The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 11, 1903, Image 1

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Identified the Pueblo Suspect
J W Hupp received a photograph of
the man held in Pueblo Colorado sus
pected as being one of the robbers of the
State Bank of Lebanon Monday morn
ing and the sairie day went down to Ox
ford whore ho exhibited the same
which was identified by a number of
people as a man who had been seen
loafing about that town about the time
or just before the robbery of Mr
Hupps bank at Lebanon The sus
pects picture is that of a hard looking
desperate man There seems to bo good
ground for believing that the authorities
have in custody one of the robbers
The Oxford identification is additional
proof of the claim not long since made
by The Tribune that Oxford is the re
sort of more notorious scamps than any
other town in Southwestern Nebraska
It is the theory of some that organized
gangs operate from that burg and per
haps some of the quite numerous rob
beries occurring over this section of Ne
braska can be traced to that place if
thoroughly investigated by experts
Compliment to a McCook Girl
The Sunday August 23rd issue of the
Boston Daily Herald contains a full
illustrated page devoted to half tones
and letter press matter illustrating and
describing Types of Girls in Summer
School at Harvard Among those
selected from the hundreds attending
the school is Miss Ethel Barnott of our
city who is giyen the place of promin
ence on the page occupying very largo
space in the center of the page In ad
dition to the large half tone the Herald
has the following to say concerning
Miss Ethel who is a student at the
New England School of Oratory in Bos
ton but has been attending the Har
vard summer school during vacation
A Nebraska girl Miss Ethel Bar
nett was the acknowledge beauty of
the gymnasium as well as one of the
cleverest and most indefatigable work
ers Miss Barnett is an Emerson col
lege girl and sees her distant home
only at long intervals
In Favor of the High School
The shop boys and High School teams
met on the athletic diamond Labor Day
afternoon in battle array The result
was a victory for the High School club
score 14 to 9
Traver and Burnett and Smith and
Powers were the batteries for the teams
with Chlanda as referee and between
chews and whittles Willie occasionally
was inspired by suggestions from the
grand stand and got into the game with
fairly satisfactory results
The scholars had the game fairly well
in hand from start to finish and the
shop boys admirers waited in vain for
the balloon to go up it refused to as
cend high enough
The game was the sole diversion of
Labor Day but the attendance was
small but enthusiastic withal
Samples of Some Fine Corn
Mrs E R Banks and Mrs M G
Stephenson visited at the farm of the
formers brother Nick L Lee eleven
miles north of Indianola Sunday and
brought home with them to McCook
samples of the corn growing on the
farm as a memento of the trip Mr
Lee has 110 acres of the corn and from
the splendid samples exhibited at this
office it is fair to estimate he will gar
ner between 3000 and 4000 bushels of
corn from his place this year The
oars are fairly large and well filled and
some of the corn is already out of the
reach of frost
Inhaled Something Poisonous
A son of Lafe Miller of the Willow
was taken very ill last Saturday while
pitching wheat straw to a threshing
machine and medical assistance was
hurriedly secured from this city The
theory is so far as we are able to get
knowledge of the case that the young
man inhaled something of a poisonous
nature while at work as above indicated
It is stated that the young man was in
the habit of working and breathing with
his mouth open
Lost Credential Book Wo A 9910
Between McCook and Cedar Bluffs
Kansas on the old road a red creden
tial book No A 9910 Finder please
leave at Tribune office
C L Brown
Home Cooking Exchange
All day Saturday September 12th at
Grannis store by ladies of Baptist
church Come and see us
School supplies at McConnells
You should see McMillens large 5c
school tablet before buying
County Judge Green married Cecil C
Hoff and Margaret Knobbs September
84000 iST Thursday afternoon be
tween Citizens Bank and Bennetts Lib
eral reward will be paid for its return to
this office
MminjumvtUfmifalvmmrmJ mi
J W Shirley was a Hayes Conter
visitor last week
Dan Cashen was over from Danbury
Sunday and Monday
Mrs C E Pope departed for Colo
rado Sunday on a visit to relatives
Miss Lillian Roman returned to Lin
coln Wednesday morning on No 12
J G Stokes has been absent in Lin
coln this week taking in the state fair
Guy Tomlinson was out from Omaha
over Sunday visiting tho folks at home
Mrs Joseph Allen arrived home
Tuesday on 13 from a short visit in
W D Kyle of Omaha has been a
guest of Mr and Mrs William Lewis
this week
