- fit ri i t THAT GIRL of JOHNSONS By JEAff KATB LVBLVW Author of At a Girls Merer KU Entered According to Act of Conercss in the Year 1890 by Street Smith In the Office of the Librarian of Concress at Washincton D C CHAPTER XVI Man Proposes God Disposes Johnson did not die that he lived through the terrible strain upon his vitality showed that he had an Iron constitution the doctors said but the men at the tavern shook their heads over it and looked meaningly at each other They had their own opinion of the matter perhaps they knew more than the doctors did the wise men might open their eyes in amazement should they choose to tell their plclons Johnson was kept under the influence of opiates for three days and nights he was not left alone one mo ment they fed him on Mrs Allens beef tea and drinks and cared for him as though he were a baby the men said in half whispers him with mus cles like iron nnd cords like an ox Lodio dally carried the news brief items briefly told in his measured tones as they gathered in the outer room of the tavern of an evening or called now and then across the drenched gardens to each other or met at the wells And the women over their tubs as they washed the clothes up and down and soaped and rinsed and wrung them in clear water leav ing them to soak till the storm should be over gossiped about this thet hev hapd Johnsing and his girl and the airs they put on since Lemuel John son ho who was born in the settle ment years ago had come with his girl and his gold to see that his broth er should live like other folks and was not so no count an shefless Dolores knowing nothing of these gossipings and caring nothing for them had she known watched her father untiringly She never com plained of being tired she seldom spoke Young Green had gone home but he came over every day bringing gen tle messages and delicacies For three days Johnson lay in this stupor so like death scarcely stir ring not opening his eyes his face was thin and drawn his eyes sunken and hollow his hair a few days be fore so lightly sprinkled with gray had grown suddenly white He had aged so that his every day compan ions would not know him Dolores saw this in silence her thoughts were busy but her lips were dumb Young Greens eyes had grown wonderfully keen to note the changes of the sweet pale face and the sha dows of the dark wondering eyes For he knew that he loved her It had come upon him the first night as he stood behind her in the firelight and watched the pure face bent above the book on her knees It had come al most like a blow at first but full of a sweetness that was full of pain also she was so high above him she had never a thought of love she had never even known what love was as others knew it In the home life And there was a tenderness in the thought of how he he the first one in the world to show her what love might be would prove to her the depth of its tenderness and holiness At sunset the third day the rain ceased and the mist dragged itself brokenly across the peaks of the mountains the hills were loud with the cry of the swollen river in the valley and the cascades shouted aloud as they leaped the riven sides of the mountains to join the river and eat at the worn old bridge at the foot of the roadway The rain had ceased at last and Dr Dunwiddie who sat at the bedside his eyes intent on the face of the girl so grave and quiet in the light of the sunset had raised the tiny window to let in the cool wind from the west The clouds just above the distant peaks parted in sudden relenting after three days and nights of interminable raining and through the rent the set- ffHL i ftmMv Dolores slowly Raised her head ting sun flooded the summit with a radiant glory that was dazzling - Dolores as though roused by the sudden rush of the sunbeams slowly raised her head and looked up to the radiant mountain Her sad dark eyes grew softer and deeper in color and her lips set close as in sorrow slowly parted In one of her rare smiles As she turned her head the comb an old fashioned tortoise shell that had been her mothers suddenly slipped from the heavy coil of her hair which so loosened fell in a mass of beauty glinting lustrous about her The nurse softly opened the door at r that moment bringing the doctors sup per and a half baleful glitter appeared in her eyes as she saw the two so utterly unconscious of her presence Dr Dunwiddie suddenly sat erect with his usual quiet dignity the girl had startled him out of himself he had foTgotten everything but her Her grave face with its solemn eyes touched by the sunset framed by the heavy tresses of loosened hair was like an exquisite Madonna and he held his breath In admiration and mute wonder As he noticed Mrs Allen however he regained his composure while Dolores gathered up her hair slowly and stooped to pick up her comb It had snapped in two You two are excellent nurses Mrs Allen said softly a smile on her lips as she motioned with her head toward the bed Dr Dunwiddie turned at once with a slight exclamation and Dolores nenzzsasa Your father will recover arose with the comb in her hand her hair falling around her her eyes dark as though tears were