The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 02, 1903, Image 2

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Nearly Four Thousand People Have
Fled from the Infected City The
City Being Placed In a Thoroughly
Sanitary Condition
LAREDO Tex The yellow fever
Ecems to be on the Increase in this
city despite the rigorous efforts that
rre being taken to stamp out the
scourge Two deaths and twelve
new cases were reported at the close
of Sunday
Dr Guiteras in his house to house
canvass saw many cases of fever and
at the conclusion of the days ex
amination made the announcement
that twelve of the cases wore genu
ine yellow fever The daughter of
the Mexican bollermaker Juan Cor
tinas who died of the fever recently
died late Sunday afternoon and an
other Mexican woman also died of the
This city now presents a dead ap
pearance all those who could get
away having departed for points
north of the state of Texas and for
points south It is estimated -by the
authorities that nearly 4000 people
have fled from hero since the begin
ning of the yellow fever scare The
city is now quarantined against it in
all directions in the state and no per
son can get beyond the limits of Webb
county Other Texas counties have
established a shotgun- cjiiarantine and
are turning all back who are endeav
oring to get away in coaches buggies-
and carts The quarantine ap
plies to all persons freight baggage
express mail or other matter orig
inating in the city of Loredo and
points south the only persons hav
ing authority to leave the corporation
limits being the health officers of the
state of Texas and of the United
The work of placing the city in a
thorough sanitary condition is being
carried on under the direct supervis
ion of Dr Guiteras and a corps of ex
pert assistants
The situation in Nouvo Laredo is
unchanged no deaths or new cases
liaving occurred as far as can be
learned Dr Mariano Trevino a
Mexican government yellow fever ex
pert Is in charge He believes that
within eight days he will have stamp
ed out the fever
The Mexican custom house author
ities have temporarily removed to
Lampasas where all incoming bag
gage and freight over the National
railway is examined thus permitting
trains through to Laredo Tex with
out stopping at Neuvo Laredo
TAMPICO Mex Five new cases
of yellow fever have appeared here
-though they are of a mild form ap
parently Houses numbering 116
were disinfected and the authorities
are uniting in their efforts to kill the
MEXICO CITY Refugees from
Valles Victoria Santiago Linares
and Tanipico fleeing through fear of
the yellow fever are making their
appearance at Mexico City and the
capitol is the oasis for a throng of
i Kansas City Votes Bonds
KANSAS CITY An election held
In this city Tuesday to authorize the
city to issue bonds to the amount of
2175000 for the improvement of
the water works the parks market
house and other things resulted in
81G1 votes for the bonds and 2G70
votes against the issuance of the
Colorado Populists Nominate
DENVER Colo The populist state
convention nominated District Judge
Frank Wowers of Leadville for justice
of the supreme court Resolutions
were adopted condemning in vigorous
language the republican state demo
cratic part because its recent state
convention failed to denounce the use
of the military at Cripple Creek
New Panama Canal Plan
ing bulletin was posted at the state
Under date of the 14th instant
Mr Beaupre telegraphs the depart
ment of state that the report of the
canal commission passed the senate
Murderer Shot to Death
LYNCHBURG Tenn Sheriff Dav
idson in attempting to save the life
of a negro fired into a mob which
was storming the jail wounding a
jian whose name is unknown
The sheriff summoned assistance
but they were overpowered and the
jail entered and the much wanted
negro Hallen Small was shot to
death in the corridor After the
lynching tis mob dispersed ami quiet
Express Messenger Opens Fire Kill
ing a Robber
PORTLAND Ore The Atlantic ex
press on the Oregon Railroad and Nav
igation line which left here at 815
oclock Thursday night was held up
by four masked men an hour later near
Corbett station twenty one miles east
of this city
One of the robbers was shot and
killed by Express Messenger Fred Kor
ner and Engineer Ollie Barrett was
seriously wounded by the same bul
let After the shooting the -robbers
fled without securing any booty
Two of the highwaymen boarded
the train at Troutdale a station eigh
teen miles east of here and after the
train had got under way they crawled
over the tender and covering the en
gineer and fireman with revolvers
told them to stop at mile post 21
which is near Corbett station
When the train slowed down two
more men appeared Two of the rob
bers compelled the engineer to get out
of the cab and accompany them to
the express car whe the others
watched the fireman The men car
ried several sticks of dynamite and