H E MacKain returned to tho city
Tuesday night after an absence of a
few weeks
J R McCarl returned home close of
last week from his brief sojourn at Ex
celsior Springs Mo
Mr and Mrs A E Harvey of Lin
coin were guests of Mr and Mrs W S
Morlan over Sunday
T M Phillippi arrived home Tues
day night from spending a few weeks
in the east on a visit
Mrs L S Sage of Beatrice and
young son have been guests of Mrs W
S Morlan this week
J A Strain and H E Woods of
Danbury were business visitors of the
county seat Thursday
C P Babcock went down to Lincoln
and Beatrice Tuesday night on 6 He
will see some of tho great fair
Mrs E C Schirck of Hastings has
been a guest of Mrs George Willetts and
Mrs V H Solliday this week
Mrs Shilo Elledge who recently
moved from here to Oxford is afflicted
with smallpox in her new home
Mrs C P Babcock departed Tues
day morning for Lincoln and Beatrice
on a visit to relatives and friends
Mrs Clarence Denton of Oxford
was a guest of her mother Mrs S J
Ba t close of last and fore part of this
Miss Millie Slaby returned to Re
publican City Saturday morning to re
sume her position in the schools of that
places Monday
Holton Longnecker returned to his
position in McMillens drug store first
of this week after a vacation of a few
weeks on the farm near Indianola
Mrs J H McManigal departed on
No 13 Wednesday morning for Tex
line Texas her home after spending sa
few weeks here visiting oldtime friends
and relatives
Mr and Mrs J P Notley arrived
home Monday night from their visit in
Kansas and Missouri Mrs is
still quite weak from her operation but
gradually improving
Mr and Mrs G A Noren who
have been absent for about five weeks
on a visit both west and east returned
home on No 13 Wednesday having en
joyed the trip of their lives
Mrs A Campbell Mrs J W Hupp
Mrs A dele Phelan Stewart McLean
George Campbell and Glenn Hupp went
up to Denver Thursday on No 13 to
see The Prince of Pilsen
Miss Mary Cassell a resident of our
city for years now of Chilhowie Vir
ginia is to be married on September
23rd to a young and estimable Virginian
she has known since childhood
A Y Wright of Culbertson was in
the city Tuesday renewing oldtime
friendships under the guidance of Uncle
George Burgess Wright was a law
partner of W S Morlan in the early
days at Arapahoe
E E Maxon was up at Culbertson
last week directing the putting in of a
scale for weighing beets at that point
for the Standard Sugar Beet Co and
the erection of a small office building
near the stock yards
Mrs Finch is having a building
erected on West Dennison street ad
joining the tailor shop building of her
late father R A Cole It will be a two
story structure and when completed
will serve as a boarding house
Miss Elizabeth Thomson left on No
6 Wednesday night for Lincoln where
she at once assumed the position of
teacher of the first grade of the Lincoln
public school at corner of Eleventh and
C streets at a salaTy of 86000
J N Uupel of Indiana who has been
visiting on the Pacific coast for a few
weeks came in from the west on 14
Saturday evening and was the guest of
his nephews J H Grannis and J J I
left on 6 for the east A friend Oliver
Fulmer accompanied him
VUD i mu uuo uHiiouio uuwea w
tt1 - 1 iv
room closets fruit shade lawn
etc Geo B Berry
to justice and punished for their crime
Heating Stoves for Sale
One hard coal burner and two soft
coal burners Inquire of Mrs R B
Archibald for particulars
Call at W T Colemans and see the
new combined beet puller and topper
the very latest improvement
Rooms for rent MrsW M Irwin
e ww j 1 l1 jw m 1 1 iwmami JJiMMuajtwu jriwwawiJtMi j i
Lost Her Right Thumb Nail
Miss Mabel Wilcox had tho nail of1
her right thumb bitten off Sunday
afternoon wnile feeding a norse somej
grass She with tho other members ofV
tho family had drivon out to tho farmi
of Captain I H Wasson ile the
men were a short distance aw jrom the
carriage Miss Mabel essayed the role of
Good Samaritan to the poor livery
horse to whom she thought green grass
would be a great boon While feeding
the animal her thumb was taken into
the horses mouth The nail was
quickly chewed off and the end of the
thumb painfully mashed and lacerated
Indeed it was with some difficulty that
the thumb was released from the ani
mals mouth although the horse is in
no sense savage or unruly Professional
skill was summoned as quickly as possi
ble and the injured member dressed
Unless blood poisoning intervenes the
thumb will bo rapidly repaired Not
withstanding tho thumb pains quite
severely at times Miss Mabel assumed
her position as teacher in the primary
department of the East Ward public
school on Monday morning The ex
perience was one she will never wish to
have repeated
Old Settlers Organize Temporarily
The old settlers of Redwillow county
on Wednesday September 9th met at
Masonic hall in Indianola and took the
