JKi jfcS ft HfteKasBg iisbjaessfc DOCTOR ADVOCATED OPERATION MADE KNIFE UNNECESSARY CATARRH is a very frequent cause of that class of diseases known as female weakness Catarrh of the pelvic organs produces such a variety of disagreeable and irritat ing symptoms that many people in fact the majority of people have no idea that they arc caused by catarrh If all the women who aro suffering with any form of female weakness would write to Dr Hartman Colunbus Ohio and give him a complete description of their symp toms and the peculiarities of their troubles he will immediately reply with complete directions for treatment free of charge Mrs Eva Bartho 133 East 12th street N Y City N Y writes I suffered for three years with htieorrhca and ulceration of the womb The doctor advocated an operation which J dreaded very much and strongly objected to go under it Now I am a changed woman Per una cured me it took nine bottles but J felt so much im proved I kept taking it as I dreaded an operation so much I am today in perfect health and have not felt so well for fifteen years Mrs Eva Bartho Miss Maud Steinbach 1399 12th Street Milwaukee Wis writes Last winter I felt sick most of the time was irregular and suffered from nervous exhaustion and severe bearing down pains I had so frequently heard of Peruna and what wonderful cures it performed so I sent for a bottle and in four weeks my health and strength were entirely restored to me Miss Maud Steinbach Everywhere the women are using Peruna and praising it Peruna is not a palliative simply it cures by removing the cause of female disease Dr Hartman has probably cured more women of female ailments than any other living physician He makes these cures simply by using and recommending Peruna Ih3sM3 T- A I ii JH Uk II msn Jfc 2Ajgrt Something for Mothers to Think About Lives of Suffering and Sorrow Averted And Happiness and Prosperity Assured by Cuticura Soap Ointmentand Pills When All Else Fails Every child born Into the -world with an inherited or early developed ten dency to distressing disfiguring hu mours of tho skin scalp and blood becomes an object of the most tender solicitude not only because of Its suffer ing but because of the dreadful fear that the disfiguration Is to be lifelong and mar its future happiness and pros perity Hence it becomes the duty of mothers of such afflicted children to ac quaint themselves with the best the purest and most effective treatment available viz The Cuticura Treatment Warm baths with Cuticura Soap to cleanse the skin and scalp of crusts and scales gentle applications of Cuticura Ointment to allay itching irritation and inflammation and soothe and heal and mild doses of Cuticura Hesolvent to cool the blood in the severer cases are all that can be desired for the speedy relief and permanent cure of skin tor tured infants and children add the com fort of worn oat parents Millions of women use Cuticura Soap assisted by Cuticura Ointment for pre serving purifying and beautifying the skin scalp hair and hands for annoy ing irritations and weaknesses and lor many Fanatlve antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves 80I throughout the world Cuticura RewWent 5Peta form 01 t nocomc Coated Kill 23c per Till of CO Oint mtnt Zflc Snip 25c Depot i London X7 Chirtrrhouie I Kgi faris Rue do la Faizt Boatoa 1S7 Columbui Are The s Poitir Drnir k Chrra Com Proprietor S2 6nd for How to Cure Baby Uumouri eeley Cure Car 19th act Leavenworth Sts OMAHA NEB The only positive cure for Drunkenness Drag Uslne and tho Tobacco Habit Cor respondence strictly confidential WM R BURNS Manager FUEETOWPRIIErai To prove the healing and Cleansing power ot laxtlne Toilet Antiseptic we -will mall a large trial package with dook or instructions absolutely free This is not a tiny sample but a large package enough to con vince anyone of its value Women all over the country nrt nraisinr Pixtino fnr what UlM3tfitMit has done in local treat- tv a 4- An Ya Ilia iiniinrr ABlJlf VA jici wuilll oil inflammation and discharges wonderful as a cleansing vaginal douche for sore throat nasal catarrh ns a mouth wash and to remove tartar and whiten the teeth Send today a postal card wiL1 do SollbydrtijrciKtBorKentpostpnId hyiiR CO onts largo box Satisfaction gnirantcU TILE K IAXTOX CO Boston Mass 214 Colniubcs A When Answsrrng Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper VY N U Omaha EK3 InajWc No 25 1903 pusrQ wurar an fim icmv Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Gso in time Sola by qraccistf mKFwm ii - w V - MpEVABARIHft jj If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr Hartman giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis Address Dr Hartman President of The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio Society is a fashionable game in which diamonds are wagered against hearts The Best Results in Starching can be obtained only by using Defiance Starch besides getting 4 oz more for snmo money no cooking required Newfoundland Wreckers People living along the cost of New foundland are wreckers to a man not in the criminal sense but expert in stripping and unloading such ves sels as are tossed up on their shores In fact they count on prospective earnings of this kind Father Henne bury priest at Trepassey near Cape Race was dining one day with the late Bishop Power of St Johns How will your people get along this win ter asked the bishop Very well my lord was the priests cheerful answer with the help of God and a few wrecks The well earned reputation and increas ing popularity of the Lewis Single Binder straight 5c cigar is due to the maintained high quality and appreciation of the smoker Lewis Factory Peoria 111 As the Emperor Sees Himself The Paris correspondent prints a se lection of Emperor Williams utter ances with a view to portraying him as he sees himself I am your em peror he once said to the Germans by an immutable decree of God Again What I require of my people is a fidelity that never wavers The assertion of an emperor must not be dispuated Frightful was the time bitter were the years before Germany had an emperor To a gathering of German bishops he said Regard me as the intermediary between you and Germans ancient God insist on Getting it Soma grocers eBay they dont keep De fiance Starch This is because they have a Etock on hand ot other brands containing only 12 oz in a package which they wont be able to sell first because Defiance con tains IB oz for thejsame money Do you want 16 oz instead of 12 oz for same money Then buy Defiance Starch Requires no cooking All About Metaphysics A Scotchman thus defines meta physics When a man wha kens naething aboot any subject takes a subject that nae mon kens anything aboot and explains it to anither mon still more ignorant than himself thats metaphysics Low Rates to Boston and Return In June and July Via the Lake Shore Michigan Southern Ry Tickets will be sold June 25th 2fith and 27th extreme re turn limit August 1st and on July 1st 2d 3d 4th and 5th extreme return limit September 1st Stop overs al lowed at Niagara Falls and Chautau qua also at New York on tickets via that route Full information with rates via variable routes will be promptly furnished on application at City Ticket Office ISO Clark street or to C F Daly Chief A G P A Chi cago Even a solemn man will try to be jolly when he passes his plate the sec ond time Lookforthitrucmark TheKleanKool Kitchen Kind The stoves witboutsmoke ashes or heat Make comfortable cooking Not many men think of themselves when they are looking for a place to lay blame Do Your Clothes Look Yellow Then ute Deiianco Starch it will keep them white 16 oz for 10 cents Woman is mans solace and man well man is rather an uncertain quan tity at best tSLfc fr j PTrsocataerg r FAIR PLAY IN TKADE RIGHT SORT OF RECIPROCITY FOR THIS COUNTRY Equal Privileges for Our Exports in All the Markets of the World and no Tariff Discrimination for or Against What We Import There is no question that the United States can get all the reciprocity trea ties it wants or can aspire to if it will to that end cut down sufficiently its protective duties and make sacrificial offerings of its home industries It may be claimed in manV instances and perhaps proven in some that the par ticular sacrifices demanded are small in comparison with the general advan tage to be gained but such reasoning will never be satisfactory to the indus tries to be sacrificed or prejudiced nor is it at all likely nor desirable that Congress will ever place unreservedly tho power to slaughter protective du ties in the hands of the President who in the course of time and events might be actuated by an over anxiety to make a reciprocity record or even by hostil ity to protection as a principle So the industries threatened defend them sehes through their friends in Con gress and have the moral support out side of people who without being well advised in the premises believe in fair play to every legitimate Ameri can industry and view with instinctive suspician any proposition to find a foreign market for some products by impairing the home market for other products From all of which it appears not merely that