The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 18, 1903, Image 1

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Republican Valley at the Front
Tbo awards at tho state fair in the
Hereford and Short Horn classes prove
the Republican Valley to be well at the
front in thorough bred registered cattle
Redwillow county especially may be
proud with W N Rogers of The Shade
land Stock Farm in the prizes captured
by his handsome white faces Below
we give tho list of premiums taken by
Mr Rogers and also by Mr Andrews of
Cambridge Furnas county
Aged bulls Two ontries Both WN
Rogers McCook Neb
Bull calf Second Rogers
Aged cow Second Rogers on Mon
archs girl
heifer Second Rogers
Yearling heifer Second to Rogers on
Dolly Rogers
Heifer calf Second and third to Ro
gers Thus third and fourth took first
and second state class money
Exhibitors herd First to Rogers
Young herd Second to Rogers
Get of sire four head First to Rogers
on get of Anxiety Monarch
Produce of cow First to Rogers
Seuior champion bull To Monarch of
Shadeland 3d owned by Rogers
Sweepstakes cow State money to
Rogers on Dolly Rogers 3d
Bull calf Second to Andrews
Bull calf state money First to An
Yearling heifer twelve enteries First
to Andrews on Dora A the heifer sold
in John Skinners Omaha sale last win i
ter second to Andrews
State money First and second to
Thomas Andrews
Breeders young herd First to An
Get of sire Second to Andrews
Junior champion cow To Andrews
Cash Sugar Beet Premiums
On October 31st I will give cash prem
iums at my store as follows for the heav
iest and largest sugar beets grown on
upland and for the same grown on low
land The first cash premium will be
300 second 200 on upland beets
The first cash premium for low land beets
will be 300 second 200 Beets are to
be delivered and placed on exhibition at
my store on or before Saturday October
31st Bring in your beets and let us
make an exhibition that will be attract
ive and that will at the same time show
the possibilities of this country as a
great sugar beet growing land
W T Coleman
A 0 U W Picnic at Cambridge Neb
Wednesday September 23 03 First
annual picnic of the A O U W of
Southwestern Nebraska Addresses by
Hon Jacob Jaskalek Grand Master
Workmanof the jurisdiction of Nebraska
Ex Congressman R D Sutherland
Hon Frank Simmons D G M W and
Congressman G W Norris Music by
Cambridce band and elee club Base
ball game foot races sack races etc
Degree of Honor drill teams will give a
drill One and one third fare on rail
road within fifty miles The public is
cordially invited Come and have a
good time and bring your baskets well
filled Bv order of Committee
Harrington Marshall Wedding
Sunday afternoon Rev L H Shumate
of the Methodist church united in the
bonds of matrimony Mr Roy Harrington
of Pawnee City and Miss Nellie Mar
shall of McCook The ceremony was
performed at the Marshall home in this
city in the presence of a few relatives
They departed on Tuesday night for
their future home in Pawnee City Both
parties are comparative strangers in our
Dr S Shwartz
The well known eye specialist of Den
ver will be in McCook at the Commer
cial hotel Sept -25-26 1903
If you are nervous and have head
aches have youreyes examined free by
Dr Shwartz Come out early and get
the benefit of it
Home Cooking Exchange
All day Saturday September 19th at
Grannis store by ladies of Baptist
church Come and see us
The Thompson Dry Goods Co vacat
ed their old stand this week and moved
into their own newly completed storei
building next door to A McMillens
drug store They will open for business
some time during the coming week
Call atW T Colemans and seo the
new combined beet puller and topper
the very latest improvement
One of the most desirable homes
in McCook Eight rooms bath
room closets fruit shade lawn
etc Geo B Berry
Howard Hileman is home on a visit
Misses Stangland entertained the
Awl Os this week Tuesday
William Huher has been in Denver
part of the week on business
S E Solomon Culbertsons postmas
ter had business in tho city Tuesday
F N Merwin was over from Beaver
early days of the weekon matters official
Mrs L D Gockleit of Holbrook is iu
the city guest of her daughter Mrs JC
Mr Allen clerk of the court Clay
county was in the city on business mat
ters Monday
R A Greens father arrived from
Illinois Tuesday morning on No 3 and
is visiting him
Mrs W H Armstrong oxpects to
leave for Kentucky tomorrow on a visit
to his relatives
E N Berry expects toleave close of
this week for Wyoming to secure a posi
tion as a pharmacist
Mrs W S Perry departed on Thurs
day morning for Ohio on a visit to her
daughter Mrs Thayer
O M Knipple has purchased the
