The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 24, 1903, Image 6

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McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
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Safety pins are peculiarly Ameri
can We use 144000000 of them each
Shadrach M Bush died at Stanwlck
Conn on Sunday on the farm he had
occupied for half a century and which
was purchased bv his ancestors from
the Indians-
Both the foreign ofilce and the Jap
anese legation in London say they are
without advices as to the result of
the conference of Russian officials at
Port Arthur
Prof W J McGee of the
logical bureau at Washington has
been appointed chief of the depart
ment of anthropology and ethnology
at the worlds fair
Chicago Alton officers announced
an increase in pay to conductors
brakemen and switchmen similar to
that granted by the Illinois Central
and the Burlington
Rear Admiral Terry has been or
dered to command the naval station
at Honolulu and Rear Admiral Miller
has been offered command of the
South Atlantic station
At the recent session of the interna
tional stove mounters convention it
was decided that apprentices should
be admitted to the union by paying
half dues and half per capita tax
The Southern railway company has
closed a contract with the Continent
al Trust company and Blair Co
of New York for 147 engines and 700
cars the consideration being 3250
John W Bates of Weymouth Mass
has in his possession the original old
flint lock rifle used by John L Burns
- at Gettysburg to whom a monument
has just been dedicated on the battle
Alfred H Smith the new general
manager of the New York Central
railway oegan nis career as a mes
senger boy in the Cleveland office of
the Lake Shore at a salary of 4 a
It is announced that a subcommis
sion of the royal commission on Lon
don street traffic will come to the
United States in the autumn to study
the street railway systems ot the prin
cipal cities
Judge Wilcox the intimate friend
and adviser of the late King Kalakaua
and other monarchs of the Hawaiian
I island died at Honolulu as the result
of an operation blood poisoning hav
ing set in
Dr A B Storms has formally ac
cepted the presidency of the Iowa
State college and will sever his con
nection with active church work in
which he has been engaged for nine
teen years
President Roosevelt has issued an
order eliminating old age as a disqual
ification for eligibility to appointment
as laborers in the government service
The physical qualifications however
must be met
Governor Lanham of Texas has is
sued a proclamation offering a reward
of 50000 to any person or persons
who shall discover and furnish a prac
tical remedy for- the destruction of the
cotton boll weevil
The report that Burlington engine
men are to get more pay is semi
officially confirmed The statement
has been made that the increase will
apply to all enginemen in the serv
ice oi the company
A company capitalized at several
million dollars was incorporated in
New Jersey for the purpose of devel
oping the sugar beet lands near
Wheatland Laramie county Wyo
The project is backed by the Have
meyers who will also construct a large
Judge Anderson of the United
States district court denied the Chi
cago board of trade an injunction
against L A Kinney Co and twen
ty alleged bucket shop proprietors
at Indianapolis to prevent them from
using the boards continuous quota
It has been decided by the New
- York board of education that it would
be poor policy to impress upon the
youthful minds the violent deaths of
President Lincoln Garfield and Mc
Kinley Accordingly a proposition
for the erection and presentation of
tablets in memory of the martyred
presidents to the public schools of
that city has been voted down
Secretary Wilson says that the ef
fort to have the consuls in countries
where foot and mouth disease exists
attend to the disinfection of hides and
wool has not been very successful
Only three cases of yellow fever
have entered Havana harbor this year
Secretary Moody intends that ex
haustive experiments shall be made
with all the submarine boats that the
government has on its hands
Canadas export trade per capita is
Just two and a half times as much
bs ours
-Russian officials at Port Arthur just
concluded was but one of the steps
though an important one which the
St Petersburg government had plan
ned in execution of its purpose to place
matters of internal administration in
Manchuria in such condition that the
ports desired by the United States and
Japan could be opened to trade with
out causing disturbance or involving
