fi m 11 K r 1K It i l IM CWY tfeSM niEBEtWAurf jhiji jjayiA Will QlUaWi IQJTl IliLE STEA6UT5GieAR lvyVs relIAbIe racnauDuerCorUlttcUrronl ictory 1eorlS 111 r iMSLiE GXMusselman a reliable farmer of Crestline Ohio says My NEW TIFFIN Wagon runs like ja buggy BuThe rnjght have added that in material consiruction ahd finish Ihis now famous wagon is not excelled by ly other Farm 3Vagqn in the world In f I on your dealer handling it If he will r do so write to TIFFIN WAGON COfTiffin Ohio anduheyrwill tell vou wh yon can get ona WESTERN CANADA GrTCRQWlNC MIXED FARMING Hi ih m mm J Tb9Reasoa3hyjnowrheat 1 grown in v esterr inaaa in a icw short months than elsewhere Is because vegetation grow In pro portion to tuesurillsht The more northerly latltndo In which grain alllcQTio toperfectlon the better itis tfiereforeV62ili rexhuBhcl isaslr a standard as J902 1287330 Acres Yielct 1M2 117822764 3us HOMESTEAD LANDS OF 160 ACRES FREE thconlr charseforwhichisSlOformBklngentry Abundance ofwater cndjfuel be lldtng material cheap good grass for pasture and hay a fertile soil a eufllctent rainfall a cllmnts giving an assured aiidJideanate season of growth -Sand to for sn Atlas end otner literature aad also for certificate giving and passenger- rates etc etc Superintendent of Immigration Ottawa Canada or to WiVi Bennett 801 Kew York Life Bldg Omaha 2feb tile authoriied Caaaan Government Agent irfceey Cor 19th tsi lire eaienortb stl OMAHA NEB The only- positive cui e for Dnmltenness Tkrfirnr and the Tobacco Habit- Cor J teindeace strictly confidential VM E BUKXS Manager errrlf iP emimn Scales of the World S i lisprBOTMd justableRacks SCAtESteyrt sad save money 20 jJp I Chlfeagor Scle CoaiChlcago 1U ySir LI fMaJS Ksdnex W5 rates to tuns 1WLUVl T6HT CT STVmtrkTJMftft NAME 1 P Or STATri je - - For frM trtl lOT mllthl Co Bufftlo N Y If above -pace 1 UuuOclcnt Trlta addroej on ep rateillp trial free is because Jtltey cure Kidney His una Will prove It to you j West BruKcn Mien Doana Kidney Tills -Jolt tho case wldch was an unusual desiro to urinate bad to et up five otbIx tunes of it nf gpC I think diabetes waswell tin 1 dantayAho feet andankles swelled Thcre was an in tense polix Jtrf tho back tho heat or which would fael lika ones hand up ta gutting imlrthlwBel haf Uifed two fuJi rrertJblftTlllswithjJao satisfaction of fcelinetbatl am cured They are the reutf edy par excellence h r B F Bazuxd fi l mj J0 J ON OUR TRADE MAKJCLC y I T CET TO KNOW IT WHEN YOU SEE IT Rk I AND THEN NEVER BUY STARCH WITHOUT Hi m 1 IW DEFIANCE STARCH IS WITHOUT EQUAL IT ISGOOa m i H T IS BETTER IT IS THE BEST AND MORE OF ITFQR TE WL 1 81 CENTS THAN ANY OTHER 5TARCH IT WILL NOT ROT THE W 1 B CLOTHES- YOUR GROCER HAS IT OR WILL GET IT IF YOU I ASK FOR IT n a- o rf - - I SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACfc JM i I MANUFACTURED BY rl 1 few The DEFIANCE STARCH CO gJF 1 W t iii i i I n I- i i - ar ffas t l ik tories which have come under Brit- I dmfefMamwW Mnimr 1ghlesithlneeiittnies m is S3wPBifc0H rJ Lunclscon Poods Keet every reqnurite of the idpromptn j brhot weathcrjinealr Pottl4iutBiBo4fW TcnpejixToirEneWhofeJ UVeaUjleWDeriUtf fiwstBrlsit ikef Sliced Sacked DM Etc your grocer should haye them Furl6 51st Howto Alnk Qooi Ttiairi S1 Benta5o ttaps for XlbbjB Wc Atlas of theWorW TP - Ubby fflcffeHI SLUbby Chicago HI ff T lT t f i JS Ji 1 lEdwardiyofScotJand Tn Sotlanrl Hflwarrt VII isi roallv TEJawaf d TVT andtIirmJsKbu his iaj r4 rr Tninn vi nmrl f the pnlysovereign of his name- to be ing nowhere in the reckoning How ever it prevents confusion toadfiScribe the gracious king as Edward VII frcm one end to the other if the Bntains etc - - x zr n r f i Clear white clothes areasignltQat Itho1 Housekeeper uses Kea uross Joaii uiuo Large oz package 5 coots j CouniessManageslPuJlicHouse The Counter ojJWarwick one of- Englands s most