Mimin ii miiimiwm iwmmi mi n ii I rrTi iiirainTrrjritTi imi wnt mt Rv F Furnas 1121 2 ok Frik M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Republican State Convention The republicans of tho stuto of Nebraska aro hereby culled to meet in convention in tho city of Lincoln on Tuesday August 18 1001 at two oclock in tho afternoon for tha purjo3o of placing in nomination candidates for tho fol lowing bfllccs to bo voted for at tho next gen eral election to bo hold in tho stato of Nebraska November 1903 viz Ono Judge of tho Bupromo court two regents of tho university of tho stato of Nobrnsknnnd for tho transaction of such other business as may regularly come boforo said convention Tho basis of representation of tho several counties in said convention shall bo tho vote cast for Hon John II Mickoy for governor at tho regular oloction held on November 4 1902 giving one dologato for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof bo cast for tho said John H Mickoy and onodolegatoat largo foreoch county Said apportionment entitles tho sovoral coun ties to tho following representation in the said convention Chaso 4 Dundy 4 Frontier 8 Furnas 12 Gosper 4 Hitchcock 4 Hnjes 4 Red Willow 11 Total number of dologatos 1051 It is recommendod thntno proxies bo allowed iu said convention but that tho dolegales pres ent thereat bo authorized to cast tho full voto of tho county represented by them Notice is lioroby given that each of the evon numbered senatorial districts in tho stato is to select a member of tho state committeo to servo for tho torm of two years It is also tho senso and request of the stato committeo that at tho timo delegates are choson to the coming stato convention tho several counties proceed to complete their county or ganization for tho campaign of 1103 by tho se lection of road district helpers precinct com mitteemen and regular officers of eacii county committeo By ordor of the state committeo H C Lindsay Chairman A B Allen Secretary Fourteenth Judicial Convention Tho Republicans of the Fourteenth Judicial District of Nebraska are herebv called to meet in convention in tho city of McCook Nebraska Thursday afternoon September 17th 390 at two oclock for tho purpose of placing in nomi nation a candidate for tho office of judge of tho Fourteenth District of Nebraska and for the transaction of such other business as may prop erly come lwfore that convention The basis of representation of the several counties of the district in said convention shall bo tho vote cast fur Hon J H in 1902 for tho oflico of governor of tho state of Ne braska giving one delegate at large ono dele cate for each 100 votes or maior fraction thereof so cast Which apportionment entitles tho sev H oral counties of tho district to tue following representation Chaso 272 4 Dundy 292 4 Frontier 717 8 Gosper 335 4 Haies 2G6 4 Hitchcock 349 4 Red Willow 1012 11 Total No of delegates 51 ltis recommended by tho committee that no proxies bo allowed in said convention but that tho delegates present from each county bo al lowed to cast tho voto of taid county It was further recommended that tho chair man and secretary of tho committee bo the temporary chairman and secretary of tho con vention H H Behry Chairman F M Kimmell Secretary McCook Nebraska June 19 1903 Republican papers of tho district please copy Republican County Convention The Republicans of Red Willow county are hereby called to meet in convention at Beards leas hall in the city of Indianola on Wednes day July 29th 1903at 130 oclock p m for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the following offices to be voted for at the next general election to bo hold in the state of Nebraska on tho 3rd day of November 1903 viz One county judge one clerk of tho district court one sheriff one coroner one county treas urer one county clerk ono county survejor ono county superintendent of public instruc tion ono county assessor ono count commis sioner for scconddistrict oloven delegates to tho Republican state convention -and eleven delegates to the Republican convention of tho fourteenth judicial district of Nebraska and for the transaction of such other business as may regularly come before said county convention Tho basis of representation of tho several pre cincts in said county shall be the vote cast for Hon J H Mickey for governor of Nebraska at the general election held in the j ear 1902 giving