The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 03, 1903, Image 1

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Increased Attendance Solid Interest
This closes the first month of the Mo
Cook Junior Normal School and results
are reaching expectations in many re
spects and justifying the hopes of the
states educational department in the
establishment of these summer schools
Tho attendance has increased about fif
teen this week and tho interest of the
pupils in the normal Las settled down to
a solid basis which isgiving tho best re
suits and is very satisfactory- to those
Rev C R Betts of the Baptist church
addressed the normal at the chapel hour
Tho first concert by tho music depart
ment of tho normal will be given some
time about the close of July The Tri
bune has assurances that it will be
worth while
James the Knocker has finally decided
not to be identified officially with the
McCook Junior Normal School How
ever ten teachers from Hitchcock county
re in attendance upon the normal
jLho next lecture will be given by Dr
W a Clark president of tho Peru
State ljormal School He will be with
us July 03th and 14th His addresses
will bo on the attitude of the junior
normal to tho parent institution at Peru
and on pedagogicul topics
Miss Edna D Bulbck secretary of the
State Library Commission will spend
one whole week at tho normal sometime
during the session and will speak each
day of some aspect of the library work
how to select books how to follow a
regular and systematic course of read
ing and kindred subjects
A patriotic program was given this
morning in tho chapel The children
from Mrs Brindleys model school gave
a salute to the flag together with a
song and there were two recitations be
sides The whole school under the
leadership of Mr Bradford sang four
patriotic selections Miss OConnell
road the Declaration of Independence
and A O Thomas and G H Thomas
spoke briefly
The address by Deputy State Supt
McBrien in the assemby room last Fri
day evening on the subject of Abraham
Lincoln was appreciated by all wno
heard it Mr MoBrien has made a spe
cial study of American history lately
and of the life of Abraham Lincoln in
particular and in a short address gives
some very interesting and entertaining
thoughts of that great and glorious
character in our history There was a
special music program under direction
of Prof Bradford of the music depart
ment of the school
The state educational department is
determined as far as possible to recog
nize the work of the junior normals and
the different county superintendents
have fallen in line with this expressed
purpose of the state superintendent
Credits secured in the McCook Junior
Normal School will be recognized by the
county superintendentsupon whom their
claims will be specially urged This is
proper and just Those who go to the
expense and labor of attending the ses
sions of the normal have special claims
for recognition by those employing
Dean Fordyce of the Wesleyan Uni
versity Lincoln was with the normal
two days of this week Monday in the
chapel hour and following period he
spoke to the normalites on the Physi
cal Nature of the Child In the even
ing he continued the subject in a set
address which- was enjoyed for its in
struction and interest generally The
Dean is an expert on the subject of child
nature and his words have great weight
Tuesday morning at the chapel period
he continued and finished the topic
In the afternoon he spoke before the
class in elemental agriculture His re
marks were in the line of a nature study
and he used a chloroformed chicken as
an object lesson All his appearances
before the normal were very helpful and
Following is a full list of teachers and
others in attendance
McCook Jennie Brady Ruby Fitzgerald D
Burnett Roxa Byfield Agnes Elbert Nettie
Endsley Ada Hammond Mary Heafy Josie
Houlihan Audrey Jones Susie LeHew Ethel
Middleton Mary Novotny Josephine Phelan
May Prcdmoro Minnie Rowell Floyd Russell
Harold Sutton Edith White Lottie Watkins
Belle Brooks Laura McMillen Robert Burns
Sadie E Coyle Mary Elliott Julia Goodenber
ger Anna Hannan Bertha Hedges Winona
Jones Fred Knape Blanche McCarl Maude
Middleton Bessie Peterson Alma PowellMollie
Rhoinheimer Pearl Buggies Nellie Ryan Sylvia
Vanderhoof Mabel Wilcox Mabel Whitaker
Nellie Bennett Rosa Brady Mattio Broyles
Birdie Carty L W Jennings Lettie Knipple
Alice McKenna Carrie Peterson Fflna Waite
Emma Perry Winnie Browne Iiillie Campbell
Margaret Garrard Jessie Pope Mintie RozelL
Chase Fred Eggert
Cambridge Grace Edwards Ida Bedford
Blanche Pahl Mamie Showalter Lena Payton
