The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 25, 1903, Image 6

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McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
Minister Leishman cables that Tup
key is ready to take up the claims ol
the United States
A killing frost destroyed the cante
loupe crop in the vicinity of Rocky
Ford Colo The loss will reach 250
Fire destroyed the steel works of
Francis Smith Co located on Town
Bend avenue San Francisco entailing
a loss exceeding G0000
King Edward and Queen Alexandra
have requested to be kept well in-
formed of the latest news from Chi
cago regarding the condition of Sir
Thomas Upton
Eighteen men are under arrest at
Tonopah New charged with inciting
riot robbery and murder following the
attempt of Tuesday night to run thi
Chinese out of town
The Fourth Pennsylvania congres
sional district republican convention
has nominated Reuben O Moon a
prominent lawyer to succeed the late
Congressman Foerderer
Announcement is made of the elec
tion of E P Prentice as a vice presi
dent of the Colorado Fuel and Iron
company Mr Prentice is a son-in-Jaw
of John D Rockefeller
An automobile speeding at the rate
of fifty miles an hour at the Vermont
state fair grounds dashed over a fifteen-foot
embankment causing the
death of Herbert Lamphere
The republican state convention
met at Baltimore and nominated for
governor Stevenson A Williams at
torney general George Whitelock and
state comptroller E P Dennis
A recent census of China shows
that that country crowded with teem
ming millions has 103 to the square
mile Belgium has 220 to the square
mile Great Britain 130 and Germany
Announcement was made at New
York of the election of E P Prentice
as a vice president of the Colorado
Fuel and Iron company Mr Pren
tice is a son-in-law of John D Rocke
Judge Frank B Gary of Abbeville
has been appointed to preside over
the court in Lexington S C at which
J H Tillman will be tried next Mon
day Tor the assassination of N G Gon
The Canadian railways have agreed
to advance the freight rate on pulp
wood to United States points one half
cent per 100 pounds beginning Octo
ber 1 No reason is given for the in
Moses Hart Louis Brooks and
Charles Ronk employes of the Swift
Packing company in East St Louis
were fatally scalded by falling into
a vat of boiling water They were lit
erally parboiled
Mayor Pedro Sanchez has been ac
quitted at Santa Fe N M after a
trial lasting nine days of the charge
of embezzlement and malfeasance in
the office of supervisor of the census
of New Mexico
The damage wrought by the storm
of Wednesday at Atlantic City N J
has in no particular affected the ar
rangements perfected for the comfort
of delegates to the national confer
ence of the Unitarian church which
will be held there beginning Octo
ber 21
At Salt Lake City Utah while tem
porarily deranged from brooding over
the death of her father and mother
Mrs Mary Williams aged 17 former
ly of Chattanooga fired two shots at
her husband without effect and then
committed suicide by sending a bullet
through her heart
The annual report of General F D
Grant commanding the department of
Texas which was prematurely pub
lished some weeks ago has heen
made public at the war department
General Grant favors the canteen and
discusses the question of maintaining
strong military stations along the Mex
ican border
The report of the board of officers
appointed to Investigate the recent ac
cident on board the cruiser Olympia
at Norfolk finds that Corporal Yerkes
of the marine corps who was killed
in the explosion of alcohol was main
Jy responsible for the accident The
court martial of two of the enlisted
men has been ordered
Chief Wilkie of the secret service
announces the discovery of two na
tional bank counterfeits One is a 10
note on the Peoples national bank
of Roxbury Mass and the other is a
5 note on the Waltham National bank
pf Waltham Mass
I Forty two men women and children
were made very ill by eating ice
cream at a church social at Belenna
N Y Physicians state they were suf
fering from poisoning probably from
germs in the milk from which the ice
cream was made
23 W
No one better than President Roose
velt realizes how near he was to death
at the hands of a crazed would be as
sassin when attracted by the noise of
a disturbance in the grounds sur
rounding Sagamore Hill Mr
Diagram Showing How Close the Vou Id Be
velt stepped out to the porch Less
than one hundred feet away in a
buggy stood Henry Weilbrenner a