reciprocity as it has been recently proposed has failed to work but that from the conditions surround ing it it was from the start destined to failure and may as well now be relegated definitely to the limbo of attractive but impracticable schemes Acceptance of this situation should not however carry with it abandon ment of efforts to promote the foreign trade and commercial expansion of the Montana Would Suffer The people of Montana are interest ed in the question They have experi enced the benefits of protection and have seen nothing to convince them that the trusts are so daugcrous and damaging as to demand that the pro tective policy should be interfered with upon the excuse that the abolition of duties would destroy trusts As to reciprocity among the treaties hung up in the Senate is one with the Ar gentine Republic opening our markets for Argentine wool and hides in return for opening the markets of that coun try to the manufactures of the United Stales This would mean ruin for the wool and cattle growers of the West in return for something to be gained by the Eastern manufacturers For tunately the people of Montana and the West can depend upon a Repub lican Congress to protect their inter ests and to consent to no changes in the tariff that would tend- to make larger prosperity for one class at the expense of other classes of Americans Helena Mont Record Our Annual Gift to Europe The annual exodus to Europe has begun A single steamship last week took a thousand first class passengers and 300000 in gold which about cov ers thd expenditures of the tourists at an average of 500 each a very con servative estimate Here we can ac count for at least 75000000 a year of our favorable balance and it must be remembered that this 75000000 or more is simply a gift to Europe for which we get no material commodities in return It is spent in transporta tion hotels and sight seeing most commendable ways for those who can afford them At the same time the millions are dumped into English and Continental pockets with no appreci able return All of which proves our wonderful prosperity and wealth under our excellent tariff As to Cummins The Iowa idea advocated by Gov Cummins and his followers if put into practice will knock things end wise in that state If Gov Cummins thinks for one moment that the Re publican party is to be frightened into adopting a free trade policy by his ranting he is greatly mistaken Oth ers have snarled and tried to flag the Is it Possible That Cat Has Come Back Again country Rather should the frank rele gation of any unavailable instrument make easier tho search for an effective weapon for a most proper purpose Reciprocity at best is a piecemeal proposition involving a haggle with each separate nation over the mutual concessions to be made and by its nec essary and interminable delays weary ing its friends and disgusting every one The dignity of the United States and the practical necessities of the ease alike demand the adoption of some policy that shall be susceptible of general application that shall pro tect the American producer and ship per against petty exactions and dis criminations in foreign markets and that shall in short compel in every quarter the open door for American trade but that shall be content when that door is just as open to American trade as it is to any other trade The time was when the United States was not of sufficient commercial conse quence to enable it successfully to in augurate such a policy but the time is when the United States with its im mense population unprecedented wealth and unapproached consuming capacity for nearly all sorts of prod ucts is in position if it admits the products of another nation upon the same terms as it admits the products ii all other nations to demand from that nation like treatment for its own products To ask more would be to ask what other nations are very likely prohibit ed by their existing agreements from granting but equality of treatment the United States may justly and should in self respect insist upon and the na tion which denies this much should be made to pay upon all its exports to this country a discriminating duty either uniform for all nations of its class or graduated according to the discriminations which American ex ports suffer in its markets By such policy of dignified insist ance and retaliation must the United States in the end protect its interests in the markets of jealous nations and with such protection assured there is every reason to anticipate that the era of American commercial expansion will soon appear to be only well