The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 10, 1903, Image 1

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Lost Almost Four Hundred Dollars
L O Mohus the tailor is loser to the
amount of 39000 as the result of some
ones visit to his cash box Up to last
Friday night ho had about 890000 in
cash in the vault in his tailor shop Sat
urday evening ho was informed that a
man by the name of Ed Eskelson who
has been working for him for about a
year bad been exhibiting quite a large
sum of money and upon oxamining his
cash he found ho was short 39000 Es
kolson left the city Friday evening on
No G but Mr Melius was not aware of
the loss of tho money until Saturday
evening Ho at once look steps to ap
prehend Eskelson but up to this writ
ing has not been successful Eskelson
who is suspicioned as tho thief was ac
quainted with the situation at the tailor
shop The money was counted into 100
packages and of these three full pack
Ages wore taken and 90 was taken in
small sums from each of the remaining
packages evidently for tho purpose of
throwing Mr Mohus off any suspicion
that any money had been taken About
75 in change was left unmolested Es
kelson was drinking when ho left the
city Ho told some that he had received
a considerable sum from relatives but
ho was known to be without funds in
any sum worth mentioning aud lately
was going some as a sport The circum
stances point directly to him as the
guilty one He told Mr Mehus who
was at the depot just before tho train
left last Friday evening that he was
going to Holdrege Mr Mehus of
course had then no suspicion that any
thing Was wrong with his cash Tt is to
be hoped that the guilty one may be
brought to justice
Piano Recital
By Harmon H Watt of tho Chicago Pi
ano College at the First Baptist church
Thursday July 16
I Schumunn Exaltation
Bach Boureo A Minor
Beethoven Sonata Op 31 No 3
Minuetto Presto
Vocal Solo Mrs C W Britt Selected
II Mendelssohn Funeral March
Boccherini Minuet in A
Kullak Octavo study Tho Butterfly
Rubenstein Melody in F
Rhoinberger Tho Chase
III Greig Little Birds
y Mendelssohn Spring Song
Schubert Liszt Serenade
Liszt Murmuring Woods
Vocal Solo L H Lindemann Selected
IV Harmon H Watt j gSvitte
Gounod Watt Sing Smile Slumber
Harmon H Watt Caprice Ms
McCooks Fourth of July
It was a mild article this season all
will admit and hardly in keeping with
the best town in southwestern Nebraska
with her population of 3500 About all
that marked the day was the partial sus
pension of business and the individual
display of fireworks in the evening The
only amusement furnished was the two
games of baseball and these did not
prove very strenuous The displays of
fireworks were quite numerous and cred
itable A happy feature of the day was
the absence of injuries none of note be
ing reported during the day And we
are thankful for small favors Another
year with a prospect like this seasons
should see a creditable celebration here
one that will make up for our remissness
in the past
Clean Your Alleys
Property owners and occupants are re
quested to clean all manure and rubbish
out of alleys C B Gray
Street Commissioner
Just the Thing
In which to amuse the baby entertain a
friend a while or enjoy yourself a lawn
swing W T Coleman can fill your
wants in this direction
For Sale Cheap
Several second hand buggies See me
at the Blue Front livery barn
W H Ackerman McCook Neb
The boys of the McCook drum corps
participated in the doings at Spring
Creek Fourth of July and carried off
all the prizes but the tug-of-war the
lads from that neighborhood were too
lusty for the city cousins Tho aggre
gate prizes from the baseball game
races etc amounted to about 2500
The gold of commonsense is so often
mixed with refractory ores as to be un
workable and unmarketable
Proper feminine dignity in a July gale
mixed with Kansas realty is not easy of
Found July 4 southwest of town a
ring with keys Call at Tribune
McMillen makes a specialty of fine
stationery and writing tablets
Ono of the most desirable homes
in McCook Eight roomst bath
room closets fruit shade lawn
fc Geo B Berry
McCook Junior Normal Notes
Seven now pupils this week
Prof H E Bradford spent the Fourth
in Minden
A T McLaughlin representing D C
Heath Co was in tho city Thursday
Sunt A O Thomas was with the
homefolks Kearney Saturday and Sun
Mrs M E West was down from Hayes
Center Thursday and in attendance
upon the normal
America in tho Twentieth Century
is the topic of Dr Clarks lecture next
Monday evening-
RevLoughran addressed the assembly