James Doyle Engel residence and will
shortly occupy the same
Mrs F W Hawksworth has been
up from Lincoln this week visiting her
mother Mrs M A Hobson
Congressman Norris is adding a
large porch on the front and south side
of his main avenue residence
Miss Nellie Bennett left last week
for Concordia Kansas where she is at
tending the Nazareth Academy
Mrs M J Strouds health is so good
in the east where she is visiting that
she will remain about month longetr
Mrs S A Traver superintendent
of the Fifth district is attending the D
of H convention in Holdrege this week
Thomas QRourke has been down
from Wyomingthe past week or so visit
ing the family on the farm between here
and Culbertson
Mrs R W Haggard came up from
Lincoln on 1 Thursday and is spending
a few days with her parents Mr and
Mrs G A Noren
Mr and Mrs E M Snyder arrived
home on 3 Tuesday night from enjoy
ing a delightful honeymoon at his old
home in Ohio Bloomdale
President Leavitt of the Standard
BeetSugar Co Ames Neb has been
in this city and vicinity this week look
ing after the companys interests
Mrs J H Stephens departed on
Tuesday for Iowa on a visit to her
daughter Mrs M S Modrell in Ute
She will be absent a number of weeks
Marion Powell of Lincoln was in the
city Tuesday being out on business
connected with his heavy Redwillow
county land bank and stock interests
Glenn Hupp and George Campbell
left Tuesday night for Lincoln the
former to resume his university work
and the latter to enter the preparatory
department of the university
W R Harvey manager for A S
Kennedjr was married in Hastings last
Thursday but is back again filling his
old position and receiving the congrat
ulations of friends in the city
Rev F W Dean writes of their safe
arrival receipt of everything in good
shape That they are gradually getting
settled etc and send kindliest greetings
to all friends and former parishioners
Charles Roper who has been living
at Ashland Oregon for the past few
years with his brother George arrived
home last Saturday morning to remain
a while perhaps a long while as things
look good to him here
Theodore E Emery and son of
Parkston S D are here looking after
their interest in the wheat harvest on
the land purchased from H H Pickens
and W E Bowers Harvesting opera
tions on the same are about to open
Mr and Mrs ES Wood of Syracuse
Nebraska are out on a business pleasure
visit He has real estate interests in
this vicinity Mr Wood is a cousin of
Mrs Vina Wood of our city Fred Kuhn
father of Mrs E S Wood accompanied
Mrs E H Doan and Mrs Roy Kiev
en arrived home last Saturday night
from their visit of a few weeks in Mis
soula Montana They left Arthur Wood
bedfast with an attack of muscular rheu
matism Part of their homeward jour
ney was through a genuine blizzard of a
most strenuous sort
Mr and Mrs R A Green have sin
cerest sympathy of many hearts in the
death of their 17-months-old daughter
last evening about nine oclock The
little one has never been well Funeral
services will be conducted at the resi
dence Sunday afternoon at two oclock
Rev L H Shumate officiating
North Platte is Chosen
The university regents at their meet
ing last night voted to locate the west-
ern experimental sub station at North
Platte Under the provisions of an act
approved April 8 they were authorized
to establish the sub station on lands
selected by them the only provision be
ing that the location bo west of the one
hundredth meridian The competition
between the eligible cities has not been
very fierce and only one definite bid was
Under the terms of the proposition
made by the people of North Platte 3
sections of land of which 200 acres are
available for the purposes of the sub
station lying three miles south of the
city are to be furnished at a cost to the
state of 7500 One of the regents
estimated its value at double that
amount The land is said to lie in a
beautiful section of country and it is be
lieved to be an ideal site for the station
The regents consider themselves fortu
nate in getting it at the price as it
leaves half of the appropriation of 15
000 which was devoted to the sub-station
by the last legislature to bo used
in the erection of buildings and the
carrying on of experimental work
The law authorizing the new station
places it under the management of the
regents and limits it to experiments to
determine the adaptability of the arid
and semi arid portions of the state to
agriculture horticulture and forest tree
Work on the equipment of the station
will begin early next spring Tuesdays
Three Crops of Volunteer Wheat
T J Pate whose farm is located just
northeast of the city tells an unusual
