0 M IjS if THE BEE HIVE C A Stonis lv J v J C Giiekxh STONE GREENE ENGINEERS and MACHINISTS All Kinds of Machinery Repaired Steam threshing machines overhauled steamed up and tested Inquire of or address Stone Gkeene East Dennison Street McCook Neb CHICHESTERS ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS sul s a Hate Alwnys reliable tallica ask Druggist for CIIICIIKXTKIfS ENGLISH in Red and olil metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon Take no other Refuse dangerous nubuli tutlonaand imitations Buy of your Druggist or send 4c in stamps for Particulars Testl monlalM and Relief for Lnclie in Utter by return Mail 10000 Testimonials Sold by all Druggists CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO 2100 Madison Square fIIIIA 5A Mention thla paper ftSrVht 4 All Calls For The Answered by the BLUE -FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains and an swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 W Ii Ackerman f McCook Nebraska Low Rates West The Burlington offers round trip tick ets as follows Denver Colo and return 12 June 1 to September 30 Colorado Springs Colo and return 1240 June 1 to September 30 Pueblo Colo and return 1365 June 1 to September 30 Glenwood Springs Colo and return 2190 June 1 to September 30 Ogden Utah and return 2790 June 1 to September 30 Salt Lake City Utah and return 2790 June 1 to September 30 Ask the ticket agent for particulars r - sTJrT Have You Tafceu a Look at Our Semi Porcelain Ware Most people believe what they see Come in and see our line of SLIPPER For men women and children All styles Our prices are right MODEL SHOE STORE rs rP The decorations and shapes are pleasing and we are offering 16 Values in 101 Piece Sets for Only 12 Should you want a less expensive set we have them in best English whiteware open stock Should you only want a small set or to fill in your old one we can supply your wants No need of being without dishes We will make the payments easy and with out interest Come in and hear our plan McCOOK NEBRASKA A E PETTY Proprietor His Last Hope Realized From tho Sentinel Gobo Mont In the first opening of Oklahoma to settlors in 1889 the editor of this paper was among tho many seekers after for tune who made the big race one fine day in April During his traveling about and afterwards his camping on his claim ho encountered much bad water which together with the severe heat gave him a very severe diarrhoea which it seemed almost impossible to check and along in June the case became so bad he expected to die One day one of his neighbors brought him one small bottle of Cham berlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a last hope A big dose was given him while he was rolling about on the ground in great agony and in a few minutes the dose was repeated The good effect of tho medicine was soon no ticed and within an hour the patient was taking his first sound sleep for a fortnight That one little bottle worked a complete cure and he cannot help but feel grateful The season for bowel dis orders being at hand suggests this item For sale by L W McConnell Constipated Bowels To have good health the body should be kept in a laxative condition and the bowels moved at least once a day so that all the poisonous wastes are expelled daily Mr G L Edwards 142 N Main street Wichita Kansas writes I have used Heroine to regulate the liver and bowels for the past ten years and found it a reliable remedy 50c at A McMil lens jH on a Ban wm imbmm i If I Seeing is Believing 1 P ltl Mi More Low Rates The Burlington will sell round trip tickets July 1 to 10 as follows San Francisco and return 5000 Los Ange les and return 5000 San Diego and re turn 5000 Ask tho ticket agent for particulars I have been troubled for some time with indigestion and sour stomach says Mrs Sarah WCurtis of Lee Mass and have been taking Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets which have helped me very much so that now I can eat many things that before I could not If you have any trouble with your stom ach why not take these Tablets and get well For sale by L W McConnell Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy The uniform success of this remedy has made it the most popular prepara tion in use for bowel complaints It is everywhere recognized as the one reme dy that cari always be depended upon and that is pleasant to take It is espe cially valuable for summer diarrhoea in children and is undoubtedly the means of saving the lives of a great many chil dren each year For sale by L W Mc Connell Low Rates West The Burlington offers round trip tick ets as follows