um Frontier 717 h Furnas 1121 12 VJSj 4 2 8tiiS Rv F M KIMMBLL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Fraternal Insurance Order Cards R O I P A -Lodge No C12 meets first and thlnl Tiiursdnys of each month McConnolls hall 8I0 p in E B Hubeb President W S QuTitn Secretary ROYAL HIGHLANDERS McCook lodge No 30 moots on t ocond and fourth Mop day ovoninKB of ouch month at right oclock in McCounell hull It W Devoe Illustrious Pro tector J C Mitchell Secretary ROYAL NEIGHBORS Noblo camp No 862 meets second and fourth Thursday after noons at2 it oclock in McConnolls hall Mkh Thad SheiHEUU Oruclo Mas Augusta Anton Recorder Republican County Ticket Couuty Clork EJWILCOX Treasurer B O GOSSARD Clork of the District Court R WDEVOE ShorifT A C CRABTREE County Judge SLGREEN Superintendent EUGENE S DUTCIIER Surveyor JAMES WILLIAMS Couuty Assessor F P ENO Coroner DR A C HARLAN Commissioner Second district SAMUEL PREMER Fourteenth Judicial Convention Tho Republicans of the Fourteenth Judicial District of Nobraska are hereby called to meet in convention in tho city of McCook Nebraska Thursday afternoon September 17th 1903 at two oclock for tho purpose of placing in nomi nation a candidate for tho ollico of judgoof the Fourtoonth District of Nobraska and for tho transaction of such other business as may prop erly cotno before that convention Tho basis of representation of tho several counties of the district in said convention shall be tho voto cast for Hon J H Mickey in 1902 for tho oflico of governor of tho state of No braska giving one delegates at large one dolo gato for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof so cast Which apportionment entitles tho sev eral counties of tho district to tho following representation Chafcc 272 4 Dundy 292 4 Gosper 5 4 Haye 2GG 4 Hitchcock 349 4 Red Willow 1012 11 Total No of delegates Dl It is rocommended by the committee that no proxies be nl lowed in said convention but that tho delegates prosont from each couuty bo al lowed to cast tho voto of taid couuty It was further recommended that tho chair man and secretary of tho committee bo tho temporary chairman and secretary of tho con vention II H Behuy Chairman F M Kimmell Secretary McCook Nebraska Juno 19 1903 Ropublican papers of tho district please copy The Wilsonville harvest homo and ex position is dated for September 15 16 17 and 18 Chase countys fair will be held at Imperial September 1C 17 and 18 R E Arterburn secretary Imperial will send you a premium list upon applica tion The twenty second annual fair of the Redwillow county agricultuaal society will be held at lndianola Tuesday Wed nesday Thursday and Friday Septem ber 8 9 10 11 If you have not been favored with a premium list giving full particulars of the same write J 0 Dolan at lndianola and you will be provided promptly with the official documents After balloting for 111 times the state board of education decided upon Kearney as tho location for the new state normal school Tho final vote stood as follows Broken Bow 2 Kear ney i Ord 1 The state board of educa tion consists of State Treasurer Morten sen Superintendent Fowler Mr Tawney of Pierce Mr Delzel of Lexington Mr Rogers of Omaha chairman of the board Thomas Majors of Peru and Rev L P Ludden of Lincoln This mode of putting up to the highest bid der and to the manipulations of pol iticians the location of the state in stitutions is one of the most reprehensi ble transactions in which the state can be a partner These state institutions should go where they are most needed and the state should pay the bill like an individual or corporation As it is at present deals and politics and bluffs seem to have the call and perhaps will to the end Home Visitors Excursions On Sept 1 8 15 and Oct 7 1903 the Burlington will sell tickets to certain eastern points at greatly reduced rates This is the chance you have been look ing for Enquire of the agent as to par ticulars The Tribune Only SI 00 per year I first used Ayers Sarsaparillr in the Tall of 1848 Since then I have taken it every spring as a blood -purifying arid nerve strengthening medicine S T Jones Wichita Kans If you feel run down are easily tired if your nerves are weak and your blood is thin then begin to take the good old stand ard family medicine Ayers Sarsaparilla Its a regular nerve lifter a perfect blood DU11UC1 00 a bottle All drojjlsts Ask your doctor what he thinks of Ayers Sarsaparilla Ho knows all about this grand old family medicine Follow his advice and we DO sausnea J C AYKK CO Iwell Mass Best PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY NOTES Thomost important question left un answered by tho past is what is called the labor problem Its solution in volves or seems to involve a readjust ment of social conditions Tho conflict of capital and labor now rapidly approach ing a crisis is absorbing the attention not