Rv F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Republican State Convention Tho ropubHcunsof tho Htnto of Nobrnska arc horoby cnllcd to moot in convention in tho city -of Lincoln on Tuasdny August 18 1003 tit two oclock in tlio nftoriioon for tho purpose of tilnciug in nomination candidates for the oflicos to bo voted for nt tho next ofal election to bo held in tho stato of Nebrahka November 3 1MM viz One judge of tho supremo court two resents of tho university of tho state of Nebraska and for tho transaction of such other businoss as mny regularly como boforo said convention Tlio basis of representation of tho sovoral - counties in said convention shall bo tho vote yeast for Hon John II Mickey for governor nt the regulnr olection held on November 4 1902 giving one dologato for each 100 votes or major fraction thoroof so cast for tho said John II Mickey and onodolega to at largo for each county Said apportionment entitles tho several coun ties to the following representation in tho said convention Chase i Dundy i Frontier 8 Furnas 12 Gosper 4 Hitchcock 4 Hayes 4 Red Willow 11 Total number of delegates 1051 It is recommonded that no proxies bo allowed in said convention but that tho delegates out thereat bo authorized to cast tho full vote of tho county represented by them Notico is hereby givou that each of tho oven numbered senatorial districts in tho state is to solcct n member of tho state committee to servo for tho torm of two years It is also the sense and request of tho stato committee that at tho timo delegates are chosen to tho coming stato convention tho several counties proceed to complete their county or ganization for tho campaign of 1903 by the se lection of road district helpers precinct com mitteemen and regular officers of ench county committee By order of tho stato committee - H C Lindsat Chairman A B Allen Secretary Fourteenth Judicial Convention Tho Republicans of tho Fourteenth Judicial District of Nebraska are horeby called to meot in convention in the city of McCook Nebraska Thursday afternoon September 17th 1903 at two oclock for the pnrpose of placing in nomi nation a candidate for the office of jtidgo of tho Fourteenth District of Nebraska and for tho transaction of such other business as may prop erly como before that convention The basis of representation of the several counties of tho district in said convention shall bo tho vote cast for Hon J H Mickey in 1902 for tho office 6f governor of the stato of No braska giving one delegate at large one dele gate for each 100 votesormajor fraction thereof so cast Which apportionment entitles the sev eral counties of tho district to tho following representation Chaso 272 4 Gosper 335 4 Dundy 292 4 Hayes 26G 4 Frontier 717 8 Hitchcock 319 4 Furnas 1121 12 Red Willow 1012 11 Total No of delegates 51 It is recommended by the committee that no proxies be allowed in said convention but that tho delegates present from ench county bo al lowed to cast tho vote of said county It was further recommonded that the chair man and secretary of tho committee bo tlio temporary chairman and secretary of the con vention H H Bekrt Chairman F M Kimmell Secretary McCook Nebraska June 19 1903 Republican papers of tho district please copy The Tribune has made a heroic effort to follow Colonel Mitchell and Dr Brown in tho matter of assessing scrub and reg istered stock at the same value But for tho life of us we cannot arrive at the same conclusion they do Why a man who has animals that sell for from S100 up should have the same assessed at the same value another man has scrub cattle that would not bring more than one fourth as much on the market is beyond our idea of equity altogether That such a proposition would have any standing in a court of equity one holy second seems improbable if not impossible It would be just as unjusf and outrageous as it would be to compel a man to sell registered stock at the same price that scrubs sell for It sometimes happens that newspapers and men are constrained perforce of per sonal or political or other circumstances to urge mildly or otherwise upon the consideration of tho people candidates they cannot f ully endorse It is a source of pleasure to The Tribune to state that this is not the case nor the fact with The Tribune in the matter of urging upon the people of the Fourteenth judi cial district the claims of Mayor Charles E Eldred of McCook for the Kepublican nomination for judge of the district court We can and do endorse him to the limit He is qualified in heart and mind and law and has wide experience in the courts No man has been men tioned in connection with the nomination for the office of district judge who is better endowed A man of honor hon est conscientious capable conservative having the courage of his convictions fair and square above petty tricks and wajs that are vain Charles E Eldred commends himself to the people as one upon whom they can depend to do justly with them before the law J C L Wisely of the Culbertson Herald was in the city a few hours yes terday evening on business Indigestion Causes CatarrK of tle - Stomach For many years it has been supposed that Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re peated attacks of indigestion inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of the Juices of natural digestion This i3 called Catarrh of the Stomach Kod Dyspepsia Cure relieves all inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach protects the nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a sense of fullness after eating indigestion dyspepsia and all stomach troubles Kodol Digests What You Eat Make the Stomach Sweet Bottles only