preliminary steps to perfect an Old Set
tlers Association W S Fitch of
Driftwood precinct was made temporary
chairman of the organization and Mrs
R H Thomas of Indianola temporary
secretary A register was opened in
which all the old settlers who were
present recorded their names with the
dates of their coming to the county It
is the desire to make this as complete
and accurate as possible Committees
were appointed to formulate a plan for
the perfection of the organization and to
arrange for a program to be rendered on
the occasion of the next meeting which
will be held at Indianola on October
24th Owing to insufficient advertising
the first meeting was not as well attend
ed as it should have been but it is hoped
that before the next meeting all the old
settlers will be made acquainted with
the movement and it is believed that a
largo number will turn out
Bury Their Babe Here
Large and tender sympathy goes out
to Ejv and Mrs J A Badcon of Cozad
Nebraska in the death of their infant
son at that place last Friday morning
after a short illness with cholera infan
The remains of the ten-months-old
child were brought to McCook last
Saturday evening on No 5 for burial
here being accompanied by both of the
stricken parents The body was taken
to the home of Mr and Mrs C B Saw
yer for the night Sunday morning at
eleven oclock services were held in the
Methodist church conducted by Rev
Shumate after which the remains were
laid away in Longview cemetery be
sides the body of Rev Badcon s first
Rev and Mrs Badcon remained in
the city until today when they depart
ed for their home in Cozad where he is
in charge of the Methodist church
Those Who Buy
our meats and fish get the best the very
best we can procure In fish you get
the freshest and we give you the advan
tage of the best price possible We
handle all meats and prepare them for
you in the best and cleanest way You
can always eet your choice cuts here
Let us have an order from you for prompt
delivery Marshs Meat Market
TneColson Stock Co
The Colson Stock Co has been oc
cupying the local boards all week be
fore fair audiences before starting out
on their regular season Although at
some disadvantages the company has
been giving satisfactory entertainments
which they promise to excel in Novem
ber when they again return to the city
A Year of Great Usefulness
The McCook public free library closed
its first year of usefulness and worthf ul
ness on Thursday September 10th
We are all proud of what it has done for
this city and surrounding country dur
ing its first year and can but wish it
increased success and usefulness during
the year just opening before us
Hope to Punish Thieves
President J W Hupp of the State
Bank of Lebanon has hiffh hones that
Garrard until Monday night when he the robbers of that bank will be brought
Public Schools In Full Swing
The fall term of the city schools opened
on Monday morning with overy promise
of a successful session The initial at
tendance Monday lacked a few of last
years opening day but by Wednesday
the enrollment was ten larger than that
of Wednesday of last year The pros
pects are for the largest enrollment in
the history of the city schools
Though put to considerable inconven
ience shortly before the opening of the
term Supt Thomas feels that he has
been successful in marshaling one of the
strongest corps of teachers in the history
of the McCook schools and the esprit do
corps of pupils and teachers at the out
start is most promising for a term of
progress and solid accomplishment
Following are the names of those who
will form Supt Thomas corps of assist
ants during the present school year
east building
j Miss Celia Gorbyhigh school principal
Miss Ada F Abbott high school as
W E Heffelbower science instructor j
Miss Mary Powers eighth grade
Mrs M E West seventh grade
Miss Efnini Rathbun sixth grade
Miss Hannah Stangland fourth grade
Miss Mabel Wilcox principal and sec
ond grade
Miss Coral White first grade
Miss Laura McMillen fifth grade
Miss Medora Santee fifth A and sixth
B grades
Miss Carrie Budlong principal and
first grade
Miss Gertrude Colvin second grade
Miss Minnie Rowell third grade
Miss Effie Abbott preparatory
Miss Winona Jones preparatory as
south mcook
Mrs Anna Schobel
Miss Winona Jones is a graduate of
the McCook high school class of 1901
and has the experience of two years in
teaching successfully in the county
Miss Gertrude Colvin comes from
Arapahoe but taught in DeQueen Ar
kansas last year She attended the
University of Chicago in 1901 and 1902
h ving taught in Arapahoe for four or
five years previously
ft Miss Effie Abbott is a graduate of the
Peru State Normal school and has had
two years experience in kindergarten
work Has taught in Peru and Brown
ville the last year in Saint Joseph Mo
Miss Laura McMillen was graduated
from the McCook high school with the