one delegate for each 15 votes or fraction there of so cast for said J H Mickey and two dele gates at largo for each voting precinct in said county Said apportionment entitles the sev eral voting precincts in said county to the fol lowing representation in said convention Alliance 4 Grant 4 Beaver 6 Indianola 7 Bondville 4 Lebanon 7 Box Elder 4 Missouri Ridge 3 Coleman 4 North Valley 4 Danbury 1 Perry 3 Driftwood 4 Red Willow 5 EastTalley 7 Tyrone 3 Fritsch 4 Valley Grange 5 Gerver 4 WILLOW GEOVE First Ward 1st precinct 12 First WRrd 2nd precinct 11 Second Ward 1st precinct 8 Second Ward 2nd precinct 8 Total 124 It is recommended that no proxies be allowed in said convention but that the delegates pres ent thereat be authorized to cast the full voto of tho precinct represented by them It is further recommended that the several Voting precincts in Said county hold their pri mary elections on Monday the 27th daj of July 1903 By ordor of county central committee Haklow W Ketes Feank Moore Secretary Chairman Republican Caucus The Republicans of the first precinct of the first ward of WillowGrove precinct in Red Wil low county will meet at the sample room of the uommercial Motel in Alcuook Nebraska on Monday oveniog July 27 1903 at 8 oclock for the purpose of selecting twelve delegates to at tend tho Republican county convention to bo held at Indianola Nebraska on July 29 1903 M Lawbitson Committeeman Republican Caucus The Republicans of the second precinct of tho first ward of Willow Grove precinct in Red Wil low county will meet at the office of C FBab cock in McCook Nebraska on Monday evening July 27 1903 at 8 oclock for the purpose of se lecting eleven delegates to attend the Republi can county convention to bo held at Indianola Nebraska on July 29 1903 C B Grat Committeeman Republican Caucus - The Republicans of the second precinct of tho - second ward of Willow Grove precinct in Red Willow county will meet at the office of H H Berry in McCook Nebraska on Monday even ing July 27 1903 at 8 oclock for tho purpose of selecting eight delegates to attend the Republi can county convention to be held at Indianola Nebraska on July 29 1903 T J Smith Committeeman Republican Caucus 4 The Republicans of the first precinct of tho second ward of Willow Grove precinct In Red Willow county will meet at the city hail in the city of McCook on Monday evening July 27 1903 at oclock for the purpose of selecting eight delegates to attend the Republican county convention to bo held at Indianola Nebraska on July 29 1903 C F BABCocit Committeman Grant Precinct The Republican voters of Grant precinct will meet at the Banksville school house in the even ing of July 27 1903 at 8 oclock for tho purpose of electing delegates to the county convention and to transact such other business as may properly como before said caucus - H I Peteeson Committeeman The Republican county convention Wednesday afternoon July 29th at 130 oclock HARVEST M S i Dark Hair I have used Ayers Hair Vigor for a great many years and al though I am past eighty years of age yet I haye not a gray hair in my head Geo Yellott Towson Md We mean all that rich dark color your hair used to have If its gray now no matter for Ayers Hair Vigor always re stores color to gray hair Sometimes it makes the hair grow very heavy and long and it stops falling or the hair too 5100 a bolile All dnirtfita If your druggist cannot supply yon Bend us ono dollar and wo will express you a bottle Bo suro and eh o tho name- of your nearest express ofhee Address j v axjsk uu ixmen Mass greatly overshadows the possible dam age done What You Like Just the meat you like in just the way you like it Fine firm and tender beef young whoiesomelamb clean and sweet pork smoked and salted meats And last but not least whether you order from house by phone or come in person your orders are given our best consider ation and we guarantee that you will be satisfied Marsh Cures Sciatica Rev W L Riley LL D Cuba N Y writes After fifteen days of excruciat ing pain from sciatic rheumatism under various treatments I was induced to try Ballards Snow Liniment the first appli cation giving my first relief and the second entire relief I can give it un qualified recommendation 25c 50c and 8100 at A McMillens SHOES rv PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY NOTES To complete volumes tho library re quires magazines as follows Harpers October 