wheat story which happens to be unlike
some stories in the quality of being true
This week he has been threshing the
fall wheat from a 60 acre tract of land
and the machine has measured him out
over fourteen hundred bushels of wheat
of a fine quality and heavy weight aver
aging a fraction over twenty three bu
shels to the acre This of course is
not a large average for this year were it
not for the fact that this is the third
season Mr Pate has harvested a volun
teer wheat off that tract of land Mr
Pate has a tract of land also which this
season produced the third volunteer
crop of rye which he has high expecta
tions of giving a fine yield notwith
standing he last fall and winter run a
large bunch of sheep over this rye to his
profit in the increase of meat on the
sheep of about a thousand dollars
This beats all the money made from
all the gold mines in which the people
of McCook have invested in the last
twenty years
R H Harrison of Boxelder is having
his wheat threshed The fall wheat
average is from 35 to 40 bushels per acre
His spring wheat is not going so strong
being about 25 bushels per acre
No Hunting Allowed
Statutes of Nebraska of 1903 page
881 section 3583 Consent of owner of
land No person shall shoot on or from
a public highway at any game song or
insectivorous or other bird or hunt
game on any land not public land with
out the consent of the owner or person
in charge of the same We will not
allow any hunting on our farms or land
in our care
W S Hamilton
John Hienlien
Harry Cochran
August Droll
V M Shary
H B Wales
Wm Coleman
M H Cole
J W Corner
Pat Coyle
Bert Wales
J B Smith
Henry Pate
James Ryan
S H Simmerman
Thos Whitmer
J N Smith
A Smith
George Howell
W M Rozell
B F Wilson
D H Shepherd
Jacob Betz
Harry Wales
C C Wales
J I Traphagan
Ed Osbaugh
Joo Sanders
Those Who Buy
our meats and fish get the best the very
best we can procure In fish you get
the freshest and we give you the advan
tage of the best price possible We
handle all meats and prepare them for
you in the best and cleanest way You
can always get your choice cuts here
-Let us have an order from you for prompt
delivery Marshs Meat Market
Evangelistic Meetings in Christian Church
Evangelist JR Parker will commence
a series of meeting in the Christian
church Sunday September 27th He
is strongly endorsed by the state board
Mrs Parker accompanies the evangelist
and assists her husband in the work
Come out and hear him
Tho Cedar Rapids Iowa papers are
very complimentary in their expressions
about Snapper Kennedys work with
them at the close of this season
The store of R L Diamond Bro
will be closed on September 22nd and
23rd on account of the Jewish New Tear
The largest line of steel rangesin the
city and at the lowest prices at
W T Colemans
The first premium on wheat at the
state fair went to Coleman precinnt this
J D Remington resigned Tuesday
Machinist Wm Peterson resigned
H W Schlatt machinist resigned
AM Claus machinist helper resigned
F D Hubbard is a new machinist
helper in the back shop
Brakeman C A Deloy has gone
down to Alma for a few days
Engineer J Cook had engine 267 up
here from Oxford for repairs
Brakeman and Mrs R J Moore visit
ed in Franklin close of the week
Brakeman L E Cramer spent last
Sunday with his wife at Republican
Brakeman A N Clampett entertain
ed his sister Miss Minnie close of the
Fireman and Mrs A Mitchell return
ed home from a prolonged visit in Illi
Wm Plasmeyere machinist helper
resigned and will attend school this
Conductor L S Watson went over
the division in charge of the pay car
Brakeman John Hegenberger and fam
ily returned on 1 Wednesday from their
trip east
Brakeman F W Jones has gone up
to Trenton to recuperate under home
Brakeman and Mrs G R Snyder re
turned Wednesday night from their
visit in Ohio
Conductor Herman Hegenberger has
way car No 149 while Conductor T H
Malen is ailing
Brakeman Robert Nichols and F W
Jones and Conductor T H Malen are
numbered with the ailing
Mrs J W Bosworth and family re
turned home on No 1 Sunday from a
two weeks visit in Chicago
NWOlson wiper in the round house
returned home Sunday from a months
visit in Cincinnati and other points in
Brakeman J J Barry returned on
second section of 1 Tuesday afternoon
from a long visit in Iowa and other
Conductor J F Utter was off part
of tho week on account of sickness in
the family He also made a flying visit
to the Bartley farm
Brakeman H S Spaulding indulged
in a short visit in Denver this week
W V Olson was on with Conductor
Willetts meanwhile
The first section of No 1 Tuesday
afternoon carried the special car Mag
net containing Mr Perkins of Pierpont
Morgan CoNew York and party