when they came to the baggage car
thinking it was the express car threw
a stick at the door Express Messen
ger Korner heard the explosion and
immediately secured his rifle and
opened fire The bullet pierced the
heart of one of the robbers and went
through his body entering the left
breast of Engineer Barrett who was
just behind him Barretts wound
is above the heart and is not neces
sarily fatal
Former Senator From Illinois and
Prominent Business Figure
CHICAGO III Former Senator
Charles B Farwell died at his home in
Lake Forest Wednesday of heart
trouble after several months illness
Mr Farwell had been a prominent
figure in local state and national
politics since 1844 when he came to
Chicago from Ogle county Illinois In
his business life he engaged success
fully in real estate and banking and
in 1SG4 purchased an interest in the
present house of J V Farwell Co
He was born in Steuben county New
York eighty years ago After serving
as county clerk member of the state
board of equalization state senate and
house of representatives he was
elected to the United States senate
from Illinois in 1S87 He leaves
three daughters Mrs Reginald De
Koven Mrs Budley Winston and Mrs
Hobert Chatfield Taylor and one son
Walter Farwell
The Assault Upon the Jews at Gomel
Set Forth
WASHINGTON The following bul
letin has been posted as the state de
The department of state has receiv
ed advices from the American charge
at St Petersburg to the effect that
in the Gomel riots in which five
Christians lost their lives no foreign
ers or foreign interests suffered
In view of the position taken by
the Russian government at the time
of the Kishineff affair that the im
perial authorities would decline to re
ceive foreign representatives concern
ing domestic matters where no for
eign interests wre involvd the repoi 0
of the American charge at St Peters
burg that no foreign interests were
jeopardized in the recent anti Semitic
riot at Gomel closes the incident so
far as the state department is con
Prince Alert Lowers the Record by
Two Seconds
NEW YORK Prince Alert the pac
ing hero of 100 races and the cham
pion of a score of half mile tracks
went against the worlds pacing rec
ord of 159 held by Dan Patch and
beat it most decisively at the Empire
City track Wednesday It was the
first day of the autumn meeting of the
Empire City Trotting club and in ad
dition to a strong card of four races
Prince Alert was billed for what look
ed like the impossible feat of break
ing the record But Prince Alert had
recently won the half mile track cham
pionship in 203 which had been
won only the week before by Dan
Patch in 204 and good judges were
sanguine The weather and track
high early in the day kindly subsided
so that the conditions were favorable
were perfect and the wind which was
Milner to Confer With Balfour
CARLSBAD Germany Lrird Mil
ner left at ll 30 oclock Sunday for
London to confer with Premier Bal
four regarding the offer made to him
of the secretaryship for the colonies
Planue and Cholera Raging
TIEN TSIN North China Both
plague and cholera are raging at Pel
Tang a seaport fifty miles east of
Tien Tsin where 2000 deaths have
occurred during the past two months J
Revolting Crime for Which He Paid
the Penalty Sleeps in Same Room
With Man He Murdered Blows
Out His Victims Brains
CHEYENNE Wyo James Keffer
was hanged at Lander at 1015 Friday
morning Everything moved off like
clockwork Keffer was on the verge
of a collapse but by a superhuman
effort he calmed himself and walked
bravely to the gallows
Just before the trap was sprung
Keffer made a talk and said he had
no grudge against any one He ex
cused the jury but said they made a
mistake and would some day realize
the fact The judge of the supreme
court and governor he said were no
Keffers neck was broken by the fall
and he was cut down in eight min
The crime for which James Keffer
paid the penalty on the gallows is one
of the most revolting in the annals
of criminology in the state of
Wyoming He crept softly into the
room wherein an aged and almost
decrepit man lay sleeping peacefully
and not even dreaming of the fate
soon to descend upon him Keffer at
first did not deny the crime but said
he was under influence of liquor at
the time the deed was committed
Keffer worked on the Carmody
ranch near Bruce and old man War
ren was stock tender for the Lander
Rawlins Stage company at the same
place The story of Keffers crime itf
detail is as follows
On the afternooniefore the killing
Keffer went over to Bruce and while
there drank several times About 3
p m he started back to the ranch
and after looking after the stock
there started for the camp of a
freighter known as Scotty about a
mile from the ranch in company
with old man Warren Scotty had
whisky in his wagon and all three
drank After spending hours in camp
both went back to the ranch and
after doing chores about the place
both went to bed
They slept in the same room their
