MJ3t v -- ji i SSSeSSSSaS2aB3SmSBBBBBS FOB CLEAN Vto ROOSEVELT ADDRESSES A RE LIGIOUS SOCIETY THE NEED OF PURE LIFE His Remarks Applauded by a Large and Enthusiastic Audience Speech as Well as Conduct Important for All to Consider OYSTER BAY N Y President Aooaevelt delivered the principal ad dress at the quarterly meeting of the Society of Holy Name of Brooklyn and Long Island held hero Sunday Decency of Speech and Conduct constituted the theme of his address which was enthusiastically applauded by an audience of more than 2000 persons chiefly men During the af ternoon special trains brought hun dreds of member of the society to f Oyster Bay from Brooklyn and west ern Long Island As the president drove up to the stand in a closed carriage accompanied by Captain W H Brownson superintendent of the Naval academy Secretary Barnes and a representative of the society he was accorded an enthusiastic recep tion a band the while playing Hail to the Chief After the audience had sung America Father Power rector of St Dominics introduced the presi dent in a felicitous speech Vhen President Roosevelt rose to speak ho was greeted with cheers and it was quite a minute before he was able to proceed His address in part follows Very reverend dean reverend clergy aud you of the Holy Name society I count myself fortunate in having the chance to cay a word to you to day and at the outset let me Father Yowe r on behalf of my neighbors your congregation welcome you here to Oyster Bay I have a partial right to join in that welcome myself for it was my good fortune in the days of Father Powers predecessor Father Belford to be the first man to put down a small contribution for the erection of the church here I am particularly glad to see such a church as this flourishing as your society has flourished because the future welfare of our nation depends upon the way in which we can combine in our men our young men decency aud strength Just this morning when attending service on the great battleshipKearsarge I listened to a sermon addressed to the officers and enlisted men of the navj in which the central thought was that each American must he a good man or he could not be a good citizen and one of the things dwelt upon in that ser mon was the fact that a man must be clean of mouth as well as clean of life must show by his words as well as actions his fealty to the Deity and to the Savior if he was to live aright We have good scriptural authority for the statement that it is not what comes into a mans mouth but what goes out of it that counts I am not addressing weaklings or I should not take the trouble to come here I am addressing strong vigorous men who are engaged in the hard work of life and life to be worth living must be a life of activity and hard work I am speaking to men engaged in the hard active work of life and there fore men who count for good or evil aud it is particularly incumbent upon you who have strength to set a right example to others I ask you to re member that you cannot retain your self respect if you are loose and foul of tongue that a man who is to lead a clean and honorable life must inevit ably suffer if his speech likewise is not clean and honorable Every man here knows the temptations that be set all of us in this world In v Lady Constance to Wed LONDON The engagement of Lady Constance Mackenzie and Captain Fitzgerald of the Eleventh Hussar3 has come as a great surprise to so ciety Lady Constance has for the past three years set everyone won dering what she would do next A- year ago she created some excitement in the United States by riding astride along the sidewalks of Aiken S C Ker relatives could do nothing with her Shaw Visits His Mother MORRISVILLE Vt Secretary of the Treasury Shaw came here Sunday for a few days visit at the home of his mother Pope Receives Harty in Private ROME The pope at 5 oclock Sun day afternoon received at a private audience in his apartments Arch bishop Harty who was on Saturday created archbishop of Manila with whom he spoke at length on the sit uation in the Philippines The pope said the efforts of tho clergy toward the pacification of the archipelago and the triumph of Catholoclsm would al ways receive the warmest support at Rome H s5r ROOT WILL QUIT Will Resign Position Before 3ailing for London WASHINGTON Before Secretary Root sails for London to sit with the Alaskan commission he will place his resignation in the presidents hands in order that a secretary of war may be appointed if necessary during his absence It is expected however that the resignation will not be acted upon un til after congress meets The ap pointment of Mr Roots successor will depend somewhat on the length of time he is engaged on the Alaskan boundary commission It ha3 been known for some time that Secretary Root intended to retire but he did not wish to leave the de partment until the general staff was in- operation It is uncerstood that the matter of his successor has been discussed and while not officially an nounced it is thought the position will be tendered to Governor Taft While Secretary Root is in London ho will remain in communication with the war department and matters per taining to the staff and other matters will be referred to him If the sit tings of the Alaskan commission ex tend beyond December 1 it is likely the secretarys