in them her lips shut close As she turned her eyes toward the bed she met full in hers the weak gaze of her father Only for a moment however for the eyes closed almost immediately as though the light hurt them but in that moment Dolores once more faced his soul with hers Once more her father opened his eyes and looked first at the doctor then at her At the doctors sugges tion she spoke to him Father she said slowly that he might understand Father But the eyes resting on her face had no gleam of pleasure at seeing her there rather it might be said there was a flash of hatred there as in the old days Then they drooped again and closed and presently his breath ing indicated that he slept Miss Johnson Dr Dunwiddie said by and by as he sat by the window eating the supper Mrs Allen had brought him I told you the other day that it was possible your father would not recover do you remember She bowed her head in acquiescence but did not speak My dear Miss Johnson the doc tors voice was grave but there was a ring in it a hidden note that struck her ear as unusual My dear Miss Johnson I believe I am safe in saying that your father will sleep through the night a natural quiet slumber without the aid of opiates and if he does he Avill recover He will be lame always he will not have quite his old strength but he will live and be much his old self again The grave attentive face at the head of the bed changed not at all though the drawn expression disap peared from around the mouth and the eyes were clear and level in their gaze For a moment Dr Dunwiddie was uncertain whether or not the girl was glad of the news She gave no sign and said not a word but stood grave and stately and womanly with the shadows of the night gathering around her stealing along the bed across the face of the sleeper and up and up toward her face Suddenly they clutched at her throat tightening their hold like iron bands ever contracting growing firmer unyielding a thousand iron hands were on her a thousand elfish voices shrill and wild and weird filled the corners of the room the house filled the darkness crowding it upon her till it seemed as though she were suffocating till it seemed as though she would die Loud and weird and terrible they were to her filling her ears shouting of the evil that had come through hatred and malice and of what would follow upon so evil a deed The hands were tightening their hold they were struggling one with another for the mastery a dozen hands were torn from her throat only to be instantly replaced by others stronger and firmer She caught at them and struggled she fought against them but she dared not cry for help This that she was suffering no one must know they would know soon enough every one The voices grew wilder about her they shouted in elfish glee their words ran in together unmeaningly except one or two clase to her ear that whispered with deadly meaning When your father is well enough to prove to prove Then slowly she came out of this jC i - babal of noises they grew faintorand fainter and died away among the pines the hands about her throat re- lflYfirt Sho Innkflrt nrnunrl in rpa If crowding down the dumb terror in her heart Dr Dunwiddie was stand ing beside her with his hand on her arm Mrs Allen he said quietly you will take my place for a few minutes Miss Johnson must breathe some of thi3 pure sweet air after the storm He opened the door and stepped down on the door stone with Dolores standing listlessly in the doorway never showing that he had seen the flitting expression of was it triumph on the womans face as she passed Into the silent bedroom How pleasant everything is after the storm said Dr Dunwiddie with a smile as he entered the house a few minutes later Adding to himself as he re entered the room beyond It was overfatigue and shall not happen again And I think you will bear watching as well as some others Mrs Allen CHAPTER XVII The Freaks of a Woman The sunlight flooded the mountains and the quiet settlement the sky was deeply blue the pines along the bank beside Dolores window stirred softly in the low wind that stole downfrom the summit laden with spicy odors Down in the valley the river ran riot shouting its jubilate as it swirled un der the rotten bridge and whirled in mad eddies up the coarse grass afong its banks Dr Dunwiddie standing in the door of the tavern inhaling deep draughts of the odorous piny air watched Do lores with grave intent eyes until she turned from the doorway and entered the quiet house then he turned away and no one ever knew of what he was thinking or the thoughts that would come of his friend over in the town who was leaving this girl in his care with the utmost confidence the girl he well know whom Charlie loved And should he betray his trust to his friend Should he prove a traitor Should he let this kindly feeling for this brave beautiful womanly girl grow into more than merely friendly feeling knowing of his friends thought of the girl Could he be capable of that She was to he sure a wonder ful girl shut in by her surroundings but growing mentally thousands of miles beyond them She was a woman a man shouW be proud to own as a friend and