The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 11, 1903, Image 7

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wrirwnwuninMnjfcinni wianwimMwjiiiWMffiwwwiiiyiiwinrir j Mj imnuuruu
Author of At a Girls Merer Etc
Entered Accordinr to Act or Concres In tho Year 1890 by Street Smith
In the Office of tho Librarian of Congresi at Waibineton D C
v CHAPTER XIV Continued
He is my father and they will
not let me In there yet he can see
The nurse laid her hand caresalng
Jy on the girls arm
Of course she said In a matter
Jt fact tone Remember Dolores it
Js years since he has seen your fath
er And do you know as soon as he
4s better we are going to take him
-over to tbo town so you can nurse
nlm to your hearts content There
are pretty- houses in the town and
your uncle Intends buying one and
burnishing it for you Theres a fine
blacksmiths shop with a good busi
ness for your father and he is to have
a housekeeper and everything com
fortable while you are in New York
with us
Your uncle will be ready in a mo
ment and he does not like to wait
you neednt change your dress and
can wear my wrap and bonnet Dora
will fix everything when you get there
-Here is her note you have not yet
read it Shall I read it for you while
you get ready
She stooped and picked up the note
-where it had fallen talking continu
ally giving the girl no time to reply
had she so wished
Dora writes such a pretty hand
Ihey say those who draw wefl write
well and Dora makes charming
sketches Here is your note it reads
like her only one misses her pretty
Mrs Allen spoke rapidly but with
not a trace of excitement more as
though she would give the girl no time
to think She unfolded the soft gray
shawl and laid it over a chair then
she opened the note with no break in
the conversation and read aloud
My Dear New Cousin Nurse Al
len has told you I have come to claim
you or rather have come part way
to claim you They will not allow me
to go out to day so father has prom
ised me solemnly that he will bring
you with him to me Nurse Allen will
take good care of him and bring him
to us by and by and we can go over
to see him when the weather is dry
Give him my love I hope he is better
and will go to see him soon Come to
me at once I wish you Dolores John
son and can wait no longer
Dolores Reply
Dolores listened quietly with no
sign of impatience or interest she
stood erect and silent her eyes rest
ing calmly on Mrs Allens face
The bedroom door opened and her
uncle came out accompanied by young
Green and Dr Dunwiddie He no
ticed the wraps made ready and spoke
Well my dear are you ready My
girl will be watching for us eh
Green And if you are ready we will
o at once
Mrs Allen advanced and began put
ting the wraps around the girl but
Dolores stepped back to avoid her
giving her a slow glance as of re
proach then she turned away from
the others toward the physician who
was talking earnestly to young Green
at the farther window
There was no trace of agitation in
the young girls face or manner as she
iilHl L
You can tel me If you will
crossed the room to the two at the
small south window
Dr Dunwiddie she said gravely
Her eyes were searching his for the
truth she never glanced at his com
panion Dr Dunwiddie she con
tinued slowly and distinctly you can
tell me if you will There is no rea
son why I should not know the truth
is he not my father Have I not a
right to know Do you think this is
fair or just All the other women of
the settlement care for the men when
there is need there is no reason why
I should not do the same if there is
need and there must be else why are
these strangers here and why is he
kept so quiet I do not understand it
and I cannot unless you will tell me
And here is my uncle here waiting to
take me away from my father to leave
him to be taken care of by strangers
I do not know my uncle no doubt he
wishes us well but he is a stranger to
me Dora does not know she lin
gered over the name how could she
know or I am sure she would not wish
me to go she could not wish to go
she would not do it herself you know
ghe would not do it herself Do you
think I do not know something ails
my father more than you have said
The bedroom door opened noiseless
ly and Dr Grey came out As he
stepped into the room closing the door
behind him Dr Dunwiddie motioned
for him to return but he shook his
head emphatically
Hes like a log Hal the trump of
the archangel alone could arouse him
Ive stuck to him day and night like an
obedient puppet now I want a
change whats all this going on out
here What alls you people
Dr Dunwiddie frowned and hlsi
voice was almost sharp as he an
There Is nothing going on here to
Interest you Tom and- Mr Johnson
must not be left alone one moment
If you are tired I will take your place
Until its over the other Inter
rupted Lord knows I wish it were
well over Its a dused bad piece of
business anyhow and I wish I were
out of it
He was stopped by a gesture from
Dr Dunwiddie Young Green also
turned on him with flashing eyes
Dolores seemed turning into stone
her face was whitening and her eyes
