The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 03, 1903, Image 6

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    McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
The ofilcltl returns show that at
the Gereman elections the social dem
ocrats cast 2911317 votes an Increase
of 800000 votes over 1898
After valny trying to murder his
wife and four children Frederick
tachultz a wealthy farmer of neai
Gridley lll killed himself with a shot
King Edward through Foreign
Minister Leansdowne has Invited the
visiting American rifle team to attend
the military review at Aldershot on
July 8
The post office department has al
lowed 2C000 for the payment of sal
arles for additional carriers at the
Philadelphia postj office during the
next fiscal year
A dispatch to the Central News
from Brussels says that the Congo
mail has brought news of the murder
of an American named Thornton and
his native escort
Aguinaldo is living very quietly in
Manila He has very little money
it is said Not long ago Agulnaldos
landlord was trying to eject him for
the non payment of rent
It is believed in well informed cir
cles that the adoption of a new mod
ified gold standard with a peso valued
at 50 cents will be made by January
1 of next year in Mexico
Because they disobeyed an order of
the local church authorities nearly
600 young Mormons of both sexes in
Brigham City Utah have been threat
ened with excommunication
Blanche Boies one of Carrie Na
tions disciples who demolished five
Topeka joints with an ax in Febru
ary was fined 100 and sentenced to
thirty days in jail by Judge Hazen of
The pope has ratified the appoint
ment of the Rev Thomas A Hendrick
of Rochester N Y to the bishopric
of Cebu Philippine Islands in suc
cession to Monsignor Martin Garcia
Germanys foreign trade for May is
reported as follows Imports 4138
088 tons an increase over the corre
sponding month last year of 367018
tons Exports 3213970 tons an in
crease of 442436 tons
E J Murphy warden of the Illinois
state penitentiary has declined an
appointment as warden of the new
federal prison at Atlanta Ga Murphy
does not care to leave Illinois where
he was born and reared
A new departure in the navy is
marked by the issue of a circular from
the navigation bureau calling for the
enlistment of electricians for the
wireless telegraph who are expected
to be secured for 30 per month
Frederick Hartman the first stage
driver in Illinois is dead at Eureka
He was 88 years old Mr Hartman
was in charge of a stage between
Danville and Peoria from 1835 until
the advent of railroads in 1860
Dr -George W Jewett for forty
years United States customs exam
iner at New York has received notice
from the treasury department of his
removal from office It could not be
learned why Dr Jewett was dismissed
When asked in the house of com
mons what steps were being taken to
induce Germany to cease differentia
tion against Canada Colonial Secre
tary Chamberlain replied T am not
aware that there are any effective
steps that can be taken under our
present fiscal system
Oscar Johnson who has just been
appointed assistant paymaster in the
army and ordered to Manila was for
several years a newsboy in Minneap
olis He was recognized as a leader
of his associates and finally received
a position in the business office of
one of the Flour Citys dailies
A letter from Sir Thomas LIpton
to the Corinthian Yacht club of San
Diego announces that Sir Thomas has
brought to the United States the cup
which he offered as a prize for the
yacht races to the held on San Diego
bay in the near future and that it
will be forwarded at once from New
Charles A Bonaparte of Baltimore
said that he would qualify immediate
ly as a special assistant to the at-
torney general in the prosecution of
the cases of the United States against
McGregor Upton charged with com
plicity in the mail pouch frauds and
in any other cases to which he may
be assigned
Deputy Marshal Gus Hail while ap
proaching Everett Baity with a war
rant for his arrest at Olive Hill Ky
was shot and instantly killed by
Baity Marshal Lewis White was
called to the scene and shot and killed
The youngest member of the union
of American republics has come for
ward with the first contribution fo
rward the fund of 125000 required
to provide a new home for the bureau
in Washington The contribution is
1500 cash-
Some Little Factional Spirit Adds to
the Vigor of the Demonstrations
Unveiling of the Civil War Trophy
Gun Presented by the People
OYSTER BAY L I President
Roosevelts home coming for the sum
mer was made the -occasion of a fete
here His reception was notable for
its enthusiastic cordiality and like
wise for its vigor The latter quality
was due to a slight factional differ
ence among the townspeople the re
sult being that the president was ac
corded a double reception The Oys
ter Board of Trade headed by Presi
dent J Morgan Griffin had planned
an elaborate demonstration and ex-
Aseemblyman Maurice Townsend had
arranged another The rivalry how