Denver Colo and return 940 July 1 to 10 Colorado Springs and return 1190 jlily 1 to 10 Pueblo and return 1315 July 1 to 10 Ask ticket agent for particulars See Kapke the South Main avenue tailor if you want a suit or pair of pants Orders taken and goods guaranteed Prices very reasonable t3F Wedding of a Former McCook Girl Tho following brief account of tho marringo of a former McCook girl comes to us from a friend too modest to mako known identity Mr John H Davis of Laramie Loming and miss iseiio urury iMsner or Denver Colorado wore married at eight oclock Wednesday evening Juno 24tb 1903 in the parlors of tho Albany hotel Denver Colorado Rev Frost Craft of Trinity Methodist church Denver per forming tho ceremony Mr Davis is manager of tho Union Pacific stockyards in Laramie und is a prominent stockman in his own right and interest Miss Fisher is a daughter of Mrs Martha E Fisher who has spent tho last four years in Denver Tho relatives and friends of tho groom present from Laramie were Mrs John Davis mother of groom Mr and Mrs Thomas W A Whitney assistant supt of tho Union Pacific Wyoming division S H Campbell fish commis sioner of tho state of Wyoming and Mrs Campbell Relatives and friends of the brido were Mrs Martha E Fisher mother of tho bridoMrsAshmoreMiss Carrie Ash more Mr and Mrs George Ashmore and Hugh Ashmore Mrs J W Line of McCook Nebraska Thomas Kelley Miss Julia Kelley Miss Jennio Ray and Miss Jessie Barker of Denver Mr and Mrs Davis departed on the 840 train for Salt Lake City Portland and a tour of tho Pacific coast on their wedding trip The bride spent a number of years in McCook in tho early days and a host of friends of the olden times will join The Tribune in wishing her and the gentle man of hor choice great joy and much prosperity in their wedded life They will bo at home after August 1st corner Fremont and Fourth sts Lar amie Wyo x George Bonger Eas an Experience At 1130 oclock last Saturday night three men held up and robbed a West Twenty ninth street car at Twenty ninth and Yates street From the conductor George Bonger of 3241 Gallup avenue they secured 8 of his money and 10 belonging to the Tramway company When the car reached West Twenty ninth avenue and Yates street it stopped to let a passenger a young man off The young man was seen to start in a fast run and Conductor Bonger had just turnea to ring toe car anead wnen a man wearing a white domino sprang on the step and with a revolver cried Give me your money or Ill blow your brains out Bonger immediately put his hands up and the robber hastily searched him Bonger had 3 in silver belonging to himself and about 10 of the companys money Tho bandit took this and shov ing it in his pocket jumped off the car Bonger then rang to the motorman to I go ahead When Bonger threw up his hands he drew from his pocket a purse containing 20 in bills and unnoticed by the bandit tossed it into the car His watch was not taken and the robber left him 150 for change Denver Post Sunday Winner of a Gold Medal From the St Louis Republic The Tribune gleans the fact that Blanche Cordeal daughter of Mr and Mrs Jo seph A Cordeal formerly of our city now of St Louis is this year the winner of the gold medal in the Junior class of St Vincents Seminary of St Louis for excellence in scholarship Miss Blanche is but twelve years old Last year she also received a prize for scholarship be ing at that time tho youngest pupil who ever received a prize in St Vincents Seminary The Tribune hastens to congratulate Miss Blanche and her dot ing parents Kodol Gives Strength by enabling the digestive organs to di gest assimilate and transform all of tho wholesome food that may be eaten into the kind of blood that nourishes the nerves feeds the tissues hardens the muscles and recuperates the organs of the entire body Kodol Dyspepsia C u re cu res ind igestion dyspepsia catarrh of the stomach and all stomach disor ders Sold by L W McConnell Low Rates East VIA BURLINGTON ROUTE On June 30 and July 1 the Burlington offers round trip tickets to Chicago and St Louis from points in Nebraska and Kansas at one fare plus 200 Return limit September 15 Ask the Agent Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice June 22 1903 Ebert Emit Moore Nat H Lysle Mae Shinnel Ina Moore Aimer Woods K W When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster Driven to Desperation Living at an out of the way place re mote from civilization a family is often driven to desperation in case of acci dent resulting in Burns Cuts Wounds Ulcers etc Lay in a supply of Buck lens Arnica Salve Its the best on earth 25c atL W McConnells