J TRAINS COLLIDE- Reiterates His Declaraticn that He Is Net After Vice Presidency CLEVELAND in an interview Senator M A Hanna reiterated his recent statement that he was not and would not be a candidate for the vice presidency and if his nomination was made that he would decline tp accept He said further that his ambitions did not lie in that direction of the White House and nothing could induce him1 to alter his decision in the matter Colonel Myron T Herrick whose name also has been mentioned in con nection with the vice presidency said that his sole political ambition was to be elected governor of Ohio Colonel Herrick thinks that the present dis cussion relative to a vice presidential nomination is inopportune CABLE IS READY FOR ALASKA First Long Submarine Wire Ever Manufactured in America WASHINGTON General Greeley has been informed that 580 miles of the submarine cable to be laid be tween Puget sound and Alaska have been shipped rrom New York to Se attle The remaining 750 miles will e shipped from New York in August This is the first long cable ever made in the United States It is of the seamless rubber type Captain Edgar Russell signal corps has started for Seattle to make preliminary arrange ments for laying the cable and will foe followed in August by Colonel James Allen who has general charge Robbers Take to Stamps DE3 MOINES Robbers broke into the postoffice at Rhodes Marshall county twenty miles northeast and cleaned out the place of every stamp in the possession of the postmaster The loss will be 1000 Driven frcm Heme by High Water VANCOUVER B C Every region of low lying land along the banks of the Fraser river which is not dyked is now under water and many farm hands are cut oft from any communi cation except by boat Above the Pitt river hundreds of acres of mead ow land are flooded At Mission peo ple are moving their household goods ito higher ground in boats and canoes Ithe river having inundated the floors AIRSHIP DESIGNED BY ILLINOIS INVENTOR At Springfield 111 recently a meet ing was held attended by 300 citizens iPASSENGER AND FREICnT MEET j to give public expression of approval WITH DISASTER I to the Ideas of Mr Reiferscheid who TEH PEOPLE LOSE THEIR LIVES Five Waterloo Men Are Among Those Slain in the Wreck A Misunder stood Order is the Cause of the Trains Coming Together CEDAR FALLS la Ten people were killed and two seriously wound ed In a head end collision one mile west of Ravwond on the Illinois Cen tral at 240 Friday morning The oastbound limited due at Cedar Falls at 215 crashed into the westbound freight The killed JOHN R GRIFFIN passenger en gineer Waterloo D J BANTZ passenger fireman Waterloo FRED STONEMAN freight engi neer Waterloo C P STICKNEY freight brake man Waterloo I C MILLER freight fireman Wat erloo F L GROOM Dubuque skull frac tured died in hospital at Waterloo shortly after removal there THREE UNIDENTIFIED TRAMPS ONE UNIDENTIFIED EMIGRANT The injured Charles Morran Independence steal ing ride on freight George Hurd negro Independence stealing ride on the passenger The collision was due to a misunder standing of the oTders given the freight crew at Waterloo and which were misread by them The passenger was seven minutes late out of Cedar Falls but made up the time Neither crew saw the other until they were but a few rods apart The wreck occurred in a deep cut on what is known as Raymond hill both trains running at a high rate of speed at the time of the collision Passenger No 2 which is due to leave Waterloo at 233 a m pulled out of the station on time according to the report of the train crew at the depot A relief train was dispatched to the scene of the wreck from this city a little after 3 oclock returning about 8 oclock with seven bodies Three bodies were still buried under the wreck at the time the relief train made the second trip The wreck occurred just as the pas senger train dropped over the brow of the hill the deep cut and a curve shutting off the view of the approach ing trains Both engine crews were killed at their posts The dead and wounded were brought to this city The baggage and mail cars and seven teen freight cars are piled up to the height of the telegrapa wires Both engines were completely demolished HANNA IS NOT A CANDIDATE HAIL PETER AS KING Servians Rejoice at Parliaments Unanimous Selection of Ruler BELGRADE Prince Peter Kara georgevitch was duly elected king of Servia Monday in joint session of the senate and skupshtina The an nouncement was received with every manifestation of rejoicing The presiding officer of the joint session proposed the election of Prince Peter as Icing Cheers greeted the proposals which were repeated on the announcement that the vote was unanimous The minister of justice hastened to the balcony and announc ed the fact to the waiting crowd The people received the notification with cheers and a royal salute of 101 guns was fired Lieutenant Lasar Javadovios of the Sixth infntry shot and kilied himself Sunday because his fellow officers did not