The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 19, 1903, Image 6

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    McCook Tribune
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F M KIMMELL Publisher
Wheat rye and oats promise well in
According to the census taken by
local assessors Topeka has a popula
tion of 38959 a gain of 150 for the
Secretary Moody has announced
the acceptance of the three lowest
bids for the three new 10000 ton bat
The Commercial Cable company an
nounces that all telegraphic commun
ication with Tonquin has been inter
rupted by a typhoon
Prince Ferdinand Maximilian head
of the German house of Isemburg and
Budingen was burned to death in his
ca Je at WachtersDach
Vaclav Pazlik an aged Pole of Chi
cago stabbed his wife to death be
cause she paid more attention he
said to their son than to him
President Clowry or the Western
Union Telegraph company will be
come a director of the Kansas City
Mexico ot Orient Railroad company
Charges have been prepared against
Postmaster Larlson of Madison N J
and It is understood that a change
will be made in that office immedi
The war department has decided to
place the transport Buford in commis
sion owing to the increased traffic be
tween this country and the Philip
Dr Valentine of the Vienna Aero
club made a new worlds record for
heights of ascension He reached an
altitude of 22000 feet in his balloon
Robert W Hyman one of the best
known real estate men of Chicago
for many years manager of the Chi
cago interests of Jtietty Green died
last week
The president has accepted the res
ignation of Director of the Census
Merriam to take effect at once Di
rector North will assume charge of
the office
Owing to the continued illness of his
wife Mark Twain has decided to
take her abroad and seek a more ge
nial climate He has obtained a villa
near Florence
The gross receipts of the postoffice
at Kansas City for the month of May
were 9262 against 83817 for the
same month of last year being an in
crease of 58875
It is feared in shipping cricles that
the French sailing ship Antoine
Fraissenet from Marseilles May 6 for
African ports has been lost during a
tornado off the Kongo coast
A dispatch from Montenegro states
that M Matanovic Montenegran min
ister of finance and M Popovic min
ister of education have resigned
their portfolios on the plea of bad
The orders issued for American
Bhlps to go to Valparaiso have been
revoked owing to the receipt of a ca
blegram from Minister Wilson which
indicates that their presence is not
General Weyler Spanish minister
of war under the Influence of nota
ble reactionaries has removed the
liberal Colonel Duran Lerchundi from
the command of the 5th regiment of
A sharp shock of earthquake was
experienced in San Francisco lasting
over ten seconds No damage is re
ported The shock was felt to the
south of Los Banos Acton Sergeant
Oakland and Santa Margarata
A hurricane has swept over the
Philippine islands and great damage
has been done to shipping The Uni
ted States transport Shamshus is re
ported to have been wrecked This
however has not been confirmed
An institutional club for Americans
is to be founded in Manila 25000
having been raised for the erection
of its quarters Yale university will
equip its gymnasium and 1000 is
being raised at Princton for its bil
liard room Harvard and Pennsylva
nia will furnish the living rooms of
the club
In order to associate himself with
the American nation and President
Roosevelt in the recent partial remod
eling of the White House King Ed
ward has awarded the royal gold
medal for the promotion of architec
ture to C F McKim the New York
trchitect who designed the work
The presentation of the medal is fix
ed for June 22
Mrs Lee Brown of Powderville
Montana shot and killed Dick Stand
fer a cowboy who had been her hus
band Standfer knocked her down
wice When Standfer attempted to
draw his revolver Mrs Brown got
hers first and killed him
After two days hard fighting the
Venezuelan government troops under
Uie command of General Gomez as
saulted the camp of the revolution
ists commanded by General Matos
General Riera and General Lara and
inflicted a complete defeat on them
New Government Only Holds Office to
Prevent Anarchy Till Ruler Is
Named Relatives of the Queen Ex
pelled from the Country
BELGRADE King Alexander and
Queen Draga were burled during the
night in the family vault of the Breno
vitchs in the chapel of the cemetery
of St Mark
Shortly after midnight the royal vic
tims were carried to their last resting
place It was a pitiful sight All day
long the victims were reposing in
rough coffins and had lain exposed to