beds being in opposite corners Dur
ing the night Keffer who had not
slept rose and crept silently to the
old mans bed Turning he crept I
noiselessly to the wall where hung
an old double barreled shotgun which
he took down and loaded Waiting
a moment to see if his movements
had been heard he crept back to
where his victim lay sleeping Kef
fer placed the muzzle of the shotgun
under the old mans chin pulled the
trigger and hlew his victims brainf
Major Delmar is Second Horse to
Make Two Minute Record
NEW YORK The big event Fri
day at the Empire City track was the
effort of the champion gelding Ma
jor Delmar to beat his own record of
200 and to beat the worlds rec
ord of two minutes held by Lou Dil
He trotted a most wonderful mile
and in a game but tiring finish shot
under the wire in record time
After a preliminary warming up the
gelding champion came out for his
trial at 420 He went around the
first turn broke and came back At
the second attempt he went away as
steady as a clock and though a slow
beginner got to the quarter in 30
seconds Up the back stretch he shot
with stick lightning rapidity that he
flashed by the half mile pole in 59
seconds Then the grand stand rose
and cheered as the gallant son of Del
mar flew around the top turn to the
three quarters pole in 129 and came
home to the wire in 200 thus equal
ing the time of Lou Dillon
Knoxs Assistant Resigns
Tyler Campbell of Bristol Tenn has
resigned his position as assistant to
Attorney General Knox to which he
was appointed a few months ago The
position kept him on the road a great
deal which was objectionable to him
Judge Campbell was the republican
candidate for governor at the last
election in this state
Inspected Irrigation in Europe
chief of the irrigation division of the
department of agriculture returned
from a tour of inspection in Italy and
other European countries Mr Mead
will later make a report to Secretary
Wilson noting his observations of ir
rigation abroad He says that the gov
ernment methods of distributing water
here are as good as those elsewhere
but that the United States might take
lessons from canals abroad
Triple Murderer Is Well Armed and
Has Stolen a Team
throughout this section of the state
are in horror over the acts of Thomas
Madison charged with the recent trip
le murder in this county Madison
has successfully eluded both officers
and bloodhounds thus far but it is
thought that he is somewhere in the
vicinity of Cowles Neb about fifteen
miles from the state line
Word received here says Madison
is armed with two revolvers and plen
ty of ammunition and that he held
up a number of people threatening to
shoot them if they told of his pres
ence in the country He entered a
farm house near Cowles and forced
the women to give him a meal He
has stolen a team of horses and seems
to be thoroughly at home in the neigh
borhood Officers expect to capture
him within a few hours as they say
lie has only temporarily eluded them
Priest Single Handed Attacks a Load
of American Soldiers
MANILA A detachment of the
Twenty eighth infantry embarked in
boats had a sharp engagement on
Toros lake Lanao on the 10th inst
with a band of fanatical Moros dur
ing which Private E O Barnett was
One of the leaders of the enemy a
priest single handed attacked a boat
load of the American soldiers He
was killed
A band of ladrones attacked the
town of Taisan in the province of
Batangas Luzon on Saturday last
and secured the guns of the municipal
police They met with no resistance
during their raid and subsequently es
caped unmolested
Large Party of Engineers Are Now
Surveying a Proposed Route
party of civil engineers employed by
D H Moffatts Denver Northwestern
Pacific road is in Salt Lake City
starting the work of surveying the
new line from this end
While official confirmation is lack
ing it is understood the Moffatt road
may occupy the same terminals as the
Rio Grande and the Western Pacific
for which the Rio Grande is now seek
ing a franchise from- the city council
Preliminary work it is said has in
dicated that the route via Provo Utah
is easier from an engineering stand
point than that via Park City
Georgia and Alabama to Be Visited
but Time Not Decided Upon
BIRMINGHAM Ala Internal Rev
enue Collector Joseph O Thompson
who is just back from a conference
with the president at Oyster Bay said
that Mr Roosevelt is considering mak
ing a trip south this winter and speak
ing in two or three cities each in Geor
gia and Alabama including Atlanta
and Birmingham
He says the president was anxious
to come south though he did not say
definitely just when he would come
The president added that he had often
been tempted to visit this section but
he was afraid his mission would be
misunderstood that the people might
think the trip was for vote getting
International Peace Congress Thanks
v This Country
ROUEN France The International
Peace congress which is meeting in