ever was friendly and merely added
to the enthusiasm
Under smiling skies the president
stepped from his car at 430 and
while the cannon crashed out Its sa
lute and the people cheered he was
escorted by the reception committee
to the town hall The march to the
hall was between lines of school chil
dren each waving a tiny American
flag Business houses and residences
throughout the town were handsome
ly decorated with flags and bunting
and scores of large American ensigns
swung across the principal streets
Arrived at the hall President Roose
velt unveiled the civil war trophy gun
presented to the people of Oyster Bay
by the navy department Then stand
ing on a chair placed on the steps
leading to the hall he delivered a brief
address to the crowd of his friends
and neighbors massed in front of the
building The president said
My Friends and Neighbors I
thank you heartily more heartily than
I can express for your coming out to
greet me today I wonder if some of
you remember what I shall never for
get the way that you came out to
greet me nearly five years ago when
I got home from Santiago cheers
I thought some of you would remem
ber it
Since I last saw you I have been
across the continent I have traveled
from the shore of the Atlantio ocean
across the Mississippi valley by the
side of the great lakes over the
Rocky mountains to the shore of the
Pacific and the thing that has struck
me most in that journey of nearly fif
teen thousand miles nas been the es
sential unity of our people that
wherever an American president goes
here in the United States he feels
himself to be at home among those
who feel as he does and who have
the same ideals to which he can ap
More False Rumors Regarding the
Popes Condition
ROME The Spanish embassy to
the Vatican has received telegrams
from Madrid anxiously inquiring about
the health of the pope saying that
from a reliable source it was learned
that his holiness was seriously ill
The rumor soon spread here produc
ing the usual sensation On going to
the Vatican however it was found
that it was only another false alarm
The pope is in his usual health and
received Sunday in private audience
the bishop of Ibague Colombia The
pontiff conferred with him on the
conditions prevailing in the South
American republics and the necessity
of raising the standard of the clergy
so that they might contribute to the
intellectual progress and moral prog
ress of the people
Would Take Up Salvation Army Work
if Not So Busy
CLEVELAND OA fine new citadel
to be used as headquarters for the Sal
vation Army in this city and vicinity
was dedicated Sunday Senator Han
na was chairman of the occasion and
made an address of half an hours
duration He spoke almost entirely of
the work done by the army and prais
ed it He said that if he had time
to preach he would help the Salvation
Army with his voice Commander
Booth Tucker in introducing Senator
Hanna said that he was a man who
was well known and respected in this
country and England
Regard War as Probable
LONDON A dispatch from Vienna
to the Morning Leader says the situa
tion in the vilayet of Adrianople is
grave There are many indications
that Bulgaria and Turkey regard an
outbreak of war as a probable con
tingency It is reliably stated that
the Turkish authorities are organiz
ing a regular persecution of the Bul
garian inhabitants their villages be
ing razed to the ground and many no
table Bulgarians imprisoned
u v
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The President Urges Postoffice Pros
WASHINGTON The president has
sent the following letter to the at
torney general
WHITE HOUSE June 22 1903
Sin As you know the charges in
connection with the postoffice depart
mnt are now being investigated by
Fourth Assistant Postmaster General
Bristow who has placed at his dis
posal by the postmaster general every
resource of the department including
the services of Mr Robb whom you
detailed from the department of jus
tice to the postoffice department im
mediately after the removal of Mr
As a result of this investigation a
number of indictments have already
been found and it is probable that
other indictments will be hereafter
asked for There can be no greater
offense against the government than
a breach or trust on the part of a
public official or the dishonest man
agement of his office and of course
every effort must be exerted to bring
offenders to punishment by the utmost
rigor of the law
The district attorney of the Dis
trict of Columbia has faithfully and
zealously seconded the efforts of the
ppstoffice department in this matter
but the amount of work in the office
is such as to make it difficult with
out neglecting other important public
duties to devote all the time neces
sary to the prosecution of these cases
I suggest therefore that if you
cannot detail some of your present
staff you appoint special assistants
in these postoffice cases not only to
take up the cases in which indictments
have been found or hereafter may be
found but to examine into all charges
