The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 21, 1903, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
R C I P A IiodRO No 612 moots first nnd
third Thursdays of inch mouth McCounollr8
hall 8JJ0 pm E B IIobeh President W S
Qdtkb Socrotary
lodge No a07 moots on Eocond and fourth Mon
day ovcnlncs of each month nt eight oclock in
McConnoll hall It W Devoe Illustrious Pro
tector J C MiTCHELii Secretary
62 moots second nnd fourth Thursday after
noons at2iJ oclock in McConnolls hall Mrs
Tiiad SiiEiimuD Oracle Mas Augusta Anton
Republican County Ticket
County Clerk EJWILCOX
Treasurer B G GOSSAKD
Clerk of the District Court R WDEVOE
County Judge SLGREEN
Superintendent EUGENE S DUTCIIER
vGounty Assessor F P ENO
Commissioner Second district
Fourteenth Judicial Convention
The Republicans of the Fourteenth Judicial
District of Nebraskn are hereby called to meet
in convention in the city of McCook Nebraska
Thursday aftarnoon September 17th 190J at
two oclock for the purpose of placing in nomi
nation u candidate for the office of judge of tho
Fourteenth District of Nebraska and for tho
transaction of such other business as may prop
erly cotno boforo that convention
The basis of representation of the several
counties of the district in said convention shall
bo tho voto cast for Hon J H Mickey in 1002
for tho offlco of governor of tho state of Ne
braska giving one delegate at large ono dele
gate for each 100 votes qrmajor fraction thereof
so cast Which niportionmcnt ontitlos the sev
eral counties of tho district to tho following
Chaso 272 4
Dundy 292 4
Frontier 717 8
Furnas 1121 12
Total No of dolegates 01
It is recommended by tho committee that no
proxies be allowed in said convention but that
the delegates present from each county be al
lowed to cast tho voto of said couutv
It was further recommended that tho chair
man and secretary of the committee bo tho
temporary chairman and secretary oL tho con
H H Berry Chairman
F M Kimmell Secretary
McCook Nebraska June 19 1903
Republican papers of tho dibtrict please copy
Folsom H L
Ford Blanche
Grinnoll S A
Kent E W
Little O F 2
Miller Mrs Frances
Short John
Gosper 4
Hajes 260 4
Hitchcock 19 4
Red Willow 1012 11
The Good Old Hickory
The time is at hand when jtou will
need a good tight reliable wagon in
which to market your small grain
Thats the kind W T Coleman sells
Tho Old Hickory kind and they
really cost no more than the cheap poor
sort that hardly last a season The
Old Hickory is guaranteed
low Rates West
The Burlington offers round trip tick
ets as follows
Denver Colo and return 812 June 1
to September 30
Colorado Springs Colo and return
S1240 June 1 to September 30
Pueblo Colo and return 613G3 June
1 to September 30
Glenwood Springs Colo and leturn
2190 June 1 to September 30
Ogden Utah and return 82790 Juno
1 to September 30
Salt Lake City Utah and return
2790 June 1 to September 30
Ask the ticket agent for particulars
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice Aug 17 1903
Fenimore A J
Greggory R M
Hinget C
Keller L A
Multy Mrs M C
Pierce Harry
Shiffery Wm
Smith WL
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
Physician and Druggists
Ford Sturgeon a prominent drug
firm at Rocky Hill Station Ky write
We are requested by Dr G B Singley
to send for Herbine for the benefit of
our customers We ordered three dozen
in TlaromViar nTrl ma nro rrlnrl fn coir
Herbine has given such great satisfac
tion that we have duplicated this order
three times and today we gave jour
salesman another order We beg to say
Dr G B Snigley takes pleasure in
recommending Herbine 50c bottle at
A McMillens druggist
JWy hair came out hv the hand
ful and the gray hairs beean to
creep in I tried Ayers Hair Vigor
and it stopped the hair from com- a
mg out and restored the color B
iurs Al DGray No Salem Mass
Theres a Dleasure in
offering such a prepara
tion as Ayers Hair Vigor
It gives to all who use it
such satisfaction The
hair becomes thicker
longer softer and more
glossy And you feel so
secure in using such an
old and reliable prepara
tion 51GQ a bottle
If your druggist