only of the economist but of tho sociologist a3 well Wo who dwell in a rural community remote from tho tur moil of metropolitan life we who breaHho a social atmosphere of almost absolute serenity can form no concep tion of its terriblo seriousness The city dweller to whatsoever class he be longs whether he is an employer or tho member of a union or one of that vastly larger estato comprising all other men the city dweller who comes face to face with one or another of the prob lems innumerable phases at every turn alone can realize its magnitude Ho alone knows how hopelessly far from settlement the difficulty is Many men are devoting their energies and their lives to the study of the sub ject The results are found in several interesting volumes that have expanded our knowledge and broadened our views but that seem to have accomplished lit tle practical good judging at least from tho conditions that prevail for never have employer and employe been nearer tho verge of open warfare than now This may be the fault of the books or it may be because the books have not reached the hands of those for whom they were intended Literature of this class has enjoyed wide popular ity a few of the problem books hav ing attained circulations of more than a hundred thousand copies each One of the most honest thinkers along these lines was Henry George in whose untimely death the human race lost one of its sincerest friends Bellamy was somewhat of a dreamer but his works were popular in their day They ap pealed more strongly to the young than to nature minds and it may be doubted whether their influence was more than temporary Josiah Flint has dealt with tramp life in a series of fascinating sketches that have appeared from time to time in the magazines and are now more accessible in book form Wyckoff has treated of the worker himself and probably has a profounder understand ing of the real controversy than any other man He too has been a con tributor to the magazines I K Fried man in his first novel By Bread Alone describes a strike at a steel plant Notwithstanding innumerable blemishes the book is not without merit and will repay a reading In A New Industrial Conspiracy the first article in the September number of Mc Clures magazine Bay Stannard Baker gives the reader a rather hasty but none the less accurate glance into the affairs at Chicago the best organized city in the world where a condition bordering on anarchy exists The questions treated in these books are of such paramount importance that it is well for all of us to be familiar with them Moreover they are interesting and from their consideration one can gain not only profit but pleasure CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Baptist All services at the usual hours Sweet singing All welcome C R Betts Pastor Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Loughran Pastor Methodist Preaching morning and evening by the pastor Sabbath school 10 a m Epworth League 7 p m L H Shumate Pastor h Christian Science Services in the Christian church Sunday morning at 11 oclock Wednesday evening at 8 Next Sundays lesson sermon subject Substance Cordial invitation to all Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at ten oclock a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening-prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 8 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector A Boys Wild Ride For Life With family around expecting him to die and a son riding for life 18 miles to get Dr Kings New Discovery for Con sumption Coughs and Colds W H Brown of LeesvileIndendured deaths agonies from asthma but this wonder ful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him He writes I now sleep soundly every night Like mar velous cures of consumption pneumonia bronchitis coughs colds and grip prove its matchless merit for all throat and lung troubles Guaranteed bottles 50c and 100 Trial bottles free at L W McConnells drugstore What is Life In the last analysis nobody knows but we do know that it is under strict law Abuse that law even slightly pain results Irregular living means derange ment of the organs resulting in consti pation headache or liver trouble Dr Kings New Life Pills quickly re adjusts this Its gentle yet thorough Only 25 cents at LWMcConnells drugstore School jtw rtftifiifM7fKireifoi w J Mrs Fred UnraLth President Country Club Benton Harbor Midi After my first baby was born 1 did not seem to regain my strength although the doctor gave me a tonic which he consid ered very superior but instead c getting better 1 grew weaker every day My hus band insisted that 1 take Wine of Cardui for a week and see what it would do for me I did take the medicine and was very grateful to find my strength and health slowly returning In two weeks I was out of bed and in a month I was able to take up my usual duties 1 am very