energetic women nas addeu he Tnanagement of alicehsed t puulichouse to Eer other activities in xne niierwsis ui tu wumiug ycuiJic about herT3ssex country house Ac cording lo ther dictumof an English judge ho gentleman can be a can uut i aqy vvarwjcKfnas peciarea Trovg that an Efaglishlldy she will can Halls Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure Price The best things cost least L i 7Sc McCarthys Fatherland Son Justin Huntly McCarthy is- fre quently confused with his father Jus tin McCarthy This isnot surprising since besides being of the same name Luuy art uuiu msiunuus uuiu ists and both have been1 members of parliament Justin- Huntly -McCarthy the son left parliament after Par pens defeat and thenceforth devoted himself to literary work No chroinbs or Cheap premiums but a better quality and one third moreoLJlefianceuStarchfor thesame price of other starches Flattery is the salvethat our ego tism offers to our- vanity j 1 ODONT TOOTH POWDER hi bes thai gSoisty ahd 4E y t oil eiores or by mall -fat tho price i KALLii RUCKED NESTOR k CHAMPION TOUSS EASY TO- FIT EASY TO WEAR Ask Tour Thvslclans AdviJe BOOKLET- FREE PhUadilphia truss Co 610 Locust gtyPbila Pa What a relief from ihe paitfaiia incon j S Tcnieace of diseases of the eyo whea 1 j has been psowrly applied To experience Isacb relief sufferers liaye found ftTrorth j a hundreoTimesTts sliest cdst4 CURESi AM EXE AFFECTIONS c D asa - t i ance from Kidney BladdW and Urinary Troubles riBTOrrM AN UVfiD TO -- Itll tho poppi lo who t ay Tho reason you cen -jet 1 w s - TimwJ AitmwTii4r doubt and becfonVQcurod vrhllo they doirtjt whb Doauc UU1 Ub 1rale Achlnjj backs are eaKed Hip bayk anrl loin pains orerconia Swelling of the limbs and dropsy bIub vanlsli2 i Theyfcormst urine with Juries dust eeUlmcat high colprdd pain in dribbling frequency bed wettinB Deans Kidney Pills remove calculi and gravel JtdioYQ cort palpitatloa J fsJeoplesfiotHS hoaaaclir TiYLOnBVIUJMlF8 I tried everything for a weak back and got no relief until I mod Doaao Fills J N Items MJS tOL MUIW LLfl i V KI ikir fcT Tbomas Boston Globe a 9 e r if i j i 1 f GrJmpsf ono jfoiitrr EJostonOldest rfiaidentsijdiedtSunday He lOlyeafs did and bad Been sick driijrteri days s2fs the I Irf QrJmf s bpjn MM Ire land Mardh 4 1S02 The date of i rth is vejlQeil ynthejrecordSrtiof his place his Jipuee wasde8tfoyeQjifie0laterS part of that year Ms 5naflvewt5yn hp attend ed j the pubirehookifor a few yearsanrlmtiarl efiriygS served his ipwtotUjpshlpjefclKWBhe of t5SAR BftT5XPrr vftt noKr known as iuship carpenterr boy hood ho was remarkable foRhis great physical strength and wonderful yjr tality and figured in manyr leading athletic events Ina reminiscent mood Mr Grimes frequently recalled his early days and rghiehibefed distinctly the arrival in Liverpool t5f the first stedmShipthat crossed the Atlantic Shd wW the Savannahyrwas built- in the city of that name and created considerable interest on both sides of theiwater On her arrival in Liverpool thousands 4of peo ple witnessed ttie important event Mr I rX t i Gflmd3 was of- the number and ho tvas afterward one of many who paid half a crown to board the steamship and view her machinery ad every Pwfr Mr Grimes ever remembered ihe sddnes and excitement attenuing the news of the battle of Waterloo and Napoleons exile--to St Helena that fpllpwed For many years he was plqyed in -shipbuilding learnlng every branch of it I In 1S34 he came to Ameraj and nas Deen a resident oi cum nosion eVer sfifce He landed in New York and came to- Boston immediately DUring1 his declining years Mr Grimes delighted to recallthe eariy days of the city and especially South Boston He remembered distinctly ja meeting qt Irishmen held in aneuil Hall when he7bad the djstinguiimed honor of carrying the Irish banner into tha historic building for the first timej in its