The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 18, 1903, Image 4

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    fit jfttssk ftiburt
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
R C I P A Lodgo No 612 meots first and
third Thursdays or each month Aicuonnuirs
luill 8KJ p in K U Huueu President W S
G otter Socrotary
lodge No U07 moots on second and fourth Mon
dny overlings of each month nt eight oclock in
McConnnll hull It W Devob Illustrious Pro
tector J C Mitchell Secretary
802 meets pecond and fourtli Thursday after
noons utli0 oclock in McConnells hall Mns
Thad Siiniiicno Oracle Mbb Augusta Anton
For Justice of Supreme Court
For Regents of State University
CHARLES S ALLEN of Lancaster
Forjudge Fourteenth Judicial District
It C ORR of Hayes Center
County Clerk E J WILCOX
Treasurer B G GOSSARD
Clerk of tho District Court R W DEVOE
County Judge SLGREEN
Superintendent EUGENE S DUTCHER
County Assessor F P ENO
Commissioner Second dh trict
We had tho satisfaction of showing
those two univorsity regents the country
and giving them n few square meals
anyhow Thats worth something Be
sides the experience thats useful while
it lasts
McCook mingles her tears with Hold
reges Tho probabilities are we had as
good a prospect of getting the experi
mental farm as they had of getting the
normal school The password seems to
be U P now
Judge J B Barnes
Delegates from tho republican state
convention were returning home today
from the session held yesterday enthu
siastic over the outcome and resolved to
work for an increased republican plural
ity this fall The opinion is unanimous
that the convention could not have done
better with a hundred candidates in the
field for the supreme judgeship as Judge
Barnes is considered head and shoulders
above any candidate that might have
been named in abilityin experience and
popularity He will conduct a strong
and vigorous campaign and with the
unity of sentiment that pervades the
party in every part of the state it is an
ticipated that if the voters are but inter
ested his plurality will be a record
It is a matter of comment that those
who know the judge best are his warm
est supporters and it is believed that
as the people 6f the state come to know
him better his chances for a big rousing
majority will increase
At home his ability is well recognized
his popularity is unquestioned and his
home life is greatly admired His posi
tion in the community is secure and
his support by his neighbors will be un
questionably hearty and sincere
When he was actively engaged in the
practice of the law he was one of the
attorneys sought in cases requiring extra
keenness and ability and especially those
that were likely to end in the supreme
court in which he is now to be chosen
as one of the judges Knowing so well
how to conduct a case before that body
and his service during the past two years
as one of the commissioners have fitted
him for the position he now aspires to
occupy most thoroughly
The home life of Judge Barnes is par
ticularly happy The three sons who
have grown to manhoods estate under
his guidance have known what it is to
have a father in a greater degree than
thousands of other boys He has been
at once a father and a brother io them
and it is well recognized that the frater
I have used your Hair Vigor
for five years and am greatly
pleased with it It certainly re
stores the original color to gray
hair It keeps my hair soft Mrs
Ayers Hair Vigor has
been restoring color to
gray hair for fifty years
and it never fails to do
this work either
You can rely upon it
for stopping your hair
from falling for keeping
your scalp clean and for
making your hair grow
SIOO a bollle All dratgisfs
If your drugfjist cannot supply you
send us one dollar and we will express
nity in tho judges homo is of tho firmest
and best quality imaginable The same
companionship distinguishes him as a
husband and as a citizen for wherovor
ho is on tho streets or at a public meet
ing there geniality and good cheer pre
vails Ho hns taken the highest degree
in Masonry and has recoived high hon
ors at the hands of his lodge which is
but an indication of his social triumphs
elsewhere Ho is as much at homo at a
tennis court or a baseball game as at a
social function or before a sober court of
justice and all these qualities will speak
for him now that ho is bofore tho people
of the state as a candidate for one of the
highest honors in its gift
Judcro Barnes was born- in 1846 in
Ashtabula county Ohio on a farm
His early years were spent as those of
most farmers boys When old enough
hrf taught school in the winter and con
tinued farming summers When seven
teen years old he enlisted in battery E
of the First Ohio light artillery the dale
being January 1 1864 Ho served more
than half of a three years enlistment
being mustered out July 10 1865