young farmer of Syossett L I with a
revolver aimed directly at the presi
dent as he stood silhouetted by the
light from his library Within a frac
tion of a second a bullet would have
been sped on Its way had not the
maniacs revolver been knocked from
his hands by a secret service agent
The Great Fight of the Session Comes
Upon Report of the Committee on
Resolutions Delegates Finally Get
OGDEN Utah The eleventh Na
tional Irrigation congress came to an
end Friday afternoon It re elected
Senator W A Clark of Montana pres
ident and decided to hold the congress
of 1904 in El Paso It adopted a plat
form which requested congress to
make needed modifications of the ex
isting land laws in order that spec
ulation and monopoly of public domain
he prevented The great fight of the
congress came up when the report of
the committee on resolutions was
made Over the adoption or rejection
of the clauses the majority report re
questing that congress repeal the
desert land act and timber and stone
act and the commutation clause of
the homestead act occurred a debate
of four hours duration exceedingly
bitter at times and participated
in by some of the most prominent
men in the work of irrigation
The opposition to the National Ir
rigation congress committing itself in
any such manner was led by former
Senator Carey of Wyoming Congress
man Mondell of Wyoming and former
Congressman Shafroth of Colorado
and when a substitute for these pro
visions of the majority report was of
fererd by Congressman Needham of
California simply requesting congress
to modify the land laws the whole
Strength of the opposition was thrown
in its favor
The result is regarded by them as
a decided victory in that the national
body of irrigationists did not come out
jn direct opposition to the laws they
so strongly defended
The debate was prolonged until
evening and although a number of in
teresting papers were to have been
presented by bureau chiefs of the de
partment of agriculture the congress
tired out by the long and at times
acrimonious discussion adjourned
without listening to them
El Paso wont its picturesque fight
for next years congress on the first
ballot A desperate effort was made
by the northern states to bring the
honor to Boise but it was unsuccess
ful It was apparent that the desire
to ero to Portland Xre in 1905 had
much to do with the action in giving
the honor for 1904 to the southwest
Many delegates left for their homes
Friday Several hundred will go on
an excursion through Cache Valley
viewing the state agricultural school
at Logan and the great irrigation
works of the Bear river valley
Fully half our earthly trouble is the
result of calling things by another
Snow Breaks Trees
STURGIS S D A large number
of fruit and shade trees were ruined
by the recent rain and snow storm
the trees being yet in full leaf they
could not hold up the heavy snow
which stuck to them bearing them
to the ground and in many instances
breaking off large limbs The storm
lasted for several days and is said to
be the worst that ever visited the
Blaclc Hills country
the year
at this time of
At the oama time two men who
have not yat keen captured or iden
tified were prowling about the
grounds whilo the president was left
entirely unguarded in his house all
the secret service men having hurried
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Assassin Got to President
to the spot where Weilbrenner was
Apparently these strangers were
scared away
The diagram shows the road by
which Weilbrenner drove to the presi
dent house the spot where Mr
Roosevelt was standing and the posi
tion of Weilbrenner when seized by
the secret service agent
Irrigation Congress Considers
nization -Scheme
OGDEN Utah It developed Wed
nesday that the fight over the prop
osition to commit the national irriga
tion congress in favor of a repeal of
several of the extinguished land law
including the desert land act the tim
ber and the commutation clause of
the homestead act will be a very
close one Champions both for and
against such action were heard at
the ssssion of the congress George
H Maxwell of the executive commit
tee and Senator Paris Gibson of Mon
tana favoring such action while Con
gressman Mondall in a lengthy
speech took strong grounds against
such repeal
It was evident from the feeling dis
played that if the congress does rec
ommend the repeal of these laws and
it is the belief that the committea
on resolutions will report favorably
that it will only be after a hard fight
Interest in the possible action of the