this city passed resolutions regretting
the acts of hostility committed by
Germany and Great Britain against
Venezuela particularly the destruction
of property which gave rise to claims
for indemnity expressing satisfaction
that the warlike attitude soon yielded
to diplomacy and arbitration prais
ing the intervention of the United
States and congratulating President
Roosevelt and United States Minis
ter Bowen on their efforts to bring
the dispute before The Hague tribunal
Minister Powell in Hurry
ported in government circles that
United States Minister Powell inform
ed the Dominican ministers of foreign
affairs that the government made by
the late Dominican government re
specting claims of the Santo Domingo
Improvement company of New York
must be respected and its provision
carried out without further delay
Close Call for De Youngs Palace
SAN FRANCISCO The handsome
home of M H De Young proprietor
of the Chronicle narrowly escaped
burning Friday by a fire which start
ed by crossed electric wires on the
roof of the theater annex to the main
building An engine company sta
tioned only a block away was quick
ly summoned and prevented the
spread of the flames though not be
fore 10000 damage was done the
For the Individual
1796 3 1872 3 1952
11 a e C A 0 e JsJ
is for co operation in linformation to reduce
mutually expensive mistakes It is for inechan
ical commercial end professional people the
employer employe and customer and consists
of extracts taken by permission from the copy
righted letters thelectures notebooks and libraries
of Dr Earl M Pratt When you secure on any
subject an idea personally useful to you and
you wish to give it to him address him in care
of The John Crerar Library Marshall Field
Building Chicago lie is hunting the whole world
over for information of every day vse to yoti
and he regrets his inability personally to reply
to contributors So far as possible he wishes to
have in this space the very ideas yon would like
to find here You are at liberty to send him
any suggestion you may care to His Arcade
Index libraries were started in 1872 and now con-
tain unpublished information dating back to lw
with systematic plans extending to 1952 Your
thort story of some example of forethought de
posited in the Arcade Index collection may prove to
bi your best monument
Acquirement of
EZttr Results
A man inquired How can I accom
plish most for the energy time force
and efforts expended 1 feel that I
must accomplish more yet my
strength will scarcely admit of greater
expenditure How can I do it is the
When a store must have more space
for new goods and is unable to borrow
rent or build and all the space
it has is chock full there is one
thing to do and that is throw out the
least important line of goods But I
sometimes when it is thought all the
space is entirely occupied careful in
vestigation and some mental calcula
tion will produce more space There
are counters to day which use room
formerly unoccupied for holding
stock and they give almost half as
much room as the shelves back of
Busy doctors have to study prompt
ness briefness and effectiveness
Some doctors will make twice as
many calls during the day as some
others do using the same time the
same energy and having left fully as
much strength at the end of the day
To do an extra amount of work re
quires an original study of self and
environments coupled with syste
matic effort to gain at ever point
Our opportunities for doing more
work and better work with the same
time and strength embrace a study
of improved methods better habits
more nutritious food economy of
time casting off unnecessaries less at
tention to the least important hunting
for waste places training others to
do what they should for us and trying
to find something every day new and
useful to us in our work
Scattered attention is surely a cause
of errors Some think about their rest
during work hours and during rest
hours they worry about their work
end as a result they neither rest nor
ivork It is no business to think of
things at the wrong time Xor is it
business to think too far ahead or too
far behind The former is for pro
phets and the latter for historians
Those who make big money study
history and read the future but the
average men must look steadily at to
day and leep his head and hands
The- Cr ImlnEIity
of Carelessnes
What is the cause of criminal care
lessness Ti o years ago a man ask
ed me the atove question He had
been having tVouble and I have been
thinking about the subject ever since
It may be due to ignorance Some
slaim that people are not as good
nor as bad as they appear to be if we
knew more we would be better But
we will know more if we are any
good and have our goal in the right
Friends Jiave made and unmade
men but in trade a good friend is a
compound blessing There are those
so rich in this source that nothing
but icillful ignorance can ruin thevu
