The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 18, 1903, Image 6

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McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
j The PniBBian cabinet -will push the
- plan to connect the Rhine Weser and
Elbe rivers by cross country canal
The insurance business in Iowa Is
placed on a solid basis the last ot
the bond contract concerns having left
the state
According to a report from the Ger
man consul at Beirut the massacre of
Christians continues there and anarchy
is prevalent
The government of Queensland has
decided to resign owing to the slim
majority which it received on its
tion proposals
The German Emperor uses as a
paperweight on his writing desk the
summit of one of the highest moun
tains in Africa
New York tobacco merchants are
said to he in a conspiracy to huy
product smuggled into this country by
sailors As a result of confessions one
dealer is held for trial
At a meeting attended hy 3000 per
sons the belt makers of Berlin Ger
many decided to go on strike for a
working day of nine hours and a wage
of 50 pfennig per hour
It is said that Andrew Carnegie is
negotiating for the purchase of the
famous hattlefleld of Bannockburn
near Stirling Scotland in order to
save it from falling Into the hands of
Rev Alvah Hovey D D one of the
best known Baptistclergymen in the
country died at Newton Mass hav
ing been In failing health since he sus
tained a stroke of paralysis early in
the summer
Baron Toll whose Polar expedition
Jeft St Petersburg on June 21 1900
has not been heard from since June 5
1902 when he left the ship Sarya with
the astronomer Steeborg bound for
Bennet Island
Dr Risch the principal of a school
in Jever Grand Duchy of Oldenburg
has been arrested for an article nub-
jished in the Oldenburg Residenzboten
accusing Herr Ruhstrat a minister ol
state of gambling
San Franciscos valuation as fixed by
the state board of equalization is 545
855324 or an increase by the board
of 30 per cent over the figures returned
hy the county San Franciscos in
crease is 118213676
Caleb A Hunt a lineman employed
by the Home Telephone company at
Los Angeels aged 18 years is dead
as the result of coming in contact with
a heavily charged electric wire Hunt
came from Hartford Kan recently
The New York Evening Post says
The positive information was ob
tained that Mayor Low accept a
renomination and that the fusion con
ference will place him at the head of
its ticket by a unanimous vote
The Secretary of the Treasury has
appointed Robert Fullerton of Des
Moines Iowa disbursing officer to dis
burse the 5000000 appropriated by
Congress in aid of the St Louis Expo
sition He will give a bond of 50000
At Belgrade Servia a mob made a
great demonstration against the news
papers which have defended the army
officers recently arrested The crowd
attempted to proceed to the Turkish
legation but was dispersed by the po
lice Many persons were slightly in-
Hundreds of Iowa people are said
to have been duped by Martin Mason
alias Martin Nashon who it is al
leged in answer to advertisements of
fering to tell how to get fat for 5
wrote to his Inquirers to get It at the
butchers The accused is under ar
rest at Marshalltown
Sir Norman Lockyer in an address
before the British Association for the
Advancement of Science urges a state
appropriation of 120000000 equal to
the amount of the naval bill for 1888
89 for the aid of universities in order
to compete with the universities of
other nations in the development of
brain power
The yearly expenses of the Sultan
of Turkey have been estimated at no
less a sum than 30000000 Of this
7500000 alone is spent on the cloth
ing of the women and 400000 on the
Sultans own wardrobe Nearly an
other 7500000 is swallowed up by
presents 5000000 goes for pocket
money and still another 5000000 for
the table
Ex Governor Boutwell Silas Dean
and Hon Robert T Davis three sur
viving members ot the Massachusetts
convention of 153 have just held a
reunion in Boston in commemoration1
of the fiftieth anniversary of that fa
mous event in Massachusetts history
f General DeWet has become the head
of a large political party in the Orange
River Colony Every Boer returned
from British prison camps at once
joined General DeWets part and it
now comprises amajority of the white
population In the Colony
r TRY TRY JJKY again
l rv i - T
investigation by the Lawyers Made at
the Personal Request of President
Roosevelt and Independent of the
Postoffice Department
WASHINGTON By direction of
President Roosevelt a thorough inves
tigation has been made into the
charges preferred by Seymour W Tul
loch against the management of affairs
of the Washington D C postoffice
This investigation has been made by
Hon Charles J Bonaparte and Hon