undue sacrifice of proper Russian in
It already had been reported that
much of the friction that had grown
out of the Manchurian question was
caused by a sort of triple yet independ
ent administration of affairs in Man
cnuria by representatives of the dif
ferent branches of the Russian gov
The result was that one official
would not feel bound by the pledges
made by another so that foreign na
tions complained of bad faith It is
understood that now following the
Port Arthur conference a compact and
responsible direction of affairs has
been arranged for and orders issued
from St Petersburg are certain to
meet with speedy and exact compli
Although no set time is mentioned
in the promise to open the ports it
is believed that this will follow soon
after the Russian evacuation in Sep
It is now known that the negotia
tions which have termined so success
fully were practically brought to their
present phase by Secretary Hay and
Count Cassiniat a meeting at the Rus
sian embassy on June 28 the day be
fore the secretary left for Newport
for the ambassador then had in hand
the necessary authorization from his
own government to make the pledges
which are now in process of redemp
Harriman Plans Fine Villa
man is having plans prepared for the
erection of an Italian villa in the wil
derness of Arden
The work of construction is to be
gin as soon as Mr Harriman returns
from Europe
Will Test His Airship
leys new air ship was towed down the
Potomac on a house boat to a secluded
point on the lower Potomac where it
will be given its preliminary trial as
scon as some few details can be ar
ranged Prof Langlej who is head of
the Smithsonian institute in planning
his air ship it is stated studied the
movements of the buzzard and tried
to develop a machine that would have
strong pinions
J am going over to see Eben Where is he
WASHINGTON The Manchurian
question has been settled satisfactor
ily to this government
Assurances have been received from
the Chinese government that it will
in the - ar future open as treaty
ports several ports now closed to the
worlds trade
The Russian government has con
veyed formal assurance to the United
States government that it will not in
any way oppose such opening While
the ports to be opened are not yet spec
ified it is gathered from the commu
nications received that they are Mouk
den the principal island port of Man
churia and Ta Tung Kao at the mouth
of the Yalu river
The state department is highly grat
ified at the outcome feeling that it has
secured not only for American com
merce but for the commerce of the
world at large a very substantial gain
It now develops that the meeting of
What W J Bryan Has to Say of tho
was interviewed here as to the Cleve
land movement Mr Bryan said It
is a comedy as it now stands but a
tragedy if it should succeed
Mr Bryan declared that all he de
sired to see was the nomination by
the democratic party of some one who
would stand by democratic principles
By democrats said he I mean
the principles enunciated at the Kan
sas City convention of the democratic
party the last opportunity the party
had to declare the principles on which
it stands
Asked if there was any danger of
the old line of Cleveland democrats
capturing the next convention Mr
Bryan said I do not think such a
thing is a probability If there were
such a probability danger would be
the right word to use in connection
with the results it would work to tho
democratic party
An Attorney Alleged to Have Offered
BUTTE Mont The disbarment
case of A J Shores chief attorney
for the Amalgamated Copper com
pany charged with attempting to
bribe Judge Harney with 250000 in
connection with the Minnie Heath
mine decision was called for trial
Tuesday after six months delay P
A Heinze and John McGinnis of the
Montana Ore Purchasing company to
whom the mine was awarded were
subpoenaed by the defense which al
leges a business and political con
spiracy on the part of the opponents
through Shores
of the Amalgamated Copper company
An affidavit of Charles W Clark
son of the Montana senator was read
admitting that he offered Judge Har
ney the money with the approval of
Mr Shores and other Amalgamated
Would Have Memorial Day Fali on
SALEM O Dr A C Yengling
Grand Army department commander
and his staff of this city have inaug
urated a movement in this county to
change the date of Memorial day from
May 30 to a later date Posts of this
county and this section are asked to
take action along these lines Tho
reason for taking this action is the
manner in which the day is desecrated
in the eyes of the old soldiers by hold
ing sports and other events Sunday