congress on this point in fact over
shadows everything else that has come
before it
Wednesday was a day of hard work
for the delegates Besides listening
to half a dozen interesting speeches
numerous resolutions were introduced
and referred to the resolutions com
mittee of which Senator Smoot of
Utah has been elected chairman Ac
tion on the long considered consolida
tion with the Trans Mississippi con
gress was also taken
The committee through its chair
man Senator Carey of Wyoming re
ported against such action on the
ground that the time had now como
for such action and the irrigation
congress would best preserve its indi
viduality in the work it set out to
do The report was adopted
The morning session of the con
gress was devoted to colonization and
the opinions of railroad men and so
cialists on the best methods of set
tling the arid region with a desirable
class of farmers and small stockmen
were listened to with much interest
The feature of the morning session
was the speech of Commander Booth
Tucker of the Salvation army who
gave a very complete description of
the methods pursued by the Salvation
army colonies of California and Col
orado in settling them with people
from the tenement districts of the
The commander made a plea for
government aid for the great coloniza
tion projects of the Salvation army
to be under the control of the secre
tary of agriculture All of the speak
ers urged more complete co operation
between states land owners and rail
roads in the general scheme of colo
nization without which they claimed
the scheme of irrigation would be of
no value
Aerography on Battleship
miral Barker commander-in-chief of
the North Atlantic fleev has recom
mended the equipment of aU the bat
tleships and large cruisers of tk navy
with wireless telegraph apparatus
An Iowa Bank Burglarized
DES MOINES Robbers entered
the Farmers bank at Rhodes on Tues
day night by cutting a hole through
the roof They entered the vault
through the top and secured 1000 in
silver that they found outside the safe
proper The latter was dynamited
and the contents exposed but nothing
appears to have been taken This is
taken to indicate that the robber
were frightened away They left nu
1 General Nebraska News
Those Above Third Grade Could Find
Jobs in Nebraska
Eastern teachers could find good
employment in Nebraska just about
this time if they happened to be of
that class that rates above the third
grade Reports received by the state
superintendent show that the state is
short about 150 teachers This is not
due to a scarcity of material from
which instructors are made but from
the fact that the ready made variety
are all engaged and that is the only
kind the school boards of the state
want Reports show the number of
teachers now lacking in these coun
ties Cherry twenty Custer twenty
Dawes ten Red Willow eight Fron
tier fifteen Cheyenne ten Brown
ten Boyd ten and Logan four This
latter county employs only about
twenty teachers in all
In these counties no teacher hold
ing a third grade certificate will be
employed none but the best being
wanted The school term on the av
erage is six months and the salary is
from 35 to 50 a month From the
superintendents office it is learned
that the state has just as many third
grade teachers as formerly and that
it is the higher quality demanded that
has caused the shortage
Saunders County People Must Vote a
Second Time
YAHOO Great disappointment was
felt by Saunders county people when
the news was received from Lincoln
of the refusal of the state auditor
to accept the 85000 bonds recently
voted by Saunders county for a new
court house owing to the illegality of
the call for the special election which
lacks one day of the required twenty
eight that must intervene between the
day of first publication and the day
of election The county commission
ers acted upon what they considered
good legal advice in drawing up the
call and fixing the dates During the
past week the board has been listen
ing to plans ot arcntects and wnilc
it was not intended to commence
work on the new structure this fall
efforts were being put forth to get
everything in readiness for early
spring Another bond election will
necessarily have to be held but
whether it will occur at the general
election in November or another spe
cial be called the county board has
not yet determined
Requisitions by the Governor
LINCOLN Governor Mickey has
issued a requisition upon the governor
of New York for the return to Ne