enthusi astic in its praise Wine of Cardui reinforces the organs of generation for the ordeal of preg nancy and childbirth It prevents mis carriage No woman who takes Wine of Cardui need fear the coming of her child If Mrs Unrath hacl taken Wine of Cardui before her baby came she would not have been weakened as she was Her rapid recovery should commend this great remedy to every expectant mother Wine of Cardui regulates the menstrual flow 8 Nebraska at the Worlds Fair The great State of Nebraska in mak ing her Worlds Fair exhibit at St Louis will draw largely from the State Museum with its treasures valued at more than 125000 and will also have the private collection of the Hon Charles H Morrill which cost more than 50000 Nebraskas Commission selected a building site on the plateau of States facing the Kansas building and be tween the Oklahoma and Colorado buildings The building was designed by Thomas Kimball of Omaha It will be 80x100 feet and will cost 15000 The appropriation provided by the State legislature is 35000 Commer cial organizations and private individ uals have undertaken the task of doubling this sum and have guaranteed the success of the undertaking With the collection of the State Museum and Prof Morrills valuable collection Ne braska will practically have 200000 at her disposal In the Department of Education Ne braska will make an especially com prehensive exhibit under the control of Prof E H Barbour of the Nebraska State University at Lincoln In the Palace of Agriculture the sugar beet industry will be the basis for a splendid display showing the accept ed methods of cultivating the beet and in the production of sugar A sugar beet factory will be shown in operation Nebraska is the State in which this great industry was developed and where the first sugar beet factory and refinery were established Other products in the agricultural de partment that will form the basis for large exhibits will be wheat corn oats and the grasses The horticultural ex hibit will embrace choice selections from the apple grape and small fruit crops A Cut and Slash The Weekly State Journal which for thirty five years has been a dollar a year will now be sent to new subscribers a whole year for 25 cents Every family in Nebraska that does not have a daily paper should get the Weekly State Journal at this price 25 cents a year A big eight or ten page paper published every Friday with all the news of the world all of Nebraska news in particular and full of good reading matter for the whole family At this price you can not only afford to take it yourself but can send it to your friends in other states All you have to do is to send your name and address with a quarter to the Week ly State Journal Lincoln Neb Why not send in your order at once Indigestion Causes CatarrH of tne Stomacla For many years it has been supposed that Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re peated attacks of indigestion inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of tho Juices of natural digestion This Is called Catarrh of the Stomach Kodol Dyspepsia Gur relieves all inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach protects the nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a sense of fullness after eating indigestion dyspepsia and all stomach troubles Kodol Digests What Yon Eat Make the Stomach Sweet Bottles only Regular sizo 100 holding 2 times tne trial lzo wnicn sella tor so cents Prepared by E O DoWITT CO Chicago IIL Sold by L W McConnell Shoes i T Time Card McCook Neb BlSi mil MAIN LTNE EAST DErART No 0 Ceutrul Timo 1115 pm 2 540 A M 12 820AM 14- 055 pm No 5 arrives from east at 8 p m MAIN UNB WEST DEPAET No 1 Mountain Timo 1154 A M 3 ll55lsi 5 750 PM 13 825AM IMPERIAL LINE No 176 arrives Mountain Timo 7 J0 p M No 175 departs 700 am Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any pointin tho United States or Canada For information timo tables maps and tick ets call on or write A P Thomson Agont McCook Nebraska or J Francis General Passenger Agont Omaha Nobraska Rooms for rent MrsW M Irwin J W Hasty spent Tuesday in Arap ahoe A M Colvin is a new fire up man nights C A Baldwin is a now brakeman this week II E Durham is working in the paint gang C B Tintzel is a new wiper in tho round house Will Plasmyere is resting up with an injured finger E P Smith is a new machinists ap prentice this week Ira Dye succeeds Robert Traver on tho steam hammer Elliott Smith is away on a of two weeks H H Jackson took in the doings at Cambridge Wednesday Engineer L S Vierson was at head quarters Tuesday evening A M Claus will visit in Sutton a few days going Saturday night Brakeman Neal Beeler was in Denver part of the week on a visit I E Graves has joined J A Ritchies gang as a machinists helper B G Druliner is taking in the at tractions at Cambridge today W D Sweet vill be transferred back to the round