Fireman and Mrs F J Zajicek ar
rived home Tuesday on one of the num
ber ones He has been down on the
sunflower line firing for a month past
Machinist R P Mauser resigned
Tuesday Mauser left for Rock Island
111 where he goes to work for the U S
government in the shops located there
Mrs M G Stephenson and Mrs Max
Anton went down to Holdrege Wed
nesday night to attend the convention
of the Fifth district Degree of Honor
Brakeman H L Holder is visiting the
family in Grand Island this week
Brakeman R A Prigga has the position
with Conductor Bump during his ab
sence o
Engineer McLennan of Lincoln has
resigned from the service and Engineer
G W Sandhill Moore has his run from
Lincoln to McCook with Engineers
Sharkey and Hawksworth
A S Snapper Kennedy who has
been playing the close of the season with
the Cedar Rapids club of the Three I
league arrived home on No 1 second
section Tuesday afternoon
Brakeman M A VanHorn has taken
a lay off and with his family has gone to
DesMoines Iowa for a visit of ten days
duration Robert E Lee is with Con
ductor Cropp in the interim
The office of the voluntary relief med
ical examiner has been moved this
week from the depot building to the
office of Dr C L Fahnestock The
room thus vacated will be used as a
battery room for the telegraph depart
ment The room to be vacated by the
telegraph department will be used for
baggage and mail purposes thusfilling
a long felt need
Autumn Painting
is wise painting Ever think of it
before Weather is more settled
wood is dryer than at any other
time no gnats and flies to mar the
The Sherwin Williams Paint
is the best paint on the market Its
economical too covers a larger sur
face is durable and protects
McConnell Druggist
Judge Orr Was Nominated
The Republicans of the Fourteenth
Judicial district met in convention in
this city Thursday afternoon and
placed Judge R C Orr in nomination
by acclamation
The convention was called to order by
H H Berry chairman of the Judicial
committee The call was read by tho
secretary F M Kimmell
There being no contested delegations
on motion tho list of delegates submit
ted to the secretary were received and
accepted as the regularly constituted
delegates from the several counties all
of whom were represented
On motion C E Hopping of Beaver
City was made permanent chairman
and N H Bogue of Maywood perman
ent secretary
On motion of W S Morlan the
nomination was made by acclamation
C W Meeker of Imperial presented
the name of Judge R C Orr and the
nomination was made by acclamation
Judge Orr responding to tho occasion
with a speech
The following central committee was
Chase James B urke Imperial
Dundy N J Allen Haigler
Frontier N H Bogue Maywood
Furnas W B Whitney Beaver City
Gosper W R Patrick El wood
Hayes C A Ready Hayes Center
Hitchcock T M Harry Palisade
Redwillow Lon Cone McCook
Judge Orr was accorded the privilege
of naming the chairman and secretary
of the committee
A resolution was adopted empower
ing the committee with authority to fill
any vacancies that may occur on tho
ticket or committee
Barn and Contents Destroyed by Fire
Word reached town Thursday of the
destruction of Joseph E Nelms barn
with its contents Tuesday night of this
week up in the neighborhood of Quick
Frontier county The barn was worth
about 30000 and was insured for 400
There were 1800 bushels of wheat in the
barn but it is thought that considerable
of this may be saved perhaps one half
Mr Nelms also lost a number of harnes
ses tools etc
Chester son of J E lost three head
of horses two sets of harness a top
buggy etc
A threshing outfit operated at the
Nelms place last week and some of the
men occupied the barn for sleeping pur
poses The theory is advanced that
perhaps some one dropped a match in
the barn which was in some way ignited
starting the unfortunate and destructive
This is the place recently purchased
by Mrs Daniel S Freeman of Beatrice
Engine Destroyed and Separator Burned
Tuesday afternoon while threshing at
the farm of Patrick Coyle up in Cole
man precinct C L Fenns engine blew
off its crown sheet the fire from the en
gine setting fire to the separator which
was destroyed except the feeder as was
also a wagon load of sheaves of wheat
and the wagon itself the straw suffered
a like fate The disaster was doubtless
caused by the injector failing to work
properly and afterward pumping cold
water into a super heated boiler
Henry Overvee of Hayes county a
brother of Mrs C A Ready of Hayes
Center was temporarily in charge of the
engine with which he was entirely un
acquainted He was quite painfully
burned about the legs being blown
about thirty feet from the engine by the
The engine was an old one but the