1886 and February 1901 Scrib ners February July and August 1887 July 1889 August 1902 and May and June 1903 Anyone who may have these numbers and who is willing to part with them will confer a favor by leaving them with the librarian The library also received this week through the courtesy of Congressman Norris about four hundred volumes of government reports These are of vary ing degrees of usefulness and practi cability but some of them at least are books of rare interest and value and are supplied with splendid maps and superb illustrations Many of them will war rant a close inspection if nothing more from the public at large while the stu dent in almost any line will find some thing here to aid him The library having outgrown its origi nal quarters the room on the north side of the corridor has been opened as a reading room Two handsome and com modious new book cases have been ad ded to the equipment and the over crowded condition of tho south room has been somewhat relieved by the re moval of two of the old book cases to tho new reading room Tho necessity for more room was imperative and if the rate of growth continues the present arxengemen can be but an expedient The library has been enriched this week by one of the largest single dona tions that has been made to it the gift of Mrs Lowman It consists of an al most invaluable collection of the stand ard magazines covering years that it is now practically impossible to duplicate Forty two volumes of Scribners Har pers and Century have already been bound and many more volumes of these and other magazines are awaiting the arrival of binders to be put in accessible form The Centuries received are es pecially valuable running back as they do to 1882 and containing not only the Civil War papers which for so many years formed a feature of that periodi cal but Nicholay and Hays Life of Abraham Lincoln These are only two of the innumerable good things an in spection of the pages of these books reveals Brutally Tortured A case came to light that for persist ent and unmerciful torture has perhaps never been equaled Joe Golubick of Colusa Calif writes For fifteen years I endured insufferable pain from rheu matism and nothing relieved me though I tried everything known I came across Electric Bitters and its the greatest medicine on earth for that trouble A few bottles of it completely relieved and cured me Just as good for liver and kidney troubles and general debility Only 50c Satisfaction guaranteed by L W McConnell druggist Heavy Rains Last Night and Today Heavy rains prevailed all ovefthis sec tion of Nebraska last night and today The precipitation was 3 inches up to the time of our going to press after dinner making it one of the heaviest of the sea son Wheat may be lodged or down in some instances but the general good mininiwriHTMnimti jfjOH CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS CoKanEQATiONAL Regular services at the usual hours All are heartily wel come Frank W DEANPastor FmsT Baptist Chuuch All services at the usual hours Sweet singing A cordial welcome to all C Richard Bettts Pastor Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Loughran Pastor Methodist Rev McLaughlin of Omaha will occupy tbe pulpit next Sab bath at 11 a in and 8 p m Sabbath school at 10 a m Epworth League at 7 pm L H Shumate Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at ten oclock a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening-prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 8 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Rev J J Loughran was in Lincoln Monday on affairs of the cloth Rev Dean got home Wednesday noon from a ten days trip to the eastern end of the state Rev Axtell of the Congregational church of Trenton came down from the west first of the week and was a guest in the Congregational parsonage hero Rev Story who used to preach in tho South McCook Methodist church but is now attending a theological school was iu the city Sunday and filledthe Meth odist pulpit in the evening Dr Riley of Minneapolis who has been preaching so ably in the Baptist church for the past few weeks closed on Wednesday night and has gone on to Denver The Doctors efforts while not fully appreciated were greatly enjoyed by many Rev William Hardcastle formerly pas tor of the Congregational church in Cambridge but now a missionary occu pied the Congregational pulpit Sunday