Regular size S 1 00 holding 2H times the trial size which sells for 50 cents 9rcpard by E O DeVYlft CO Chicago ill BUY Gray I My hair was falling out and turning gray very fast But your Hair Vigor stopped the falling and restored the natural color Mrs E Z Benomme Cohoes N Y Its impossible for you not to look old with the color of seventy years in your hair Perhaps you are seventy and you like your gray hair If not use Ayers Hair Vigor In less than a month your gray hair will have all the dark rich color of youth 100 a bottle All druggists If your druggist cannot supply yon send us ono dollar and we will express you a bottle lie sure and give tho narao of your nearest express omce Address J C AYER CO Lowell Mass PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY NOTES The American people aro a nation of wanderers Few of us are content to remain long in ono place but must go to some land which in perspective seems to be more alluring than that in which for the time being we find ourselves It matters little what our circumstances when tho desire to travel comes upon us The temptation to go in search of new scenes and experiences is irresistible nor do we stop to consider the conse quences of any step we feel inclined to take Wo act and count the cost after wards Our wages may be and often is discomfort perhaps suffering but we are more than recompensed on the whole for physical inconveniences by wider knowledge and broader understanding Against no people can the charge of provincialism be brought with less jus tice than against us and this is because we have traveled far and seen much The older the civilization the narrower are its prejudices the more stable the population the more circumscribed is the mental range The less of coming and going the less is known of any but local habits and customs The west is big ger than the east because the west knows not only itself but the east also The larger our fund of learning the richer are our lives the intenser our pleasures if the keener our sorrows It is knowledge of men and of inanimate nature in its relation to men that ex pands the intellectual horizon that lib eralizes culture To really know a peo ple one should live among them but the opportunity to thus gain knowledge at first hands is not permitted to many All of us however can avail ourselves of the advantages that books offer and in this age of books none needs to live in ignorance of the remoter parts of the earth Of all the classes of books that are ours to read books of travel are not the least interesting or the least instruc tive In The Land of the Midnight Sun Paul du Chaillu has performed an un ique service for the Scandinavian penin sula Probably no truer account exists of the people of any country than this of the inhabitants of these northern countries from which we have received so large an immigration during the last few years A reading of this book will give us an insight into a manner of liv ing so different from our own that we cannot but be interested M du Chaillu by the way died a few weeks ago in Russia a land to which he had gone for a purpose similar to that which took him to Norway and Sweden He de voted his life to works of this sort His books about tropical Africa have attract ed wider attention than any others on the same subject The arctic regions have lured many an adventurer to his death The stories of those who survived have enjoyed great popularity One of the latest books of adventure in the colder countries is Farthest North by Nansen If you are interested in these and books of a like character you will find them on the shelves in the northeast corner of the library a corner that deserves a better patronage than it receives Do You Enjoy What You Eat If you dont your food does not do you much good Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the remedy that everyone should take where there is anything wrong with the stomach There is no way to maintain the health and strength of mind and body except by nourishment There is no way to nourish except through the stomach The stomach must be kept healthy pure and sweet or the strength will let down and disease will set up No appetite lost of strength nervous ness headache constipation bad breath sour risings rifting indigestion dyspep sia and all stomach troubles are quickly cured by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Sold by W McConnell Meats For Tender Teeth Are aspecialty at Paul Antons market Spare your teeth and at the same time help your digestion by ordering from him Phone orders just as carefully and promptly filled as though you came in person YOUR Cadets for Revenue Cutter Service We are informed by Congressman Norris that -civil service examinations will be held at Beatrice Grand Island and Omaha on July 29 30 and 31 for tho position of cadet in the rovenue cutter service Tho examination will consist of tho following subjects Spoiling arith metic algebra general geography geometry general history and consti tution of tho United States phys ics general information on current top ics trigonometry grammar rhetoric and composition English literature one modern language French German or Spanish Under the regulations of the treasury department applicants must be not less than 18 nor more than 25 years of age of vigorous constitution physically sound and well formed not less than 5 feet 3 inches in height of good moral charac ter and unmarried The marriage of a cadet will be considered equivalent to his resignation Applicants are advised that cadets may bo commissioned by the President as lieutenants after two years satisfact ory service The salary of a cadet is S500 