1 n 1 i P i V k VVt X THE SALESWOMAN Compelled to Be on Her Feet the Larger Part of the Day Finds a Tonic In Mies Curtain of St Paul Gives Her Experience MISS NELLIE CURTAIN 646 Pearl street St Paul Minn head cales Tfoman in a department siore writes I have charge of a department In a dry goods store and after standing the larger part of the day I would go home with a dull ache generally through my entire body I used Pe runa end feel so much better that I walk to and from the store now I know Peruna to be the best medicine on the market for the diseases peculiar to women Miss Nellie Curtain Nothing is so weakening to the human system as the constant loss of mucus Catarrhal inflammation of the mucus membrane produces an excessive forma tion of mucus Whether the mucus IA CHHPIOH TRUSS ifig g Ask Your PbvslcianB Advice BOOKLET FREE Philadelphia truss Co 610 Locust St Pnila P EDUCATIONAL THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME NOTRE DAME INDIANA FULL COURSES IN Classics Letter Eco nomics and Illstdry Journalism Art Science Pharmacy Law Civil Mechanical and Elec trical Engineering Architecture Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courses Rooms Free to all stndcnts who hare com pleted the studies required for admission into the Sophomore Junior or Senior Year of any of the Colleciate Courses Rooms to Rent moderate charge to students over seventeen preparing for Colleciato Courses A limited number of Candidates for the Eccle siastical state will be received at special rates St Edwards Hall for boys under 13 years is nniquein the completeness cf its equipment The 601ta Year will open September 8 1903 Catalogues Free Address P O Box 256 REV A MQRRISSEY C S C President ST RSARYS ACADEMY NOTRE DAME INDIANA One Mile West of Kotra Dams University MoFt beautifully and healthfuUy located Conducted liy the Sisters of the Holy Cross Chartered 1S55 En Joying a national patronage Thorough English Classical Scientific end Commercial Courses ad vanced Chemistry and Pharmacy Regular Col legiate Degrees Preparatory Department trains pupils for regular special or collegiate courses Physical Laboratory -well equipped The Conservatory of Music is conducted on plans of the best Conservatories The Art Department is modeled after leading Art Schools Hiiiim Depart ment for children under twelve years Physical Culture under direction of graduate of Dr Sargents Konnal School of Physical Training The best modem educational advantages for fittlns youn jr -women for lives of usefulness The constant growth of tho Aodcmy has again necessitated the erection of additional fine buildings with latest Hygienic equipments Moderate cost Xew school year begins September 8th Mention this paper For catalogue and erscial Information apply to The Directress of ST MARYS ACADEMY Notre Dome Indiana When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper W N TJ Omaha No 341903 brane be located in the head or pelvic organs the discharge of mucus is sure to occur This discharge of mucus constitutes a weakening drain the system cannot long withstand the loss of mucus hence it 13 that women afflicted with catarrhal affections of the pelvic organs feel tired and languid with weak back and throbbing brain A course of Peruna is sure to restore health by cutting off the weakening drain of the daily loss of mucus An Admirable Tonic Congressman Mark H Dunnell National Hotel Washington D G writes Your Peruna being used by myself and many of my friends and acquaintances not only as a cure for catarrh but also as an admirable tonic for physical recuperation I gladly recommend it to all persons re quiring such remedies Mark HDunnell If you do not derive prompt and satisfac tory results from the nse 01 Peruna write at once to Dr Hartman giving a full state ment of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis Address Dr Hartman President of The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio AlUKNSFMINADRYTJMEv HIE 5KN0M FISH flXBJNLS fijf IRAWm Remember this whenyou buy Wet weiher Clothing and look for the name TOWER on the buttons This sign and this name have stood years of increasing sales If ycur dealer will not suppVou write for free catalogue of black or yellow water proof oiled coats slickers suits hats and horse floods for all kinds of wet work - A J TOWER COiTHS tOWER BOTOMHASSrj3A SIGN r ita J TOWER CANADIAN CO TORONTO CAN ITWV F2i3 MERS We make all kinds of taaks Red Cypress or White Pine Write us for prices and save middle mans profit WOODEN PACKAGE MFG CO OMAHA NEBRASKA Geisha Diamonds The Latest SclenllScDUcoTerT Bright sparkllnc beautiful For brilllanerther equal tha genuine Ftandins all tost andpnzzle exports One twentieth the expense Sent free with prl llese