dilating her voice sounded Btrange
even to herself as she laid her hand
on the doctors arm as he was passing
You will not go until you have an
swered me Dr Dunwiddie
It was more a command than a
query her eyes were full on him and
he paused instinctively
Her uncle spoke impatiently like
all men he disliked scenes this girl
seemed capable of getting one up at
almost any moment
My dear Dolores he said Dora
is waiting for us Why do you bother
the doctors They know much bet
ter than we do what is best to be done
Come like a good girl let us go we
are only hindering the others
Why should I hinder them she
asked gravely They are strangers
here he is my father
Yes of course he said brusquely
Of course Dolores We all know
that but they know much better than
we do what is best to be done Dora
Is waiting for you it is better in
every way for us to go
She stood erect and slender among
them her print gown falling around
her to her feet her face catching ttie
shadows of the storm upon it
Did I not say the voice was al
most solemn In its grave earnestness
that I will not leave him ever
while he lives not for any one
None of them spoke for a moment
not one of them was capable of de
ceiving her as she stood so grave and
quiet waiting his reply That she had
a right to know a better right than
they could not be denied She had
spoken the truth she was a woman
capable of enduring much of suffering
much she was not a child to be put
off with evasive replies
Dr Grey stood at the bedroom door
he had not moved since the girl spoke
she impressed him as she impressed
the others Young Green looked trou
bled he started as though he would
go to Dolores and checked himself
Even Dr Dunwiddie was somewhat
disquieted he looked beyond the girl
otu of the opposite window
They waited for him to speak the
girl knew he would tell her the oth
ers were sure he would do what was
best As his gaze left the window and
he turned to Dolores he caught the
look on young Greens face His own
cleared instantly he was himself
again grave practical a thorough phy
sician and gentleman
My dear Miss Johnson he said
he was grave courteous her eyes did
not leave his face searching steady
eyes when your father fell fully
twenty feet it was he struck the
ledge with great force had he dropped
it might scarcely have hurt him
though it is evident that the ledge
below is rocky and the bushes scrub
by and sharp as it was he lost his
balance and slipped down suddenly
with a force I wonder did not kill him
As it is he broke both legs and an
arm besides internal injuries which
cannot be determined upon at once
She watched him steadily instinc
tively she knew he had not told her
all Her lips were white and set in a
straight line Mrs Allen crossed over
and touched her hand but she paid
no heed to her she was waiting to
know the worst
You know how he was brought
home continued Dr Dunwiddie You
were the one who found him to you
he owes his life you and Charlie His
right leg was broken below the knee
we set that and his arm yesterday
but his left leg
His voice was steady and grave
Mrs Allens face was blanching how
the girl would take it she did not
know she was used to many affecting
scenes but this was totally different
His left leg is broken In two places
Miss Johnson We did not wish to
tell you till the worst was over but it
is best you should know Your father
remained so long in that position in
the night dampness in his exhausted
state that we dared do nothing yes
terday We wished to save this limb
if it were possible it would be worse
than folly to attempt it it is best that
it should go Then with careful nurs
ing we may bring him around all
- v
Still Dolores did not move she
wished to understand it thoroughly as
yet the truth waa but slowly dawning
upon her
I thought that you were not capa
ble of hearing the truth I believed
you were like many women I see how
mistaken I was your friend here
with a movement of his hand and a
half Bmlle toward young Green tried
to impress upon me that you were
braver than other women but I would
not be convinced I know now that
you are brave brave enough for this
and worse
She understood The truth was up
on her in all the blackness of dark
ness There had been little love be
tween her and her father but he was
the only one in the world to her and
Then he will die you think
She asked it calmly except that
her lips were whiter than usual and
stiff so that the words came uneven
I think that he may die Miss
Johnson but we will hope for the
You will let me nurse him she
asked Her face was lifted to his and
there was not a quiver of a muscle
not the trembling of the white lids
fringed with the silken lashes over the
steady searching eyes
You shall nurse him Dr
Dont go In yet Dolores
die replied gravely a flash of wonder
ing admiration in his black eyes meet
ing hers in that comprhensive glance
that showed to him the depth of this
womans soul the marvelous strength
of her self command Ah indeed she
should nurse him
As he turned away toward the bed
room she started to follow him but
Mrs Allen laid her hand upon her