the gaze of those who had killed them
and to the privileged curious who gave
many unpleasant evidences of the pub
lic resentment against them Some
persons evenspat on the remains
Outside the palace a vast crowd
aWaited the cortege which included the
bodies of all the victims which were
simultaneously interred being convey
ed in hearses to the Belgrade ceme
tery In the streets there was a dead
silence the public being kept back by
the troops The burial service was
brief Two priests were present In
side the cemetery no one was allowed
except a strong force of gendarmes
and a few officers Not a single friend
or relative of the deceased was pres
The remains of the royal pair were
interred in a vault in the cemetery
chapel Two wooden crosses alone de
noted the spot marked Alexander Ob
renovics and Draginja Obrenovics
The other bodies lie outside in the cem
etery in rough graves
On Friday the sisters and the nieces
of the late queen who had been arrest
ed were expelled from the country
Colonel Naumovics is described in
the official notice of his death as dy
ing on the field of honor for his fath
It is now confirmed that only Queen
Dragas brothers were killed Her sis
ters were taken to Pancsova by some
of the conspirators
In the course of an interview Pre
mier Avakumovics said
We ministers only accepted office in
order to prevent the country falling
into a condition of anarchy As soon
as a king is elected we will appoint a
definite cabinet Skupshtina can de
cide the fate of the country quite inde
pendently of the army although an
agreement seems probable In the
event of the election of Prince Kara
georgevitch a deputation will go to Ge
neva inform him of his election and
invite him to come to Belgrade He
will be Peter I
The constitution of 1901 will be the
basis of the future governmental sys
tem As to the present position of the
country calm prevails everywhere
There have been no disturbances and
the situation promises to become bet
ter in the future Those who speak of
excited popular sentiment and predict
further changes are entirely wrong
Clark Chosen President
OGDEN Utah Chairman Keisel of
the executive committee of the elev
enth irrigation congress announced
that the committee had chosen Sena
tor Clark as president of the con
An Answer Filed
sylvania Railroad company filed in the
United States court of appeals an an
swer to the suit recently instituted by
the Western Union Telegraph com
pany which asked the court to modify
its decree which held that the Penn
sylvania Railroad companj had a legal
right to remove the poles and wires
of the telegraph company from along
Jhe right of way ot the railroad com
Strike Declared in Practically All of
Chicagos Big Hostelries
CHICAGO The strike in the ho
tels of Chicago impending for the
last three Aveeks materialized Friday
and twenty five of the leading hotels
of Chicago are now badly crippled
in all departments All of the hotels
are running however and the pro
prietors declare that the establish
ments will remain open for business
at any cost
The first call to the employes of
the hotels to go on strike was made
by the walking delegates at 9 oclock
in the morning and all day the dele
gates visited the different hotels rep
resented in the Hotel Keepers asso
ciation and called out the help In
several places the walking delegates
were refused admission and were com
pelled to signal the employes from
the outside In others the strike
leaders were met with the informa
tion that there was no need to make
a call on the men to go out the
hotel proprietors telling the help it
would be necessary to get out and
stay out until her trouble was over
Firemen Trying to Put Blaze Out by
Waving Banners
PEKIN The extensive buildings
occupied by the boards of revenue
and rites are in flames from end to
The revenue building contains 4
000000 taels
The burning buildings adjoin the
legations and the foreign military
governors are doing effective service
The Chinese fire department equip-
neri chieflv with banners and cones i
at present
Long Drouth is Ended and with it Go
the Forest Fires
BOSTON Rain and plenty of it
Monday night ended the fifty days
drouth in northern and southern New
England and quenched most of the
forest fires which have turned vast
areas into blackened wastes j
The rain already has drenched the
entire New England coast line The
storm is traveling inward and will
likely bring relief to all New Eng
The drouth just ended has been the
longest and most severe for many
years Temperatures during the last
fifty days have ranged from frost to
midsummer torridness and damage
has accompanied each extreme frost