per annum and one ration per day There are in the revenue cutter ser vice commissioned officers as follows Captains about 36 at a salary of 2500 per annum first lieutenants about 36 at a salary of 81800 per annum second lieutenants about 36 at a salary of Sl 500 per annum third lieutenants about 12 at a salary of 1400 As the result of this examination it is expected that about eight pr 10 ap pointments will be made sometime dur ing the coming summer to the position of cadet This examination is open to all citizens of the United States who comply with the requirements Competitors will bo rated without regard to any considera tion other than the qualifications shown in their examination papers and eligi bles will be certified strictly in accord ance with the civil services law rules Persons who desire to enter this ex amination may obtain full particulars by addressing Congressman Norris at Mc Cook Hot Weather Weakness If you feel fagged out listless and lacking in energy you are perhaps suf fering from the debilitating effects of summer weather These symptoms indi cate that a tonic is needed that will cre ate a healthy appetite make digestion perfect regulate the bowels and impart natural activity to the liver This Herb ine will do it is a tonic laxative and restorative H J Freegard proprietor Grand View hotel Cheney Kan writes I have used Herbine for the last 12 years and nothing on earth can beat it It was recommended to me by Dr New ton of Newton Kansas 50c at A McMillens Cattle for Sale 135 cows with calves at side 38 wean lings and yearlings many of the cows are dairy cows All young cattle Call on me at my place 6 miles west and 1 mile north of Danbury or address me at Danbury Nebraska John H Ball Fraternal Insurance Order Cards R C I P A Lodge No 612 meets first and third Thursdays of each month McQonnelPs hall 830 p ra E B Hubeb President W S Gutee Secretary ROYAL HIGHLANDERS McCook lodge No 807 meets on second and fourth Mon day evenings of each month at eight oclock in McConnell hall R W Devoe Illustrious Pro tector J C Mitchell Secretary ROYAL NEIGHBORS Noble camp No 862 meets second and fourth Thursday after noons at 2 30 oclock in McConnells hall Mrs Thad Shepherd Oracle Mrs Augusta Anton Recorder HERES A BABY Its Mother is Well The baby is healthy because during the period of gestation its mother used the popular and purely vegetable liniment t Mothers Friend Mothers Friend is a soothing softening relaxing liniment a muscle maker orator and freshener It puts new power into the back and hips of a coming mother It is applied externally only there is no dosing and swallowing of nasty drugs no inward treatment at all The state of the mother during gestation may influence the disposition- and future of the child that is one reason -why moth ers should -watch their condition and avoid pain Her health that of the child and their lives depend on keeping free from pain worry and melancholy Be of good cheer strong of heart and peaceful mind Mothers Friend can and -will make you so Bearing down pains morn ing siccness sore Dreast ana insomnia are all relieved by this wonderful remedy Of druggists at iooper bottle Send for our book iTotherhood free fHE BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA SHOES CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Loughkan Pastor Methodtst Sunday school at ten Proaching at elevon and eight Prayer meeting at eight on Wednesday evening L H Shumate Pastor Congregational Sunday school at 10 oclock Preaching at 11 and 8 oclock Y P S C E at 7 oclock All aro in vited F W Dean Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in tho month Sunday school at ten oclock a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening-prayer and sermon at 8 Tho third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 8 a m All aro welcome E R Earle Rector First Baptist Church All services at the usual hours Dr Riley will discuss tho following subjects next week Sunday 3100 a m - Wives and Moth ers A Word to Women 300 p m The Sixth Commandment To Men only 800 p m Mutual Confessions A Sermon for All Monday 8 p m Confession and Absolution What Is It Tuesday 8 p m Christian Science vs tho Scriptures Wednes day 8 p m The Wide Way and Those Who Walk There Thursday 8 p m A Sermon to Sons and Brothers Friday 8 p m A Talk to Sisters and Daughters G R Betts Pastor Rev F W Dean has been spending most of the week in Lincoln Wayne and other eastern Nebraska points Mfns Meeting Hear Dr Riley at 3 p m at the Baptist church Topic The Sixth Commandment All men invited COURT HOUSE NEWS county court Licenses as follows have been issued since last report Charles O Doing and Mabel E Esher both of McCook They were united in marriage by Rev F W Dean ou the 18th Edward H Charles and Mabel C Nor man both of McCook They were mar ried by the county judge on the 23rd instant James R Pence and Hattie Calhoun both of McCook William Mapes and Lillie Jeffries both of McCook United in marriage on the 24th by county judge Worst of All Experiences Can anything be worse than to feel that every minute will be your last Such was the experience of Mrs S H Newson Decatur Ala For three years she writes I endured insuffer able pain from indigestion stomach and bowel trouble Death seemed inevita ble when doctors and alL remedies failed At length I was induced to try Electric Bitters and the result was miraculous I improved at once and now Im com pletely recovered For liver kidney stomach and bowel troubles Electric Bitters is the only medicine Only 50c Its guaranteed by L W McConnell druggist What You Like Just the meat you like in just the way you like it Fine firm and tender