The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 10, 1903, Image 4

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IV JflitCaak PM
Largest Circulation inRed Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Republican State Convention
Tho republicans of tho stnto of Nebraska nro
hurcby culled to moot in convention in tho city
of Lincoln on Tuesday August 18 1W3 tit two
oclock in tliu afternoon for tho nurpoho of
nlucing in noiniiintion cnudidntuH for tho fol
lowing oiliccs to bo voted for nt tho noxt gen
oral oloctlon to bo hold in tho stnto of Nebraska
November 3 190J viz
Ono judge of tho Biiprcmo count two regents
of tho university of tho stutoof Nebraska and
for tho transaction of such other business as
mav regulnrly corno boforo snid convention
Tho basis of representation of tho several
counties in said convention shall bo the vote
cast for Hon John II Mickey for govornor at
tho regular election hold on Novonibor i 1102
giving ono delegate for onch 100 votes or major
fraction thereof so cast for tho said John II
Mickey and one dclega to at largo for each county
Said apportionment entitles tho several coun
ties to thojollowing representation in the enid
Chaso 4 Dundy 4
Frontier 8 Furnns 12
Gosper 4 Hitchcock 4
Hayes 4 Red Willow 11
Total iuniDcr of delegates lUal
It is recommended that no proxies bo allowed
in said convention but that the delegates pres
ent thereat bo authorized to cast tho full voto of
tho county represented by them
Notico is horcby given that each of tho oven
numbered senatorial districts in tho stato is to
select a member of thostato committeo to servo
for tho term of two years
It is also the sense and request of tho stato
committeo that at tho time delegates aro chosen
to tho coming stato convention tho sovoral
counties proceed to complete their county or
ganization for the campaign of 1003 by the se
lection of road district helpers precinct com
mitteemen and regular oilicers of each county
By order of tho state committee
H C Lindsay Chairman
A B Allen Secretary
Fourteenth Judicial Convention
Tho Republicans of the Fourteenth Judicial
District of Nebraska nro hereby culled to meet
in convention iu the city of McCook Nebraska
Thursday afternoon September 17th 1903 at
two oclock for tho purpose of placing in nomi
nation a candidate for tho office of judge of the
Fourteenth District of Nebraska and for tho
transaction of such other business as may prop
erly corao before that convention
The basis of representation of the sovernl
counties of the district in said convention shall
bo the voto cast for Hon J H Mickey in 1902
for tho oifico of governor of the state of Ne
braska giving one delegate at large one dele
gate for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof
so cast Which apportionment entitles the sev
eral counties of tho district to tho following
Chaso 272 4
Dundy 292 4
Frontier 717 8
Furnas 1121 12
Gosper 335 4
Haos 266 4
Hitchcock 349 4
Red Willow 1012 11
Total No of delegates 51
It is recommended by tho committee that no
proxies bo allowed in said convention but that
tho delegates present from each county bo al
lowed to cast tho voto of said county
It was further recommended that the chair
man and secretary of tho committee bo tho
temporary chairman and secretary of the con
H H Behky Chairman
F M Kimjtell Secretary
McCook Nebraska Juno 19 1903
Republican papors of the district please copy
Republican County Convention
The Republicans of Red Willow county are
hereby called to meet in convention at Beards
Jeos nail in the city of Indianoln on Wednes
day July 29th 1903nt 130 oclock p m for the
purpose of placing in nomination candidates
for the following offices to be voted for at tho
next general election to bo held in the state of
Nebraska on tho 3rd day of November 1903 viz
One county judge ono clerk of the district
court one sheriff one coroner one county treas
urer ono county clerk ono county survejor
one county superintendent of public instruc
tion ono county assessor one count commis
sioner for second district eleven delegates to
tho Republican state convention and eleven
delegates to tho Republican convention of the
fourteenth judicial district of Nebraska and for
tho transaction of such other business as may
regularly como before said county convontion
Tho basis of representation of the several pre
cincts in said county shall be tho vote cast for
Hon J H Mickey for governor of Nebraska at
the general election held in tho year 1902 giving
one delegate for eacli 15 votes or fraction there
of so cast for said J H Mickey and two dele
gates at large for each voting precinct in said
county Said apportionment entitles tho sev
eral voting precincts in said cojmty to the fol
lowing representation in said convention
Alliance 4 Grant 4