morning and evening Collections were taken up at both services for the home missionary work From here he went to Trenton in the same work The wife and children accompanied him to this place driving over from Lebanon Sun day morning where he had been at tending a Christian Endeavor Society convention They were guests of Rev and Mrs F W Dean during their so journ here of a few days The Boss Worm Medicine H P Kumpe druggist Leighton Al abama writes One of my Customers had a child which was sick and threw up all food could retain nothing on its stomach He bought one bottle of Whites Cream Vermifuge and it brot up 119 worms from the child boss worm medicine in the Whites Cream Vermifuge is Its the world also the childrens tonic It improves their di gestion and assimilation of food and strengthens their nervous system and restores them to the health vigor and elasticity of spirits natural to child hood 25c at A McMillens drugstore Fraternal Insurance Order Cards R C I P A Lodge No 612 meets first and third Thursdays of each month McConnells hall 830 pm E B Hubee President W S Guteb Secretary ROYAL HIGHLANDERS McCook lodge No 307 meets on second and fourth Mon day evenings of each month at eight oclock in McConnell hall R W Devoe Illustrious Pro tector J C Mitchell Secretary ROYAL NEIGHBORS Noble camp No 862 meets second and fourth Thursday after noons at2 30 oclock in McConnells hall Mes Thad Shepiiebd Oracle Mes Augusta Anton Recorder Graceful women A Desire for a Perfect Figure is Inseparable from a Love of tho Beautiful The scent of the violet or rose is as precious as the lovely flowers whose breath they are and while the lives of flowers are brief and we can only enjoy them for a day the beautiful woman gives the pleasure of her fragrance to us as a permanent blessing The soft fragrance of a beautiful woman suggests purity health and elegance sheis the refinement of civilization an index always of good caste ana an unerring oaage or genuiiry BRADFIELDS Female Regulator in regulating the lunar periods in woman permits of no wrinkles pale cheeks or tortured nerves and shapeless figures It is Natures remedy The druggist may offer something else and call it Must as erood but the menstrual organs will not be de ceived and permanent injury may result Try our Regulator Of all druggists x Our treatise on Woman mailed free WE BBADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA AT THE V WQtiKi iimmm RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS No 3 Thursday night ran in four sections Machinist Mausor will celebrate the day in Denver Oscar Sampson will celebrate with the folks in Oxfordr W J Drew has withdrawn from tho companys service C H Magnuson is on tho relief with with a broken finger Conrad Brening and wife will be in Lincoln over tho Fourth Brakeman F F Neubauor is visiting in Beaver City this week Locomotive 171 went out of the shop yesterday and No 150 today H P Conyers is on the shaper and William Stout has the turret lathe Walter Thorgrimson visited the home folk3 and friends Saturday and Sunday They have a third and larger steam hammer at the Plattsmouth blacksmith shop Fred Irwin joined the wife in Lincoln Friday night to celebrate the Fourth there Maurice Griffin Monday after an weeks E M Dawson returned to work on illness of about two and wife went up to Curtis this morning to be gone over the Fourth Conrad Brumgart and wife go to Lin coln tonight to bo away over the Fourth J A Ritchie and wife went up to Denver on 3 last night to be absent a day or two Herbert Frey who has been off duty about a month went to work on Thurs flay morning W A Wright has been helping Lewis Casten on the wheel lathe during the rush of work Waycar 97 is about ready to go out of the carpenter shop The 52 and 149 are in for repairs Switchman J F Amick of Red Cloud is off on a short vacation and L E Hills is switching in his place Engineer and Mrs H D Bayles spent the close of last week in Cripple Creek and other Colorado points Dispatcher and Mrs W B Mills have returned to Denver for a month after a short visit at headquarters Switchman C A Garner has a ten day vacation and G E McBride is in the Akron yards during his absence Assfc Supt D F McFarland and son were down from Holyoke Wednesday the supt being here on pay roll busi ness Locomotive 372 got off the rails at the west end of the yard Thursday morn ing just after bringing No 7b into