drug store Chamberlains Pain Balm ia an anti septic liniment and when applied to cuts bruises and burns causes them to heal without maturation and much more quickly than by the usual treatment For sale by L W McConnell g njjiMirggMHWBfcfg iS RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Warner Anderson is on the rod bench vice Samuel Pickard on third Conductor W W Webster has 42 dur ing Conductor Beales absence Clerk Collott and Operator Kotlor of Oxford witnessed Tuesdays game Elmer Engborg eanio up from Hoi drego to see tho ball game Monday John Stevens and Ralph have been down from Denver part of tho week Brakeman W S Braco of the high lino was married in Holyoko recently James Irwin left first of tho week for Horington Kansas where he has a job F H Hammell went up to Denver Tuesday night on a visit to his brother Supt Campbell wont west in hiB pri vate car 10 Wednesday attached to No 14 - George Whittaker of Walkers office has returned to work after a short vaca tion A L Hines has quit and H L Nixon has been discharged frpm tho paintgang this week Engineer Alex McLean arrived home Monday night from his trip down into Arkansas William J Drew and Charles Sweig hart are new machinists in tho service this week John L Rice of Trainmaster Kenyons office was with the home folks in Haigler over Sunday Brakeman J J Laughlin has secured a vacation and has gone to St Paul Minn for a month The drivers for 198 arrived from Have lock Thursday They have been pro vided with new axles William Stouts father drove up from Arapahoe this week driving along a fine milk cow for the son No 158 is in tho backshop for over hauling The HoldregO switchengino is in the shop for new flues Waycar No 52 is just in the carpenter shop for an overhauling and 97 is about ready to go out into the service J Aubrey Burton has the brass lathe lately manipulated by Thomas L OPry who has gone south for his health M E Wells the boiler man has been here fromSherioan part of the week in the interest of the care of boilers William Plasmyere G B Thomas J A Hunnicut and G II Hartsough are new machinists helpers this week A C Paulson formerly a fireman out of McCook is now ill in Grand Island and is not being forgotten by the boys here Dispatcher J B Culbertson and bride are in the city They were married in Chariton Iowa Wednesday Congrat ulations Engineer and Mrs G R Frey arrived from Alliance first of the week and are guests at the home of Master Mechanic Archibald Thomas L OPry machinist and F R Toy machinists helper have quit the service OPry going to Atchison directly from here R W Steevens Thomas Vaughn P J Travis W H Sexton lately trans ferred from the roundhouse are new members of the paint gang Freight trains 148 and 147 were in col lision in the Holdrege yards Tuesday and two engines and one car of wheat were smashed up causing a pretty large damage bill Master Mechanic Archibald is now de livering on the ground Colorado redstone for the foundation of his new residence which will be one of the finest and most complete in the city Tom O Robinson who has been away for a number of weeks on a vacation at home and in the east returned to the city Tuesday on No 1 and on Wednes day resumed his position with the agents force W T Wootton on Wednesday even ing had the misfortune to fall out of a dray wagon and dislocate his collar bone He had just about recovered from a sim ilar accident and has the sympathy of all in this mishap Conductor and Mrs H A Beale were called to Denver Tuesday night by the death of her sisters husband They went through here Wednesday night bound for Rock Island 111 where the remains will be interred A sink and drain are being built to the watertank at the roundhouse at this place The water will drain into the old well This will keep the waste water out of the pit of the turntable which is especially annoying in winter time Conductor J J Larkey who came so near being sidetracked for aye by a roughrider with a knife over on the St Francis line a few weeks since has so far recovered as to be able to resume his run and Conductor L S Watson has returned to headquarters from Oxford Engines Nos 360 and 265 damaged in the Holdrege yard accident are now in the shop here being repaired The front ends of the frames of both of them were bent and their pilots smashed up other wise the damage was slight considering the manner of the coming together of the big machines M E Wells of Sheridan Wyoming the boiler expert has just received no tice from the president of the club that he has been awarded secondprize in the recent competition invited by the Pacific 7TT r I