more in spite of her strange unfriendly life in the stolid i little mountain settlement But and I there was a graver line of thought a sudden deepening of the lines of no bility around the set mouth under the black mustache would the love of even such a woman atone in any de gree for the loss of manhood the stain of a traitor Charlie had left in his hands the care of the girl he loved and he would never he straightened himself up to his full height in the low doorway and unconsciously clenched his hands he would never betray his friend Charlie was worthy even Dolores Johnson and he would never be guilty of even an attempt to come between him and the woman he loved be she though she might a woman with the strength and depth and nobility of character which the daughter of this mountain blacksmith possessed Then he turned and the face was as grave as apparently unconcerned as usual as Cinthy called him to join the family at the table Jones said among his comrades that Johnsons ill luck had brought good luck to him for during the years he had lived there never before had so many such men as now sought his lodging To be continued Appearance in Her Favor S P Langley the aeronautical He talked the other day about his boy hood Among the memories of my boy hood he said there is one odd FARMERS AND TARIFF l LANDS AND THEIR PRODUCTS EN- she were safe she was dazed bewil lorarl lint hnr woo tlia I rtnOCU in VALUL no one must know Some one spoko to her and skelooked up steadily Higher Prices for What the Farmer Has to Sell Have Accompanied tho Prosperity Brought About by the Restoration of the Protection Pol icy It is some years now since the free rader has abandoned his walings ver tho abandoned farms of New England and elsewhere Under the nost beneficent influences of the Dlng ey law farm lands all over the en- tire country have been increasing in value and according to inquiries re cently made by tho American Agri culturist the price of farms through out New England and the East have idvanccd from 15 to 20 per cent over the values of five years ago In al aiost every state where investigations were made throughout New England New York New Jersey Pennsylvania and Maryland the reports show an upward average tendency of about 20 per cent and in single in stances far more In no case were any decline in values found and although in a few cases the reports showed no particular change in value yet in most cases there were evidences of a gain in the price of good average farms of 5 10 15 and 20 per cent and in a few instancss running considerably high er In Delaware the upward tendency has almost reached the nature of a boom It has always been one of the princi pal tenets of the protectionist that the value of farm lands and farm products are enhanced according to their nroximity to a manufacturing center The closeness to a manufac turing town is of course of no value unless the inhabitants of that com- the sworking classes and there Is plenty of money to loan at 5 per cent on satisfactory security Thus it is that protection helps the financial situation at the same time that it defends our industries and en ables our great mass of citizens whether -at work on tho farm or in tho factory to become Independent and well-to-do It must ever be one of the greatest reasons given in favor of a continuation of our protective policy that the benefits it bestows are wide spread and universal There Is not a building up in one state or one section of the country there is no beifefit to be bestowed upon any one branch of industry all share and share alike and each helps the other in one great interdependent endless chain of communication So it is that when we have work for all then the mouths are filled and the bodies are clothed and the houses are built and the luxu ries are consumed taxing every prod ductive institution in the country tax ing our transportation facilities to their utmost and keeping busy our avenues of distribution and calling into employment our great body of clerical laborers all in turn contrib uting by their consuming power and purchasing ability to the common weal of all Surely such a policy such a condition should be let alone as long as prosperity and employment continue to be at the highest level ever known not only in this but any other country Labors Prosperity Statistics just published which show the great increase in wages that has come during the year 1902 in the state of Massachusetts are of general interest because there is no reason to regard the condition of wage earners in that State as exceptional It is beyond doubt an example of a condi tion that prevails throughout the country The wage earners of Massachusetts EVERY TOOTH A SOUND ONE vJl vrWEll A munity are earning good and continual wages Tnls has been the condition now for several years under our pres ent protective tariff and in conse quence farmers have gotten better prices for their products and their lands have enhanced in value propor tionately The Eastern farmer cannot of course compete with the Western ag riculturist in the great crops but when the factory hands of the New England and Middle States are fully employed