permit him to participate in car rying out the plot against the late king and queen DISFASE IS STAMPED OUT Offers Reward for Case of Foot and Mouth Disease - WASHINGTON The secretary of agriculture having completed a care ful investigation of the states now in quarantine for foot and mouth dis ease without finding any cases of the disease Tuesday issued a circular of fering a reward of 250 to any per son who shall before June 30 1903 first report to the chief of the bureau of animal industry at Washington the existence of any specific case or cases of font and mouth disease in any an imal in either Massachusetts or New Hampshire If no cases are reported by July 1 the quarantine will be re moved and foreign countries asked to receive live stock from New England ports MRS INGERSOLL BRINGS SUIT Wants Fee of 100000 Earned by Her Husband BOSTON Mass A suit for 100 000 was filed in the United States cir cuit fourt Tuesday by Mrs Eva A ingersoll administratrix of the estate of the late Robert G Ingersoll against Joseph A Coram of Lowell Mass and others heirs of the late Andrew J Da vis for services which the libellant claims were rendered by her deceased husband Mrs Ingersoll also petitions the court for a writ of injunction against the heirs to restrain them from transferring the estate or per sonal property of the late Mr Davis and for the court to appoint a receiver The allegation made by Mrs Inger soll is that her husband did not re ceive the 100000 for services from the heirs for winning the case as had been agreed upon He Wished a Simple Funeral DAYTON O Extreme simplicity marked the funeral services over the remains of the late General Alexanaer McDowell McCook at the residence of his daughter Mrs Charles A Craig head Monday There were present only relatives of the family close friends and members of the Loyal Le gion The service by Rev Maurice E Wilson consisted of reading scrip ture lessons prayers and hymns The funeral was in accordance with tin wishes of General McCook who did not desire any display The remains were taken to Spring Grove cemetery Cincinnati for interment Ballot First and Examine Afterwards ST PAUL Minn The supreme lodge of Ancient Order of United Workmen at its session decided af ier a long debate to permit candi dates for admission to the order to be balloted for before undergoing a med ical examination This action re moves a long standing source of dis jsatisfaction for it has frequently hap pened that after a candidate has paid his fee for the medical test he was re jected 1000 pounds or moro dead weight ac cording to the amount of power U3ed and carry it through the air at will the populace appears to givo I W hrtMh - 13 1 9 1 f il If vf fl bylleves confidently that he has solved the problem of aerial naviga tion Mr Reiferscheid has been at work the past three years upon these plans has built at different times five different balloons and at every test has given to the public just what he promised The people therefore have confidence in him and when he insists that he has an airship that will lift it financial backing At the meeting Mr Reiferscheid submitted a model of his machine also a large drawing and explained in detail its workings Citizens were so favorably impressed that they within one hour subscribed for 6000 shares of stock to assist him in car rying out his plans and giving practi cal demonstration of his ideas CALLS KANSAS LEGISLATURE Governor of State Directs It to As semble on June 24 TOPEKA Kan Governor Bailey has issued the following proclamation calling together the legislature in spe cial session Whereas The recent floods have in addition to the destruction of vast amounts of property swept away nu merous bridges the immediate re building of which is imperative but for which no adequate law exists thereby bringing about an extraordi nary occasion within the meaning of the constitution authorizing a special session of the legislature Now therefore I W J Bailey governor of the state of Kansas by virtue of the authority vested in mo by the constitution do hereby con vene the legislature of the state oi Kansas in special session at the capi tal in the city of Topeka on Wednes day June 24 1903 at 2 oclock p m for the purpose of enabling counties and other municipalities to build nec essary bridges In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and caused to be affixed the great seal of the state this 17th day of June 1903 Signed W J BAILEY Governor KING IN NAME ONLY Peter Will Be Subservient to Servian Army or Follow Alexander BELGRADE The position of King Peter I who takes the place of the assassinated ruler promises to be lit tle more than that of a royal captive The real government of the country will be a military dictatorship under the leaders of the revolution Colonel Mischin and Colonel Mitscnilitsch The new king is almost without any personal adherents and the ruling spirits of the army would just as read ily murder him as they did his prede cessor At the present moment the whole