The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 24, 1903, Image 4

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f 6c ffljedk fifbm
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
R C I P A Lodtfo No C12 moots first and
third Thursdays of each month McConnolls
hull 830 p m E B Hunan Fresidont W S
Guteb Secretary
lodgo No W7 rnootH on eocond and fourth Mon
day evpnlnps of onch month nt oiolit oclock in
McConnell hnll 11 W Df voe Illustrious Pro
tector J C Mitchell Secretary
802 moots nocond and fourtlt Thursday after
noons nt2S0 oclock in McConnolls hall Mrs
Tiiad Shepherd Oracle Mns Auguhta Anton
Republican County Convention
Tho Republicans of Red Willow county are
hereby called to meet in convention at Hoards
leos hall in tho city of Indianola on Wednes
day July 29th 100Jat 130 oclock p m for the
purpose of placing in nomination candidates
for tho following offices to bo voted for at tho
noxt general election to bo hold in tho state of
Nebraska on tho 3rd day of November 1903 vij
Ono county judgo ono clerk of tho district
court ono sheriff ono coroner ono county treas
urer ono county clerk ono county surveyor
ono county superintendent of public instruc
tion ono county assessor one count commis
sioner for second district eleven delegates to
tho Republican state convontion and eleven
delegates to tho Republican convention of tho
fourteenth judicial district of Nobrnnka and for
tho transaction of such other business as may
regularly como before said county convention
Tho basis of representation of tho sovoral pre
cincts in said county bIioII bo tho voto cast for
lion J II Mickey for governor of Nebraska at
tho general election hold In the year 1902 giving
ono dologato for each 15 votes or fraction there
of so cast for said J II Mickey und two dolo
gates at largo for each voting precinct in said
county Said apportionment entitles tho sev
eral voting precincts in said county to tho fol
lowing representation in said convention
Alliance 4 Grant 4
Heaver G Indianola 7
liondville 4
Box Elder 4
Coloman 4
Danbury 4
Driftwood 4
East Valley 7
Fritsch 4 Valley Grange 5
uervor 4
jjjjj -
Lebanon 7
Missouri Ridgo 3
North Vnlloy 4
Porry 3
Red Willow 5
Tyrone 3
First Ward 1st precinct 12
First Ward 2nd precinct 11
Second Ward 1st precinct 8
Second Ward 2nd precinct 8
- Total 121
It is recommended thnt no proxies be allowed
in said convention but that tho dolegaU s pres
ent thereat bo authorized to cast the full vote
of tho precinct represented by them
It is further recommended that tho several
voting precincts in said county hold their pri
mary elections on Monday the 27th day of July
By order of county central committee
Harlow W Ketes
Feank Moore Secretary Chairman
Republican Caucus
The Republicans of the first precinct of tho
first ward of Willow Grovo precinct in Red Wil
low county will moot at the sample room of tho
Commercial Hotel in McCook Nebraska on
Monday evening July 27 1903 nt 8 oclock for
the purpose of selecting twelvo delegates to at
tend tho Republican county convention to bo
held at Indianola Nebraska on July 29 1903
M Lawhitson Committeeman
Tho Republicans of the second precinct of tho
first ward of Willow Grove precinct in Red Wil
low county will meet at the office of C F Bab
cock in McCook Nebraska on Monday evening
July 27 1903 at 8 oclock for tho purpose of se
lecting eleven delegates to attend the Republi
can county convention to bo hold at Indianola
xxeDrasKa on July zy iuih
C B Gray Committeeman
Tho Republicans of tho second precinct of tho
second ward of Willow Grove precinct in Red
Willow county will meet at the office of H H
Berry in McCook Nebraska on Monday even
ing July 27 190 at 8 oclock for tho purpose of
solecting eight delegates to attend the Republi
can county convention to be held at Indianola
Nebraska on July 29 1903
T J Smith Committeeman
Tho Republicans of the first precinct of the
second ward of Willow Grove precinct in Red
Willow county will meet at the city hall in tho
city of McCook on Monday evening July 27
1903 at 8 oclock for tho purpose of selecting
eight delegates to attend the Republican county
convention to be held at Indianola Nebraska
on July 29 1903
C F Babcock Committeman
driftwood teecinct
The Republicans of Driftwood precinct will
please notico that our primary will be hold in
tho Frederick school house on tho ovening of
Monday July 27th for tho purpose of selecting