Beaver 6 Indianola 7
Bondville 4 Lebanon 7
Box Elder 4 Missouri Ridge 3
Coleman 4 North Valley 4
Danbury 4 Perry 3
Driftwood 4 Rod Willow 5
East Valley 7 Tyrone 3
Fritsch 4 Valley Grange 5
Gerver 4
First Ward 1st precinct 12
First Ward 2nd precinct 11
Second Ward 1st precinct 8
Second Ward 2nd precinct 8
Total 124
It is recommended that no proxies be allowed
in said convention but that the delegates pres
ent thereat bo authorized to cast the full vote
of tho precinct represented by them
It is further recommended that tho several
voting precincts in said county hold their pri
mary elections on Monday the 27th day of July
By order of county central committee
Harlow W JCeyes
Frank Moore Secretary Chairman
Republican Caucus
The Republicans of tho first precinct of the
first ward of Willow Grovo precinct in Red Wil
low county will meet at the sample room of the
Commercial Hotel in McCook Nebraska on
Monday OTentng July 27 1903 at 8 oclock for
the purpose of selecting twelve delegates to at
tend the Republican county convention to bo
held at Indianola Nebraska on July 29 1903
M Laavbitson Committeeman
Republican Cauciis
The Republicans of the second precinct of the
first ward of Willow Grove precinct in Red Wil
low county will meet at the oflice of C F Bab
cock in McCook Nebraska on Monday evening
July 27 1903 at 8 oclock for tho purpose of se
lecting eleven delewites to attend the Republi
can county convention to be held at Indianola
Nebraska on July 29 1903
C B Geat Committeeman
Republican Caucus
The Republicans of the second precinct of the
second ward of Willow Grove precinct in Red
Willow county will meof at the office of H H
Berry in McCook Nebraska on Monday even
ing July 27 1903 at 8 oclock for tho purpose of
selecting eight delegates to attend the Republi
can county convention to be held at Indianola
Nebraska on July 29 1903
T J Smith Committeeman
Republican Caucus
The Republicans of the first precinct of the
second want of Willow Grove precinct in Red
Willow county will meet at the city hall in the
city of McCook on Monday evening July 27
1903 at 8 oclock for tho purpose of selecting
eight delegates to attend the Republican county
convention to be hold at Indianola Nebraska
on July 29 1903
C F Babcock Committeman
Grant Precinct
The Republican voters of Grant precinct will
meet at tiie Banksville school house in the even
ing of July 27 190 at 8 oclock for the purpose
of electing delegates to tho county convention
and to transact such other business as may
properly como before said canens
H I Peterson Committeeman
As a new star in Eedwilldws political
constellation Etherton is going some
Oil cans all sizes at theBee Hive
Two years ago my hair was
falling out badly I purchased a
bottle of Ayers Hair Vigor and
soon my hair stopped coming out
Miss Minnie Hoover Paris Ilh
Perhaps your mother
had thin hair but that is
no reason why you must
go through life with half
starved hair If you want
long thick hair feed it
with Ayers Hair Vigor
and make it rich dark
and heavy
100 a bottle All druggists
If your druggist cannot supply you
send us one dollar and we will express
you a bottle lie sure and give tho nanio
of your learesr express ottice Address
vax ek uu Loweii juass
Phillips the Phariseo doesnt pro
pose to allow any one to excel him in
meanness He now proposes that the
pedigree of Hinky Dink be assessed hop
ing thus to secure exemption from the
necessity of taxation for the rest of Red
willow county property owners
The boys say after all theres no
place to buy gloves like the Bee
The basis of assessment valuation is
not as difficult to determine as it is to
secure consent to such basis For in
stance the market price the figure at
which a given article will sell may bo
taken as an equitable basis upon which
to determine an assessment The value
of a given article is not what it cost nor
yet what its owner esteems it to be worth
but what the buying market says it will
pay for it There seems to bo no end of
balderdash current touching this ques
tion utterances not founded upon a de
sire to secure equitable just assessment
butfounded on selfishness and self-interest
alone Nor is the question of assess
ment valuation one of ethics but of
strict hard business If an article sells
for S100 on the market assess it on that
basis If another article sells for 20
assess it accordingly A bank with 25-
000 capital is not expected to pay on as
high a valuation as the bank with 50
000 capital stock The merchant with
20000 worth of goods expects to pay
more taxes than the merchant with 10
000 worth of merchandise So it ought
to be throughout the entire schedule
Honesty of purpose and courage in doing
the duty joined with intelligent judg
ment will always give a fair just equit
able assessment More no honest man
