The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 24, 1903, Image 1

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McCook Junior Normal Notes
Governor Mickey on Character will
bo August 4th The governor is worth
while too
Tho total enrollment at tho McCook
Junior Normal School has this week
reached 180
J I Burwoll principal of the Dan
bury public schools was a visitor at the
normal Friday
G II Pickett superintendent of
Hayes county visited tho normal in his
official capacity Wednesday
Tho Bixby Greggs debate date is Aug
ust 6th It will be one of tho greatest
attractions of the normal course
Tho pictures exhibit will occupy tho
boards from August 11th to 14th both
inclusive You know they are fine
Threo weeks more will close the Mc
Cook Junior Normal It will have been
worth the money and offort and more
The class in elementary agriculture is
indulging in a picnic at the famous Mor
lan farm today under the direction of
Prof A O Thomas
The Wesloyan Quartetto August 14th
will be a prime attraction They have
delighted you before and are better than
ever prepared to do so now
Congressman C E Burketts lecture
has finally been dated It will be Aug
ust 10th Tho congressman is an able
speaker He will entertain you
Will H Heitzman of Lincoln repre
senting Ginn Co was here on Mon
day and addressed tho normal in one of
tho most instructing and entertaining
talks yet delivered before the chapel
New enrollments for week beginning
July 20 Mrs E B Young Danbury
Rosa Schlutz Viola Devoe Lebanon
Eva Phillips Indianola Grace Ford
GoldioNewlon Culbertson Marion Her
man Hayes Center Pearle Wagey
Cambridge Ruth Jones Stratton
The cecilian concert given by H P
Sutton Tuesday was fine and greatly
pleased all Following is the programme
as rendered
Reveille March Beod
Poet and Peasant Suppo
Black Cinderella
Tancrede Overture Rossini
March A Coon Band Contest
Last Hope Qottschalk
Grand Polka de Concert
Silver Stars Mazurka Bohm
Hungarian Rhapsodie Liszt
Prof Lawrence Bruner of the state
university who is out in this vicinity in
vestigating the grass hopper question
addressed the chapel gathering Thurs
day morning He is a recognized au
thority the world over on the grass-hopper
His talk was practical and plain
one of those simple nature talks the pro
fessor knows so well how to deliver It
was enjoyed and it was profitable
Tho music program of this morning
was as follows
Morning Hymn School
Song Barcarolle School
Piano Duet Lustspiel
Misses Louise Pitney and Blanche McCarl
Vocal Solo Thy Sentinel am I
-Mr HE Bradford
Song When Circles are Broken School
Piano Solo Pizzicati Mrs W B Mills
Violin Solo Russian Fantasie
Miss Hazel Hare
Song America School
What You Like
Just the meat you like in just the way
you like it Fine firm and tender beef
young wholesome lamb clean and sweet
pork smoked and salted meats And
last but not least whether you order
from house by phone or come in person
your orders are given our best consider
ation and we guarantee that you will
be satisfied Maksh
Was Hurt toy Falling- Into a Hole
Mrs J F Porter of West McCook was
was painfully hurt last Sunday night
while returning home from James Shep
herds home by falling into a hole in
the darkness Her knee was painfully
sprained which to one of her advanced
age will prove a source of annoyance for
a long time
A Bargain
Remnants of Arnolds silk mousseline
de soie at 17JoC Per yard at DeGroff s
Hot and thirsty Get a champagne
phosphate at Cone Bros
If you want fresh fruit and fresh veg
etables just gathered from the garden
watch for Mrs G H Rowlands fruit
and vegetable wagon Nothing stale or
old always fresh each day from the gar
Mowers and rakes the Deering of
course at W T Colemans
One of the most desirable homes
in M7fVirilr Ricrhf rrvm3
room closets fruit snaae lawn
W A Lauby has gone to Lexington
Mrs N EFahnestock is home from
her visit to Illinois
Dr and Mns C L Fahnestock were
Lincoln visitors Sunday
Alex Carmichael was down from
Denver fore part of tho woek
Mr and Mrs O S McElherron
have moved to Denver this week
Mrs P F McKenna and Clara have
gone to Chicago Illinois on a visit
Mrs W A Dunlap of Trinidad Colo
rado is a guest of Mrs G R Snyder
Julia Solomon of Culbertson was a
guest of Esther Strout part of this
Mrs Joseph Kubicek went down to
Red Cloud last week on a visit to old
Miss Myrtle Myer entertained the
young ladies of the Awl Os club Tues
day evening
Mrs N B Bush and Mrs F D Bur
gess departed Thursday morning for Al
mena Kansas
Mrs Robert Moore visited her par