resignation will be ac cepted at that time It is believed here that there will be much delay in the consideration of the Alaskan boundary case and that the United States commission ers may be detained ia London sev eral months Secretary Roots decision to leave public life is based largely on personal grounds His family does not like the life in Washington and the secretary also desires to return to his law prac tice in New York Many questions relative principally to the islands and the establishment of a government in Cuba have been settled during Secretarv Roots ad ministration The reorganization of the army under the general staff plan is now under way and the secretary feels he has accomplished the work he was called on to do when he became secretary of war OYSTER BAY N Y Bllhu Root will resign as secretary of war the resignation to take effect about Jan uary 1 He will be succeeded unless present plans miscarry by Judge Wil liam H Taft now governor of the Philippines When Mr Roosevelt became presi dent Mr Root expressed his desire to leave the cabinet within a year but his friendship for the president and his interest in pending questions before the department caused him to remain for a longer period Even now he has not indicated just when he may leave the cabinet but he and Jhe president have discussed the question several times and have a mutual understanding It is not thought the secretary will present his resignation before he leaves for Eng land to take up the work of -the Alas kan boundary commission MILES IS NOT A CANDIDATE Doss Not Want to Head the Grand Army of the Republic OMAHA The second section of the Chicago North western train to which was attached Ihe sDeecial car No 403 conveying General Nelson A Miles and party arrived in Cniaha about 4 oclock Tuesday afternoon A great throng welcomed him at the de pot here I am not a candidate for the office of commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic said General Miles On the contrary shall second the nomination of Gen eral John C Blacir General Black Is a fine representative of the old sol diers and is entitled to the honor The Grand Army was created for the com mon soldier and not for the profes sional At any rate I have had honor enough in the military line and have no ambition further in that direction The Grand Army of the Republic is very dear to me I was active in its organization assisting General John A Logan In 1868 when I was in command of a district in South Caro lina I organized Barbara Freitsche post and was for a long time one of the comrades of that post I have since had my membership transferred to Lafayette post of the New York department and there it now is You must not think that I do not appre ciate the distinction of being commander-in-chief for I do I think it is the highest honor that can come to an old soldier A man who is so good is real un canny Wireless Telegraphy Contest BERLIN The first international congress of wireless telegraphy ad journed after resolving to keep its proceedings secret for the present It is learned that the majority reach ed an agreement regarding the prin ciples of the control of international communication by wireless telegraphy A semi official statement issued re garding the congress renders it prob able that Germans will soon call a more general conference JEFFRIES WINNER SUCCESSFULLY DEFENDS TITLE TO CHAMPIONSHIP VICTORY IN THE TENTH ROUND Sponge Thrown Up to Save Corbett From Needless Punishment Evi dence that Jeffries Stands Alone in His Class MECHANICS PAVILION SAN FRANCISCO James J Jeffries heavyweight champion of the world played with Corbett for nine rounds and a half- Friday night and then Cor betts seconds stopped the fight to save their man from needless punish ment The end cams shortly after the be ginning of the tenth round when Jeffries planted one of his terrific left swings on Corbetts stomach The man who conquered John L Sullivan dropped to the floor in agony and the memorable scene at Carson City when Bob Fitzsimraons landed his solar plexus blow was almost duplicated This time however Corbett struggled to his feet and again faced his gi gancic adversary With hardly a moments hesitation Jeffries swung his right and again landed on Cor betts stomach Jim dropped to the floor and then it was that Tommy Ryan seeing it was all over motioned to Referee Graney to stop it The fight demonstrated beyond all doubt that Jeffries stands alone in his class He showed remarkable im provement on both speed and skill Corbett during the first part of the fight was almost outpointed and the few blows he landed on Jeffries were apparently without sting Jeffries was never in better condition He looked lighter than usual and the way he moved about on his feet and the fre quency with which he countered Cor betts leads astonished everybody Corbett in comparison with the big man opposed to him looked light but was really heavier than ever before He appeared to have lost some of his old time speed and skill during the early part of the fight but this may have been due to Jeffries marvelous improvement Corbetts physical condition appear ed to be all that he had claimed He stood many of Jeffries terrific blows without wincing and came back swing ing left and right and landed frequent ly but his blows hardly stunned Jeffries