t examination For particulars prices address TheB Grer2ffgr ImpUCo SZ1ST3 rranlUn BU Cttcafe 1U CURES WHffiF 11 F1SF CillS Best Cough Byrnp Testes Good Vsq in urne boia or arossius jjl tSlH igjEsa - 1 THERgS N5 OSS ARGUING I 6 H Deihet 3xt It 6c ttrjjbett Stirdi s 2 H Its a tut H - 1 Hj Hundred will testify Id K jHEPQIR H Trv It ccce yourself L JBlvBi H Wt guarantee Utakcttca or manly Eac Jfc H You cant lose WLaSk H Dtftence Starch U asouUfy free trasCdiesilciSs JsSt JpByZsflL 9 Get It d jfour grocer SwJwiMi SwPjlsii B 6 oarxes for 10 iaaff Jffljtsmp Ha I THE DEFIANGE STARCH 009 SM TANKS How Convert Was Made A lay delegate to the Episcopal con vention of the Newark diocese which recently elected the Rev Dr Lines of New Haven as bishop was very zeal ous in advocating the selection of an other candidate One of those he ap proached objected to his candidate on the ground that he was not sufficient ly strenuous in his methods Sfhy you must bo thinking of somo one else said tho layman in surpris3 Let me give you an Instance of his methods When he first took charge of his present parish he was the same fine specimen of physical manhood that you see to day but -withal displayed a lovely character of gentleness except vhen you tried to corner him There was a worldly minded young man in the town who held several medals von in athletic contests especially in box ing matches The physique of our rector excited the admiration of the champion and one day in a fit of athletic frenzy he said meaning no disrespect but being governed by his ruling passion My dear doctor if you were not a minister I should like to have you put on the gloves with me I believe I could knock you out The rector like most modern preachers in the Episcopal church is fond of athletics and had stood pretty well up in football at his college Be sides he is tolerably broad ecclesias tically So he said to the young cham pion 4I will make you a proposition I Charles F Holder the naturalist de scribing a pet pelican which he form erly owned in Florida says I can not recall that the pelican ever re fused food After the most impossible feeding it had the same dejected half starved attitude and the same asthmatic cry for more It was only after many months that I discovered that the pelican can never be satis fied He thus describes the fishing exploits of these birds In feeding they generally flew twenty to thirty ieet above the water with rapid mo tion of the powerful wings holding the head slightly upon one side that they might observe the schools of sar dines When- tho latter were sighted they would plunge blindly downward opening the mouth widely just before they reach the water endeavoring in this clumsy manner to catch the fish which not being able to see upward were entirely ignorant of the nearness of danger Rising after the plunge the pelican invariably wags his diminu tive tail a self congratulatory act which confirms the birds stupidity for w e lies It is a curious thing and one that remains a standing puzzle even to those connected with the business all their lives that tight rope trapeze and other daring performers who chiefly fwork in the open air are far more li kble to sudden nerve failure and to stage fright if it may be called than are the fellows who only show their prowess under a roof Another fact equally well known is that once a woman performer has heard the ringing shouts of an ap plauding public once she has learned some dangerous feat she will run risks and quite fearlessly perform tricks that no male in the same line would dream of The woman athlete has not to be urged on she has to be restained more often than not It may be said at once that few among the public know how near death such people occasionally are Puzzled by His Ambiguity A baby was born to a certain min ister last Saturday morning says an Oklahoma paper That evening the officers waited on him with 50 in cash The next morning when the congregation assembled two wags stood before the church door and one bet the minister would thank the Lord for the money first and the other bet he would thank him for the baby When the reverend gentleman arose to pray he said Lord we desire will put on the gloves with you for a quiet bout If you knock me out I will agree with your friends that you are the champion If I knock you out you shall attend church every Sunday unless hindered for one year The young athlete extended his hand on the proposition He was in a glow about it not so much because he was sure he would wrin as hq was an admirer of the rectors physique I dont know where the contest took place I could not swear that it ever did take place But very soon after the incident I have mentioned that younaryathlete becam 3 a regular