there is always a demand for farm produce which comes under the head of truck farming fully equal to the productive ability of the entire farming community of these Eastern states In fact the only dif ficulty which the New England farm er has experienced during the past two or three years has been the same as that of the Western agriculturist namely inability to get sufficient help pioneer will never discuss flying ma 1 to enable him to produce and harvest chines with newspaper men but on i his products Says the other topics he is not so reticent Agriculturist of July 25 American Slowly but surely the values of farm lands in the Eastern and New England states are improving The evidences arrayed in the American episode that is particularly vivid It Agriculturists special investigation is a conversation that I overheard one morning between two women The women were talking about babies their size weight health and so forth Why when I was a week old said the first woman I was such a little baby that they put me in a quart pot and put the lid on over me The other woman was amazed horrified And did you live she asked They say I did her friend an swered Well -well well exclaimed the second woman and she gianced at the other almost doubtful A Nile Village A traveler of the upper Nile thus describes a typical native village The houses are built of Nile mud each house accommodating a family of no matter of what size the inhab itants of each village almost all re lated to each other comprising some times several hundreds of people Their streets are littered with filth animals of every kind obstruct ones path dogs growl and snarl at the ap pearance and intrusion of a stranger women rush about hiding their faces in their yashmaks lest a white man should behold their features Flies in swarms settle on the children and lay their eggs on their eyelids un washed because they believe it to be contrary to their religion to wash or remove the flies from their eyes should make an impress for the better- meat cf the farmers financial stand ing Granted that the splendid agri cultural lands of the West are most attractive propositions yet there is no reason why the progressive farmer of the Middle and Eastern states should not be accorded due considera tion from banks and business inter ests generally when loans are sought for the further improvement of the farms The testimony of our corre spondents on the higher trend of values should inspire greater confi dence than ever before in the merits of Eastern farming where we have the best cash markets in the world at our doors Land in some of our East ern and New England states is now relatively among the best business propositions in the country We fully agree with the above that the Eastern farmer is entitled to every consideration at the hands of I the banks Twenty years ago he was lending his money to build up the agricultural lands of the West A few years of protection has enabled the Western agriculturist to either pay off his mortgage entirely or reduce it most materially and now the farmers of the West have money to loan and their banks are bulging not only with the necessary currency needed in the moving crops but to loan on good security to even the East if it should be wanted But our New England banks too and those of the Middle Slates are bulging with the savings of received in 1902 from their employers the sum of 193552175 which was nearly sixteen millions more than their ota1 wages in the previous year The average earnings of the individ ual workers in all industries was S45998 which was 1029 more than in the previous year In six of the nine leading industries of the State more was done either through the employment of more hands or through the putting in or more time in 1902 and in 1901 ifte fertilizing manufacturing in dustry shows the largest per cent in crease in the total amount of wages paid out 8184 The shoe industry is next with an increase of 28 12 per cent Employes of the malt distiller ies command the highest wages av eraging 862 a year Workers on models lasts and patterns in the shoe industry are next with average yearly earnings of 74042 Such figures as these prove that there is little justification for the cry that lias been raised frequently by agitators that the wage earners were not getting their share of the general prosperity Albany Evening Journal The Reason for Tariff Wars Protection is held responsible for tariff wars but the action of France in imposing discriminating duties on American meats because the manufac turers of that country wish to force upon us wares which we do not want shows where the Tesponsibility lies Tariff wars are entirely chargeable to the desire to push upon other people what can not be consumed at home Protection only aims at self sufficing ness When0that idea is strictly ad hered to no one has a right to take offense It is as illogical for a nation to find fault with another nation be cause it refuses to buy goods from it as it would be for a Kearny street shop keeper to call people who refused to buy from him hard names San Fran cisco Chronicle Guilty The Springfield Republican thinks the high tariff is