The judge was educated in the com
mon schools of Ohio and at the Grand
River institute at Austinburg Ohio Ho
studied law in a law office in Jefferson
O coming to Nebraska in the spring of
1871 He has lived here over thirty two
years He was admitted to tho bar and
commenced practice of the law at Ponca
where ho lived over seventeen years
He moved to Norfolk and has lived here
more than fifteen years The judge was
married in November of 1874 and has
three sons each one a graduate of the
state university John B Barnes Jr
is superintendent of the city school of
Tekamah and has been admitted to the
bar of Nebraska Guy W Barnes the
second son is in the employ of the Amer
ican Beet Sugar company here having
graduated in the scientific department
of the state university Alfred Kimball
Barnes the third son is a fellow and one
of the instructors in the university Ho
graduuted in 1902
Judge Barnes has had along and hon
orable career as a lawyer and public
official lie was elected district attorney
for the Sixth judicial district of the
state when the constitution of 1875 was
was adopted At the expiration of his
term he was again elected and served
until January of 1879 He was then
appointed judge of the district to suc
ceed E K Valentine who was elected
to congress He was nominated and
elected judge of the district in the fall
of 1879 and served the full term which
expired January 1 1884 He declined a
renomination and turned his attention
to the active practice of law engaging
in general practice He was appointed
to the supreme court commission Janu
ary 1902 and is now a member
Judge Barnes has alwas been an active
ardent republican and has attended every
republican convention since and includ
ing the one held in 1872 Norfolk News
Methodist Regular services morn
ing and evening Sabbath school 10 a
m Epworth League 7 p m
L H Shumate
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Christian Science Services in the
Christian church Sunday morning at
11 oclock Wednesday evening at 8
Next Sundays lesson sermon subject
Reality Cordial invitation to all
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in
the month Sunday school at ten oclock
a m orn ing prayer at 11 and evening-prayer
and sermon at 8 The third
Sunday in the month Holy Communion
at 8 a m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Baptist Services sermons 11 a m 8
p m Sunday school 9 45 a m B Y
P U 7 p m Mid week meeting Wed
nesday 8 p m Sermon topicsmorning
Gods Method of Making a Useful
Man Evening Why am I a Bap
tist Excellent music A cordial
welcome to all C R Betts
Rev A W Coffman formerly Metho
dist pastor here was seen at Hastings
first of the week on his way to confer
enceand he gave the news of the illness
of his eldest daughter with typhoid fever
at Giltner and the sickness of his wife
also at Loveland Colorado
What is Life
In the last analysis nobody knows
but we do know that it is under strict
law Abuse that law even slightly pain
results Irregular living means derange
ment of the organs resulting in consti
pation headache or liver trouble Dr
Kings New Life Pills quickly re adjusts
this Its gentle yet thorough Only
25 cents at LWMcConnells drug store
Bucklens Arnica Salve
Has world wide fame for marvelous
cures It surpasses any other salve lo
tion ointment or balm for cuts corns
burns boils sores felons ulcers tetter
SaltUheum fever sores chapped hands
skin eruptions infallible for piles Cure
guaranteed Only 25c at L W McCon
nells druggist
y w
A sallow complexion dizziness
biliousness and a coated tongue
are common indications of liver
and kidney diseases Stomach and
bowel troubles severe as they are
give immediate warning by pain
hut liver and kidney troubles
though less painful at the start are
much harder to cure Thedfords
Black Draught never fails to bene
fit diseased liver and weakened kid
neys It stirs up the torpid liver
to throw off the germs of fever and
ague It is a certain preventive
or cholera and Brights disease of
the kidneys With kidnevs re
inforced by Thedfords Black
Draught thousands of persons have
dwelt immune in the midst of yel
low fever Many families live in
perfect health and have no other
doctor than Thedfords Black
Draught It is always on hand for
use in an emergency and saves
many expensive calls of a doctor
Mullins SC March 10 1901
I have used Thedfords Black Draught
for three years and I have not had to go
to a doctor since I have been taking it
It is the best medicine for me that is
on the market for liver and kidney
troubles and dyspepsia and other
complaints Rev A G LEWIS
6w mmMmmMWSf
It is within bonds to prophesy for Mr
Spearmans last novelThe Daughter of a
Magnate tho serial publication of which
was completed in the number of tho Sat
urday JEvening Post for Septemberl2th
one of the successes in tho book world
