Tho chicken looks like a benevolent aye upon tho amateur gardner Children are won by candy women by bonnets men by schemes foxf never hear any one complain about Defiance Starch There la none to equal It in quality and quan tity 16 ounces 10 cents Try It now and save your monoy It Is more blessed to give than to have to pay for your own gifts The voice of a mob reaches into the marrow GREATLY REDUCED RATES Via WABASH RAILROAD Home Visitors Excursion to points in Indiana Ohio and Kentucky sold Sept 1st 8tb 15th and Oct 6th at very low rate long limit returning HALF FARE Baltimore Md and return sold Sept 17th 18th and 19th Little Rock Ark and return sold Oct 2nd 3rd and 4th Detroit Mich and return sold Oct 14th 15th 16th and 17th Homeseekers Excursion to many points South and Southeast one way and round trip tickets sold the first and third Tuesdays of each month The Wabash is the only line pass ing the Worlds Fair Grounds giving all a view of the buildings and grounds Through connections No bus transfer this route Elegant equipment consisting of sleepers FREE reclining chair cars and high back coaches on all trains Ask your agent to route ypu via the Wabash For rateB folders and all information call at Wabash City ofllce 1601 Farnam street or addresi HARRY E MOORES Genl Agt Pass Dept Omaha Neb To Visit All the Capitals Joan A Crone a newspaper man b Augusta Me who is to visit every state capital in the United States cov erln ga distance of over 21000 miles Inside of three years and six months Jis nearlng Lansing Mich having al ready covered 2194 miles since April fl He is making the journey on a Iwager of 5000 and is walking the entire distance pushing a wheelbarrow-shaped contrivance which he calls a trolyette which contains his cloth ling sleeping tent food etc If you wish beautiful clear white clothes use Red Cross Ball Blue Large 2 os package 5 cents Five Kings at a Wedding At least five sovereigns will attend the marriage of Prince Andrew of Greece and Princess Alice of Batten berg The czar Emperor William King Edward King Christian and iKing George have promised to at tend the ceremony Try me just once and I am sure to come again Defiance Starch A babys first attempt to walk is a trial balance Plsos Oura is tho best medloln we ever used Cor all affeotlona ol the throat and luntrs Wil O Endslmt Vanburen Ind Feb 10 1900 Wine Testing by Telephone Wine testing by telephone is the lat est contrivance of a Paris inventor Unscrupulous venders will not blame M Maneuvrler assistant director of the laboratory of researches of the Paris faoulty of sciences He has just discovered an infallible method of as certaining by the use of the telephone how much a given quantity pi wine has been watered The principle on which the invention rests Is the variable con ductivity or different liquids notably of wine and water The aparatus works as follows Two vessels one containing wine known to be pure the other the same quantity of the wine to be tested are placed on an Instru ment outwardly resembling a pair of scales The telephone is in contact with both liquids If the sample of wine under observation is as pure as tue standard used for comparison no sound Is heard If on the contrary It contains water the telltale telephone speaks and the greater the propor tion of water the louder the instru ment complains A dial on which a number of figures are marked is con nected with the telephone To ascer tain the proportion of water in the wine tested the operator moves a hand on the dial until the telephone which has been Bpeaklng all this time lapses into silence The hand has thus been brought to a certain figure on the dial This number is then looked up In a chart which the ingenious and painstaking inventoi has drawn up and corresponding to it is found indicated the exact propon Hon of water contained in the quan tity of wine DOCTOR SAID - Quit Wrong Food and Eat Grape Nuts An Illinoisan who has been through the mill says Last Spring I was so bad with Indigestion I could not digest even soft cooked eggs and doctor said I must eat predlgested food and pre scribed Grape Nuts I changed for the better before I had used one package eating It three times a day My Improvement on Grape Nuts food was so wonderful that I con cluded to use your food drink Postum In plaoe of tea and to make a long story short I have not been without Grape Nuts and Postum since and my present health proves my doctors wisdom iri prescribing Grape Nuts I have got strong as a horse and well and I owe It all to your delicious food and Postum Name given by Pos tum Co Battle Creek Mich In j the malting of Grape Nuts food all the Indigestible starches of the grain are transformed Into Post sugar Every particle of Grape Nuts is digest ible in the weakest stomach Physi cians have never found a stomach too weak to digest and assimilate it Look in each package for a copy ot the famous little nook The Road to Wellvillo T CHANGE OF PLAN NEW METHOD OF CH008ING U 8 CONSULS THE PRESIDENT INTRODUCES IT Hencofortth Men Appointed Must Have Experience New System Will Insure Improvement in Service and Benefit