The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 14, 1903, Image 8

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XflJpjjgffigyr yiTyy
- x
Ctt r Hi if i
Public Highways Established
tTJio county commissioners at thoir
inoetlng last wook established public
toads prayed for as follows
Commencing at northeast corner of
northwest quarter 6f 32-1-27 thence
south along half section lino through
section 32 to Kansas line tho east line
of proposed road to be the half section
Hue said road to be 40 feet wido all on
west side of half section lino
CJommencing at northwest corner of
tiortheast quartor of northeast quarter
of section 21-3-20 thonco south along
west line of east half of northeast quarter
off section 24 to the right-of-way of B
M It RR theneo easterly along north
side of said right of way to west line of
VMtialf of section 17-3-28 terminating
- Also vacating as follows
Beginning at northwest corner of
tooctheast quarter of section 24-3-29
theneo east along section lino to the
southeast corner of southwest quarter
of section 17
Puts an End to It All
A grievous wail oftimes comes as a re
salt of unbearable pain from over taxed
organs Dizziness backache liver com
plaint and constipation But thanks to
1r Kings New Life Pills they put an
end to it all They aro gentle but thor
ough Try them Only 25c Guaran
teed by LW McConnells drug store
Cured Paralysis
W S BailyP 0 True Texas writes
My wife had been suffering five years
with paralysis in her arm when I was
persuaded to use Ballards Snow
which cured her all right I have
also used it for old sores frost bites and
skin eruptions It does the work 25c
50c and S16o at A McMillensdruggist
Mrs Mollie Allen of South ForkKy
says she has prevented attacks of cholera
morbus by taking Chamberlains Stom
ach and Liver Tables when she felt an
sattack coming on Such attacks aro
Bsually caused by indigestion and these
Tablets are just what is needed to cleanse
the stomach and ward off the approach-
iog attack Attacks of bilious colic may
fee prevented in tho same way For sale
by L W MxConnell druggist
Aabddlfes co Support Art
The government of Bavaria has
-voted a considerable sum for the main
tenance of art institutions throughout
the kingdom during the coming year
Tho allowances for the purchase of
paintings and their preservation is
particularly liberal The various art
Institutes in Munich receive handsome
subsidies and the Germanic museum
JxTNuremberg gets an increased allow
ance Various other institutions have
tsecn voted large amounts for repairs
-x ana maintenance These art allow-
ances in all reach 8188163 marks
C739741 Emil Hensel In Chicago
V FRANKLIN President
riBM nuilCINE
Thedfords Black Draucht has
saved doctors bills for more than
sixty years For the common fam
ily ailments rauch as constipation
indigestion hard colds bowel com
plaints chills and fever bilious
ness headaches and other like
complaints no other medicine is
necessary It invigorates and reg
ulates the liver assists digestion
stimulates action of tho kidneys
Eurifies the blood and purges the
owels of foul accumulations It
cures liver complaint indigestion
sour stomach dizziness chills
rheumatic pains sideache back-
acne Kidney troubles constipation
diarrhoea biliousness piles hard
colds and headache Every drug
gist has Thedfords Black Draught
B in OK onf rtnnlrnmia nni in mnm
moth size for 1 00 Never accept
a substitute Insist onhaving the
original made by the Chattanooga
Medicine Company
I believe Thedfords Black Draught
Is the best medicine on earth It is
good fr anv and everything I have
a family of twelve children and for
lour years I have Kept them on foot i
ana healthy with no doctor but BlacK
Draught AJ GREEN litewara La
DeWitt is the Name
When you go to buy Witch Hazel
Salve look for the name DeWitt on every
box The pure unadulterated witch
hazel is used in making Do Witts Witch
Hazel Salve which is tho best salve in
the world for cuts burns bruises boils
eczema and piles The popularity of
DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve due to its
many cures has caused numerous worth
less counterfeits to be placed on the
market The genuine bears the name
of E C DeWitt Co Chicago Sold
by L W McConnell druggist