for the coming year and it should bea
source of- gratification not only to the
author but to his friends that this lat
est book is one that should and will win
on merit It is of interest to note that
by the change of title suffered during
serial publication and necessitated by
the discovery that the title The Presi
dents Daughter under which the
story began to appear had been used
before a return is made to Mr Spear
mans original choice of a name The
incident recalls a similar fate that befell
one of Mr Hardys most famous novels
which was eventually issued in book
from under a third title
The production of The Daughter of
a Magnate has placed Mr Spearman
who has been classed heretofore as a
realist among the writers of romance
and it may be added with all sincerity
and without exaggeration in the fore
most ranks among the masters of that
school The new book cannot be com
pared with Dr Bryson which by the
way was the best selling novel in Mont
real in the month of June because it
belongs to a different order of fiction
The latter book is a tale of love and ad
venture a book to charm and delight
The earlier story isa transcript from life
It deals with the profoundest problems
of civilization for some of which it seeks
a solution It is a book to read and re
read and ponder over Its characters
are real people its experiences are
those of every day It is truly artistic
So is the other book in a way but in
a different way
As if one may use the old saying the
world loves a lover so the world loves
a romance because a romance usually
contains a lover or what is twice as
well a pair of lovers The twain need
not indeed should not make love after
the conventional fashion but in the
manner the world would have love made
Romanticism appeals to a wider audi
ence than realism which perhapswere
a more healthful sign for all of us are
somewhat of idealists and would have
the world better than it is Tho roman
ticist paints things as they should be
or what amounts to the same thing as
he thinks they should be The all but
universal desire for a higher life makes
the romance justly popular
Save for a single blemish The Daugh
ter of a Magnate measured by the
standard of romantic literatures attains
artistic perfection By some strange over
sight wholly unaccountable in so con
summate an artist the author in mak
ing up his cast neglected to include a
villain The villain thinks he has the
character in the heroines father until
he reaches the last chapter when the
illusion is dispelled We have had ro
mances without heroes and romances
without heroines but a romance with
out a villain is unique
The men and women with whom this
book is peopled are admirable and ad
mirably done All the characters have
striking personalities something one
may always expect to find in Mr Spear
mans stories The background is pict
uresque The bits of nature are beau
tifully drawn The descriptions are
wonderfully graphic From first to last
the book thrills The interest amounts
to a crescendo There is no anticlimax
There is not a dull page Read serially
one waited with impatience for the next
installment The book will be published
on the 15th of October by the Messrs
- Herbert Silvornail is on tho sick list
Fred Duckworth gnvo his store a coat
of paint this week
Marion Powell of Lincoln was in town
on business Monday
M G Shackelton attended tho state
fair at Lincoln last week
Claudia Hatcher left Tuesday for
Lincoln to attend school
Mrs Dennis Fitzgerald visited in Mc
Cook tho first of tho week
Charlie Russell is erecting a largo hen
house on his placo in town
Miss Mary McDonald of Oxford is
visiting home folks this week
Frank Howe wont down to Arapahoe
Monday morning to lay bricks
Miss Mabel Carmichael of Cambridge
visited here last week with friends
Mrs W H Allen who has been quite
sick is some better at this writing
Rob Welborn is still on tho sick list
with no visible signs of improvement
Adelaide Streff went up to McCook
Monday evening to visit her sister Mag
Quite a number of the Danbury peo
ple were over last Friday to attend the
Sadie McNiel arriyed home Thursday
evening from her visit with relatives in
Mr and Mrs J Kern are tho proud
parents of a baby boy born Thursday
tho 10th
Mrs Patterson from near Stockville
visited with her mother Mrs Rankin
last week
W E McClung went to Omaha last
week to be enrolled in tho school of
pharmacy f
The heavy frost Tuesday and Wednes
day evening did a good deal of damage
to the corn
Anna Voring began teaching Monday
morning in the school about 15 miles
north of town
Clark McClung has returned to his
home in Oklahoma after a short visit
here with relatives
Miss Nellie Stockton of Hastings
Iowa came here last week to attend the
fair and visit friends for a short time
Jim McCallum who has been visiting
home folks for a short time returned
