it if V IV HJ V i kr M i jstow jDOMT FQUGET Mmraarc Dont forget when you order starch to get the best Get DEFIANCE No more yellow looking clothes no more cracking or breaking It doesnt stick to the iron It gives satis faction or you get your money back The cost is 10 cents for i6 ounces of tne best starcrt iade Of other starches you get but 12 ounces Now dont forget Its aX your grocers rUNUFACTURED BV THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO OMAHA NEB Experience takes dreadfully high school wages but he teaches like no other Carlyle CHAMPION TRUSS Bl g StIar Ask Your PbvHlclanR AiUkc BOOKLET FKKE Philadelphia Trues Co 610 iucust St Phila Pa EDUCATIONAL THE UNIVERSITY QF NOTRE DAME NOTRE DAME INDIANA FULL COURSES IN Classics Letters Eco nomics and History Journalism Art Science Pharmacy Law C1II Mechanical end Elec trical Engineering Architecture Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courses Rooms Free to all students who have com pleted the studies required for admission into the Sophomore Junior or Senior Year of any of the Collegia to Courses Rooms to Rent moderate chprge to students over seventeen preparing for Collegiate Courses A limited number of Candidates for the Eccle siastical state will be received at special rates St Edwards Hall for boys under 13 ears is unique in the completeness of its equipment The 60th Year will open September 8 1903 Catalogues Free Address P O Box 256 REV A MORRISSEY C SC President ST GARYS ACADEMY NOTRE DAME INDIANA One Mile West of Notre Some University Mos benntif ully and healthfully located Conducted by the Sisters of tho Holy Cross Chartered la5 En i tying a national patronage Thorough English Classical EcicnUSo and Commercial Courses ad vanced Chemistry and Pharmacy Regular legiate Decrees Preparatory Department trains pupils for regular peclal or collegiate courses Phvsicil Laboratory well cqulppsd The Conservatory of Music is conducted on plans of the best Coawjrvatorlcs The Art Department Is modeled after leading Art SchoolB minim Depart ment for children under twelve years Physical Culture under direction of graduate of Dr Sargents Normal School of Physical Training The best modern educational advantages for fitting young women for lives of usefulness The constant growjji of the Academy has again necessitated the erectuin of additional flno buildings with latest Hygienic equipments Moderate cost New Echool year begins feeptcmberSth Mention this paper For catalogue and special information apply to Tho Directress of ST MARYS ACADEMY Notre Dome Indiana 4W U7 Mr VKv I I The Germ TOWERS SLICKER HAS BEEN ADVERTISED AND SOLD FOR A QUARTER OF A CENiW LIKE ALL -- SSSBJBSmS S CL0I1NG It is made of the best materials in bickoryclow fully guaranteed and sold by rcltible dealers eerif here STICK TO THE JSSGN QF THE FISH tWEReAiasMArreo lka a j tower co lUHwniu vsin Good Things to Eat on the Lawn Petted Haa Btd sadTcapss OxTonra fwntilei vest ubm iktijbu uui Btel Sliced Smefced Bet AH Natural Flavor Foods Palatableand whoWiome Your grocer should have firem Sond flV 5e tamp for l ibbr bijr Atlas ofths Wo ld nandora bookie- How to AUke Good thine o to Eat fte Ubay McXclH S Ubay Chicago Mary Proctor who writes of Five Hundred Little Worlds in the Au gust St Nicholas is a daughter ol the great Proctor the astronomer and is living at present in New York City She is a small women exceedingly quiet almost shy in manner but has proved a successful lecturer and writ er in the field where her father won distinction fou never hear any one complain about Defiance Starch There is none to equal it in quality and quan tity 1G ounces 10 cents Try it now and save your money Write injuries on ice but kindness in stone If you wish beautiful clear whito clothes use Rod Cross Ball Blue Large 2 oz package 5 cents It often happens that the richer a man becomes the less he is worth The Plaint of the British Fiddler The annual complaint of English musicians comes from London It is that an English musician has no chance to get work in competition with foreigners There are 300 orches tral bands in London druing the sea son and practically all of them are made up of aliens The one chance an Englishment has of steady employ ment is to disguise himself and pre tend to be a German or a Belgian One band of sixteen wears foreign uni forms trims beards in foreign style and speaks only in foreign monosyl lables but every one is an English man forced to the subterfuge by the necessity of making a living Why Russell Sage Moves Russell Sage is going to move from the modestlittle house in Fifth avenue New York where he has lived for forty two years He can no longer stand for his neighbors First some one put a candy store next door to him Then another store was estab lished on the other side At the rear of the candy store is an immense fan designed to cool the ice cream parlor This fan is right next to three of the windows of his dining room The noise it makes is deafening On the Forty second street side there is a smoking parlor and as Mrs Sage de tests the smell of tobacco she is com pelled to keep her windows closed So they are going to move to the now de serted mansion of the late Charles Broadway Rouss On one side lives Henry Clews on the other D Ogden Mills CHANGE Quit Coffee and Get Well A womans coffee