country is under military rule and although no prefects in the country districts have been revoked each is accompanied by an army officer who attends him wherever he goes even to the telephone This policy has led to one good result not a single case of disorder anywhere has been report ed DISTRIBUTION OF THE FUNDS Governor Calls on County Commis sioners to Send Lists TOPEKA Kan Governor Bailey has invited the county commissioners of the flood stricken counties to send him a detailed list of those in need of help in their respective counties as far as possible and to send a repre sentative for each county to be pres ent at the meeting next Tuesday of the committee appointed to disburse the general Kansas relief fund At this meeting the general situation will be thoroughly canvassed and the com mittee will be able to divide the funds and supplies among the counties on the basis of need Sporting Writer Dies DENVER Colo Nelson Innes for merly one of the best known sporting writers in the country died here of consumption Mr Innes illness was the result of the cold contracted while attending the Corbett Fitzsinumons fight - Sultan Fears Things CONSTANTINOPLE The sultaii has warned Madame Christinch mother of Milan to carefully guard her son She is advised to keep her son in the house and not to allow him to appear on the streets It is presumed that this advice was the outcome of fears that an attempt may be made to murder young Milan al though it is not believed that there will ever be any prospect of his suc ceeding to the throne of Sorvia The FooH3h virgins I 1 General Nebraska News DISEASE AMONG CATTLE State Veterinarian Asked to Determine Nature of Ailment TABLE ROCK A A Widdefield who lives a little over a mile north of town has lost two head of cattle and a third is sick with a mysterious ailment on which there is a seeming diversity of opinion Some fear a contagious disease while others pro nounce it hydrophobia A month or more ago there was quite a mad dog scare One cur in town had been shot after biting and snapping at several others A little while later Mr Widde fields dog acted strangely chasing the cattle all over the pasture He was tied up got loose and was killed Re membering this a number think it is hydrophobia The state veterinarian has been sent for and is expected to investigate the matter thoroughly Fremont Man Gets Degree BALTIMORE Md Albert Johann sen of Fremont Neb S L University of Utah 1898 was created a doctor of philosophy by Johns Hopkins univer sity The subjects of his study were geology mineralogy and chemistry The dissertation was on the theme The Serpentines of Hartford County Maryland Iowa Pas or is Called HUMBOLDT The congregation of the Presbyterian church which has been without a pastor for several months has issued a call to Rev Smith of Lennox la and it is expect ed that the latter will accept the place assuming his duties aX once Father Against Son TAYLOR Thomas Peck who lives northwest of Burwell was arrested charged with shooting his son William The son was crossing some land which the elder Peck had forbidden him crossing when a fight occurred with the result that the son was shot in the shoulder making a painful but not dangerous wound Dairying Pays Well ANSLEY After a years trial the hand cream separator and the cow have brought to light a great and growing new industry for this part of Nebraska At Mason over 4009 was paid out to the farmers for cream for the month of May and at Ansley a like amount was paid out for cream The B M railway runs on the local passenger train an extra freight car three times a week to haul the cream in Dairying is a growing industry Verdict of Guilty for Morris OMAHA The jury in the Morris murder case came in with a verdict of manslaughter as charged in the in dictment The verdict involves a maximum sentence of ten years Mor ris killed his comrade Henry McKoe at Fort Niobrara on the evening of September 17 1902 but only his un supported evidence shows the killing was an accident while several wit nesses testified to the fact of unpro voked murder j CHILDRENS HOME SOCIETY Annual Report Shows a Prosperous Condition of Affairs The ninth annual meeting of the Ne braska Childrens Home society was held in Omrha last week The reports showed the Avork of the society to be in a splendid condition with a bright outlook for thejuture The reports of the district superin tendents all of whom were present were highly interesting and valuable as tending to show the importance of the work which is being done The report of State Superintendent Quivey showed that eighty one chil dren have been received during the j car eighty of these were placed in homes while forty four were replaced Five hundred and twelve cases of needy and neglected children were in vestigated which while it was impos sible to take the children much was done to relieve their conditions Ap plications for children were received to the number of 393 all of which were investigated by the societys workers Final