Jeffries was not only strorig er and cleverer than ever but he used his head to better purpose and al though Corbett would hit him hard enough to hurt an ordinary man Jeffries bore right in without notic ing the blows and delivered telling hits that materially aided in deciding the fight At first Corbett was cautious and apparently was outpointed by Jewries but later he warmed up and showed some of his old time cleverness From the first however it was generally regarded as a hopeless case for Cor bett He made a gallant fight but he never stood a show to win After the fight was over Corbett quickly recovered walked over to Jeffries and shook him warmly by the hand He said Jim you beat me fairly You stand alone No one can touch you CANNON AND ALLISON MEET Neither Will Discuss the Object of Their Conference CHICAGO 111 Senator Yttlliam B Allison and Congressman Joseph G Cannon of Illinois slated as speaker of the next house held a conference at the Auditorium Annex but neither statesman would discuss the meeting I saw Senator Allen said Con gressman Cannon but there is noth ing I can say about our meeting I am on my way to Nebraska Senator Allison remained but a shorttime in Chicago and as he did not see any other politician during his visit it is surmised that he came especially for the conference with Congressman Can non King Bestows Honors LONDON A large number of pro motions and appointments to the i Royal Victorian order in connection with the kings visit to Ireland was gazetted on They include Lord Londonderry and Lord Dudley as Knights of the Grand Cross and Lord Charles Beresford the Rt Hon Horace Curzon Plunket Sir Anthony Patrick McDonald and a number of Irish offi cials as knights commander Mrs Nation Asks Damages SCRANTON Pa Carrie Nations summary conviction for selling hatch ets in violation of a city ordinance was declared illegal by Judge Newcombe on Monday when her application for a writ of habeas corpus came before him The writ was sustained on the ground that the magistrates record was defective Mrs Nation will bring suit against the city for 50000 damages for false arrest and impris onment APPEAL TO POWERS Macedonian Rebels Will Struggle Till European Intervention SOFIA The delegates of thp Mace donian committee have addressed the following appeal to each of the repre sentatives of the powers Your Excellency The delegates of I the Macedonian committee have the honor to bring to your notice the fol lowing declaration with the request that you communicate it to your gov ernment The Mussulmans systematic perse cution has compelled the Christians in Macedonia and the vilayettes of Adri anople to institute a general rising They have had recourse to this meas jre after exhausting every measure to secure the intervention of Europe to enforce the provisions of the Berlin treaty At the present moment inter vention is the unly means of remedy ing the evil and stopping bloodshed The sporadic efforts of the ppwers to secure reforms have failed they re sulting merely in a recrudescence of Turkish fanaticism and government oppression It is evident that reform measures o be efficacious must include the ap pointment of a Christian governor general of Macedonia some one who ftas never held office under the porte and who must be independent of the Turkish government in the exercise of his functions and the further ap pointment by the powers of a joint permanent administrative board with power to deal with any disturbance Having exposed the foregoing facts to the civilized world and made pub lic the causes which have driven the Macedonians to despair the commit tee for the Macedonians now in arms proposes to continue the fight until the object of their uprising has been at tained Signed for the committee DOCTORS TATARCHAFF CHRISTO MATOFF DECLARES H MSELF BEST MAN What Jeffries Said After the Fight Was Over SAN FRANCISCO Jeffries said af ter the fight here Friday night My Sght will demonstrate to the public that I am a better man than I ever was and gives the lie to the reports which has been circulated in some quarters that I am a physical wreck through drink and other dissipation I trained faithfully for this fight aud the result shows that I am the nat aral champion I outboxed Corbett in every round and carried the fight to aim at every stage of the game I must say however that Corbett put ap a better fight than I thought he would His punches had no steam and when they did land which was aot often they did not pheze me At no time was I distressed and I felt confident of winning from the first I would have put him out n the fourth if my glove had not burst The half minutes delay to replace the glove did Corbett a world of good and he was able to continue the con test Although he knew I was his master and lost his old time confi dence he occasionally showed his old agility I fought harder with mw trainers during the conditioning sea son than I aid with Corbett and I finished the contest as fresh as when entered the ring I have no plans for the future Those matters are left to my manager and my trainer BIGGEST IOWA HAS EVER HAD Indications Are That State Fair at Des Mpines Will Break All Records DES MOINES la The Iowa state fair opens Friday of this week and the indications are that it will be the biggest fair the state has ever had All of the