experience is in teresting For two weeks at a time I have taken no food but skim milk for solid food would ferment and cause such a pressure of gas snd such distress that I could hardly breathe at times also excruciating pain and heart palpitation and all the time I was so nervous and restless From chilhcod up I had been a coffee and tea drinker and for the past 20 years I have been trying dif ferent physicians but could get only temporary relief Then I read an ar ticle telling how some one had been cured by leaving off coffee and drink ing Postum and it seemed so pleasant just to read about good health I de cided to try Postum in place of coffee I made the change from coffee to Postum and such a change there is in me that I dont feel like the same- per son We all found Postum delicious and like it better than coffee My health now is wonderfully good As scon as -I made the shift from coffee to Postum I got better and now all of my troubles are gone I am fleshy my food assimilates the pres sure in the chest and palpitation are all gone my bowels are regular have no more stomach trouble and my headaches are gone Remember I did not use medicines at all just left oS coffee and drank Postum steadily Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich Send to the Co for particulars by mail ef extension of time on the 7500 cocks contest for 735 money prizes J TALE OF BUTTERBYS KID j Old man Butterby hated Bob And Bob he equally hated him And as each was onto his shooting Job It seemed that some ones show was slim For from Butterbys ranch to Eobs home place Was a mile or so and that was all So the boys all said as they viewed the case I reckon the Coronerll git a call Well Bob and Butterby met one day Twas a thing of course they were bound to do And each of them put a tree in his way And then you bet the bullets flew Bobs arm stuck out and he got a bair Right where its passage was bound to hurt And eld man Butterby had a call From a bullet that injured the side of his shirt But they stuck to their trees as if they were glued And they hurled seme names that that are not in the books Come out said Bob and his tone was rude You dassent said Eutterby dern your looks And the air was full of bullets and flings And adjectives dire cf a red hct brand And they knew that Death on his misty wings Was waiting about to take a hand Come out cried Bob you cow ardly cur For his shoulder burned and his thoughts were hot A laugh rang out where the bushes were And Into tho open there strayed a tot A wee little tot with curly hair And eyes with dreams in their blue depths hid The fairest thing on the mountain there And her laughter was sweet it was Butterbys kid Her eyes met Bobs and she laughed again As she toddled straight to the tree where he stood Ive lost my dolly she said but zen 1 dess at ooll find It I pose at oo could Bob kissed the babe and he left the tree Shoot if you please he cried dern you Theres a job right here that is callin me Said Butterby then Im damned if I do There is peace to day on Butterbys hill There is peace in the home and the heart of Bob And the sounds of strife are hushed and still And the Coroner yet is minus a job I dont go much on cussing and such But I hope the angel the record hid Of Butterbys oath or with gentle touch Wrote only Forgiven because of the kid Alfred J Waterhouse in New York Times T DEVICE FOR WOOING SLEEP I T T T mttattmmm - - - - Most of the mental devices for wooing sleep have failed because they have nearly always tried to resort to local treatment in other words they have made a homeopathic at tempt to stop thinking by thinking about something else a process which might also be called elimina tion by substituion But all think ing spontaneous or forced draws more or less blood to the brain pre vents deep inhalations and bars the gate to the kingdom of dreams Any device on the other hand which will make one take deep long breaths spontaneously the invariable fore runner of sleep may be counted upon as a genuine remedy for insomnia Even deep breathing which is forced is better than any purely mental at tempt to win sleep says Good House keeping But if the deep breathing can be produced involuntarily one is sure of a passport to Nodland After several nights of experiments to this end the present writer decided to ap ply the principal adopted by the mas seurs who begin their manipulation at the point farthest from the seat of difficulty which in the case of insomnia would be the feet Lying on the right side with the knees to gether and considerably flexed the victim of insomnia should begin to pedal both his feet slowly up and down with the movement entirely in the ankles The pedaling should keep time with the natural rhythm of res piration and be continued until it is followed by deep and spontaneous breathing Several people who have tried this remedy report that invol untary deep breathing invariably be gins before they have pedaled up and down a dozen times In obstinate cases of insomnia the patient may need to keep up the pedaling two or three minutes or even more with in termissions if necessary The treat ment may also be varied by moving the fest alternately instead of simul taneously though the latter method has proved the more speedily effica cious in the cases known to the writer The explanation