history He i recalled the elo quent qration of DrfiQFlaherty fWhen he first lived in South Boston it was the garden spot of the entire cityVand so sparkely settled that peo ple used to pfek fruit anaJberries on Broadway - it i T GLARE OF JpYCLE LMP SCMEDi KIMG QF BEAS 1 7 7 On a mellov moonlight evening a pyclist wagfridjng along a lonelyiJroad in the northern part of Mashonaland As he rode enjoyingi the sombre beauty of the African evening hp suddenly became conscious of a soft stealthy heavy tread on the icad be hind him It seemed like the jog trot of some heavy cushioned ooted ani mal following him Turning pund he was scared very badry to self looking into the glaring eyes of a large Ifoh Tlie puzzled Janimal acted very strangely riownraJsIng his head now lowering it and air the time sniffing the air in a most per plexed manner Here was a surprise for the lion He could not make out--what kind of animaj it was that could- rollwalk and sit still all at the same time an animal with a red eye on each side arid a brighter one in front He hesi tated to prounce upon such ah out landish being a being whose blood smelled so oily - No cyclist since the Romans1 in vented wheejs ever scorched with more honesty and singlemindedness pf purpose But although -he pedaledu r a if The t t rr tt to be covered are biology an- T 1 1 pedaled although- he perspireu and panted his effort to get away did between him andr the JJba fpr tliatj animal like Mark Twains coyote kaptiupHis annoyihgly and never seemed to tire The poor rider was finally so ex i ij i Ll j u iiuusiuu iivm iciiuc auu uaciuuu lh he decided to have the matter over with right away Suddenly dpwn he jumped -from his wheel and facing abruptly about thrust the brilliant headlight full nto the face of the Hen This was too much for the beast It was- this fright that broke the lions nerve for at this fresh evidence of mystery on the part of the strange rider animal who broke himself into halves and then cast his big eye in any direction he pleasad the monarch of the forest turned tail and with a wildrusli retreated in a very hyena like manner into the jungle evidently thanking his stars for his miraculous escape from that awful being There upon the bicyclist with new strength i rethrning and devoutly blessing his acetylene lamp pedaled his way to civilization - - PMN -A -NATIONAL MUSEUM- THAT WILL COST- MILLIONS - Plans have been completed for the new 3500000 structure that is to be erected for the National museum in Washington and bids for Jts construe tion will soon becalled for The re gent of the Smithsonian institution are superintending this vork and it is their idea when the new building is completed to have a complete re arrangement of the exhibits now in the National museum and thef Smith sonian institution- buildings thropology geology zoology botany and American history The present national museum building will be given up to a greatvexposition pf in dustrial art including tiio already im mense and unique collection of the museum and many additions that the regents are planning to -secure as rapidly as possible The museum will bq modeled in its scope and gen eral plan after tae Victoria and Albert museum of Great Britain Among the chief departments will be ofHand The new structure is to be devotedTtoose transportation boat tci the scientific collections of the gov ernmeni the present National lim builSing tb the industrial arts and -the old Smithsonian building to the Smithsonian and National museum library -and - art collections The re gents -propose that the scientific col lection in the new building shall be the flnestiri the world and anr 6fficer of the institution makes the state ment that already many of -the branches to be pqyered have reached a perfection that isJiotequaIed in any other museum fn the world even the great British museum