Suicide Prevented
The startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide has been discover
ed will interest man A run down sys
tem or despondency invariably precede
suicide and something has been found
that will prevent that condition which
makes suicide likely At the first thought
of self destruction take Electric Bitters
It being a gieat tonic and nervine will
strengthen the nerves and build up the
system Its also a great stomach liver
and kidney regulater Only 50c Satis
faction guaranteed by LW McConnell
Vjjufflgjacaftr afictificjfkgfafflcigcVWTdfrr rfVTffirrffcjffir ftr JV riViiftr jj
if 3I3Ft ag jk Jjp fp Jg fp W
c jjgcjffftjfgcafgc 3
A C EBERT Cashier
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
l5X vwsixvwisv si fwrwvwwwxvK i jyM
r4fc J5t
- -
Authorized Capital 100 OOO
Capital and Surplus 60000
A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director
fHwsPts m
WSMorlan of McCook was in town
S E Solomon was a Trenton business
visitor Wednesday
H W Hutchison returned to his
home in Anderson Iowa Friday night
Mr and Mrs J F Henderson drove
to McCook Tuesday to do some shop
Lillian Beeche returned from Denver
Wednesday whoro she has been several
A Haggo of Grand Island was up
looking over the beet fields here Wed
C G Crews is improving the appear
ances of his office with a coat of paint
this week
Misses Ina and Iva Shumakor drove
to Trenton Saturday to witness those
great ball games
Emma Gaardar came in on No 5
Tuesday from Oraaha where she has
spent the summer
Wm Keller and daughter Mies Zita
returned from an extended visit at Man
son Iowa Wednesday evening
Mrs S E Solomon and daughter
Dorothy left for Colorado Springs Colo
rado Friday evening for a weeks visit
J B Dinsmore came in on No 1 Sun
day to be with his neice Mariette Wem
ple who is very sick with typhoid fever
Helen Wilson returned to her home in
Stratton -Tuesday night after a three
weeks visit with friends and relatives at
this place
Brother J M Eads of Grand Island
gave a very interesting talk to the A O
U W and D of H lodges at their
hall Monday evening
Edith Woodburn went down to Shel
ton Saturday for a visit with her many
old time friends before taking up her
schoolwork at Grafton Nebraska
Henry Hein resigned his position as
clerk for C Wacker Saturday evening
Henry and his father-in-law H Wacker
have bought the Tillman stock and will
enter into the mercantile business after
Potent Pill Pleasure
The pills that are potent in their action
and pleasant in effect are DeWitts Little
Early Eisers W S Philpot of Albany
Ga says Duriog a bilious attack I
took one Small as it was it did me
more good than calomel blue mass or
any other pills I ever took and at the
same time it effected me pleasantly
Little Early Risers are certainly an ideal
pill Sold by L W McConnell
There was a surprise party at W D
Williams home Saturday
The Gregory boys threshed over 1000
bushels of wheat in one day this week
Miss Ella Sells was quite sick Tues
day night She is much better at this
Miss Ethel Rockwell of Cambridge is
making an extended visit with Mrs
Taylor Ginther
Frank Vickrey and Guy Curlee at
tended band practice at Cambridge
Tuesday evening
We have tried to find out how much
grain is being shipped each day from our
station but the elevator men are so busy
they dont talk much
Mrs Jessie Hodgkin and son were
down from McCook Sunday visiting
with Mrs Henry Burton They re
turned home in the evening
The Collicot brothers ordered a thresh
ing outfit Tuesday evening which they
expect to receive this week and begin
threshing Monday in Frontier county
GWRitchie purchased a new thresh
ing machine left week and has it all
set up in running order and will begin
threshing for Mr Hart as soon as the
weather is favorable
While George Liston was threshing
lastFridaythe wagon turned over throw
ing the header box against his leg with
sufficient force to fracture the leg be
tween the ankle and knee We learn
the case is doing well
Perry Ginther went to Lincoln Satur
day evening and purchased a new engine
for their threshing machine The engine
arrived Wednesday and was taken to
Frank Hodgkins farm where they will
continue threshing for him Mr Hodg
kin has had one piece of wheat threshed
that made 36 bushels per acre