braska of Count Jules Diagrneff
who is wanted in Omaha for forgery
having passed bogus checks upon
Rome Miller proprietor of the Her
Grand and Millard hotels
Fined for Selling Diseased Hogs
WEST POINT Charles G Does
cher a prominent farmer living west
of the city was arraigned in justice
court charged with selling diseased
hogs to a local dealer for shipment
Doescher was found guilty and sen
tenced to pay a fine of 25 and costs
of prosecution
Stolen Cattle Recovered
WOOD RIVER The twenty one cat
tle stolen from W H Farbers pasture
near the Platte river were found on
the Jacob Sherer farm three miles
north of town The thieves had head
ed for the bluffs and abandoned the
Farmer Commits Suicide
MINDEN Nels Swanson a sub
stantial and prominent Swedish farm
er living about eight miles southwest
of Minden killed himself by cutting
the veins and arteries of both wrists
while under the influence of liquor
Blind Institute Opens
institute for the blind opened for the
I term with a full corps of teachers and
an attendance that compares favor
ably with other years
Mrs Samuel Chambers of Platts
mouth CO years of age has been ex
amined and pronounced insane by the
board of insanity
Wants Out of Jail
LINCOLN William M Campion
who is in jail at Seward wants to go
out under habeas corpus proceedings
and to that end a brief has been filed
in the supreme court Campion was
convicted of being the father of the
child of Nellie M Lattimer unmar
ried tand was assessed 1000 for the
support and maintenance of the child
He failed to pay up and since the
trial some months ago has been in
jail at Seward
Beatrice schools opened with an In
creased attendance
Senator Millard has returned from
his European trip
A party of Gage county farmers
have gone to Oklahoma to buy land
Jams L Kennedy alias Williams
on trial for compljcity In the robbery
of the bank of Rogers in Colfax coun
ty on the night of June 17 has been
A war is being waged In Nebraska
City over telephone rates The Ne
braska Telephone company has an
nounced a raise to 3 for long distance
phones and as a result the local gro
cers association is trying to have
business houses discontinue the serv
Every school in the rural districts
oi uass county has been supplied
with teachers The county school au
thorities are well pleased over this
condition of affairs as it looked sev
eral months ago as though there
would be a shortage of teachers this
As the northbound Union Pacific
passenger train No 95 due to arrive
in Beatrice from Manhattan Kan was
pulling out of Stockdale Kan the
rails spread causing two coaches to
roll into the ditch The train -was
not running fast and consequently no
one was injured
H W Field who claims Sioux City
as his residence was robbed of his
watch and chain on a Northwestern
train between Blair and Fremont
Field says a very pious devout-look
ing stranger occupied the seat with
him and he thinks the stranger re
lieved him of his watch while he was
about half asleep
Henry Macken and Guy Peyton
two young men were hunting ducks
at Sturgeons lake York county Ducks
flew up about fifty yards away from
Macken who became excited and did
not think about Peyton being between
him and the ducks and in shooting at
the ducks a number of shot struck
Peyton in the head He was painfully
but not dangerously injured
Ira Ketchum the voung man of
py county implicated in the criminal
assault case with Edward Snodgrass
and who has been confined in the Om
aha jail for the last two months wait
ing for trial has been released Judge
Day in district court dismissed the
case against both men as young
Snodgrass had married the complain
ing witness Miss Glassman
The time for the completion of one
half of the cells at the penitentiary
for which the board of public lands
and buildings agreed to pay the Van
Doren iron works of Cleveland C9000
elapsed a few days ago and no cells
are done In fact not a turn has
been made and no member of the
board seems to know anything about
when the work will be done
Unless the corn crop turns out well
in Nebraska the crop yield of grain
for the state will be decidedly poor
according to railway men The latest
estimates on wheat indicate that the
average yield per acre is about twelve
and one half bushels which is far be
low what was expected early in the
summer Moreover the quality of
the grain is poor A bushel of this
years wheat rarely weighs more than
fifty three pounds and is generally as
light as fifty or fifty one pounds
The fine new elevator of the Har
vard Farmers Co operative Grain and
