The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 03, 1903, Image 3

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One of Indianas Useful Educators Says
I Feel Like a New flan
Mr John W Meng 54 Jefferson Ave Indianapolis Ind State Representative of
Indianapolis Business College writes
I vlrmly believe that I owe my fine health to Peruaa Constant travel
and change of food and water wrought havoc with my stomach and for months
I suffered with indigestion and catarrh of the stomach I felt that the only thing
to do was to give up my occupation which I felt very reluctant to do Seeing
an ad of Peruna cs a specific for catarrh I decided to give it a trial and used
it faithfully for six weeks when I found that my troubles had all disappeared
and I seemed like a new man I have a bottle of Peruna in my grip all the
time and occasionally take a few doses which keeps me in excellent health
John XV Meng
THE most common phases of summer
catarrh are catarrh o the stomach
and bowels Peruna is a specific for
summer catarrh
Hon Willis Brewer Representative in
Congress from Alabama writes the follow
ing letter to Dr Hartman
House of Representatives
Washington D C
The Peruna Medicine Co Columbus O
Gentlemen - I have used one bottle cf
Peruna for lassitude and I take pleasure in
Much That Every Woman
Desires to Know
About Sanative Antisep
tic Cleansing
And about the Care of the Skin
Scalp Hair and Hands
Too much stress cannot be placed on
the great value of Cutlcura Soap Oint
ment and Resolvent in the antiseptic
cleansing of the mucous surfaces and of
the blood and circulating fluids thus
affording pure sweet and economical
local and constitutional treatment for
weakening ulcerations inflammations
Itchings irritations relaxations dis
placements pains and irregularities
peculiar to females Hence the Cutl
cura remedies have a wonderful influ
ence In restoring health strength and
beauty to weary women who havo
beeo prematurely aged and invalided
by these distressing ailments as well as
such sympathetic afflictions as ansmia
chlorosis hysteria nervousness and
Women from the very first have fully
appreciated the purity and sweetness
the power to afford immediate relief
the certainty of speedy and permanent
cure the absolute safety and great
economy which have mde the Cutlcura
remedies the standard skin cures and
humour remedies of the civilized world
Millions of the women use Cuticura
Soap assisted by Cuticura Ointment
for preserving purifying and beauti
fying the skin for cleansing the scalp
of crusts scales and dandruff and the
stopping of falling hair for softening
whitening and soothing red rough and
core hands for annoying irritations
and ulcerative weaknesses and for
many sanative antiseptic purposes
which readily suggest themselves as
well as for all the purposes of the toilet
bath and nursery
Bold thronEhoot the world CnUcarBeolTeitSOcla
form of ChoeoUrt fWtMl Pllli 25c ftr nil of GOi
rornt 0c oop Sic DenotK London u Chrterhou
Km Pirti Rtmrf PsIit Hoalon 17 Columbus At
Potter Dreg fc Chcca Cot Sole lroprietor
Htf Send for A Book for Women
The TLdT CorI9tft anS
The only ponltlre cure for Drunkenness
DruRrUstng and the Tobacco Habit Cor
respondence strictly confidential
Wil It BUKXS Manager
When Answcni3 Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper
W N U Omaha
No 271903
RMt couch Srrnr Testes opod Use
m WM v vi A r a
lj4 inumc som
recommending it to those who need a good
remedy As a tonic it is exaellent In the
short time I have used it it has done me a
great deal of good Willis Brewer
If you do not derive prompt and satisfac
tory results from the use of Peruna write
at once to Dr Hartman giving a full state
ment of your case and he will be pleased to
give you his valuable advice gratis
Address Dr Hartman President of The
Hartman Sanitariunij Columbus Ohio
Be born neither wise nor fair but
PIsos Cure is the best medicine wo ever used
for all affections of the throat and lungs Wil
O Endslkt Vanburen Ind Feb 10 1900
Dont cry over spilt milk be glad it
isnt cream
You never hear any one complain
about Defiance Starch There is
none to equal it in quality and quan
tity 16 ounces 10 cents Try it now
and save your money
It is said that the population of
London is so dense it is unable to
see the point of an American joke
Try me just once and I am sure
to come again Defiance Starch
Lords Not All Hereditary
The British house of lords has long
since ceased to be a strictly heredi
tary body Over 200 of its 590 mem
bers owe their presence to other
causes than descent Quite a number
of the hereditary lords are debarred
from voting by the fact that they are
either minors undischarged bank
rupts or inmates of lunatic asylums
The non hereditary lords comprise thei
archbishops and bishops of the