Friday speaking concerning the pictures
recently placed on tho walls of the high
school of our city
Rev McLaughlin secretary of the
Methodist hospital and Deaconess home
Omaha addressed the normalites at the
chapel hour Monday Rev Shumate
accompanied him
Tho attendance upon the McCook
Junior Normal School now over 150
shows among other facts that there is
a demand in this section of the state for
tho location hero of such a school It is
meet and proper for McCook to keep in
mind this fact
From next Monday until the following
Friday Miss Edna D Bullock secretary
of the Nebraska State Library Commis
sion will be with the normal to give
the benefit of her large information and
experience in her line She will be in
evidence morning and afternoon of each
day to speak on the Use of Books
covering the ground generally and upder
more specific heads
Prof Bradford indulged the chorus in
concert practice Wednesday evening
with encouraging results The indica
tions now are that the first concert by
the normal chorus will be given on Fri
day evening July 24th The normal
chorus numbers about fifty voices and
this will be augmented from without by
about twenty voices from among the vo
cal talent of the city Something fine
may be expected
Following fine music program was ren
dered Friday morning in the chapel
Morning hymn School
Piano solo Valse do Concert
Mrs K Stangland
Song Battle Hymn of the Republic School
Vocal solo My Dream of You
Miss Blanche McCarl
Trombone solo Loves Serenado
Mr F A Ponnell
Song Auld Lang Syne School
Vocal solo Slumber Song Mr H E Bradford
Chorus America School
Dr W A Clark president of the Peru
State Normal School will be with us
next Monday and Tuesday Monday
and Tuesday he will address the school
and on Monday evening he will deliver
a public address in the assembly room
of the high school building It will be
free and while of a pedagogical charac
ter will be one to instruct the public as
well and the invitation is extended The
doctors work here will of course all be
in the nature of instruction to those con
templating school work
Will Dissolve August First
The old firm of Yarger Notley plas
terers will dissolve partnership on the
first of August next Mr Notley retiring
from the business It is the purpose of
Mr and Mrs Notley to visit in the east
for an indefinite time on account of and
for the benefit of Mrs Notleys health
Mr Yarger will continue the business
This will terminate one of the oldest
partnerships in the city For years
Messrs Yarger Notley have had a
practical monopoly of the plastering of
the city and their work has been very
satisfactory as to price and the first class
quality of the workmanship The Trib
une and their many friends hope that
Mr and Mrs Notley will secure the ob
ject of their contemplated trip east and
that they may in time return to the city
rejuvenated and prepared to spend many
years amongst us
A Grand Illustrated Lecture
to be given free by Rev A J Wheeler
of New York The W C T U of our
city has secured Rev A J Wheeler of
New York for two illustrated lectures
Dr Wheelers dates in this state are lim
ited and we are fortunate to secure him
here He will give his most widely
known lecture fully illustrated at the
M E church July 14th and 15th at 8
p m No admission is chargedand all
the public school scholars in the various
grades have been invited The interest
which he takes in education is well
known and our people will miss a bril
liant effort if they are not present these
two nights At the close of this lecture
given at Berwick Pa a few weeks ago
a man came to Dr Wheeler and said
Your lecture tonight is worth 25 to
my boy and handed him the money
The lecture July 14th is free The au
dience will be asked to give a silver of
fering at the close
Caleb Clothier was down from Hayes
county part of the week
Miss Jkannette VanDepoel is visit
ing in Woodburn Kentucky
II A Tartsch is further improving
his residence with an addition
Mayor Eld red went down to Lincoln
on business Tuesday morning
Mrs R J Moore is visiting at the
home of his parents at Macon
Mrs S P Dwyer of Denver is tha
guest of Engineer and Mrs Ben Bowen
Miss Mattie Cone of Oxford is visit
ing in the city guest of her uncle Alonzo
G G Eisenhart the Culbertson
banker was down on business Monday
Mrs M U Clyde arrived home early
in the week from visiting her people in
Mrs Grant Smith arrived home Mon
day evening on No 5 from a short visit
in Kenesaw
Miss Della Shepherd has been down
from Denver since close of last week
visiting the homefolks
Roy Smith was down from Denver to