Rubbers for fruit jars extra cov
ers and sealing wax at the Bee Hive
Too Fresh By Half
We would suggest Bro Ethertonthat
a few more offices be created so that
every citizen of Red Willow county
could hold an office or two and then
you could probably squeeze along
without even a poor farm Hayes Cen
ter Times Republican
It need scarcely be mentioned that the
author of the above small fling is him
self a county officer in Hayes county
There is no record thas he ever attempt
ed to escape the responsibility of holding
an office in that county wherein the fee
was adequate and well secured And
it may be as unnecessary to add that
this and other similar and petty slaps
have been made by this sinecure office
holder at Eed Willow county because
Eed Willow county citizens seek the
nomination of judge of the district court
for the Fourteenth district and for the
further reason that a former Hayes
county citizen desires the same plum
The suggestion is gratuitously insolent
and will not redound to the advantage
of Hayes countys choice The editors
emerald hue may open more points than
he is prepared to successfully defend
Binder whips and cut lacing at the
Bee Hive -
Perry Precinct
Tlie Republican primary election for Perry
precinct will bo held in the Flitcraft school
house on Monday evening July 27th 1903 at 7
oclock central time for the purpose of elect
ing three delegates to the county convention to
bo held in Indianola Wednesday afternoon
July 29th 1903 at 1 30 oclock
C H Harman Committeeman
Coleman Precinct
The Republicans of Coleman precinct will
hold their primary election for the selection of
four delegates to the Republican county con
vention to be held in Indianola Wednesday
July 29th 1903 in the Coleman s chool house on
Monday afternoon July 27th at 2 oclock when
any other proper business will also be disposed
of William Coleman Committeeman
What You Like
Just the meat you like in just the way
you like it Fine firm and tender beef
young wholesome lamb clean and sweet
pork smoked and salted meats And
last but not least whether you order
from house by phone or come in person
your orders are given our best consider
ation and we guarantee that you will
be satisfied Marsh
The farmers and businessmen of Leb
anon are completing the organization of
a company having for its object the buy
ing and shipping of grain livestock etc
iwwAwWWiwww iianvti
CathoCic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 Every Sun
day J J Loughban Pastor
First Baptist Chubch All services
at the usual hours the pastor in the pul
pit Sweet singing A cordial welcome
toall C Richabd Betts Pastor
Congregational No church services
either morning or evening The Sunday
school and Endeavor society will meet
at usual hours Frank W Dean
Methodist Preaching by the pastor
at 11 a m and 8 p m Mr Bradford
will sing Tho Holy City at the morn
ing service Sunday school at 10 a m
Epworth League at 7 p m
L H Shumate Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in
tho month Sunday school at ten oclock
a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening-prayer
and sermon at 8 The third
Sunday in the month Holy Communion
at 8 a m All are welcome
E R Eakle Rector
Rev C R Betts of the Baptist church
went up to Denver yesterday
Rev C R Betts and family will oc
cupy the cosy and pretty new Baptst
parsonage Monday next
Rev and Mrs Frank W Dean de
parted on Thursday for Denver They
will spend his annual vacation of two
weeks in Colorado
Rev Frank W Dean who has been
pastor of the Congregational church for
the past 5 ear or more fias decided to
leave this pastorate and has given notice
to his parishioners that his relations to
the church here will cease in ninety
Machine oil will be sold at special
jpnees lor harvest ana threshing
The Bee Hive
Mrs E M Douglass went down to
Kansas City Mo first of the week
Miss Ada Hoffmeister of Imperial
went down to Grafton Wednesday on
a visit
Postmaster S E Ealsten and Mr
Stephens were over from Lebanon yes
Miss Olive Eittenhouse went up to
Denver Thursday to take in some of
the C E convention
Mrs H D Bayless was in Lincoln
first of the week to see her sister who
was about to remove to Texas to live
Emerson Hanson is entertaining his
father and mother who arrived in the
city Wednesday on No 1 from Illinois
and will visit here some time
J E Moore received a passing visit
from his brother of Shenandoah Iowa
Wednesday evening as the brother was
passing through to the C E convention
in Denver
George B Berry is the new book
keeper for W C Bullard E A Green
resigning to engage in the real estate
business and to look after his farm south
of the city
Earl Ludwick returned home Wed
nesday night from a business visit to
Omaha He was accompanied home by
Miss Vergie who met him in Omaha on
her way home from Illinois