Church of England and those who
have been created peers by Queen Vic
toria and King Edward for special
services renedered to the crown
Albanias Mighty Soldiers
Albania lies 180 miles on the Adri
atic sea and is fifty to 100 miles wide
It was formed originally sasy William
Jackson Armstrong in his Heroes of
Defeat from part of Ilyris all of
Epirus and part of Macedonia in the
eleventh century From this territory
sprug Pyrrhus who defeated the Ro
man invader Philip and Alexander of
Macedon the Conquerors Perseus
whose fame as a soldier covered the
world sixty years after Christ and
Skanderbeg who for forty years de
feated armies sent against by the
Turk Ancient Albania lay in Asia
just east of the Caucasus
A Womans Back
Dublin Mich June 29th To the
many women who suffer with weak
back and pains and tired feelings In
the small of thevback the experience
of Mrs Fred Chalker of this place
will be interesting and profitable
Mrs Chalker had suffered a very
great deal with these back pains and
although she had tried many things
she could find nothing tnat would re-
lieve her The pain kept on in spite5
of all she could do
At last she chanced to read the
story of another lady who had suf
fered with the backache and said she
had been cured by a remedy called
Dodds Kidney Pills and Mrs Chalker
thought she would try the same thing
After the first two boxes had been
taken according to directions she be
gan to feel some better and she kept
on till at last she was cured
Her pains are all gone and she is
very grateful She says Dodds
Kidney Pills helped me greatly and
I will always recommend them as a
cure for Pain in the Back
There are some positions that seem
to require men who dont know very
T- - i
i fiAriAr i NphrAQf Naw
A Nebraska Physician Makes a Sen
rational Address
BOSTON Mass Dr D A Foote of
Omaha Neb delivered a sensational
address at the second session of tho
American Homeopathic Institute
which is convened here His subject
was The American Mother and
bold straightforward and direct in
his attack he handled his subject la
typical western style He said
The mute annals of the unborn is
the worlds greatest tragedy Before
these records we stand appalled and
words fail to characterize the deep
lark infanmy of this increasing car
nage of helpless innocents It is
time to speak out plainly against a
crime so common as to have become
the sport of unblushing gossips and
a most serious menace to our national
There is a spirit abrcad that seeks
to hold up to ridicule the old-fashioned
families We fear to publish to
the world the secrets of our consulta
tion rooms We have too great re
spect for the womanhood of our land
to stigmatize it with the infamy of a
large and growing class that beset
the physician in hysterical phrases
that mean nothing less than murder
They have been duly instructed in
the black arts but they often first try
to tempt a physician to give safety
and professional responsibility to their
Thousands of American women to
day are past masters in the practices
that rob the cradle of its jewel the
home of its joy and the nation of its
heritage vouchsafed by the mingled
blood of the Puritan and the cava
Completing the Arrangements for the
State Tournament
NORFOLK Detailed and complete
arrangements are being made by Nor
folk firemen for entertaining the vis
itors who are expected at the state
tournament here July 21 22 and 23
The race course with extensive
grounds is being placed in excellent
shape for the varied events the Au
ditorium has been leased for the
three nights and a good theatrical
troupe hired concessions are being let
every day to first class attractions
and a trio of days worth while are
anticipated Many handsome prizes
are already here for companies send
ing the largest representation etc It
will be the largest crowd northeast
Nebraska has ever seen said Presi
dent Hartford Already there are as
sured more entries than have ever be
fore gone into a tournament There
will be from a dozen to fifteen run
ning teams here and we look for 10
000 people
Bumper Crop is Assured
GOTHENBURG Farmers report
that the oats and barley prospect for
a big crop is the best in ten years
past and promises a heavy yield The
winter wheat and rye crop promises
to be equally as large as last year
Central City After Normal
CENTRAL CITY A commercial
club with more than 100 members has
been organized The club expects to
capture the new normai school for
tilis city
Attacked By a Cow
WAVERLY A J Hamlow a prom
inent farmer living about two and one
half miles southeast of here was at
tacked by a cow while walking
through his pasture and although not
dangerously injured was rendered un
conscious and sustained two broken
ribs His face and arms were badly
cut and bruised from being trampled