attendant in our church Then he was confirmed and of course is now a full fledged churchman All inside of a year And while he is fond of hunting fishing and cross country running etc he never speaks of boxing any more But he is the best churchman in the parish I think the rector knocked it out of him Dont you think that a preacher who could do that Is strenuous enough to be a bishop The delegate whose support was be ing solicited replied that he was in favor of type of man for bishop and he pledged his vote then and there The vote was not delivered however for the rector refused to be a candi date before the convention The lay man who tells the story added Thats the sort of preachers the church needs to day preachers who can knock a man into4 the church it it cant be done in any other way New York Sun How the Pelican Feeds the chances are one to five that it has caught nothing The bills are held upward the water allowed to run out of the enormous pouch and then if any game has been caught the pelican tosses its beak upward which throws the fish forward or toward the point of the beak where it is often held a few seconds from here being dropped as it were into the threat which is a very small orifice in a veritable waste of pouch At this moment perhaps a laughing gull robs tha pelican Some times it alights on its back again on its head and the stupid bird makes no resistance the gull often uttering its victorious ha ha in advance Just as the fish is thrown to the tip of tha beak and protrudes from the side the laughing gull leans forward snatches it and rises aloft to in turn be fol lowed by the swift man-of-war bird In this simple way a pelican will bo robbed by successive birds and will swallow but a small percentage ol what it catches which possibly ex plains why it is always hungry Made Fitzs Mead Swim The worst two minutes I ever had In theVring said Lanky Bob Fitz simmons to an admiring acquaintance the other day was with Peter Maher in New Orleans in 1892 I guess I got a little careless and let him punch me on the head Fitzs head fits a 6 hat It seemed like a trip hammer had struck me My head buzzed and swam and got light My brains didnt work I didnt seem to know what to do I was on my feet all right but I had lost all sense of generalship The only thing I did was to jab at Maher with my left iwhile I struggled to pull my addled brains to their senses The round was nearly over when I came to The first thing I realized was that jabbing was just what Maher needed so I kept it up through the fight and won in the twelfth round without striking an other blow The second meeting between Fitz and Maher occurred at Lantry Tex in 1896 The Cornishman declared openly that he intended to settle the fight with one blow I have never forgotten that time Maher hit me in the head he said and Im going to make him sorry he ever did it Im going to hit him once Hell lie down when I do it Listen to what Im saying Im going to hit him once After the battle Fritz said to his friends I never saw anything like it in the ring in my life When Maher stood up before me I could see a look of awful fear in his eyes as they saw me put out my left as if I meant to do some jabbing His hair almost rose on end He hadnt got over that awful punishment in four years My left must have stuck in his craw He made a swing at my head I stepped aside and as his own head went down my right met him on the point of the chin The floor was his and he stayed there I said Id hit once and I did Nerve Faffs As illustrating both the facts stated above the writer can never forget see ing a woman tight rope whose rope had been left too slack She was per forming at a great height and when she got to a certain distance along the rope the latter sagged so that she could neither advance nor retire The public knew nothing of the danger till the manager in an agony tried to get two immense ladders tied together up to the rope But this arrangement fell short and even if it had not done so no one would have dared to rest it against the swaying rope At last the ladders were held boldly upright by strong men till the topmost rung just touched the rope and then the gallant young fellow a sailor went up while the ladders swayed about as though in a breeze He snatched the woman on the rope and held her just as she fainted and dropped the balancing pole WW also to thank thee for this timely suc cor and the boys are yet undecided as to which was the winner New York Press Cost of Hauling Freight The cost of freight hauling per ton per mile on the London Northern rail way Englands most important line expressed in cents is 149 on the Pennsylvania railway the cost is 404 of a cent and on the New York Cen tral 41G of a cent Langley