Kate Payton
Hates Center Katie Smith
Eddt M J Hammond
Wauneta Laura Fanning Nellie Wheeler
Walter Wheeler NellieJDick
Stevens Eva Fitzgibbons
Osbuen Nannie Campbell
- rt r1 -
Imperial Myra Meeker Sarah Morris Vada
Samuelson Blanche Meeker Georgo Roe Adoll
Hoflmoistor Maud McClellan
Max Katie Hickman Attio Powell
Indianola J J Carter Eflle Crowder Alta
Hagar Emma Lang Teresa McDonnell Ethel
Sheridan J K Carter Ida Donnelly Edna Hol
comb Anna McDonnell Edna Reynolds Katie
Voring Grace Phillips Gertrude Teel Anna
Vering Delia Andrews
Springfield G R Hammond
Denver Colo Louise Pitney
Benkelman Amy Smith Lulu Smith
Dewey Hearing Comes to a Sudden End
Topeka Kan June 30 The hearing
of testimony before the commissioner ap
pointed byjhe state supremo court in the
cases of Chauncey Dewey and his two
cowboys was terminated suddenly today
when Attorney Hessin for the defense
refused to proceed further unless he could
go fully into the character and reputa
tion of the Berrys This Commissioner
Hamilton refused to permit and Attorney
Hessin announced that he would retire
Later council for both sides agreed to
stand on a record of the testimony taken
at the preliminary hearing in Cheyenne
county and the testimony taken her yes
terday This removes the necessity of
the commissioners in Cheyenne county
taking further testimony
Indianola Wednesday July 29 th
The Republican County Central Com
mittee met in Indianola Saturday and
determined to call the next county con
vention to be held in Indianola Wed
nesday afternoon July 29th at 130
oclock in Beardslee hall The vote for
Governor Mickey is taken as the Basis
of representation The several pre
cincts are given two delegates at large
and one delegate for each 15 votes or
fraction thereof The full call appears
elsewhere in this issue
Will McCook Celebrate
This year If they do all the up-to-date
young men will need a buggy in
which to bring their best girls to town
and if they dont they will have the
same need in going where they do cele
brate Make arrangements with W T
Coleman at once for a buggy Go in
and look over his selection
Clean Your Alleys
Property owners and occupants are re
quested to clean all manure and rubbish
out of alleys C B Gray
Street Commissioner
Just the Thing
In which to amuse the baby entertain a
friend a while or enjoy yourself alawn
swing W T Coleman can fill your
wants in this direction
For Sale Cheap
Several second hand buggies See me
at the Blue Front livery barn
W H Ackerman McCook Neb
Gasoline Stoves Repaired
Have your stove cleaned and repaired
before an accident happens See Lud
wick Phone 89
Good furnished front room to rent one
door north of Albert McMillens resi
dence Mrs L R Hileman
Hot weather goods in all lines going
fast MIdeal white lawn and silk waists
are unequalled for beauty and perfection
of fit 50c to 350 For sale only by The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
Word to
Well People
We Lave many things to sell be
sides pills and powders and other
disagreeable medicines Dont
think we are most happy when you
are sick Of course if you must
be sick we want to sell you your
medicine and fill youf prescriptions
but we have a thousand and one
things that you need besides med
icine Come in and see what we
have for the comfort and conven
ience of the well
McConnell Druggist
L Morse was down from Benkolmen
Bert Coulter returned to the city
first of the week
E R Bee of Cambridge had business
in the city Tuesday
Mrs Knud Stangland went down to
Lincoln this morning
Mrs W H Larned of Haigler is vis
iting friends in the city
Mrs H P Sutton returned from
Ainsworth early in the week
Mrs A J RiTTENHOusE is home this
week from her insurance work
Cashier Pennell of the First Na
tional is entertaining his father
T F Rowell the east ward janitor
is nbout taking the school census
MrsJ G Stokes is enjoying a visit
fromher brother J H McAcheran
Clark Hedges was out from Chicago
Saturday on a visit to the homefolks
Mrs Will Pate arrived home from
Sheridan Wyoming close of last week
L B Korn and son Roscoe were up
from Indianola Saturday to buy some
farm horses
Mr Diamond departed on No 2 Wed
nesday morning for Chicago to buy fall
and winter goods
Mr and Mrs J G Schobel were
Denver visitors Monday arriving home
on No 6 same night
G L Laws was up from Lincoln on
land business close of last and opening
days of the present week
Miss Mabel Wilcox left on 2 Wed
nesday morning to take in the great na
tional teachers convention
Mrs Rea Oman will see Denvers cel
ebration and Miss Blanche Casten will
be in Kearney over the Fourth