AH drujgists
cannot sunnly
i -
send ns ona dollar and we -mil nVn
ou a bottle Be sare and give the namo
ui j our nearest express onice Address
T C i YPI rn t ii -
As children insist upon being told true
stories so their elders prefer te hear
about events that actually happened
Tho requisites of greatness in all imita
tive work is that it shall resemble as
nearly as may bo tho original A paint
ing is famous when it is a faithful pro
duction A statue is noted when the
model is recognizable in the marble A
book is great when the author records
what he Eees as ho sees it
However immature our minds how
ever inexperienced wo may be wo
are able to distinguish this merit
if it exists Whatever other faults the
result of a mans labor has let it not
lack this ono element Let it be as im
perfect as it may in other respects if it
be realism then it is the work of gonius
Nothing is more difficult in writing
than to describe accurately The books
that have tho quality of accuracy are
few and among the output today it is
rare to find a volume that meets the re
quirements Ono of the more recent
productions that is quite satisfactory is
Tho Log of a Cowboy by Andy Adams
Itis an account of a cattlo drive made
in the summer of 1882 from the Mexican
border to the Blackfoot Indian Reserva
tion in Montana The author makes no
pretentions tov literary perfection but
tho story is good and wholesome and
breathes of the freedom and of the in
effable charm of the prairies The book
is of especial interest to us of this west
ern region for tho reason that we at
least those of us who have lived here
longest are not wholly unfamiliar with
the life of which it tells The herd pass
ed not many miles west of here prob
ably not far from Culbertson as that
town is mentioned as having been near
the trail
Fourteen men all told comprised the
party each man had ten horses and
the herd numbered three thousand bead
There was bpsides a chuck wagon
drawn by mules The drive consumed
five months from April to September
and was made through a country which
at that day was unsettled except for
frontier posts and cattle towns scattered
at wide distances along tho trail
Tho tale though simply told touches
in places the very heights or depths
of sentiment It is fascinating because
it is real It is worthy because it is in
tensely human
Christian Preaching at 11 a m and
8 p m by Elder Evans of Arapahoe
Bible school at 10 a m
Congregational Usual morning and
evening services at customary hours
Frank W Dean Pastor
Baptist All services at the usual
hours Sweet singing All welcome
C R Betts Pastor
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Lotjghran Pastor
Methodist Rev A M Gould of
Bloomington will preach at 8 oclock
No morning service Sabbath school at
10 a m Epworth league 7 p m
L H Shumate Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
cnurcn as ioiiows Jttivery Sunday in
the month Sunday school at ten oclock
a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening-prayer
and sermon at 8 The third
Sunday in the month Holy Communion
at 8 a m All are welcome
E R- Earle Rector
Rev and Mrs Dean returned last
night from their Red Cloud Cambridge
Miss Swartz a returned missionary
from California will preach in the Bap
tist church Sunday evening
Rev F W Dean of the Congregation
al church spent a few of the opening
days of the week in Red Cloud and Cam
bridge arriving home on Wednesday
Rev CR Betts of the Baptist church
went up to Culbertson Tuesday and
has been absent most of the week at
tending the sessions of the Southwestern
Nebraska association
End of Bitter Fight
Two physicians had a long and stub
born fight with an abcess on my right
lung writes J G Hughes of DuPont
Ga and gave me up Everybody
thought my time had come As a last
resort I tried Dr Kings New Discovery
for Ccnsumption The benefit I received
was striking and I was on my feet in a
few days Now Ive entirely regained
my health It conquors all coughs
colds and throat and lung troubles
Guaranteed by L W McConnelFs drug
store Price 50c and 100 Trial bottles
Coming as it does in tho busiest sea