Airship Man Prof Samuel Pierpont Langley whose Impending experiments with an airship near Washington are attract ing conoldc able attention is offi cially tho secretary of the Smithson ian Institution He is widely respect ed bb a physicist and an astronomer or many years he has been experi menting with various principles in air navigation much of his work be ing in co operation with Dr Alexan der Graham Bell Prof Langley was bora in Boston in 1834 wns educated in Cambridge and Oxford He has written several works on astronomy dynamics and aeodynaraics GREATLY REDUCED RATES Via WABASH RAILROAD Home Visitors Excursion to points in Indiana Ohio and Kentucky sold Sept 1st 8th 15th and Oct Gth at very low rate long limit returning Little Rock Ark nnd return sold Oct 2nd 3rd and 4th HALF FARE Baltimore Md and return sold Sept 17th 18th and 19th Homeseekers Excursion to many points South and Southeast one way and round trip tickets sold the first and third Tuesdays of each month The Wabash is the only line pass ing the Worlds Fair Grounds giving all a view of the buildings and grounds Through connections No bus transfer this route Elegant equipment consisting of sleepers FREE reclining chair cars and high hack coaches on all trains Ask your agent to route you via the Wabash For rates folders and 11 information call at Wabash Clty oflice 1C01 Farnam street or address HARRY E MO ORES Genl Agt Pass Dept Omaha Neb Chaunccys Uncle Made Em Anything to rivet the attention of the passerby seems to be the New York merchants motto In a shoe store window in upper Broadway is a pair of very old much worn shoes above which is a placard reading This pair of suoes was sold in 1SC0 In Peekskill by Senator Chauncey Depews uncle When Your Grocer Ssye he doos not havo Deflanco Starch yon mny be oaro ho is afraid to keep it until hi Ftock of 12 oz packages ro Hold Defiance Starch is not onlv better thfm any other Cold Water Starch but contains ItJ os to the package and soils for same inonoy as 12 oj LrnndH Some men dont know how much they are worth most dont know how little Dont cry over spilled milk theres enough water wasted as it is RED CROSS BALL BZUB Should be in every home Aslcyour grocer for it Largo 2 oz package only 5 cent3 Japans Slow Workmen All mills in Japan run day and night the change of hand3 being made rt noon and midnight In one mill at Osaka 26000 workers are under 15 vears of age and operate only 3700 spindles In this country 300 persons operate that number In the Lowell mill of 4000 looms and 122000 spin dles there are 700 male and 1500 female operators In Japan it would require 12000 persons to do this work The wages however in Japan are 15 cents per day for a man and 9J cents for a woman IfioaothellcvcPisosCure for Ccnstisption cas an equal for coughs ana colds John F BOTTin Trinity Springs IncL Feb 6 1900 A Paris School for Dogs It seems probable that before long he dogs as well as the daughters of rich and fashionable folk will be sent to Paris to finish their education A school for dogs has been established there Many society women already employ a maid or a man as a dog attendant whose duty it is to train and to accompany their pampered pets But it is now possible to send them to a school where they can he taught to bark properly to bow in greeting and farewell to pick up a fan dropped by the mistress and pre sent it to her gracefully and to walk with proud and prancing steps A New Headlight A recent Improvement in railroad locomotive headlights is to send a beam of light vertically from the lo comotive as well as straight ahead The column of light rising vertically from the locomotice can be seen from a great distance even though a hill Ehould intervene to hide the ordinary headlight and dull the sound of the whistle The searchlight effect used abroad ships is thus to some extent utilized An approaching locomotive with this device alvays signals its coming with a pillar of fire by night producing an impressive as well as useful result A German Farmers Csee Rich Fountain Mo Aug 17tb Rev Joseph Pope of this place Is widely and favorably known a3 a clergyman who has done and is doing much for his people He Is very much beloved by everyone for the faithful ness of his pastoral work Rev Mr Pope has given for publica tion a statement made to him by a German farmer who is a member of his congregation The mans name is George Hoellerer and he has given Rev Mr Pope this letter Last winter I suffered very much with Rheumatism I could neither walk nor ride on horseback nor do any farm work I took medicine from different doc tors but they did not do me any good Then I tried Dodds Kidney Pills pro cured for me by a good friend After I had taken the first bes I felt already