The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 18, 1903, Image 2

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Little Nation at Whatever Cost Will
Ca6t Lot with Persecuted Chris
tians of Macedonia Vill Protect
the Women- and Children
LONDON Disquieting rumors come
from Vienna and elsewhere regarding
teh Balkan crisis and whilst it is im
possible to confirm the more sensa
tional statements here is accumula
tion of evidence that some violent so
lution cannot long be delayed
The Sofia correspondent of the
Daily Telegraph sends under Satur
days date another long dispatch
warmly defending Bulgarias patient
and quixotic attitude of loyalty toward
the porte and the powers denouncing
Europes indifferences to the wiping
out of a large Christian community
He says Bulgaria has displayed
unfexemapled moderation Her last
urgent request to the powers was that
they should compel Turkey to suppress
the uprising by legitimate methods of
warfare but to spare women and chil
dren from indignities and massacres
But even this Christian Europe has
refused and Prince Ferdinands gov
ernment having fully considered the
question and aware of the disastrous
consequences with which the powers
threaten Bulgaria if- she intervenes
has decided that she cannot longer
neglect her sacred duty to prevent the
Christian population being done to
death In a couple of days more the
die will be cast and Bulgaria will do
her duty An official communication
will be made to the powers in the
above indicated time and forthwith
the necessary measures will be taken
and only countermanded if the pow
ers Immediately intervene This is
Bulgarias last word The moral re
sponsibility will fall upon Christian
Europe even if the material conse
quences have to be endured by Bul
A dispatch from Constantinopfe to
the Standard says large forces are be
ring collected to the north and north--west
of Constantnople where in the
event of war the first fighting is ex
pected to occur and though allusions
ito any plan of compaign is strictly
censured it may be assumed that Ger
man advice during recent years had
not left Turkey unprepared this time
Prom Vienna comes the semi official
statement that Austria lias again pro
posed to the powers to admonish Bul
garia but that so far nothing has
jcome of the proposition
Indictments in the Pastal Cases Were
Tipped Off
WASHINGTON Information has
come to light which seems to indi
cate that Issac S McGiehan and Jo
seph S Huntington members of the
Columbia Supply company were giv
en advance information of the indict
ments returned against them by the
federal grand jury here last Tuesday
and have temporarily gotten out of
the way
It was said that word was received
here early Friday morning six hours
betore the indictments were made
public that these men were wanted
in this city to answer charges of brib
er It is said that both these men
disappeared from New York before
the warrants could be served on them
Tornado Strikes Oklahoma
GUTHRIE Okla A tornado struck
the vicinity of Bloomington in south
western Oklahoma Sunday doing ex
tensive damage The residence of
Mrs Sarah Carter was destroyed the
woman and her eldest daughter being
injured Two children were blown
across a barb wire fence into a pas
ture Buildings on the farms of
Frank Allen John Push and William
Herndon were also completely de
Heavy Snow in Yellowstone Park
inches of snow on the level have fall
en throughout Yellowstone Park dur
ing the last forty eight hours
Well Known German Dead
MILWAUKEE Dr Ernest Nantke
aged 40 years professor of chemistry
and conductor of a brewers school
in this city died suddenly of penu
Killed with Empty Beer Kegs
PITTSBURG Pa Late Sunday af
ternoon at Trafford City Tony Blier
was so badly battered up with beer
kegs that lie died in a few hours
Blier had gone for a rest under a
cliff just under the camp of some
Italians The Italians took offense
at the intrusion and hurled three
empty eighth barrel beer kegs down
on Bliers head crushing his skull
No arrests have as yet been made
Turks Big Flesh from Living Woman
with Pocket Knives
LONDON -The Daily Mails corre
spondent at Monastir in a dispatch
dated September 6 claims that him
self the British vice consul MacGreg
or and an American missionary nam
ed Bond are the intended victims
of Turkish revenge because they re
ported the Turkish atrocities If their
murder could bo compassed it would
be fathered upon the Bulgarians
The correspondent describes further
atrocities by soldiers In one case
they flayed a little girls head while
in another they dug the flesh from
under a womans arms with pocket
knives in order to see the working ot
her lungs
A Constantinople dispatch to the
Daily Mail dated September 10 says
the porte telegraphed to Washington
asking to have the American squad
ron recalled from Beirut but the re
quest was refused Minister Leish
man declared that it would remain un
til the departure of the late vali Res