four delegates to tho county convention and to
transact such other business as may regularly
como before said caucus
I H Wasson Committeeman
The Republicans of Coleman precinct will
hold their primary election for the selection of
four delegates to tho Republican county con
vention to bo held in Indianola Wednesday
July 29th 1903 in the Coleman t chool house on
Monday afternoon Julv 27th at 2 oclock when
of William Sharp Committeeman
The Republican voters of Grant precinct will
meet at the Banksville school house in the even
ing of July 27 1903 at 8 oclock for the purpose
of electing delegates to tho county convention
and to transact such other business as may
properly come before said caucus
H I Peterson Committeeman
The Republican primary election for Perry
precinct will be held in the Flitcraft school
house on Monday evenine Julv 27th 1903 at 7
oclock central time for the purpose of elect
ing three delegates to the county convention to
be held in Indianola Wednesday afternoon
July 29th 1903 at 1 30 oclock
C H Harman Committeeman
The Republican voters of Valley Grange pre
cinct will meet -at the Pickens school house
Monday afternoon July 27th 1903at2 30 oclock
for the purpose of electing five delegates to the
county convention and for tho transaction of
any other business that may properly como be
fore the caucus JSd A Phillippi
Even our good friend and thorough
bredcattle expert Dr Brown of Bartley
fails to see the educational value of
trees lawns water works electric light
plants and modern conveniences and
enterprises such as McCook enjoys We
didnt expect Hinky Dink to But the
doctor we hoped for a different utterance
from the progressive follower of Esculap
IN Mayor Charles E Eldred of this
city the Republicans of the Fourteenth
judicial districts have a candidate for
judgo that they can elect without a
doubt He has the legal and personal
qualifications beyond question
Hinky Dink favors Redwillow county
uniting on a candidate for district judge
Well Barkis is willing Give C EEld
red the delegation
Jasper was too busy with commission
ers proceedings etc last week toeven
mention Samuel Randolph in that issue
so he took a shot at the tall weeds in
that burg and let it go at that
- zzx txzr
I have nad occasion to use your I
BackDraueht Stock and Poultry Medi
cine and am pleased to say that I never
used anything for stock that gave half as
good satisfaction I heartily recom
mend it to all owners of stock
t J B BELSHER St Louis Mo
Sick stock or poultry should not
eat cheap stock food any more than
sick persons should expect to be
cored by food When your stock
and poultry are sick give them med
icine Dont stuff them with worth
less stock foods Unload the bowels
and stir up the torpid liver and tho
animal will be cured if it bo possi
ble to cure it Black Draught Stock
and Poultry Medicine unloads the
I bowels and stirs Up the torpid liver
ic cures every maiaay or stock if
taken in time Secure a 25 cent can
of Black Draught Stock and Poultry
Medicine and it will pay for itself ten
times over Horses work better Cows
give more milk Hogs gain flesh
And hens lay more ecrcrs It solves the
problem of making as much blood
flesh and energy as possible out of
the smallest amount of food con
i sumed Buy a can from your dealer
All the world Protestants and un
believers as well as Catholics bear will
ing homage to the gentle greatness of
tho dead pontiff Leo XIII His mem
ory is a sweet benediction and his works
they do follow him
British locomotive builders have
made a new record for the Americans to
beat An English train ran last week
SOOH miles in five hours and fifty eight
minutes without stopping tho most
severe test it is possible to put a loco
motive to It means a speed of over
fifty miles an hour continuously for six
Some persons find in the recent un
happy and unfortunate postal develop
ment texts for articles and sermons
against government ownership or man
agement of affairs But the points are not
well taken The fact that a few officials
operated private or personal grafts
whereby their salaries were argumented
a few thousands does not necessarily
militate against the splendid postal sys
tem Such grafts are by no means
confined to the postoffice department
but in some form or other may be seen
almost anywhere in official municipal
corporation affairs The graft is a
first cousin to the tip Both are in
widespread use And for the most part
neither has been considered in its proper