is suggested by the state commander
as he believes that on that day the
event can be observed in the manner
originally intended
Grain Yield in Hungary
BUDAPEST The latest official re
port of the ministry of agriculture es
timates the yield of wheat in Hungary
at 39600000 rye at 12120000 and
oats at 11100000 metercentnos a
metercentno is equivalent to 44092
Canal Treaty Dragging Along
States Minister Beaupre cabled the
state department from Bogota that the
Panama canal treaty is dragging alone
before the Colombian congress
Will Open Manchuria in Six Yean
ST PETERSBURG According to
the newspaper Novikrai published at
Port Arthur Russia has informed
China that she is compelled to exclude
foreigners from Manchuria and post
pone the opening of Manchurian ports
owing to the presence of Englishmen
and American who in disguise are
engaged in espionage Russia accord
ing to the paper promises to open
the ports six years hence when tho
country has been tranquilized
General Nebraska News f
Tho new Christian church at Brown- J THE STATE AT LARGE
villeis about to be dedicated
A number of deaths have occurred
in Nebraska as results of tho Fourth
of July festivities
The ninth annual G A R reunion
in now an assured thing for Repub
lican City this year August 10th to
14th inclusive being the dates
John Van Bosklrk a prominent far
mer residing four me3 north of Be
atrice suffered a stroke of paralysis
and is not expected to recover
Work on the new Lutheran church
at Wasau is being pushed with vigor
and in about two months it will be
ready for occupancy The building
will cost about 12000
There will be no state encampment
of the Nebraska national guard this
summer but instead the militia will
take part in the military maneuvers
of the regular army this fall
Hastings police on information
from the Phelps county sheriff appre
hended Frank Wiley said to be want
ed at Holdrege for stealing a horse
and buggy and for robbing a farm
house Wiley has been working for
a farmer N J Closs living near that
By comparison of tne school cen
sus and that of the municipality of
Norfolk there appears to be one child
of school age for every two and one
half persons in the town It is con
sidered quite a remarkable ratio as
compared with figures sent out from
otner cities
According to Treasurer Mortensen
it will make no difference what the
size of the bonus to be offered by the
town which gets the new normal
school is it will be impossible to
open the school until after the legis
lature can have appropriated money
to run the school which will be In
bneriff Lusk returned to Tekamah
from Lincoln with Ed Schroeder who
has just completed an eighteen
months sentence in the penitentiary
for stealing a horse and buggy in
Pierce county Lusk is wanted for
disposing of mortgaged property The
warrant for his arrest is dated Octo
ber 10 1899
The Grand Island committee of pas
tors having in hand the petitions for
the prohibition of base ball games
on Sunday hereafter is canvassing
the business men and received forty
five signatures thousa many of the
leading business men refuse to sign
it some going as far as to say that
they will discontinue their church sub
A peculiar accident occurred at Ad
ams Dr Sloan drove his team of
horses up before his office where he
hitched them Shortly after he left
the team one of tue horses became
frightened and rearing up it lunged
forward and came down squarely
upon the hitching pos which entered
its abdomen The animal died soon
Nebraska will have a modern insti
tution for the care or Insane patients
in the new Norfolk eyum The state
board of public lands and buildings
has been considering plans and will
build several small cottages for the
housing of the inmates The asylum
was burned a year ago and the last
legislature appropriated 100000 for
its rebuilding
George Trexler of Allentown Pa
hired a livery rig at West Point and
though several days have elapsed
nothing has been heard of the man or
It is now believed that the York
county apple crop this year will be
the smallest that the county has pro
duced in years According to reports
of apple growers the fruit did not re
vive after the frost as rapidly as the
smaller fruits anu its progress seems
very slow The apple growers will
have some apples to market but
nothing like what was grown last
The quarterly statement of the con
dition of the state banks has just been
issued The statement has been de
layed on account of the tardiness of
three banks in making their returns
But for these bank me report could
have been made July 4 The state
ment shows the condition of 493
banks which is thirty four more than