ents Engineer and Mrs Anthony Clark
in Oxford last week
Tiff Babcock and children came up
from Cambridge last evening on their
way home to Colorado
Mrss Olive Rittenhouse arrived
home first of the week from a vacation
of two weeks in Colorado
Mrs T M Phillippi left this morn
ing for McCool Junction York county
on a visit to her daughter
JCMitchell returned last Saturday
on No 13 from a short visit to Red
Cloud relatives and friends
Mrs Frank R Dobson left on 12
Thursday for Havelock after a visit of
a few days at the old home
Mrs A R Clark left last night for
Elinwood Kansas on a visit of a few
weeks to some of the children
Mrs J H Yarger and Miss Edna
departed on 3 Sunday night for Scotts
bluff on a visit to Oscar and family
Mrs Harry Barbazett who has
been visiting at her old home in Gordon
Nebraska arrived home last Friday
Miss Bertha Snyder is here from
Lincoln guest of Mrs Ben Strine and
Miss Wilson on East Dennison street
Mr and Mrs Earl Murray like Ex
President Cleveland are beneficiaries of
a recent stork visit And its a boy too
Mrs J D Hare Miss Hazel and
Master Max arrived home last Friday
from spending a few weeks in Chicago
John Hatfield is here from Decatur
Illinois arriving on Wednesday evening
He is sufferinggreatly with rheumatism
Mrs C M Bailey gave a party to a
happy company of young folks last even
ing in honor of Miss Louise Pitney of
Miss Laura Ruggles who is now in
Californit so information comes private
ly is having quite serious trouble with
her eyes
Mrs L Heffelfinger of Red Oak
Iowa arrived in the city first of the
week and is the guest of her brother
H H Berry
Miss Lelia J DeBray accompanied
Mrs N B Bush oyerfrom Almena
Kansas last week ananstill the guest
of Miss Eva Burgess - h
O N Rector of Oxfordthas disposed
of his farm near Oxford and bought a
ranch property near here expecting to
move onto the same next March
MrsF M Kimmell gave a lawn party
Monday afternoon to the members of
her Sunday school class with enjoyable
particulars for the girls and boys
Mrs A D Johnston who has been
visiting her sister Mrs M E Horner in
Fort Morgan Colorado for a number of
weeks arrived home close of last week
Mrs E M Bigelow joined her hus
band here Sunday night from Pueblo
Colorado Mrs Bigelow is an artist in
china decorating and will in due time
open a studio here
Mrs L WStayner and Mrs Augusta
Anton arrived home Wednesday night
from their visit in Des Moines Iowa
Mrs Anna Sayers mother of Mrs Stay
neraccompanied them and will make
her home here for a while
Sam OConnor was about town last
week raising funds with which to secure
medical treatment for his eyes Sams
sad condition of total blindness is a
familiar and pathetic sight on our streets
and he was liberally encouraged in his
Postmaster John H Christner of
Hayes Center found time from his ardu
ous postal duties Monday night to run
down to these political headquarters
and put in a few more licks for his favor
ite candidate- for the judgeship Judge
R C Orr
Home Talent Concert
On next Tuesday evening in tho
court room the people of McCook
will have an opportunity of listening
to a concert under auspices of the
McCook Junior Normal school Mr
H E Bradford director which will
be worthy the largest hearing that
can assemble in that audience room
The price is but 25 cents
It is perhaps unnecessary to say a
word in praise of this concert The
appended program speaks for itself
both in the quality ofhe music Jto be
given and in the personnel of the mu
sicians Hero is the guarantee that
you will be entertained highly
Star Spangled Bonner Chorus
Piano duet
Miss Blanche McCarl and Louise Pitney
5 Mi6ses Blanche and Ida McCarl
uartot MrSBMcLeanMrJRMcCarl
My Old Kentucky Homo Ladies Chorus
Soprano solo Mrs C W Britt
a Build Me Straight Oh Worthy Mas
ter Chorus
b Take Her Oh Bridegroom Chorus
Baritone solo Mr F A Pennell
Vocal solo Thy Sentinel Am I Watson
Mr H E Bradford
Piano solo Mrs W B Mills
Reading selected Mrs W W Archibald
Vocal duet Soft Fell tho Dew of the Sum
mer Night Glover
Mr H E Bradford Mr L HLindemann
Violin solo Miss Hazel Hare
Soldiers Chorus from Faust Chorus
Standing Central Nebraska League
Won Lost
Holdrege 19 7 730
McCook 19 7 730
Giltner 9 18 333
Red Cloud 8 1G 333
Minden 7 15 318
mcook 9 minden 3
The locals took in the visitors in the
opening game Monday by the decisive
score of 9 to 3
Score R H E
McCook 32 00 12 01 9 8 3
Minden 110 10 0 0 0 3 6 3
Batteries Moore and Behder Bates and
Two base hits Kennedy Converso Pickard
and Ahlin
Struck out By Moore 3 by Bates 5