hid Pasha
Westinghouse Strike May Tie Up Im
portant Work
PITTSBURG Pa The strike at the
East Pittsburg plant of the Westing
house Machine company threatens to
tie up Important work on the St
Louis fair buildings
President OConnell of the Interna
tional Association of Machinists has
taken the matter up with President
rompers of the American Federation
of Labor It is claimed that the sup
port of that body has been assured
and that a meeting of the executive
council of the American Federation of
Labor has been called to meet at
Washington on September 21 when
the question of calling out all union
men employed on Westinghouse con
tracts on the fair grounds will receive
consideration providing an appeal to
be made to the Westinghouse people
in the meantime by President Gompers
is not satisfactorily answered
Addresses Letter to Certain Cardinals
Confirming Appointments
ROME It has been announced that
Pius X would announce Tuesday his
first encyclical addressed to the Cath
olic hierarchy and people throughout
the world but this was incorrect
The pontiff published his first offi
cial document consisting of a letter
addressed to Cardinals Vannutelli
Rampolla Ferrata and Yves y Tuto
confirming their appointment by Pope
Leo as a celebration of the fiftieth
anniversary ot the dogma of the Im
maculate Conception The letter
which is brief is followed by a prayer
to the Virgin Mary which will ac
quire importance as being the first to
bear the signature of Pius X
Wheat and Hay Badly Injured in
PORTLAND Ore A special to the
Oregonian from Spokane says Re
ports of damage to the grain and hay
crops are coming in from all sections
of eastern Washington except in the
Big Bend Few districts have not
materially suffered from rains For
the past two weeks rain has fallen in
heavy showers nearly all day the
drenched expanse extending from
Walla Walla county north to the in
ternational boundary and into north
Idaho A fair estimate of the wheat
harvest is that two thirds has been
cut Much of this is stacked in the
fields and is swelling from the heavy
Plague Condition is ocrious
MARSEILLE The unofficial re
ports make the plague situation seri
ous The dead it appears includes
four Avomen and one man whose
bodies were covered with bubos leav
ing little doubt as to the nature of the
Drop Hints of Abdication
LONDON The Vienna correspond
ent of the Daily Mail declares that
the Hungarian political crisis has be
come so acute that the abdication of
Emperor Francis Joseph as king of
Hungary is freely discussed in the
latter country and although no party
leader is willing to openly discuss the
probability there is a strong feeling
in favor of Hungarys right to choose
its own king the candidate favored
being the German emperors second
son Prince Eitel
To Guard Frontier Carefully
SALONICA Palace authorities act
ing upon advices received here from
the Turkish minister at Belgrade
have telegraphed to the vali of Kos
siao instructing him to guard the
Servian frontier more carefully be
cause the Servian revolutionary com
mittee is said to be holding meetings
at many places and is organizing
bands distributing hombs and explain
ing the use of them to their follow
Chekib Bey Says that Peace Has Been
Established at Beyroot City is Now
Quiet and the People Are Resuming
WASHINGTON The following bul
letin was posted at the Navy depart
ment Friday
Admiral Cotton telegraphs from
Beyroot September 30 that the gov
ernor general of Damascus has been
appointed acting governor general at
Beyroot and has expressed a desire to
settle the case of the American vice
consul satisfactory to the United
States government Beyroot quiet
business Improving confidence in
The State department had authentic
advices that Governor General Naziiri
Pasha of Damascus who has been ap
pointed acting goyernor of Beyroot
Is a trustworthy and broad minded
man and Minister Leishman has been
instructed to advise the sublime porte
that the Washington government is
greatly pleased at the immediate
granting of its request for the removal
of the governor of Beyroot and the ap
pointment in his stead of a responsi
ble person and one favorable to for
A long cablegram reached the State
department from Minister Leishman
on the general Turkish situation
which has not yet been made public
The prestige of Minister Leishman
at Constantinople has greatly in
creased since the appearance of the
European squadron off Beyroot and
the scope of his representations to the
porte has also increased in the lact
few days It is understood our gov
ernment will push to an early conclu
sion all its pending claims against
Chekib Bey the Turkish minister
was a caller at the State department
Friday bringing further reassuring
advices that a condition of absolute
peace has been established at Bey
consul at Beyroot reports that the sit
uation there is improving thanks to
the confidence inspired by Nazim
Pasha who has succeeded Reshid