Mrs B F Holbrook and Miss Alice
Purdum of Canon City Colorado are
here on a visit to Mrs Adolph Mangless
Miss May Grannis arrived from Fay
ette Iowa Tuesday and will be the
guest of her cousin J H Grannis for a
number of weeks
H C Clapp of Honest Johns left on
2 Tuesday morning for Allegan Mich
igan to be gone about two weeks visit
ing his parents and friends of the old
Mrs John Trilton and Mrs John
Templeton of Cannonsburg Pennsyl
vania arrived in the city Wednesday on
No 13 and are the guests of their niece
Mrs J H Moore
Mrs T F Rowell left on 3 Satur
day night for Eldora Colorado on a visit
to John F Rowell and family Bessie
and Glenn are visiting Elmer on the
ranch near Max Dundy county
Miss Millie Slaby of our city and
Blanche Plumb of Danbury were excur
sionists bound for Boston Tuesday morn
ing to attend the national convention of
educators in the modern Athens
Mrs Compton who ha3 been here
from Sheridan Wyoming visiting her
mother Mrs Nicholas Colling left for
home Wednesday Her sister Barbara
Otopolic accompanied her on a visit
James Williams new house over on
the Beaver slope southeast of McCook
is now ready for the plasterers It is an
11 room building and will be one of the
best farm homes in the county when fin
Mrs Hinson and children of Beaver
City are guests of her sister Mrs Ed
Reed Mr Hinson was recently chosen
supt of the Cambridge schools but has
resigned the position to go into the min
Dr and Mrs A P Welles departed
on No 2 Tuesday morning for the east
on the national educational convention
excursion to Boston They will visit in
New York state and other points east
Later The Dr did not get away until
Thursday morning
Congressman G W Norris came in
from Wisconsin Tuesday and was here
briefly first of the week on his way to
Campbell California where some time
next week he will be united in marriage
with Miss Ella Leonard who was prin
cipal of the west ward school two years
since and is well and favorably known
to many McCook people The honey
moon will be passed in Wisconsin The
Tribune anticipates with hearty con
Mrs Frask Kkndlen returned on 3
Tuesday night from a visit to her sisters
in Lincoln before they left for Europe
on a visit Misses Mary and Lizzie Ste
vens will leave New York on Jujy 4th
on a Cunarder and will spend two or
three months visiting in England Ire
land and France A trip to Lake Kil
larney will be one of the attractions they
will visit The young ladies carry letters-
Lfrom Governor Mickey Chief Justice
Sullivan and are in every way equipped
to have a delightful visit across the big
Standing Central Nebraska League
Won Lost
Holdrege 10 2 866
McCook 9 3 750
Giltner 5 8 375
Minden 3 7 300
RedCloud 1 11 083
Central Nebraska Baseball League
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Paralyzed Havelock Club and Fans
Last Friday afternoon McCook fairly
paralyzed the Havelock baseball team
on the local diamond and the Havelock
fans aro still under the doctors care
Havelock had been playing winning
ball and a stiff game was expected
The result of the game however indi
cated that the visiting brethren were
fairly out classed McCook seemed to
have no difficulty in finding the ball
notwithstanding three pitchers were in
turn occupied The box for- the visit
ors Jones who was with McCook last
season was pounded unmercifully and
Scheffele and Morrison who went into
thebox in the sixth and eighth innings
respectively met a similar fate Schopp
and Bender were McCook s battery from
start to finish and the visitors only made
four hits off Schopp during the entire
game the locals making sixteen off the
trio who occupied the box for the visit
ors The balloon went up in the fifth
inning for Havelock and McCook scored
ten times O my countrymen it was
awful The locals were all arrayed in
their batting clothes and everybody
save Converse scored from one to four
times It was the completest and most
unpleasant surprise Havelock has had
this season and there was no malice
aforethought on the part of the locals
The particulars are painfully as follows
McCook 2 30 0102 0 2 -19
Havelock 0000001001
Two base hits Kennedy 2 Townsend Wilson
Moore and Messersraith
Stolen base Sheffele
Struck out By Schopp 11 Jones 3 Scheffele 2
Morrison 2
Bases on balls Off Schopp 1 Jones 3 Sheff
ele 0 Morrison 1
Passed balls Reed 2
Hits Off Jones 12 Sheffele 2 Morrison 2
Schopp 4
Errors McCook 1 Havelock 4
Double plays Kennedy to Rhodes to Wilson
Batteries Schopp and Bender Jones Sheff
ele Morrison and Reed
Umpire Milburn
Red Cloud Neb June 29 Special
McCook won from the locals by a score
