The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 28, 1903, Image 5

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SHOES bought direct from the most reliable mak
ers in this country for all ages of children We
wish to call special attention to our line of
Seamless Shoes for boys at 175
The Hisses Kangaroo Calf Shoe at 125
The Misses genuine welt Shoes at 175
We are glad to show this line to our trade for we
feel they will appreciate this class of footwear at the
exceeding low prices Remember our guarantee is
on every pair of our shoea and if they go wrong we
will cheerfully repair free of charge
Safe Always reliable Iatlica ask Druggist for
Gold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Take no other Rcfune dangerous nubMti
tntionHnnd imltnliotiN Buy of your Druggist
or send in stamps for Particulars Tentl
nioninlH and Keller for JLadien in letter
by return Mall 10000 Testimonials Sold br
all Druggists
2100 2Xadison Square PIIUiA PA
Mention this paper
Dysentery Cured Without Aid of a Doctor
I am just up from a hard spell of the
flux dysentery says Mr T A Pinner
a weil known merchant of Drummond
Tenn I used one small bottle of
Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy and was cured without
having a doctor I consider it the best
cholera medicine in the world There
is no need of employing a doctor when
this remedy is used for no doctor can
prescribe a better medicine for bowel
complaint in any form either for children
or adults It never fails and is pleasant
to take For sale by L W McConnell
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure E W Groves signa
ture is on each box 25c
y g ana m i ara i tmSmim
Not Over Wise
There lsnn old nllegoricnl picture of a
girl scared at a grass hopper but in the
act of heedlessly treading on a snake
This is paralleled by the man who spends
a largo sum of money building a cyclone
cellar but neglects to provido his family
with a bottle of Chamberlains Colic
Cholora and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safe
guard against bowel complaints whoso
victims outnumber those of a cyclone a
hundred io one This remedy is every
where recognized as the most prompt
and reliable medicine in use for these
diseases For sale by L W McConnell
Notice to Subscribers
After September 1st the price of The
Omaha Daily News will be S150 a year
Subscriptions will bo received at the old
priceS100 a yearduring August
Mowers and raKes the Deering of
course at W T Colemans
and EGGS
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
FlcCook - Nebraska
Puts an End to It All
A grievous wail oftimes comes as a re
sult of unbearable pain from over taxed
organs Dizziness backache liver com
plaint and constipation But thanks to
Dr Kings New Life Pills they put an
end to it all They are gentle but thor
ough Try them Only 25c Guaran
teed by LW McConnells drug store
Diamonds Clothing Store
But Great
We are compelled to offer in
order to raise money by September
1st to enable us to meet the pay
ment for the building we occupy
therefore please read the follow
ing carefully It will be to your
advantage Any article in the
store which includes Clothing
Shoes Hats Shirts Working
Clothes Trunks Valises and Fur
nishing Goods will bo sold at a
sacrifice Here are a few of the
many reductions
Finest Custom made
Price now 18 will be sold U t r rr
up to September 1st for p 1 UUU
Price now 10 will b sold rt ff
up to Septembor 1st for pU vU
Priqe now 6 strictly all wool will bo
be sold up to September rf Kfk
1st for ipJDU
Boys Suits
FSi 100 Up
Mens Pants
5 grade up to September rf r
1st for ipZjU
Strictly all wool Pants rt rf
Dress Shirts
A limited iaautity of 75c ones sizes 14
to 17 no 15 we are 2t7lf IZo
offering for O 2v JCd
All our 125 and 150 Gold and Silver
brand Shirts Geo P Ide Co go up
to September 1st OC lO
for only OL JCd
Remember we carry the best line
of Childrens School Shoes in Mc
Cook a present to each child
while they last Come early and
secure anything you need in our
line it will be a saving to you
Yours for trade
Model School Shoes
Models in
and Fit
J Cjji I J j v A
Finest Line of
ever shown in
this city and
made especially
for the hard
wear expected
by boys and
girls at play at