that have been made against officials
in the postal service with a view to
the removal and prosecution of all
guilty men in the service and the pros
ecution of guilty men whether in the
service or not where the cases are
not barred by the statute of limita
tions Sincerely yours
Currying out the presidents sug
gestion Attorney General Knox has
appointed Charles Bonaparte of Balti
more a special attorney to assist in
these prosecutions and on his return
here Mr Holmes Conrad former solic
itor general will be tendered s like ap
Postmaster Payne has taken official
cognizance of Mr Maddens letter re
garding criticisms- of the contract for
supplying carbon paper to the service
Mr Payne conferred with his assist
ants on the subject Subsequently he
declined to say whether any reply had
been sent to Mr Madden and a simi
lar reticence was observed by those
who were in accord with Mr Payne
Say it Was Kings Secretary Who
Started the Shooting
BELGRADE Servia King Peter at
tended the services at the cathedral
Sunday without any escort
Trie oincial account of tue recent as
sassinations basfd on an investiga
tion made by the war minister is ex
pected to be published shortly It is
understood that it will say the con
spirators did net intend to kill their
majesties but only to deport them
but they were incited to the murder
by the attack of Lieutenant Petrovics
the kings secretary who fired the
first shot It appears that it was the
king of Greece and not the king of
Italy who sent his congratulations to
King Peter on Saturday
Diaz Will Attend Celebration
MEXICO President Diaz on Sun
day accepted and invitation to attend
the celebration of the Fourth of July
to be given by the American colony
in this cit A feature of the day will
be a special luncheon to be given to
President Diaz who will also witness
part of the days sport President
Diaz will be the orator of the day
New Cabinet in Greece
ATHENS The new cabinet has
been definitely formed as follows
M Theotokis premier and foreign
minister M Levidis minister of the
interior M Lobardos minister of
public instruction M Cologeropuls
minister of justice M Stephenopolis
minister of marine M Simopulis
minister of finance and Colonel Gri
vas minister of war
Islands Accept Invitation
COPENHAGEN The invitation to
take part in the St Louis exposition
has been formally accepted on behalf
of the Danish West Indies
Excitement Increasing in Japan
LONDON According to the Tokio
correspondent of the Times the excite
ment in Japan over the Manchurian
problem is increasing and the nation
is plainly resolved to support the gov
ernment n any measures wrcn are
deemed essential to safeguard the
rights of the country Marquis Ito
and Count Yamagata who hitherto
advised a waiting policy now advise
resolution action by the Japanese gov
Colonel Michin High In New Kings
Counsels After Leading the Das
tardly Plot King Issues a General
BELGRADE The German emperor
has sent King Peter a telegram couch
ed in cordial terms The Austrian
minister has resumed official relations
with the Servian government
King Peter had a reception Only
two foreign diplomats the RusJan and
Austrian ministers attended The
representatives of the three or four
other countries apparently were will
ing to recognize King Peter but not
the Servian cabinet in which Colonel
Michlin one of the chief conspirators
holds a portfolio
The kings reappointment of the
ministry is regarded as equivalent to
a notification that no punishment will
be meted out to the assassins of King
Alexander and Queen Draga
Foreign Minister Kalievics has sent
a circular to the Servian representa
tives abroad explaining that the king
appointed the cabinet because he con
sidered that he could not do better
than entrust the government to the
men in whom parliament had a few
days ago expressed its full confidence
King Peter has issued the following
general order
To My Dear Army On setting foot
on the soil of our dear fatherland my
cradle and the cradle of my ancestors
my heart gives greeting first to you
the hope of Servia my dear heroic
On ascending the throne of my glo
rious ancestors I also take supreme
command of the whole Servian army
which under the leadership of my im
mortal grandfather by its virtues and
military successes astounded the
world and in the later war for the
liberation of Servia afforded many
proofs of its military merits I feel
happy that the supreme command has
been entrusted to me
Officers non commissioned officers
and men at this solemn moment I
greet you with the words God b
with you you falcons of the Servian
people I am happy to see you all
united around my throne imbued with
fidelity and loyalty to me and to the
ideals of our fatherland I will en
deavor to maintain this spirit by judg
ing and estimating each and all of
you solely on your military merit You
are all equally dear to me I merely
ask that you will devote yourselves
heartily to the calling you have
en and that you will assist me to
guide you in the path or honor and