the yard The tender for the 284 arrived from PJattsmouth this week having received a new tank frame and new iron trucks of the latest pattern Charles Arnold left on last Friday for the old home in Missouri with his son Ed They go to consult an old family physician in the sons case Traveling Engineer Hodges of the Burlington recently fell off an enginb at Alliance and was quite severely injured Several bones of one hand were broken Master Mechanic Archibalds new res idence will be a 9 room structure with cellar arranged for laundry purposes etc It will be an addition to McCooks fine residences Machinist Hunnicutt quit the service this week Also J A Graham who goes to Rock Island Illinois and goes into the service of the government in the arsenal on the island Switchman F M Fagan has gone to Rock Island Illinois to see his sister who is ill at that place F J Swanson a new employe is switching in the Hold rege yards meanwhile Reports have reached the shops that the K4b locomotive 3688 now in service on the Wyoming division pulled a train of seven passenger coaches over the Crawford hill a feat surpassing that of the other locomotives Henry Giese and Conrad Wagner tried to settle a little matter of differencewith their dukes in South McCook with the vocal assistance of the women of the neighborhood this week to the amuse ment of lookers on and with no serious damage to the combatants It is estimated that 3000000 tons of steel rails will be needed in 1904 for new roads and repairs The life of steel rails has been materially shortened by the heavy engines and equipment now being used making replacing earlier and more urgent than with lighter equipment and slower speed Conductor L C Wolff arrived home Tuesday night from his absence of about two weeks in Gunnison Colorado where he was called by the serious illness of his aged mother now in her 79th year She had improved somewhat before he left for home While absent Mrs Wolff received word of the death of her aged father in Ainsworth Nebraska at the age of 67 years He died on the 25th ult She was not able to attend the funeral however MODEL Coach 59 has been sent to Plattsmouth for repairs John Brening and family will visit a short time in Longmont Colorado J J and J F Laughlin are on joking a vacation of a month up in Wisconsin Switch engine 171 from Iloldrego is just out of tho shops with a set of new Hues Switchman and Mrs M G Stephen son are spending ton days with Oberlin friends Fireman George Hoxie hos returned to work after an absence of a few weeks on a visit J M Hughes and family went up to Colorado Springs Wednesday night to bo absent a few days on a visit No 59 a KR class locomotive is here in placo of the 265 loaned to tho Denver Northwestern for track laying pur poses Nos 360 and 161 are out after repairs the latter having cylinder bolts broken The 161 is from tho Oxford and Red Cloud run The new schedule for trainmen will increase pay of freight men about 15 per cent and that of passenger men about 12 per cent Conductor H A Beale arrived homo from Rock Island Illinois and with Conductors McClure and Benjamin is on his regular run Coach No 90 damaged badly in tho Republican City yard recently in a col lision has been sent to tho shops at Plattsmouth for repairs Conductors R E Benjamin and M O McClure arrived home Tuesday from meeting with tho grievance committeo of the B of R T in Chicago Agent James Mageo of Riverton Ne braska and Miss Nannio Cole of Cul bertson will be united in marringe at Culbertson next Wednesday afternoon July 8th The Christian Endeavor convention at Denver this week has kept the passen ger people busy xnere were two sec tions of No 1 yesterday and all trains are crowded The Perfect Liver Medicine Mrs M A Jolley Noble OT writes I have used Herbine for a number of years and can cheerfully recommend it as the most perfect liver medicine and the greatest blood purifier It is a med icine of positive merit and fully accom plishes all that is claimed for it Ma laria cannot find a lodgement in the system while the liver is in perfect order for one of its functions is to prevent the absorption of fever producing poisons Herbine is a most efficient liver regulat or 50c at A McMillens The Tribune Only SI 00 per year Indigestion Causes CatarrK of te Stomach For many years it has been supposed that Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re peated attacks of