aspect or relation It is to the high
credit of the government that the post
office grafters are being sternly pro
secuted But if all the non governmental
grafters tipsters and beneficiaries
should be apprehended prosecuted con
victed and sentenced the prisons of the
land would be utterly inadequate to the
situation Let us not waste Excessive
righteous indignation over the postal
grafters while smiling complacently
at the operation of a similar situation in
almost any business of a public or cor
porate nature anywhere Grafts tips
perquisites and the like all ought to be
Dwelling House for Sale
My residence property in McCook lot
16 block 8 original McCook Address
J L Gray
528 W 69th st Chicago 111
By an oversight The Tribune failed
last week to state that Oscar Hammond
is associated with E M Bigelow in the
ownership and operation of the McCook
laundry Oscar is an old Kedwillow
county boy and The Tribune hopes that
this venture may be a success
Hair Fallsl
I tried Ayers Hair Vigor to
stop my hair from falling One
half a bottle cured me
J C Baxter Braidwood 111
Ayers Hair Vigor is
certainly the most eco
nomical preparation of its
kind on the market A
little of it goes a long way
It doesnt take much of
it to stop falling of the
hair make the hair grow
and restore color to gray
1 hair 100 a bottle All druggists
If your druggist cannot supply yon
send us one dollar and we will express
you a bottle Be sure and give the name
of your nearest express ofhee Address 8
Urn J ailiib VS LAMVCU AIOS3
However curious we may be about
now things we are equally interested in
new facta about old things As wand
erers in a strange land we welcome the
coming of news from home When our
friends are away from us we liko to
know what they are doing especially
when their accomplishments are note
Mr Frank II Spearmans work is
watched more closely in McCook prob
ably than anywhere else for the reason
fiat Mr Spearman once lived here
From having known the man we have a
keener appreciation of his writtings than
strangers have We read his stories
not only for the stories sake but for
their authors sake as well To see
something he has written is like renew
ing an old acquaintance
Mr Spearman has an individuality
His work is characteristic He is like
no other man and he writes himself into
his books Ho is original and he im
presses his individuality upon his work
This is the chiefest reason forhis suc
cess This is why his stories are popu
lar why his writings are eagerly sought
by editors and eagerly read by the pub
lic If he has not always new things to
say wo expect at least to find the old
things said in a new way and novel ex
pressions of old truths serves quite as
well as the announcement of discoveries
There are many writers but few who
have a style peculiar to themselves
Children learn by imitating and the
greater number of us do not get beyond
the imitative period Every man has a
personality but not many men disclose
it We continue to do things not in
our way but in the old way We ad
mire cleverness yet cleverness consists
in being oneself in being original We
are over on the lookout for the new in
literature as in the other professions
and in the arts Our minds are alert
and weary of monotony and grasp at
what promises to be different from any
thing else we know
McCook will be glad to learn that in
the issue of the Saturday Evening Post
for July 11th Mr Spearmans newest
novel The Presidents Daughter be
gan serial publication The fact of its
appearance in a periodical of such stand
ing is the best evidence of the regard in
which Mr Spearman is held not only
by the public but by the editors No
better fate than to be within reach of the
Posts half million readers could befall
the work of any author
There is quite a saving in buying
your hosiery at the Bee Hive
Repulsive Features
Blackheads pimples greasy faces and
muddy complexions which are so com
mon among women especially girls at a
certain age destroying beauty disfigur
ing and making repulsive features that
otherwise would appear attractive and
refined indicate that the liver is out of
order An occasional dose of Herbine
will cleanse the bowels regulate the liv
er and so establish a clear healthy com
plexion 50c at A McMillens
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Baptist Services at the usual hours
Morning topic Recognition Hereafter
Evening subject The Voyage of Life