papers were filed for the adop tion of ninety children into permanent homes Three hundred and eighty three children previously placed in homes by the society were visited during the year The records show that the society has placed in homes G41 children during the nine years of its existence During the same time over 1000 cases of neglected children have been investigated while about 400 have been replaced in homes where their surroundings would be more congenial The election resulted in the re-election of the old officers with the addi tion of W R Akers of Alliance Neb and N K Griggs of Lincoln as mem bers of the board in place of Rev F L Wharton of Lincoln and Rev C N Dawson of Omaha both of whom are removing from the state THE STATE IN BRIEF Spaulding is doing a great deal of building this year The Sunday schools of Broken Bow will celebrate the Fourth of July Flag Day was very generally ob served by the schools at Harvard Fire at Norfolk caused a loss of 500 to the Hospe Piano company The dam of the Pierce Milling com pany was carried out by high water An extensive system of rural routes Is to be established in Adams county Mrs Vandevere was hurt on a de fective sidewalk in Stella and wants 2500 An Omaha deader says that hard coal is going to be about as high this year as last Broken Bows summer school open ed with an enrollment of forty It will continue six weeks It is announced finally that the na tional editorial association will cer tainly meet in Omaha July 8 to 11 inclusive Theo Olsen an Omana switchman was caught between the cars and lost both of his feet He is an old man and the accident ii likely to cause his death Charles R Smith of Table Rock got his hand caught in the cogs of ma chinery and had one finger so badly injured that amputation became nec essary Tom Frye a well known farmer of Richardson county while engaged in painting his barn fell from a ladder and sustained a badly crushed and broken ankle The number of non commissioned officers in the signal corps of the Ne braska National Guard will be reduced from twenty five to twelve An ex amination will be held July 15 Twelve banks of Dodge county have asked to be awarded county funds for deposit under the new law All offer the minimum rate of 2 per cent in terest except one which does not specify what it will pay Labor Commissioner Bush is receiv ing liberal responses to his request for returns from merchants and manu facturers The figures received up to date show that industry is in a good condition throughout the state A large barn belonging to John OHara eleven miles north of North Bend was entirely destroyed by fire with the contents including seven head of horses and farming imple ments The loss is 2500 with only 575 insurance It was of incendiary origin The foundation is being put in for the new union depot at Fremont and a large amount of material is on hand The Union Pacific is putting in a water filtering station directly north of the present depot The Northwest ern is preparing to enlarge and other wise improve its yards The members of the Grand Army of the Republic post of York petitioned the county board for privilege to erect in the corner of the court house square a soldiers and sailors monu ment The request was granted and the old soldiers ill make arrange ments to erect a monument The cornerstone of the new 100 000 United States federal court build ing and postofiice in Norfolk was laid under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity The ceremony was per formed by the grand master Frank Bullard In person and the oration an impressive discourse was delivered by the grand lecturer Rev Luther Kuhns of Omaha Farmers report that wheat ras been damaged considerably by rust and in some instances stock has been turn ed into the fields to graze Corn is looking well but is needing rain Corn is all in says a Fremont dis patch and while the prospects on the Platte bottoms are not the best that which was planted early on the up lands is doing well but is weedy On the bottoms the ground is badly caked by the rains and some fields will not be planted at all Rust is reported in many wheat fields and the head are not filling even Princeton Mass dispatch Major Church Howe United States consul at Sheffield England is visiting here at his birthplace and announces that at the conclusion of his consulship he will probably return to Auburn Neb and make that place his home for the remainder of his days Major Howe was appointed consul at Paler mo Italy Later he went to his pres ent post at Sheffield England The members of the Humboldt fire company are practicing steadily with a view to carrying off some of the prizes to be hung up at the state fire mens tournament at Norfolk next month The team ranks high as volunteer organization The Dorchester Farmers Co-operative Grain and Live Stock company comprising W C Endicott O T Hen shue J W Carper Franklin Miller and D T Buckingham has filed arti cles of incorporation with an author ized capital of 2000 Bishop Potter