be gun Nevada la Representative moon on this same line but where are those fellows to day A little chear notoriety for the sake of coming intc the light will result to Cummins as that of the moth that hovers near the gas burner He will soon disappeat from the horizon as an enemy to his state and to this nation No man can urge free trade for the United States and be a good citizen at the same time Pueblo Col Opinion A Loss of 10000000000 a Year There were according to the census 29074117 persons engaged in gainful occupations- in 1900 There must be fully 32500000 new The income of these people will certainly average over 2 a day or 20000000000 annu ally altogether The sum is probably nearer twice that amount But sup pose we were to lower our tariff or abolish it as the free traders wish our incomes would certainly but cut into and reduced by at least 10000000000 a year In ten years that would be a sum equal to our total wealth Think of what the loss of 10000000000 a year in incomes means No wonder the great majority of the people want to let well enough alone and put off revision either up or down till some years hence Our Drink Bill Our drink bill last year amounted to 1360098270 about 50 per cent more than in 1896 The quantities of the four leading beverages consumed were Gallons Coffee 1498910304 Beer 1381875437 Tea 396420115 Spirits and wine 157206554 We might get along on milk and water but we dont not when protec tion gives such prosperity as we are now enjoying A Good Thing to Keep Out Of Tariff discriminations and recrimi nations have brought on a warm little row between Canada and Germany Canada began it by giving Great Brit ain a 33 1 3 preferential tariff rate on manufactured goods Germany retali ates by clapping higher duties on Can adian wheat It is a natural and in evitable outcome of the system of pref erential trade arrangements commonly called reciprocity It is chiefly pro ductive of reciprocal hatred and ill will A good thing for any country to keep cut of y DOANS GET BACK REST Aching backs are cased Hip back and ioin pains overcome Swelling of the limbs and dropsy signs vanish They correct urine with brick dust sedi ment high colored pain in passing drib bling frequency bed wetting Doans Kidney Pills remove calculi and gravel pEEnnnu Ind It was railed rhiMWtatUm I ould gut no relief from tho doc tors I began to Improve on taking Doans fiarnplo nnd got two boxes at our drug gist and although 68 years of nge I am almost a new man I was troubled n good deal Tilth my water lml to get up four anil flvo times ft night That trouble is over with nnd once more I ran rest the night through My backache it all gone nnd I thank you over so much for tlm wonderful medicine Doans Kidney rills JNO II HCBETC Preeident ltidgeville Indiana State Dank 1 5x1 T bj il 1 CSmUm a mm i rmtt so ctH ra VSa NAME Doans Kidneg ruts K IVltYf IC TO kWWM Cfl VMTft Yc5 Sjir STATC Vor free trial toi mall thin coupon to Fostrr Mlltmrti Co Huffalo N Y If abore cpaceia irnufflclmt write mldrtss on ett rate Blip Relieve heart palpitation sleeplessness headache nervousness dizziness Doans Kidney Pills nro now recognizee as n known remedy for kidney bladder and urinary troubles They bring relic and cure when despair shadowu hope The free trial is an open door to self proof Baxter 8PIUNOH Kjwmh 1 lr I pie of received tho frto snm Doans Kldnav Mil For five years I luivo iia1 much pain In my bnckwhlch phywclana said nroxo Jrom my kidneys Four boxTs of Doans Kidney Tills btivo en tirely cured tho trouble I think I owo my life to therm Pills mid I want others to know it Sadie Davis Baxter Springs Knns Fai mocth Va 1 Buf fered over twelvo month with pain in tho smnll of uiy back Medicines and pias ters gave only temporary relief Doans Kidney PdM cured inc F 8 Drown Falmouth V WIMCBBSTBttii i me 1 xmtiy flmirmn i ILtfSlHfc5J MPW DIVA9 di Af nrkiitrcr cuci i c HI ni H IVIVrtU DLHVjI rUTYlLIOULLLJ Its the thoroughly modern and scientific system of load ing and the use of onlv the best materials which make Winchester Factory Loaded New Rival Sheila give bet ter pattern penetration and more uniform results gener ally than any other shells The special paper and the Win chester patent corrugated head used in making New Rival shells give them strength to withstand reloading BE SURE TO GET WINCHESTER MAKE OF SHELLS Blow to a College Man The Columbia man looked crest fallen Whats the matter asked the sympathetic girl Im simply crushed he replied hopelessly I went to a college bazaar yesterday and at the Columbia table they were selling aprons is a leading