at the same time last year and eight
more than the quarterly statement ol
three months ago
Congressman J J McCarthy has
announced that an examination for ap
pointment to the West Point cadetship
will be held in Norfolk August S and
7 beginning at 11 oclock on the 6th
The candidates must be between the
ages of 17 and 22 unmarried of good
habits and sound
Omaha is to have a school of taxi
dermy Articles of the Northwestern
School of Taxidermy were filed with
the secretary of state by J W El
wood P F Greve and R H Smith
The capital stock is 10000
A Callaway Liveryman In a Pedilous
CALLAWAY During the recent se
vere storm J N Savidge a liveryman
of this place was caught out in the
hills about ten miles north of town
In order that the high wind might not
capsize his buggy he took shelter In
the canyon against the north bank
He endeavored to -unhitch his team
from the buggy before the storm
struck but had only loosed three of
the traces when a large hailstone
struck him on the head knocking him
down Fearing the hail would beat
him into insensibility he jumped into
the buggy and held the cushion over
his head to protect him from the hail
stones which came through the buggy
top as if it were paper one hailstone
struck him on the Head causing an
ugly bruise and another on the foot
Fortunately the team Avas too badly
frightened to run away Mr Savidge
was in the canyon about fifteen min
utes and as soon as tne nail ceased he
began to hitch up the loose traces and
before he had done so the water was
knee deep He says that he drove
for an eighth of a mile with nothing
of his horses in sight iwt their heads
and with the water running over the
buggy seat
Valuation of Counties rs Scaled This
LINCOLN With the meeting of the
state board of equalization only a
Claims Are Fresented
LINCOLN Several members of the
visiting committees in the last legis
lature have filed after a long delay
their claims for mileage According
to a resolution introduced by Repre
sentative Harrison these claims must
be accompanied by affidavits to the
effect that the traveling was not done
on a pass but that the actual ex
penses railroad fare and hotel bills
were paid out of the pocket of the
claimant Some half dozen have been
filed accompanied by the affidavits
They lack only the signatures of
Speaker Mockett Most of these
claims have been scaled down from
the original to considerably less
For an Electric Line
LINCOLN After some little delay
the articles of incorporation of the
Sioux City Homer Southern Rail
way company have been filed with the
secretary of state Tnis will be an
interurban electric line which will op
erate from Sioux City and eastern Ne
Little Girl is Cremated
STOCKHAM Mrs John Bullock
went to a neighbors across the lot
leaving her three children in the
house She had not been gone but a
few minutes when on looking toward
her home she saw her two children
running a boy of about 4 years and a
girl of about 2 years The girl was
enveloped in fire from head to foot
She fell before her mother could get
to her She died in about two hours
Five Inches of Rain
HASTINGS This section was del
uged with the heaviest downpour of
rain of the season For fully one hour
the water came down in veritable wat
erspout fashion In fact It was the
sext thing to a cloudburst The sur
face of the earth resembled a huge
lake jMany cellars were filled and
those in basements in the business
blocks had to resort to strenuous
means to keen from being flooded The
wind blew quite strong
Bad Storm at Oxford
OXFORD A most disastrous wind
lation eight miles wide Bouses were
and hail storm visited this locality
leaving in its path a scene of deso
unroofed or moved from their founda
tions Barns were destroyed and
scores of windmills blown down Thom
as Cheffreys barn was wrecked and
fifteen horses killed The rainfall was
little less than a cloudburst Much
wheat that promised well vill not be
Mi IB 1 i ili I i W1
Latest Quotations Prom South 3
Omaha and Kansas City 4
I nllM 1H
CATTLE There was an oxtrcmelj
light run of cattle which makes tht
supply for the week smallor than for
cither last week or for tho samo week
of last year Packers took hold quite
freely and the general market conic
lie quoted steady to strong Beet
steers mndo up the bulk of tho offer
ings and the quality was fully as good
as usual of late A good many sales
were made around 490 ami as high
as 500 was paid Tho general mar
ket could bo quoted fairly active or
desirable grades and steady to strong
There were only a few cows and heif
ers on sale and very little chance in
tho prices paid was noticeable Trad
