnie dont talk
so much
Iriton Nov 23 1902
This is to certify that I used L K and am
well pleased with it I only had six bogg
get sick after using it and before using it I
had from two to four get sick each day I
can cheerfullj recommend it and would ad
vise any one who has hog cholera among his
hogs to give it a trial F F Faringer
One hundred dollars deposited in
the following banks for any one who
finds any of the testimonials we pub
lish from time to time are not genu
ine City National Bank York Neb
Sheldon State Bank Sheldon Iowa
Oklahoma Trust and Banking Co
Oklahoma City O T
Sheldon Iowa york Nebraska
Oklahoma City O T
For Sale by James Cain
Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store
Phone No 20 McCook Neb
Use according to directions and if
it does not prove satisfactory vour
monev back
One Quart Can 5100
One Gallon jjrjo