Live Stock company is now completed
and ready for business The build
ing will be formally dedicated soon
each of the stockholders bringing in
a load of wheat and with their fami
lies and friends partaking of a picnic
dinner at the school house grove fol
lowed by a short program and a so
cial time
The injunction filed by Boyd county
settlers against Commissioner Foil-
mer to restrain him from releasing
lands until the matter could be settled
in the supreme court came up before
Judge Westover Judge Rvan and
Captain Murfin appeared for Follmer
and Attorney General Prout for the
state who objected to any other at
torney appearing in the case except
himself for the defense stating that in
reality it was a state case and that
he was the proper representative of
the states interest The objection of
the attorney general was sustained
Immediate action on the part of the
settlers will be instituted before the
supreme court at Lincoln
The supreme court has decided that
a state normal school does not come
under the head of internal improve
ments as enumerated in the statute
authorizing and precinct township
city of the second class or village to
issue bonds in support of these im
Theodore Bittenbender aged 30
was arrested and brought before Jus
tice Nelson on the charge of statutory
assault on Lena Johnson aged 13
whose mother is a resident of Sutton
He was held to the district court
Do- doctors say now date people
Injure dere health by bathln too
Well de doctors dont know much
but once In a while dey stumble ontc
a intelligent idee Widpeople bath
In every day and people dyln every
day anybody wid any sense oughter
see dat water is a good ting to keep
out of
Uso Rod Cross Bnll Blue It makeH clotbea
clean and sweot ns when now All grocers
King Peters First Orders
King Peter has conferred the order
of the Whlto Eagle the highest in
Sorvla upon his sons the Crown
Prince George and Prince Alexander
his brother Prince Arsen Karageorge
vitch and upon his nephew Prlnco
Paul These are the first orders con
ferred by King Peter since ascending
the Servian throno
To Cure a Coiti in ono Clay
Tuko Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tablets All
druggists refund money if it fails to euro 25c
Mary Andersons Chickens
At her home in Mary An
derson Navarro has beco a most
successful raiser of chicRLj She
does not sell her chickens nor her
eggs but after her own table ha
been supplied and her friends have
beon generously remembered she dis
tributes the remainder among the
Why It Is the Oest
Is becnuso made by an entirely different
process Deunnco Starch is unliko any
other better and one tbird more for 10
-And so
unxiou proves there is
yaluo in Douglas fchoes
Corona I the highest
grade Pat Leather made
rail Calnr Kitltm -
you have accented
Pecy I thought you decided to re
fuse him
Kate So I did but he kept press
ing me and pressing me for a favor
able answer until I I
Surrendered at discretion
Oh dear I dont know I fear It
was an Indiscretion
I do not believe PIsos Cure for Consumption
flas an equal for coughs and colds Joun V
BojTEtt Trinity Springs Inc Feb 16 1000
Tea is Russian Beverage
There are always tea peddlers about
a Russian station Tea is brought to
the windows at the stopping of the
train it is also served in the depots
and is drunk at all hours of the day
The Russians have better tea and
moro of it than any other people of
After locking your family skeleton
in the closet hide the key where your
neighbors cannot find it
xjfiSjdYyoSxsfV Guarantee to kp you
S- TVVWV Tlie b3t wfrproor S3
Ssl i SivrifV S 01 tb genuine the M
EarTiSSi yHai jles for all KM
g yxaSUIfgfyl tag ll cot at freri to M
WSJop2E5rV u n suttek sos H
j0 i
rjVwiiiJ uA fi
ci I Edqa hine cannot be equalled at anulpficZ
by mall 25 rent extra Illattnttd
Catalog free W L DOUGLAS Brockton 5au
r na
Everyjfiousewife gloats
jbver finely starched
7lnenrndj white goods
-Conceit is justifiable
fter using Defiance
5tarch It gives a
stiff glossy whilef
jiess to the clothes
Sand Jdoes not rot
them It is
Jutely pure It Is
the most economical
Jbecause It goes
farthest does more
nd costs less than
Others Tb be had of all
ITOcers at 16 oz
for ioc
You can save from 3 to 5 yearly by
wearing W L Douglas 350 or S3 shoes
Ihoy equal those
that have been cost
ing you from 400
to S500 The im
mense salo of W L
Douglas shoes proves
their superiority over
all other makes
Soid by retail shoo
dealers everywhere
Look for naino and
price on bottom
That Donglas uses