son wnen a man can least atiord to lose
time a sure and quick cure for diarrhoea
is very desirable Anyone who has given
it a trial will tell you that the quickest
surest and most pleasant medicine in
use for this disease is Chamberlains
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
There is no loss of time when it is used
as one or two closes or it will cure any
ordinary attack It never fails not even
in the most severe and dangerous cases
For sale by L W McConnell druggist
Mns J D Hake is entertaining her
sister Mrs Shotwell
J K Neel was up from Kedwillow
yesterday on business
Postmaster CW Meeker of Imper
ial was a city visitor Thursday
Tom Devitt late or tho Palmer house
is now with the Bostwick Hastings
Miss Sarah Hogan Mike Hogan and
Dan OBrien are visiting in Chicago
WR Burbridge and young son were
over from Daubury yesterday on busi
Misses MoMillen entertained the
Awl Os on Wednesday evening this
Mrs Mary McChesnei nnd family
will leave in about a week for Mt Olive
Miss to make their home there
Mr and Mrs Dan Johnson of Fre
mont Illinois are visiting Mr and Mrs
J E Tirrill The ladies are sisters
Mr and Mrs W S Perry and guest
C F Canfieldof Bridgeport Conn have
gone up into Colorado on an outing
Mr and Mrs F S Wilcox have
adopted a five-year-old boy from tho
Nebraska Childrens Home society
Mrs W R Starr arrived home
Tuesday night from her old home in
Ohio whore she has been visiting a
number of months
Hugh McKee father of Mrs Frank
Fowler and son Linn arrived from Fair
bury Illinois Wednesday morning and
are spending a few days with relatives
here and on business
Those Who Buy
our meats and fish get the best the very
best we can procure In fish you get
the freshest and we give you the advan
tage of the best price possible We
handle all meats and prepare them for
you in the best and cleanest way You
can always get your cnoice cuts nere
Lot us have an order from you for prompt
delivery Marshs Meat Market
Watch For a Chill
However slight at this time of year
and in this climate it is the forerunner
of malaria A disposition to yawn and
an all tired out feeling even comes be
fore a chill Herbine by its prompt
stimulative action on the liver drives
the malarial germs out of the system
purifies the blood tones up the system
and restores health 50c at A McMil
lens druggist
For sale cheap A good steel range
Inquire at Congregational parsonage
The Board of Managers of the Ne
braska State Fair which will be held in
Lincoln from September 4th to 11th
inclusive are confident that the fair of
1903 will be the greatest fair in the his
tory of the organization The new
buildings erected are ready for occu
pancy and in the Stock department
there are buildings to accommodate 1300
head of hogs 500 head of cattle and 200
head of horses Already the entire space
for hogs has been taken and cattle and
horses are practically on the same basis
County exhibits of agricultural products
will be larger than ever and tho Horti
cultural Society notwithstanding the
fact that it is a poor fruit year in the
state expects to have a great showing of
what Nebraska can do in this line For
entertainment the Fair people have
doubled their purses in Speed this year
and have 8000 in purses which gives
three strong races every day of the fair
On Tuesday at the expense of 1000
the managers have secured Cresceus
the greatest trotter of the world who
holds the worlds record This great
horse will trot agaisthis record on Tues
day and if the track is bad and the
weather not in condition he will be held
for the next day Wednesday has been
set apart for Fraternity Day and thous
ands of members of fraternal organiz
ations in the state will be present Com
petitive drills and prizes will be a feature
of this day Every day will be made
strong and interesting with band con
certs and special attractions so that
any day in the week will be a good day
to visit Lincoln and the state fair One
fare for the round trip from all points
in Nebraska has been granted by the
different railroads Tickets will be
sold from September 7th to 11th inclu
sive good to return on the 12th