prices as reason
able as shoddy
Bartloy expects to play ball at Stock
ville Saturday
Elvin Hart is now engineer for Mr
Ilainings threshing outfit
Mrs Flints children who havo been
away at work are home on a vacation
Several parties are here from the east
ern part of the state looking for homes
Ira Ritchie has purchased an interest
in his fathers threshing outfit and has
taken chargo of the engine
Relatives from Iowa are visiting with
Mrs Reimer They expect to return
home the last of this week
Mr and Mrs Clarence McCord of In
dianola visited with Mrs McCords
father and sisters last Sunday
Mr and Mrs Jones have gone east
Mrs Jones to visit friends and Mr Jones
to purchase a stock of winter goods
Quarterly meeting was held at the M
E church Saturday Rev Shumate of
McCook preached an able discourse in
the evening
Concert and box supper at the Chris
tian church Saturday evening Septem
bor 5th Vocal and instrumental mucic
sacred pathetic and humorous solos
duets and quartettes
The ball game between Bartley and
Stockville only lacked one of a white
wash The Stockville boys played well
but wero not able to compote with Bart
ley Score Bartley 17 Stockville 1
Batteries Bellamy and Vickery Ream
and Wilson
A party at Mr Clarks Saturday even
ing was given in honor of Mr Clarks
son Ralph and his nepnew Delvin Clark
who has been spending the vacation with
them Mr Delvin left Monday for his
home in Iowa where he will attend
school Ralph will soon go to Grand
Island to the Business College
DeWItt is the Name
When you go to buy Witch Hazel
Salve look for the name DeWitt on every
box The pure unadulterated witch
hazel is used in making De Witts Witch
Hazel Salve which is the best salve in
the world for cuts burns bruises boils
eczema and piles The popularity of
DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve due to its
many cures has caused numerous worth
less counterfeits to bo placed on the
market The genuine bears the name
of E C DeWitt Co Chicago Sold
by L W McConnell druggist
When you want a physic that is mild
and gentle easy tq take and certain to
act always use Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver Tablets For sale by L W
McConnell druggist
A fine rain last night
W R Starr was through here last
Eliza Johnson has contracted for the
Masters school
Velma Satchell is spending a few days
with Mrs S C King
Mrs M S Satchell spent Tuesday
afternoon with Mrs J K Gordon
Florence Younger has secured a school
just over the line in Frontier county
The hail storm a week ago did consid
erable damage in this locality to both
crops and buildings
Ida Modrell is visiting a part of this
week with Orpha Satchell who will soon
return to her studies at Aurora Nebr
The friends of Mr and Mrs Fred Car
ter will be sorry to learn of the sad acci
dent which befell their little son George
Last Saturday afternoon while one of
the men was gathering up the loose
straw around the threshing machine his
fork caught in the belt and was carried
to the fly wheel where the handle was
broken a piece flying and striking George
on the head rendering him unconscious
his life at this writing being despaired of
Cured Paralysis
W S BailyP O True Texas writes
JMy wife had been suffering five years
with paralysis in her arm when I was
persuaded to use Ballards Snow Lini
ment which cured her all right I have
also used it for old sores frost bites and
skin eruptions It does the work 25c
50c and 100 at A McMillensdruggist
Fred Wesch was stacking rye Mon
day the 14th
H I Peterson is helping John Cal
kins through his threshing
Albert Weeks is looking for his father
and mother from Iowa to vi it him soon
R E Benjamin ran into Banksville on
a bike to visit his parents and brothers
for a few hours
A light shower Tuesday and another
Tuesday night of about 125 inches and
the corn responds to the call
Benjamin Brothers are doing their
stacking but the showers of rain knock
them out of a job occasionally
W H Hartmans mother who has
been visiting them for a season went up
to Dundy county Monday to her daugh
Arthur Knobbs and Guy Hartman
passed through Banksville Sunday for
Dave Goodenbergei s steam thresher
over in Gerver
Home Visitors Excursions
On Sept 1 8 15 and Oct 7 1903 the