A C Ong A M LL B Pres Omaha
Prof A J Lowry Princ
Bankand business men
10000 In Roll Top Desks Bank Fixtures and
50 Typewriters Students can work for board
Send for free catalogue bound in alligator
finest ever published by a Business College
Bead it and Jfou will attend tho N B C
i7 - fjc
Endorsed bv FirstNatl
hump back straight neither will it make
a short leg long but it feeds soft bone
and heals diseased hone and is among
the few genuine means of recovery in
rickets and bone consumption
Send for free sample
409 415 Pearl Street New York
50c and iiOo all druggists
John Boyer wheeled over from Dan
bury Sunday
Ernest Crabtreo has returned from Se
attle Washington
Mrs Rittenhouse of McCook visited in
Indianola Sunday
Ed Mitchell of McCook was in town
on business Monday
Mrs Sexsons daughter of Iowa is hero
for a few weeks visit
Merle Hostetter visited friends in
Holdrege Wednesday
Mr and Mrs Bernard Killers are tho
proud parents of a baby boy
Luke Hayden of McCook visited with
W H Allen and family Sunday
Merle Powell started Sunday evening
for a few weeks outing in California
W H Smith aud Jake Kern drovo
over to W Hs farm near Danbury Sun
Mr and Mrs Haley and son Arthur
spent Sunday with friends at Republican
Mrs Charlie Walls and son Burgus
returned home Monday from their visit
to the east
Miss Ruby Wheeler of Bartley visited
with William Porter and family a few
days this week
S Brayler dedicated his new barn last
Thursday evening by giving a dance to
the young people
The Misses Dora and Bertha Porter
visited the latter part of last week with
friends at Bartley
Blnnche Casten returned to her homo
in McCook tho first of the week after a
few days visit with Miss Eydia McCool
Rev Hardcastle of Cambridge preach
ed a very interesting sermon Sunday
evening at the Congregational church
Miss Nancy Stevens came in on No
5 from Minden Sunday evening to re
sume her old position as typewriter at
the bank
Mrs I S Walker acebmpanied by
her sister Miss Edith Smith went up to
McCook on No 5 Thursday evening to
take No 14 for Oklahoma
Mrs Lon Barton formerly of this
place now of Lincoln came up on No 1
Sunday with the body of her little boy
who was interred in the cemetery here
I N Brown of Denver who has been
visiting in Danbury came over to Indian
ola Monday to visit a few days with his
brother-in-law W II Smith and family
before returning home
Mrs Springer who has been visiting
her daughter MrsTownley for some time
returned to her home on the Beaver last
Friday morning She was accompanied
by Mrs C Russell and Mrs Townley
who visited until Monday morning
John Rollins and the Misses Lucy
Peake Ida Donnelly Susie Wallace
Laura Owens Delia Andrews Flora
Hoag and Edna Reynolds went up to
McCook Sunday evening to attend the
last week of the normal
The Good Old Hickory
The time is at hand when you will
need a good tight reliable wagon in
which to market your small grain
Thats tho kind W T Coleman sells
The Old Hickory kind and they
really cost no more than the cheap poor
sort that hardly last a season The
Old Hickory is guaranteed
The Death Penalty
A little thing sometimes results in
death Thus a mere scratch insignifi
cant cuts or puny boils have paid the
death penalty It is wise to have Buck
lens Arnica Salve ever handy Its the
best salve on earth and will prevent
fatality when burns sores ulcers and
piles threaten Only 25c at L W Mc
Connells drug store
Josiah Moore Mrs Josiah Mooro his wife
first name unknown Percy A Wells Myrtia A
Wells Anna E Clute Nathan Clute a minor
Anna E Clute natural guardian of Nathan
Clute a minor Amelia H Wells and John Doe
real name unknown defendants will take no
tice that Mark W Sheafo and Charles Harman
plaintiffs have filed their petition in the dis
trict court of Bed Willow county Nebraska
against said defendants tho object and prayer
of said petition being for the foreclosnre of a
certain mortgage dated the 20th day of October
1888 on tho southwest quarter of section 11
township 4 north range 29 west of the Sixth P
M in Red Willow county Nebraska given to
to secure the payment of one certain principal
promissory note of the defendant Josiah Moore
and one Nancy Moore for 30000 due October
first 1S93 and five interest coupon notes thereto