shoulder and young Green crossed
quickly to her side his face softened
Dont go in yet Dolores not just
yet he said entreatingly bending his
fair head on a level with hers the
kindly light deepening in his eyes as
they met the half dazed look in hers
raised to his face You shall go as
soon as it is best I will let you go
there now
Her eyes searched his face large
and dark and beautiful eyes they
were she scarcely recognized hfm for
the moment
Why should I not go she asked
gravely I am to nurse him Dr
Dunwiddie has promised that I shall
Is he not my father
But his hand was upon her arm
strong and warm and tender and she
obeyed him silently
Her uncle left soon after and Mrs
Allen sent a note to Dora explaining
the strange scene Dolores said no
word She scarcely heard what was
going on around her when her uncle
stooped to kiss her forehead and
promised that Dora should come to
her as soon as It were possible she
looked through and through him she
heard his words but they made no im
pression upon her her thoughts were
in the quiet room beyond the closed
To be continued
Youngster Thought He Had a Griev
ance Against His Mother
The late Mrs James G Blaine used
to relate charmingly the unconscious
witticisms of her sons and daughters
childhood She once said
When James his fathers name
sake was a little chap he discussed
for a long time one day the subject
of wedding cakes He made me tell
him all about wedding cakes how
they are made how they are cut and
how pieces of them are sent to the
friends of brides and grooms This
last custom he was especially pleased
with He thought a piece of wedding
cake made a delightful gift
Then he pondered for a moment
He frowned He said
But mamma I shant send you
any of my wedding cake when I get
Why not my dear I asked
Because he said you didnt send
me any of yours
Not Much Use for a Trunk
Gen Joseph W Congdon the presi
dent of the American Silk Associa
tion was traveling some time ago in
Georgia He says that in a little
Georgia town he one day heard two
colored lads conversing
Ise gwine Noth said -the first
Das so said the second
Yep Ise got a trunk to take wiv
me too
A trunk What am a trunk for
Wy to tote yuh clos in
An go naked
Traveling Christians
It is stated that The Gideons are
growing at the rate of 130 members a
Thla Can Be Done by Continuing Our
Protection Policy Whereby We In
sure Them Work Wages and a
Higher Standard of Living
Immigration under present condi
tions presents a serious problem
No one can sit at his desk and ab
sorb the facts that come to us in re
ports without appreciating the peril
that threatens should hard times come
to this country
I am not an alarmist but when I see
hundreds of thousands of ignorant
foreigners coming into our great cities
every year I think I can realize in
some degree the danger that will
come from their discontent and dis
satisfaction when there are no wages
to be earned Commissioner Sargent
When there are no wages to be
earned What memories such a sup
position brings up It carries us back
to the days of panic and idleness fol
lowing the compromise tariff of 1833
it carries us back to the workless and
wageless days and years between
1850 and 1860 brought on by free
trade it carries us back to the idle
me and women of 1895 6 and the loss
of earnings due to the free trade law
of 1894
With the experience and knowledge
which we gained from these awfuf pe
riods following free trade legislation
we can well appreciate the necessity
of continuing our present excellent
tariff law to enable us to care for
these millions who are coming to our
shores We must protect them by
continuing to protect our labor and in
dustry from one end of the country
to the other It may be that some
of these immigrants are of an unde
sirable character It may be that bet
ter immigration laws are desirable
That is something that we must leave
to the wisdom of Congress What
ever the present law is we must ac
cept it and face the conditions which
are before us It is protection and
prosperity that invites these foreign
ers to our shores They do not come
in such numbers when we are living
under free trade The same fiscal
policy which invites them must pro
tect them and enable them to gain
a foothold and become profitable mem
bers of the great American army of
producers and consumers
It does not take so very long for a
foreigner leaving his home where he
gained an income of perhaps twenty
cents a day to become a good Ameri
can citizen earning ten times that
amount per day Perhaps at first the
foreigner is careful of his dollars and
is not so liberal in his expenditures
as the native born and those who have
been citizens a number of years But
he soon begins to aim at the Ameri
can standard of living he becomes
ambitious to own his own business
and his own home and to dress and
eat and enjoy the same luxuries as
the average American citizen through
out the country
Our home market has most appre
ciably increased annually not only by
our own augmented wants but by the
increased demands of the newcomer