of the result obtained is probably simple The blood is pumped from the head and with the removal of brain tension a general relaxation follows with a se quent deep respiration and its result ing sleep LIGHT HEARTS- AND HEAVY I I I T - r t t o There have always been men like Thoreau and St Francis who be lieved says the London Spectator that property brought with it a heavy heart and who have refused as did the American philosopher to be har nessed to his possessions St Fran cis cast aside every weight that he might free himself from idle sor row He and his first disciples loved nothing earthly they were se cure in all places troubled by no fears distracted by no cares they lived without trouble of mind wait ing without solicitude for the com ing day St Francis in the fastnesses of the Italian hills singing French hymns among the highway robbers in his whimsical lightness of heart makes a strange picture He knew French oadly but it seemed to him the lan guage of gayety The founder of the Franciscans though we are told that he possessed what was quaintly called the gift of tears when perform ing his devotions in his call was sr seen abroad without a smile j er would he tolerate any appearance of heaviness in his followers He rebuked a brother to whom a deject ed manner had become habitual say ing My brother repeat thy sins in private and do not appear before the community thus downcast We are inclined to think that those who make their living provided it is a fairly good one in the sweat of their brow have lighter hearts than those who make it in the sweat of their brain The high spirits which seem to be enjoyed by domestic servants to judge by the sounds which come upstairs are a case in point Dust ing scrubbing and plate cleaning seem to weigh on the heart far less than doctoring journalism or the study of law or theology Too often spirits are broken by overwork or by disappointment in the wild struggle to succeed which goes on among pro fessional people Certainly in the lit erary world light hearts are general ly lost early yet the light hearted man of letters though he is rare is the most attractive of all light-hearted men TO SEARCH FOR TREASURE 1 If the sea were drained says the Family Herald what treasures we ould find upon the old ocean floor galleons loaden with gold beyond the Ireams of avarice Lesser waters han the sea however hold treasure winch can be found Almost simul raneously come reports of two scien ific quests for wealth hidden under Uie face of the waters The Tiber of aid Rome is to be searched and a ake in the Republic of Colombia is to Jie drained for the gold and jewels votive offerings that were thrown into t by the natives long ago For a century there have been plans to turn the Tiber aside tem porarily to search its dirty bottom Now the authorities have grverr Prof Nispilandi permission to make a sys tematic hunt The ancients used to throw treasures to Father Tiber as offerings to the gods and the current of the river has swept away the arms and armor of thousands of warriors who fought on the banks Much of this wealth has no doubt been de stroyed by ages of rust and rot but there must be a great deal not yet found by occasional seekers The quest for gold and jewels at the bottom of the Lake of Guatavita in Colombia is at once more romantic and surer to be profitable The lake lies ten thousand feet above the sea and was held sacred by the tribes of natives that lived near it when the Spaniards came Every year the sav ages headed by their king visited the lake The king covered with gold dust plunged into the waters and his subjects threw after him gold and I silver and emeralds When Quesada and his Spaniards made their way up the Andes to the lake the natives threw their treasures to the god of the lake for safe keeping Enough riches have been found in the lake to warrant several attempts to cut a depression In the side of it All such attempts have lowered the water only a few feet Now an English company is to drain the lake by means of a tunnel and rake he bottom i fc dJmett Health and beauty are the glories of perfect womanhood Women who suffer constantly with weakness peculiar to their sex cannot re tain their beauty Preservation of pretty features and rounded form is a duty women owe to themselves When women are troubled with irregular suppressed or painful menstruation weakness leucorrhoaa displacement or ulceration of tho womb that bearing down feeling inflammation of the ovaries back ache bloating or flatulence general debility indigestion and nervous prostration or arc beset with such symptoms as dizziness faintness lassitude excitability irritability nervousness sleeplessness melan choly all gone and t alonc feelings blues and hope lessness they should remember there is one tried and true remedy Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound removes such troubles Case of this Prominent Chicago Woman Should Give Everyone Confidence in Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Dear Mrs Pikkuam It affords me great pleasure indeed to add my testimonial to the great number who arc today praising Ijyrtia IS Pinlt hams Vegetable Compound Three years ago I broke down from ex fife I cessive physical and mental strain I was unable to secure proper rest also lost my appetite and I became