Indigestion Causes
Caiarrih of the
For many years it has been supposed that
Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion
and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the
opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re
peated attacks of indigestion inflames the
mucous membranes lining the stomach and
exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus
ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of
the juices of natural digestion This is
called Catarrh of the Stomach
Kodol Dyspepsia lure
relieves all Inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the stomach protects the
nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a
sense of fullness after eating indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
Kodol Digests What You Eat
Make the Stomach Sweet
Bottles cnljr Regular size 1 00 holdme 2M time
ths trial slzs which sells for 50 cents
Prepared by E C DeVVITT CO Chicago 112
A F Anderson hag become a fireman
this week
John Lenhart is a now helper on the
machinist force
G L Miller nnd wife are spending the
week in Denver
Fireman E A Mellen was a Holdrege
visitor this week
Will Weintz increased tho force of
firemen this week
Conductor B L McCarl has taken a
vacation of 30 days
F E Brigner and wifo are Denver
visitors this week
C M Harman incroased the fireman
force one tnis week
A new helpor in the night force this
week is C G Calkins
W Peterson commenced service Wed
nesday as a machinist
Charles Blackburn was among the
sick fore part of the week
Conductor and Mrs A G Bump are
visiting in Billings Montana
Engineer Fitzpatrick has been down
from Denver the past few days
Foreman J W Chaso of the round
house has been ailing this week
Brakeman H E Childress is off duty
on account of his fathers illness
F C Scarborough is sick in Akron
and W T Wilcott is relieving him
New wipers on the night force this
week are F L and W L Marshall
Engineer William Koll of Republican
City is now running out of this place
A L Dennis has resigned from tho
clerical force of the Havelock storehouse
C P Eoark and wife and his father
and brother have gone to Denver on a
Mrs J M Hughes and family are
visiting relatives in Aurora 111 this
Brakeman A N Clampett is visiting
his parents in Republican City until
S B McLean accompanied Ray Mc
Carl up to nayes Center Thursday on
This week Ira Dinnell entered the
blacksmith shop as a helper Also Frank
Ira Converse has been transferred
from the blacksmith shop into the train
service this week
The night force has been decreassed
one this week by the resignation of
Charles Redington
Brakeman M S Jennings wife and
Mabel left on Tuesday for Chicago on a
visit of ten days with her sister
Engineer and Mrs Walter Stokes are
enjoying a months vacation among the
attractive resorts of South Dakota
Brakeman E L Oldhams family is
sick and he is being relieved at Oxford
by George Jackson from headquarters
Supt Campbell has been confined at
home a few days of the week by a sea
sonable disorder but is quite improved
Engineer J H Moore has purchased
the James L Gray dwelling over on Mc
Farland street now occupied by W W
Dean Huston formerly of this place
died in Mexico recently of yellow fever
being sick but four days He was an
engineer J M Huet is our informant
Yardmaster and Mrs A P Ely of
Red Cloud attended the wedding of Miss
Burnett and Mr Snyder Wednesday
night returning home on the following
John Rice returned from Haigler
Wednesday night and went to work
next morning as clerk in the chief dis
patchers office His mother has been
very ill but is better
Machinist A C Wiehe closed the
deal Monday whereby he became owner
of the Engineer Donovan dwelling now
occupied by him and family on North
Madison street Consideration is given
as 1800
George Enoch machinist was the
victim of a very distressing accident
last Saturday in which his left eye was
severely injured He left on No 6 the
same night for Omaha to secure the ser
vices of an expert oculist
W P Forrester and E C Pierson
boilermakers helper got the fever and
resigned The former on last Saturday