be with the homefolks and friends over
the Fourth and Sunday
Tom OConnor came down from Den
ver early in the week He is following
his trade in that city now
Mr and Mrs J G Schobel spent
the Fourth with her parents in Minden
returning home on Sunday evening
D Diamond returned from his Chi
cago trip early in the week from mak
ing fall and winter goods purchases
Mrs J V OConnell who has been
making a long visit to the old home in
Philadelphia arrived home on No 1
Mr and Mrs R W Haggard of Lin
coln were guests of her parents Engineer
and Mrs G A Noren Saturday and
Miss Mary Donovan of Lincoln ac
companied Miss Mollie Ryan home from
the capital city Tuesday on No 1 and
is her guest
Mrs C H Clark of Kansas City
Mo arrived in the city last Friday
night and is visiting her daughter Mrs
C E Cone
Mrs E E Magee attended the wed
ding of her brother-in-law James Magee
and Nannie Cole in Culbertson Wednes
day afternoon
Mr and Mrs F B Nichols who
have been absent in Adel Iowa for a
number of months returned to the city
Tuesday on No 1
Mrs Louis Suess entertained the
Awl Os Tuesday evening Despite the
rain there was a large attendance and
the usual Awl Osian time
Mr and Mrs John Selby spent the
Fourth with his brother Burton on the
farm northwest of Stratton returning
home on Monday morning
Dr and Mrs H J Pratt arrived
home Wednesday night the doctor
meeting Mrs Pratt in Denver on her way
homeward from a visit in Los Angeles
E W Cone the Holdrege real estate
man father of Alonzo and Charles Cone
of our city spent Saturday and Sunday
in our city returning to Holdrege Mon
day morning
Mrs H B Campbell joined her hus
band here close of last week He is the
new postal clerk on the McCook Imper
ial run succeeding F E Seeley trans
ferred to Omaha
Jacob Selby of our city and Amy
Morris of Imperial were married on last
Thursday and are now making their
home here The groom is now employed
in W W McMillen s harness shop
Editor Page Lawyer Hall and J E
Nelson were up from Holdrege Thurs
day endeavoring to enlist McCook as
sistance in their effort to secure the lo
cation of the F v state normal at that
Louis Munson Burlington agent at
Atchison Kansas and Oliver Munson a
hardware merchant of Frankfort Kan
sas were guests of their sister Mrs G
A Noren Sunday The former had not
been here for 15 years and it is 18 years
since Oliver last visited McCook
Mrs A Bocock of Wray Colo ac
companied by her son Elmer and wife of
McCoL dturned here last Tuesday en
route home from a visit with relatives at
Havana III They were met at the train
by Mrs W A Garret but proceeded on
I to McCook Holdrege Progress July 3
LesterMitchell and a black car
tridge of the 22 calibre variety had a
little celebration July 4th and now Les
ter is on the relief with an ugly hole
in one of his hands caused by the wad
trying to go clear through the member
Theinnocent and inoffensive and harm
less revolver escaped unhurt I
Standing Central Nebraska League
a ate
s a 3
o -
a titr
a tc
Won Lost
v3 n
1 1 CON
a tn
1 3 -3
1 3 nf s
33 3
1 3 1 3
3 3 3
Holdrege 15 2 882
McCook 12 4 750
Giltner G 9 400
Minden 3 11 230
RedCloud 3 13 187
Central Nebraska Baseball League
official schedule of games
3 tttt
3 3 3
D tx
3 3 3
oo ire
s -
a ttto
Saturdays games disappointing
Both of Saturdays games between
Arapahoe and McCook on the home
grounds were easily won by the locals
and were somewhat disappointing It
was expected that the visitors would put
up a stiffer game The attendance upon
the afternoon game especially was large
and it is to be regretted that they didnt
get a better race for their money The
Arapahoe boys were for the most part
young fellows who will be the winners
of the future we have no doubt but they
were outclassed at this time by the lo
cals At times they put up a pretty
good game but they lacked the steadi
ness of seasoned ball players
The morning game came to McCook
by a score of 6 to 0 The afternoon game
was even more disastrous the visitors
being defeated by a score of 11 to 0 And
it might have been worse
minden won both of them
Holdrege and Minden played two
games on the Minden grounds July 4th
Minden winning both of them The first
game is described by the Minden people
as tbn finest played on the local grounds
this season and the second game was
the most largely attended in the history
of local baseball The particulars of
both games are given below in brief
Club Score R H E
Holdrege 0-00000000-0 3 1
Minden 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 03 4 1
Home runs Minden Ashline Nystrom