Commercial Interests OYSTER BAY An important change of policy with respect to the making of appointments In the con sular service has been decided upon by President Roosevelt He discuss ed the change with Assistant Secre tary of State Fricis B Loomis For many years it has been prac tically the uniform practice of presi dents to appoint men to positions in the consular service without reference to substantially whatever pre- vlous experience they may have had Quite naturally the president endeav ored to select for appointment men of integrity and ability but experi ence was not a determining factor in the equation President Roosevelt after consulting with Secretary Hay Assistant Secretary Loomis and mem bers of his cabinet not immediately identified with the state department has determined to appoint hereafter to important places in the consular service men who already had served and who have had experience and training in minor positions which will render them the more capable of fill ing places of higher grade and great er importance The change in policy does not ex tend the civil service to the consular service and it does not extend nec essarily a consuls tenure of office at any particular place but it is pointed out it does give reasonable assurance to the manufacturing and commercial interests of the United States which are interested in the extension of the countrys foreign trade that in a com paratively short time all consular po sitions will be filled not only by men of character and ability but by men who by training and experience are especially qualified to advance the business interests of the United States Mr Loomis discussed with the pres ident several appointments in the ser vice that are to be made very soon It is understood that all of the ap pointees will be men who now are filling places of lesser importance in the service They are to be promot ed and in turn their places will be filled by men who have not had the experience they have had SHAW TALKS PLAIN TO FARMERS Says Agriculture Has Not Kept Pace with Other Industries COLUMBUS O Secretary of the Treasury Shaw arrived here Friday He delivered an address at the fair grounds He did not mention the cur rency question in his speech confin ing himself to general agricultural topics He declared that in its econ omies agriculture had not kept pace with other industries saying You grow a fat pig or steer but the chances are that you cannot tell whether he costs you 3 cents or 5 cents a pound to produce When these are marketed every bit of waste ceases every by product is saved and it is known to the fraction of a cent what each has cost At the risk of offending some I am going to say that if I questioned the first ten farmers I met in adjoin ing states nine would tell me how pro ductive their farms used to be how much butter they used to make and how much hay they used to produce There is no excuse for land deterior ating and as certain as day economy must be practiced on the farm as it is in the factory packing house and re finery The by products must be turn ed to profitable account Hanna Is at His Office CLEVELAND O Senator Hanna was at his office for a brief period Thursday for the first time since his illness Mr Hanna is still determined to go on the stump in the republican state campaign which opens Septem ber 19 notwithstanding that it will probably be against the advice of his physicians Colonel Eskridge Dies in Manila WASHINGTON D C General Wade has cabled the War department from Manila announcing the death of Colonel Richard Eckridge U S A retired who died in the hospital August 29 He was retired in 1901 Old Soldiers Meetings NEW YORK The adjourned meet ing of the Society of the Potomac will be held in conjunction with the meeting of the Armies of the West at Washington October 15 and 16 next General Daniel E Sickles will represent the society at the unveiling of the Sherman statue and Gen John R Brooke the president will re spond at the banquet The headquar ters will be at the Ebbit house A large crowd is in attendance A MARINES KEEP GUARD European Powers Take Active Meas ures to Protect Subjects WASHINGTON Minister Lelsh man has cabled the state department that owing to the disturbed condi tions in Constantinople an additional kavass or detective force has been stationed at the American legation ThlB action was taken on the sug gestion of the Turkish government which has assured the American min ister that Jt will use every precau tion to protect all foreigners but has warned the different embassies and legations that It would be well to strengthen the force inside the build ings In case a necessity develops It is probable that the Turkish govern ment will allow the United States to send a detachment of marines from the squadron which is expected to arrive at Beyroon at once The United States has no authority to send a warship through the Dardan elles and would have to have the con sent of Turkey and also that of other European powers to do so Minister Leishman in his cable grame informed the department that a number of governments have land ed marines in Constantinople