Burlington will sell tickets to certain
eastern points at greatly reduced rates
This is the chance you have been look
ing for Enquire of the agent as to par
Little Pearl Ruby is quite Hick
Grandma VanPelt is quite poorly
Miss Mollie Gaeepway is rusticating
in the country
Grandma Bartlcttis convalescing from
her recent illness
S G Stilgobouor is improving after
an illness of a few days
Miss Myrtle Cochran is threatened
with an attack of typhoid fever
Mrs Jacob Rousch is under the doc
tors care with an attack of typhoid
Dan Clouse and Doc Harris are over
from McCook on a visit Look out
Miss Rosa Minniear is a sufferer with
typhoid fever and is not improving at
this writing
Mrs Anna Ruby is under treatment
for an affection of the heart and is re
ported improving
Quito a number of dogs in this town
have turned up their toes to the daisies
lately Hydrophobia
Alfred Ash ton heard that JamesDolph
was married last Wednesday The tin
can brigade will get busy
Frank Burbridge of McCook and his
Sunday girl of Indianola were callers at
Pa Burbridges Sunday evening
Thomas Musgravo will build a fine
residence on his farm one mile south of
town Tom is one of our best citizens
and a good Republican at that
Rev Owen of Franklin discoursed to
a fine audience Sunday evening Sub
ject The Ideal Twentieth Century
Man and Like the Jerusalem Church
Scattered Abroad
James Sims has finished threshing
15000 bushels of wheat If you can
beat that you will havo to make high
low jack and the game gift beg and
dispute and go out on one hand
A Worm Killer
J A J Montgomery Puxico Wayne
Co Mo writes I have little twin
girls who have been bothered with
worms all their lives I tried every
thing to relieve them which failed until
I used Whites Cream Vermifuge the
first two doses brought four worms from
one of them the next two doses twelve
one of them measuring twelve inches
the other child was only relieved of four
worms It is a most excellent medicine
Whites Cream Vermifuge is good for
children It not only destroys worms
it helps the child to perfect growth
wards off sickness 2oc at A McMil
lens druggist
This is very fine corn weather
J C Laffertys baby is very sick
W E White is still on the list for
Powell Nilsson shipped five cars of
hogs this week
J L Sims is through threshing his
big wheat crop
The Shiloh school house that was
struck by lightning is in bad shape for
school purposes
Marion Powell drove over from Mc
CookMonday to help load hogs for Den
ver He and John Sims went with them
Mrs Clint Pew and her sister Miss
Lena Ashton returnedj last Saturday
from Bird City Kansas where they had
been for a visit with some of their friends
and to see the country
The Marion side track is too short for
the boys after dark for they shoved a
car partly loaded with wheat off at the
west end and could not pull it back on
the track again
The Tribune Only SI 00 per year
Onn sHnaf I on lq nnfliinrr mnm
I than a PTnrrmTirr nf tlio hrmrpla
anfl nntlllTirr Ipso tlinn i ifnl
nation or death if not relieved
If every constipated sufferer
could realize that he is allowing
poisonous filth to remain in his
system he would soon get relief
Constipation invites all kind of
contagion Headaches bilious
ness colds and many other ail
ments disappear when consti
pated bowels arerelieved Thetl
f ords Black Draught thoroughly
cleans out the bowels in an easy
antl natural manner without the
purging of calomel or other vio
lent cathartics
Bp RlirP tlinf mil rrof tVio n rirri
nal Thedfords Black Draught
made by The Chattanooga Medi
cine Co Sold by all druggists in
25 cent and 100 packages
Morgsn Art JlajrSo 1901
I cannot recommend Thedfords 15 lack
Draught too highly 1 keep 1 1 In mj house
all the time and hare nsed It for the last
ten years 1 neTer gare my children
any other laxatlTe I think I conld
neter ne awe 10 iTorK nlthont It
on account or Being troubled nith
cunsupauun ioar medicine Is
I au mat Keeps me np
1 1 Five Lots j
t I Contain all
I J Summer
Lot No S I Wash - f A M
i Lot No 2 J
Ginghams 1 QOOdS Contains
I Lawnl I God Styles e1 wlicI S
etc which 1 sold at I2jc S
sold at Sc to ioc 8 Not m 1c anj ljc
I NOW 6C Many Left J0W aill 9C t
I I Come
I Right Away
I I 1
Lot No 3 Not a piece of this lot is worth v