Holmes Conrad special counsel of the
government in the prosecution of the
postoffice cases and it is independent
and supplementary to the report made
by Fourth Assistant Postmaster Gen
eral Bristow
Mr Bristows report Mr Conrad
says was simply a collection of facts
in the case reported by postoffice in
spectors and contained no opinion as
to the merit of the charge The in
vestigation made by Messrs Bonaparte
and Conrad will go into the merits of
the charge and will express an opinion
as to whether or not the accused per
sons are vindicated or are guilty of
the offenses charged against them The
conclusions drawn from their inquiry
will be emobdied in a report which will
be submitted to the attorney general
the latter part of the week Whether
or not this report will be made public
Mi Conrad could not say tonight as
that matter rests with the officials of
the administration No prosecution
will arise from any results of the in
vestigation as the offenses if any have
been made are barred by the statute
of limitations
Mr Conrad said he and Mr Bona
parte had been engaged for five weeks
in the inquiry They had examined
thoroughly the matters themselves
with all charges on the subject made
by the Treasury and Postoffice depart
ments The president said Mr Con
rad was very anxious that the whole
matter should be gone over carefully
so that if persons named in the charges
of Mr Tulloch were not guilty they
should be vindicated and if they were
that this fact might go on record
Their duty had been to act in the ca
pacity of a master in chancery and
report on the facts as they found them
It was not a party affair with the
president Mr Conrad declared but an
honest- desire to get at the facts in
the case both democrats and republi
cans being involved in the charges
The president was anxious to have the
matter thoroughly sifted and any crit
icism credit or blame arising from
the inquiry would be borne by him
Postoffice Investigation to End
WASHINGTON Postmaster Gen
eral Payne said that when the federal
grand jury in this city disposes of the
postoffice cases now before it the in
vestigation in Washington will be
practically complete leaving maters in
New York still to be closed
Wants Booker to Train Waiters
INDIANAPOLIS Ind The -International
Stewards association in ses
sion here adopted a resolution urg
ing Booker T Washington to estab
lish at the Tuskegee institute- a
training school for kitchen and dining
room employes
Tried to Kill King Peter
VIENNA Special dispatches give
an unconfirmed report of an attempt
on King Peters life at Nish on Sat
urday It Is said that stones were
thrown at the royal carriarge oae
striking the king in the face and a
pistol was fired from a neighboring
window It is also rumored that
the Sixth Servian regiment notui
jous for the part it played in the re
cent regicides has been ordered to
Right Rev Thomas Clark Dead at the
Age of 91
NEWPORT Ri I The Right Rev
Thomas March Clark bishop of
Rhode Island and by virtue of his se
niority presiding elder of the Episco
pal church in this country as well
as the oldest bishop in the Anglican
communion if not in the world died
suddenly Monday at his home in Mid
Bishop Clark was born in Newbury
port Mass on July 4 1812 He wa3
once deacon of Grace church in Bos
ton in 1836 and advanced to the
priesthood in November of that year
He officiated at Grace church until
1843 when he left for Philadelphia
where he was rector of St Andrews
church until 1847 He then returned
to Boston as assistant rector in Trin
ity church and finally become rector
in the Church of Christ at Hartford
Conn He remained there from 1850
until 1854 when he was consecrated
bishop of Rhohde Island In 1898 he
gave up the active duties of his dio
Macedonians Threaten Violence of a
Revolting Character
LONDON Special dispatches from
the near east published here Tuesday
morning furnished little news regard
ing the situation in the Balkans All
the correspondents at Constantinople
emphasize the apparent danger of war
with Bulgaria while the Sofia corre
spondents are equally insistent as to
the prudent and correct attitude of
Prince Ferdinand and his govern
Accounts from both Turkish and in
surgent sources of the operations in
Macedonia show that the work of ex
termination is proceeding unchecked
and although apparently realizing the
danger of a conflagration the powers
are making some attempt to interfere
it is believed that nothing of a seri
ous nature will be done until after
the meeting of the czar and Emperor
Francis Joseph at Vienna when it
may be too late The insurgents are
now said to number 26000 well armed
and efficiently commanded men
Prof Langieys Airship is Once More
leys airship was disabled again Wed
nesday by the wreck of the starboard