a heap better I was relieved of the pain and could walk and chop wood and the contraction of my fingers be gan to resolve Now since I have taken six mere boxes of Dodds Kidney Pills I feel well again and am able to do all the work on the farm In a race between a mans will and a womans wont the latter invariably wins Mpre GpoonerlBms Some moro of Rov William Arch bald Spooners transpositions arc printed in M A P Among them arcr thoBe There enran up graBHpIIIars and catcrhoppers Innumerable shov ing leopard for loving shepherd alid now I Hec through a dark glass ly I must return to Oxford by tho town drain down irain I stopped for a few minutes to boll my icicle oil my bicycle Mrs nnonrtnj nyrttn Tor rtHilren tcclblDK foftena the Km rcdiirr h namnutlon allay paiuctirt 8 wlctt rollc 15c bottle Give a man or woman plenty of vlno and a little time and you can wrlto their biography while you walL When you ride on a self acting trol ley it is sometimes hard to control the brakes DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by loral Application- ns they cannot reach tlio 1K ensd pnnlcn or the car There is only onn way to cine lenfnras anil that iJ by constitutional remeillrs Ufiaiaess It raircil by an inflamed coji tliticn or the inui rms lininz ot thelitmachiaii Tobtj When this tnlie is inCatiifd jon have u nunbliuu sound or imptufect hearing and when it Is entiicly closed denfnevi is the irsull otid unites tho in dainmation can be taken out nnd thfo tube restored lo it normal condition Iieaiinu will bo duitioyod foreet nine casei out or ten ore crttsed by c toirh which is nothing but un intluiiKd condition of tho mucous surfaces We wdl cive One Hundred Dollars for aii7 cuso of OeHfness caused by cutnrrh lint cannot bc cured by Halls Cnturtb Con Send for circnlma free P J CHENEY fc CO Toledo O Sold by DrtwiiiMs 15c Hall Family 1illa are the best Joe Chamberlains Flowera Joseph Chamberlain wan showing a lady over his conservatories at Highbury His fiuest remarked One need not ask you Mr Chamberlain whether you are fond of llowerH To which the English statesman made this characteristic reply Oh I dont know that I am particularly fond of them but when I started growing them I made up my mind that no ono should have better flowers than I InnlHt un Gcttlnff It Some croccrs eay thoy dont keep Do flnnce Hlurch becuunc they have a Htock In hand of 12 oz brundn which they know cannot he sold to a customer who has once usjd tJie 1C oz iikr Dellanco Starch for the snmu money A father may disinherit hia chil dren but ho cannot disinherit I ho lawyers BETra 7HAH S9LD for tha teeth It p eventa iloca7 It harden tho vttm csd purifies tho breath and mouth SE5 DAK 7S3K ttttrnz Bspi ffrcanRW iixli Ijewis single Eimm STRABGMT Sr CSGAR Your jobber or direct from Factory Peoria IU Plie eyes of hoiwsand cattloenuttnV wiiu ine eyes oi man are cured oy rSlilSI m B snsS wmigk wcn i 5t3c YpqI W - JJ a which was favorably known in this region as far back as 119 Yon may I L 1 - 1 pjace great commence in mis rcmeay CURES ALL EYE AFFECTIONS 9a nrwpT EXCELSIOR BRA SBP I QMed GSEatSaosag Keep Qui the Vict Warranted vrater proof and bnllt to wear All btvlca for all occupy tiure Look -for trtttfr vxnrk 11 yonr doiUer dosot have them Rend for catalogue to HMSAdYEZSCH Ciut Coatbridge Muk weEr To prove the healing anffi cleansing power of Ilitlnc ToHet IrtlEeptlo yo trill mail r large trial pacTfjjge Kith book of instructions absolutely frco This in not a tiny sampje but a larxo vlcce anyone of its value Women all over the country m u pruiMing jraitiiij icr TV jat it has dose In local treat ment of fcnlaln rnrini all inflammation vnd discharges wondnrf il as h cleansing vainl douche for sore throat raa3 catarrh as a mouth -wash and to remove tartar and -whiten the teeth Send today a costal card rill ac Sold by drojTRlHtsrrRont postpaid by ns CO cits large box Satisfaction jru irantcC THE K IAXTON CO Boston DIa 21i Colurcbua Ar MZZZi3lZinViz5ii1i Xe5Kil2H If you want to knew all abcut North BsVota and whero to buy scod land cheap vrrite for onr descriptive folder and map WHITNEY WHEELCCK 23 aroartsay Farno W D 9 4fl fifrRF RED Rsver valley north fitU rtfcP DAKOTA FAB VI rour wlies froia wain lice of No hcra 1aclflc All under cultlrction tut COO acrpr -0 acres lenred Itevtra runs through p Etare Rich hlzci locin k1 ovt r clay subsoil Eeant nctv h nse cot iifft cVr bilidlaj3 fair reifan vri Heison 1t made encuh rsosey it nt tM fcrni o lani tha re s of natural life lrice per c re 2150 Trmf verv easy 1 F LUICOLX FAEGC KOR7 L DZQT Ccr IDtb zzt Lraveetrsrth SXz Otf 1KA NEB The only pooitlTe cure for Drnnktnnccs Drug U3lng and the Tobacco Habit Ccr rcoVusdenee strictly confiOf nilxL TO 2 BUSKS Hangar