for the protection of the embassies THE GREAT NORTHERN HOLDUP Bandits Fire on the Engineer at Great Falls Mont BUTTE Mont A special to the Inter-Mountain from Great Falls says What is believed to have been an attempt to hold up Express No 151 on the Great Northern railroad al most within the city limits of Great Falls was foiled by the engineer who ran his train by the spot where it was to have been halted so fast that the robbers could not get at him Just east of the city the engineer saw figures on the side of the track in the darkness Some one shouted something but the engineer paid no attention There was a shot and the ball passed within a foot of his head and smashed a glas sin the cab De tectives were hurried to the scene but no one was found there NO INCREASE IN DEPOSITS Secretary Shaw Says that Money Will Be Held in Treasury CHICAGO The published report that government deposits in national banks are to be materially increased is declared by Secretary of the Treas ury Leslie M Shaw to be unfounded Secretary Shaw Thursday made the following statement I notice some newspaper accounts to the effect that I am about to in crease deposits of money to theex tent of 40000000 available for depos its if conditions should hereafter ren der it expedient to make so large an increase For the present I am accepting only applications for small amounts that have been on file for several months and am confining these to ag ricultural districts KEARNEY GETS THE NORMAL State Board of Education Puts in a Large Part of Day Balloting LINCOLN Neb Kearney gets the new state normal school for the erec tion of which tho late legislature ap propriated 50000 Ord and Broken Bow also ran The Jocation was de cided upon the 11th ballot after the board had discussed for some time the advisability of adjourning The proposition made by the Buffalo coun ty town was a 20 acre site for the school a large three storv brick building that can be used as a dormi tory and a water power privilege in all valued at 90000 On the winning ballot Kearney got 4 votes Ord 1 and Broken Bow 3 Postoffice Investigation to End WASHINGTON Postmaster Gen eral Payne said that when the federal grand jury in this city disposes of the postoffice cases now before it the in vestigation in Washington will be practically complete leaving maters in New York still to be closed He said he hoped to have the entire postoffice investigation ended and Mr Bristows report in by the first of October Make Colonist Rates to Coast SAN FRANCISCO Cal The South ern Pacific Union Pacific and connect ing roads have taken independent ac tion in the matter of colonist rates to California this fall and announce that they will put them into effect on September 15 and daily until Novem ber 30 It is expected tHat this action will result in very heavy travel to California during this period Western Pioneer Dead ST JOSEPH Mo Samuel Jacobs a pioneer in the history of early life of Kansas and Colorado and a rail way builder is dead aged 82 He was the grandson of General John Andre a brother of Major Andre of revolutionary fame W J Bryan Leaves New York NEW YORK W J Bryan left town Friday for New Haven without see ing any prominent local democrats THE CUP IS HELD AMERICAN RELIANCE WINS THE THIRD RACE OF SERIES SHAMROCK MISSES AT FINISH Does Not Cross the Line and Comes to It from the Other Side AmerK can Yacht Takes the Lead and Maintains the Same Time of Race Outer Start Mark Reliance 101B6 34033 Shamrock III 10200 35145 Finish 5300 Shamrock III did not finish NEW YORK Reliance the Ameri can cup defender on Thursday won the third and final race and the serleE for that famous sea trophy Americas cup In a dense fog which prevented vision beyond 200 yards the defender finished the race at 53002 amid the acclamations of the assembled float Shamrock III after running for more than an hour in the fog missed the finish line passed by it and then returned to it from the opposite di rection As Reliance was then being towed through the fleet the yachts en sign fluttered from its truck and spreaders in celebration of its victory Shamrock III did not cross the finish line As often said of the historic race when America won the cup There was no second This successful race was achieved only after four futile attempts to sail off the final race and after the out come had been admitted by even Sir Thomas Lipton to be a foregone con clusion Todays was the eighth at tempt to sail a race After one fluke Reliance won the following races one by 7 minutes and 3 seconds and the other by 1 minute and 19 seconds A week ago the first attempt to sail the third race failed and others have failed every day this week On the first occasion Reliance led Shamrock to the finish line by two miles but failed to reach it before the expiration of the time limit of five and a hall hours Today5s victory means that the cup is destined to remain in Amer ica until England is able to produce a genius equal to Herreshoff in yacht designing Rarely if ever has there been a more spectacular finish than Re liances After racing over an hour at terrific speed through a blinding