propellor which broke under pressure
of its own velocity about the middle
one of the blades dashing against the
frame work and doing considerable
damage The blade whirled through
the air at a fast rate barely missing
several men on the deck of a tug tat
Prof Manley who was in the car at
once had the machine placed inside
The structural -weakness which this
second accident indicates may require
much work before a launching is at
tempted Prof Langley was not here
but a test would have been made if
all had gone well
Dipping Order is Modified
CHEYENNE Wyo After listening
to protests of sheep owners against
the recent order compelling the dip
ping of all sheep on account of the
prevalence of scab the board of sheep
commissioners Tuesday modified the
order so as to allow flocks not af
fected by scab to have clean bills of
health inspection to begin at once
Hanna a Live Man Still
CLEVELAND O Senator Hanna
referring to the sensational reports
sent out to the effect that he had
suffered a relapse and that his con
dition was worse than at any time
since he was taken ill said Friday
Well some of the newspapers may
be trying to kill me off but neverthe
less I am still attending to business
every day although it is true I have
not entirely recovered my normal con
i W
uenerai ieorasKa news
The Great Western is now running
regular trains out of Omaha
Little five-year-old Esther daughter
of Fred Grimm a farmer living five
miles east of Norfolk was horribly cut
in a mowing machine
At St Edward Elmer Russell was ar
raigned before the county judge on the
charge of incest and was bound over
to the district court in the sum of 2
Mrs L F Dunn wife of L F Dunn
manager of the Florence Lumber and
Coal company who was severely burn
ed two weeks ago died from her in
During a rain storm the grocery
store of Jomes G Stokes of McCook
was struck by lightning and both
building and contents were practically
Ed Crossman who resides near Ina
vale was brought to Red Cloud and
arraigned before the board of insanity
His condition is very serious and he
was to Lincoln
The engineers and firemen of the en
tire Burlington system have been vol
untarily granted an advance of from
5 to 10 and even 15 per cent in wages
The new schedule became effective
September 1
Mr William Drusker one of the
leading merchants of Beemer broke
one of his legs He was out on the
farm of G Karlen and in scuffling
with a friend made a mis step and in
some way caused the break
At the farm of Wm Reynolds in
Hall county fire destroyed the thresh
ing machine of J A Ross a small
grain crop of Mr Reynolds amounting
to over 1000 besides a new granary
just recently erected Mr Reyonlds
carried 300 insurance on the grain
The village of Shelton has voted
12500 in bonds for the erection and
maintenance of a waterwroks system
The bonds carried by over two to one
and as soon as the usual formailties
are gone through with the enterpris
ing town will have a water works sys
The farm house of Morris Norris
three miles northwest of Stella burn
ed to the ground The family were
awakened by the smoke and at that
time the house was so far gone that
they were barely able to get their
clothes and were unable to save any
of the household goods
Mrs John Pollock of Beatrice under
went an operation for the amputation
of the left leg about five inches above
the ankle She jumped from a buggy
about a week ago and broke the bones
in a number of places but walked
about twenty feet before she realized
how serious was the injury
F A Wylie of Falls City was seri
ously injured a few days ago He was
hauling a wagonload of freight riding
on top of the load In some manner
he lost his balance and fell to the
ground lighting on his head He was
picked up in an unconscious condition
and his recovery is doubtful
Al Peterson a oung blacksmith
has been arrested charged with the
theft of a diamond ring from a call
box in the postoffice at Randolph The
ring had been placed in a small pack
age and sent by mail but its non-de
livery led to an investigation that lo
cated the ring in a local jewelry store
where it had been left by Peterson for
Some one broke into the general
merchandise store at Edholm in Saun
ders county and stole goods of the
value of 75 and about 10 worth of
postage stamps Sheriff West was no
tified and upon investigation conclud
ed that the thief or thieves had gone
in the direction of Schuyler but fail
ed to locate them
Alax Gibson who was injured by
the falling of a large bridge near Ne
braska City the 15th of last month
has filed a claim with the county for
2500 damages and has given notice
that unless it is paid within twenty
days that he will file suit against the
county He fell some fifty feet with
the bridge and suffered three ribs brok