Bases on balls Off Moore 3 off Bates 6
Umpire Reed
Tuesdays game came our way in an
errorless contest and a score of 7 to 0
Score R H E
McCook 2 1030001 7 8 0
Minden 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 s
Batteries Attridge and Bender Letheby and
Two base hits Pickard Kennedy Ahlin
Croco and Bates
Struck out By Attridgo 11 by Letheby 7
Double plaj 8 Bender to Wilson Njstrom to
Bases on balls Off Attridge 7 off Letheby 3
Umpire Burney
Giltner Neb July 22 Special
Giltner defeated McCook today in a
game replete with errors Score 7 to 6
Batteries Dowers and Campbell
Schopp and Bender Struck out By
Dowers 4 by Schopp 7 Bases on balls
Off Dower 3 off Schopp 4 Campbell
made a home run for Giltner
Red Cloud won from Holdrege Wed
nesday in a game full of ginger Score
6 to 3
And Johnnie Bender is just as clever
a ladies man as he is behind the mask
and protector
Yesterdays league games resulted as
follows McCook 10 Giltner 4 Hold
rege 2 Red Cloud 6
Minden won from Giltner last Friday
9 to 6 Holdrege took a ten inning game
from Red Cloud on the same day 5 to 4
J S Penquite has been released from
the club after a short service He left
for his home in Minneapolis Kansas
Wednesday morniDg
Minden was shut out by Arapahoe
Wednesday Score 6 to 0 Beltzers
pitching for Arapahoe was the feature
of the game he struck out 11 men
So far as The Tribune is able to get
at the facts they will be given in re
porting games We have no pets nor
are we interested in building up one
record and knocking down another
Holdrege and Giltner played two
games this week at Harvard Mon
days game was a ten inning affair re
sulting 10 to 10 and ending in a quan el
owing to the difference of the score
keepers Tuesdays game went to Hold
rege by a score of 8 to 4
McConnells Foot Powder
jg tired and aching feet
Clean Your Alleys
Property owners and occupants are re
quested to clean all manure and rubbish
out of alleys C B Gray
Street Commissioner
Before buying a hammock see the lat
est and get prices at McMillens drug
E Coffey is a new machinist holptr
A M Clouse is a new machinist this
The trackage in the local yard is being
W C Chlanda is on the sick list
this week
H C Smith is listed with tho sick
this week
Herbert Frey went up to Alliance
Tuesday on a visit
Conductor W W Webster is in St
Joe for a week visiting
Engineer Steve Finn has been visiting
at headquarters this week
L H Stephens is down from Ives
Nebraska visiting relatives
Ira Dye has returned to work in the
blacksmith shop as a helper
Engineer William Koll was up from
Republican City Wednesday
Conductor and Mrs C R Liggett
have gone away on a short visit
Burlington enginemen are said to be
next on the list for an increase of wages
Conductor J F Utter spent a few
days of this week on tho farm near
Conductor C E Pope went up to
Denver Tuesday night on 3 on a matter
of business
Henry Weintz is expected soon from
Edgemont S D to return to work in
the machine shop
Mr and Mrs F L Palmer went up to
Boulder Colorado on a short outing
fore part of the week
Engine 371 was out in the local yard
being limbered up for road service
Wednesday atternoon
Jacob Schauerman has been trans
ferred from the roundhouse to thg back
shop where he is a sweeper
Dispatcher and Mrs W B Mills re
turned early in the week from Denver
where he has been substituting
Asst General Supt Rhodes was up
from Lincoln Wednesday on business
at Western division headquarters
C L Walker chief of the paint gang
was a Denver visitor Sunday Also
Milton Hammond a member of the
E McKenzie and wife went up to
Denver last Friday on a visit He re
turned to work Thursday morning of
this week
W M Stoners father and mother
arrived early in the week from Weep
ing Water Nebraska on a visit to their
son and his wife
William Hegenberger has taken a lay
off of two weeks and has gone to Oma
ha and Peoria to enjoy the time leaving
on Tuesday night
By a recent order Lincoln is made the
distributing point for all bridge lumber
used on the Q west of the Mississippi
and for the lines in Missouri
Conductor and Mrs L S Watson
visited her parents Engineer and Mrs
J E Sanborn at Hastings over Snnday
returning home on 1 Monday
Ralph Foe has been transferred from
Red Cloud to the telegraph office at
headquarters Roy Cadman the night
man now has the day shift there
Agent Miss Elizabeth and Matt
Thomson got away on 13 Monday for
Missoula Montana on an absence of a
month or so visiting John Thomson
Engineerancl Mrs Jack Henderson
arrived home last Friday night from
California where Mrs Henderson has