to Okeene Oklahoma Sunday evening
The Epworth League ice cream social
was well attended last Thursday even
ing The proceeds amounted to over S25
Mr and Mrs George Newland and
baby and Miss Pearl Russell of Leba
non visited last week and this week with
Mr and Mrs Harry Gilbert who have
been helping here during the fair re
turned to their home in Cambridge
last Saturday morning
Mrs Spahn of Culbertson and Mrs
Trout and three children of McCook
visited the first of the week with their
brother Jake Kern and family
Complaints are rife in this town and
vicinity that the young chickens are
dying off with some disease supposed to
be roup Quantities of birds are found
lying around dead supposedly by the
same cause
There was a little fistic encounter be
tween two of the young bloods of In
dianola Wednesday afternoon No
particular damage was done by either
party Too much of Tims whiskey
was imbibed by one of the young men
Henco the trouble
Tho great medicine show has come
and gone ana the citizens of Indianola
will now get their regular rest The
prize was awarded Miss Bertha Porter
who received about 2500 votes for be
ing the most popular young lady in
town The prize was a handsome silver
tea set
Usually begins with the symptoms of
a common cold there is chillinesssneez
ing sore throat hot skin quick pulse
hoarseness and impeded respiration
Give frequent small doses of Ballards
Horehound Syrup the child will cry
for it and at the first sign of a croupy
cough apply frequently Ballards Snow
Liniment externally to the throat 50c
at A McMillens
Indigestion Causes
CatarrK of tHe
For many years it has been supposed that
Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion
and dyspepsia but the truth Is exactly the
opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re
peated attacks of indigestion inflames the
mucous membranes lining the stomach and
exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus
ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of
the juices of natural digestion This is
called Catarrh of the Stomach
Kodol Dyspepsia 0or
relieves all inflammation ot tno mucous
membranes lining the stomach protects the
nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a
sense of fullness after eating indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
Kodol Digests What You Eat
Make the Stomach Sweet
Bottlcjcnlr RepHaralzo 100 boldlnc 2J4 ttaej
the trial elza which sells for 50 cents
Praparad by E O OeWITT CO Chicago ID
Sold by L W McConnell
1 Pm
Kenosiia Wis
The Tribune Only 8100 per year
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
flcCook - Nebraska
ir and
m Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Halliday Waupun fcclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker
Phillips Building
Blue Front
Fine Turnouts
Either Single or Double
Phone 36 Rear Palmef House
McCook Nebraska
And with him this fall he has brought trie best showing of
Hose for men women and children in cotton fleeced lined
and wool ever SHOWN IN McCOOK The BLACK CAT
speaks for himself Call and look over our excellent line
are growing in favor each day among the
ladies of McCook DONT ACCEPT a
corset said to be as good as the kabo
Get the only reliable and warranted kabo
corset and you get the best fitting and
best wearing corset on the market rang
ing in price from 50c to 500 a pair
Phone 16
HamiltpnBrown Shoes
for wear style durability and fit are the best and most reli
able shoes on the market for EVERY PAIR IS GUARANTEED
See our New Fall Supply of Flannettes
and Outing Flannels
Our stock was never more complete in this line
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure E W Groves
ture is on each box 25c
lot Fool
W Saw
Boy Say Pa what do they
mean by saying Penny wise
and pound foolish
Father Why its where a
man loses a dollar to save a
Boy Well Pa were you
that way when you let your
hogs all die because you did
not want to pay out money for
Liquid Koal that James Cain
sells so much of
so much
-Johnnie dont talk
Iriton Nov 23 1902
This is to certify that I used L K and am
well pleased with it I only had six hogs
Bet sick after using it and before using it I
had from two to four get sick each day I
can cheerfully recommend it and would ad
vise any one who has hog cholera among his
hogs to give it a trial F F Faringer
One hundred dollars deposited in
the following banks for any one who
finds any of the testimonials we pub
lish from time to time are not genu
ine City National Bank York Neb
Sheldon State Bank Sheldon Iowa
Oklahoma Trust and Banking Co
Oklahoma City O T
Sheldon Iowa York Nebraska
Oklahoma City O T
For Sale by James Cain
Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store
Phone No 20 McCook Neb
Use according to directions and if
it does not prove satisfactory your
money back
One Quart Can S100
One Gallon 300
1 171
1 vr