In but a few years the most diligent
become independent while a few join
our wealthy classes Among our mil
lionaries to day can be found the rep
resentatives of every nation on earth
many of whom came to our shore but
a lew years ago penniless it may
be that our immigration laws are too
liberal or it may be that they are
too liberally administered At the
same time we have gone on now for
over a century inviting the poor and
the weak from abroad to this country
of opportunity There need be no
fear but what the the vast major 7
of these immigrants will in a very
short time become good American citi
zens law abiding well to do and
reputable upbuilders of the nations in
stitutions There may be lawless
characters among them and these
much be checked with a firm hand at
the first evidence of any outbreak
against the countrys laws and cus
No doubt a return to free trade and
idleness would bring a condition aw
ful to contemplate It would bring
riot and war with the inevitable pov
erty and ruin and death which follow
in the wake of a fiscal policy giving
no opportunity for employment and no
chance for compensation Let us see
to it then that we continue our pres
ent most admirable fiscal policy that
we continue to protect our men as
well as our Industries that we con
tinue to maintain and build up our
home market worth more than all the
markets of the world combined and
that we do not disturb the causes of
the present splendid growth of Indus
tries our splendid advancement of
citizenship and our splendid standard
of living which cannot help but in
vite those abroad who have been
struggling for a bare subsistence and
have in their natures a single spark
of ambition
Englands Condition
Our exports of manufactured goods
to protectionist countries are steadily
decreasing Our imports of manu
factured goods from these very coun
tries are steadily rising The pro
tected states not only shut our goods
out of the market but are shutting
them out of our home market We
now import as much manufactured
goods as we export to tho projected
states on both sides of the Atlantic
The worklngmans occupation is go
ing and occupation is income
is also going It has been lost
altogether to a large amount by the
falling off of our industries and it
is further scared Into seeking abroad
the investments which business
ceases to offer at home That is a
serious condition of affairs for all of
us and most of all for the working
man We cannot meet it by cheapen
ing the food we cannot even prevent
food from becoming dearer and the
country is asked to consider whether
there are no means of getting more
money to buy food with London
Nothing to Fear
We protect our manufacturers by
preserving the home market to them
and being so stimulated they are able
to supply that market and have larger
surpluses to send abroad England
might attempt to protect her agricul
tural population considering those in
her colonies but she would still
have to Import food We might doubt
the efficacy of our protective system
if we still had to import most of our
manufactures As it is our food ques
tion and our manufacturing question
are wholly disassociated save as
thriving manufactures make demand
for the products of our soil But in
Europe these questions are inextri
cably mixed and the protective tariff
cannot be used in the case of either
of them without seriously injuring the
So we really have nothing to fear
in any European proposal for Tariffs
of the protective kind whether di
rected against the Interests of the
United States or in a vain endeavor
to exalt some country above the sta
tion which nature has assigned her
Kansas City Journal
Up Against It
Even with a united party the
Democracy is in the minority in the
United States Under the best possi
ble conditions for itself it would have
great difficulty in making headway
against the Republican party In
every aspect the situation is adverse
to the Democrats The Republican
party ever since its return to power
has governed the country wisely and
successfully The Democracy has no
policy which is calculated to win the
popular regard It has no leader
whom any considerable body of the
American people respect The con
ditions all point to a big victory for
the Republicans 4in 1904 St Louis
Globe Democrat
All Things to All Men
Gov Cummins idea of tariff legisla
tion is in these words Duties that
are too low should be increased and
duties that are too high should be re
djrad If that blanket doesnt cover
the entire political aggregation we
cant imagine one sufficiently elastic
to do the job Theres not a Repub
lican or a Democrat a Populist or any
other brand of politician who cannot
indorse such a deliverance for it
means all things to all men Even the
straight out free trader can shelter
himself under it Montgomery Ala
Good Object Lessons
Imports for the year ending last
March aggregate one billion dollars
That robber tariff wall was real
high but It helped Uncle Sam pay
pensions establish rural routes Im
prove rivers and erect public build
ings and so forth Looking at these