Pasha Rumors of fresh outrages con
tinue to reach Constantinople but
these reports are deliberately spread
with the object of creating the impres
sion that the present situation at Bey
root was caused by the arrival there
of the United States warships
As a matter of fact the general state
of affairs is chronic at Beyroot In
security has prevailed there
United States Attorney Gives Names
of Men Indicted
WASHINGTON United States Dis
trict Attorney Beach on Friday an
nounced that the six persons named
in the seven indictments returned by
the grana jury last Tuesday are
George W Beavers former chief of
the division of salaries and allowances
postoffice department August Machen
former general superintendent of the
free delivery system postoffice de
partment James W Erwin former
postoffice inspector with headquarters
in San Francisco George H Hunting
ton and Isaac A McGeiKan both of
New York City owners of the Colum
bia Supply company of that city and
Eugene D Scheble of Toledo O a
dentist and interested in the firm of
Maybury Ellis of Detroit Mich let
ter box manufacturers
Nebraska at St Louis
LINCOLN Neb At a meeting of
the Nebraska -commission for the St
Louis exposition arrangements were
discussed with prominent exhibitors to
have entries ready for the Nebraska
exhibit at the exposition October 18
will be Nebraska day at the fair that
being the anniversary of the day the
first territorial governor of Nebraska
took the oth of office
Condition of the Treasury
WASHINGTON Tuesdays state
ment of the treasury balances in the
general fund exclusive of the 150
000000 gold reserve in the division of
redemption shows Available cash
balance 235284092 gold 106738
Spends Money in Salt Lake
Superintendent J P Young of the
Rio Grande Western railway on
Thursday announced that the city
council of Salt Lake would be pre
sented at its next meeting with a pe
tition for necessary franchises for im
provements for the Denver Rio
Grande system in this city aggregat
ing nearly 1000000 This will in
clude the erection of a new station
to cost at least 200000
Beneficiaries Drop Below the Million
WASHINGTON Tho annual report
of- Commissioner of Pensions Ware
places the total number of pension
ers now on the rolls at 996545 ot
which 725350 are soldiers and 2G7
185 are widows and dependents Mr
Ware announces that it is not prob
able that the pension roll will again
cross the million line the high water
mark having been reached a yuar
Five of the pensions are on the roll
on account of the war of the revolu
tion 1110 pf the war of 1812 4734
on account of Indian wars and 13874
on account of the Mexican war The
average annual value of each pension
Is now 133 The total annual value
of the Spanish war pension roll has
reached 1765310
Commissioner Ware makes the fol
lowing recommendations Laws for
feiting the pension or right to pension
pf any man convicted in court of an
jnfamous crime prohibiting the giv
ing of pensions to women who marry
soldiers after the soldiers become old
pensioners a different method of ex
amining applicants for pensions Mr
Ware stamping the present system as
uncertain unsatisfactory and of an
enormous amount of political friction
Mr Ware says the bureau has gain
ed on the current work 100000 case7
during the last two years
Commissioner of General Land Office
Makes Report of Cash on Hand
commissioner of the general land of
fice has made public a statement
Bhowing the amounts to the credit of
the reclamation fund from sales o
public lands in the several states am
territories- during the fiscal years 01
1901 1902 and 1903 under the provi
sions of the act of congress approv
ed June 17 1902 It is shown that
during the present year there has
been covered into the treasury from
the proceeds of the sals of public
lands in sixteen states and territories
the sum of 8461493 making an ag
gregate of 16191836 as the total
thus far received and on deposit in
the United States treasury to the
credit of the reclamation fund Of
this amount Nebraska contributed
during the present year 118038 and
a total since 1901 of 354036 Dur
ing the year 1903 South Dakota sold
lands credited to the reclamation fvmd
valued at 239420 making the total
received from that state 546982 In
Wyoming lands were sold which
brought 272923 during the current
year making an aggregate of 658686
during the last three years
Some Foreign Goods Are to Be Shut
cultural department is making strong
efforts to keep out of the country
all imported goods the entry of which
is prohibited under the pure food act
Sjnce August 1 when the act went
into effect approximately 600 ship
ments of meats wine olive oil etc
have been held up pending an exam
nation as to the determination of the
question whether their use is prohib
ited in the country whence they are
imported into the United States Up
to this time only one shipment con
sisting of white wine has been re
fused entry
The special agents and consuls