physician of Philadelphia t and is descended from a long line of physicians his father grandfather and greaf grandfather having been noted practitioners At the time he was graduated from the University of Pcnns3lvania in 1877 his father three uncles and five cousins were actively engaged in the practice of medicine Dr Musser is professor of clinical medicine at the University of Penn sylvania and a staff or consulting phy sician to several hospitals Tie Preservers on Cars Tie preserving plants are now moved on cars to where the ties are delivered to the railway In retorts homing 500 ties each the sap is forced from the pores in the ties and salt solution put in its stead All Up to Date Housekeepers nso Defiance Cold Water Starch because it Is better and 4 oz more of it for 6ame money The worst critics are those who canldnt have dene half so well them selves Halls Catarrh Curs Is tahen internally Price 75c do only one thirnr at a time Merely a Question of Spelling If your family physician ueemH to be preoccupied while he Is writing n prescription do not bo alarmed that he may make a mistake The chancer are he is only struggling with the or thography of a new drug known as phenyldlmethylpyrazolone 1 With the old surety gj I St Jacobs Oil I I to cure 2 1 Lumbago and Sciatica I I There is no such word as fail Price 25c and JCc About the only satisfactory substi tue for wisdom is silence Do Your Feet Acne and Burn Shake into your shoes Allens Foot Ease a powder for the feet It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy Cures Swollen Hot Sweating Feet Corns and Bunions At all Druggists and Shoe Stores 25c Sample sent FREE Address Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y If a man doesnt repeat the cute things his baby says its a sure thing he hasn t any baby II A LP HATES via WAIIVSII ItAIIItOAT The Wabash offers many rates to the East from Chicago Boston Mass and return 1900 Sold June 2fth 26th and 27tli Boston Itlass and return 2100 Sold July 1st to rth Saratoga N Y and return 51745 Sold July nth and 6th Detroit Mich nnd return 675 Sold July 15th and 16th All tickets reading over the Wabash betwen Chicago and Buffalo are good In either direction via steamers be tween Detroit and Buffalo without J extra cnarge except meals anil Berth Stop overs allowed at Niagara Falls and other points Itemember this is The Cool Northern Route and all Agents can sell tickets from Chicago east via the Wabash For folder3 and all information address HARRY E MOORES G A P P Omaha Neb In order to enjoy life a man must be a little miserable occasionally What a happy world thin would be if every man spoke as well of his live neighbors as he does of his dead ones I am sure PIsos Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago frs Thos Robbims Maplo Street Norwich N Y Feb 17 1900 The average reputation is too brit tle for rough usage Belongs to Family of Physicians Dr John H Musser chosen presi dent of the American Medical associa tion at its convention in New Orleans Stands for Union Metallic I I Cartridges It also stands H I for uniform shooting and M Wk Ask your dealer for UMC JH ARROW and NITRO CLUB B K Smokeless Shot Shells ffi jBv The Union Metallic JH n vrm JHf bromo I SELTZER CURES ALL j Headaches I L I O CENTS EVERYWHERE i dlfimr exquisite HV BW REQUISITE T jBW for hot weather Coola the blood Sk jml and quenches the thin tKk Hires I SI Rooibeer 3 EA A prkare makes tire pallorm Fold jM WUmmk everywhere rni fcr2J enls Mmmw WM lie ware of imitations flmmm Bl Booklet tree 4T flllH llHKk HIRES CO Al XBl StWwWtfK Hihrr 1 a kWt fHHEi WESTERN CANADA GRAIN GROWING MIXED FARMING HI The Reason Why inon -when jcrotvn In Wckten fanada in mv t hort month thai 1 becanec irveiatton jiruwiJ n pr IKrtIontotbc Miiillplit Tin- tuoro north y Jatiimlc li wM h trr tln wll i oue to p rfet tlontho letter Itis Therefore C2 bf rr tiisbu h ARJair aKaiHlsnla CO bs n the Era t Area under cro in Western Canada 19S2 19S7330 Acres Yield 1002 117 ES2764Bns HOMESTEAD LANDS OF ISO ACRES FREE the or chargf for wh h Is tO for rru Uiif rjitry Aiiuciar e of watT amf fuel Iiu kIIiix initertai cbenp srootl irra ffr pahture ml hay a fertile mtl a sufficient ranfiH iml a anafr ureu and adequate eaon ot trrowth Seail to tfcv following for an Atlas and other literature rnd alo for rrriSiate nlmp you frcl nt and patenter ran 1 tt etc Superintendent of Immigration Ottawa Canada or to W V Bennett yew York Life BWg Omsha Neb the authorized Lanadlau Government Agent The quickest way to do things is to ctsuzu i fvn VitsftP wre ytu fcoStriPSOR S EJfO Kttfcsl