ing was not exactly brisk but at the-
same time buyers went around and
bought up practically everything in
sight at good steady prices with romer
sales apparently a little stronger
Bulls veal calves and stags also sold
in anout the same notches thev did on
Thursday There were very few cat
tle in sight and as is generally the
case at the close of the week not many
were wanted The tendency of prices
has been downward all this week
especially on the less desirable kinds
as the demand from the country has
been very limited
HOGS There was a liberal supply
of hogs including those that were car
ried over from yesterday The mar
ket opened fully a dime lower than
yesterdays average with the bulk of
the hogs selling at 5520 and 5522
with choice light loads selling as high
as 525 By the time half of the hogs
had been disposed of however the
market suddenly weakened and trad
ing came to a standstill In fact buy
ers were not even bidding on what was
lf tt for some time and as a result the
close was extremely dull and weak
SHEEP Quotations for grass stock
Good to choice lambs 550 575 fair
to good lambs 500 f2 550 good to
choice yearlings 375t400 fair to
good yearlings 350 ii 375 good to
choice wethers 350I375 fair to
good wethers 300fi350 good to
week away there are yet to be heard cllolce ewes 275rfl350 fair to good
from nine counties that have not sent
in returns on the assessment If
these are not in by the time of the
meeting under the statute the board
will be empowered to base the assess
ment on last years valuation
Despite the fact that the railroads
were left at practically the same low
figure as last year and the fact that
the levy this year may be increased 2
mills the assessment from the major
ity of counties is considerably increas
ed It is expected that the entire in
crease will amount to 58000000 Doug
las county has raised its valuation
5200000 and Johnson county 300000
ewes 250p2
feeder lambs 350 i0
100 feeder yearlings 300 p 350 feed
er wethers 275g325 feeder ewes
1505 250
CATTLE Best steers steady to
strong others slow to 10c lower fat
cows and heifers steady to strong
stoekers and feeders active choice
export and dressed beef steers 4G0i5i
515 fair to good J00fD4G5 stoek
ers and feeders 375ffi400 western
fed steers 300fS485 Texas and In
dian steers 240g400 Texas cows
210fl290 native cows 1G0400
native heifers 225 Ri 450 canners
bulls 200375 calves 225
HOGS Market -opened strong and
closed weak top 550 bulk of sales
537 550 heavy 525 537
mixed packers 530f545 light 520
fr 550 yorkers 545 550 pigs 510
SHEEP AND LAMBS Market active
and firm native lambs 320 D 600
western lambs 3000575 fed ewes
3005485 Texas clipped yearlings
320500 Texas clipped sheep 300fS
490 stoekers and feeders 290385
Conditions Are Satisfactory Outside of
weekly review of trade says
Conditions continue satisfactory
outside the region of speculation
many reports indicating further im
provement During recent months the
two disturbing factors have been labor
controversies and weather conditions
but each week has brought better
things in these two respects until the
outlook contains much that is encour
aging Crops are making rapid
progress and the army of unemployed
is diminishing Railway traffic is
heavy earnings thus far reported for
July exceeding last year by 136 per
cent and those of 1901 by 192 per
cent Retail trade in seasonable mer
chandise is fully up to the average
and there is less than the customary
midsummer quiet among wholesalers
while the preparations of jobbers and
manufacturers indicate confidence in a
large fall business
Unsettled conditions still exist in
forge and foundry pig iron markets
while Bessemer iron is only barely
steady The chief difficulty appears
to be the inclination of prospective
purchasers to wait for the lowest pos
sible quotations This is a conditioa
to be expected fn a declining market
but appears usually aggravating in the
present instance
Hawaii Will Make Showmg
HONOLULU by Pacific Cable The
territory of Hawaii has appropriated
30000 for an exhibit at the St Louis
exposition It is understood that ob
jections have been made to hulahula
dances and other similar displays
Orders Low Rates of Fare
CHICAGO James Charlton chair
man of the Transcontinental Passen
ger association announces reduced
rates on the basis of one fare for the
round trip for the American Bankers
association San Francisco October
20 to 23 triennial conclave Knights
Templar San Francisco 5 9 National
Live Stock association Portland Ore
January 12 15 Trans Mississippi Com
mercial congress Seattle August
18 21
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