beef young wholesome lamb clean and sweet pork smoked and salted meats And last but not least whether you order from house by phone or come in person your orders are given our best consider ation and we guarantee that you will be satisfied Marsh Will Fill the Small Grain The fine rains Wednesday morning and night came opportunely and will fill out the small grain in fine shape be sides doing all other crops much good at a time needed Nought but hail and se vere storm can now interfere with the harvesting of one of the greatest small grain crops ever raised in this part of the country McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning Corn 8 37 Wheat 57 Oats Rye Hogs Eggs Butter 40 34 55 11 15 I sell more of Chamberlains Cough Remedy than of all similar preparations put together and it gives the best satis faction of any medicine I ever sold 1 guarantee every bottle of it F C quith Inland Mich This remedy is for sale by L W McConnell Attention is directed to the advertise ment in this issue of Stone Greene en gineers and machinists Dennison street East McCook These men are both ex pert machinists in their line and repairs will receive their personal attention Steam threshing outfits overhauled steamed up and tested See advertise ment The Tribune Only SI 00 per year Buckeye Binder FOR SALE Has been used but little See or write J M Huet flcCook Neb For prices and terms AT I SemiAnnual Remnant Sale We are beginning early to close out our stock of SUMMER DRESS GOODS and among the few Dress Patterns we have left there are numerous Odd Lengths and Waist Patterns which you will find on our front center table at CUT RATE PRICES jftgfDont forget to look over our complete line of Dress Trimmings and Yokings when shopping in this department Gents Washable String Ties Three for 25c Call and pick your choice from our display of service able wash ties which we are offering for ioc each three for 25c They are just the thing for this weather Ladies Gauntlet Gloves We have just received a new supply of Ladies Gauntlet Gloves so desirable for driving and outdoor work They are special good values For the Best and Cleanest Groceries Remem ber Our Phone Number is 16 PI LiLuranms Phone 16 Her an Steam Fitte liiwiifi iiTiiY Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun Lclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA GENEEAL DEALER IN e Farm Implements Machinery Wagons Buggies Agent for Champion Binders Mowers and Rakes Cash paid for Eggs Poultry and Farm Produce McCOOK THE NEBRASKA McCOOK NEBRASKA j HRSLX91RM39Ha Avoid the Rush and Delay If you need repairs for binders or har vesters look up the numbers of each part wanted at once o as to avoid the rush and delay in getting your machines ready for the harvest Tribune Clubbing List For convenience of readers of The Tribune we have made arrangements with the following newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup ply them in combination with The Tribune at tho following very low prices with PUBLICATION PRICE TRIBUNE Detroit Free Press 1 00 SI 50 Leslies Weekly 4 00 3 00 Prairie Farmer 100 125 Chicago Inter Ocean 1 00 1 40 Cincinnati Enquire 100 150 New York Tribune 1 00 1 25 Demorests Magazine 1 00 1 75 ToledoBlade 1 00 1 25 Nebraska Farmer 1 00 1 65 Iowa Homestead 100 125 Lincoln Journal 100 175 Campbells Soil Culture 1 00 1 50 New York World 1 00 1 65 Cosmopolitan Magazine 100 180 St Louis Republic 1 00 1 75 Kansas City Star 25 120 FarmandHome 100 120 Word and Works 1 00 1 70 We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published at reduced rates The Tribune McCook Neb F D BURGESS Low Rates to California The Burlington offers round trip tick ets xVugust 1 to 14 as follows San Francisco and return S4500 Los Ange les and return 81500 Ask the ticket agent for particulars v did J r OCJJO The Great erm ant Insect Destroyer Is now used throughout the United States in the treatment of hog cholera swine plague ergot diseases corn stalk disease pink eye foot and mouth disease scurvy mange Tex as itch scabs and all perm diseases of do mestic animals St Paul Neb April 9 ttJ National Medical Co Gentlemen This is to certify that I have used Liquid Koal for ergot discae in cattle and believe it to be a cure for this diseas from the experiments I have made but be lieve it ought to be used when the animal is first taken with the disease And for a lice killer it cant be beat by anything I know of Yours respectfully W L LITTLE Seward Neb Dec 5 1902 Liquid Koal manufactured and sold by National Medical Co York Neb is a ne cessity to any farmers raising stock Sev eral instances of its efficiency have come under my personal notice JOHN HARVEY Ex Mayor Seward Waus a Neb Dec 18 1902 I consider Liquid Koal one of the best ar ticles forall around purposes on the market For mites and lice in the chicken houses and for the lice on calves and hordes it is the best and cheapest thing I have ever found Liquid Koal ought to be on every farm CHAS BERGANHAGER Coleridee Neb Dec 8 1902 I can say that your L ii the best insect destroyer that I ever used It will cot injure the egrs when usd on setting hens I find it the best all around stock medicine that I ever had on the place I advise every farmer to keep a upply on hand S B GROFF PRICE One Quart Can 100 Onf Gallon 00 Five Gallons per gallon 275 Ten Gallon Keg per gallon 250 25 Gallons half bbl per gal 2 25 50 Gallon l bbl per gal 200 A 25c 52 page Book on Germ Diseases of Animals sfnt free on application MANUFACTURED BT NATIONAL MEDICAL COMPANY Sheldon Iowa- York Nebraska For Sale by James Cain Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store Phone No 20 McCook Neb M DEL 4 v