There arc places into which one can
not enter without that backing which
is better than a brothers Othet
sources of success arc often credited
with returns that belong to this The
professional man looks to his friends
for promoting his opportunity Tc
have real friends one must be friciul
ly without a selfish reason or policy
The Usefulness
of Self Control
What is dangerous for one person
may be perfectly safe for another
Very very few inherit so much money
muscle or mind that they can squan
der all their life never acquire and
die rich As one mans food may be
another mans poison so one mans
pleasure may be another mans pain
Self control is a quality desirable in
all phases of life in social profession
al and commercial fields It means
money and victory
There are some people whose per
sonality seems to throw me off the
track and no matter what they say or
do irritates For some time I have
been trying when I see such a person
to study out how 1 can be useful to
that person and when I meet him I
make an extra exertion to be agree
able and sensible Sometimes unsel
fish work pays The other evening on
the train the above kind of a person
sat a few seats from me No doubt I
scowled as I felt it and though
we know and saw each other neither
of us spoke I resisted my tempta
tion to remain where I was and took
a seat by his side I introduced myself
as though I had been forgotten and
we had a very pleasant chat after we
got started I so forgot myself that 1
left the train with him before reach
ing my station but subsequent events
proved it was to my advantage to get
off at that place
From a number of communications
which I have received on the subject
of self control the following are some
Thinking of consequences is ono
way of gaining or maintaining self
Thinking of the uselessness of fly
ing to pieces is another
First of all Christian principle
second strong will power the God
given power to hold still no matter
how hot the furnace third fear of los
ing ones hold on ones self
The source of self control lies in
an earnest purpose to show strong
manhood and womanhood
Self control is the result of experi
ence mistakes fortify one in the fu
ture against the same acts and help
to decide kindred actions Education
tends to give one a command over self
partly by the wider range of view
acquired and partly by the knowledge
of experience of others Some per
sons can not profit by the experience
of others but must pass through tho
fire themselves Self control appears
at times to be the gift of nature aa
some people even in childhood re
veal a self command which could not
have been acquired I believe self
control to be an acquired accomplish
ment resulting from experience and
observation rather than from any
study of books
About the severest test of
is to say no to a friend and
run the risk of losing his friendship
Good solicitors tell me that self-control
is one of the most valuable forces
in their line of work An attorney
who is a collector told me as a rule
he thought it was a good thing tc
leave his club at home as he might
feel it necessary to hit back some
times but at all events be sure never
to lose your head I believe that it is
very profitable for us to undermine
our own errors and explode them our
selves It does you more good to kick
yourself three minutes than to kick
the people thirty years To have self
control is to have almost everything
else desirable but self control is an
indirect product of daily good judg
In order to have self control you
must have something to control A
thistle down has no self control be
cause it has no weight and it would
be the same if it had intellectuality
and had no weight A very smart
man with very weak muscles is sure
ly much in need of self control Sys
tematic saving fosters self control and
good judgment Think think twice
thrice if necessary Practice in
order to be able to perform suddenly
and satisfactorily Be something and
plasa Ths idea that experience is a t prevent your blood gettin
thin The
iear school but fpols will learn in no world needs more agreeable disagree
ather might be rr vised to read It ing but before it can have it it must
is a wise man wilo learns by contain more self control
nce fools nev rl earn Though aj
man is not to e blamed for being A narroic view of life- causes errors
3orn ignorant La an be blamed for hat are most troublesome A wide
pmaininrr itrnnrnit land continued or v1 narroic view a narrow
o - jnrfl it T I i -
epeated carele jsnesfc mav oe called
When the 1 eak flicauire strength
tiny became leaders f tnc naturally
itreng becaw i they ytnow noio icnsn
1 li 7ivsi7t 711r1 fL -
t ittan rxy
pain if high gives a broad view A
tramp has a wide path and narrow
view The intelligent hard working
successful man is the very antithesis
of the typical tramp and he has a
broad view but his daily path is al
most a bee line and as narrow as a
l fence board on edge i