hp I inn f VnmmpriniP I Is a pleasant thing if you are clad in dresses made from some i of our light airy Summer Fabrics Voile Etamine Batiste an Twine Cloth In woolen fabrics are new and very desirable Get them now Also get what you want in wash fabrics and waistings Our line is still complete Come before the assortment is broken For Groceries call Phone 22 J g 5jJ nip THE 4 was Pi FB OmHIKS iPx SCOTTS EMULSION wont make a hump back straight neither will it make a short leg long but it feeds soft bone and heals diseased bone and is among tne tew genuine means or recovery in rickets and bone consumption Send for free sample SCOTT BOWNE Chemists 409 415 Pearl Street New York 50c and 100 all druggists araaw tor a L DeGBOFF CO VVMl1VVvltVVV Coast Railway Club There were sixteen papers in the competition from all over the United States The first prize was 100 the second prize 75 In notifying Mr Welles of the fact of his being suc cessful in capturing the second prize the president uses quite complimentary words in referring to Mr Wells paper which was on the question The Care of Boilers a question the writer has been giving close attention for more than a year past Not Up to Specifications Concluding from the remarks of quite a number who heard the gentleman The Tribune is constrained to the opin ion that Colonel Nat Franco imperson ator comedian et cetera is not up to specifications His entertainment last Friday evening in the court room un der the auspices of the literary board did not comport with the flamboyant announcements and endorsements at hand through no fault of the board however as they have been particularly careful and conscientious in the matter of securing talent They seem to have been imposed upon this time or our people are not appreciative of that sort of talent That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you if you used Dr Kings New Life Pills Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches They make pure blood and build up your health Only 25 cents Money back if not cured Sold by L W Mc Connell druggist The Doyle Jack Parties wishing to breed to the Doyle jack are notified that after July 1st I will take him to any point within 20 miles of McCook provided there are five or more mares to serve He breeds large and nice A W Campbell A Parrot Can Talk But you cant depend on what it says being true Its different at Marshs meat market Their meats talk and nothing talks truer than the good article itself Base ball and tennis goods at Cono Bros July 1st Thornburg Hayes county v becomes a money order office See that string of lawn mowers at Waitos All sizes Prices from 3 up Subscribe for The -Tribune tho best paper in the county Only 1 per year Tho police have been making it decid edly interesting for the bums this week Hammocks Before buying a hammock see the lat est and get prices at McMillens drug store For Sale Cheap Several second hand buggies See me at the Blue Front livery barn W II Ackerman McCook Neb Just the Thing In which to amuse the baby entertain a friend a while or enjoy yourself a lawn swing W T Coleman can fill your wants in this direction A Terrible Hailstorm Last Friday a hailstorm prevailed over the territory between Eustisand Oxford doing great damage over a strip of land about thirty miles long and three miles wide A man by the name of Downer was killed by lightning during the storm Paint for Home Painters Are you going to do some painting 2 We have paint3 for every purpose in sizes to suit all ready for the brush L W McConnell IStartling Evidence Fresh testimony in great quantity is constantly coming in declaring Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption to bo unequaled A recent expression from T J McGarland Bentorvifle Va serves as example He writes I had bronchitis for three years and doctored all the time without heme benefited Then I began taking Dr Kings New Discovery and a few bottles wholl cured me Equally effective in curing all Lung and Throat troubles Consump tion Pneumonia and Grip Guaran teed by L W McConndl druggist Trial bottles free regular sizes 50c and 81C0 A Splendid Remedy Neuralgic pains rheumatism lumbago and sciatic pains yield to the penetrating influence of Ballards Snow Liniment It penetrates to the nerves and bone and being absorbed into the blood its healing properties are conveyed to every part of the body and effect some wonderful cures DF Moore Agt Illinois Central Railway Milan Tenn states I have used Ballards Snow Liniment for rheu matism backache etc in my family It is a splendid remedy We could not do without it 25c 50c and 1C0 at A McMillens