Struck out By Leatherby 9 by Teol 3
Earned runs Minden 3
Club Score R II E
Holdrogo -2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 2
Minden 1 0 6 0 0 0 1 2 10 9 3
Struck out ByPendergraft 4 by Ahline 4
Home runs Minden Peterson and Ahline
Earned runs Minden 5
Giltner didnt do a thing to our
ownest own Monday but skin them to
the tune of 12 to 2 A few of the par
ticulars have been preserved
Batteries Wanek and Jefleries Schopp and
Townsend and Bender Struck out By Wanek
4 by Schopp 1 by Townsendl Earned runs
McCook 0 Giltner 10 Hits Off Wanek 7 off
Schopp and Townsend 19 Two baso hits Galen
tine OBanion ONeill and Dowers Three
base hits Dowers
McCook won Tuesdays game from
Giltner score 4 to 0 Which oiled Mon
days sores a little
Red Cloud Neb July 8 Special
The home team lost the game today
with McCook on account of errors The
infield was not at their best but the out
field played nice ball The score
McCook 2 0 00 003 0 05
RedClond 00000 10 0 0 1
Batteries Schopp and Bender Adams and
Features of the game were four fine catches
by the fielders
Thursdays game was won by McCook
by a score of 11 to 5
Beltzer lias retired from the club
Harvard defeated Giltner at Harvard
Monday Score 7 to 3 1
Hastings won from Bertrand on the
4th at Bertrand Score 8 to 6
Red Cloud won fromMindenTuesday
in a swift game winning by a score of 3
The Havelock Times puts it tersely
thus McCook was a Waterloo for
Minden will try issues with the locals
on the home grounds this afternoon
and Saturday
Mondays game between Red Cloud
and Minden at Red Cloud went to Red
Cloud by a score of 13 to 3
An effort is being made to secure a
series of six games with clubs of the
Denver city league for the dates August
6th to 11th both inclusive
The result Wednesday between Hold
rege and Minden was in favor of Hold
rege 6 to 3 and on Thursday tho score
stood 10 to 11 in favor of Holdrege
Bender was at homo in Sutton over
the Fourth Ed Moore was also away
on that day Ed Rped played first and
Wilson caught during their absence
Those Alliance baseball boys are most
courteous After winning ono game
from Havelock last week by a scere of
5 to 4 their courtesy got tho better hand
of them and they presented the sec
ond game to Havelock in a score of 12 to
0 Hows that for the real thing
Rev A J Wheeler of New York the
author traveler and lecturer will give
his two grandly illustrated lectures by
the aid of a double dissolving stereopti
con and kintescope for the projection of
moving pictures in the Methodist church
July 14th and 15th
Pearl waist sets 15c to 65c white pique
washable belts 35c sash ribbons neck
ribbons belt ribbons all kinds and
prices Fans parasols and umbrellas in
tho most desirable styles Tho Thomp
son Dry Goods Co
Dress skirts and walking skirts to your
measure Fifty kept ready 8250 to 9
To your measure at same price Also
washable skirts 81 to 8165 The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co
Of course if you cant afford it why
borrow it You should read tho local
and county news But The Tribune to
your address is only one dollar for the
Gauze union suits for ladies also
gauze vests and knee length pants gauze
vests and pants for boys and girls Price
5c to 65c The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Sale of fine dress goods to reduce stock
before last invoice Save 50 cents on the
dollar by buying now
S W Lowman
Ideal white lawn waists 50c to S225
colored wash waists 50c to 82 silk waists
8350 to 85 style quality and fit guar
anteed The Thompson Dry Goods Co
This portion of the state was visited
by a fine shower on Tuesday evening
and night giving the corn a nice boost
and doing small hurt to the wheat
See Kapke the South Main avenue
tailor if you want a suit or pair of pants
Orders taken and goods guaranteed
Prices very reasonable
A little of McConnells Foot Powder
sprinkled in the shoes occasionally will
save the feet from discomfort and dis
ease 25 cents
Silk gloves and mitts black and white
lace gloves long lace top silk gloves
Prices 25c to SI The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
Blind Boone and his company enter
tained an appreciative audience in the
opera house Monday night
For Rent A front room for two gen
tlemen Fourth door north of west
school house
A Remarkable Performance
Monday morning at 545 Agent A P
Thomson of the Burlington liberated
four homing or carrier pigeons that had
been shipped to him by express from
Minneapolis Minn The same evening
or 12 hours and 26 minutes afterwards
one of the pigeons Hot Shot by name