jects of war and tricarviapparatus of which the mu Jseum already has rich collections The j plans for the Smithsonian iuldihg contemplate the creation in Hfmeof a magnificent library and art gallery The scientific library of the institution is already one of the ifinest m the world Its scope will -be broad- ened andf5lt will become a much more important unit in the general scheme o the institution The plans for the art gallery are as yet tentative The new structure will be 486 feet Ions and 35 feet bread with a height of four stories- u rv j oooa o - - COLORS THAT flE BtAM WAKNESa i i m o -v i Jf purple walls and rd tinted win dow surrounded you for a month with no color but purple aroundyou by the end of that time you would be a mad man No matter how strong your brain might be it would not stand the strain and it is doubtful if you -would ever recover your reasonl For purple is the most dangerous color there is in its effects on the brain which is reached by way of the nerves vof the A splash or two of any other color in the room would save your reason for some time longer but dead purple will kill you eveTrtually as surely as would foul air Scarlet is as bad but scarlet has a different effect It produces what is called homicidal mania a madness that drives its victim to kill his fellows especf ally his nearest relatives Even cm inalsScarlet TfaSnhieffectIt7 will drive a bull or a tiger to charge a naked spear But purple on the con trary or suicidal - -- - - jmaniaj H f 2 K - of Ted in it stimulates the brain and helps it but its effect on your herves if you are saturated with itand cannot get awaywiuCft is4errlblei Scientists class blue as a- kind of drug 4n its T effects on the brain It excites the imagination and gives a craving for music and stagecraft but it- has a reaction that- wrecKs the nerves If you doubt -it stare hard for a few minutes -at a piece oCbright blue paper or cloth not flowers for there is a gocjcl deal of green in their blue and you will find that it will make your eyes ache and give you a restless uneasy leeling Green on the other hand is the king of colors and no amount of it can do any harm If you were shut up in an artificial green light for a month it would develop your eyesight immense ly but it would be fatalbecaus when iJlLeoJe oxlcLyou would - be utterly unable to stand ordinary lights and colors and you would certainly contract opthalmia or pos sibly destroy the nerve al- togetherfunlfessjyou weryery mind- Blue-as-long-as thereis no trace j ful to take great care ii yrtnrii in i muni Tn orctiIdrbt teilhjui MJfleos tiie numk reauees to flammaMjn ouay pain cures wnftl cottCT U9atwtv - H K V i J kdyVard asliJ1nokl3t j King Edwards proficiency nBa lfn guIitSstrlkfnBlpIHustTaturirtK ihisxecentvlsltto Paris At a private dinner given by 31 Loubekthe Ipench president reaa a very formal- speech The King of England gQtuplipmedl ateiy after and delivered without a note an admirable5 speech In French EverybodyJ was surprlsfluwhen the natiye ruler spoke in hls pwn fongue with elaborate preparation arfd the English sovereign spoke In the tongue of the Frenchman impromptu - DO YOUIt OLOTIIE6 LOOK Tn5LtOVl Ifso use Rod Crosn Bull Blue it will mnlca thorn white u buow 2 oz package Scontr Private Entrance for President The presfdent of tho United tates will have a private entrance for himself s self and family in the fine new rail road station now being constructed in Washington Mr Cleveland used to escape the crowds by having 6ftak TifmTlo1Ife Toward ends of the trains instead of entering at the front pf the station hut even this refuge -Is no longer practicable sp the CITP pcrmonenHj enrw rrp -Its or norrouBnces arto Vl a O llrt duy uno or Dr KltncH On at Nerve lleator rr Send fer F1JICK 9100 iral bottle nnd treathy Da It U Klink Ltdl Arch atreeU For Five Teeth SSO000 Mlle a