less than 20c We have marked them
Lot No 4 Were 25c and 30c
Now 1 6C
Lot No 5 Mostly Silk Muslins and 45c
and 50c Silk Ginghams Now I
All staple merchandise If your wants are
supplied it will pay to buy for next season
Any Shirt Waist in the House at
OneHaf Regular Price
Endorsed bv First Natl
Bankand business men
S10000 in Roll Top Desks Bank Fixtures and
50 Typewriters Students can work for board
Send for free catalogue bound In alligator
finest ever published by a Business College
Road it and you will attend the N B C
Watch For a Chill
However slight at this time of year
and in this climate it is the forerunner
of malaria A disposition to yawn and
an all tired out feeling even comes be
fore a chill Herbine by its prompt
stimulative action on the liver drives
the malarial germs out of the system
purifies the blood tones up the system
and restores health 50c at A McMil
lens druggist
My boy when four years old was taken
with colic and cramps in his stomach
I sent for the doctor and he injected
morphine but the child kept getting
worse I then gave him half a teaspoon
f ul of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy and in half an hour
he was sleeping and soon recovered F
L Wilkins Shell Lake Wis Mr Wil
kins is book keeper for the Shell Lake
Lumber Co For sale by L W Mc
Connell druggist
Tribune ClucDing List
For convenience of readers of The Teibcne
we have made arrangements with the following
newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup
ply them in combination with The Teibcne at
tho following very low prices with
Detroit Free Press 1 00 1 50
Leslies Weekly 4 00 3 00
Prairie Farmer 1 00 1 25
Chicago Inter Ocean 1 CO 1 40
Cincinnati Enquire 1 00 1 50
New York Tribune 1 00 1 25
Demorests Magazine 1 O 1 75
Toledo Blade 1 OU 1 25
Nebraska Farmer 100 165
Iowa Homestead 1 00 1 25
Lincoln Journal 100 175
Campbells Soil Culture 100 150
New York World 1 00 1 65
Cosmopolitan Magazine 100 1 fcO
St Louis Republic 100 175
Kansas City Star 25 120
FarmandHome 100 120
Word and Works 1 00 1 70
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published at reduced rates
The Tribune McCook Neb
Sick Headache
Food doesnt digest well
Appetite poor Bowels
constipated Tongue coated
Its your liver Ayers Pills
are liver pills they cure dys
pepsia biliousness
25c All druggists
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful
brown or rich black Then use
LSOcts of Druggists or R p Mia A Co nshu n h
-1 - -
1 1 1-
I w
A C Ong A M LL B Pres Omaha
Pbof A J Lowry Princ
I 9
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn 3 2K
Wheat 37
Oats XZ
Ro iT
Hog3 sots
Butter a
Barley 3
The Toledo Blade
New and Larger Building- New Presses
New Stereotype Plant New and
Modern Appliances in Every
The Toledo Blade is now installed in its as K
building with modern plant and efiuipswjxt
and facilities equal to any publication betwat
New York and Chicago It is tho onlyweeify
newspaper edited expressly for every 3taft aa3
territory The news of tho world so arrangjK2
that busy people can more easily comprchfinE
than by reading cumbersome columns of datlf
All enrrent topics made plain in each issuer
special editorial matter written from inceptfcHt
down to date The only paper published esBvs
ially for people who do not read daily
and yet thirst for plain facts Tiatife
kind of a newspaper is popular is proven by fcbfr
fact that the Weekly Blade now has over lCOtOt
yearly subscribers and its circulation is is all
parts of the TJ S In addition to the news tfee
Blade publi hps short and serial stories anj
many departments of matter suited to every
member of tho family Only one dollar a year
Write for free copy Address Toe
Blade Toledo Ohio
Editorially Fearless
Consistently Republican
News from all of the world vrell
written original stories answers
to queries articles on health he
home new books and on v rk
about the farm and garden
The Weekly Inter Ocean
Is a member of the Associated
Press the only western newspa
per receiving the entire telegraph
ic news service of the Xew York
Sun and special cable of the New
YorK World daily reports from
over 2000 special correspondents
throughout the county
Subscribe for The Tribune an2 f
The WeeiJy Inter Ocean one year
both papers for 140