en and other injuries
Michael Morris and Joseph Keller
have filed damage cases in the district
court of Nuckolls county praying for
judgments against Henry Giisdorf A
H Bowman Dr J Barrett I J Riley
and others in the sum of 30000 each
They allege that the defendants testi
fied falsely in the celebrated arson
cases the trials of which consumed
over twenty days last winter
The members of the Congregational
church of York who have been with
out a pastor for the last thirty days
and who have had in view several pas
tors had a meeting and decided to in
vite Rev W H Medlar of Alexander
Minn to come and look over the field
There never was a fiber and better
stand of corn in York county than
now Some of the corn was late due
to the heavy rains in the spring and
if there is an early frost it will be
caught The rainfall during the
month of August was about six inches
Male Teachers in Nebraska Growing
LINCOLN The increase in the
percentage of women who are enter
ing the profession of teaching and
the decrease in the number ot men
is such as to excite considerable com
ment from Superintendent Fowler
who has just returned to Lincoln after
having traveled pretty much all over
the state He says the rapidity of th
increase of females as teachers and
the equal rapidity of decrease In male
teachers is becoming astonishing
Last year the ratio of men to women
was about IS per cent This year
it is figured from returns coming into
the office that it will not be over iG
per cent
At the same time there is an in
crease in the number of women who
are becoming candidates for the
tion of county superintendent Six
teen out of the ninety superintendents
last year were women while this yeai
there will be a much larger number
The same conditions are found in
the institutes and normal schools In
some of them this year there were
very few men while in others there
were no men at all
It appears the superintendent said
that teaching is becoming more and
more the province of women Th6
reason for this is believed to be the
fact that men are finding employment
which pays much better elsewhere
and they do not care to compete in
the teaching profession
Young Nebraskan Effects Rescue and
Wins a Bride
Roberts of Holland Lancaster county
Neb a cowboy with Mains circus
and Miss Ethel Gould an heiress and
society leader were married at the
brides home in Cortland county The
wedding is the result of an heroic
rescue on the part of the groom
While Mains circus wtfs exhibiting in
this section Miss Gould seated in a
landeau was watching the parade
when the horse took fright at an ap
proaching elephant and becoming un
controllable dashed madly toward a
steep embankment
Roberts was in the parade mounted
on a mustang with a lariat at his
saddle Quick as thought he pursued
and lassoed the frightened steed
rounding him up without any injury to
Miss Gould It was a case of love at
first sight and the wedding followed
Sarpy County Mortgages
PAPILLION Thet following is a
list of mortgages filed and released in
Sarpy county for the month of Aug
ust 1903 Farm mortgages filed
16900 released 17775 Town
mortgages filed 2923 released
1025 Chattel mortgages filed 5
33190 released 2695
Nebraska Woman Killed by Engine
OAKLAND Mrs Frederick Hill
man a native of Germany 72 years
old was struck by a local train and
instantly killed Mrs Hillman ac
companied by her husband was on
her way from Nebraska to Southern
Engineers Report This Month
FREMONT L D Richards has
just received a letter from the Kelly
Engineering company of New York
stating that work is progressing sat
isfactorily but slowly on the plans
surveys and estimates of the survey
recently completed of the Fremont
canal route and that it will be com
pleted and submitted to the determin
ing board the latter part of this month
or the fir of next They will re
quire several weeks to act
Settlers Will Fight Suit
LINCOLN The state will soon be
involved in a law suit affecting the
ownership of some 2700 acres of the
best land in Boyd county and with a
rental value amounting to between
3000 and 4000 At a meeting of
the board Of education lands and
funds a resolution was adopted au
thorizing the commissioner of public
lands and buildings to take steps tc
fight an injunction secured August
14 by the holders of this land pre
venting the board from leaving it
Will Sue for Libel
NELSON J S Machem a farmei
living about three miles from this
place has employed R D Sutherland
to bring an action for criminal libe
against such papers as have published
a story to the effect that he hac
eloped with the daughter of a neigh
bor He says that he has not beet
from home at all except a day here
and there helping his neighbors In
threshing and hay making
Dry District Ruse