Mr and Mrs Epperson of Oneida
Ills parents af Mrs F F Tomblin to
gether with Mr and Mrs F F Tomblin
and Mrs H F Tomblin were guests of
Mrs J C Forbes Sunday
4j ft rM viMv L fBXSKt
I T t I I T I
makes childbirth easy by preparing the
system for parturition and thus shortening
labor The painful ordeal is robbed of its
terrors and the danger lessened to both
mother and child the time of confinement
is shortened the mother rested and child
fully developed strong and healthy
Morning sickness or nausea arising
from pregnancy is prevented by its use
As pregnancy advances the breasts en
large become swollen and hard Long
before the child is born they are prepar
ing for the secretion of milk It is import
ant that they receive early attention
Mothers Friend softens 5the skin and
facilitates the secretion of Life Fluid
Undeveloped breasts hard caked shortly
after delivery are the result of non
treatment and likely to culminate in
Mammary Abscess from which so many
suffer excruciating pain and are left with
these organs permanently impaired
Softness pliability and expansion are given to
the muscles and sinews thus bringing comfort
and causing an easy ibsue of the child Trv it
Of druggists ioo Our book Motherhood free
at the
Indigestion Causes
CatarrH of the
For many years Jt has been supposed that
Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion
and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly tho
opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re
peated attacks qf Indigestion inflames the
mucous membranes lining the stomach and
exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus
ing tho glands to secrete mucin Instead of
the Juices of natural digestion This Is
called Catarrh of the Stomach
Kodol Dyspepsia Core
relieves all inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the stomach protects the
nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a
sense of fullness after eating indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
Kodol Digests What Yon Eat
Make the Stomach Sweet
Bottles only RopiUr size 1 00 holding 2H times
the trial size which sells for 50 cents
ripvd by E O DeWITT CO Chicago U
By he retirement of Miss Eache Ber
ry and Mr C H Meeker from the mem
bership of the board tho library has suf
fered an inestimable loss These two
were responsible for the movement that
culminated in the accomplishment and
have labored untiringly in behalf of the
project that has become a fact The
gratifying success that has attended the
establishment of the library is attributed
largely to their unceasing efforts and
self sacrificing devotion Others have
aided have responded freely to all calls
but these two have been the prime mov
ers in the cause have supplied in full
pleasure with a liberality that knew no
limits time- energy enthusiasm intelli
gence wares that money cannot buy
without which the material contribu
tions would Have been valueless Pos
session of that rarest of virtues forget
fulness of self has made it to them a
labor of love May the beneficiaries ap
preciate at its true worth what they
have done
The Atlantic Monthly for July is an
unusually attractive number Most of
the articles are written by residents of
California and the tone of the issue is
decidedly and delightfully western We
of tho west are and should be interested
in all things western and fortius reason
this number of thtmagazine should ap
peal to us One of the best articles is a
reviowof Sargents Silva by John Muir
No fitter person to perform this task
could have been found as no one prob
ably knows more about trees than he
The Silva is a description of the trees of
the North American continent exclusive
of Mexico We are told that the author
has been engaged on its production for
20 years It is published in 14 volumes
and the subscription price is S35000
From it we learn that we haTe 585 species
of trees The Last Antelope by Marv
Austin will repay to reader The first
article in the number is an account of
the literary development of California
which is also extremely interesting The
issue contains too A Bunch of Texas
and Arizona Birds which cannot but
fascinate anyone who is a lover of nature
These are only a few of the typically
western features of this number
Fruit jars
Bouers Bert
Buggieri Domenico
Buirstow Harry
Beson C W
Brown May
Brooks Jennie
Burton Sirs S A
Coleman J T
Cunaso Francesco
Dior George
DeKojcl Antoma
Howard J W
Hollenhorse Louis
Johnson C AI
Johnson Nute
and cans at the Bee
Dewey Cowboy Accidentally Killed
McDonald Kansas July 7 Bob
Tucker one of the Dewey cowboys was
accidentally shot and killed with a re
volver by his brother Ed Tucker a
cowboy of Deweys also a witness of the
triple tragedy when the Berrys were
Eds revolver fell from his belt
to the floor explodine and mortally