class of 97 and has taught country
schools in this vicinity with success
and marked satisfaction to the natrons
and pupils of the districts
Miss Medora Santee is from Orleans
Last year she taught the 7th and 8th
grades of the Bertrand schools Was a
Peru State Normal student for two
years previous
Miss Hannah Stangland returns to
the teacher corps after a years absence
at the Nebraska University and equip
ped to perform even more satisfactory
work than in past years
Miss Coral -White who takes Mrs
Whites position is from Edison She
is a Peru State Normal graduate Has
done intermediate grades work in the
public schools of Pocatello Idaho For
three years she conducted a kinder
garten school in Nebraska City whose
school board strongly endorses her
Miss Ada F Abbott comes here from
Copeland Idaho where she spent last
winter She is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Wisconsin Has taught in
Grand Island College and the high
schools of Tekamah and Harvard She
may be expected to give a good account
of herself in the high school
William E Heffelbower has been a
ward school principal in Red Cloud but
fdr the past three years has been doing
work in the Nebraska University and
comes well qualified for his work in the
The different buildings are all in good
condition this year necessitating small
The high school assembly attendance
has already reached the highest notch
ever being now all of 150
The number of beginners this year
is already 75 and the spring additions
will make the total all of 100
A cloak room has been added to the
frame building The extension is 6x10
feet and extends both upstairs and
Autumn Painting
is wise painting Ever think of it
before Weather is more settled
wood is dryer than at any other
time no gnats and flies to mar the
The Sherwin Williams Paint
is the best paint on the market Its
economical too covers a larger sur
face is durable and protects
McConnell Druggist
The athletic association mot on
Thursday and elected officers for the
The cadets will have their first drill
on Monday evening of next week It is
expected that the corps will number
about 40
A new floor has been laid in the front
basement which will bo used as a
dressing room in connection with the
gymnasium which adjoins it on the
Enrollment on September 10th 1903
High school 102 8th 42 7th 53 Gth 45
5th 45 5th 43 4th 66 3rd 61 2nd East
47 2nd West41 1st East 44 1st West 39
preparatory West 98 preparatory South
41 Total 767
Mrs R M Douerlass substituted for
Miss Effie Abbott Monday and Tues
day m the west preparatory Miss Ab
bott arrived in tho city on Tuesday night
and on the morning following assumed
chargo of her department
At a meeting of the High School Ath
letic association Thursday morning
Bruce Campbell was ro elected president
and Harold Sutton secretary treasurer
Loyd Wood is the new foot ball mana
ger Emma Perry and Darvie Burnett
were appointed gymnasium managers
The enrollment on Monday was 717
while last years was 723 on tho opening
day Wednesday however showed an
increase of 19 over that of Wednesday
1902the figures being 752 and 733 respec
tively It is expected that before the year
closes the total enrollment will reach
On account of the already overcrowd
ed condition in the west building the
beginners will be given half day ses
sions and beginners for the fall term
will not be received after Monday Sep
tember 21st Parents will do well to
observe this rule and get their children
into the school before tho date above
stated Otherwise it will be necessary
to keep the little ones out of school un
til another class of beginners shall be
started in the spring
Struck by Lightning and Burned
During the rainstorm earlv Wednes
day morning the Hamilton building in
which J G Stokes grocery store is
located was struck by lightning and
the building and contents practically de
stroyed When thefire department ar
rived at the fire at about half past one
oclock the work of destruction was too
far advanced to more than confine the
fire to the building so nothing could be
removed from the building A strong
water pressure was available however
and the boys quickly had the fire under
The grocery stock is insured for 81350
and it is thought this amount will cover
Mr Stokes loss The building is ownJ
ed by J M Hamilton of Pass Christian
Miss who carried no insurance His
loss will be about 50000
The building is one of the oldest in
the city having been built in the sum
mer of 1882 and it will not likely be re
built being within the fire limits now
Mr Stokes was absent at Lincoln
during the state fair and did not know
of his misfortune until Wednesday af
ternoon when finally reached by telegram
ana canea nome
Cash Sugar Beet Premiums
On October 31st I will give cash prem
iums at my store as follows for the heav
iest and largest sugar beets grown on
upland and for the same grown on low