separator is of more recent vintage The
loss will be quite heavy The feeder
rescued by being dragged from the
burning machine is worth about 820000
Gave a Kensington to Many Guests
Mrs FS Wilcox Mr3 CF Babcock
and Mrs H A Beale were hostesses at
a delightful kensington Thursday after
noon from 230 to 7 oclock at the home
of Mrs Wilcox to about fifty guests
Tiie general nouse decorations were in
woodbine The punch room decorations
were in red and green sylvia and greens
Yellow and white prevailed in the parlor
dahlias being the flower Mesdames
Kleven and Kimmell served punch A
three course luncheon was served Mes
dames Sutton Starr Hupp and Noren
You Want the Best
For your money and its your fault if
you dont get it Thats why you
should come to our market Our mar
ket supplies only the best Selected
meats too for those who -want some
thing especially nice for the table Try
us Test us Marshs Meat Market
Those Estate Oaks are beauties and
hold fire as long a time as any stove
made and they all have ash pans too
W T Coleman
Peter Foxen
father this week
is entertaining his
N ebrask State
i Hist o r
nl Society
Lost Lostl g
A largo black pointer dog White
S toes on hind feet a little whito on 8
breast Nothing like him in this g
part of stato Liberal reward
g Leave word with
15 James McAdams g
Everything in drugs McConnoll
Next the fall millinery openings
First frost Tuesday night Septem
ber 15th
Tho kids all want that big pencil tab
let at tho Bee Hive
When you need Wall
Connell some bargains
Paper seo Mc-
Wo pay the highest price for butter
and eggs at tho Bee Hive
Milk cow for sale
Mrs W M Irwin
Tho best line of school shoes we havo
ever offered our trado The Bee Hive
School Books Pens Pencils Inks
Pen and Pencil Tablets at McConnells
Your tablets pencils slates and all
kinds of school supplies at the BeoIIivo
Youll notice the difference in quality
as well as price in our hosiery Tho Beo
McMillen druggist has just received
a largo invoice on jardinieres latest
Thoro were eleven accessions to the
Methodist church last Sunday making
eighteen in tho past two weeks
W W McMillen harness maker has
just received a largo shipment of wagons
and buggies Learn his prices before
Our shoes are all now nothing out of
style or season Repairing cheerfully
done when shoes aro defective at tho
Beo Hive
The Smith brick building recently
bought by Joseph Menard is being paint
ed to its exterior improvement in ap
4000 Lost Thursday Sept10thbe
tween Citizens Bank and Bennetts
Liberal reward will be paid for it3 roturn
to this office
The Thompson Dry Goods Co moved
into its own place of business first door
north of Albert McMillens drug store
first of the week
For Sale A mowing machine and a
stirring plow See Mrs Lorinda Miller
at Mrs Heinleins south of Christian
Look over the new line of harness just
received at W T Colemans A Con
cord Double Harness for 3000 Beats
them all Look and see
Read what Johnnie said
James Cains advertisement
to Pa in
in this issue It will interest and bene
fit you Do not overlook it
Fine line of wagons and buggies just
received by W W McMillen the har
ness maker His prices are as attractive
as his stock Get them before buying
Lost Childs No 1234 shoe on Cedar
Bluffs road between McCook and sec
33-2-9 Please leave at Wilcoxs store
E B Nelson
Strength and vigor come of good food
duly digested Force a ready-to-serve
wheat and barley food adds no
burden but sustains nourishes invigor
ates 9 11 tf
Five girls wanted Chamber work
and dishwashing 350 Dining work
and laundry work 4 Cook 5 to 7
Randall hotel Beatrice Neb A F
Swart proprietor 9 18 2ts
Levi H Tilton and Delia Sincos both
of Cedar Bluffs Kansas were united in
marriage Wednesday afternoon Sep
tember 16th at the Methodist parsonage
Res L H Shumate officiating
The largest stock of goods they have
ever owned is now being opened up and
made ready for business by The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co in their new store
room next door to A McMillens where
they will open their doors for business
some time during the coming week
Wait for them
The insurance adjuster was on the
ground Tuesday and he and JGStokes
quickly came to a settlement on the
basis of a complete loss and the full
amount of insurance was paid Mr
Stokes expects to resume business as
soon as he can secure a satisfactory lo
Tk1 e A nirlnn CrtV
uuiu nit xijriug ouuiu
This ought to remind you of the
cold north winds and the fact that
you will need a good heating stove
Coles Hot Blast or the Riverside
Oak with ventiduct that warms
every part of the room alike have
no equals It will pay you to see
them W T Coleman