now on trial as never before as the great causative and saving factor in the business pros perity of the nation The verdict will be Guilty The high tariff is without question or ex tenuating circumstances the causative and saving factor in the business prosperity of the nation Weakest Point Free trades weakest point is that it would cheapen things for the rich at the expense of the wage earner Val ley Mills Tex Protectionist jHftffla IM HEKE TO STAY 80 COLLEGE MAN WRITES FROM KANSAS TO HIS CHUM Amateur Farm Hand Satisfied That There Is Nothing Wrong With the Sunflower State His Lot Fallen In Pleasant Places Arrived In Kansas with the other aoys safe and sound after our long ide Surrounded by a mob of farm srs as soon as we landed 1 engaged vith a husky individual named Sug len He has a beard like Esmeraldas oat It was the beard that caught ne The farms here are Immense but he scenery is distressingly monoto nous N B There Is no scenery Sugden lives in a roomy farmhouse with most of the fittings of civlliza ion including a very pretty daugh er I have found out that the old man is rich I cant just remember how1 many bushels of corn and wheat and ons of hay he totals up but its snough to make your eyes bulge Took my first lesson In Kansas field sports Pitching hay is a little different from pitching baseball and dont find that throwing the hammer or tossing the shot helps me here to any marked extent But Papa den likes the looks of my muscles andj rm glad Ive kept myself in condi tion To day the old man wanted to send a message to the house we were ai full mUe away on what he calls his south section and I said Id go Back to day laughs the foreman I dont like the foreman he has an exagger ated idea of his ability as a humorist Back in eleven minutes I said Hon est cried the old man and he pulled out his big silver watch I nodded and was off on a steady lope Luck- ily the shoes I had on were moderate ly light and the road was new and springy When I reached the house there sat the pretty girl on the porch in a big easy chair with another easy chair beside her And there was a little table with a pitcher and glasses lemonade I guess I called out my message as I whirled about and started back Whats your hur ry she cried in such a pretty voice I was never so tempted But I plugged ahead at my old racing gait and there was the farmer and the foreman and all the hands standing at the road side waiting for me Ten seconds to spare called the old man as he snapped his big watch Im beginning to like the work and Im sure the old man favors me The daughter is remarkably pretty Ill bet shes bright too Were getting acquainted I met her this morning Wellesley she said Harvard said I Sing said she Yes said I Porch said she Sure said I We had a charming time on the porch last evening She had the pi ano and its a very good piano drawn up to one of the long winds and sat outside and played I sang all the college songs I knew and some I scarcely knew and the old man him self came out and applauded To morrow night again I whispered If you like she answered But arent you very tired after the haying I laughed This rests me I answered Besides I believe in making hay while the sun shines I guess she knew what I meant although it was nt very clear I know Im going to like Kansas Her name is Sadie and she lets me call her by it Sadie has said that I could ask her father and she didnt seem the least bit worried when sle said it I have asked him He stroked his beard and said But we dont know anything about you I told him I would write at once for a recommen dation He said he iwoticed that when I said Id run the two miles in eleven minutes I did it and he guessed if I said I was all right I could prove it and anyhow Sadie always had her own way So we shook hands Hes a fine old man Theres nothing the matter with Kansas Im bere to stay Cleveland Plain Dealer AS TO THE GRAND MARSHAL What Will Become of This Figure in the Coming Horseless Age When power driven vehicles shall have superseded horse drawn vehicles entirely as no doubt in the not far distant future they will have done said Mr Gozzleton what will be come of the grrtnd marshal Will any thing be devised that will enable him to shine with anything like his present glory Now with a broad bright colored sash worn diagonally across his man ly bosom and with a dahlia like ros ette pinned upon his breast he rides grandly at the head of the procession mounted on a horse What would a procession be without a grand mar shal and what would a grand marshal be without a horse And what will he do when there are no horses His prospect now is dim indeed but let us hope that when the horse less age shall actually have come some means will be found to preserve the glamour and the glory of the grand marshal Lively Times on the Coast We havent seen any sea serpants off the southern coast this summer but some few things are doing For instance a fisherman cut off the tail of a shark at Terminal last Saturday to such an extent that the critter bled to death Even the most carping critic must agree that this isnt so bad for us even If it was discourag ing for the shark--Los Angles Times JJa