fog Reliance burst through the wall of mist upon the vision of the spec tators on the fleet assembled at the finish line and heeling under a great bellying balloon jib topsail until its lee rail was awash flew across the finish line almost before the spectators could determine for a certainty that it was the defender Once more the Yankee boat had added to the long string of victories in contests for the honored old silver trophy that carried with it the blue ribbon of the sea Lonesome Joe is Captured CODY Wyo Lonesome Joe whose correct name is H L Hughes was captured near the Montana line a few days ago by Sheriff Potter of Carbon county Montana Lonesome Joe is wanted on several charges ol horse stealing and bank robbery SAY THE BETTER BOAT WON London Papers Comment on the Cup Yacht Races LONDON Friday mornings papers publish editorials congratulating the United States on again retaining the Americas cup and complimenting Sir Thomas on his gallant fight All the journals agree that the contests were won by the better boat and the clev erer skipper and crew and admit that there seems to be no reason why the United States should not retain the cup for many years to come since it seems that Great Britain has some thing to learn from America in the matter of yacht building The Daily Telegraph expresses the general feeling when paying a trib ute to the fairness with which the contests were conducted it says An entirely honorable chapter added tc the history of the Americas cup Discuss Prospects of War VICTORIA B C Japanese papers brought by the Empress of China which arrived Tuesday from the Ori ent have columns discussing the pros pects of war The Mainichi reports that the Japanese government has concluded arrangements with a certain power for the loan of 100000000 for military purposes The paper states editorially that the report is believed to be true Massacre by the Infantry SOFIA A strong force of Turkish infantry cavalry and artillery recent ly attacked the village of Stoilovo northward which had been occupied by insurgents The latter retired after which the Turks entered the place massacred the entire population and destroyed the village Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria has arrived at Euxinograde Bulgaria where he has been joined by the pre niter MOROS BECOMING RESTLESS Jolo Constabulary Kills Twenty insur gents in a Battle MANILA The Jolo constabulary have been in conflict with a body ol Insurgents in the province of Cavlte near Laguna de Bay and killed twen ty of them during a sharp engage ment Reinforcements have been sent to subdue the Insurgents who have tak en up a strong position in the moun tains which flank the Laguna The executive council for the Moro province has been organized in ac cordance with the bill recently en acted by the Philippine commission providing for the government of the Moros The council Is composed of a gov ernor secretary treasurer engineer and superintendent of schools The province will now be within the ju risdiction of the Philippine courts and constabulary Moro laws being recog nized when not In direct conflict with American laws - General Leonard Wood now resi dent of Zamhonga who has Just com pleted the organization of the gov erning council reports a feeling of unrest among the Moro inhabitants and upon his request an additional battery has been dispatched from Ma nila to strengthen the forces now un der his command IS GLAD OF FINAL DEFEAT Sir Thomas Says He Knew He Was Doomed Anyhow HIGHLANDS OF THE - - - -NAVE-SINK N J When the Erin had dis charged her passengers Thursday night and the echo of their cheers had died away Sir Thomas Lipton said Two weeks ago I was hopeful last week I knew I was doomed to de feat and was disappointed but today I am almost glad in my own defeat this America has been such a gener ous victor I want to again thank the American people for their gen erosity to me in my defeat Asked what his plans are Sir Thomas said My crew is to return to England on Tuesday next and I really ought to go back by that time myself I will post out my engagements in a day or two and then determine what I shall do I will attend a dinner in New York tomorrow night and I half promised to be Mr Woodruffs guest in Brooklyn and go to the New Yoik state fair but that is not absolutely certain It is possible I may have to start for home next week FIRE OF REVOLUTION Indians Arise on Isthmus of Panama Joining New Insurgent Leader NEW YORK Travelers in Panama report the isthmus alight with fires of a new revolution according to a Times dispatch from San Jose Costa Rica The Indians have arisen and the late followers of General Benjamin Her rera are mustering in the mountain villages preparatory to joining an or ganized revolt caused by the rejection of the Panama canal treaty Hundreds of stacks of arms con fiscated by the Colombian government at the close of the late revolution have reappeared from some mysterious source With the arms goes ammuni tion fresh from factories showing the movement is not spasmodic but care fully planned BRAZILS BIG APPROPRIATION That Nation to Have a Larg