Rodrlck That druggist had a great
scheme for putting a stick in hla
Eoda water
Van Albert What was it
Rodrlck Why ho soaked tho
Waws in liquor and all his customers
tasted it and thought it was the glas3
Green is not becoming to any per
son when its tho shade produced by
Never fail to keep your appoint
ments nor to be punctual to tho min
Be the stake ever so insignificant as
a rule it makes the game
Stops tlio Cough and
Works Off tho Cold
Lastive Bromo Qninino Tablots Price25a
Privations of the Poor
A slum inspector told tho Glasgow
Municipal Commission on the Hous
ing of the Poor that on somo occa
sions he had found families sleeping
in tiers the parents on the floor
then a mattress and a layer of chil
dren on the top
Superior quality and extra quantity
must in This is why Defiance
Starch is taking the place of ail
Wisdom follows In tho wake of ex
perience but doesnt always catch up
Her Amirer Remembered
Miss Eidora Sinks of Marengo la
has been notified that she has been
bequeathed 500000 by B J Thompson
of Colorado Springs Thompson was
a mine owner and a bachelor when
Miss Sinks with a party of friends
visited Colorado three years ago and
became acquainted with him He was
evidently attracted by her She spent
the entire summer in the west and
returning home supposed she would
never again hear of her middle aged
admirer esterday the notice of his
death came with the statement that
he had willed his entire estate to her
having no heirs
An Early Chamberlain Speech
Some fanciful stories are being cir
culated about Joseph Chamberlain
and his oratorical powers as a youth
but from what a friend of his says
concerning the great statesmans
lege days it is a mistake to say that
young Chamberlain could speak well
when atj school In fact he could
never be induced to speak and in tnis
he somewhat resembled the retiring
Arthur Balfour One day one of the
masters of the school asked Chamber
lain to make reply to a speech which
had just been delivered by one of tho
older students of the debating class
The hour came and with a firm step
Chamberlain mounted the platform
With perfect outward self possession
he faced the audience and made his
bow a low bow Every one waited
expectantly People became anxious
when the young man again bowed
but said nothing Then a titter went
round among the boys Suddenly the
coming colonial secretary with a look
of utter despair sidled off the plat
form witTi another bow not having
said one word
May Be Acquired and Used With
Great Benefit
Complete and restful poise of the
body and mind is an art not easily
Perhaps nothing brings one as
much content comfort happiness
and pleasure as those conditions of
easy restful resourceful and well
balanced mind and body that make of
work a pleasure and the daily lifo
happy and peaceful
The nervous housewife busy with a
hundred duties and harrassed by child
ren the business man worried with
the press of daily affairs debts etc
cannot enjoy the peace and restful
repos a and healthful nervous balance
unless they know how
There is a way First and foremost
the stomach must be consulted That
means leaving off coffee absolutely
for the temporary stimulant and the
resulting depression is a sure ruin to
the nervous 83stem and the whole
condition of health and happiness
rests upon stomach nerves and mind
Start with the stomach that is the
keystone to the whole arch Stop
using things that break down its
power upset Its nervous energy and
prevent the proper digestion of the
food and the consequent manufacture
of healthful blood and nerves brain
and tissues
When you quit coffee take on Pos
tum Food Coffee That is like step
ping the payment of interest and
starting on a career where you are
loaning money and receiving Interest
The good results are double You
stop poisoning the system with coffee
and start building up the broken down
nerve cells by powerful elements con
tained In Postum These are pure
food elements ably selected by ex
perts for the purpose of supplying
just the thing required by Nature to
perforin this rebuilding
These are solid substantial facts
and can be proven clearly to the sat
isfaction of anyone by personal ex
perience Try the change yourself
and note how the old condition of
shattered nerves and worried mind
changes to that feeling of restful poise
of a well balanced nervous system
The managing physician of a hygi
enic sanitarium in Indiana says that
for five years In his practice he has
always insisted upon the patients
leaving off coffee and taking Postum
Food Coffee with the most positive
well defined results and with satisfac
tion to the most confirmed coffee
The Doctors name will be furnish
ed by the Postum Co Ltd Battle
Creek Mich
Look in each package for a copy of
the famous little book The Road to
i r