of 6 to 1 The home team went to pieces
in the second inning letting the visitors
run up four scores but managed to get
down to business again and played a
clean game Score
McCook 0 4 0 0 100 016
RedCloud 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Batteries Beltzer and Bender Adams
and Rhea
Red Cloud Neb June 30 McCook
carried off the honors today after a hard
fought battle Both teams played fine
ball and the game was nearly errorless
McCook 10000002 14
RedCloud 1 0 0 00000 01
Home run Bender
Bases on balls Off Schopp 1 off Scott 1
Batteries Schopp and Bender Scott and
By some oversight the details were not
given in the daily press but Minden oh
Monday defeated Holdrege by a score of
4 to2 Minden will be in the game be
fore the season closes no one questions
Holdrege won from Minden Tuesday
by a score of 6 to 5
One of the most desirable homes
on McCook Eight rooms bath
-room closets fruit shade lawn
etc Geo B Berry
Wilsonville Bortlin Deraareo Holon John
son Flora Domaree
Hkndlet Lucy Ayars Lonora Mnrt
Maywood Carrio Bussard
Ouleans Eunico Munson
Red Cloud Florence Cotting
Champion Grace Davidson
- Box Eldeh Jeanette Doyle Maude Stone
Harry Shophord
Lincoln Margaret Lewis
Havana Martin Jussell
Beaver Citt Clara Kern
Lebanon Hattie Weatherwax
Cuutib Nellie White
Teenton Grace Houser Vfria Peterson
Mnnda GrovertAddie Harding Pleasant Ham
Stamford Mabol Palmer
Bankbville Mary Peters
Quick Carrio Tcel W W Teel
Stratton Minnie Raicharfc Inez Walker
Center Point Anna Russell
Harvard Francos Martin
Cedar Bluffs Kansas Vivian Gossard
D anbury Dora Greenway Pearl Hayes John
Ruby Bertha Thompson Mary Greenway Rosa
Minniear Lucretia Ruby Roxa Brown Maude
Palisade Mollie Ryan
Bartley Lizzie Adair Pearl Curlee Perry
Ginther Mary Richman Ida Bush Nellie Far
roll Clara Meoker Oscar Lohr
Culbertson Alice Stewart Verna Vastine
Superior Neb July 1 Special
McCook and Mary ville Kansas baseball
teams played ball here today The game
was a good one up to the sixth inning
when McCook went to pieces and Mary
ville scored three runs Maryville scored
again in the seventh McCook was un
able to reach the homo plate Score
Maryville 4 McCook 0 Batteries O
Brien and Miller Beltzer and Bender
The same teams play here tomorrow
mcook turned the tahles
For Marysvillo in Thursdays game win
ning by a shut out score of 4 to 0
Giltner won from Minden Thursday
score 7 to 3
Holdrege won from Red Cloud Wed
nesday Score 10 to 3
Holdrege took Thursdays game from
Red Cloud The score was 7 to 1
Pitcher Jones was mistaken McCook
didnt have to go some They do go
some however
Giltner shut Minden out at Giltner
Wednesday Score 6 to 0 Waneks
pitching was the feature of the game
Walter Thorgrimson of the relief de
partment Lincoln pitched winning ball
for Havelock at Hastings Wednesday of
last week shutting out Hastings
We run the official schedule of games
of tho Central Nebraska league for 1903
this week for tho purpose of correcting
an error made in the preparation of the
schedule The now schedule changes
the Minden Red Cloud games of July
17 18 to July 15 16 and the Holdrege
Red Cloud games of July 15 16 to July
17 18
Base ball and tennis goods at Cone
The public library will be closed all
day Saturday July 4th
Fine dress goods at less than cost
S W Lowman
The postoffice will be open Saturday
July 4th from 8 to 0 a m and 130 to
230 pm
See Kapke the South Main avenue
tailor if you want a suit or pair of pants
Orders taken and goods guaranteed
Prices very reasonable
FC gauze corsets of all sorts 35c
to 100 Money back after four weeks
wear if dissatisfied For sale only by
The ThompsoaDry Goods Co
Blind Boone will fill an engagement in
the opera house here Monday evening
July 6th in place of the date canceled a
few weeks ago by the serious illness of
his wife
Work on the Catholic church is now
in full swing Quite a foice of brick
layers are now rushing up the founda
tions of the buildings while others are
preparing the stonework
Mens suits S350 6450 500 650
750 to 1250 Boys 3 piece suits 300
and 350 Knee pant suits 85c to 325
Special values in mens business and
work pants The Thompson Dry Goods
J F Welborn general sales agent of
the Colorado Fuel and Iron Co has re
turned to the city accompanied by his
bride Mr Welborn and Miss Baker
were united in marriage in Milwaukee
on June 2 Saturdays Denver Times
St Patricks Church Social
The young ladies of St Patricks par
ish will give a lawn social at Mrs C M
Baileys Thursday evening July 9th
Ice cream and cake 15c Following is
the musical program for the evening
Vocal Solo Mrs P F McKenna
ViolinSolo W J McGillin