by the animal Mr Hamlow does not
remember anything about the encoun
ter When he became conscious he
was lying in a corn field having been
tossed over a fence bv the cow
Beet Weeders Busy
NORFOLK Beet weeders about
Norfolk are busy The beet weeder is
a character that is distinct and indi
vidual He is a young boy in overalls
with great pads tied to his knees for
protection From eaiy morning until
evening he crawls along the ground
his back bent double aud the hot sun
beating down upon him He earns
about 5150 per day
Viewed Gruesome Spectacle
WISNER William OShea who has
just returned home from Oregon saw
ISO bodies of flood victims laid out for
identification at Heppner that state
ten days ago Mr OShea happened
to be there a short time after the
deluge in which so many lives were
lost The sight of nearly two hun
dred human bodies was too gruesome
for Mr OShea who declares he
doesnt want to see anything like it
There are 1515 farm houses in Ad
ams county
Ladies of Fremont have organized
a tennis club
Lightning struck a Beatrice resi
dence two times in three days
The first crop of alfalfa is being
cut in the vicinity of Lexington
Dodge county will place its surplus
fundB in bank receiving 2 per cent
Crops in the vicinity of Cozad were
recently badly injured by a heavy fall
of hail
Mrs Caroline Erlerly a colored wo
man living near Hastings has passed
tne century mark
The Commercial hotel at Indianola
was destroyed by fire apparently the
work ot an incendiary
Mrs Shock of Pierce county is
seeking divorce because of extremo
cruelty on the part of Mr Shock
The corner stone of the new gov
ernment building at Norfolk was laid
in the presence of a large assemblage
Bishop Scannell of the diocese of
Omaha has incorporated the St Lu
gerns church of the town of Creigh
Jerry Denslow president of the
bank at Hooper was stricken with
paralysis and his condition is very
The Oklahoma and Texas Invest
ment company of Plattsmouth has in
corporated with a capital stock of
The Sunday school superintendents
challenged the preachers of York to
play a match game ot ball and the
ministers at once accepted
The returns of the Cass county as
sessors show that the total number of
farmers in the county is 1897 while
the total number oi acres of land un
der cultivation is 307059
Mjrtle Johnson a young colored
girl familiarly known as Topsy and
having lived in York nearly all her
life has recently become incorrigible
and been ordered out of town
Norfolk police are looking for
Frank Sutlley a wealthy farmer of
Meadow Grove who has very sudden
ly and mysteriously disappeared He
was last heard from in Norfolk
It is announced that the new chapel
at the state penitentiary will be dedi
cated July 5 The date originally
set was June 14 but the contractors
disappointed the governor and chap
Stockholders of the Beatrice
Creamery company met in Lincoln
and ratified the plans of the chief offi
cers of the concern in increasing the
capital stock from 50000 to 1
A hail storm five miles north of
Edgar and extending a considerable
distance east and west did very great
damage to the wheat along a strip
about half amile in width and about
thirty miles in length
The son of Mayor J
G Becher of Columbus toddled into
the stable near the residence and
drank from a bottle of corrosive sub
limate purchased for liniment for a
horse Physicians were immediately
summoned but to no avail
School teachers In Nebraska are a
scarce article Every county superin
tendent in the state reports the num
ber of efficient teachers in the schools
especially rural schools to be less
than the demand and those districts
wnich have engaged the services of a
teacher who is satislactory are fortu
The citizens of Aurora are aiding in
the raising of the 33333 for the Uni
versity of Nebraska necessary to re
ceive the gift from John D Rocke
feller and to that end have started
a subscription paper among the busi
ness men of the town
At Fremont Eddie Brown G years
old a son of -Edward Brown while
attempting to go under a freight train
standing on the side track was run
over and killed The boy was re
turning home from an errand up town
and not wishing to wait for the train
to pull out was crawling under the
cars when the engine backed the
The board of public lands and build
ings has directed the secretary of
state to advertise for cementing the
floors of several rooms in the base
ment of the capitol This action
arises from the recent visit of inspec
tion of a representative of the regu
lar army who roasted the rooms fur
nished by the state for the storage
of ordnance and quartermasters sup
The citizens of Aurora are making
donations to help raise the sum nec
essary to secure the John D Rocke
feller gift for a social and religious
building at the state university Sub