wounded his brother Eobert the bullet
piercing his back through the body and
coming out at the heart Tucker lived
only a few minutes He will be buried
today at McDonald
The Boss Worm Medicine
H P Kumpe druggist Leighton Al
abama writes One of my customers
had a child which was sick and threw
up all food could retain nothing on its
stomach He bought one bottle of
Whites Cream Vermifuge and it brot
up 119 worms from the child Its the
boss worm medicine in the world
Whites Cream Vermifuge is also the
childrens tonic It improves their di
gestion and assimilation of food and
strengthens their nervous system and
restores them to the health vigor and
elasticity of spirits natural to child
hood 25c at A McMillens drugstore
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice July 6 1903
McGloin D
Mitchell Lilly
Merchants Hotel
Nelson H C
Xelson Christena
Orlanas Guiseppe
Praning Jack
Kosander Mr
Scott Geo
Spanise Francesco yl
Stephens Anno
Sulton W H
Vercille Gaitano
Williams C D
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
P M Kimmell Postmaster
For a lazy liver try Chamberlains
Stomach and Liver Tablets They in
vigorate the liver aid the digestion reg
ulate the bowels and prevent bilious
attacks For sale by L W McConnell
We are beginning early to close out our stock of
SUMMER DRESS GOODS and among the few
Dress Patterns we have left there are numerous
Odd Lengths and Waist Patterns
which you will find on our front center table at
Sf Dont forget to look over our complete line of
Dress Trimmings and Yokings when shopping
this department
Gents Washable String Ties
Three for 25c
Call and pick your choice from our display of service
able wash ties which we are offering for ioc each
three for 25c They are just the thing for this
Ladies Gauntlet Gloves
We have just received a new supply of Ladies
Gauntlet Gloves so desirable for driving and outdoor
work They are special good values
For the Best and Cleanest Groceries Remem
ber Our Phone Number is 16
16 t
Mike Wals
J J vv J
Editorially Fearless
Consistently Republican
News from all of the world well
written original stories answers
to queries articles on health the
home new books and on work
about the farm and garden
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
flcCook Nebraska
Repulsive Features
Blackheads pimples greasy faces and
muddy complexions which are so com
mon among women especially girls at a
certain age destroying beauty disfigur
ing and making repulsive features that
otherwise would appear attractive and
refined indicate that the liver is out of
order An occasional dose of Herbine
will cleanse the bowels regulate the liv
er and so establish a clear healthy com
plexion 50c at A McMillens
The Weekly Inter Ocean
Is a member of the Associated
Press the only western newspa
per receiving the entire telegraph
ic news service of the New York
Sun and special cable of the New
YorK World -daily reports from
over 2000 special correspondents
throughout the county
Subscribe for The Tribune and
TheWeeLly Inter Ocean one year
both papers for 140
Hi m m BJ5 ILe
The Scientific
It contains
Germ Killer
every antiseptic known
to science
Hog Cholera
Is a germ disease of the intestines
The cholera bacteria finds its way
into the animal through the drinking
water or filth passing into the stom
ach and finally down along the intes
tines it sets up fermentation and from
there filters through the blood liver
and other organs
Hog cholera cannot be treated suc
cessfully unless treatment is com
menced before the germ has reached
the period of rapid multiplication If
taken in time it can be cured and in
all cases prevented by the use of
Liquid Koal because it is the only
known germicide that will pass
through the stomach into the intes
tines and from there into the blood
permeating the whole system and
still retain its germ killing properties
All other so called cholera cures lose
their potency by the acid reaction of
the gastric juices of the stomach
hence have no value
Read What Other Says
Parker S D Dec 0 1902
To whom it may concern
I have used L K for my hogs and can
cheerfully recommend it to be all that is
claimed a thorough germ and worm de
strojer and a good appetizer
J J Roberts
Vvaua Neb Dec 16 1602
Have used Liquid Koal for nearly a jear
and find it an excellent article to keep hogs
in a healthy condition and as an appetizer
it has no equal Alheet AndeE os
One Quart Can 3100
OneGallon 300
V 25c 2 pagf Book on Germ Diseases of
Animals sent fre on application
Sheldou Iowa York Nebraska
For Sale by James Cain
Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store
Phone No 20 McCook Neb
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets All druggists refund the money if
it fail3 to cure E V Groves signa
ture is on each box 2oc
5 i