Piano Duet Alice Bennett and Clare McKenna
Vocal Solo Elsie Campbell
Piano Solo Mrs Frank Wallace
Recitation Mrs Marsh Trammell
Vocal Solo Mrs C WBritfc
Recitation Sadie Coyle
Piano Solo Millie Elbert
Whistling Solo F L Palmer
Piano Duet Alice and Clara McKenna
A cordial invitation to all
Before buying a hammock see the lat
est and get prices at McMillens drug
store i
Dog Tax
Dog tax is due If you want to keep
a dog pay the license to A C Ebert
city treasurer at once C B Gray
Chief of Police
Dwelling House for Sale
My residence property in McCook lot
16 block 8 original McCook Address
J L Gray
528 W 69th st Chicago 111
We nearly forgot to announce that
among our makes of skirts that are now
ready to wear are some large sizes 28
29 30 31 waists and 42 43 and 44 lengths
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
The ladies of the Baptist Church
take great pleasure in announcing to the
people of McCook that Mr Harmon H
Watt of the Chicago Piano College
will give a musical recital at their church
on the evening of July 16th No person
who loves music can afford to miss this
rich and rare musical treat
Japalac at Cone Bros
The best paint Heath Milligan
You can buy at Cone Bros
Got your garden hose of F D Burgess
McMillen can please you in hammocks
See the fine line of hammocks at Cono
See those enamel lined refrigerators at
For wall paper and all inside finish
ings go to Cono Bros
See McMillens wall paper boforo se
lecting for your Jiome
Best grade of garden hose at very low
prices at F D Burgess
Just received 48 and 54 inch binder
canvas at J H Grannis
Paints oils varnish stains ianalac
enamels etc at McMillens
H P Waite will sell you the best
grade hose at tho lowest figure
Dont be deceived There is but one
best the Heath Milligan paint
Buy anything of Cone Bros pay cash
and you get double trading stamps
Job lot of ladies shoes worth 225 and
250 Special price 129 DeGroff
McMillen has a large line of wall
paper goods colorings at right prices
Elegant Persian rug for sale at half
price S W Lowman
Now is the time to paint Use the
best Heath Milligan Cone Bros
Buy your wall paper of Cono Bros and
get two blue stamps with each 10 cents
McMillen sells tho best mixed paint
you can get guaranteed for threo years
See that string of lawn mowers at
Waites All sizes Price3 from 3 up
H P Waite has a full line of Alaska
refrigerators and Jewel gasoline stoves
Use Liquid Koal for thicken cholera
mites lice etc For sale by James
It is absolutely unequaled The unap
proachable Ocean Wave washing ma
Goodrich Rubber Co make the best
garden hose All guaranteed by F D
Try McMillens sarsaparilla for the
blood Money refunded if not sat
The Jewel is the most economical and
most durable of all the gasoline stoves
For sale bv H P Waite
Since Sylvester Cordeals debut as a
sign writer there is talk of starting a
summer school in orthography
Lots sold but still a few feet left of
that superior Stephen Ballard lawn hose
at W T Colemans at a bargain
Orders taken for strictly tailor made
suits at Kapkes at from 1500 and
upwards Pants at from 4 upwards
You can have the prettiest house in
your neighborhood by using Heath
Milligan paint Buy it at Cone Bros
Embroideries and laces handsome and
cheaper than ever sold in McCook
S W Lowman
Tailor made suits at from 1500 and
upward ordered by Kapke the South
Main street tailor Pants at from 4
There has been lots of noise about
paint this spring but when people want
good paint the real thing why they
buy Mound City
Kapke will take your orders for suits
strictly tailor made at from 1500 and
upwards 4 and upwards for pants
Satisfaction guaranteed
Just the weather now for those lace
gloves in white and black Also for
silk mitts and silk gloves 25c to 100
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Call in and see our new line of wrist
chatelaine bags ladies and gents purses
card cases boodle books etc
A McMillen Druggist
Ladies gauze union suits vests and
pants boys and girls gauze underwear
Prices from 5c to 50c Mens black and
balbriggan summer underwear Also
fancies Price 25c to 75c The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co One price plain fig
ures cash only
Every man to his trade and business
Paul A nton makes it his serious business
to provide the juiciest tenderest meats
for his customers Its his trade He
knows how And then again he uses
the best of corn fed beeves They are
the only kind that produce really good
meat It costs you the same as the poor
tough sort
The Roseville bakery dishes are
attracting considerable attention at
the Beo Hive