attached all of said interest coupon notes hav
ing been fully paid Said mortgage was also
given to secure -the pajment of any promissory
notes given for the purpose of procuring an ex
tension of tho time of payment of said principal
note and for tho repajment of any taxes paid
by the holder of said mortgage to protect said
security On the 6th day of February 1894 two
promissory notes were executed by the defend
ant Josiah Moore for the purpose of extending
the timo of payment of said principal note ono
year and there is now due plaintiffs on said
notes and mortgage deed and for taxe3 paid
to protect said security the sum of 40083 with
interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per
annum on 51050 thereof from the first day of
April 1S94 on S31050 thereof from the first day
of October 1S91 on 1446 thereof from the 18th
day of March 1895 on 406 thereof from the 11th
day of March 1895 on 1200 thereof from the
5th day of March 1S97 on 395 thereof from the
10th day of March 19 on 762 thereof from
the 3rd day of February 1899 on 827 thereof
from tho 19th day of February 1900 on 954
thereof from the ISth day of February 1901 on
940 thereof from the 7th day of February 1902
and on 1089 thereof from the 19th day of Janu
ary 1903 and plaintiffs pray for a decree that
the defendants be required to pay the same or
that said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due plaintiffs with interest and
cots of suit
You are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday the 21st day of September 1903
Maek W Sheafe and Chahlzs Harman
By W S Moelan their Attorney
Mrs Frank Niff Is on tho sick list
O T Francis Jhroshed tho first of tho
FCKellogg drove over from McCook
Mr Leary is still delivering pictures
in tho country hero
Willie Warner of Bell view Kentucky
is visiting his sister MrsWmKennedy
Amos Peck left for Colorado Wednes
day to spend two months in tho moun
Mrs W E Minor left via McCook
for FuTlerton Nebraska to visit her
Mr and Mrs T H Wilson of Stam
ford Nebraska visited last week with
friends here
C E Miner left Thursday for Hern
don where he will work in tho mill for
Drath Bro
Mr and Mrs I J Peck left for Colo
rado Sunday and expect to be gone
about four weeks
Mr and Mrs I A Rushton expect to
start in a few days for tho western
states They expect to go to California
Miss Edna Cathcart and Snapper
Kennedy drove over from McCook Sat
urday and returned home Sunday Miss
Cathcart has the school hero this winter
Save the Children
Ninety nine of every one hundred dis
eases that children have are due to
disorders of tho stomach and these dis
orders aro all caused by indigestion
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is just as good
for children as it is for adults Children
thrive on it It keeps their little sto
machs sweet and encourages their
growth and development Mrs Henry
Carter 705 Central StNashvilIeTenn
says My little boy is now three years
old and has been suffering from indiges
tion eversince he was born I have hqd
tho best doctors in Nashville but failed
to do him any good After using ono
bottle of Kodol ho is a well baby I re
commend it to all sufferers Kodol di
gests what you eat and makes the stom
ach sweet Sold by L W McConnell
Mrs John White has gone east on a
Fred Satchell came home Wednesday
it being too wet to thresh
This is fine weather for the corn but
a little hard on the stackers and thresh
Miss Pearl Ruggles spent Sunday with
the Misses Maude Stone and Florence
There will be an ice cream supper at
the church next Saturday evening Ev
erybody invited
Mrs M S Satchell is entertaining her
sister-in-law Mrs Clark and children of
Oregon Mr Clark is expected soon
Miss Ethyl Stephens who has been
visiting her cousin Miss Daisy Doyle re
turned to her home in McCook Monday
Miss Bessie Winans who has been
staying with Mrs Fred Lakin returned
to her home in McCook Wednesday
Anitistia Holmes formerly Anitistla Robison
Joseph S Holmes David Carpenter Mrs David
Carpenterhis wifoflrst name unknownCharles
Harman Hattie E Harman Charles A Hanna
Marion E Goodman Mary Ann Jacobs Amanda
Stone Fred P Stone William T Stone Earl J
Stone a minor Amanda Stone natural guar
dian of Earl J Stone a minor Western Land