Exhibit at Worlds Fait WASHINGTON D C The state de partment has transmitted to the Wash ington representative of the Worlds fair a dispatch from the United States minister to Brazil D E Thompson of Lincoln stating that an appropriation of 600000 gold on account of Brazils participation in the exposition has passed both houses of the Brazilian congress and has received the pres idents approval The appropriation which is the full amount recommended by the govern ment is the greatest appropriation Brazil has aver made for representa tion at an international exposition and will insure that country the most extensive exhibit of any South Ameri can country Jim and Jack to Meet LOS ANGELES Cal Champion Jim Jeffries and Jack Monroe have agreed to meet in this city October 16 for a twenty round contest Destroy Bulgarian Bands SALONICA Hilma Pasha inspec tor general of Macedonia has tele graphed from Monastir that a Bul garian band was defeated September 1 between Klissura and Kastoria with heavy loss The remainder of the band is being pursued by the Turks Another band was defeated the same day near Venezianogratsko and -thirty insurgents killed Another band ol sixteen rebels was destroyed neai Kilnik Tho castle that is nover stormed will surely stand Defiance Starch Is put up 16 ounces in a package 10 cents One third more starch for the samo money Some men kill their friends swords others by words br 4re tour cixtiies faded t T7 Rod Cross Ball Blue and make them White again Large 2 oz package 5 cents Fools go In crowds companionship man loves yor cnudren teetliln aofteni tbo jurat roUoeea ta lammitloo allaja patn ourti wind colic 33o a botUe Ml It Is the friction of life that polishes tip its rough edges To Cure a CoVd in One day Take Laxative Bromo Qninlno Tablets All druggists refund money if Itfaiistocure2Sc A ten cent argument often ends la l 10 quarrel MANY CHILDREN ARE SICKLY Mother Grays Sweet Powders for Children used by Mother Gray a nurse in Childrens Home New York cure Summer Complaint Feverishness Headache Stomach Troubles Teething Disorders and Destroy Worms At nil Druggists 25c Sample mailed FREE Address Allen S Olmsted I e Roy N Y The boy of twelve who doesnt know more than his father needs attention Tho shield of faith was not meant to protect the conscience Try One Package If Defiance Starch does not please you return It to your dealer If It does you get one third more for the same money It will give you satisfaction and will not stick to tho Iron A woman is rarely jealous of an elderly spouse and yet All the worlds a stage but many of the actors are only understudies Often they who try to uproot Chris tianity only shake down Its fruits Its no sign that stocks are feverish because they absorb water freely The Popular Fad of Munching i One of the popular fads In Newport at present Is munching which means merely eating very slowly Munching is one of the numerous pre ventives of growing avoirdupois and as It has the recognition of King Ed ward it is naturally regarded with much favor in Newport The theory is that every particle of food must be chewed slowly and carefully until no solid material remains to be swal owed Slow eating is merely carried to an extreme by the new treatment All London society threatened with too much flesh Is said to be chewing very long and very thoroughly and American converts to the system are ahready numerous Its effect is said to be noticeable at dinners which have some to be known as munching parties and are much less vivacious than they were when eating and drinking went pn rapiafy Persons who eat slowly also eat much less than those who eat rapidly An Old Soldiers Experience Dennard Ark Sept 7th Mr E J Hicks merchant of this place has written for publication an account of a personal experience which is very interesting I am an old Federal soldier writes Mr Hicks and shortly after the close of the war I was taken sick I had aches and pains all over me fluttering of the heart and stomach trouble I Just simply was never a moment without pain I could not sleep at night and I wa3 always tired and fearfully weak I tooK medicine all the time but for a long time I was more dead than alive Altogether I suffered for over twenty years and I believe I would have been suffering yet or In my grave if I had not read of Dodds Kid ney Pills I got an almanac which told me of this remedy and I bought some of it 1 started with three pills a day but increase 1 the dose to six pills a day I had not used many till my pains be gan to disappear I kept on and now I can sleep and eat as well as ever I could and 1 feel like a new man with no pains or aches left I will always recommend Dodds Kidney Pills for they axe a wonderful remedy Much of our happiness depends upon the amount of affection we are ca pable of Inspiring trSv A Aerj 1B MMMWStk kmm3tSm faL WytCnGlsM h WWfWJ SE WYERS Pommel yfft i lickers KEEPTHE RIDER DRY Bala eta tfHt the ma who wait Snwreri Oiled vioxoinc nijMitoiauau ooeapiticsi uttte Knnme It your dealer Ibta Trtla forcattlogn H3Sawjer XiSon SI3fr UvKwTv wSRW Kut CuarMf Sua BR LTZER CURES ALL 10 CENTS EVERYWHERE