so nervous and irritable too thatiny friends tremblcdand I was unable to attend to my work Our physician pre scribed for me but as I did not seem to improve I was advised to go away I could neither spare the time nor money and was very much worried when fortunately one of my club friends called She told me how she had been cured of ovarian troubles andhow like my symp toms were to hers seven bottles of your medicine cured her and she insisted that I take some ff w 5000 I did so and am glad that I followed her advice Within six weeks I was a different woman strong and robust in health and havo been so ever since A number of my friends who have been troubled with ailments peculiar to our sex have talen your compound and have also been Greatly benefited Miss ilizaiietii Datet 270 Loomis St Chicago 111 President of the St Ruths Court Order of For resters Catholic j What is left for the women of America after reading such letters as we publish but to believe Dont some of you who arc sick and miser able feel how wicked you are to remain so making life a burden for yourself and your friends when a cure is easily and inexpensively obtained Dont you think it would pay to drop some of your old prejudices and Try Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound which is better than all the doctors for cures Surely the experience of hundreds of thousands of women whom the Compound has cured should convince all women Follow the record of this medicine and remember that these cures of thousands of women whose letters are constantly printed in this paper were not brought about by something else lvt by Iyclia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound the great Womans Kemedy for Womans Ills Those women who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred thousand times for they get what they want a cure 3Ioral stick to the medicine that you know is the Best Write to 3Ira Pinkham for advice FORFEIT If vrecinnot forthwith prolno tho orislnil letter ar signature of above testimonial which will prove its absolute gennme IViIia U IMiikhaui Jletliciiie Co Zyuuf 3IaS August St Nicholas Among the prize offers in the Au gust St Nicholas departments are two especially intended to train young readers powe of observation and discrimination The editor of Nature and Science asks the girls and boys to send him letters and photographs or drawings of what they find on the beach in August The Books and Reading Department invites brief ar ticles from its readers on Some Re cent Books for Young People The object of this contest aside from the training of the contestants is to learn what books published in the last two or three years have been enjoyed by young readers The girls and boys are requested not to name books that every one knows but those that should be better known Some folks are so trifling that when they put on a garment wrong side out ward they leave it that way and try to strike a bargainwith Fortune Stops trie Cough and Works Off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Price 2oC The eye of the master will do more work than both of his hands Frank lin A Plea for Good Manners In delivering the founders day ad dress at the commencement exercises in a school at Lawienceville N J Bishop Potter of New York had this to say among other things We are getting to be in such a hurry in Amer ica that the ordinary civilities are dis appearing out of our education and our life When you have dismissed good manners out of society you have dismissed that beneficent and kindly instinct toward ycur fellow man of which good manners ought always to be the expression There are two things that modest men should never undertake to bor row money or study law 3Irs AVinslows sootnins Syrup y For children teething softens the pumg reduce ln Camraation allays aaln cures wind coile 2Jc a bottle What a man lacks in the back head he makes up in jaw power Defiance Starch is put up 16 ounces In a package 10 cents One third more starch for the same money Love is the best lens with which to view another Kindness is the only charm per mitted to the aged it is the coquetry of white hairs Feuillet Defiance Starch is guaranteed blg gest and best or money refunded- V ounces 10 cents Try it now BfeW8 V51 mm2Fmt e2jg imMtim JSsVi A3aTyZSTH am if w If you want to know all about North Dakota and where to bu7 cood land cheap write for oar descriptive folder and map WHITNEY WhEELOCK 23 Broadway Farso N 0 - 1o prove the healing and cleansing power of laxtio Toilet Antiseptic -we Tfil J with book of instructions absolutely free This is sot a tiny sample but a larjo package enough to con vince anyone of its Talu Women all over the country are pralMng Pax tine for what it has done in locnl treat- niAnf r fnm Tn tiler minr all inflammation and discharjres wonderful as a cleansing vajrmal douche for sore throat nasal catarrh as a month wash and to remore tartar and whiten the teeth Send today a postal card ivil dc Sold CO cita large box -Satisfaction guarantee THE i IAXTON CO IJoton Man 214 Colaiubus Ay fHany whofonncrIysmQnetJ10Cj3rs now sraofe LKSWBiK STRAIGHTS CIGAR Tour Jobber or direct from Factory Peoria III SF Jg f i e RS We make all kinds of tanks Red Cjpresa or Whits Pino Write us for prices and savcrniddls mans profit WOODEN PACKAGE MFG CO OMAHA NEBRASKA