been visiting the Happersetts for the
past three months
Switchman F M Fagan who has
been east for the last month on account
of sickness in his family has returned
to work and now hasF W Jones place
in the McCook yard
A few of the sunny sons of Italy made
things lively in the local railroad yard
Saturday evening discharging firearms
and exercising their fluency with the
mother tongue in a more expressive than
elegant fashion
C E McManigal in a personal letter
announces the fact that he jemoved from
Panhandle Texas to Myford California
about three months since and that he is
station agent and operator for the Santa
Fe at that point Charlie didnt let us
into the fact but we learn it from an
other source that he is now a married
man of about a years experience We
hasten to congratulate etc
Have It Handy
at this season Over ripe fruit and
vegetables and excessive use of
water often disturb the normal func
tions of the stomach and cause
griping pain nausea and other dis
agreeable symptoms A dose or two
of McConnells Blackberry Bal
sam will give quick relief Nothing
better Price 25 cents
L W McConnell Druggist
iVv -V
Norris Leonard Wedding
At two oclock on Wednesday after
noon July 8th an exceedingly pretty
home wedding took place at tho resi
dence of Mr and Mrs I N Leonard on
Downing avenue when their eldest
daughter Miss Ella was given in marri
age to the Hon G W Norris of Ne
Intimate friends and neighbors to tho
number of thirty witnessed the simple
but impressive ceremony as performed
by Rev I Harvey Hazel of San Jose
The bride was charming in a croam
colored etamino and as she entered tho
prettily decorated parlors on the arm of
tho groom Miss Waito of Campbell
rendered Mendelssohns wedding march
softly on the organ
An hour later and after an elaborate
luncheon had been enjoyed by the guests
Mrs Norris donned a becoming travel
ing suit of purple cloth and the happy
couple left amid a shower of rice for a
few days stay at Del Monte
Upon their return thoy will leave
almost immediately for Wisconsin to
enjoy several weeks at the summer home
of Mr Norris on tho shores of beautiful
Lake Wapaca Tho fall will find them
in McCook Nebraska where a wide cir
cle of friends will extend to them a cor
dial welcome home
Formerly Miss Leonard served success
fully as principal of one of the McCook
public schools while Mr Norris served
his district in the capacity of judge for
a number of years So well pleased
were tho people with Mr Norris judge
ship that preceding the last election
he was prevailed upon to enter tho race
for congress thereby to servo the consti
tuents in a larger and perhjips more use
ful sphere The result of a memorable
and one of the most spirited campaigns
which stirred tho middle west is that
the groom was elected congressman from
Fifth congressional district of Nebraska
His record is one that speaks in no un
certain terms of his strength of charac
ter and manliness
MrsNorris possesses a striking person
ality and has by her many womanly
graces made a host of friends during her
years stay in California who will regret
her departure
Notable among the guests present were
Messrs J M Pipp and J C Bozarth
who despite their advanced yearsbeing
eighty one and seventy six respectfully
possess hearts singularly young
No announcements were issued San
Jose Sunday Mercury and Herald July
12th 1903
A M Wilson Severely Injured
A M Wilson of the McCook electric
light plant sustained severe injuries last
Saturday evening early by falling from
a pole He had just completed making
some repairs to the incandescent street
light at corner of the Methodist church
land was descending the pole to the
ground when one of his climbers failed
to hold in the rotten or soft pole He
fell backwards to the ground a distance
of about six feet His right arm was
broken just above the wrist and the left
hand and wrist were badly jammed up
His injuries are painful and severe but
so far he is progressing favorably toward
We desire to acknowledge the prompt
and liberal response to our Removal
Sale It affords one other proof of the
fact that people know a good thing when
they see it and can distinguish between
the sham cry and the genuine announce
ment of a bonafide business event
We call attention to the fact that our
muslins prints table oil cloth table
damasks towelings ginghams wash
goodsunderwearhoisery and like staples
are far from being exhausted though be
ing taken by all customers
We invite your participation in this
sharing of benefits