Sweet singing All welcome
C Richard Betts Pastor
Methodist Rev Satchel will preach
at 11 am No evening meeting Sab
bath school at 10 a m Prayer meeting
Wednesday at 8 p m
Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in
the month Sunday school at ten oclock
a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening-prayer
and sermon at 8 The third
Sunday in the month Holy Communion
at 8 a m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Rev and Mrs F W Dean arrived
home Sunday morning on No 2 from
a short vacation in Denver and Manitou
Rev L H Shumate departed Mon
day night for Kansas City Mo on his
annual vacation He will visit in other
parts of Missouri during his absence
Rev W J Turner who occupied the
Congregational pulpit preceding Rev
Dean and who has been located at Nor
folk for the past year or more has been
given a call to the pastorate at Neligh
where he formerly preached
A Surgical Operation
is always dangerous do not submit to
the surgeons knife until you have tried
DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve It will
cure when everything else fails it has
done this in thousands of cases Here is
one of them I suffered from bleeding
and protruding piles for twenty years
Vas treated by different specialists and
used many remedies but obtained no re
lief until I used DeWitts Witch Hazel
Salve Two bottles of this salve cured
me 18 months ago and I have not had a
touch of the piles since H A Tisdale
Summerton S C For blind bleeding
itching and protruding piles no remedy
equals DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve
Sold by L W McConnell
at the
Bob Colo drove to Trenton Tuesday
John Bower is enrolled on thesick
John Gull of Hayes Center was in
town Sunday
R Knowles drove down to Tronton
Monday on busieess
Miss Grace Austin of Hebron was in
town Tuesday on business
Mr A Y Wright left Monday night
for a visit with Iowa relatives
A L Taylor of Trenton contracted
business in this village Tuesday
Supt H G Pickett of Hayes Center
was in town the first of the week
The ball boys will give a big ball Sat
urday evening Every ono invited
Miss Julia Solomon visited McCook
friends from Sunday to Wednesday
Some of tho young peoplo enjoyed a
picnic on the Blackwood Wednesday
Peter Spohn is assisting his father-in-
law O Wacker in the store this week
Dr Hess of Atlantic Iowa was out
viewing the beet crop the first of the
Mrs D M Benedict and Mrs G W
Trempy drove down to Hayes Center
D L Shumaker is haying the east
room in tho opera house fitted up for a
restuarant we understand
Mrs S J Wright and daughter Olive
returned from their visit to Hebron and
Arapahoe Saturday night
Postmaster J H Christner of Hayes
Center and W I Van Petten of Strat
ton were in the city Sunday
Misses Grace Ford and Goldie Newlon
went down to McCook Monday morn
ing to attend summer normal
Matt Newlon who has been clerking
at the Bee Hive came homo Wednesday
night on a much needed vacation
Mrs J A Kirk entertained a number
of her lady friends at her home Tues
day night They all report a pleasant
Miss Marrietto Wemple who has been
attending school in Hagarstown Mo
for the past year came in to McCook on
No 1 Sunday Mr Wemple drove
down to meet her
The Perfect Liver Medicine
Mrs M A Jolley Noble OT writes
I have used Herbine for a number of
years and can cheerfully recommend it
as the most perfect liver medicine and
the greatest blood purifier It is a med
icine of positive merit and fully accom
plishes all that is claimed for it Ma
laria cannot find a lodgement in the
system while the liver is in perfect order
for one of its functions is to prevent the
absorption of fever producing poisons
Herbine is a most efficient liver regulat
or 50c at A McMillens
Lemonade glasses a good supply
at the Bee Hive
About eighteen months ago Mr W S
Manning of Albany N Y widely
known in trade circles as the represent
ative of the Albany Chemical Co was
suffering from a protracted attack of di
arrhoea I tried Chamberlains Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy he
says and obtained immediate relief I
cheerfully recommend this medicine to
those similarly afflicted Sold by L
W McConnell druggist
Meats For Tender Teeth
Are a specialty at Paul Antons market
Spare your teeth and at the same time
help your digestion by ordering from
him Phone orders just as carefully and
promptly filled as though you came in
For Sale Cheap
Several second hand buggies See me