the latter on Monday of this week
Carl Schweighart had the same disease
last Saturday completing the trio
Engine 59 V S Ives in the cab ran
into the rear of engine 3310 William
Koll in cab at Benkelman Tuesday
evening damaging both engines consid
erably and the track slightlj but the
enginemen all escaped The 3310 was
on the mainline taking water when No
59 approached and made an unsuccess
ful effort to get out of the way The
wrecking crew with blocking car went
up from here and soon had the wreck
picked up
C E Ryan is with Conductor Mc
Kenna vice Brakeman Jennings G E
McBride is braking for Conductor Foley
while Snyder is away on his honeymooD
Conductor Watson has way car 12S
while McCarl is absent S M Caw thra I
is with Conductor Benjamin during
Millers visit R A Prigga is relieving
John Humphreys The 52 is in Con
ductor Buntings charge during Eumps
visit in the northwest
Dwelling House for Sale
My residence property in McCook lot
16 block 8 original McCook Address
J L Gray
528 W 69th st Chicago 111
ImwflhliififciiiilJilTfiK rfiWmiirTl
The Scientific Germ Killer
It contains every antiseptic known
to science
One Quart Can
One Gallon
Is a germ disease of the intestines
The cholera bacteria finds its way
into the animal through the drinking
water or filth passing into tho stom
ach and finally down along the intes
tines it sets up fermentation and from
there filters through the blood liver
and other organs
Hog cholera cannot be treated suc
cessfully unless treatment is com
menced before the germ has reached
the period of rapid multiplication If
taken in time it can be cured and in
all cases prevented by tho use of
Jjiquid Koal because it is the only
known germicide that will pass
through tho stomach into the intes
tines and from there into the blood
permeating the whole system and
still retain its germ killing properties
All other so called cholera cures lose
their potency by the acid reaction of
the gastric juices of the stomach
hence have no value
Read What Other Says
Parker S D Dec 6 1902
To whom it may concern
I have used L K for mv hot5 awl can
cheerfully recommend it to he all that is
claimed a thorouch perm and worm dc
troer and a good appetizer
J J Roulrt
Wnnsa Neb Dec 10 lMKi
Hate used Liquid Koal for nearlj i
and find it an excellent article to keep ho
in n healthy condition and as an app tizcr
it has no Albeut Amjlkscs
A c 32 page Book on Germ Di
51 00
i It
a os of
Animals sent free on application
Sheldon Iowa York Netra
For Sale by James Cain
Up-to-Date Hour and Feed Store
Phone No 20 XcCook Keb f
Buys One of Those Beautiful
Wash Silk 4 yd Waist Patrns
f r
There are but a few of these handsome waist patterns
left Call and make your choice NOW before they are all
gone And dont overlook our complete stock 01 snnvi
WAIST SETS in the popular pearl china and cameo novel
Waterloo Underskirts
These most excellent skirts are being rapidly closed out
They cant help but go at the prices we are putting on them
Pompadour Hair Combs
They are something entirely new and are a great im
provement over the ordinary hair rat as they are cool and
clean prevent itching scalps and falling hair allows the air to
circulate keeping the hair dry and tends to prevent headache
You should try one We also have the NEW BACK
COMB giving the wavy effect to the back of the hair and
our NOTION- CASE is now FILLED with new up-to-date
Hamilton Brown Shoes
We have just opened up our new fall line of MENS
andLADIES heavy and fine Shoes and CHILDRENS
SCHOOL SHOES This line is unsurpassed in quality
style and value and every pair is fully guaranteed to give the
very best satisfaction Call and see our line
For the Best
I Phone 16 if
Phone No 16
Farm Implements
Machinery Wagons Buggies
Agent for
Champion BindersBlowers and Rakes
Cash paid for Eggs
Poultry and Farm Produce
All Calls For The
wtty Bus
Answered by the f
Will make all trains and an
swer all calls to any
part of the city
W H Ackerman
McCook Nebraska
I - SRViOsesss
ard Sevor pmo P
Gooas Pumps an Boiler Trrrminps
Agent for Haliday Waupun fcclipse
Wndmis Basement of the Meeker
Phihps Building