Is amusing his friends with an account of a recent visit ho paid to a Sunday school class presided over by a staid young clergyman The bishop was asked to question the chil dren so that he might be edified by their knowledgo of matters Biblical As a starter he said to a little girl whose face beamed with Intelligence Who are the foolish virgins my dear Them as didnt get married was the prompt and emphatic answer DONT sroir your cioTnrs Uso Red Cross Ball Bluo and koop thorn whito as anow All grocers Co a puckugo No Room Improvement There is one branch of labor said the great Inventor that must always be done by hand What is that queried tho re porter Pocket picking replied tho g L with a ghoulish grin Halls Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure Price 75c Married Seven Times William Hulbett of Buchanan Mich has just been married to his seventh spouse though he is not yet 50 years old Among the seven were two sis ters from one family and two from an other Death robbed him of three help mates and an equal numbor were di vorced The seventh Mrs Hulbett was won through the medium of an adver tisement in an Eastern paper Hulbett is a stonemason and a man of any quantity of nerve Storekeepers report that tho extra quantity together with the superior quality of Defiance Starch makes It next to impossible to sell any other brand Stops the Cough nnd Works Off tho Cold Laxative Bromo Quiuino Tablets Prico25c Reform is all right its the reform ars who go wrong GIT e permanently currc ro ntsornerronsnessarte I 1 1 O tlrst day use of Dr Klines Oreat Norre Kenton jr Send for FItKK 200 trial bottlo nnd treatlio DE II U Kumb Ltd 931 Arch Street lliIladuIsMu i The key of success is within the -each of everyone but some men are too lazy to reach for it Flsos Cure tor Consumption Is an Infallible medicine for coughs and colds N W SxiiatL Oiein Grove N J Feb 17 1900 A Youthful Bishop The Rev Dr M Edward Fawcott the newly elected Protestant Episco pal bishop of Quincy is one of the youngest men ever elected to the epis copate in the American church He has been a priest of the church only Ive and one half years having gonp over from the Methodist church Dr Fawcett was born in New Hartford la November 1 18C5 He took a the ological course in the Northwestern university and was ordained a minis ter in the Methodist Episcopal church in 1885 He resigned his Methodist charge in 18 and was immediately appointed a lay reader of the Episco pal Church of the Redeemer at El gin six months later a deacon and one year later was ordained a priest and appointed rector of the same church Wilhelms Delicate Thought By the kaisers express orders a souvenir of the empress recent acci dent has just been placed in the Kai ser Wilhelm room of the Hohenzollern museum In the large glass case ly ing alongside of costly articles of sil ver and gold is a single strip of bark about half a yard in length Visitors ask in surprise what this rude scrap of forest tree has among so many val uable specimens of the wealth of Or muz and of Ind But a label supplies an explanation to the query ard rer t thus The bark with which iiis ma jesty the kaiser in Grunewald on March 27 1903 fastened the first tem porary bandage on her majesty the kaiserins broken arm until sugicaJ aid arrived BRAIN BUILDING How to Feed Nervous Cases Hysteria sometimes leads to insanity and should be treated through feeding the brain and nerves upon scientific ally selected food that restores the lost delicate gray matter Proof of the power of the brain food Grape Nuts is remarkably strong v About eight years ago when work ing very hard as a court stenographer I collapsed physically and then nerv ously and was taken to the State Hos pital for the insane at Lincoln Neb a raving maniac They had to keep me in a strait jacket and I was kept in the worst ward for three months I was finally dismissed in the following May but did no brain work for years until last fall when I was persuaded to take the testimony in two cases One of these was a murder case and the strain upon my nervous system was so great that I would have broken down again except for the strength I had build up by the use of Grape Nuts When I began to feel the pressure of the work on my bram and nerve3 I simply in creased the amount of Grape Nuts and used the food more regularly I now feel like my old self again and am healthy and happy I am sure that if I had known of Grape Nuts vhen I had my trouble eight years ago I would never have collapsed and this dark spot in my life would never have happened Grape Nuts power as a brain food is simply wonderful and I do not believe any stomach is so weak that it cannot digest this wonderful food I feel a delicacy about having my name appear in public but if you think it would help any poor sufferer you can use it Name given by Pos tum Co Battle Creek Mich There are desserts and desserts The delicious health giving kind are told about in the little recipe book found in each package of Grape Nuts J f