house tomorrow Fireman C H McBride is visiting his parents in Holbrook this week Asst Supt McFarland was down from Holyoke Tuesday evening P F Matchatt has been transferred from the shops to the car tinks Switchman R A Byrnes is back from Billings visiting the family here II C Smith is back from Holyoke where he has been acting foreman Engineer and Mrs Barney Lewis were Cambridge visitors Thursday Mr and Mrs J W Shirley are visit ing relatives in Wellfleet this week John Traut and wife came home Wednesday from their Oberlin visit Conrad Brumgart of the blacksmith shop goes to York Saturday on a short visit WJones of the round house force is visiting his parents in Elk Creek this week Brakeman and Mrs John Hegen berger are visiting in the east for a few weeks Bernard Phelan of Alliance is in the city guest of his mother Mrs Adele Phelan Engine 262 is just of the shop and No 120 has been run in for an over hauling J A Andre is off with an injured foot and quietly taking in the Cambridge reunion The engine from the Woodruff crush er plant is in the shop being thoroughly overhauled George Schmidt toolman has been off duty this week from the blacksmith-shop Machinist Walter Peterson has been taken from the erecting side and placed on the tool lathe John Schmidt was off a day or two early in the week on account of sick ness in the family Fireman J C Marshall is visiting in Minneapolis Minn expecting to be ab sent about ten days The boys are remembering the A O U W date at Cambridge for that big picnic September 23rd Mr and Mrs J R Pence Mrs Wil liam Deere and Clyde Scott were Cam bridge pilgrims Thursday to the re union Fireman and Mrs James Sullivan visited relatives and friends in the neighborhood of Haydoji Phelps coun ty part of last week Jacob Schauerman and Charles Hoff have taken short lay offs and are assist ing in completing repairs on the Ger man Congregational church this week There were some social doings at W J Krauters Wednesday evening in honor of his cousin Will Webber who took the night traiu for Denver De licious refreshments were served and an enjoyable social time had George S Scott who has been acting agent here for the past sis weeks is re ceiving the congratulations of many friends upon his appointment as agent at the place one of the best paying stations on the Burlington in the state at a i argiTtffjy F MBMBMiaaltBll jjLQrannis General Merchandise In the round house n In the store house In the factories and shops In the highways In the byways In mansions and huts On the farms GENERAL dealer IN Farm Implements Machinery Wagons Buggies Agent for Champion BindersJVIowers and Rakes Cash paid for Eggs Poultry and Farm Produce NcCOOK - - NEBRASKA Sp10 3C2 All Calls For The Wtf If J2s 13 u Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains and an swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 r W H Ackerman McCook Nebraska 9 I E D BURGESS I Plumber and I I Steam Filter j Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun Lclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker- Phillips Building HcCOOK NEBRASKA the Phone 16 In the country In the stores Here in town You will find Well dressed people The whole world around Neither foot sore nor weary This may not be news But al such busy people WEAR HAMILTON BROWN SHOES And for THIS LINE For DRY GOODS For GROCERIES galore Youll find the very best things At HONEST JOHNS STORE JiiLurannis Prompt Delivery Guaranteed McCOOK NEB 0010 ALr Boy Say Pa what do they mean by saying Penny wise and pound foolish Father Why its where a man loses a dollar to save a nickel Boy Well Pa were you that way when you let your hogs all die because you did not want to pay out money for Liquid Koal that James Cain sells so much of Father Johnnie dont talk sp much Iriton Nov 2 1902 This is to certify that I used L K and am well pleased with it I only had six hogs set sick after using it and before using it I had from two to four get sick each day I can cheerfully recommend it and would ad vise any one who has hoc cholera among his hogs to give it a trial F F Faringer One hundred dollars deposited in the following banks for any one who finds any of the testimonials we pub lish from time to time are not genu ine City National Bank York Neb Sheldon State Bank Sheldon Iowa Oklahoma Trust and Banking Co Oklahoma City O T MAKCFACTUEED BY NATIONAL MEDICAL COMPANY Sheldon Iowa York Nebraska Oklahoma City O T I For Sale by James Cain Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store Phone No 20 McCook Neb Use according to directions and if it does not prove satisfactory jour money back PRICE One Quart Can sum One Gallon 300 Model s Notice to Subscribers After Septembor 1st tho price of The Omaha Daily News will be 150 a year Subscriptions will be received at tho old priceS100 a yearduring August Are In Fool si v rh u rs m t s f X l f a j