at the Blue Front livery barn
W H Ackerman McCook Neb
Indigestion Causes
CatarrH of tlie
For many years It has been supposed that
Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion
and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the
opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re
peated attacks of indigestion inflames the
mucous membranes lining the stomach and
exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus
ing tho glands to secrete mucin Instead of
tho Juices of natural digestion This Is
called Catarrh of the Stomach
Kodol Dyspepsia Gyre
relieves all Inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the stomach protects the
nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a
senso of fullness after eating indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
Kodol Digests What Yon Eat
Make the Stomach Sweet
Bottles only Regular site 100 holdInc25 tones
the trial size which sells for 50 cents
Prepared by E O DeWITT CO Chicago ML
Night Was Her Terror
I would cough nearly all night long
writes Mr3 Chas Applegate of Alex
andria Ind and could hardly get any
sleep I had consumption so bad that if
I walked a block I would cough fright
fully and spit blood but when all other
medicines failed three 1 bottles of Dr
Kings New Discovery wholly cured me
and I gained 58 pounds Its absolute
ly guaranteed to cure coughs colds la
grippe bronchitis and all throat and
lung troubles Price 50c and 8100 Trial
bottles free at McConnells drugstore
Phone 16
Womens wearable
warm weather
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning1
Corn -10
Wheat 55
Rye t
Hogs 4 40
Eggs vm
Butter 15
The Scientific Germ Killer
It contains every antiseptic known
to science
Hog Cholera
Is a germ disease of the intestines
The cholera bacteria finds its way
into the animal through the drinking
water or filth passing into the stom
ach and finally down along the intes
tines it sets up fermentation and from
there filters through the blood liver
and other organs
Hog cholera cannot be treated suc
cessfully unless treatment is com
menced before the germ has reached
the period of rapid multiplication If
taken in time it can be cured and in
all cases prevented by the use of
Liquid Koal because it is the only
known germicide that will pass
through the stomach into the intes
tines and from there into the blood
permeating the whole system and
still retain its germ killing properties
All other so called cholera cures lose
their potency by the acid reaction of
the gastric juices of the stomach
hence have no value
Read What Other Says
Parker S D Dec C 190
To whom it may concern
I havo used L K for my Iiors and can
cheerfully recommend it to be all that is
claimed a thorough germ and worm de
stroyer and a good appetizer
J J Roberts
Wausa Neb Dec 15 190i
Have used Liquid Koal for nearly a year
and find it an excellent article to keep Ikhts
in a healthy condition and as in appetizer
it has no equal Albert Anderson
OneQuartCan 3100
One Gallon 300
A 25c 32 page Book on Germ Diseases of
Animals sent free on application
Sheldon Iowa York Nebraska
For Sale by James Cain
Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store
Phone No 20 McCook Neb
Were winners when it comes to BEST
Phone No 16 when wanting the best goods and prompt
Special low reductions in Embroideries this week
Handsome Summer Wash Silks still going at extremely
low prices
Dont forget our remnant table when looking for bargains
All Mens Hats
in straw and summer styles and shapes
25 Per Cent Discount
Mens 6oc and 65c Work Shirts now going for 48c
See our line of Summer Neck ties
We can furnish you with either 48 inch or 54 inch Binder
Call on us once You will
Come Again
Answered by the
All Calls For Tie J
Will make all trains and an-
swer all calls to any
part of the city
Editorially Fearless
Consistently Republican
News from all of the world well
written original stories answers
to queries articles on health the
home new books and on work
about the farm and garden
The Weekly Inter Ocean
Is a member of the Associated
Press the only western newspa
per receiving the entire telegraph
ic news service of the New York
Sun and special cable of the New
Yonc World daily reports from
over 2000 special correspondents
throughout the county
Subscribe for The Tribute and
TheW eerty Inter Ocean one year
both papers for 140
fCodo Dyspepsia Gup
Digests what you eat
W H Ackerman w
McCook Nebraska