I therefore cry Long live the
hope of the Servian people the
Russia Prepared for Trouble
LONDON It is believed that the
fast cruisers of the Russian volunteer
fleet which are lying idle at Sebasto
pol and Odessa are being held in the
Black sea for military exigencies says
the Odessa correspondent of the
Times He adds that it is reported
that an intimation was given June 20
to the commanders of these vessels
that there is a possibility of their be
ing requisitioned to fly the naval flag
Charged With Crookedness
SCRANTON Pa A special com
mittee was appointed by the select
council to investigate an allegation
that eight members of the body had
banded together to hold up the Dalton
Street Railway company for 400
apiece At the last meeting of the
council the franchise was to come up
for passage but the quorum was
broken by opponents of the measure
Funston Inspects Alaska Posts
Funston commanding the department
of Columbia has informed the war
department tuat he has left for Alas
ka for an inspection of the posts in
that territory He will visit Forts
Liscum Skagwa Egbert Gibbon St
Michael and Davis
Russian Troops in Korea
YOKOHAMA A dispatch from So
oul capital of Korea reports that a
Korean military officer who has reach
ed the Yalu river states that 150 Rus
sian soldiers have crossed the river
and are now stationed at two points
on the Korean side
Bank Orders for Currency
cial situation in Tien Tsin for the
last six months has been in a state
of -panic owing to the dearth of ready
mmmtyP WW - H
Sir Thomas Lunches With President
ton the challenger for the Americas
cup lunched with President Roose
velt at the White House Friday
The members composing the lunch
eon party and the president discussed
the coming yacht races and the pres
ident exhibited much interest In the
In addition to Sir Thomas the other
guests were the former ambassador
to Germany Andrew D White Wil
liam Fife the designer of Shamrock
III R A C Smith vice commodore
of the New York Yacht club Assist
ant Secretary of War Sanger Adju
tant General Corbin George W Per
kins of New York Senator Hanna and
Secretary Moody
Investigation of Allotments in the
Oklahoma Reservation
dent has ordered a thorough investi
gation or the affairs ol the Kiowa and
Comanche Indian reservation in Okla
homa and has appointed Francis E
Leupp of this city to make the in
vestigation The inquiry is based on
charges made by certain Kiowa In
dians including Delis K Lonewolf a
Kiowa living at Hobart that of the
2759 allotments made to persons pur
porting to belong to the Kiowa Co
manche and Apache tribes under the
act approved June 6 1900 a number
were illegal and more allotments were
made than there were Indians
Grand Jury Put on Scent of a Job
in Connection with That
turned indictments against the parties
concerned in the transactions of the
Groff brothers involving street letter
box fasteners the grand jury has be
gun the investigation of other con
tracts with the general delivery serv
It is said the postoffice department
through its inspectors who have been
working on the case for some time
has made some discoveries which
mane it imperative that the grand jury
take the matter up The contracts re
ferred to pertain to the use of alum
inum paint on street letter boxes
throughout the country
British French Dutch and Turkish
Representatives Leave Belgrade
BELGRADE The British minister
to Servia left here Tuesday for Lon
It is understood the first bill tc
be submitted to King Peter will be
one prepared by the minister of jus
tice granting amnesty for all political
In accordance with instructions
from their governments the ministers
of France Holland and Turkey left
King Peters train which left Gene
va passed through Innsbruck Austria
The king was enthusiastically wel
comed there bf the Servian and Croa
tian students
Discovery is Made on Lower River
Near Valdez Alaska
SEATTLE Wash The first de
tails of the new gold finds near Val
dez were brought from the north by
the steamer Excelsior which has just
arrived here
The discovery is on Lower river
twenty three miles from Valdez and
already 800 acres of ground have been
staked out
During the last few days before
the Excelsior sailed there was quite
a stampede to the new find
President of Santo Domingo
PARIS A dispatch from Santo Do
mingo City announces that General
A Wos y Gil who recently became
provisional president through the over
throw of General Horatio Vazquez has
been eleted president of the Domini
can republic
Eugenio De Champ who was a can
didate for the presidency but with
drew in favor of General Gil has been
elected vice president
Funeral of Major Pond
NEW YORK The funeral services
for Major James Burton Pond were
held Tuesday evening at the family
residence in Jersey City The funeral
rites of the Grand Army of the Re
public were performed by the officers
of Lafayette post
Roads Want More Time
have been filed with the interstate
commerce commission by the Boston
Maine and the Denver Rio