abroad keep the department advised
by cable of all shipments of goods
which may come within the prohibi
tions of the law and instructions are
sent at once to the collectors at the
ports where they are to arrive to hold
them in warehouses and send sam
ples to Washington for analysis
President Also Hears Report on Al
leged Indian Frauds
OYSTER BAY L I The president
entertained at luncheon Paul Morton
of Chicago vice president of the San
ta Fe railroad system Francis E
Leupp of Washington and Lieuten
ant Gordon Johnston of the army
who was a member of the presidents
regiment of Rough Riders
Mr Leupp who is a Washington
newspaper correspondent was ap
pointed by the president several
months ago as a commissioner to
make an investigation of alleged In
dian frauds in the Oklahoma territory
He has completed his work and madf
his report to the president
Omaha Steer is Dead
MILWAUKEE Wis A prized
shorthorn steer belonging to W F
Christian of Omaha passed to the hap
py hunting grounds Wednesday morn
ing He had brought it from Omaha
where it captured the red ribbon A
string of red and blue ones floated
over its quarters It was taken ill
with bladder and kidney trouble in
Omaha but appeared to have recov
ered Tuesday night is suffered a re
lapse and died
1796 3 1872 5 1952
A H C A D E 3
is for co operation in information to reduce
mutually expensive mistake It is for mechan
ical commercial and professional people the
employer employe and customer and consists
of extracts taken by permission from the copy
righted letters theleclures notebooks and libraries
of Dr Earl if Pratt When you secure on any
subject an idea personally useful to you and
you wish to give it to him address him in care
of The John Crerar Library Marshall Field
Building Chicago lie is hunting the whole world
over for information of every day use to yoz
and he regrets his inability personalty to reply
to contributors Ho far as possible he wishes to
have in this space the very ideas you would like
to find here You are at liberty to send him
any suggestion you may care to His Arcade
Judex libraries were started in 1872 atul now con-
tain unpublished information dating back to l0d
with systematic plans extending to TJS2 Your
short story of some example of forethought de
posited in the Arcade Index collection may prove to
je your best monument
A iseiiep on Law
By a Correspondent
What should I know about law I
am the average individual neither or
dinary nor extraordinary neither fool
nor sage During my business life I
have occasionally consulted a lawyer
have had several lawsuits and have
learned some law
A lawyer once told me that when
he was studying in an office for admis
sion to the bar he thought of writing
an essay on Popular Misconceptions
of Law and asked the advice of his
preceptor about it who said Young
man you better write an article on
Lawyers Misconceptions of Law
The students ready response was I
believe that subject is too broad
A Lawyers Knowledge
Some people believe a lawyer should
know everything and when they dis
cover their lawyer does not begin to
look for another one Such persons
usually have as many lawyers as they
have legal propositions lodged in their
brains Whenever the lawyer tails so
does their faith They seem never to
come to the conclusion that a lawyer
should not be expected to know it all
any more than any other person in his
particular calling or business
Although a lawyer should not be
expected to know everything he should
be expected and should know those
things which will fulfill the purposes
for which he is sought to be used by
his clients A legal author well says
An attorney agrees that he possesses
at least the average degree of skill and
learning in his profession in that part
of the country he practices and that
he will exercise that learning and skill
with reasonable care and diligence
Courts of Equity
I always supposed a court of equity
was a court of justice until I learned
to my sorrow that it was not I asked
my lawyer the real meaning of a court
of equity He said it was a court of
chancery And what is a court of
chancery It is that side of the
court as distinguished from the law
side -And how do you distinguish
it The difference between a court
of equity and a court of law is that
equity begins where the law ends that
equity reaches those cases the law
3oes not that equity takes jurisdiction
di those matters only where the law
ails to provide a remedy As I did
aot fully understand his explanation
ie further said These courts of
equity are an outgrowth of the Eng
lish common law At an early day the
anly courts were the law courts and
is in many cases persons were
wronged and the courts of law af
forded no remedy it became the cus
om to petition the king for justice
o be done These cases became so
lumerous that the king finally re
erred them to the Lord High Chancel
or and he in turn feeling burdened
y them secured the establishment
f regular courts of chancery from