having killed early vegetables and
the hot weather parched meadow and
brush lands
Mere Troops Sent to Arizona
United States cavalry left Friday for
Lordsburg N Mex the nearest
railroad station to Morenci Ariz
there to await further orders The
squadron comprises about 250 men
and eleven officers Colonel Wells
commander of the regiment did not
accompany the squadron which re
turned from the Philippines on the
Sheridan and had previously been or
dered to Texas
Field Guns for the Militia
WASHINGTON Generai Crazier
with the approval of Acting Secretary
with appropriations made for that pur
pose in the last congress These
guns are to be of the very latest mod
el and will be the same as those
supplied to the regular artillery of
the army
f General Nebraska News I
f t
Large and Small Grain in Better Con
dition Than Expected
Crops all save fruit are reported to
ae in much better condition In those
portions of Nebraska and Kansas tra
versed by the B M than might be
expected after the excessive rains and
floods Reports to General Manager
Holdrege Indicate that generally the
outlook is very promising for corn
wheat oats alfalfa potatoes but dis
couraging for fruit In the lowlands
I of course much damage has been done
i to grain and hay but on the uplands
j everything is said to be in fine shape
Stock and ranges are reported to be
doing well On the whole little en
couragement is given to the pessimist
who has been looking for a general
failure as a result of the unusually wet
j The reports say that at points along
I the B M west of Red Cloud Hast
j ings and Grand Island the rain was not
excessive except over a small area in
the Republican valley and on the Kan
j sas branches of the southwest division
1 On the western division between Hast-
ings and Denver and on the Cheyenne
line the rainfall was ample but not
excessive West of Grand Island on
tne northwest division the same condi
tions prevail The rain along these
lines is said to have been quite suffi
cient to keep vegetation growing but
no so great as to damage or delay
corn planting
And the Question is Who is to Pay
fcr It
LINCOLN One hundred and fifty
grain men of southeastern Nebraska
held a meeting in Lincoln and decided
to oppose the action of the Kansas
City grain buyers who wish them to
stand the expense of damage wrought
by floods in Kansas City freight yards
Eight hundred cars of grain from
Nebraska shippers had been inspected
and accepted by Kansas City grain
men but before it was taken fm the
cars the flood swept over the yards
and destroyed it The Kansas City
buyers decided to compel the shippers
to stand the loss The contention will
be settled in court
Join Farmers System
RISING CITY The farmers co-operative
association held a special
stockholders meeting here to consider
joining the farmers line system of
elevators being organized in Nebras
ka Kansas and Oklahoma This as-
j sociation subscribed for four thousand
dollars worth of stock in the line sys
tem The meeting was largely attend
ed and enthusiastic
is helpless
The board of revenue buildings were wi Organize Stock Company
the fire TECUMSEH Manager J H Dun
totally destroyed by and the
soldiers demolished the board of sites j das of the Tecumseh Chautauqua is in
augurati a movement to organize a
to further
building prevent a spread j
of the flames to the foreign section stock company here for the purpose of
No estimate of the loss is obtainable i carrying on the assemblies He pro
poses to capitalize with at least a 500
capital stock and issue shares of 5
Honors a Requisition
Governor Mickey honored requisition
papers issued by the governor of Illi
nois for the return to that state of
Louis Valla of Chicago wanted for
working a man for 26 Attorney
Louis Piatti argued with the governor
against honoring the Illinois papers
Visits Lincoln
Deputy Chief Clerk Barnard of the
last legislature who has been for the
past half dozen years secretary of the
State Horticultural society was in
Lincoln last week on business of the
society which will hold its meeting
June 28 and 29 at Fremont L M
Russell has been just recently chosen
to succeed Mr Barnard as secretary
of the association
Jury Unable to Agree
ONEILL The jury in the Slattery
murder case was discharged by Judge
Harrison after being out over sixty
hours Each juror stated that they
could not agree and asked to be dis
fire escapes
Poisoned by Cove Oysters
YORK From eating cove oysters
Councilman J B Fricky and family
A movement Is on - Arlington for
celebration of the natal day
Fremont will have a Fourth of July
celebration again this year and the
arrangements will be made by the fire