scriptions are being made and a con
siderable sum has been raised
The board of control of the Knights
of St Eeb Ragus entered into anGther
contract with the Collins Carnival
company for a weeks festival at
Grand Island in the early part of Sep
tember The dates will not conflict
with those of the state fair
ffTuThompsonws Eye Wafer J
The lobster lays 42000 eggs a year
Go to the lobster thou hen consider
ner ways and get busy
Do Your Feet Ache and Eurn
Shake into your shoes Allens
Ease a powder for the feet It makes
tight or New Shoes feel Easy Cures
Swollen Hot Sweating Feet Corns
and Bunions At all Druggists and
Shoe Stores 25c Sample sent FREE
Address Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y i
Its a bore
to go alone even to get
- 7
Its tlio people who
doubt and become curod
while tliey doubt who
praise Doanu Pills the
Aching backs aro eased
Ilfp back and loin pains
overcome Swelling of the
ltabi and dropBy signs
They correct urine with
brick dust pediment high
colored pain in passing
dribbling frequency hod
wetting Deans Kidney Pills
removj calculi and gravel
Jlelleve heart palpitation
sleeplessness headache
nervousness dizziness
Tayloosviux Miss I
tried everything for a weak
back and got no relief until I
used Doans rills
J N Lettis
nxtx so CUTS
ivitmc tg
fovwn tort
For firo trtnl txrr mall thJ conpon to
Foster Mllburn Co Buffalo N V lr aim
ipaco Is lnsuQcient write address on wpo
rate slip
Tn iiiiTnf
jry jfi
The reAaon yon can get
thia trial free U hocuo
they euro Kidney 111 and
will prove It to you
West Urjuiot Mien
Doans Kidney PUla hit the
case which was an unusual
desire to urinate had to get
up Ave or six times of a night
I think diabetes was well un
der way the feet and ankles
swelled There won an in
tenxo pain In the Uick th
heat of which would feel liko
putting ones hand up to a
lamp chimney I have used
tho free trial and two full
boxei of Doans Tills with tho
satisfaction of feeling that I
urn cured They are tho rem
edy par excellence
11 F IUlulod
Winchester 22 Caliber Cartridges shoot when you want
tZicm to and where you point your gun Buy the time
tried Winchester make having the trade mark H
stamped on the head They cost only a few cents more
a box than the unreliable kind but they are dollars better
Straw Hats are Iiere
Hecin now and drink It all
BUlinner It room nrnl m
rreslies A oarknue makes
jive enuons koici
wuercur Dynuuiior
Hikers Pa
must have their a alls tinted and decor
ated with ALABASTINK the only
durable wall coating to insure health
and permanent satisfaction Write for
full information and free suggestions by
our artists Buy only in packages prop
erly labeled Alabastine
and 105 Vctor Street New York City
Is extensively used everywhere in the
world wherever the muzzle loader
las given way to the breech loader
It is made in the largest and best
equipped cartridge factory ia exis
This accounts for the uniformity of
its products
Tell your dealer U M C when
he asks What kind
Catalog free
The Union Metallic Cartridge Co
Agency 31u Broadway
Hew York City N Y
To prove the healing and
Cleansing power of Paitlne
Toilet Antiseptic we will
mail a large trial package I
with book of instructions
absolutely free This is not
a tiny sample hut a large
package enougn to con
vince anyone of its value
Women all over the country
are praising Pastine for what
it has done in local treat
ment of female Ills curinsr
all inflammation and discharges wonderful as a 1
cleansing vaginal douche for sore throat nasal j
and whiten the teeth Send today a postal card
wil do
Sold by druggists or Bent postpaid hyus CO
Cits largo box Satis Taction eunrantcct
214 Columbus Avn
Upwards of 100000 Americans
have settled In Western Canada
daring the past 5 years They are
and there Is room etlll for
Wonderful yields ot wheat and other cralns The
best grazing lands on the continent Magnificent
climate plenty of water and fuel good schools ex
cellent churches splendid railway facuitgs
the only charge for which Is 110 for entry Send to the
following for an Atlas and other literature as wellae
for certificate giving you reduced railway rates etc
Superintendent ot Immigration Ottawa Canada
ortoWVEennett801 KewYortLlfe BIdgOmahe
If eh the authorized Canadian Government Agent
i SVv lt I
v 2jrL
J r
If anyone offered you a good
dollar for an imperfect ont
would you take it
If anyone offered you one good
dollar for 75 cents of bad money
would you take it
i We offer you to ounces cf the
very best starch made for IfJcT
No other brand b jo good yet
all others cost 10c for 12 ounces
Ours u a business proposition
and cheapest
We guarantee II satMadory
Ask your grocer
Omaha NcbJ
ff VLP
rs ffs i l
Jmore m tj jeE3 Icc wjtte
Spru c Ena2l or Opal Glass
Ilacxs Astcyoiir dealer for tb ai
or write for catalogue sad prfcts