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
The Good Old Hickory
The time is at hand when you will
need a good tight reliable wagon in
which to market your small grain
Thats the kind W T Coleman sells
The Old Hickory kind and they
really cost no more than the cheap poor
sort that hardly last a season The
Old Hickory is guaranteed
Fly Knocker
A friend to horses and cattle Your
horses will do more work and cows give
more milk by using Fly Knocker
A McMillen Druggist
Dog Tax
Dog tax is due If you want to keep
a dog pay the license to A C Ebert
city treasurer at once C B Gray
Chief of Police
Steady Work for Printer
The Tribune has steady work at fair
wages -for a competent compositor
Write or call and learn particulars
The Barnett Lumber Co is rebuilding
and over hauling its coal sheds in prepa
ration for the next season
Got your garden hose of F D Burgess
McMillen can ploaso you in hammocks
Seo those enamoMined refrigerators at
For boys and mens clothing go to
DeGroff Co
Have a chocolate ice croam soda Best
in town Cone Bros
Best grade of garden hoso at very low
prices at F D Burgess
No matter what others say if you trado
at DeGroffs you are right
McMillen makes a specialty of fine
stationery and writing tablets
H P Waito will sell vou tho best
grade nose at tho lowest figure
McMillen sells tho best mixed paint
you can got guaranteed for threo yonrs
Seo that string of lawn mowers at
Waites All sizes Prices from 3 up
II P Waito has a full lino of Alaska
refrigerators and Jewel gasoline stovesj
Use Liquid Konl for chicken cholera
mites lice etc For salo by James
Goodrich Rubber Co mako tho best
garden hoso All guaranteed by F D
The Jewel is tho most economical and
most durable of nil the gasoline stoves
For sale by II P Waite
The steadily increasing patrons of Cone
Bros soda fountain is sure evidence of
the superiority of the beverages they
You will need a five hoe and disc drill
this season and as the demand will bo
great you had better call early at WT
Colemans and secure one
After a good seasons business in wall
paper we are now offering some marvel
ous bargains in our two roomTots
Cone Bros
Buggies a new and large stotk to
select from at W T Colemans You
get a good article there for a fair price
See his stock and get his quotations and
The Martin Phelps Commission Co
on Wednesday of this week moved into
the Stern store room one door south of
The Tribune office This will provide
them quarters on the street and ground
Fresh fruit and vegetables at your
door every day My wagon is as sure to
be on the streets as the stores are to open
Orders taken for berries for canning pur
poses and I treat my customers right
Mrs G H Rowland
The Ocean Wave washer is maintain
ing its marvelous reputation as a washer
without an equal W T Coleman sells
them and no one complains Those who
use them are loudest in their praise If
you need a washer dont fail to see this
one before you buy
From an advertisement in the Winfield
Kansas Tribune we learn that T J
Floyd formerly of the Trenton Register
is practicing medicine in that burg as
an osteopath in partnership with a Dr
Eldridge and that they have a finely
equipped office
Every man to his trade and business
Paul Anton makes it his serious business
to provide the juiciest tenderest meats
for his customers Its his trade He
knows how And then again ho uses
the best of corn fed beeves They are
the only kind that produce really good
meat It costs you the same as the poor
tough sort
The committee having in charge tho
matter of preparing an exhibit for tho
state fair are very desirous that the dis
play shall surpass the one made in 1897
when Red Willow county scored 1047
points To this end it is desired that
persons having fine specimens of any of
the following will preserve them and
have them ready for the committer
when they are needed Corn wheat
oats barley and other grains natiyo
and tame grasses potatoes onions cab
bage beets squash melons and pump
kins grain in sheaf
The postoffice department is constant
ly in receipt of requests for the issue of
a mourning stamp for use on the black
edged stationery Persons in all grades
of life assert that there is no harmony
or appropriateness in an envelope with
a black edge and a red stamp in the
corner and they beg the department to
issue a black stamp It is reported that
the department is inclined to accede to
these requests and may issue a stamp
printed in black for which a charge of
three cents will be made
The Roseville bakery dishes are
attracting considerable attention at
the Beo Hive