little things its a good idea to keep
on letting well enough alone Bray
mer Mo Comet
m m a t n h a h 1 1 1 ii i n
Latest Quotations from South j
Omaha and Kansas City
w 1 1 1 1 n m i m m 1 1 1 1 1 i
CATTLE Thore waB a moderate run of
cattlo and as tho demand on the part
of killers was liberal tho market ruled
active with prices steady to strong on all
deslmblo grades There was a liberal
sprinkling of corn fed stoers included in
the receipts but buyers took hold freely
and paid steady to strong prices for
everything offered The hotter grades In
particular commanded stronger prices
The cow market was also active and
steady to strong Buyers all seemed to
bo anxious for good stuff and as a result
everything answering to that description
was soon out of first hands The market
on steers and feeders held just about
steady There were only a few cattle
in sight and the demand waa not partic
ularly brisk Everything -that arrived
though sold without trouble at steady
prices There wero several cars of west
ern grass beef steers on sale but they
were of common quality The prices
paid though were fully 3teady and
everything that would do for klllors was
disposed of at an early hour Range cows
were in good demand at steady to strong
prices while the few western stock cat
tle that arrived sold at fully steady
HOGS There was a very light run of
hogs and unoer the Influence of a good
local demand as well as some shipping
orders the market ruled fairly active and
a big nickel higher with a good many
sales 5gl0c higher The heavy hogs sold
largely from 1520 to J523 medium
weights went from J530 to 340 whtlo
the lightweights sold from J540 to 550
All the early arrivals were soon disposed
of but several trains were late in arriv
ing which delayed the close until rather
a late hour
Quotations for grass stock Good to
choice lambs S475S500 fair to good
lambs 4250475 good to choice year
lings J340S365 fair to good yearlings
S325340 good to choice wethers J110S
335 fair to good wethers J300S315 good
to choice ewes J240S285 fair to good
ewes 225240 feeder lambs J375S435
feeder yearlings J325S350 feeder weth
ers S300S325 feeder ewes J150S250
CATTLE The market for best beevesj
was steady for others weak for quarj
antlne strong for grass fed we3terr
steers steady for best cows strong for
good stockers and feeders steady to
strong for calves steady for bulls dull
choice export and dressed beef steers
S475S553 fair to good J41O0475 stock
ers and feeders J250S440 western feci
steers J225S470 Texans and Indian
steeds J235S3S0 Texas cows J150S255
native cows J150S4O0 native heifers
J210S400 canners J110S235 bulls 200
S275 calves J200S550
HOGS The market was from 5c to 10c
higher top J30O bulk of sales 545
567 heavy J525S560 mixed packers
S535S570 light J565590 yorkers S580S
5S0 pigs S550S558
SHEEP AND LAMBS Tho market was
steady native lambs J290S520 western
lambs J275S500 fed ewes J250S390
Texas clipped yearlings 240 400 Texas
clipped sheep J2303S0 stockers and
feeders 200SC40
Former New York Senator Denounces
NYACK N Y Former Senator Da
vid B Hill addressed 5000 persons at
the Rockland county fair in New City
Regarding combinations of capital Mr
Hill said
I do not find anything In holy writ
which contemplates the accumulation
of wealth through the instrumentality
of gigantic trusts designed for tho
creation of monoply in business or
anything that authorizes the water
ing of any stock except live stock
upon our farms or anything that jus
tifies the enrichment of men except
through the old fashioned and scrlp
tural method of earning that which
they shall possess The tremendous
combinations of capital which have
-formed in recent years whereby the
prices of living have been increased
the multitude of schemes which have
been devised to control the channels
and avenues of trade the unreason
able restrictions which have been im
posed by statute upon our commer
cial freedom in the pecuniary inter
est of those who style themselves
the captains of industry are the mod
ern creations of able and designing
men intent upon vast and unearned
riches and are neither sanctioned by
scriptural injunctions nor can they be
justified by an honest and unselfish
public policy
Admits Woodmen of World
ance Superintendent Vredenburgh
licensed the Woodmen of the World
a fraternal insurance organization
with headquarters in Omaha to trans
act a fraternal insurance business in
the state When Colonel James R
B Van Cleave was Insurance superin
tendent he refused to grant the society
a license because it had refused to
comply with the requirements of the
Illinois laws The society has now
complied with all these conditions
Campbell Bannerman Not to Retire
LONDON In reply to a question
regarding his reported intention to re
tire from the leadership of the liberal
party In th House of Commons Sir
Henry Campbell Bannerman on
Thursday night telegraphed that there
was no truth whatever In the re
port The report was recently pub
lished in the Edinburgh Evening
News and said his retirement was
neditated on account of the continued
illness of his wife