Russian opera singerj -was traveling some time ago on the Transcaucasian railway when the and five of her feeth wera knocked iiOut Mile OillhiSUVU UIUliyilL UU UUL1UI1 II1UL elb lossof the front -teeth prevented her from singing she was entitled to heavy damages The civil court in St Petersburghas just awarded her 50 000 compensation - i TTT Superior quality and extra quantity rriiist in This is why Defiance Starch Is taking the place of all others Another Oldest Engineer John Casson 85 years of age and believed to be the oldest railroad en gineer in the country was an interest ing and interested visitor in St Louis recently having gone thiuer from his home in Paterson N J to attend the dedication of the worlds fair Mr Casson who is of English birth be gan his career as a practical locomo tive engineer in 1838 on the Morris Essex road in New Jersey He work ed as an engineer for half a century on the New York Erie retiring In 1888 on account of feeble health When a woman eats pickles she is in love with the pickles A singular Malady Death has at last claimed the vic tim of a singular disease Nine years ago David Yetter of Oakwood Mich was assailed with rheumatism of i form that attacked the joints Pro gressive osification marked the case the entire body being stiffened with the disease The victim was at length unable to masticate food and relied on liquid nourishment Then the jaws stiffened so that he could no longer open -his mouth A front tooth was extracted- and through the opening thus provided was given the nourishment that added longer lease of a life that even under such condi tions wag preferable to death When this came at last Yetters body had the hardness of stone Mrs Campbells Sarcasm During her engagement in San Francisco Mrs Patrick Campbell was taken for a trip around the bay Among the party was a young man of the all pervading kind whose atten tions -to the noted actress were more lavish than welcome As the party sqod gazing on the city the young man said Dp you see that house up there Mrs Campbell describing the location Yes said the patient l guest I was- born there remarked the numerous one He paused for a reply and this was what he heard What a pity The young man man aged to efface himself ittle BABY WEATHER Fellow Dont Like the Hot -Days Mothers- should know exactly what food to give babies in hot weather With the broiling hot days in July and August the mother of a baby i3 always anxious for the health of her little one and Js then particularly care ful infeedlhg Milk sours quickly and other food is uncertain Even in spite of caution sickness sometimes creeps in and then the right food is more nec essary than ever Our baby boy two years old began in August to have attacks of terrible stomach and bowel trouble The phys ician said his digestion was very bad and that if it had been earlier in the summer and hpttej weather we would surely have lost him Finally we gave baby Grape Nuts food feeding it several times the first f day and the next morning he seemed better and brighter than he had been for many days There was a great change in-the-condition of his bowels and in three days they were entirely normal He is now well and getting very strong and fleshy ind we know that Grape Nuts saved his life for he was a very very ill baby Grape Nuts fqod must have wonderful properties to effect such cures as this We grown ups in our family all use Grape Nuts and also Postum in place of coffee with the result that we never rny of ushave any coffee ills but are well and strong Name given by Pos tum Co Battle Creek Mich The reason Grape Nuts food relieves bowel trouble in babies or adults is becausethe starch of the grain Ispre digested and does not tax the bowels nor ferment like white bread potatoes and other forms of SericPfor particularsDy mail of ex tensiorrof jHmefon the fj 50000 cooks