Property belonging to the Juilius
Normand estate was sold at referees
sale at Nebraska City One half sec
tion of land brought 15700
The Broken Bow Business and Nor
mal college has filed articles of Incor
poration with the secretary of stato
with a capital stock of 3300
The Nebraska State Funeral Direc
tors association opened business In
Grand Island by making a donation of
100 to the Kansas flood sufferers
An attachment has been made upon
tho stock of the W R Beddes Imple
ment and Buggy company at Orleans
by a deputy United States marshal
Rt Rev Richard Scannel bishop of
Omaha confirmed a class of forty fivp
young persons at St Boniface church
in Monterey Cuming county last Sun
Secretary Royse of the banking
board has issued a call for a state
ment of the condition of the various
banks of the state at the close of busi
ness June 9
Mr and Mrs James Carmady living
near Arborville are the proud parents
of two girls and one boy born to them
last week All are getting along nice
ly and are perfectly healthy
The business men of Alma organ
ized a commercial club and elected A
C Shallenberger president T L Por
ter vice president H T Moore secre
tary and E L Willets treasurer
The Ozark Land and Development
company with headquarters at Oma
ha has filed articles of incorporation
with the secretary of state The cap
ital stock of the corporation will be
A big irrigation project which con
templates the watering of 150000
acres of land in western Nebraska is
being engineered by H G Leavitt
president of the Standard Beet Sugar
The riding horse presented to Presi
dent Roosevelt on his western trip
was taken through Fremont over the
Union Pacific It occupied an entire
express car The horse is a bay
weighing 1100 pounds
A large and enthusiastic mass meet
ing was held in Hastings for the pur
pose of appointing committees to take
charge of the annual reunion of the
Grand Army of the Republic which is
to be held at that place
Mrs Mary C Whitmore living north
of Guide Rock was brought before
the insanity board and adjudged in
sane Worrying for fear that the fam
ily was going to come towant was
the cause of her unbalanced mind
Rev J N H Cobb who for the past
two years has filled the pastorate of
the Methodist Episcopal church at
Humboldt at the close of last Sun
days service surprised his congrega
tion by signifying his intention of de
parting for Indian territory where he
assumes charge of a church at Tulsa
State Superintendent Fowler has be
gun sending out the first installment
of an edition of 10000 new books of
the school laws of the state To
gether witn these an equal number of
a book devoted to special day pro-
mTYC frv T v urn r o Vtryc in Vn
lauio iui liic uoi ul icaiucio in uiu
public schools is also being distrib
J S Parkhurst who has been a
resident of Deuel county for the last
fifteen years was found dead in his
field where he had been at work
Not returning home after his days
work was done his folks became
alarmed as to his whereabouts and
upon search for him he was found as
above stated
The body of the man killed near
Ames last week has not yet been
claimed A slip of paper with the
name of John Ehlers Millard Neb
was found on his person and the body
identified as that of a man who had
worked for Ehlers a few days last
week He gave his name as William
Flood Nothing more can be learned
about him
A fatal accident happened to Cora
the 12-year-old dauyhter of Mrs Frank
Baggs of Nelson The girl was going
to use the gasoline stove and in
Fire Escapes for Asylum i filling the reservoir in some way spill-
The state board of public lands and i ed gasoline on her clothing When
buildings met in Lincoln and decided he lighted the stove her clothing
to advertise for bids for the erection j caught fire and quicker than a flash
of a fire escape at the Hastings as- i she was wrapped in flames and was
lum The bids will call for the spiral so badly burned that she died in a
tew hours
I The Arbor Day Memorial
lion organized in Nebraska City short-
ly after the death of J Sterling Mor
i ton hopes to soon have sufficient
were quite severely Doisoned and Mrs funds on hand to pay for the erection
Sanger is making preparations to sup- Frick for severai hours was in a of the olanned monument to Mr
ply the militia of the several states i ton
yery condition Mrs Fricky
with the new model field gun and scalionG1 ovsters for Lying cold and stark in death Ed-
artillery equipments in accordance
marraA t otlc v arrl Brunson was
I UlUilCl ClilU X1H Wi V- IJCA VVA - KJ V1JJ Vi
found in the
cove oysters Shortly after eating Mr Vienna hotel Omaha The gas jet