departments will be full to overflowing and the directors of the fair are at a loss to know what to do with all of the entries that have been made In the cattle department nearly 800 entries have been made which is above last years record It will probably be necessary to house part of the cattle in tents as the barns will not hold all of them and there will not be time to build more The horse show will be one of the greatest ever held in the west All of the leading importers of the central west have arranged to have their sta r bles represented and when it comes to judging horses the best judges in the country will have all they can do to pick the winners Veterans Endorse Miles ROCHESTER N Y At the session of the Union Veteran Union national encampment a resolution was passed commending the administrative acts of Lieutenant General Miles It has been decided to take no for mal action in the matter of the fac tional troubles that have afflicted the organization since the bolt at the Des Moines convention in 1899 There is a large crowd in attendance and the veterans are enjoying themselves THE LIVE STOCK MARKET Latest Quotations Prom South 5 Omaha and Konsas City 4 SOUTH OMAHA CATTLE There was a moderate run of cattle and ns local buyers were all anxious for supplies the market ruled active and higher on all desirable grades Tlioro were several cars of cornfed steers on sale and In fact a larger percentage of the receipts than usual constated of beef steers Thv quality of several shipments was uy far the best of any that have been here in some time past Packers though all took hold freely and as a result the prices paid wore very satis factory There were only a few cows and heifers in sight and the market ruled active and steady to strong There Is nothing new to report regard ing bulls veal calves and stags They have sold In much the same notches all the week There wore only a few bunches of stockers aid feeders in the yards and as is generally the case to ward the close of the week many were wanted It would not be safe to quoto them any more than steady There were not enough western cattle here to make a test of the market From the way packers bought the cornfeds however it would be safe to quote grass beef strong HOGS xnere was not an excessive run of hogs in sight and under the in fluence of a good demand the market here opened fully a nickel higher with trading quite active A good many sales showed an advance of 5y10e but toward the close the demand was not quite as brisk so that the late sales were a little weaker Coarse heavy hog3 had to sell as low as 510 but the bulk of the heavy hogs sold froni 515 to 520 mixed went from 520 to 523 and lights sold from 5525 to 537 SHEEP Quotations for grass stock Good to choice lambs 500 525 fair to good lambs 475 500 good to choice yearlings 359 275 fair to good yearlings 3255350 good to choice wethers 325 good to choice ewes 290 310 fair to good ewes 250275 feeder lambs 350425 feeder yearlings 325 350 feeder wethers 300325 feeder ewes 150 230 KANSAS CITY CATTLE Corn fed cattle 10 25c lower than weeks best prices cows and heifers and stockers and feeders steady choice export and dressed beef steers 475 540 fair to good 375 475 stockers and feeders 300425 western fed steers 295 485 Texas and Indian steers 250 390 Texas cows i35285 native cows 150 410 native heifers 225 470 can ners 100230 bulls 2000330 calves 325 575 HOGS Strong to 5c higher top 565 bulk of sales 530550 heavy 520540 mixed packers 530543 light 545 565 yorkers 35 565 pigs 340 565 SHEEP AND LAMBS Market steady native lambs 300560 west ern lambs 290535 fed ewes 275 470 Texas clipped sheep yearlings 280 475 Texas clipped sheep 260 445 stockers and feeders 243350 EARLY SESSION IS OPPOSED Many Members of Congress Will Be Engaged in Ootober OYSTER BAY L L Financial leg islation and ether work of the pro posed extraordinary session of con gress were discussed Friday by the president and his callers who includ ed Secretaries Shaw and Hitchcock Senator Cullom and Comptroller of the Currency Ridgely Considerable opposition has devel oped to the idea of calling the extra session in October The point is made that many senators and representa tives will be engaged during October in their state campaigns and that it would be politically unwise for them to leave their states at such a time It was announced that no definite conclusion regarding the date of the extraordinary session has yet been reached OCCUPATION DAY AT MANILA Anniversary is Made a Festive Occa sion by Veterans of Campaign MANILA Veterans of the Army of the Philippines celebrated Occupation day with a parade in which 80 men took part clad in the old regulation service clothing blue shirts and khaki A banquet was afterward served at which the stori of the campaign dur ing the stirring period in the early occupancy of the territory closed by the capture of the city of Manila was told and the battles fought over again around the festive board Commissioner Smith was the chief speechmaker of the evening Two thirds of the veteran soldiers of the campaign now serve in one position or another under the civil government Alaskan Boundary Commission WASHINGTON The state depart ment has been informed by Ambassa dor Choate that the first meeting of the Alaskan boundary commission will be held on September 3 