arrived at the Lake Calumet Homing
LoftFredS May owner Minneapolis
a distance of 700 or 800 miles Two
other pigeons arrived at the loft on Tues
day morning
The Small Grain Harvest
Farmers of this section have com
menced their small grain harvest with
great energy and are being stimulated
to their best efforts to get the crop safe
ly and rapidly harvested by the finest
prospect they have had in years if in
deed it is not the finest they have ever
had There is of course some difficulty
in getting labor but Red Willow county
will not suffer gieatlyon that account
Fly Knocker
A friend to horses and cattle Your
horses will do more work and cows give
more milk by using Fly Knocker
A McMillen Druggist
Dwelling- House for Sale
My residence property in McCook lot
16 block 8 original McCook Address
J L Gray
52S W 69th st Chicago 111
Dwelling for Rent
A residence four blocks east of the
Commercial hotel For terms and par
ticulars see C B Gray
We have a machine castor oil guaran
teed to give satisfaction
A McMillen Druggist
Steady Work for Printer
The Tribune has steady work at fair
wages for a competent compositor
Write or call and learn particulars
SHbrnsKaStatw liwtui
ical Scwii fcv
Japalac at Cono Bros
Tho bosfpnintHeath Milligan
You can buy at Cono Bros
Got your gardon hose of F D Burgess
If you get it fromMcConnoll its right
McMillen can pleaso you in hammocks
See tho fino lino of hammocks at Cone
See thoso enamel lined refrigorators at
Two steam threshers were unloaded
here first of the week
For wall paper and all inside finish
ings go to Cone Bros
Best grade of garden hoso at very low
prices at F D Burgess
Just received 4S and 54 inch binder
canvas at J II Grannis
The county commissioners havo been
in session part of the week
II P Waito will sell you tho best
grade hose at tho lowest figure
Dont bo deceived Thoro is but one
best the Heath Milligan paint
Buy anything of Cone Bros pay cash
and you get double trading stamps
Job lot of ladies shoes worth 82 1
250 Special price S129 Do
Everything at or bolow cost
S W Lowman
Now is the time to paint Uso tho
best Heath Milligan Cono Bros
Ladies wrappers from 25c up
S W Lowman
Buy your wall paper of Cono Bros and
got two blue stamps with each 10 cents
McMillen sells tho best mixed paint
you can get guaranteed for threo years
See that string of lawn mowers at
Waites All sizes Prices from S3 up
II P Waite has a full line of Alaska
refrieerators and Jewel gasoline stoves
It is absolutely unequaled The unap
proachable Ocean Wavo washing ma
Goodrich Rubber Co make the best
garden hose All guaranteed by F D
McConnells Blackberry Balsam cures
diarrhoea and summer complaint No
cure no pay
The new Richardson residence corner
Manchester and Dearborn streets is now
well under way
It is taking from 2f to 34 pounds of
twine to bind the wheat this year in
this neighborhood
The Jewel is the most economical and
most durable of all the gasoline stoves
For sale by H P Waite
Lots sold but still a few feet left of
that superior Stephen Ballard lawn hose
at W T Colemans at a bargain
Orders taken for strictly tailor made
suits at Kapkes at from 81500 and
upwards Pants at from 84 upwards
You can have the prettiest house in
your neighborhood by using Heath
Milligan paint Buy it at Cone Bros
Michael Houlihan pulled out to the
farm Tuesday a new header and has
commenced heading his 700 acres of
Tailor made suits at from 81500 and
upward ordered by Kapke the South
Main street tailor Pants at from 4
Uncle William Weygint has entered
the field of prophecy and since the late
rains promises us a corn crop even on
the divides
It is hardly worth while for Commis
sioner Reddy to attempt to please Sam
uel Randolph He cant do it Twould
be wasted effort
There has been lots of noise about
paint this spring but when people want
good paint the real thing why they
buy Mound City
Kapke will take your orders for suits
strictly tailor made at from 81500 and
upwards 4 and upwards for pants
Satisfaction guaranteed
Gauze corsets of the celebrated FC
make all styles and shapes 35c to 1
Money back after four weeks wear if dis
satisfied The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Every man to his trade and business
Paul Anton makes it his serious business
to provide the juiciest tenderest meats
for his customers Its his trade He
knows how And then again he uses
the best of corn fed beeves They are
the only kind that produce really good
meat It cost you the same as the poor
tough sort
The Roseville bakerv dishes are
attracting considerable attention at
the Bee Hive