money and the lack of confidence on GramI raiiroad companies for addi
the part of those accustomed to pre- J tionaI time withjn which to Compu
Serve the equilibrium of this port j witll the proSi0ns of the safety an
Consul General J W Ragsdale
says plailce act The former company
at Tien Tsin in a report to the state asks for additional time to equip its
department He says an era of com- J passenger cars and locomotives with
mercial prosperity and expansion power driving wheel brakes which
awaits Tien Tsin j Tim requjre further time
Latest Quotations From South
Omaha and Kansas City
41 H 3 1 M I II II I 1 I1II1I 111
CATTLE There was a very light
run of cattle so that prices Improved
again and went a long way toward
making up for the disastrous break In
prices on Tuesday and Wednesday
Trading was active from sturt to fin
ish and the few cattle on sale wero
soon out of first hands There wero
not enough beef steers offered to fill
packers orders and as a result the
market was active and generally a
dime higher The quality of the cattle
was hardly up to the usual standard
and for that reason the market on
paper scarcely shows the full amount
of the advance The cow market was
also active and stronger so far as the
better grades wero concerned and such
kinds are little lower than they were a
week ago The grassers were a little
easier to dispose of than they were
yesterday but the market could not ho
quoted any higher All the buydrs are
afraid to take hold of the grass stock
It seems as It kills out so unevenly
that they cannot tell much about what
they are getting Bulls veal calvesi
and stags sold at just about steady
prices Good fat bulls sell freely at
fully steady prices but grass bullsaru
In poor demand and lower the samo
as grass cows There were not enough
stockers and feeders In the yards to
make a test of the situation but It Is
safe to say that not many were wanted
as the few that did arrive were slow
sale and weak
HOGS There was a very light run
of hogs and In fact receipts were much
lighter than irenerally anticipated
Packers of course had to have some
supplies and It was evident that there
were not enough to go around Sales
men made use of the opportunity to
advance prices and held for 10815c
rise Buyers were very slow about
putting on that much but salesmen
held out and they finally got all they
asked The bulk of the hogs sold at
70 and 572 1 with a few choice
loads at 375 and a few of the com
moner kinds below 570
SHEEP Good to choice lambs
575 W 625 fair to good lambs 525
575 good to choice yearlings 4 50fr
175 good to choice wethers 4 25ft
130 fair to good wethers 375 425
good to choice ewes 375fti 150 fair
to good ewes 350 R 375 feeder lambs
250fi350 feeder yearlings 250ft
350 feeder wethers 2507I350 feeder
ewes 200g275
CATTLK Strong native steers 3
75ft510 Texas and Indian steers 270
ft430 Texas cows 200fti375 native
cows and heifers 200Gi435 stockers
and feeders 300 ft 420 bulls 250 ft
375 calves 250 ft 640 western steers
2750450 western cows 200 ft 340
HOGS Strong to 5c higher bulk of
sales S540fT550 heavy 510JJ535
packers 335 560 medium 343
3G0 light 5333 Ti 355 yorkers 545
555 pigs
iie i
330 JD
j15 lambs 415ft675 range wethers
30010 510- ewes 340 ft 320
Chinese Representative on Way to St
Louis Fair
Kah imperial vice commissioner from
China to the St Louis exposition ar
rived Friday on the steamer Hong
Kong Maru Besides his family and
four attaches his excellency has with
him thirteen first class painters car
penters and carvers whose services
in erecting the royal palace at the
exposition grounds he hopes to utilize
without outside interferonce
For says his excellency while I
fully appreciate the clever workman
ship of the United States the work
men here could not do the carving
nor could they do the painting and
they would fall short in the decora
tive ornamentation required in carry
ing out the architecture or the royal
Two Animals Shipped to Buenos Ayres
DevelOD Disease
brought to this port on a steamer from
New York have developed the foot
and mouth disease The authorities
have resolved to quarantine the ship
and burn the carcasses of the ani
The animals were sent by rormer
Minister Buchanan for President Roca
and Dr Carcano who paid 500 each
for them Although the cattle trade
with the United States is small the
government will prohibit importation
it is stated
Signing of Treaties Postponed
HAVANA The signing of the flnai
treaties between Cuba and the Uni
ted States has been postponed be
cause of the delay arising from the
questions raised at Washington
Will Build Model Town
ASHEVILLE N C It is reported
m New York says the Citizen that
George W Vanderbilt has acquired a
large tract between nendersonville
and Brevard N C where he proposes
to build a model manufacturing city
which will be completed and ready for
occupancy before any one is permit
ted to settle in it A complete sys
tem of water works an electric light
ing plant heat and power plant will
be installed
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