contesf fbf735 money prizesT Bh sL immTwxTr A prominent Southern lady J Mrs Blanchard of Nashville Tenn tells how she was cured of backache dizziness painful and irregular periods by Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Gratitude compels me to acknowl edgi the preat merit of your Vcgc tablu Compound f 3ave suffered for four year- with irregular and painful menstruation also dizziness pains in the back and lower limbs and fitful sleep 1 dreaded the time- to como which would- only mean suffering to me Six vottles ot LytlfiV E Ifmklmms VcreiaMc Compound brought mo health and happiness in a few short months nnd watf more than months under the doctors care which really did not benefit mo at all I feel like another person now My aches and pains have left me I am Kutisiiei ilmyp its no ipedicine so good for sick woman as your Verrc table Compound and I advocato it to my lady friends in need of medical II A irArciAn 422 Broad St Nashville Tenn 5000 for ftlt if original of cbpue letter proving grnulecnrsa cannut be produce When women are troubled with menstrual irregularities weakness leucorrhcea displacement or ulceration of the womb that bearing down feel ing inflammation of the ovaries back ache they should remember there ia one tried and true remedy Lylia E Pinkhams VcffctableCompouiHl OITMEmT Purest of Emollients and Greatest ot Skin Cures Tne Most Wonderful Curative of Ainime For Torturing Disfiguring Skin Humours And Purest and Sweetest of Toilet Emollients Cuticura Ointment is beyond question the most successful curative for tortur ing disfiguringhumours of the skin and scalp including loss of hair ever compounded In proof of which a single anointing preceded by a hot bath with Cuticura Soap and followed in the severer cases by a dose of Cuti cura Ecsolvent is often sufficient to afford immediate relief in the most distressing forms of itching horning and scaly humours permit rest and sleep ana point to a speedy cure when all other remedies fail It is especially so in the treatment of infants and chil dren cleansing soothing and healing the most distressing of infantile hu mours and preserving purifying and beautifying the skin scalp and hair Cuticura Ointment possesses at tha same time the charm of satisfying the simple wants of the toilet In caring for the skin scalp hair hands and feet from infancy to age far more effect ually agreeably and economically than tbelnost expensive of toilet emollients Its Instant relief for skin tortured babies or Sacatlveantiseptic cleans- ing or One night treatment of the hands or feet or Slncle treatment of the hair or Use after athletics cycling golf tenns ridins sparrlnr or any sport each in connection with the use of Cuticura Soap is sufficient evidence of this Fold thre tthoat tie tmtM CstlenrrRMalTe3t50e fla form of Chocolate Coste Pfflj 25c per tUI er60Otrt mri0c Sop 25c Ipotii LoaaoBiT Catrterioue Sq Ftru 5 Knedel Pux Bolton II CoIuraSsa AT Totter Drtifffc Chero Corp Sole P oyrtCT SS Eeider -Tae CaUcuri Sfcla fisok FREE TO W MEN ffllnMjj To prove the bealin zed cleansing power of laxtln Toilet Antiseptic we -will mail a large trial package with book of instructions absolutely free This is no a tiny sample but a large package enough to con vince anyone of its value Women all over the country are praising Paztine for what it has done in local treat ment of female lIn cunn all inflammation and discharges as a cleansing vapmul douche for sore throat nasal catarrh as a mouth wash and to remove tartar and whiten the teeth Send today a postal card will do Sold by drncRistB or sent postpaid brns IO cit large box Satisfaction j aarantcC THE K IAXTON CO Boston Slasi 214 Colurubas Af When Acvertisements Kindly Mention This Paper W N U Omaha No 281903 7rMw tmSMttEUVtliZ FAILS SEj jMljBest cough Syrap Xutos Goo J Ueo WS ifSl to time Sold by gfazzlirtr gf