vhich we derive the term chancery
md which are called courts of equity
because they seek to do equity in
hose cases -where the law fails to do
o As an illustration he mentioned
he case of a court of equity granting
m injunction in a matter where a
ourt of law could only give damages
rhich would be an entirely inadequate
n Common Sense
I have found law as a rule is found
1 WW tOTTifrME
For the Individual
ed on good sense It is or rhould be
simply common sense Some laws
no doubt especially statutes are
based on error and wrong but In the
main they are the science of social
order and the perfection of human
The best definition for law I havo
ever seen is the simple one Law is
a rule of action There are longor
definitions and those going more into
detail but none so general and com
In endeavoring to remember differ
ent distinctions in law I have found it
useful to memorize certain apt
phrases One of the best I recollect
is that of Justice Story who in re
ferring to particular powers of gov
ernment says The difference be
tween the departments undoubtedly
is that the legislature makes the ex
ecutive executes and the judiciary
construes the laws
Some Legal Definitions
Until I had my first lawsuit I al
ways thought the pleadings in a case
were the speeches of the attorneys
I then learned that they were not but
were m fact the preliminary written
statements of the cause of action for
the plaintiff and the defense on the
part of the defendant and were en
tirely distinct from the forensic argu
ments of the lawyers My first im
pression was that a good pleader was
a good speaker one who could con
vince a judge or persuade a jury my
later knowledge was that a good
pleader was a lawyer who could prop
erly state the case of his client on pa
per in legal phraseology and accord
ing to the legal effect
Probably the shortest will overwrit
ten is that spoken of by Rabelais It
was as follows I owe much I have
nothing I give the rest to the poor
Lord Mansfield says There is
nothing so unlike as a simile and
nothing more apt to mislead
Judge Cooley defines a constitution
as The body of rules and maxims in
accordance with which the powers of
sovereignty are habitually exercised
Coleridge says A nation is the
unity of a people
A countryman once went to the of
fice of a justice of the peace to be
married After the conclusion of the
ceremony he asked the justice what
were his fees The justice replied
Well the law allows me 150
Very well said the countryman
here is 50 cents more that makes
Secrets Always Kept
Lawyers are as a rule good to keep
seccets The ethics of their profes
sion gives them training Every con
scientious lawyer must consider hi3
lips sealed with sacred silence
A maxim says Bispham is the
embodiment of a general truth in the
shape of a familiar adage
It is a principle that every wrong
has a remedy Even the smallest one
is entitled to compensation The in
significance of the injury goes to tho
extent of the recovery and not to the
right of action To illustrate In
some cases one cent damages are
Law Index of Little Value
I once asked an attorney whether
an index of law could not be made
such as those outside the profession
could use He said that an index
might be made and in fact many do
exist but that it could not be put to
universal use because of the lack of
knowledge of basic principles and fa
miliarity of legal terms and then told
the following story An owner of a
sugar camp had the misfortune to
have a neighbor who kept sheep One
right the sheep broke through the
rail fence and drank the sap upset
the sugar troughs and otherwise
played havoc in the camp The owner
of the camp went to a justice of the
peace of little learning and plenty of
books who had unfortunately been ad
mitted to the bar The case was stat
ed to the legal adviser who said the
matter was such a perplexing one
that he must consider it for a few
days before giving his advice He
then told his client he thought it un
wise to begin suit a he could not see
as there was any cause for action
The client thought otherwise and
said it seemed plain to him that
where one mans sheep broke a fence
and destroyed anothers property the
law would give damages The attor
ney replied Well you dont know
Do you see all these books I have
looked through them all and I find
nothing about sheep rail fence
sap or sugar trough If he had
known how to use his books he would
have found all he wanted under the
head of torts and trespass
Causes of Legislation
If lawyers were consulted more
about preliminary business matters
there would be much less litigation
This is well shown by the fact that
there is so much more litigation here
than in England where every busi
ness man has his solicitor and scarce
ly makes a business move without
consulting him -while here the aver
age man acts as his own lawyer The
old saying is no doubt true A man
who acts as his own lawyer has a fool
for a client J h