in the Brit ish foreign office Causes Failure of Another Bank DULUTH Minn The alleged em bezzlement of 45000 of the funds of the Commercial Banking company for which E E Johnson a trusted clerk of tho bank is under arrest on Friday brought about the failure of the Merchants bank of Duluth President Smith said that tha fail ure was due to a run on the bank resulting from the closing of the Commercial Banking companys insti tution PLAYED DEAF AND DUMB But Even Then the Lawyer Did Not Get Silent Shavs Experiments dont always terminate as expected said a Nassau street law yer This morning I went to a strange barber shop and for the pur pose of heading off conversation I played deaf and dumb As I entered I put my fingers to work and went through the motion of shaving with an affirmative shako of the head gave the negative shake as I made tho hair cutting motions shampooing gestures shoeblacking actions and application of hair tonic passes Two idle barbers bowed In recog nition of understanding me and took positions at their chairs waiting for me to make my selection which I did by dropping into the first one That fellow looks daffy as well as dumb said the barber who wasnt putting soap in my mouth I gues3 hes all right answered the one who was rubbing in all the lather on one spot These dummies always do act queer I bet he is too mean to give you a tip He looks it answered the shaver He will be a bald headed lobster in side of six months It looks as though his wife had been playing ping pong on his head Sell him some hair tonic replied the other I will writo and ask him If he wants it Til be hanged if you do I cried out Go on with the shave and let me get out of this The shave was completed after a fashion and there wasnt a word spok en during the rest of the process The tip was forgotten New York Herald WAS THIS DOCTOR A QUACK Cured a Patient of a Hallucination by a Clever Trick We recall the case of an unhappy wretch who came to Washington some years ago imploring the doctors to re lieve liim of a snake which he said he had swallowed while drinking at a spring and which as he violently de clared was devouring the coat of his stomach One by one the learned gen tlemen examined him satisfied them selves that there was no snake as indeed there was not and sent him away with the solemn assurance that he need not worry about it any more He continued to worry however and when at last he found a physician vho cared more about results than etiquette he was on the verge of actual insanity This great physician sqon perceived that he had to deal with a hallucination not a snake and proceeded accordingly He employed a colored citizen and a tin bucket Two hours in Rock Creek park brought forth a garter snake of small size but great activity and an earnest and in dustrious emetic did the rest The victim saw the snake wriggling In the bucket and went home happy It is part of the history of that period however that the physician who achieved the cure was loudly de nounced as an outlaw and consigned to everlasting odium for unprofes sional conduct We never heard that he lost the confidence of the public on that ac count however and as the fame and the fortunes of medical men are made by their practical achievements and not by the approval of their fellow doctors we rather think he profited in the end Washington Post The Gospel of Must There is work in the world for the toiler or dreamer And the work thats at hand is tho work he should do And whether the toilers mechanic or schemer The result is the crystallized thing that he knew Let the thing be a good thing the world Is the better If bad tis a pity the tools did not rust Good bad or indifferent man is the debtor So hell tell you at times of the Gos pel of Must I just had to do it cries weak kneed offender Gainst moralitys laws when hes called to account I had tot the borrower says to th lender So do instances rise there are anv amount Cruel fate is most kind in providing ex cuses For weak foolish men who lie prono in the dust And while helping the wicked and fool ish traduces A great and wise message the Gospel of Must The wise man must give of his wisdom to many The man with great gifts always must pass them on The good man forbears doing evil to any Always must do whats right and bid evil begone Grim necessity cruelly tries every fellow Who walks neath her banner Ah heartless her thrust You must do right or wrong You must be red or yellow So the weaklings are killed bv the Gos pel of Mu3t Pittsburg Dispatch His Debt to the Bible A frivolous visitor to the Fiji islands said to a Fijian chief It is really a pity you have been so foolish an to listen to these missionaries No one nowadays believes In the Bible The chiefs eyes flashed as he said Do you see tha stone There we killed our victims Do you see that oven There we roasted their bodies for our feasts If it hadnt been for the mis sionaries and the Bible you would have met the same fate Discourtesy Madge He tried to kiss me al though we are not engaged Dolly What made him think he could do it Madge I suppose it was because he had been in the habit of calling on you Judge Shame When a nans foot gets tangled up with a womans under the table and she gets mad about it you can make her madder by pretending you Sought It was somebody else VI i t - A r ji X y 7 K f A