land The first cash premium will be
8300 second 200 on upland beets
The first cash premium for low land beets
will be 300 second 200 Beets are to
be delivered and placed on exhibition at
my store on or before Saturday October
31st Bring in your beets and let us
make an exhibition that will be attract
ive and that will at the same time show
the possibilities of this country as a
great sugar beet growing land
W T Coleman
Entertained the Au Fails
Mrs W S Morlan entertained the Au
Fait club Wednesday afternoon her
sister Mrs L S Sage of Beatrice being
a guest of honor Those present assev
erate that the goodies were just as good
as though they knew what they were
Te Bach
CyfFaeth Tfrwyth or America
Caws Tersenan Bara Brith
Te gyda hufena clapian siwgora
When the Hunting Season Opens
The statutes of 1903 page 8S3 section
3593 states The open season for
prairie chickens sage chickens and
grouse shall begin October 1st and end
November 30th Those who have been
openly hunting for weeks past will do
well to observe the law The snipe
story wont go
Shadeland Stock Farm took about all
the premiums for Herefords in sight at
the state fair this week List next week
Watch for W T Colemans advertise
ment giving particulars about his giving
away a buggy The prize will be worth
while and it wont cost you a red cent
Wjmwgli USavT
wiw hmw ianaiiiiiwiwwj3EMeMawf
obraaki State Hist or
V3K i
Everything in drugs McConnoll
Tho kids all want that big pencil tab
let at tho Beo Hive
Have achocolato ice cream soda Best
in town Cone Bros
When you need Wall
Connell some bargains
Paper see Mc-
Hot and thirsty Get a champagne
phosphate at Cone Bros
Wo pay the highest price for butter
and eggs nt tho Beo Hivo
Tho best lino of school shoes wo have
over offered our trado The Bee Hive
School Books Pens Pencils Inks
Pen and Pencil Tablets nt McConnells
Your tablots pencils slates nnd all
kinds of school supplies at tho Beo Hive
Youll notice the difference in quality
as well as price in our hosiery Tho Beo
McMillen druggist has just received
a large invoice of jardinors latest de
Three furnished rooms for rent In
quire of Mrs Sly North Manchester
Cano toppers that take two rows at si
time Will trade for cano seed at W T
The state and county fairs have
drawn pretty heavily on our population
this week
A buggy to be given away
this paper for V T Colemans adver
tisement giving particulars
For rent Six room cottage
barn See Mrs Elizabeth Ford
W Bosworths
at F
Watch The Tribune for W T Cole
mans advertisement announcing tho
giving away of a buggy absolutely free
The steadily increasing patrons of Cone
Bros soda fountain is sure evidence of
tho superiority of tho beverages they
W W McMillen harness maker has
just received a largo shipment of wagons
and buggies Learn his prices before
Our shoes are all now nothing out of
style or season Repairing cheerfully
done when shoes are defective at the
Beo nive
Lost Sunday morning between
Congregational and Baptist churches a
small white fan Will finder please re
turn same to this office
Read what Johnnie said to Pa in
James Cains advertisement elsewhere
in this issue It will interest and bene
fit you Do not overlook it
Fine line of wagons and buggies just
received by W W McMillen the har
ness maker His prices are as attractive
as his stock Get them before buying
After a good seasons business in wall
paper we are now offering some marvel
ous bargains in our two room lots
Cone Bros
Without money and without price
Thats what W T Coleman proposes to
do with that buggy See The Tribune
for further facts next week Dont get
Strength and vigor come of good food
duly digested Force a ready-to-serve
wheat and barley food adds no
burden but sustains nourishes invigor
ates 9 11 tf
Resignation of M L Nichols as road
overseer of district 23 was accepted by
the county commissioners this week
and N W Fough was appointed to fill
said vacancy
William P Burns of Ash Creek has
stacked over 100 grain stacks for him
self and William Uerling and if anyone
can beat the record he is anxious to
know the color of his eyebrows and to
have a lock his hair
Our places of business will be closed
at 8 oclock p m excepting on Satur
day evenings pay days and the two
evenings following pay days Adver
tisements of openings will appear later
Signed Zint Menard and J Van
You Want the Best
For your money and its your fault if
you dont get it Thats why you
should come to our market Our mar
ket supplies only the best Selected
meats too for those who want some
thing especially nice for the table Try
us Test us Marshs Meat Market
Stole One of Their Horses
Some unknown person Sunday night
stole a horse from the Hatfield ranch
and has since evaded detection and cap
ture Even thieves and robbers are
having too much prosperity
For Sale
An Edison Home Phonograph al
most new at a bargain Lock box 3S6