Company a corporation incorporated under
tho laws of the state of Nebraska
and John Doe real name unknown
defendants will take notice that Bristol Sav
ings Bank of Bristol Now Hampshire plaintiff
has filed its petition in the district court of Red
Willow county Nebraska against said defend
ants the object and prayer of said petition be
ing for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage
dated November 27th 1888 on the northwest
quarter of section 27township 2 north in range
30 west of tho Sixth P M in Red Willow coun
ty Nebraska given to secure the paymentof one
certain principal promissory note of tho defend
ant Anitistia Holmes formerly Antitistia Robi
son for 16000 with ten interest coupon notes
thereto attached each for 1610 one due June
1st 1889 and one duo each six months thereafter
until the maturity of the last of said interest
coupon notes maturing December 1st 1SK
There is now due the plaintiff on said notes and
mortgage the sum of 17610 with interest there
on at the rate of ten per cent per annum from
the 1st day of December 1893 and plaintiff
prays for a decree that said defendants be re
quired to pay the same or that said land bo
sold to satisfy said amount found to be due
plaintiff with interest and costs of suit
Yon are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday the 14th day of September
A D 1903
Bristol Savings Bank of Bristol N H
By W S MORLAN it attorney
Olaf Landgren Ida Landgren and Joseph Me
nard defendants will take notice that on the
20th day of July 190 J F Cordeal plaintiff
herein filed his petition in the district court of
Red Willow county Nebraska against said de
fendants the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the
defendants Olaf Landgren and Ida Landgren
to one Thomas LoDergan and duly assigned
conveyed and delivered to the plaintiff by Guy
Lilly administrator of the estate of Thomas
Lonergan upon the following described real es
tate to wit Beginning at a point 46 feet south
of the northeast corner of block number five in
the town of South McCook according to the re
corded plat thereof running thence south 91
feet theneo west 150 feet thence north 91 feet
thence east 150 feet to place of beginning and
also lot twelve in block three in Hiram C
Riders first addition to South McCook accord
ing to the recorded plat thereof to secure tho
payment of their one principal promissory note
dated March 6 18S9 due April 1 1891 for the
sum of 530000 bearing interest at ten percent
after maturity There is now due upon said
note and mortgage the sum of 30000 with in
terest thereon at the rate of ten percent per an
num from che first day of April 1901 for which
sum with interest and costs of suit the plaintiff
prays for a decree that the defendants be re
quired to pay the same or that said mortgaged
premises may be sold to satisfy the amount
found due
You are required to answer said petition on or
before M6nday the 31st day of August 1903
J F Cordeal Plaintiff
Dated July 20 1903
Office over McConnells drug storo
Telephone 1G0
Registered Graduate Dentist
Formerly located in At
lanta Georgia All opera
tions pertaining to modern
dentistry performed accord
ing to the latest scientific
methods used in the large
Phones Offlc817rosldonce 95
Free Phonographic concert Y hour
before snlo opens
Write or Phone for Terms and Date
Graduate of Kansas
City Lental College
Over Jas McAdams
Telephone 43
McCook Nebraska
OHico over Qrannis store McCook Nob
McCook Nebraska
Goes anywhere Specialty of Thorough Bred
Stock sales Ono per cent on sales 1000 and
upward Correspondence solicited
McCook Nebraska
raAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office
First door north of Commercial hotel
McCook Nebraska
Office In tourt House Phone 181
and Surgeon
Office over McMillens drug store Residence
702 Main Aveuue Residence phono 53 Offica
phone 28 Calls answered night or day
FlcCook Nebraska
McCook Nebraska
Telephone 44 p o Building
Office Oyer Ludwicks Store
Telephone 126
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3 Sphlngfield Mass 5
f ToCur in One Day S 1
I Take Laxative BrOM ijillllte Tablets M oiTevery I
1 Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months This Signature - Os bOX 25c I
7 n