and Mrs Fricky began to suffer and which was turned on at full force
they at once sent for a physician who j told the story of how it happened in
nronounced it a case of ntomaine his pocket was found a bottle of
I whisky
lowfrFnrma34 Per Aero Caan
balance J crop till pld MtTLIIALL Sioux CltrI
Some men manage to strike the iron
while it is hot and somo others dont
seem to know a hot iron hen they
see it
Keep tbem white with Red CrosB Ball Blue
All grocers eell largo 3 or package 5 cents
It is a pretty illiterate man that
does not have decided opinions on re
ligion and politics
Mrs Laura L Barnes Wash
ington D C Ladies Auxiliary to
Burnside Post No 4 G A R
recommends Lydia E Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound
In diseases that come to women only
as a rule the doctor is called in some
times several doctors but still matters
go from bad to worse but I have
never known of a cate of female weak
ness which was not helped when
Lydia E Pinkliams Vegetable
Compound was nsed faithfully For
young women who are subject to
headaches backache irregular or pain
ful periods and nervous attacks due to
the severe strain on the system by
some organic trouble and for women
of advanced years in the most tr3ing
time of life it serves to correct every
trouble and restore a healthy action of
all organs of the body
Lydia EPinkhams Vegetable
Compound is a household reliance
in my home and I would not be with
out it In all my experience with this
medicine which covers years I have
found nothing to equal it and al
ways recommend it Mns Lauisa L
Bakxes 607 Second St N E Wash
ington D C 5000 forfeit If original of
above letter proving genuineness cannot be produced
Such testimony should be ac
cepted by all women as convincing-
evidence that Lydia E
Pinkliams Vegetable Compound
Btands without a peer as a rem
edy for all the distressing ills of
You cannot always tell the extent
or a lovers passion by his outward
Heavy Drinking in Germany
Germany has an association for
combatting the use of spirituous li
quors and afits recent meeting held
at Breslau it was declared that the
empire spends 750000000 annually
on spirits wine and beer amounting
to about 1250 a head of the popula
tion Germany seems tardily waking
up to the knowledge that its people
drink more than is good for them and
that the practice is prejudicial to the
countrys prosperity It increases
crime and lunacy and poverty dimin
ishes the efficiency of workmen and
is in all ways injurious An abstinent
Fatherland in view of its historical
practices would be a curiosity but
over the waste of beer deluges old as
the Baltic pretty nearly the dove of
reform may be winging in which case
it is an undoubted pioneer
What Eggs Will Stand
It is rather curious to know just
how much pressure an egg will stand
The following tests given in a scien
tific journal may surprise readers
Eight ordinary hens eggs were found
only to give way under pressure ap
plied all round of between 400 pounds
and 675 pounds on the square inch
of surface When the tests were ap
plied internally to twelve eggs they
yielded at a pressure of thirty two
pounds to sixty five pounds per square
inch The pressure required merely
to crush the eggs was between forty
pounds and seventy five pounds per
square inch The average thickness
of the shells was thirteen thousandths
of an incn
Fs Plainly Marked
A crank is one who stays in beaten
paths when common sense tells him
to leave
The real crank is one who persists
in using coffee because accustomed to
and yet knows it hurts him It is this
one who always pays the penalty
while the sensible person who gives
up coffee and takes on Postum Food
Coffee in its place enjoys all the bene
fits of returning health
A well known manufacturers agent
of New York City visited the grocery
department of one of the big New
York stores not long ago and there he
tasted a sample cup of Postum made
the right way He said afterwards
Just through the energy of that young
woman who was serving Postum there
I became a convert to the food drink
and gave up the drug drink coffee and
got well
I had used coffee to excess and was
gradually becoming a complete wreck
getting weaker and more nervous
every day I paji the penalty for us
ing coffee and when I tasted the deli
cious Postum I was glad indeed to
make the change
So I gave up the coffee altogether
and have used Postum instead ever
since My family at first called me a
crank but seeing how Postum bene
fited me the first month they all got
in line and as a result -of Postums re
markable benefits to me we all drink
it now entirely in place of coffee and
we are well Name given bv Postum
Co Battle Creek