indigestion inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of the Juices of natural digestion This is called Catarrh of the Stomach Kodol Dyspepsia Gure relieves all inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach protects the nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a senso of fullness after eating Indigestion dyspepsia and all stomach troubles Kodol Digests What Yon Eat Make the Stomach Sweet Bottles only Regular size 5 1 00 boldlne 2 times the trial size which sells for 50 cents Prepared by E O DoWITT CO Chicago IU Mike Walsh DEAIER IN POULTRY and EGGS Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank flcCook - Nebraska Tribune List For convenience of readers of The Teibune we have made arrangements with the following newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup ply them in combination with The Tribune at the following very low prices with publication price tribune Detroit Free Press 100 1 50 Leslies Weekly 4 00 3 00 Prairie Farmer 100 125 Chicago Inter Ocean 1 00 1 40 Cincinnati Enquire 100 100 New York Tribune 1 00 1 25 - jjemoress s Jiagazme I iju l io ToledoBlade 100 125 Nebraska Farmer 1 00 1 65 Iowa Homestead 100 1 25 Lincoln Journal 100 175 Campbells Soil Cnlture 1 00 1 50 New York World 100 165 Cosmopolitan Magazine 100 ISO St Louis Republic 100 1 75 Kansas City Star 25 120 Farm and Home 100 120 Word and Works 1 00 1 70 We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published at reduced rate3 The Tribune McCook Neb SHOE GEO J BURGESS aENBBAI DEALER IN Farm Implements Machinery Wagons Buggies Agent for Champion Binders Mowers and Rakes Cash paid for Eggs Poultry and Farm Produce MCCOOK - - NEBRASKA KfJOOJIO The Great Germ and Insect Destroyer Is now used throughout the United Stntes in the trentmentof hog cholera swino plnguo orgot diseases corn stalk disease pink ojo foot and mouth diseaso scurvy mango Tox as itch scabs uud ull germ diseases of do mestic animals St Paul Neb April 9 0 National Modical Co Gentlemen This is to certify that I hnvo used Lij2id Koal for orgot disoaso in cattlo and bolievo it to bo a euro for this disease from tho experiments I hnvo mado but bo lieve it ought to be used when tho animal is first taken with the disease And for a lico killer it cant bo brat bynnjthingl know of Yours respectfully W L LITTLE Seward Neb Dec 5 1902 Liquid Koal manufactured nnil sold by National Medical Co York Nob is n ne cessity to any farmers raising stock Sev eral instances of its dliciency have como under my personal notice JOHN HARVEY Ex Mayor Seward Wauia Neb Dec 18 1002 I consider Liquid Koal ono of the best ar ticles for nil around purposes on tho market For mites and lico in the chicken houses and for the lico on calves and horses it is tho best nnd cheapest thing I hnvo ever found Liquid Koal ought to be on overv farm CHAS BEKGANHAGER Coleridge Neb Dec 8 1002 I can say that jour L K is the best insect destrojer that I ever used It will cot injure tho eggs when uned on setting hens I lind it the best all around stock medicine that I over had on the place I advise every farmer to keep a supply on hand S B GROFF PRICE Ono Quart Can Sl00 Ono Gallon J00 Five Gallons ier gallon 275 Ten Gallon Keg ier gallon 250 25 Gallons half bbl per gal 2 25 50 Gallons 1 bbl per gal 2 00 A 25c 32 page Book on Germ Diseasos of Animals sent free on application manufactured bt NATIONAL MEDICAL COMPANY Sheldon Iowa York Nobraska For Sale by James Cain Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store Phone No 20 McCook Neb Buckeye Binder FOR SALE Has been used but little See or write J M Huet flcCook Neb For prices and terms va F D BURGESS Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun bclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA i 1 AMERICAS8 BEST 1 Editorially Fearless Consistently Republican News from all of the world well written original stories answers to queries articles on health the home new books and on work about the farm and garden The Weekly Inter Ocean Is a member of the Associated Press the only western newspa per receiving the entire telegraph ic news service of the Xew York Run anr Dnamnl nnMA r AT VT YorK World daily reports from over 2000 special correspondents throughout the county ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Subscribe for The Tribc e and The WeeiJy Inter Ocean one year both papers for 140 5T0RE i V i fl 3 - I